Yoast SEO - Version 7.5.3

Version Description

Release Date: May 30th, 2018

  • Added hooks and filters to allow our new search index purge plugin to work. Youre encouraged to read this post about an attachment URL problem for more info.
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Release Info

Developer jipmoors
Plugin Icon 128x128 Yoast SEO
Version 7.5.3
Comparing to
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Code changes from version 7.5.1 to 7.5.3

Files changed (78) hide show
  1. admin/class-admin-media-purge-notification.php +129 -0
  2. admin/class-admin.php +1 -0
  3. admin/class-option-tabs-formatter.php +24 -5
  4. admin/views/class-view-utils.php +19 -1
  5. css/dist/{admin-global-751-rtl.min.css → admin-global-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  6. css/dist/{admin-global-751.min.css → admin-global-753.min.css} +0 -0
  7. css/dist/{adminbar-751-rtl.min.css → adminbar-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  8. css/dist/{adminbar-751.min.css → adminbar-753.min.css} +0 -0
  9. css/dist/{alerts-751-rtl.min.css → alerts-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  10. css/dist/{alerts-751.min.css → alerts-753.min.css} +0 -0
  11. css/dist/{dashboard-751-rtl.min.css → dashboard-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  12. css/dist/{dashboard-751.min.css → dashboard-753.min.css} +0 -0
  13. css/dist/{edit-page-751-rtl.min.css → edit-page-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  14. css/dist/{edit-page-751.min.css → edit-page-753.min.css} +0 -0
  15. css/dist/{featured-image-751-rtl.min.css → featured-image-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  16. css/dist/{featured-image-751.min.css → featured-image-753.min.css} +0 -0
  17. css/dist/{filter-explanation-751-rtl.min.css → filter-explanation-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  18. css/dist/{filter-explanation-751.min.css → filter-explanation-753.min.css} +0 -0
  19. css/dist/{inside-editor-751-rtl.min.css → inside-editor-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  20. css/dist/{inside-editor-751.min.css → inside-editor-753.min.css} +0 -0
  21. css/dist/{metabox-751-rtl.min.css → metabox-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  22. css/dist/{metabox-751.min.css → metabox-753.min.css} +0 -0
  23. css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-751-rtl.min.css → metabox-primary-category-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  24. css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-751.min.css → metabox-primary-category-753.min.css} +0 -0
  25. css/dist/{snippet-751-rtl.min.css → snippet-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  26. css/dist/{snippet-751.min.css → snippet-753.min.css} +0 -0
  27. css/dist/{toggle-switch-751-rtl.min.css → toggle-switch-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  28. css/dist/{toggle-switch-751.min.css → toggle-switch-753.min.css} +0 -0
  29. css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-751-rtl.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  30. css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-751.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-753.min.css} +0 -0
  31. css/dist/{yoast-components-751-rtl.min.css → yoast-components-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  32. css/dist/{yoast-components-751.min.css → yoast-components-753.min.css} +0 -0
  33. css/dist/{yoast-extensions-751-rtl.min.css → yoast-extensions-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  34. css/dist/{yoast-extensions-751.min.css → yoast-extensions-753.min.css} +0 -0
  35. css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-751-rtl.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  36. css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-751.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-753.min.css} +0 -0
  37. css/dist/{yst_seo_score-751-rtl.min.css → yst_seo_score-753-rtl.min.css} +0 -0
  38. css/dist/{yst_seo_score-751.min.css → yst_seo_score-753.min.css} +0 -0
  39. frontend/class-frontend.php +10 -1
  40. inc/class-upgrade.php +26 -0
  41. inc/options/class-wpseo-option-titles.php +2 -0
  42. js/dist/{commons-751.min.js → commons-753.min.js} +1 -1
  43. js/dist/{configuration-wizard-751.min.js → configuration-wizard-753.min.js} +0 -0
  44. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-751.min.js → wp-seo-admin-753.min.js} +0 -0
  45. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-global-751.min.js → wp-seo-admin-global-753.min.js} +0 -0
  46. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-gsc-751.min.js → wp-seo-admin-gsc-753.min.js} +0 -0
  47. js/dist/{wp-seo-admin-media-751.min.js → wp-seo-admin-media-753.min.js} +0 -0
  48. js/dist/{wp-seo-api-751.min.js → wp-seo-api-753.min.js} +0 -0
  49. js/dist/{wp-seo-babel-polyfill-751.min.js → wp-seo-babel-polyfill-753.min.js} +0 -0
  50. js/dist/{wp-seo-bulk-editor-751.min.js → wp-seo-bulk-editor-753.min.js} +0 -0
  51. js/dist/{wp-seo-dashboard-widget-751.min.js → wp-seo-dashboard-widget-753.min.js} +0 -0
  52. js/dist/{wp-seo-dismissible-751.min.js → wp-seo-dismissible-753.min.js} +0 -0
  53. js/dist/{wp-seo-edit-page-751.min.js → wp-seo-edit-page-753.min.js} +0 -0
  54. js/dist/{wp-seo-featured-image-751.min.js → wp-seo-featured-image-753.min.js} +0 -0
  55. js/dist/{wp-seo-filter-explanation-751.min.js → wp-seo-filter-explanation-753.min.js} +0 -0
  56. js/dist/{wp-seo-help-center-751.min.js → wp-seo-help-center-753.min.js} +0 -0
  57. js/dist/{wp-seo-metabox-751.min.js → wp-seo-metabox-753.min.js} +0 -0
  58. js/dist/{wp-seo-metabox-category-751.min.js → wp-seo-metabox-category-753.min.js} +0 -0
  59. js/dist/{wp-seo-modal-751.min.js → wp-seo-modal-753.min.js} +0 -0
  60. js/dist/{wp-seo-post-scraper-751.min.js → wp-seo-post-scraper-753.min.js} +0 -0
  61. js/dist/{wp-seo-quick-edit-handler-751.min.js → wp-seo-quick-edit-handler-753.min.js} +0 -0
  62. js/dist/{wp-seo-recalculate-751.min.js → wp-seo-recalculate-753.min.js} +0 -0
  63. js/dist/{wp-seo-reindex-links-751.min.js → wp-seo-reindex-links-753.min.js} +0 -0
  64. js/dist/{wp-seo-replacevar-plugin-751.min.js → wp-seo-replacevar-plugin-753.min.js} +0 -0
  65. js/dist/{wp-seo-shortcode-plugin-751.min.js → wp-seo-shortcode-plugin-753.min.js} +0 -0
  66. js/dist/{wp-seo-term-scraper-751.min.js → wp-seo-term-scraper-753.min.js} +0 -0
  67. js/dist/{wp-seo-wp-globals-backport-751.min.js → wp-seo-wp-globals-backport-753.min.js} +0 -0
  68. languages/wordpress-seo-de_DE.json +1 -1
  69. languages/wordpress-seo-nl_NL.json +1 -1
  70. languages/wordpress-seo-ru_RU.json +1 -1
  71. languages/yoast-components1.pot +0 -126
  72. readme.txt +6 -1
  73. vendor/autoload_52.php +1 -1
  74. vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php +1 -0
  75. vendor/composer/autoload_real_52.php +3 -3
  76. vendor/composer/autoload_static.php +1 -0
  77. wp-seo-main.php +1 -1
  78. wp-seo.php +1 -1
admin/class-admin-media-purge-notification.php ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ <?php
+ /**
+ * WPSEO plugin file.
+ *
+ * @package WPSEO\Admin
+ */
+ /**
+ * Handles the media purge notification showing and hiding.
+ */
+ class WPSEO_Admin_Media_Purge_Notification implements WPSEO_WordPress_Integration {
+ /**
+ * Notification ID to use.
+ *
+ * @var string
+ */
+ private $notification_id = 'wpseo_media_purge';
+ /**
+ * Registers all hooks to WordPress.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function register_hooks() {
+ add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'manage_notification' ) );
+ add_filter( 'wpseo_option_tab-metas_media', array( $this, 'output_hidden_setting' ) );
+ // Dismissing is just setting the relevancy to false, which cancels out any functionality.
+ if ( WPSEO_Utils::is_yoast_seo_page() && filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'dismiss' ) === $this->notification_id ) {
+ WPSEO_Options::set( 'is-media-purge-relevant', false );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a hidden setting to the media tab.
+ *
+ * To make sure the setting is not reverted to the default when -anything-
+ * is saved on the entire page (not just the media tab).
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function output_hidden_setting( $input ) {
+ $form = Yoast_Form::get_instance();
+ $form->hidden( 'is-media-purge-relevant' );
+ return $input;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Manages if the notification should be shown or removed.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function manage_notification() {
+ if ( ! WPSEO_Options::get( 'is-media-purge-relevant' ) ) {
+ $this->remove_notification();
+ return;
+ }
+ // This is the desired behaviour, remove any notifications and carry on.
+ if ( WPSEO_Options::get( 'disable-attachment' ) === true ) {
+ $this->remove_notification();
+ return;
+ }
+ // When the attachments are no-indexed, this is acceptable.
+ if ( WPSEO_Options::get( 'noindex-attachment' ) === true ) {
+ $this->remove_notification();
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->add_notification();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the notification that should be shown or removed.
+ *
+ * @return Yoast_Notification The notification to use.
