Yoast SEO - Version 12.6.1

Version Description

Release Date: November 27th, 2019


  • Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown when Yoast SEO was used in combination with another plugin or theme containing a class named Date_Helper.
  • Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown when an empty string would be passed to the WPSEO_Date_Helper->format method. Props to @mpolek.
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Release Info

Developer Yoast
Plugin Icon 128x128 Yoast SEO
Version 12.6.1
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Code changes from version 12.6 to 12.6.1

Files changed (137) hide show
  1. admin/formatter/class-post-metabox-formatter.php +2 -2
  2. css/dist/{admin-global-1260-rtl.min.css → admin-global-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  3. css/dist/{admin-global-1260.min.css → admin-global-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  4. css/dist/{adminbar-1260-rtl.min.css → adminbar-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  5. css/dist/{adminbar-1260.min.css → adminbar-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  6. css/dist/{alerts-1260-rtl.min.css → alerts-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  7. css/dist/{alerts-1260.min.css → alerts-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  8. css/dist/{dashboard-1260-rtl.min.css → dashboard-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  9. css/dist/{dashboard-1260.min.css → dashboard-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  10. css/dist/{edit-page-1260-rtl.min.css → edit-page-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  11. css/dist/{edit-page-1260.min.css → edit-page-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  12. css/dist/{featured-image-1260-rtl.min.css → featured-image-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  13. css/dist/{featured-image-1260.min.css → featured-image-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  14. css/dist/{filter-explanation-1260-rtl.min.css → filter-explanation-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  15. css/dist/{filter-explanation-1260.min.css → filter-explanation-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  16. css/dist/{inside-editor-1260-rtl.min.css → inside-editor-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  17. css/dist/{inside-editor-1260.min.css → inside-editor-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  18. css/dist/{metabox-1260-rtl.min.css → metabox-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  19. css/dist/{metabox-1260.min.css → metabox-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  20. css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-1260-rtl.min.css → metabox-primary-category-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  21. css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-1260.min.css → metabox-primary-category-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  22. css/dist/{search-appearance-1260-rtl.min.css → search-appearance-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  23. css/dist/{search-appearance-1260.min.css → search-appearance-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  24. css/dist/{structured-data-blocks-1260-rtl.min.css → structured-data-blocks-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  25. css/dist/{structured-data-blocks-1260.min.css → structured-data-blocks-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  26. css/dist/{toggle-switch-1260-rtl.min.css → toggle-switch-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  27. css/dist/{toggle-switch-1260.min.css → toggle-switch-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  28. css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-1260-rtl.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  29. css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-1260.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  30. css/dist/{yoast-components-1260-rtl.min.css → yoast-components-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  31. css/dist/{yoast-components-1260.min.css → yoast-components-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  32. css/dist/{yoast-extensions-1260-rtl.min.css → yoast-extensions-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  33. css/dist/{yoast-extensions-1260.min.css → yoast-extensions-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  34. css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-1260-rtl.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  35. css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-1260.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  36. css/dist/{yst_seo_score-1260-rtl.min.css → yst_seo_score-1261-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  37. css/dist/{yst_seo_score-1260.min.css → yst_seo_score-1261.min.css} +0 -0
  38. frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php +2 -2
  39. frontend/class-opengraph.php +2 -2
  40. frontend/schema/class-schema-article.php +2 -2
  41. frontend/schema/class-schema-webpage.php +2 -2
  42. inc/class-wpseo-replace-vars.php +2 -2
  43. inc/date-helper.php +6 -2
  44. js/dist/{analysis-1260.min.js → analysis-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  45. js/dist/{babel-polyfill-1260.min.js → babel-polyfill-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  46. js/dist/{commons-1260.min.js → commons-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  47. js/dist/{components-1260.min.js → components-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  48. js/dist/{configuration-wizard-1260.min.js → configuration-wizard-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  49. js/dist/{help-scout-beacon-1260.min.js → help-scout-beacon-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  50. js/dist/{search-appearance-1260.min.js → search-appearance-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  51. js/dist/{styled-components-1260.min.js → styled-components-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  52. js/dist/{wp-apiFetch-1260.min.js → wp-apiFetch-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  53. js/dist/{wp-components-1260.min.js → wp-components-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  54. js/dist/{wp-compose-1260.min.js → wp-compose-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  55. js/dist/{wp-data-1260.min.js → wp-data-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  56. js/dist/{wp-element-1260.min.js → wp-element-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  57. js/dist/{wp-i18n-1260.min.js → wp-i18n-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  58. js/dist/{wp-richText-1260.min.js → wp-richText-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  59. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-1260.min.js → wp-seo-admin-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  60. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-global-1260.min.js → wp-seo-admin-global-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  61. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-gsc-1260.min.js → wp-seo-admin-gsc-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  62. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-media-1260.min.js → wp-seo-admin-media-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  63. js/dist/{wp-seo-analysis-worker-1260.min.js → wp-seo-analysis-worker-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  64. js/dist/{wp-seo-api-1260.min.js → wp-seo-api-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  65. js/dist/{wp-seo-bulk-editor-1260.min.js → wp-seo-bulk-editor-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  66. js/dist/{wp-seo-dashboard-widget-1260.min.js → wp-seo-dashboard-widget-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  67. js/dist/{wp-seo-edit-page-1260.min.js → wp-seo-edit-page-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  68. js/dist/{wp-seo-featured-image-1260.min.js → wp-seo-featured-image-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  69. js/dist/{wp-seo-filter-explanation-1260.min.js → wp-seo-filter-explanation-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  70. js/dist/{wp-seo-metabox-1260.min.js → wp-seo-metabox-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  71. js/dist/{wp-seo-metabox-category-1260.min.js → wp-seo-metabox-category-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  72. js/dist/{wp-seo-modal-1260.min.js → wp-seo-modal-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  73. js/dist/{wp-seo-network-admin-1260.min.js → wp-seo-network-admin-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  74. js/dist/{wp-seo-post-scraper-1260.min.js → wp-seo-post-scraper-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  75. js/dist/{wp-seo-quick-edit-handler-1260.min.js → wp-seo-quick-edit-handler-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  76. js/dist/{wp-seo-recalculate-1260.min.js → wp-seo-recalculate-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  77. js/dist/{wp-seo-reindex-links-1260.min.js → wp-seo-reindex-links-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  78. js/dist/{wp-seo-replacevar-plugin-1260.min.js → wp-seo-replacevar-plugin-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  79. js/dist/{wp-seo-shortcode-plugin-1260.min.js → wp-seo-shortcode-plugin-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  80. js/dist/{wp-seo-structured-data-blocks-1260.min.js → wp-seo-structured-data-blocks-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  81. js/dist/{wp-seo-term-scraper-1260.min.js → wp-seo-term-scraper-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  82. js/dist/{wp-seo-used-keywords-assessment-1260.min.js → wp-seo-used-keywords-assessment-1261.min.js} +0 -0
  83. languages/wordpress-seo-lt_LT.json +0 -1
  84. languages/wordpress-seojs-bg_BG.json +1 -1
  85. languages/wordpress-seojs-bs_BA.json +1 -1
  86. languages/wordpress-seojs-ca.json +1 -1
  87. languages/wordpress-seojs-cs_CZ.json +1 -1
  88. languages/wordpress-seojs-da_DK.json +1 -1
  89. languages/wordpress-seojs-de_CH.json +1 -1
  90. languages/wordpress-seojs-de_DE.json +1 -1
  91. languages/wordpress-seojs-el.json +1 -1
  92. languages/wordpress-seojs-en_AU.json +1 -1
  93. languages/wordpress-seojs-en_CA.json +1 -1
  94. languages/wordpress-seojs-en_GB.json +1 -1
  95. languages/wordpress-seojs-en_NZ.json +1 -1
  96. languages/wordpress-seojs-en_ZA.json +1 -1
  97. languages/wordpress-seojs-es_AR.json +1 -1
  98. languages/wordpress-seojs-es_CR.json +1 -1
  99. languages/wordpress-seojs-es_ES.json +1 -1
  100. languages/wordpress-seojs-es_MX.json +1 -1
  101. languages/wordpress-seojs-es_PE.json +1 -1
  102. languages/wordpress-seojs-es_VE.json +1 -1
  103. languages/wordpress-seojs-fa_IR.json +1 -1
  104. languages/wordpress-seojs-fr_CA.json +1 -1
  105. languages/wordpress-seojs-fr_FR.json +1 -1
  106. languages/wordpress-seojs-gl_ES.json +1 -1
  107. languages/wordpress-seojs-he_IL.json +1 -1
  108. languages/wordpress-seojs-hr.json +1 -1
  109. languages/wordpress-seojs-hu_HU.json +1 -1
  110. languages/wordpress-seojs-it_IT.json +1 -1
  111. languages/wordpress-seojs-ja.json +1 -1
  112. languages/wordpress-seojs-lt_LT.json +0 -1
  113. languages/wordpress-seojs-nb_NO.json +1 -1
  114. languages/wordpress-seojs-nl_BE.json +1 -1
  115. languages/wordpress-seojs-nl_NL.json +1 -1
  116. languages/wordpress-seojs-pl_PL.json +1 -1
  117. languages/wordpress-seojs-pt_AO.json +1 -1
  118. languages/wordpress-seojs-pt_BR.json +1 -1
  119. languages/wordpress-seojs-pt_PT.json +1 -1
  120. languages/wordpress-seojs-ro_RO.json +1 -1
  121. languages/wordpress-seojs-ru_RU.json +1 -1
  122. languages/wordpress-seojs-sk_SK.json +1 -1
  123. languages/wordpress-seojs-sr_RS.json +1 -1
  124. languages/wordpress-seojs-sv_SE.json +1 -1
  125. languages/wordpress-seojs-tr_TR.json +1 -1
  126. languages/wordpress-seojs-uk.json +1 -1
  127. languages/wordpress-seojs-vi.json +1 -1
  128. languages/wordpress-seojs-zh_CN.json +1 -1
  129. languages/wordpress-seojs-zh_TW.json +1 -1
  130. languages/yoast-components-lt_LT.json +0 -1
  131. readme.txt +9 -1
  132. vendor/autoload_52.php +1 -1
  133. vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php +1 -1
  134. vendor/composer/autoload_real_52.php +3 -3
  135. vendor/composer/autoload_static.php +1 -1
  136. wp-seo-main.php +1 -1
  137. wp-seo.php +1 -1
admin/formatter/class-post-metabox-formatter.php CHANGED
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class WPSEO_Post_Metabox_Formatter implements WPSEO_Metabox_Formatter_Interface
  * The date helper.
- * @var Date_Helper
  protected $date;
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class WPSEO_Post_Metabox_Formatter implements WPSEO_Metabox_Formatter_Interface
  public function __construct( $post, array $options, $structure ) {
  $this->post = $post;
  $this->permalink = $structure;
- $this->date = new Date_Helper();
  * The date helper.
+ * @var WPSEO_Date_Helper
  protected $date;
  public function __construct( $post, array $options, $structure ) {
  $this->post = $post;
  $this->permalink = $structure;
+ $this->date = new WPSEO_Date_Helper();
css/dist/{admin-global-1260-rtl.min.css → admin-global-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{admin-global-1260.min.css → admin-global-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{adminbar-1260-rtl.min.css → adminbar-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{adminbar-1260.min.css → adminbar-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{alerts-1260-rtl.min.css → alerts-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{alerts-1260.min.css → alerts-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{dashboard-1260-rtl.min.css → dashboard-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{dashboard-1260.min.css → dashboard-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{edit-page-1260-rtl.min.css → edit-page-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{edit-page-1260.min.css → edit-page-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{featured-image-1260-rtl.min.css → featured-image-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{featured-image-1260.min.css → featured-image-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{filter-explanation-1260-rtl.min.css → filter-explanation-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{filter-explanation-1260.min.css → filter-explanation-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{inside-editor-1260-rtl.min.css → inside-editor-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{inside-editor-1260.min.css → inside-editor-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-1260-rtl.min.css → metabox-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-1260.min.css → metabox-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-1260-rtl.min.css → metabox-primary-category-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-1260.min.css → metabox-primary-category-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{search-appearance-1260-rtl.min.css → search-appearance-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{search-appearance-1260.min.css → search-appearance-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{structured-data-blocks-1260-rtl.min.css → structured-data-blocks-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{structured-data-blocks-1260.min.css → structured-data-blocks-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{toggle-switch-1260-rtl.min.css → toggle-switch-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{toggle-switch-1260.min.css → toggle-switch-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-1260-rtl.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-1260.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yoast-components-1260-rtl.min.css → yoast-components-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yoast-components-1260.min.css → yoast-components-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yoast-extensions-1260-rtl.min.css → yoast-extensions-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yoast-extensions-1260.min.css → yoast-extensions-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-1260-rtl.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-1260.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_seo_score-1260-rtl.min.css → yst_seo_score-1261-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_seo_score-1260.min.css → yst_seo_score-1261.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
frontend/class-breadcrumbs.php CHANGED
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class WPSEO_Breadcrumbs {
  * The date helper.
- * @var Date_Helper
  protected $date;
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class WPSEO_Breadcrumbs {
  $this->show_on_front = get_option( 'show_on_front' );
  $this->page_for_posts = get_option( 'page_for_posts' );
  $this->woocommerce_shop_page = new WPSEO_WooCommerce_Shop_Page();
- $this->date = new Date_Helper();
  * The date helper.
+ * @var WPSEO_Date_Helper
  protected $date;
  $this->show_on_front = get_option( 'show_on_front' );
  $this->page_for_posts = get_option( 'page_for_posts' );
  $this->woocommerce_shop_page = new WPSEO_WooCommerce_Shop_Page();
+ $this->date = new WPSEO_Date_Helper();
frontend/class-opengraph.php CHANGED
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class WPSEO_OpenGraph {
  * The date helper.
- * @var Date_Helper
  protected $date;
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class WPSEO_OpenGraph {
  * Class constructor.
  public function __construct() {
- $this->date = new Date_Helper();
  if ( isset( $GLOBALS['fb_ver'] ) || class_exists( 'Facebook_Loader', false ) ) {
  add_filter( 'fb_meta_tags', array( $this, 'facebook_filter' ), 10, 1 );
  * The date helper.