+ */
+ private function get_notification() {
+ $content = sprintf(
+ /* translators: %1$s expands to the link to the article, %2$s closes the link tag. */
+ __( 'Your site\'s settings currently allow attachment URLs on your site to exist. Please read %1$sthis post about a potential issue%2$s with attachment URLs and check whether you have the correct setting for your site.', 'wordpress-seo' ),
+ '<a href="' . esc_url( WPSEO_Shortlinker::get( 'https://yoa.st/2r8' ) ) . '" rel="nofollow noreferer" target="_blank">',
+ '</a>'
+ );
+ $content .= '<br><br>';
+ $content .= sprintf(
+ __( 'If you know what this means and you do not want to see this message anymore, you can %1$sdismiss this message%2$s.', 'wordpress-seo' ),
+ '<a href="' . admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wpseo_dashboard&dismiss=' . $this->notification_id ) . '">',
+ '</a>'
+ );
+ return new Yoast_Notification(
+ $content,
+ array(
+ 'type' => Yoast_Notification::ERROR,
+ 'id' => $this->notification_id,
+ 'capabilities' => 'wpseo_manage_options',
+ 'priority' => 1,
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds the notification to the notificaton center.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ private function add_notification() {
+ $notification_center = Yoast_Notification_Center::get();
+ $notification_center->add_notification( $this->get_notification() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes the notification from the notification center.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ private function remove_notification() {
+ $notification_center = Yoast_Notification_Center::get();
+ $notification_center->remove_notification( $this->get_notification() );
+ }
+ }
admin/class-admin.php CHANGED
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ class WPSEO_Admin {
  $integrations[] = new WPSEO_Statistic_Integration();
  $integrations[] = new WPSEO_Slug_Change_Watcher();
  $integrations[] = new WPSEO_Capability_Manager_Integration( WPSEO_Capability_Manager_Factory::get() );
  $integrations = array_merge( $integrations, $this->initialize_seo_links() );
  /** @var WPSEO_WordPress_Integration $integration */
  $integrations[] = new WPSEO_Statistic_Integration();
  $integrations[] = new WPSEO_Slug_Change_Watcher();
  $integrations[] = new WPSEO_Capability_Manager_Integration( WPSEO_Capability_Manager_Factory::get() );
+ $integrations[] = new WPSEO_Admin_Media_Purge_Notification();
  $integrations = array_merge( $integrations, $this->initialize_seo_links() );
  /** @var WPSEO_WordPress_Integration $integration */
admin/class-option-tabs-formatter.php CHANGED
@@ -46,11 +46,30 @@ class WPSEO_Option_Tabs_Formatter {
  $class = 'wpseotab ' . ( $tab->has_save_button() ? 'save' : 'nosave' );
  printf( '<div id="%1$s" class="%2$s">', esc_attr( $identifier ), esc_attr( $class ) );
- // Output the settings view for all tabs.
- $tab_view = $this->get_tab_view( $option_tabs, $tab );
- if ( is_file( $tab_view ) ) {
- $yform = Yoast_Form::get_instance();
- require_once $tab_view;
  echo '</div>';
  $class = 'wpseotab ' . ( $tab->has_save_button() ? 'save' : 'nosave' );
  printf( '<div id="%1$s" class="%2$s">', esc_attr( $identifier ), esc_attr( $class ) );
+ $tab_filter_name = sprintf( '%s_%s', $option_tabs->get_base(), $tab->get_name() );
+ /**
+ * Allows to override the content that is display on the specific option tab.
+ *
+ * @internal For internal Yoast SEO use only.
+ *
+ * @api string|null The content that should be displayed for this tab. Leave empty for default behaviour.
+ *
+ * @param WPSEO_Option_Tabs $option_tabs The registered option tabs.
+ * @param WPSEO_Option_Tab $tab The tab that is being displayed.
+ */
+ $option_tab_content = apply_filters( 'wpseo_option_tab-' . $tab_filter_name, null, $option_tabs, $tab );
+ if ( ! empty( $option_tab_content ) ) {
+ echo $option_tab_content;
+ }
+ if ( empty( $option_tab_content ) ) {
+ // Output the settings view for all tabs.
+ $tab_view = $this->get_tab_view( $option_tabs, $tab );
+ if ( is_file( $tab_view ) ) {
+ $yform = Yoast_Form::get_instance();
+ require_once $tab_view;
+ }
  echo '</div>';
admin/views/class-view-utils.php CHANGED
@@ -73,12 +73,30 @@ class Yoast_View_Utils {
  $show_post_type_help = $this->search_results_setting_help( $post_type );
- 'noindex-' . $post_type->name,
  $show_post_type_help->get_button_html() . $show_post_type_help->get_panel_html()
  'title-' . $post_type->name,
  __( 'Title template', 'wordpress-seo' ),
  $show_post_type_help = $this->search_results_setting_help( $post_type );
+ $noindex_option_name = 'noindex-' . $post_type->name;
+ $noindex_option_name,
  $show_post_type_help->get_button_html() . $show_post_type_help->get_panel_html()
+ if ( WPSEO_Options::get( 'is-media-purge-relevant' ) ) {
+ if ( $post_type->name === 'attachment' && WPSEO_Options::get( $noindex_option_name ) === false ) {
+ $description = sprintf(
+ /* translators: %1$s expands to the link to the article, %2$s closes the link to the article */
+ esc_html( __( 'By enabling this option, attachment URLs become visible to both your visitors and Google.
+ To add value to your website, they should contain useful information, or they might have a
+ negative impact on your ranking. Please carefully consider this and %1$sread this post%2$s if
+ you want more information about the impact of showing media in search results.', 'wordpress-seo'
+ ) ),
+ '<a href="' . esc_url( WPSEO_Shortlinker::get( 'https://yoa.st/2r8' ) ) . '" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">',
+ '</a>'
+ );
+ echo '<div style="clear:both; background-color: #ffeb3b; color: #000000; padding: 16px; max-width: 450px; margin-bottom: 32px;">' . $description . '</div>';
+ }
+ }
  'title-' . $post_type->name,
  __( 'Title template', 'wordpress-seo' ),
css/dist/{admin-global-751-rtl.min.css → admin-global-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{admin-global-751.min.css → admin-global-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{adminbar-751-rtl.min.css → adminbar-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{adminbar-751.min.css → adminbar-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{alerts-751-rtl.min.css → alerts-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{alerts-751.min.css → alerts-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{dashboard-751-rtl.min.css → dashboard-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{dashboard-751.min.css → dashboard-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{edit-page-751-rtl.min.css → edit-page-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{edit-page-751.min.css → edit-page-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{featured-image-751-rtl.min.css → featured-image-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{featured-image-751.min.css → featured-image-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{filter-explanation-751-rtl.min.css → filter-explanation-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{filter-explanation-751.min.css → filter-explanation-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{inside-editor-751-rtl.min.css → inside-editor-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{inside-editor-751.min.css → inside-editor-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-751-rtl.min.css → metabox-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-751.min.css → metabox-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-751-rtl.min.css → metabox-primary-category-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{metabox-primary-category-751.min.css → metabox-primary-category-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{snippet-751-rtl.min.css → snippet-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{snippet-751.min.css → snippet-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{toggle-switch-751-rtl.min.css → toggle-switch-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{toggle-switch-751.min.css → toggle-switch-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-751-rtl.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{wpseo-dismissible-751.min.css → wpseo-dismissible-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yoast-components-751-rtl.min.css → yoast-components-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yoast-components-751.min.css → yoast-components-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yoast-extensions-751-rtl.min.css → yoast-extensions-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yoast-extensions-751.min.css → yoast-extensions-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-751-rtl.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_plugin_tools-751.min.css → yst_plugin_tools-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_seo_score-751-rtl.min.css → yst_seo_score-753-rtl.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
css/dist/{yst_seo_score-751.min.css → yst_seo_score-753.min.css} RENAMED
File without changes
frontend/class-frontend.php CHANGED
@@ -1418,7 +1418,16 @@ class WPSEO_Frontend {
  return false;
- $url = wp_get_attachment_url( get_queried_object_id() );
  if ( ! empty( $url ) ) {
  $this->redirect( $url, 301 );
  return false;
+ /**
+ * Allow the developer to change the target redirection URL for attachments.
+ *
+ * @api string $attachment_url The attachment URL for the queried object.
+ * @api object $queried_object The queried object.
+ *
+ * @since 7.5.3
+ */
+ $url = apply_filters( 'wpseo_attachment_redirect_url', wp_get_attachment_url( get_queried_object_id() ), get_queried_object() );
  if ( ! empty( $url ) ) {
  $this->redirect( $url, 301 );
inc/class-upgrade.php CHANGED
@@ -107,6 +107,10 @@ class WPSEO_Upgrade {
  // Since 3.7.
  $upsell_notice = new WPSEO_Product_Upsell_Notice();
@@ -556,6 +560,28 @@ class WPSEO_Upgrade {
  * Removes all sitemap validators.
+ if ( version_compare( $version, '7.5.3', '<' ) ) {
+ $this->upgrade_753();
+ }
  // Since 3.7.
  $upsell_notice = new WPSEO_Product_Upsell_Notice();
+ /**
+ * Performs the 7.5.3 upgrade.
+ *
+ * When upgrading purging media is potentially relevant.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ private function upgrade_753() {
+ // Only when attachments are not disabled.
+ if ( WPSEO_Options::get( 'disable-attachment' ) === true ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Only when attachments are not no-indexed.
+ if ( WPSEO_Options::get( 'noindex-attachment' ) === true ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Set purging relevancy.
+ WPSEO_Options::set( 'is-media-purge-relevant', true );
+ }
  * Removes all sitemap validators.
inc/options/class-wpseo-option-titles.php CHANGED
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class WPSEO_Option_Titles extends WPSEO_Option {
  'disable-date' => false,
  'disable-post_format' => false,
  'disable-attachment' => true,
  'breadcrumbs-404crumb' => '', // Text field.