+ * @var WPSEO_Date_Helper
  protected $date;
  * Class constructor.
  public function __construct() {
+ $this->date = new WPSEO_Date_Helper();
  if ( isset( $GLOBALS['fb_ver'] ) || class_exists( 'Facebook_Loader', false ) ) {
  add_filter( 'fb_meta_tags', array( $this, 'facebook_filter' ), 10, 1 );
frontend/schema/class-schema-article.php CHANGED
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class WPSEO_Schema_Article implements WPSEO_Graph_Piece {
  * The date helper.
- * @var Date_Helper
  protected $date;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class WPSEO_Schema_Article implements WPSEO_Graph_Piece {
  public function __construct( WPSEO_Schema_Context $context ) {
  $this->context = $context;
- $this->date = new Date_Helper();
  * The date helper.
+ * @var WPSEO_Date_Helper
  protected $date;
  public function __construct( WPSEO_Schema_Context $context ) {
  $this->context = $context;
+ $this->date = new WPSEO_Date_Helper();
frontend/schema/class-schema-webpage.php CHANGED
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class WPSEO_Schema_WebPage implements WPSEO_Graph_Piece {
  * The date helper.
- * @var Date_Helper
  protected $date;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class WPSEO_Schema_WebPage implements WPSEO_Graph_Piece {
  public function __construct( WPSEO_Schema_Context $context ) {
  $this->context = $context;
- $this->date = new Date_Helper();
  * The date helper.
+ * @var WPSEO_Date_Helper
  protected $date;
  public function __construct( WPSEO_Schema_Context $context ) {
  $this->context = $context;
+ $this->date = new WPSEO_Date_Helper();
inc/class-wpseo-replace-vars.php CHANGED
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class WPSEO_Replace_Vars {
  * The date helper.
- * @var Date_Helper
  protected $date;
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class WPSEO_Replace_Vars {
  * @return \WPSEO_Replace_Vars
  public function __construct() {
- $this->date = new Date_Helper();
  * The date helper.
+ * @var WPSEO_Date_Helper
  protected $date;
  * @return \WPSEO_Replace_Vars
  public function __construct() {
+ $this->date = new WPSEO_Date_Helper();
inc/date-helper.php CHANGED
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
- * Class Date_Helper
  * Note: Move this class with namespace to the src/helpers directory and add a class_alias for BC.
- class Date_Helper {
  * Formats a given date in UTC TimeZone format.
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ class Date_Helper {
  public function format( $date, $format = DATE_W3C ) {
  $immutable_date = date_create_immutable_from_format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $date, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
  return $immutable_date->format( $format );
+ * Class WPSEO_Date_Helper
  * Note: Move this class with namespace to the src/helpers directory and add a class_alias for BC.
+ class WPSEO_Date_Helper {
  * Formats a given date in UTC TimeZone format.
  public function format( $date, $format = DATE_W3C ) {
  $immutable_date = date_create_immutable_from_format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $date, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ) );
+ if ( ! $immutable_date ) {
+ return $date;
+ }
  return $immutable_date->format( $format );
js/dist/{analysis-1260.min.js → analysis-1261.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{babel-polyfill-1260.min.js → babel-polyfill-1261.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{commons-1260.min.js → commons-1261.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{components-1260.min.js → components-1261.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{configuration-wizard-1260.min.js → configuration-wizard-1261.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{help-scout-beacon-1260.min.js → help-scout-beacon-1261.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{search-appearance-1260.min.js → search-appearance-1261.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{styled-components-1260.min.js → styled-components-1261.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-apiFetch-1260.min.js → wp-apiFetch-1261.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
js/dist/{wp-components-1260.min.js → wp-components-1261.min.js} RENAMED
File without changes
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That's a bit much. %4$sOnly include the keyphrase or its synonyms when it really fits the image%5$s.":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%2$s: Good job!":[],"%3$sImage alt attributes%5$s: Out of %2$d images on this page, only %1$d has an alt attribute that reflects the topic of your text. %4$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of more relevant images%5$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page do not have alt attributes that reflect the topic of your text. %2$sAdd your keyphrase or synonyms to the alt tags of relevant images%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: Images on this page have alt attributes, but you have not set your keyphrase. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: %3$s of your higher-level subheadings reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%2$s: Your higher-level subheading reflects the topic of your copy. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in subheading%3$s: %2$sUse more keyphrases or synonyms in your higher-level subheadings%3$s!":[],"%1$sSingle title%3$s: H1s should only be used as your main title. Find all H1s in your text that aren't your main title and %2$schange them to a lower heading level%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found 0 times. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's less than the recommended minimum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sFocus on your keyphrase%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %3$d time. This is great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase density%2$s: The focus keyphrase was found %5$d time. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %3$d times for a text of this length. %4$sDon't overoptimize%2$s!":[],"%1$sFunction words in keyphrase%3$s: Your keyphrase \"%4$s\" contains function words only. %2$sLearn more about what makes a good keyphrase.%3$s":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: More than half of your keyphrase appears in the slug. That's great!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%3$s: (Part of) your keyphrase does not appear in the slug. %2$sChange that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in slug%2$s: Great work!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Not all the words from your keyphrase \"%4$s\" appear in the SEO title. %2$sTry to use the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: Does not contain the exact match. %2$sTry to write the exact match of your keyphrase in the SEO title%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%3$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears in the SEO title, but not at the beginning. %2$sTry to move it to the beginning%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in title%2$s: The exact match of the keyphrase appears at the beginning of the SEO title. Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: Uneven. 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Large parts of your text do not contain the keyphrase or its synonyms. %2$sDistribute them more evenly%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase distribution%3$s: %2$sInclude your keyphrase or its synonyms in the text so that we can check keyphrase distribution%3$s.":[],"%4$sPreviously used keyphrase%6$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. %5$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%6$s.":[],"%3$sPreviously used keyphrase%5$s: You've used this keyphrase %1$sonce before%2$s. %4$sDo not use your keyphrase more than once%5$s.":[],"%1$sPreviously used keyphrase%2$s: You've not used this keyphrase before, very good.":[],"%1$sSlug stopwords%3$s: The slug for this page contains a stop word. %2$sRemove it%3$s!":[],"%1$sSlug too long%3$s: the slug for this page is a bit long. %2$sShorten it%3$s!":[],"%1$sImage alt attributes%3$s: No images appear on this page. %2$sAdd some%3$s!":[],"%1$sLink keyphrase%3$s: You're linking to another page with the words you want this page to rank for. %2$sDon't do that%3$s!":[],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"This is below the recommended minimum of %5$d word. %3$sAdd more content%4$s.":[],"%2$sText length%4$s: The text contains %1$d word.":[],"%2$sText length%3$s: The text contains %1$d word. 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Search engines will display copy from the page instead. %2$sMake sure to write one%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the keyphrase. %3$sFix that%4$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: The meta description contains the keyphrase %3$s times, which is over the advised maximum of 2 times. %4$sLimit that%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in meta description%2$s: Keyphrase or synonym appear in the meta description. Well done!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's way more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%3$sKeyphrase length%5$s: The keyphrase is %1$d words long. That's more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. %4$sMake it shorter%5$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%2$s: Good job!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase length%3$s: No focus keyphrase was set for this page. %2$sSet a keyphrase in order to calculate your SEO score%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s: Your keyphrase or its synonyms do not appear in the first paragraph. %2$sMake sure the topic is clear immediately%3$s.":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%3$s:Your keyphrase or its synonyms appear in the first paragraph of the copy, but not within one sentence. %2$sFix that%3$s!":[],"%1$sKeyphrase in introduction%2$s: Well done!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: There are both nofollowed and normal internal links on this page. Good job!":[],"%1$sInternal links%2$s: You have enough internal links. 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That's great!":[],"%1$sConsecutive sentences%2$s: The text contains %3$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. %5$sTry to mix things up%2$s!":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: %3$s of the sentences contain passive voice, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. %5$sTry to use their active counterparts%2$s.":[],"%1$sPassive voice%2$s: You're using enough active voice. That's great!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: %3$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %4$d words. %5$sShorten your paragraphs%2$s!":[],"%1$sParagraph length%2$s: None of the paragraphs are too long. 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Try to shorten this sentence.":[],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":[],"Mobile preview":[],"Desktop preview":[],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":[],"Meta description preview:":["Meta aprašymo peržiūra"],"Slug preview:":["Nuorodos peržiūra:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO pavadinimo peržiūra:"],"Close snippet editor":[],"Slug":["Nuoroda"],"Remove marks in the text":["Panaikinti žymeklius tekste"],"Mark this result in the text":["Pažymėti šį rezultatą tekste"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Žymėjimas yra išjungtas dabartinėje peržiūroje"],"Good SEO score":["Geras SEO rezultatas"],"OK SEO score":["Neblogas SEO rezultatas"],"Feedback":["Atsliepimas"],"ok":["Neblogai"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":[],"Edit snippet":[],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":[],"SEO title":[],"Needs improvement":["Reikia tobulinti"],"Good":["Gerai"],"very difficult":["labai sudėtinga"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability":[],"difficult":["sudėtinga"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability":["Kad pagerintumėte skaitomumą, naudokite trumpesnius sakinius"],"fairly difficult":["gana sudėtinga"],"OK":["normaliai"],"fairly easy":["gana lengva"],"easy":["lengva"],"very easy":["labai lengva"],"Meta description":["Meta aprašymas"],"Snippet preview":["Fragmento peržiūra"]}}}
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languages/wordpress-seojs-cs_CZ.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-de_DE.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-el.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-es_CR.json CHANGED
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Solo puedes usar un bloque de FAQ en cada entrada."],"Copy error":["Error en el texto"],"An error occurred loading the %s primary taxonomy picker.":["Ocurrió un error al cargar el selector %s de la taxonomía principal."],"Time needed:":["Tiempo necesario:"],"Move question down":["Bajar pregunta"],"Move question up":["Subir pregunta"],"Insert question":["Insertar pregunta"],"Delete question":["Borrar pregunta"],"Enter the answer to the question":["Escribe la respuesta a la pregunta"],"Enter a question":["Introduce una pregunta"],"Add question":["Añadir pregunta"],"Frequently Asked Questions":["Preguntas frecuentes"],"Great news: you can, with %s!":["Buenas noticias: ¡puedes, con %s!"],"Select the primary %s":["Elige el %s principal"],"Mark as cornerstone content":["Marcar como contenido esencial"],"Move step down":["Mover paso hacia abajo"],"Move step up":["Mover paso hacia arriba"],"Insert step":["Insertar paso"],"Delete step":["Eliminar paso"],"Add image":["Añadir imagen"],"Enter a step description":["Introduce una descripción del paso"],"Enter a description":["Introduce una descripción"],"Unordered list":["Lista desordenada"],"Showing step items as an ordered list.":["Mostrando los elementos de los pasos como una lista ordenada."],"Showing step items as an unordered list":["Mostrando los elementos de los pasos como una lista desordenada."],"Add step":["Añadir paso"],"Delete total time":["Eliminar tiempo total"],"Add total time":["Añadir tiempo total"],"How to":["Cómo hacer"],"How-to":["Guía práctica"],"Snippet Preview":["Vista previa del snippet"],"Analysis results":["Resultados del análisis"],"Enter a focus keyphrase to calculate the SEO score":["Introduce una frase clave objetivo para calcular la puntuación SEO"],"Learn more about Cornerstone Content.":["Aprende más sobre el contenido esencial."],"Cornerstone content should be the most important and extensive articles on your site.":["El contenido esencial deben ser los artículos más importantes y extensos de tu sitio."],"Add synonyms":["Añade sinónimos"],"Would you like to add keyphrase synonyms?":["¿Te gustaría añadir sinónimos de la frase clave? 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languages/wordpress-seojs-es_ES.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-es_MX.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_MX"},"Schema":["Esquema"],"Truly optimize your site for a local audience with our %s plugin! Optimized address details, opening hours, store locator and pickup option!":["¡Optimiza su sitio para una audiencia local, con nuestro plugin %s! ¡Optimiza la dirección, horarios, localizador de tiendas y opción de recogida!"],"Serving local customers?":["¿Atiende consumidores locales? "],"Get the %s plugin now":["Obtén el plugin %s ahora!"],"You can edit the details shown in meta data, like the social profiles, the name and the description of this user on their %1$s profile page.":["Puede editar los detalles mostrados en los meta data, como sus perfiles sociales, el nombre y la descripción de este usuario en su %1$s página de perfil."],"Select a user...":["Selecciona un usuario..."],"Name:":["Nombre:"],"You have selected the user %1$s as the person this site represents. Their user profile information will now be used in search results. %2$sUpdate their profile to make sure the information is correct.