  'breadcrumbs-display-blog-page' => true,
@@ -532,6 +533,7 @@ class WPSEO_Option_Titles extends WPSEO_Option {
  * 'breadcrumbs-boldlast'
  * 'breadcrumbs-enable'
  * 'stripcategorybase'
  $clean[ $key ] = ( isset( $dirty[ $key ] ) ? WPSEO_Utils::validate_bool( $dirty[ $key ] ) : false );
  'disable-date' => false,
  'disable-post_format' => false,
  'disable-attachment' => true,
+ 'is-media-purge-relevant' => false,
  'breadcrumbs-404crumb' => '', // Text field.
  'breadcrumbs-display-blog-page' => true,
  * 'breadcrumbs-boldlast'
  * 'breadcrumbs-enable'
  * 'stripcategorybase'
+ * 'is-media-purge-relevant'
  $clean[ $key ] = ( isset( $dirty[ $key ] ) ? WPSEO_Utils::validate_bool( $dirty[ $key ] ) : false );
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"de"},"The focus keyword appears in %2$d (out of %1$d) subheadings in your copy.":["Das Fokus-Keyword erscheint in %2$d (von %1$d) Unterüberschriften in Ihrem Text."],"You've used this focus keyword %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %4$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%5$s.":["Sie haben dieses Fokus-Keyword bereits %1$s%2$d Mal benutzt%3$s. Es wäre bestimmt eine gute Idee zu lesen %4$swieso Sie Ihr Fokus-Keyword nicht mehr als einmal%5$s benutzen sollten."],"You've used this focus keyword %1$sonce before%2$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %3$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%4$s.":["Sie haben dieses Fokus-Keyword bereits %1$seinmal zuvor%2$s benutzt. Es wäre bestimmt eine gute Idee zu lesen %3$swieso Sie Ihr Fokus-Keyword nicht mehr als einmal%4$s benutzen sollten."],"The meta description has a nice length.":["Die Meta-Beschreibung hat eine gute Länge."],"No internal links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Es gibt keine internen Links auf dieser Seite. Überlegen Sie, geeignete hinzuzufügen."],"This page has %1$s internal link(s).":["Diese Seite hat %1$s interne Links."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed internal link(s) and %2$s normal internal link(s).":["Diese Seite hat %1$s interne Link(s) und %2$s normale interne Link(s)."],"This page has %1$s internal link(s), all nofollowed.":["Diese Seite hat %1$s interne(r) Link(s), alle mit Parameter nofollow."],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scrollen Sie, um die Vorschau zu sehen."],"The focus keyword contains a stop word. This may or may not be wise depending on the circumstances. %1$sLearn more about the stop words%2$s.":["Das Focus-Keyword enthält ein Stoppwort. Dies kann sich unter Umständen negativ auswirken. %1$sMehr über Stoppwörter lernen%2$s.","Das Focus-Keyword enthält %3$d Stoppwörter. Dies kann sich unter Umständen negativ auswirken. %1$sMehr über Stoppwörter lernen%2$s."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is way over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Die Keyword-Dichte beträgt%1$s. Das empfohlene Maximum der Keyword-Dichte ist %3$s. Das Fokus-Keyword wurde hierzu %2$d mal gefunden."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Es ist ein Fehler in der '%1$s' Bewertung aufgetreten."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %5$s ist."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was zu wenig oder gleich mit dem empfohlenen Maximum von %5$s ist."],"The slug for this page contains a %1$sstop word%2$s, consider removing it.":["Der Titel für diese Seite enthält eines oder mehrere %1$s Stoppwörter%2$s, erwägen Sie diese zu entfernen.","Die Titel für diese Seiten enthalten eines oder mehrere %1$s Stoppwörter%2$s, erwägen Sie diese zu entfernen."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is great.":["%1$s der Sätze enthält ein %2$sÜbergangswort%3$s oder Phrase, das ist großartig."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is less than the recommended minimum of %4$s.":["%1$s der Sätze enthält ein %2$sÜbergangswort%3$s oder Phrase, das weniger als das empfohlene Minimum von %4$s ist."],"The focus keyword '%1$s' does not appear in the SEO title.":["Das Fokus-Keyword '%1$s' erscheint nicht im Seitentitel."],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["Das ist weit weniger als das erforderliche Minimum von %2$d Wort. Fügen Sie weitere Inhalte hinzu, die für das Thema relevant sind.","Das ist weit weniger als das erforderliche Minimum von %2$d Wörtern. Fügen Sie weitere Inhalte hinzu, die für das Thema relevant sind."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["Das ist weniger als das erforderliche Minimum von %2$d Wort. Fügen Sie weitere themenrelevante Inhalte hinzu.","Das ist weniger als das erforderliche Minimum von %2$d Wörtern. Fügen Sie weitere themenrelevante Inhalte hinzu."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add a bit more copy.":["Dies ist etwas weniger als das empfohlene Minimum von %2$d Wort. Fügen Sie etwas mehr Text hinzu.","Dies ist etwas weniger als das empfohlene Minimum von %2$d Wörtern. Fügen Sie etwas mehr Text hinzu."],"This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of %2$d word.":["Dies ist mehr als oder exakt gleich dem empfohlenen Minimum von %2$d Wort.","Dies ist mehr als oder exakt gleich dem empfohlenen Minimum von %2$d Wörtern."],"The text contains %1$d word.":["Der Text enthält %1$d Wort.","Der Text enthält %1$d Wörter."],"%1$d subheading is followed by more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Try to insert another subheading.":["Auf %1$d der Zwischenüberschriften folgen mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %2$d Wörtern. Versuchen Sie noch eine Zwischenüberschrift einzufügen.","Auf %1$d der Zwischenüberschriften folgen mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %2$d Wörtern. Versuchen Sie noch Zwischenüberschriften einzufügen."],"The amount of words following each of the subheadings doesn't exceed the recommended maximum of %1$d words, which is great.":["Die Anzahl der Wörter nach jeder Ihrer Zwischenüberschriften übersteigt nicht das empfohlene Maximum von %1$d Wörtern. Das ist toll."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. Try to shorten the sentences.":["%1$s der Sätze enthalten %2$smehr als %3$s Wörter%4$s, was mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %5$s ist. Versuchen Sie die Sätze zu kürzen."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Sätze enthalten %2$smehr als %3$s Wörter%4$s, was weniger oder gleich als das empfohlene Maximum von %5$s ist."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuchen Sie, diesen Satz zu kürzen.","Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuchen Sie, diese Sätze zu kürzen."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Die Meta Description enthält keine Sätze %1$süber %2$s Wörter%3$s."],"The text contains %2$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. Try to mix things up!":["Der Text enthält %2$d aufeinanderfolgende Sätze, die mit dem selben Wort beginnen. Versuchen Sie etwas kreativer zu sein!","Der Text enthält %1$d Stellen, wo %2$d oder mehr aufeinanderfolgende Sätze mit dem selben Wort beginnen. Versuchen Sie etwas kreativer zu sein!"],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. Try to use their active counterparts.":["%1$s der Sätze enthalten %2$seinen Passiv%3$s, was mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %4$s ist. Versuchen Sie, mehr aktive Entsprechungen einzusetzen."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %4$s.":["%1$s der Sätze enthalten %2$seinen Passiv%3$s, was weniger oder gleich als das empfohlene Maximum von %4$s ist. "],"%1$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Are you sure all information is about the same topic, and therefore belongs in one single paragraph?":["Absatz %1$d enthält mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %2$d Wörtern. Sind Sie sicher, dass alle Informationen zum selben Thema hierfür in einen einzigen Absatz gehören?","%1$d der Absätze enthalten mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %2$d Wörtern. Sind Sie sicher, dass alle Informationen in jedem Absatz zum selben Thema hierfür in einen einzigen Absatz gehören?"],"The meta description is over %1$d characters. Reducing the length will ensure the entire description will be visible.":["Die Meta-Beschreibung enthält mehr als %1$d Zeichen. Eine geringere Länge stellt sicher, dass die komplette Beschreibung sichtbar ist."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is too low; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Die Keyword-Dichte beträgt %1$s, was ein wenig niedrig ist. Das Fokus-Keyword wurde %2$d mal gefunden."],"Mobile preview":["Mobil-Vorschau"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop-Vorschau"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte legen Sie den SEO-Titel fest, indem Sie den Code-Schnipsel bearbeiten."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta-Beschreibungs-Vorschau:"],"Slug preview:":["Titel-Vorschau:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO-Titelvorschau:"],"Close snippet editor":["Ausschnitt-Editor schließen"],"Slug":["Titelform"],"Remove marks in the text":["Entferne Markierungen im Text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Markiere dieses Ergebnis im Text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markierungen sind in der aktuellen Ansicht deaktiviert."],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: guter SEO-Wert"],"Good SEO score":["Guter SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: akzeptabler SEO-Wert"],"OK SEO score":["Ausreichender SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: Bad SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: schwacher SEO-Wert"],"Bad SEO score":["Schlechter SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Inhalts-Optimierung: Hat Feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_words":["https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoppwort"],"The focus keyword appears in the URL for this page.":["Das Fokus-Keyword erscheint in der URL der Seite."],"You have far too little content, please add some content to enable a good analysis.":["Ihre Inhalte sind viel zu kurz. Bitte fügen Sie weitere Inhalte hinzu, um eine gute Analyse zu ermöglichen."],"The images on this page contain alt attributes.":["Die Bilder auf dieser Seite enthalten ALT-Attribute"],"The images on this page do not have alt attributes containing the focus keyword.":["Die Bilder auf dieser Seite enthalten keine alt-Attribute mit dem Fokus-Keyword"],"The images on this page contain alt attributes with the focus keyword.":["Die Bilder auf dieser Seite enthalten ALT-Attribute mit dem Fokus-Keyword."],"The text does not contain any %1$ssubheadings%2$s. Add at least one subheading.":["Der Text enthält keine %1$sZwischenüberschriften%2$s. Fügen Sie mindestens eine Zwischenüberschrift hinzu."],"None of the paragraphs are too long, which is great.":["Keiner der Absätze ist zu lang. Das ist toll."],"The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit.":["Der SEO-Titel ist länger als der sichtbare Bereich."],"The SEO title has a nice length.":["Der SEO-Titel hat eine gute Länge."],"The SEO title is too short. Use the space to add keyword variations or create compelling call-to-action copy.":["Der SEO-Titel ist zu kurz. Nutzen Sie den Platz um eine Keyword-Variation oder einen interessanten Handlungs-Aufruf einzufügen."],"The meta description contains the focus keyword.":["Die Meta-Beschreibung enthält das Fokus-Keyword."],"The keyphrase is over 10 words, a keyphrase should be shorter.":["Die Suchkette ist länger als 10 Wörter, sie sollte kürzer sein."],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte legen Sie eine Meta-Beschreibung fest, indem Sie den Code-Schnipsel bearbeiten."],"Edit snippet":["Code-Schnipsel bearbeiten"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Sie können auf jedes Element in der Vorschau klicken, um zum Snippet-Editor zu springen."],"SEO title":["SEO-Titel"],"Needs improvement":["Verbesserungsbedarf"],"Good":["Gut"],"very difficult":["sehr schwierig"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability.":["Versuchen Sie, kürzere Sätze zu formulieren und weniger komplizierte Wörter zu nutzen, um die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen."],"difficult":["schwierig"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability.":["Versuchen Sie, kürzere Sätze zu formulieren, um die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen."],"fairly difficult":["ziemlich schwierig"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["ziemlich einfach"],"easy":["einfach"],"very easy":["sehr einfach"],"The copy scores %1$s in the %2$s test, which is considered %3$s to read. %4$s":["Der Text erzielt %1$s in dem %2$s-Test, was als %3$s zum Lesen betrachtet wird. %4$s"],"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.":["Das Fokus-Keyword taucht im ersten Absatz auf."],"The focus keyword doesn't appear in the first paragraph of the copy. Make sure the topic is clear immediately.":["Das Fokus-Keyword scheint im ersten Absatz des Textes nicht vorzukommen. Stellen Sie umgehend sicher, dass das Thema klar ist."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is great; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Die Keyword-Dichte beträgt %1$s, was toll ist. Das Fokus-Keyword wurde %2$d mal gefunden."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Die Keyword-Dichte beträgt %1$s und liegt damit über der empfohlenen Dichte von maximal %3$s. Das Focus Keyword wurde %2$d mal gefunden."],"A meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the focus keyword.":["Die Meta-Beschreibung wurde definiert, enthält aber nicht das Fokus-Keyword."],"No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead.":["Es wurde keine Meta-Beschreibung angegeben. Suchmaschinen stellen stattdessen Inhaltstext aus der Seite dar."],"The meta description is under %1$d characters long. However, up to %2$d characters are available.":["Die Meta-Beschreibung hat weniger als %1$d Zeichen. Es stehen also noch %2$d Zeichen zur Verfügung."],"You have not used the focus keyword in any subheading (such as an H2) in your copy.":["Sie haben das Fokus-Keyword in keiner Zwischenüberschrift (wie z.B. H2) verwendet."],"The images on this page are missing alt attributes.":["Die Bilder auf dieser Seite besitzen kein alt-Attribut."],"No outbound links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Diese Seite hat keine ausgehenden Links; fügen Sie ggf. welche hinzu."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed outbound link(s) and %2$s normal outbound link(s).":["Diese Seite hat %1$s ausgehende Link(s) auf nofollow und %2$s normale ausgehende(n) Link(s)."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s), all nofollowed.":["Diese Seite hat %1$s ausgehende(n) Link(s), alle auf nofollow gesetzt."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s).":["Diese Seite hat %1$s ausgehende Link(s)."],"You're linking to another page with the focus keyword you want this page to rank for. Consider changing that if you truly want this page to rank.":["Sie verlinken mit einem Fokus-Keyword zu einer externen Seite, mit dem Sie selber mit dieser Seite gute Suchmaschinenergebnisse erzielen wollen. Sie sollten den Linktext ändern, wenn Sie diese Seite wirklich optimieren wollen."],"No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Diese Seite enthält keine Bilder, fügen Sie ggf. welche hinzu."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, but it does not appear at the beginning; try and move it to the beginning.":["Der SEO-Seitentitel enthält das Fokus-Keyword, das jedoch nicht am Anfang erscheint; versuchen Sie, es an den Anfang zu verschieben."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, at the beginning which is considered to improve rankings.":["Der SEO-Seitentitel enthält am Anfang das Fokus-Keyword, was das Ranking verbessern kann."],"Please create an SEO title.":["Bitte vergeben Sie einen SEO-Titel."],"The slug for this page is a bit long, consider shortening it.":["Die Titelform dieser Seite ist etwas lang. Erwägen Sie, sie ein wenig zu kürzen."],"The focus keyword does not appear in the URL for this page. If you decide to rename the URL be sure to check the old URL 301 redirects to the new one!":["Das Fokus-Keyword ist nicht in der URL dieser Seite enthalten. Wenn Sie sich entschließen, diese Seite umzubenennen, richten Sie bitte eine 301-Weiterleitung von der alten zu der neuen URL ein. "],"You've never used this focus keyword before, very good.":["Toll gemacht! Dieses Fokus-Keyword haben Sie noch nie zuvor benutzt!"],"No focus keyword was set for this page. If you do not set a focus keyword, no score can be calculated.":["Es wurde kein Fokus-Keyword für diese Seite festgelegt. Wenn Sie kein Fokus-Keyword festlegen, kann keine Bewertung der Seite errechnet werden."],"Meta description":["Meta-Beschreibung"],"Snippet preview":["Code-Schnipsel Vorschau"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"de"},"The focus keyword appears in %2$d (out of %1$d) subheadings in your copy.":["Das Fokus-Schlüsselwort erscheint in %2$d (von %1$d) Unterüberschriften in deinem Text."],"You've used this focus keyword %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %4$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%5$s.":["Du hast dieses Fokus Keyword bereits %1$s%2$d Mal benutzt%3$s. Es wäre bestimmt eine gute Idee zu lesen %4$swieso du dein Fokus Keyword nicht öfters als einmal%5$s benutzen solltest."],"You've used this focus keyword %1$sonce before%2$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %3$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%4$s.":["Du hast dieses Fokus Keyword bereits %1$seinmal zuvor%2$s benutzt. Es wäre bestimmt eine gute Idee zu lesen %3$swieso du dein Fokus Keyword nicht mehr als einmal%4$s benutzen solltest."],"The meta description has a nice length.":["Die Meta-Beschreibung hat eine gute Länge."],"No internal links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Es gibt keine internen Links auf dieser Seite. Überlege dir, geeignete hinzuzufügen."],"This page has %1$s internal link(s).":["Diese Seite hat %1$s interne Links."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed internal link(s) and %2$s normal internal link(s).":["Diese Seite hat %1$s interne Link(s) und %2$s normale interne Link(s)."],"This page has %1$s internal link(s), all nofollowed.":["Diese Seite hat %1$s interne(r) Link(s), alle mit Parameter nofollow."],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scrolle, um die Vorschau zu sehen."],"The focus keyword contains a stop word. This may or may not be wise depending on the circumstances. %1$sLearn more about the stop words%2$s.":["Das Focus Keyword enthält ein Stoppwort. Dies kann sich unter Umständen negativ auswirken. %1$sMehr über Stoppwörter lernen%2$s.","Das Focus Keyword enthält %3$d Stoppwörter. Dies kann sich unter Umständen negativ auswirken. %1$sMehr über Stoppwörter lernen%2$s."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is way over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Die Keyword-Dichte beträgt%1$s. Das empfohlene Maximum der Keyword-Dichte ist %3$s. Das Fokus-Keyword wurde hierzu %2$d mal gefunden."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Es ist ein Fehler in der '%1$s' Bewertung aufgetreten."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %5$s ist."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Wörter enthalten %2$süber %3$s Silben%4$s, was zu wenig oder gleich mit dem empfohlenen Maximum von %5$s ist."],"The slug for this page contains a %1$sstop word%2$s, consider removing it.":["Der Titel für diese Seite enthält eines oder mehrere %1$s Stoppwörter%2$s, erwäge diese zu entfernen.","Die Titel für diese Seiten enthalten eines oder mehrere %1$s Stoppwörter%2$s, erwäge diese zu entfernen."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is great.":["%1$s der Sätze enthält ein %2$sÜbergangswort%3$s oder Phrase, das ist großartig."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is less than the recommended minimum of %4$s.":["%1$s der Sätze enthält ein %2$sÜbergangswort%3$s oder Phrase, das weniger als das empfohlene Minimum von %4$s ist."],"The focus keyword '%1$s' does not appear in the SEO title.":["Das Fokus-Keyword '%1$s' erscheint nicht im Seitentitel."],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["Das ist weit weniger als das erforderliche Minimum von %2$d Wort. Füge mehr Inhalte hinzu, die für das Thema relevant sind.","Das ist weit weniger als das erforderliche Minimum von %2$d Wörtern. Füge mehr Inhalte hinzu, die für das Thema relevant sind."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["Das ist weniger als das erforderliche Minimum von %2$d Wort. Füge weitere themenrelevante Inhalte hinzu.","Das ist weniger als das erforderliche Minimum von %2$d Wörtern. Füge weitere themenrelevante Inhalte hinzu."