%3$s":["Has seleccionado al usuario %1$s como la persona que representa a este sitio. 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You can only use one FAQ block per post.":["Lista tus Preguntas Frecuentes de manera amigable para SEO. Puedes usar solo un bloque de Preguntas frecuentes por publicación."],"Copy error":["Error de copiado"],"An error occurred loading the %s primary taxonomy picker.":["Ocurrió un error al cargar la elección de taxonomía primaria de %s"],"Time needed:":["Tiempo necesario:"],"Move question down":["Mover pregunta abajo"],"Move question up":["Mover pregunta arriba"],"Insert question":["Ingrese la pregunta"],"Delete question":["Borrar pregunta"],"Enter the answer to the question":["Ingrese la respuesta a la pregunta"],"Enter a question":["Ingrese una pregunta"],"Add question":["Añadir pregunta"],"Frequently Asked Questions":["Preguntas Frecuentes"],"Great news: you can, with %s!":["Buenas noticias: ¡puedes, con %s!"],"Select the primary %s":["Seleccione el %s primario"],"Mark as cornerstone content":["Marcar como contenido piedra angular"],"Move step down":["Mover paso abajo"],"Move step up":["Mover paso arriba"],"Insert step":["Insertar paso"],"Delete step":["Borrar paso"],"Add image":["Añadir imagen"],"Enter a step description":["Ingrese una descripción del paso"],"Enter a description":["Ingrese una descripción"],"Unordered list":["Lista desordenada"],"Showing step items as an ordered list.":["Escribe un título para tus instrucciones"],"Showing step items as an unordered list":["Mostrando los items de pasos como una dista desordenada"],"Add step":["Agregar paso"],"Delete total time":["Borrar tiempo total"],"Add total time":["Añadir tiempo total"],"How to":["Cómo"],"How-to":["Como"],"Snippet Preview":["Vista previa del Snippet"],"Analysis results":["Resultado del análisis:"],"Enter a focus keyphrase to calculate the SEO score":["Ingrese una frase clave de enfoque paracalcular la puntuación de SEO"],"Learn more about Cornerstone Content.":["Saber más sobre Cornerstone Content."],"Cornerstone content should be the most important and extensive articles on your site.":["Los contenidos de Piedra Angular deberían ser los artículos más extensos e importantes en su sitio."],"Add synonyms":["Añadir sinónimos"],"Would you like to add keyphrase synonyms?":["¿Desea agregar sinónimos de frase clave?"],"Current year":["Año actual"],"Page":["Página"],"Tagline":["Eslogan"],"Modify your meta description by editing it right here":["Modifique su meta descripción modificándola aquí"],"ID":["ID"],"Separator":["Separador"],"Search phrase":["Frase de búsqueda"],"Term description":["Descripción del término"],"Tag description":["Descripción de la etiqueta"],"Category description":["Descripción de la categoría"],"Primary category":["Categoría principal"],"Category":["Categoría"],"Excerpt only":["Solo extracto"],"Excerpt":["Extracto"],"Site title":["Título del sitio"],"Parent title":["Título padre"],"Date":["Fecha"],"24/7 email support":["Soporte por correo electrónico 24/7"],"SEO analysis":["Analisis de SEO"],"Other benefits of %s for you:":["Otros beneficios de %s para ti:"],"Cornerstone content":["Contenido Cornerstone"],"Superfast internal linking suggestions":["Sugerencias de enlaces internos ultrarrápidos"],"Great news: you can, with %1$s!":["Gran noticia: ¡usted puede, con %1$s!"],"1 year free support and updates included!":["¡1 año de actualizaciones gratuitas, con mejoras incluidas!"],"%1$sSocial media preview%2$s: Facebook & Twitter":["Vista previa de los medios sociales: Facebook y Twitter"],"%1$sNo more dead links%2$s: easy redirect manager":["%1$sNo more dead links%2$s: administrador de redireccionamiento fácil"],"No ads!":["¡Sin anuncios!"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Favor de proveer una meta descripción editando el snippet abajo."],"The name of the person":["El nombre de la persona"],"Readability analysis":["Análisis de Legibilidad"],"Open":["Abrir"],"Title":["Título"],"Close":["Cerrar"],"Snippet preview":["Fragmento de previsualización"],"FAQ":["Preguntas más frecuentes"],"Settings":["Ajustes"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_MX"},"When you click OK we will load our HelpScout beacon, which will load data from HelpScout. This beacon can potentially also set cookies.":[],"Schema":["Esquema"],"Truly optimize your site for a local audience with our %s plugin! Optimized address details, opening hours, store locator and pickup option!":["¡Optimiza su sitio para una audiencia local, con nuestro plugin %s! ¡Optimiza la dirección, horarios, localizador de tiendas y opción de recogida!"],"Serving local customers?":["¿Atiende consumidores locales? "],"Get the %s plugin now":["Obtén el plugin %s ahora!"],"You can edit the details shown in meta data, like the social profiles, the name and the description of this user on their %1$s profile page.":["Puede editar los detalles mostrados en los meta data, como sus perfiles sociales, el nombre y la descripción de este usuario en su %1$s página de perfil."],"Select a user...":["Selecciona un usuario..."],"Name:":["Nombre:"],"You have selected the user %1$s as the person this site represents. Their user profile information will now be used in search results. %2$sUpdate their profile to make sure the information is correct.%3$s":["Has seleccionado al usuario %1$s como la persona que representa a este sitio. 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You can only use one FAQ block per post.":["Lista tus Preguntas Frecuentes de manera amigable para SEO. 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languages/wordpress-seojs-es_PE.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_PE"},"Schema":[],"Truly optimize your site for a local audience with our %s plugin! 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+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"es_PE"},"When you click OK we will load our HelpScout beacon, which will load data from HelpScout. This beacon can potentially also set cookies.":[],"Schema":[],"Truly optimize your site for a local audience with our %s plugin! 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You can only use one FAQ block per post.":["Haz una lista de tus preguntas más frecuentes en un modo amigable para el SEO. 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languages/wordpress-seojs-es_VE.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-fa_IR.json CHANGED