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add a bit more copy.":["Dies ist etwas weniger als das empfohlene Minimum von %2$d Wort. Füge etwas mehr Text hinzu.","Dies ist etwas weniger als das empfohlene Minimum von %2$d Wörtern. Füge etwas mehr Text hinzu."],"This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of %2$d word.":["Dies ist mehr als oder exakt gleich dem empfohlenen Minimum von %2$d Wort.","Dies ist mehr als oder exakt gleich dem empfohlenen Minimum von %2$d Wörtern."],"The text contains %1$d word.":["Der Text enthält %1$d Wort.","Der Text enthält %1$d Wörter."],"%1$d subheading is followed by more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Try to insert another subheading.":["Auf %1$d der Zwischenüberschriften folgen mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %2$d Wörtern. Versuche noch eine Zwischenüberschrift einzufügen.","Auf %1$d der Zwischenüberschriften folgen mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %2$d Wörtern. Versuche noch Zwischenüberschriften einzufügen."],"The amount of words following each of the subheadings doesn't exceed the recommended maximum of %1$d words, which is great.":["Die Anzahl der Wörter nach jeder deiner Zwischenüberschriften übersteigt nicht das empfohlene Maximum von %1$d Wörtern. Das ist toll."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. Try to shorten the sentences.":["%1$s der Sätze enthalten %2$smehr als %3$s Wörter%4$s, was mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %5$s ist. Versuche die Sätze zu kürzen."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s der Sätze enthalten %2$smehr als %3$s Wörter%4$s, was weniger oder gleich als das empfohlene Maximum von %5$s ist."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuche, diesen Satz zu kürzen.","Die Meta Description enthält %1$d Sätze %2$süber %3$s Wörter%4$s. Versuche, diese Sätze zu kürzen."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Die Meta Description enthält keine Sätze %1$süber %2$s Wörter%3$s."],"The text contains %2$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. Try to mix things up!":["Dein Text enthält %2$d aufeinanderfolgende Sätze, die mit dem selben Wort beginnen. Versuche, mehr abzuwechseln.","Dein Text enthält %1$d Instanzen, in denen %2$d oder mehr aufeinanderfolgende Sätze mit dem selben Wort beginnen. Versuche, mehr abzuwechseln."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. Try to use their active counterparts.":["%1$s der Sätze enthalten %2$seinen Passiv%3$s, was mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %4$s ist. Versuche, mehr aktive Entsprechungen einzusetzen."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %4$s.":["%1$s der Sätze enthalten %2$seinen Passiv%3$s, was weniger oder gleich als das empfohlene Maximum von %4$s ist. "],"%1$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Are you sure all information is about the same topic, and therefore belongs in one single paragraph?":["Einer der Absätze enthält mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %2$d Wörtern. Bist du sicher, dass alle Informationen zum selben Thema hierfür in einen einzigen Absatz gehören?","%1$d der Absätze enthalten mehr als das empfohlene Maximum von %2$d Wörtern. Bist du sicher, dass alle Informationen in jedem Absatz zum selben Thema hierfür in einen einzigen Absatz gehören?"],"The meta description is over %1$d characters. Reducing the length will ensure the entire description will be visible.":["Die Meta-Beschreibung enthält mehr als %1$d Zeichen. Eine geringere Länge stellt sicher, dass die komplette Beschreibung sichtbar ist."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is too low; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Die Keyword-Dichte beträgt %1$s, was ein wenig niedrig ist. Das Fokus-Keyword wurde %2$d mal gefunden."],"Mobile preview":["Mobile Vorschau"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop-Vorschau"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte lege den SEO-Titel fest, indem du den Code-Schnipsel bearbeitest."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta-Beschreibungs-Vorschau:"],"Slug preview:":["Titel-Vorschau:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO-Titel-Vorschau:"],"Close snippet editor":["Ausschnitt-Editor schließen"],"Slug":["Permalink"],"Remove marks in the text":["Entferne Markierungen im Text"],"Mark this result in the text":["Markiere dieses Ergebnis im Text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markierungen sind in der aktuellen Ansicht deaktiviert."],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: guter SEO-Wert"],"Good SEO score":["Guter SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: akzeptabler SEO-Wert"],"OK SEO score":["Ausreichender SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: Bad SEO score":["Inhalts-Optimierung: schwacher SEO-Wert"],"Bad SEO score":["Schlechter SEO-Wert"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Inhalts-Optimierung: Hat Feedback"],"Feedback":["Feedback"],"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_words":["https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoppwort"],"The focus keyword appears in the URL for this page.":["Das Fokus-Keyword erscheint in der URL der Seite."],"You have far too little content, please add some content to enable a good analysis.":["Deine Inhalte sind viel zu kurz. Bitte füge weitere Inhalte hinzu, um eine gute Analyse zu ermöglichen."],"The images on this page contain alt attributes.":["Die Bilder auf dieser Seite enthalten ALT-Attribute"],"The images on this page do not have alt attributes containing the focus keyword.":["Die Bilder auf dieser Seite enthalten keine alt-Attribute mit dem Fokus-Keyword"],"The images on this page contain alt attributes with the focus keyword.":["Die Bilder auf dieser Seite enthalten ALT-Attribute mit dem Fokus-Keyword."],"The text does not contain any %1$ssubheadings%2$s. Add at least one subheading.":["Der Text enthält keine %1$sZwischenüberschriften%2$s. Füge mindestens eine Zwischenüberschrift hinzu."],"None of the paragraphs are too long, which is great.":["Keiner deiner Absätze ist zu lang. Das ist toll."],"The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit.":["Der SEO-Titel ist länger als der sichtbare Bereich."],"The SEO title has a nice length.":["Der SEO-Titel hat eine gute Länge."],"The SEO title is too short. Use the space to add keyword variations or create compelling call-to-action copy.":["Der SEO-Titel ist zu kurz. Nutze den Platz um eine Keyword-Variation oder einen interessanten Handlungs-Aufruf einzufügen."],"The meta description contains the focus keyword.":["Die Meta-Beschreibung enthält das Fokus-Keyword."],"The keyphrase is over 10 words, a keyphrase should be shorter.":["Die Suchkette ist länger als 10 Wörter, sie sollte kürzer sein."],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Bitte lege eine Meta-Beschreibung fest, indem du den Code-Schnipsel bearbeitest."],"Edit snippet":["Code-Schnipsel bearbeiten"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Du kannst auf jedes Element in der Vorschau klicken, um zum Snippet-Editor zu springen."],"SEO title":["SEO Titel"],"Needs improvement":["Verbesserungsbedarf"],"Good":["Gut"],"very difficult":["sehr schwierig"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability.":["Versuche, kürzere Sätze zu formulieren und weniger komplizierte Wörter zu nutzen, um die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen."],"difficult":["schwer"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability.":["Versuche, kürzere Sätze zu formulieren, um die Lesbarkeit zu erhöhen."],"fairly difficult":["ziemlich schwer"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["ziemlich einfach"],"easy":["einfach"],"very easy":["sehr einfach"],"The copy scores %1$s in the %2$s test, which is considered %3$s to read. %4$s":["Der Text erzielt %1$s in dem %2$s-Test, was als %3$s zum Lesen betrachtet wird. %4$s"],"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.":["Das Fokus-Keyword taucht im ersten Absatz auf."],"The focus keyword doesn't appear in the first paragraph of the copy. Make sure the topic is clear immediately.":["Das Fokus-Keyword scheint im ersten Absatz des Textes nicht vorzukommen. Stelle umgehend sicher, dass das Thema klar ist."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is great; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Die Keyword-Dichte beträgt %1$s, was toll ist. Das Fokus-Keyword wurde %2$d mal gefunden."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Die Suchbegriffsdichte beträgt %1$s und liegt damit über der empfohlenen Dichte von maximal %3$s. Das Focus Keyword wurde %2$d mal gefunden."],"A meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the focus keyword.":["Die Meta-Beschreibung wurde definiert, enthält aber nicht das Fokus-Keyword."],"No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead.":["Es wurde keine Meta-Beschreibung angegeben. Suchmaschinen werden versuchen, aus der Seite eine passende Beschreibung zu erstellen."],"The meta description is under %1$d characters long. However, up to %2$d characters are available.":["Die Meta-Beschreibung hat weniger als %1$d Zeichen. Es stehen also noch %2$d Zeichen zur Verfügung."],"You have not used the focus keyword in any subheading (such as an H2) in your copy.":["Du hast das Fokus-Keyword in keiner Zwischenüberschrift (wie z.B. H2) verwendet."],"The images on this page are missing alt attributes.":["Die Bilder auf dieser Seite besitzen kein alt-Attribut."],"No outbound links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Diese Seite hat keine ausgehenden Links; füge ggf. welche hinzu."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed outbound link(s) and %2$s normal outbound link(s).":["Diese Seite hat %1$s ausgehende Link(s) auf nofollow und %2$s normale ausgehende Link(s)."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s), all nofollowed.":["Diese Seite hat %1$s ausgehende(n) Link(s), alle auf nofollow gesetzt."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s).":["Diese Seite hat %1$s ausgehende Link(s)."],"You're linking to another page with the focus keyword you want this page to rank for. Consider changing that if you truly want this page to rank.":["Du verlinkst mit einem Fokus-Keyword zu einer externen Seite, mit dem du selber mit dieser Seite gute Suchmaschinenergebnisse erzielen willst. Du solltest den Linktext ändern, wenn du diese Seite wirklich optimieren willst."],"No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Diese Seite enthält keine Bilder, füge ggf. welche hinzu."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, but it does not appear at the beginning; try and move it to the beginning.":["Der Seitentitel enthält das Fokus-Keyword, das jedoch nicht am Anfang erscheint; versuche, es an den Anfang zu verschieben."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, at the beginning which is considered to improve rankings.":["Der Seitentitel enthält am Anfang das Fokus-Keyword, was das Ranking verbessern kann."],"Please create an SEO title.":["Bitte vergib einen SEO-Titel."],"The slug for this page is a bit long, consider shortening it.":["Die Titelform dieser Seite ist etwas lang. Erwäge, sie ein wenig zu kürzen."],"The focus keyword does not appear in the URL for this page. If you decide to rename the URL be sure to check the old URL 301 redirects to the new one!":["Das Fokus-Keyword ist nicht in der URL dieser Seite enthalten. Wenn du dich entschließt, diese Seite umzubenennen, richte bitte einen 301-Redirect von der alten zu der neuen URL ein. "],"You've never used this focus keyword before, very good.":["Toll gemacht! Dieses Fokus-Keyword hast du noch nie zuvor benutzt!"],"No focus keyword was set for this page. If you do not set a focus keyword, no score can be calculated.":["Es wurde kein Fokus-Keyword für diese Seite festgelegt. Wenn du kein Fokus-Keyword festlegst, kann keine Bewertung der Seite errechnet werden."],"Meta description":["Meta-Beschreibung"],"Snippet preview":["Snippet Vorschau"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-nl_NL.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"nl"},"The focus keyword appears in %2$d (out of %1$d) subheadings in your copy.":["Het focustrefwoord komt voor in %2$d (van de of %1$d) tussenkoppen in je tekst."],"You've used this focus keyword %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %4$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%5$s.":["Je hebt dit focustrefwoord al %1$s%2$d keer eerder gebruikt%3$s. Het is waarschijnlijk een goed idee om te lezen over %4$swaarom je een focustrefwoord niet meer dan eens moet gebruiken%5$s."],"You've used this focus keyword %1$sonce before%2$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %3$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%4$s.":["Je hebt dit focustrefwoord al %1$seen keer gebruikt%2$s. Het is waarschijnlijk een goed idee om te lezen over %3$swaarom je een focustrefwoord niet meer dan eens moet gebruiken%4$s."],"The meta description has a nice length.":["De meta-beschrijving heeft een goede lengte."],"No internal links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Er worden geen interne links weergegeven op deze pagina. Overweeg, indien van toepassing, er een aantal toe te voegen."],"This page has %1$s internal link(s).":["Deze pagina heeft %1$s interne link(s)."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed internal link(s) and %2$s normal internal link(s).":["Deze pagina heeft %1$s interne link(s) met nofollow en %2$s normale interne link(s)"],"This page has %1$s internal link(s), all nofollowed.":["Deze pagina heeft %1$s interne link(s), allemaal ingesteld op nofollow."],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scrol om de voorbeeldinhoud te zien."],"The focus keyword contains a stop word. This may or may not be wise depending on the circumstances. %1$sLearn more about the stop words%2$s.":["Het focustrefwoord bevat een stopwoord. Dit kan onverstandig zijn afhankelijk van de omstandigheden. %1$sLeer meer over stopwoorden%2$s.","Het focustrefwoord bevat %3$d stopwoorden. Dit kan onverstandig zijn afhankelijk van de omstandigheden. %1$sLeer meer over stopwoorden%2$s."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is way over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["De trefwoord-dichtheid is %1$s, wat meer is dan het geadviseerde maximum van %3$s. Het trefwoord werd %2$d keer gevonden."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Er ging iets fout in de '%1$s'-beoordeling"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s van de woorden bevat %2$sover %3$s lettergrepen%4$s, wat meer is dan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s van de woorden bevat %2$sover %3$s lettergrepen%4$s, wat minder is dan of gelijk aan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s."],"The slug for this page contains a %1$sstop word%2$s, consider removing it.":["De titelkern van deze pagina bevat een %1$sstopwoord%2$s. Overweeg dat te verwijderen.","De titelkern van deze pagina bevat %1$sstopwoorden%2$s. Overweeg die te verwijderen."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is great.":["%1$s zinnen bevatten een %2$ssignaalwoord%3$s of -zin, wat goed is."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is less than the recommended minimum of %4$s.":["%1$s zinnen bevatten een %2$ssignaalwoord%3$s of -zin, wat minder is dan het aanbevolen minimum van %4$s."],"The focus keyword '%1$s' does not appear in the SEO title.":["Het focus-trefwoord '%1$s' komt niet voor in de SEO-titel."],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["Dit is ver beneden het minimum aantal aanbevolen woord van %2$d. Voeg meer content toe dat relevant is voor dit onderwerp.","Dit is ver beneden het minimum aantal aanbevolen woorden van %2$d. Voeg meer tekst en beeld toe die relevant zijn voor dit onderwerp."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["Dit is ver beneden het minimum aantal aanbevolen woord van %2$d. Voeg meer content toe dat relevant is voor dit onderwerp.","Dit is ver beneden het minimum aantal aanbevolen woorden van %2$d. Voeg meer content toe dat relevant is voor dit onderwerp."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add a bit more copy.":["Dit is net onder het aanbevolen minimumaantal van %2$d woord. Voeg nog iets meer tekst toe.","Dit is net onder het aanbevolen minimumaantal van %2$d woorden. Voeg nog iets meer tekst toe."],"This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of %2$d word.":["Dit is meer dan, of gelijk aan, het aanbevolen minimumaantal woorden van %2$d.","Dit is meer dan, of gelijk aan, het aanbevolen minimum van %2$d woorden."],"The text contains %1$d word.":["De tekst bevat %1$d woord.","De tekst bevat %1$d woorden."],"%1$d subheading is followed by more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Try to insert another subheading.":["%1$d ondertitel wordt gevolgd door meer dan %2$d woorden, het maximaal aanbevolen aantal. Probeer een ondertitel toe te voegen in de tekst.","%1$d van de tussenkoppen wordt gevolgd door meer dan %2$d woorden, het maximaal aanbevolen aantal. Probeer meer tussenkoppen toe te voegen."],"The amount of words following each of the subheadings doesn't exceed the recommended maximum of %1$d words, which is great.":["Het aantal woorden dat na een tussenkop volgt, komt niet boven het aanbevolen maximum van %1$d woorden uit. Dat is uitstekend."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. Try to shorten the sentences.":["%1$s van de zinnen bevatten %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s, wat meer is dan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s. probeer de zinnen te verkorten."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s van de zinnen bevatten %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s, wat minder of gelijk is aan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s. "],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat %1$d zin van %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s. Probeer deze in te korten.","De meta-omschrijving bevat %1$d zinnen van %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s. Probeer deze in te korten."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat geen zinnen van %1$smeer dan %2$s woorden%3$s."],"The text contains %2$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. Try to mix things up!":["De tekst bevat %2$d opeenvolgende zinnen die met hetzelfde woord beginnen. Probeer wat variatie aan te brengen.","De tekst bevat %1$d groepen van %2$d of meer opeenvolgende zinnen die met het zelfde woord beginnen. Probeer wat variatie aan te brengen."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. Try to use their active counterparts.":["%1$s van de zinnen bevat %2$spassief taalgebruik%3$s, dat is meer dan het aanbevolen maximum van %4$s. Probeer de actieve vorm te gebruiken."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %4$s.":["%1$s van de zinnen staan in de %2$slijdende vorm%3$s. Dat is minder of gelijk aan het aanbevolen maximum van %4$s."],"%1$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Are you sure all information is about the same topic, and therefore belongs in one single paragraph?":["%1$d van de alinea's bevat meer dan het aanbevolen maximum van %2$d woorden. Ben je er zeker van dat alle informatie binnen deze alinea over hetzelfde onderwerp gaat, en daarom in een enkele alinea hoort?","%1$d van de alinea's bevatten meer dan het aanbevolen maximum van %2$d woorden. Ben je er zeker van dat alle informatie binnen elk van deze alinea's over hetzelfde onderwerp gaat, en daarom in een enkele alinea hoort?"],"The meta description is over %1$d characters. Reducing the length will ensure the entire description will be visible.":["De opgegeven meta-omschrijving bevat meer dan %1$d tekens, kort deze in om er zeker van te zijn dat de hele omschrijving zichtbaar zal zijn."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is too low; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["De trefwoord-dichtheid is %1$s, wat aan de lage kant is. Het trefwoord is %2$d keer gevonden."],"Mobile preview":["Mobiel preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Voeg een SEO-titel toe door de snippet hieronder te bewerken."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta-omschrijvingvoorvertoning:"],"Slug preview:":["Voorvertoning slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO-titel-preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Snippet-editor sluiten"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Markeringen in de tekst verwijderen"],"Mark this result in the text":["Dit resultaat markeren in de text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markeringen zijn uitgeschakeld in de huidige weergave"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Inhoud-optimalisatie: SEO-score goed"],"Good SEO score":["Goede SEO-score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Inhoud-optimalisatie: SEO-score voldoende"],"OK SEO score":["Redelijke SEO-score"],"Content optimization: Bad SEO score":["Inhoud-optimalisatie: SEO-score onvoldoende"],"Bad SEO score":["Slechte SEO-score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Inhoud-optimalisatie: Heeft feedback"],"Feedback":["Reacties"],"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_words":["https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stopwoord_(taalkunde)"],"The focus keyword appears in the URL for this page.":["Het focus-trefwoord komt voor in de URL voor deze pagina."],"You have far too little content, please add some content to enable a good analysis.":["Je hebt veel te weinig inhoud, voeg inhoud toe om een goede analyse uit te kunnen voeren."],"The images on this page contain alt attributes.":["De afbeeldingen op deze pagina bevatten alt-attributen."],"The images on this page do not have alt attributes containing the focus keyword.":["De afbeeldingen op deze pagina bevatten geen alt-attributen met het trefwoord."],"The images on this page contain alt attributes with the focus keyword.":["De afbeeldingen op deze pagina bevatten alt-attributen met het focustrefwoord."],"The text does not contain any %1$ssubheadings%2$s. Add at least one subheading.":["De tekst bevat geen %1$stussenkoppen%2$s. Voeg tenminste één tussenkop toe."],"None of the paragraphs are too long, which is great.":["Geen enkele paragraaf is te lang, wat uitstekend is."],"The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit.":["De SEO-titel is langer dan het toonbare limiet."],"The SEO title has a nice length.":["De SEO-titel heeft een prima lengte."],"The SEO title is too short. Use the space to add keyword variations or create compelling call-to-action copy.":["De paginatitel is te kort. Gebruik de ruimte om trefwoordvariaties toe te voegen of creëer een aansprekende tekst die aanzet tot actie."],"The meta description contains the focus keyword.