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"],"Get the %s plugin now":["Obtenir l’extension %s maintenant"],"You can edit the details shown in meta data, like the social profiles, the name and the description of this user on their %1$s profile page.":["Vous pouvez modifier les détails affichés dans les métadonnées comme les réseaux sociaux, le nom et la description de cet utilisateur au travers de leur page de profil %1$s."],"Select a user...":["Sélectionner un utilisateur..."],"Name:":["Nom&nbsp;:"],"You have selected the user %1$s as the person this site represents. Their user profile information will now be used in search results. %2$sUpdate their profile to make sure the information is correct.%3$s":["Vous avez sélectionné l’utilisateur %1$s en tant que personne représentée par ce site. 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languages/wordpress-seojs-fr_FR.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-gl_ES.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-he_IL.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-ja.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-nl_BE.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-pt_PT.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-ru_RU.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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languages/wordpress-seojs-tr_TR.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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Ви можете використати лише 1 блок ЧаПи на допис."],"Copy error":["Помилка копіювання"],"An error occurred loading the %s primary taxonomy picker.":["Виникла помилка завантаження %s вибору основної таксономії."],"Time needed:":["Потрібний час:"],"Move question down":["Перемістити питання вниз"],"Move question up":["Перемістити питання вгору"],"Insert question":["Вставте питання"],"Delete question":["Видалити питання"],"Enter the answer to the question":["Введіть відповідь на питання"],"Enter a question":["Введіть питання"],"Add question":["Додати питання"],"Frequently Asked Questions":["Часті питання"],"Great news: you can, with %s!":["Чудова новина: ви можете, з %s!"],"Select the primary %s":["Виберіть основний %s"],"Mark as cornerstone content":["Відмітити як основний вміст"],"Move step down":["Перемістити крок вниз"],"Move step up":["Перемістити крок вверх"],"Insert step":["Вставити крок"],"Delete step":["Видалити крок"],"Add image":["Додати зображення"],"Enter a step description":["Зазначити опис кроку"],"Enter a description":["Введіть опис"],"Unordered list":["Несортований список"],"Showing step items as an ordered list.":["Показувати елементи кроку як упорядкований список."],"Showing step items as an unordered list":["Показувати елементи кроку як невпорядкований список."],"Add step":["Додати крок"],"Delete total time":["Видалити загальний час"],"Add total time":["Додати загальний час"],"How to":["How to"],"How-to":["How-to"],"Snippet Preview":["Попередній перегляд сніппета"],"Analysis results":["Результати аналізу"],"Enter a focus keyphrase to calculate the SEO score":["Введіть фокусне ключове слово для розрахунку оцінки SEO"],"Learn more about Cornerstone Content.":["Дізнайтеся більше про Основний вміст."],"Cornerstone content should be the most important and extensive articles on your site.":["Основним вмістом повинні бути найбільш важливі і великі статті на вашому сайті."],"Add synonyms":["Додати синоніми"],"Would you like to add keyphrase synonyms?":["Чи ви бажаєте додати синоніми ключових слів?"],"Current year":["Поточний рік"],"Page":["Сторінка"],"Tagline":["Ключова фраза"],"Modify your meta description by editing it right here":["Вкажіть свій мета-опис, редагуючи його прямо тут"],"ID":["ID"],"Separator":["Розподілювач"],"Search phrase":["Пошукова фраза"],"Term description":["Опис терміну"],"Tag description":["Опис тегу"],"Category description":["Опис категорії"],"Primary category":["Головна категорія"],"Category":["Категорія"],"Excerpt only":["Тільки уривок"],"Excerpt":["Витяг"],"Site title":["Назва сайту"],"Parent title":["Назва предка"],"Date":["Дата"],"24/7 email support":["Підтримка по e-mail 24/7"],"SEO analysis":["SEO аналіз"],"Other benefits of %s for you:":["Інші можливості %s для вас:"],"Cornerstone content":["Ключовий вміст"],"Superfast internal linking suggestions":["Супершвидкісні внутрішні посилання"],"Great news: you can, with %1$s!":["Чудові новини: ви можете із %1$s!"],"1 year free support and updates included!":["1 рік безкоштовних оновлень та розширень включно!"],"%1$sSocial media preview%2$s: Facebook & Twitter":["%1$sПередпоказ в соціальних межежаж%2$s: Facebook & Twitter"],"%1$sNo more dead links%2$s: easy redirect manager":["%1$sБільше ніяких мертвих посилань%2$s: простий менеджер перенаправлення"],"No ads!":["Без реклами!"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Вкажіть мета-опис сторінки в цьому сніпеті."],"The name of the person":["Ім'я особи"],"Readability analysis":["Аналіз читабельності"],"Open":["Відкрити"],"Title":["Заголовок"],"Close":["Закрити"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet Попередній перегляд"],"FAQ":["Часті питання"],"Settings":["Налаштування"]}}}
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languages/wordpress-seojs-vi.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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You can only use one FAQ block per post.":["Liệt kê các câu hỏi thường gặp của bạn theo 1 cách thân thiện với SEO. 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"],"1 year free support and updates included!":["Hỗ trợ và cập nhật miễn phí trong 1 năm!"],"%1$sSocial media preview%2$s: Facebook & Twitter":["%1$sXem trước hiển thị trên mạng xã hội%2$s: Facebook & Twitter"],"%1$sNo more dead links%2$s: easy redirect manager":["%1$sKhông có liên kết bị đứt%2$s: quản lý chuyển hướng dễ dàng"],"No ads!":["Không quảng cáo!"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Vui lòng cung cấp thẻ mô tả bằng cách sửa đoạn snippet dưới đây."],"The name of the person":["Tên cá nhân"],"Readability analysis":["Phân tích khả năng dễ đọc"],"Open":["Mở"],"Title":["Tiêu đề"],"Close":["Đóng"],"Snippet preview":["Xem trước kết quả"],"FAQ":["FAQ"],"Settings":["Thiết lập"]}}}
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languages/wordpress-seojs-zh_CN.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural-forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","lang":"zh_TW"},"When you click OK we will load our HelpScout beacon, which will load data from HelpScout. This beacon can potentially also set cookies.":[],"Schema":["結構"],"Truly optimize your site for a local audience with our %s plugin! Optimized address details, opening hours, store locator and pickup option!":["使用我們的網站為當地受眾真正優化您的網站 %s 外掛!優化的地址詳細資訊,營業時間,商店位置和取件選項!"],"Serving local customers?":["為當地客戶服務?"],"Get the %s plugin now":["立刻取得 %s 外掛"],"You can edit the details shown in meta data, like the social profiles, the name and the description of this user on their %1$s profile page.":[],"Select a user...":["選擇一個使用者"],"Name:":["名稱:"],"You have selected the user %1$s as the person this site represents. Their user profile information will now be used in search results. %2$sUpdate their profile to make sure the information is correct.%3$s":[],"Error: Please select a user below to make your site's meta data complete.":["錯誤:請選擇下面的用戶以完成您網站的 Meta Data設定。"],"New step added":["新步驟已新增"],"New question added":["新問題已新增"],"Did you know %s also analyzes the different word forms of your keyphrase, like plurals and past tenses?":["您是否知道 %s 還會分析您的關鍵字的不同單詞形式,如複數形式和過去式?"],"Help on choosing the perfect focus keyphrase":["關於選擇完美的焦點關鍵字的幫助"],"Would you like to add a related keyphrase?":["您想增加相關的關鍵字嗎?"],"Go %s!":["前往 %s!"],"Rank better with synonyms & related keyphrases":["使用同義詞 & 相關的關鍵字 以獲得更好的排名"],"Add related keyphrase":["增加相關關鍵字"],"Get %s":["取得 %s"],"Focus keyphrase":["焦點關鍵字"],"Learn more about the readability analysis":["了解更多關於「可讀性分析」"],"Describe the duration of the instruction:":[],"Optional. Customize how you want to describe the duration of the instruction":[],"%s, %s and %s":["%s、%s 和 %s"],"%s and %s":["%s 和 %s"],"%d minute":["%d 分"],"%d hour":["%d 小時"],"%d day":["%d 天"],"Enter a step title":["輸入步驟標題"],"Optional. This can give you better control over the styling of the steps.":[],"CSS class(es) to apply to the steps":["在此步驟套用 CSS 類別"],"minutes":["分鐘"],"hours":["小時"],"days":["天"],"Create a How-to guide in an SEO-friendly way. You can only use one How-to block per post.":["以 SEO 友善的方式來建立操作指南。