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat het focus-trefwoord."],"The keyphrase is over 10 words, a keyphrase should be shorter.":["Je sleutelzin bevat meer dan 10 woorden; een sleutelzin moet korter zijn."],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Voeg een meta-omschrijving toe door de onderstaande snippet te bewerken."],"Edit snippet":["Snippet bewerken"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Je kan op elk element in het voorbeeld klikken om naar de snippet-editor te gaan."],"SEO title":["SEO-titel"],"Needs improvement":["Heeft verbetering nodig"],"Good":["Goed"],"very difficult":["heel moeilijk"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability.":["Probeer kortere zinnen met minder moeilijke woorden te maken om de leesbaarheid te verbeteren."],"difficult":["moeilijk"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability.":["Probeer kortere zinnen te maken om de leesbaarheid te verbeteren."],"fairly difficult":["redelijk moeilijk"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["redelijk eenvoudig"],"easy":["eenvoudig"],"very easy":["heel eenvoudig"],"The copy scores %1$s in the %2$s test, which is considered %3$s to read. %4$s":["De inhoud scoort %1$s in de %2$s-test, wat beschouwd wordt als %3$s om te lezen. %4$s"],"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.":["Het focus-trefwoord komt voor in de eerste alinea van het bericht."],"The focus keyword doesn't appear in the first paragraph of the copy. Make sure the topic is clear immediately.":["Het focus-trefwoord komt niet voor in de eerste alinea van het bericht. Zorg ervoor dat het onderwerp direct duidelijk is."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is great; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["De trefwoord-dichtheid is %1$s; dat is geweldig. Het trefwoord is %2$d keer gevonden."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["De trefwoorden-dichtheid is %1$s, wat meer is dan het geadviseerde maximum van %3$s, het trefwoord is %2$d keer gevonden."],"A meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the focus keyword.":["Er is een meta-omschrijving gespecificeerd, maar deze bevat geen focus-trefwoord."],"No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead.":["Er is geen meta-beschrijving opgegeven. Zoekmachines zullen tekst van de pagina tonen."],"The meta description is under %1$d characters long. However, up to %2$d characters are available.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat minder dan %1$d tekens, hoewel er tot %2$d tekens beschikbaar zijn. "],"You have not used the focus keyword in any subheading (such as an H2) in your copy.":["Je hebt het focustrefwoord niet gebruikt in een tussenkop (zoals een H2) in je tekst."],"The images on this page are missing alt attributes.":["De afbeeldingen op deze pagina missen alt-attributen."],"No outbound links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Er zijn geen uitgaande koppelingen gevonden op deze pagina; overweeg om enkele relevante verwijzingen toe te voegen."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed outbound link(s) and %2$s normal outbound link(s).":["Deze pagina bevat %1$s nofollow-link(s) en %2$s normale uitgaande link(s)."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s), all nofollowed.":["Deze pagina bevat %1$s uitgaande link(s), allemaal van het type nofollow."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s).":["Deze pagina bevat %1$s uitgaande koppeling(en)."],"You're linking to another page with the focus keyword you want this page to rank for. Consider changing that if you truly want this page to rank.":["Je koppelt naar een andere pagina met het focus-trefwoord waarmee je deze pagina wilt laten aanduiden. Overweeg dit aan te passen als je deze pagina echt wilt laten klasseren."],"No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Deze pagina bevat geen afbeeldingen, overweeg geschikte afbeeldingen toe te voegen."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, but it does not appear at the beginning; try and move it to the beginning.":["De SEO-paginatitel bevat het focus-trefwoord, maar dat staat niet aan het begin. Probeer het naar voren te halen."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, at the beginning which is considered to improve rankings.":["De SEO-paginatitel bevat het focus-trefwoord aan het begin, wat de klassering ten goede komt."],"Please create an SEO title.":["Geef een SEO-paginatitel op."],"The slug for this page is a bit long, consider shortening it.":["De slug van deze pagina is wat lang, overweeg om deze in te korten."],"The focus keyword does not appear in the URL for this page. If you decide to rename the URL be sure to check the old URL 301 redirects to the new one!":["Het focus-trefwoord komt niet voor in de URL van deze pagina. Als je de URL aanpast, controleer dan dat de oude URL via een 301-redirect op de nieuwe URL uitkomt."],"You've never used this focus keyword before, very good.":["Je hebt dit focus-trefwoord nog nooit eerder gebruikt; heel goed."],"No focus keyword was set for this page. If you do not set a focus keyword, no score can be calculated.":["Er is geen focus-trefwoord ingesteld voor deze pagina. Als er geen focus-trefwoord wordt opgegeven, kan er geen score worden berekend."],"Meta description":["Meta-omschrijving"],"Snippet preview":["Snippetvoorvertoning"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"nl"},"The focus keyword appears in %2$d (out of %1$d) subheadings in your copy.":[""],"You've used this focus keyword %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %4$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%5$s.":[""],"You've used this focus keyword %1$sonce before%2$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %3$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%4$s.":[""],"The meta description has a nice length.":[""],"No internal links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Er worden geen interne links weergegeven op deze pagina. Overweeg, indien van toepassing, er een aantal toe te voegen."],"This page has %1$s internal link(s).":["Deze pagina heeft %1$s interne link(s)."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed internal link(s) and %2$s normal internal link(s).":["Deze pagina heeft %1$s interne link(s) met nofollow en %2$s normale interne link(s)"],"This page has %1$s internal link(s), all nofollowed.":["Deze pagina heeft %1$s interne link(s), allemaal ingesteld op nofollow."],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Scrol om de voorbeeldinhoud te zien."],"The focus keyword contains a stop word. This may or may not be wise depending on the circumstances. %1$sLearn more about the stop words%2$s.":["Het focustrefwoord bevat een stopwoord. Dit kan onverstandig zijn afhankelijk van de omstandigheden. %1$sLeer meer over stopwoorden%2$s.","Het focustrefwoord bevat %3$d stopwoorden. Dit kan onverstandig zijn afhankelijk van de omstandigheden. %1$sLeer meer over stopwoorden%2$s."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is way over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["De trefwoord-dichtheid is %1$s, wat meer is dan het geadviseerde maximum van %3$s. Het trefwoord werd %2$d keer gevonden."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Er ging iets fout in de '%1$s'-beoordeling"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s van de woorden bevat %2$sover %3$s lettergrepen%4$s, wat meer is dan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s van de woorden bevat %2$sover %3$s lettergrepen%4$s, wat minder is dan of gelijk aan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s."],"The slug for this page contains a %1$sstop word%2$s, consider removing it.":["De titelkern van deze pagina bevat een %1$sstopwoord%2$s. Overweeg dat te verwijderen.","De titelkern van deze pagina bevat %1$sstopwoorden%2$s. Overweeg die te verwijderen."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is great.":["%1$s zinnen bevatten een %2$signaalwoord%3$s of -zin, wat goed is."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is less than the recommended minimum of %4$s.":["%1$s zinnen bevatten een %2$signaalwoord%3$s of -zin, wat minder is dan het aanbevolen minimum van %4$s."],"The focus keyword '%1$s' does not appear in the SEO title.":["Het focus-trefwoord '%1$s' komt niet voor in de SEO-titel."],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["Dit is ver beneden het minimum aantal aanbevolen woord van %2$d. Voeg meer content toe dat relevant is voor dit onderwerp.","Dit is ver beneden het minimum aantal aanbevolen woorden van %2$d. Voeg meer tekst en beeld toe die relevant zijn voor dit onderwerp."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["Dit is ver beneden het minimum aantal aanbevolen woord van %2$d. Voeg meer content toe dat relevant is voor dit onderwerp.","Dit is ver beneden het minimum aantal aanbevolen woorden van %2$d. Voeg meer content toe dat relevant is voor dit onderwerp."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add a bit more copy.":["Dit is net onder het aanbevolen minimumaantal van %2$d woord. Voeg nog iets meer tekst toe.","Dit is net onder het aanbevolen minimumaantal van %2$d woorden. Voeg nog iets meer tekst toe."],"This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of %2$d word.":["Dit is meer dan, of gelijk aan, het aanbevolen minimumaantal woorden van %2$d.","Dit is meer dan, of gelijk aan, het aanbevolen minimum van %2$d woorden."],"The text contains %1$d word.":["De tekst bevat %1$d woord.","De tekst bevat %1$d woorden."],"%1$d subheading is followed by more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Try to insert another subheading.":["%1$d ondertitel wordt gevolgd door meer dan %2$d woorden, het maximaal aanbevolen aantal. Probeer een ondertitel toe te voegen in de tekst.","%1$d van de tussenkoppen wordt gevolgd door meer dan %2$d woorden, het maximaal aanbevolen aantal. Probeer meer tussenkoppen toe te voegen."],"The amount of words following each of the subheadings doesn't exceed the recommended maximum of %1$d words, which is great.":["Het aantal woorden dat na een tussenkop volgt, komt niet boven het aanbevolen maximum van %1$d woorden uit. Dat is uitstekend."