每篇文章只能使用一個操作指南區塊。"],"List your Frequently Asked Questions in an SEO-friendly way. You can only use one FAQ block per post.":[],"Copy error":["複製錯誤"],"An error occurred loading the %s primary taxonomy picker.":["載入 %s 主分類選擇器時發生錯誤。"],"Time needed:":["所需時間:"],"Move question down":["向下移動問題"],"Move question up":["向上移動問題"],"Insert question":["插入問題"],"Delete question":["刪除問題"],"Enter the answer to the question":["輸入問題的答案"],"Enter a question":["輸入問題"],"Add question":["新增問題"],"Frequently Asked Questions":["常見問題"],"Great news: you can, with %s!":["好消息:您可以,%s!"],"Select the primary %s":["選擇主要%s"],"Mark as cornerstone content":["標記為基石內容"],"Move step down":["向下移動"],"Move step up":["向上移動"],"Insert step":["插入步驟"],"Delete step":["刪除步驟"],"Add image":["新增圖片"],"Enter a step description":["輸入步驟描述"],"Enter a description":["輸入一個描述"],"Unordered list":[],"Showing step items as an ordered list.":["將步驟項顯示為有序列表。"],"Showing step items as an unordered list":["將步驟項顯示為無序列表"],"Add step":["增加步驟"],"Delete total time":["刪除全部時間"],"Add total time":["增加全部時間"],"How to":["如何"],"How-to":["如何"],"Snippet Preview":["片段預覽"],"Analysis results":["分析結果"],"Enter a focus keyphrase to calculate the SEO score":["輸入焦點關鍵字來計算SEO分數"],"Learn more about Cornerstone Content.":["瞭解更多關於基石內容。"],"Cornerstone content should be the most important and extensive articles on your site.":["基石內容應該是您網站上最重要和最廣泛的文章。"],"Add synonyms":["增加同義詞"],"Would you like to add keyphrase synonyms?":["您想增加關鍵同義詞嗎?"],"Current year":["今年"],"Page":["頁面"],"Tagline":["標語"],"Modify your meta description by editing it right here":["在此處編輯來修改 Meta 描述"],"ID":["ID"],"Separator":["分隔器"],"Search phrase":["搜尋字詞"],"Term description":["條款描述"],"Tag description":["標籤描述"],"Category description":["分類描述"],"Primary category":["主要類別"],"Category":["分類"],"Excerpt only":["僅摘要"],"Excerpt":["摘要"],"Site title":["網站標題"],"Parent title":["父標題"],"Date":["日期"],"24/7 email support":["24/7 郵件支援"],"SEO analysis":["SEO 分析"],"Other benefits of %s for you:":["%s 對您的其他好處:"],"Cornerstone content":["基石內容"],"Superfast internal linking suggestions":["超快的內部鏈結建議"],"Great news: you can, with %1$s!":["好消息!您可以和 %1$s !"],"1 year free support and updates included!":["包含一年免費更新與升級!"],"%1$sSocial media preview%2$s: Facebook & Twitter":["%1$s社群媒體預覽%2$s:Facebook & Twitter"],"%1$sNo more dead links%2$s: easy redirect manager":["%1$s沒有更多的死連結%2$s:簡易轉址管理器"],"No ads!":["無廣告!"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["請利用以下代碼編輯器提供meta描述。"],"The name of the person":["人物名稱"],"Readability analysis":["可讀性分析"],"Open":["開啟"],"Title":["標題"],"Close":["關閉"],"Snippet preview":["代碼預覽"],"FAQ":["FAQ"],"Settings":["設定"]}}}
languages/yoast-components-lt_LT.json DELETED
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
- {"domain":"yoast-components","locale_data":{"yoast-components":{"":{"domain":"yoast-components","plural-forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);","lang":"lt"},"Dismiss this alert":["Paslėpti šį pranešimą"],"The following words and word combinations occur the most in the content. These give an indication of what your content focuses on. If the words differ a lot from your topic, you might want to rewrite your content accordingly. ":[],"Once you add a bit more copy, we'll give you a list of words that occur the most in the content. These give an indication of what your content focuses on.":[],"%d occurrences":["%d įvykiai"],"We could not find any relevant articles on your website that you could link to from your post.":["Negalėjome rasti tinkamų straipsnių Jūsų tinklalapyje, kuriuos galėtumėte susieti su Jūsų įrašu."],"The image you selected is too small for Facebook":["Jūsų pasirinkta nuotrauka yra per maža Facebook"],"The given image url cannot be loaded":["Pateikta paveikslėlio URL nuoroda negali būti pakrauta"],"This is a list of related content to which you could link in your post. {{a}}Read our article about site structure{{/a}} to learn more about how internal linking can help improve your SEO.":[],"Are you trying to use multiple keyphrases? You should add them separately below.":["Ar Jūs bandote naudoti keletą raktažodžių? Turėtumėte juos pridėti atskirai žemiau."],"Mark as cornerstone content":[],"image preview":[],"Copied!":["Nukopijuota!"],"Not supported!":["Nepalaikoma!"],"Read {{a}}our article about site structure{{/a}} to learn more about how internal linking can help improve your SEO.":[],"Once you add a bit more copy, we'll give you a list of related content here to which you could link in your post.":[],"Consider linking to these {{a}}cornerstone articles:{{/a}}":[],"Consider linking to these articles:":[],"Copy link":["Kopijuoti nuorodą"],"Copy link to suggested article: %s":[],"Read our %1$sultimate guide to keyword research%2$s to learn more about keyword research and keyword strategy.":[],"Once you add a bit more copy, we'll give you a list of words and word combinations that occur the most in the content. These give an indication of what your content focuses on.":[],"The following words occur the most in the content. These give an indication of what your content focuses on. If the words differ a lot from your topic, you might want to rewrite your content accordingly. ":[],"Prominent words":[],"Something went wrong. Please reload the page.":[],"Modify your meta description by editing it right here":[],"Url preview":[],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below. If you don’t, Google will try to find a relevant part of your post to show in the search results.":[],"Insert snippet variable":[],"Dismiss this notice":[],"No results":[],"%d result found, use up and down arrow keys to navigate":[],"Your site language is set to %s. If this is not correct, contact your site administrator.":[],"On":["Įjungti"],"Off":["Išjungti"],"Good results":[],"Need help?":["Reikalinga pagalba?"],"Remove highlight from the text":["Pašalinti teksto paryškinimą"],"Your site language is set to %s. ":[],"Highlight this result in the text":["Pažymėti šį rezultatą tekste"],"Considerations":["Apsvarstymai"],"Errors":["Klaidos"],"Change language":["Pakeisti kalbą"],"(Opens in a new browser tab)":["(Atverčiama naujame naršyklės skirtuke)"],"Scroll to see the preview content.":[],"Step %1$d: %2$s":["Žingsnis %1$d: %2$s"],"Mobile preview":[],"Desktop preview":[],"Close snippet editor":[],"Slug":["Nuoroda"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Žymėjimas yra išjungtas dabartinėje peržiūroje"],"Choose an image":["Pasirinkite paveikslėlį"],"Remove the image":["Pašalinti paveikslėlį"],"MailChimp signup failed:":["MailChimp pernumeracija nepavyko:"],"Sign Up!":["Užsiprenumeruoti!"],"Edit snippet":[],"SEO title preview":[],"Meta description preview":[],"A problem occurred when saving the current step, {{link}}please file a bug report{{/link}} describing what step you are on and which changes you want to make (if any).":[],"Close the Wizard":["Uždaryti vedlį"],"%s installation wizard":[],"SEO title":[],"Improvements":[],"Problems":["Problemos"],"Email":[" El. paštas"],"Previous":["Ankstesnis"],"Next":["Sekantis"],"Close":["Uždaryti"],"Meta description":["Meta aprašymas"]}}}
readme.txt CHANGED
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
  Tags: SEO, XML sitemap, Content analysis, Readability
  Requires at least: 5.2
  Tested up to: 5.3
- Stable tag: 12.6
  Requires PHP: 5.6.20
  Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.
@@ -209,6 +209,14 @@ Your question has most likely been answered on our knowledge base: [kb.yoast.com
  == Changelog ==
  = 12.6.0 =
  Release Date: November 26th, 2019
  Tags: SEO, XML sitemap, Content analysis, Readability
  Requires at least: 5.2
  Tested up to: 5.3
+ Stable tag: 12.6.1
  Requires PHP: 5.6.20
  Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.
  == Changelog ==
+ = 12.6.1 =
+ Release Date: November 27th, 2019
+ Bugfixes:
+ * Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown when Yoast SEO was used in combination with another plugin or theme containing a class named `Date_Helper`.
+ * Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown when an empty string would be passed to the `WPSEO_Date_Helper->format` method. Props to [@mpolek](https://github.com/mpolek).
  = 12.6.0 =
  Release Date: November 26th, 2019
vendor/autoload_52.php CHANGED
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
  require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/composer'.'/autoload_real_52.php';
- return ComposerAutoloaderInit65d5ef00b1eea6a7cd7eecf821be7f46::getLoader();
  require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/composer'.'/autoload_real_52.php';
+ return ComposerAutoloaderInitabfc8685fac717f98c336d72034f94db::getLoader();
vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php CHANGED
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ return array(
  'Composer\\Installers\\YawikInstaller' => $vendorDir . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/YawikInstaller.php',
  'Composer\\Installers\\ZendInstaller' => $vendorDir . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/ZendInstaller.php',
  'Composer\\Installers\\ZikulaInstaller' => $vendorDir . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/ZikulaInstaller.php',
- 'Date_Helper' => $baseDir . '/inc/date-helper.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Capability_Manager' => $baseDir . '/admin/capabilities/class-abstract-capability-manager.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Metabox_Tab_With_Sections' => $baseDir . '/admin/metabox/class-abstract-sectioned-metabox-tab.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Post_Filter' => $baseDir . '/admin/filters/class-abstract-post-filter.php',
@@ -193,6 +192,7 @@ return array(
  'WPSEO_Custom_Taxonomies' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-wpseo-custom-taxonomies.php',
  'WPSEO_Customizer' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-customizer.php',
  'WPSEO_Database_Proxy' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-database-proxy.php',
  'WPSEO_Dismissible_Notification' => $baseDir . '/admin/notifiers/dismissible-notification.php',
  'WPSEO_Endpoint' => $baseDir . '/admin/endpoints/class-endpoint.php',
  'WPSEO_Endpoint_Factory' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-wpseo-endpoint-factory.php',
  'Composer\\Installers\\YawikInstaller' => $vendorDir . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/YawikInstaller.php',
  'Composer\\Installers\\ZendInstaller' => $vendorDir . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/ZendInstaller.php',
  'Composer\\Installers\\ZikulaInstaller' => $vendorDir . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/ZikulaInstaller.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Capability_Manager' => $baseDir . '/admin/capabilities/class-abstract-capability-manager.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Metabox_Tab_With_Sections' => $baseDir . '/admin/metabox/class-abstract-sectioned-metabox-tab.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Post_Filter' => $baseDir . '/admin/filters/class-abstract-post-filter.php',
  'WPSEO_Custom_Taxonomies' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-wpseo-custom-taxonomies.php',
  'WPSEO_Customizer' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-customizer.php',
  'WPSEO_Database_Proxy' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-database-proxy.php',
+ 'WPSEO_Date_Helper' => $baseDir . '/inc/date-helper.php',
  'WPSEO_Dismissible_Notification' => $baseDir . '/admin/notifiers/dismissible-notification.php',
  'WPSEO_Endpoint' => $baseDir . '/admin/endpoints/class-endpoint.php',
  'WPSEO_Endpoint_Factory' => $baseDir . '/inc/class-wpseo-endpoint-factory.php',
vendor/composer/autoload_real_52.php CHANGED
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  // autoload_real_52.php generated by xrstf/composer-php52
- class ComposerAutoloaderInit65d5ef00b1eea6a7cd7eecf821be7f46 {
  private static $loader;
  public static function loadClassLoader($class) {
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ class ComposerAutoloaderInit65d5ef00b1eea6a7cd7eecf821be7f46 {
  return self::$loader;
- spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit65d5ef00b1eea6a7cd7eecf821be7f46', 'loadClassLoader'), true /*, true */);
  self::$loader = $loader = new xrstf_Composer52_ClassLoader();
- spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit65d5ef00b1eea6a7cd7eecf821be7f46', 'loadClassLoader'));
  $vendorDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
  $baseDir = dirname($vendorDir);
  // autoload_real_52.php generated by xrstf/composer-php52
+ class ComposerAutoloaderInitabfc8685fac717f98c336d72034f94db {
  private static $loader;
  public static function loadClassLoader($class) {
  return self::$loader;
+ spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitabfc8685fac717f98c336d72034f94db', 'loadClassLoader'), true /*, true */);
  self::$loader = $loader = new xrstf_Composer52_ClassLoader();
+ spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitabfc8685fac717f98c336d72034f94db', 'loadClassLoader'));
  $vendorDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
  $baseDir = dirname($vendorDir);
vendor/composer/autoload_static.php CHANGED
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ class ComposerStaticInitf7309e5dcd4e2843e8a5c77b6db497d4
  'Composer\\Installers\\YawikInstaller' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/YawikInstaller.php',
  'Composer\\Installers\\ZendInstaller' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/ZendInstaller.php',
  'Composer\\Installers\\ZikulaInstaller' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/ZikulaInstaller.php',
- 'Date_Helper' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/date-helper.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Capability_Manager' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/capabilities/class-abstract-capability-manager.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Metabox_Tab_With_Sections' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/metabox/class-abstract-sectioned-metabox-tab.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Post_Filter' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/filters/class-abstract-post-filter.php',
@@ -218,6 +217,7 @@ class ComposerStaticInitf7309e5dcd4e2843e8a5c77b6db497d4
  'WPSEO_Custom_Taxonomies' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-wpseo-custom-taxonomies.php',
  'WPSEO_Customizer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-customizer.php',
  'WPSEO_Database_Proxy' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-database-proxy.php',
  'WPSEO_Dismissible_Notification' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/notifiers/dismissible-notification.php',
  'WPSEO_Endpoint' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/endpoints/class-endpoint.php',
  'WPSEO_Endpoint_Factory' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-wpseo-endpoint-factory.php',
  'Composer\\Installers\\YawikInstaller' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/YawikInstaller.php',
  'Composer\\Installers\\ZendInstaller' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/ZendInstaller.php',
  'Composer\\Installers\\ZikulaInstaller' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/composer/installers/src/Composer/Installers/ZikulaInstaller.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Capability_Manager' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/capabilities/class-abstract-capability-manager.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Metabox_Tab_With_Sections' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/metabox/class-abstract-sectioned-metabox-tab.php',
  'WPSEO_Abstract_Post_Filter' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/filters/class-abstract-post-filter.php',
  'WPSEO_Custom_Taxonomies' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-wpseo-custom-taxonomies.php',
  'WPSEO_Customizer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-customizer.php',
  'WPSEO_Database_Proxy' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-database-proxy.php',
+ 'WPSEO_Date_Helper' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/date-helper.php',
  'WPSEO_Dismissible_Notification' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/notifiers/dismissible-notification.php',
  'WPSEO_Endpoint' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/endpoints/class-endpoint.php',
  'WPSEO_Endpoint_Factory' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/inc/class-wpseo-endpoint-factory.php',
wp-seo-main.php CHANGED
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if ( ! function_exists( 'add_filter' ) ) {
  * {@internal Nobody should be able to overrule the real version number as this can cause
  * serious issues with the options, so no if ( ! defined() ).}}
- define( 'WPSEO_VERSION', '12.6' );
  if ( ! defined( 'WPSEO_PATH' ) ) {
  * {@internal Nobody should be able to overrule the real version number as this can cause
  * serious issues with the options, so no if ( ! defined() ).}}
+ define( 'WPSEO_VERSION', '12.6.1' );
  if ( ! defined( 'WPSEO_PATH' ) ) {
wp-seo.php CHANGED
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
  * @wordpress-plugin
  * Plugin Name: Yoast SEO
- * Version: 12.6
  * Plugin URI: https://yoa.st/1uj
  * Description: The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.
  * Author: Team Yoast
  * @wordpress-plugin
  * Plugin Name: Yoast SEO
+ * Version: 12.6.1
  * Plugin URI: https://yoa.st/1uj
  * Description: The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.
  * Author: Team Yoast