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. Try to shorten the sentences.":["%1$s van de zinnen bevatten %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s, wat meer is dan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s. probeer de zinnen te verkorten."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s van de zinnen bevatten %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s, wat minder of gelijk is aan het aanbevolen maximum van %5$s. "],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat %1$d zin van %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s. Probeer deze in te korten.","De meta-omschrijving bevat %1$d zinnen van %2$smeer dan %3$s woorden%4$s. Probeer deze in te korten."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat geen zinnen van %1$smeer dan %2$s woorden%3$s."],"The text contains %2$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. Try to mix things up!":["De tekst bevat %2$d opeenvolgende zinnen die met hetzelfde woord beginnen. Probeer wat variatie aan te brengen.","De tekst bevat %1$d groepen van %2$d of meer opeenvolgende zinnen die met het zelfde woord beginnen. Probeer wat variatie aan te brengen."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. Try to use their active counterparts.":["%1$s van de zinnen bevat %2$spassief taalgebruik%3$s, dat is meer dan het aanbevolen maximum van %4$s. Probeer de actieve vorm te gebruiken."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %4$s.":["%1$s van de zinnen staan in de %2$slijdende vorm%3$s. Dat is minder of gelijk aan het aanbevolen maximum van %4$s."],"%1$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Are you sure all information is about the same topic, and therefore belongs in one single paragraph?":["%1$d van de alinea's bevat meer dan het aanbevolen maximum van %2$d woorden. Bent u er zeker van dat alle informatie binnen deze alinea over hetzelfde onderwerp gaat, en daarom in een enkele alinea hoort?","%1$d van de alinea's bevatten meer dan het aanbevolen maximum van %2$d woorden. Bent u er zeker van dat alle informatie binnen elk van deze alinea's over hetzelfde onderwerp gaat, en daarom in een enkele alinea hoort?"],"The meta description is over %1$d characters. Reducing the length will ensure the entire description will be visible.":["De opgegeven meta-omschrijving bevat meer dan %1$d tekens, kort deze in om er zeker van te zijn dat de hele omschrijving zichtbaar zal zijn."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is too low; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["De trefwoord-dichtheid is %1$s, wat aan de lage kant is. Het trefwoord is %2$d keer gevonden."],"Mobile preview":["Mobiel preview"],"Desktop preview":["Desktop preview"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Voeg een SEO-titel toe door de snippet hieronder te bewerken."],"Meta description preview:":["Meta-omschrijvingvoorvertoning:"],"Slug preview:":["Voorvertoning slug:"],"SEO title preview:":["SEO-titel-preview:"],"Close snippet editor":["Snippet-editor sluiten"],"Slug":["Slug"],"Remove marks in the text":["Markeringen in de tekst verwijderen"],"Mark this result in the text":["Dit resultaat markeren in de text"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Markeringen zijn uitgeschakeld in de huidige weergave"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Inhoud-optimalisatie: SEO-score goed"],"Good SEO score":["Goede SEO-score"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Inhoud-optimalisatie: SEO-score voldoende"],"OK SEO score":["Redelijke SEO-score"],"Content optimization: Bad SEO score":["Inhoud-optimalisatie: SEO-score onvoldoende"],"Bad SEO score":["Slechte SEO-score"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Inhoud-optimalisatie: Heeft feedback"],"Feedback":["Reacties"],"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_words":["https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stopwoord_(taalkunde)"],"The focus keyword appears in the URL for this page.":["Het focus-trefwoord komt voor in de URL voor deze pagina."],"You have far too little content, please add some content to enable a good analysis.":["U heeft veel te weinig inhoud, voeg inhoud toe om een goede analyse uit te kunnen voeren."],"The images on this page contain alt attributes.":["De afbeeldingen op deze pagina bevatten alt-attributen."],"The images on this page do not have alt attributes containing the focus keyword.":["De afbeeldingen op deze pagina bevatten geen alt-attributen met het trefwoord."],"The images on this page contain alt attributes with the focus keyword.":["De afbeeldingen op deze pagina bevatten alt-attributen met het focustrefwoord."],"The text does not contain any %1$ssubheadings%2$s. Add at least one subheading.":[""],"None of the paragraphs are too long, which is great.":["Geen enkele paragraaf is te lang, wat uitstekend is."],"The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit.":["De SEO-titel is langer dan het toonbare limiet."],"The SEO title has a nice length.":["De SEO-titel heeft een prima lengte."],"The SEO title is too short. Use the space to add keyword variations or create compelling call-to-action copy.":["De paginatitel is te kort. Gebruik de ruimte om trefwoordvariaties toe te voegen of creëer een aansprekende tekst die aanzet tot actie."],"The meta description contains the focus keyword.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat het focus-trefwoord."],"The keyphrase is over 10 words, a keyphrase should be shorter.":["Uw sleutelzin bevat meer dan 10 woorden; een sleutelzin moet korter zijn."],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Voeg een meta-omschrijving toe door de onderstaande snippet te bewerken."],"Edit snippet":["Snippet bewerken"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["U kan op elk element in het voorbeeld klikken om naar de snippet-editor te gaan."],"SEO title":["SEO-titel"],"Needs improvement":["Heeft verbetering nodig"],"Good":["Goed"],"very difficult":["heel moeilijk"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability.":["Probeer kortere zinnen met minder moeilijke woorden te maken om de leesbaarheid te verbeteren."],"difficult":["moeilijk"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability.":["Probeer kortere zinnen te maken om de leesbaarheid te verbeteren."],"fairly difficult":["redelijk moeilijk"],"OK":["OK"],"fairly easy":["redelijk eenvoudig"],"easy":["eenvoudig"],"very easy":["heel eenvoudig"],"The copy scores %1$s in the %2$s test, which is considered %3$s to read. %4$s":["De inhoud scoort %1$s in de %2$s-test, wat beschouwd wordt als %3$s om te lezen. %4$s"],"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.":["Het focus-trefwoord komt voor in de eerste alinea van het bericht."],"The focus keyword doesn't appear in the first paragraph of the copy. Make sure the topic is clear immediately.":["Het focus-trefwoord komt niet voor in de eerste alinea van het bericht. Zorg ervoor dat het onderwerp direct duidelijk is."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is great; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["De trefwoord-dichtheid is %1$s; dat is geweldig. Het trefwoord is %2$d keer gevonden."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["De trefwoorden-dichtheid is %1$s, wat meer is dan het geadviseerde maximum van %3$s, het trefwoord is %2$d keer gevonden."],"A meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the focus keyword.":["Er is een meta-omschrijving gespecificeerd, maar deze bevat geen focus-trefwoord."],"No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead.":["Er is geen meta-beschrijving opgegeven. Zoekmachines zullen tekst van de pagina tonen."],"The meta description is under %1$d characters long. However, up to %2$d characters are available.":["De meta-omschrijving bevat minder dan %1$d tekens, hoewel er tot %2$d tekens beschikbaar zijn. "],"You have not used the focus keyword in any subheading (such as an H2) in your copy.":["U hebt het focustrefwoord niet gebruikt in een tussenkop (zoals een H2) in je tekst."],"The images on this page are missing alt attributes.":["De afbeeldingen op deze pagina missen alt-attributen."],"No outbound links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Er zijn geen uitgaande koppelingen gevonden op deze pagina; overweeg om enkele relevante verwijzingen toe te voegen."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed outbound link(s) and %2$s normal outbound link(s).":["Deze pagina bevat %1$s nofollow-link(s) en %2$s normale uitgaande link(s)."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s), all nofollowed.":["Deze pagina bevat %1$s uitgaande link(s), allemaal van het type nofollow."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s).":["Deze pagina bevat %1$s uitgaande koppeling(en)."],"You're linking to another page with the focus keyword you want this page to rank for. Consider changing that if you truly want this page to rank.":["U koppelt naar een andere pagina met het focus-trefwoord waarmee u deze pagina wilt laten aanduiden. Overweeg dit aan te passen als u deze pagina echt wilt laten klasseren."],"No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Deze pagina bevat geen afbeeldingen, overweeg geschikte afbeeldingen toe te voegen."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, but it does not appear at the beginning; try and move it to the beginning.":["De SEO-paginatitel bevat het focus-trefwoord, maar dat staat niet aan het begin. Probeer het naar voren te halen."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, at the beginning which is considered to improve rankings.":["De SEO-paginatitel bevat het focus-trefwoord aan het begin, wat de klassering ten goede komt."],"Please create an SEO title.":["Geef een SEO-paginatitel op."],"The slug for this page is a bit long, consider shortening it.":["De slug van deze pagina is wat lang, overweeg om deze in te korten."],"The focus keyword does not appear in the URL for this page. If you decide to rename the URL be sure to check the old URL 301 redirects to the new one!":["Het focus-trefwoord komt niet voor in de URL van deze pagina. Als u de URL aanpast, controleer dan dat de oude URL via een 301-redirect op de nieuwe URL uitkomt."],"You've never used this focus keyword before, very good.":["U hebt dit focus-trefwoord nog nooit eerder gebruikt; heel goed."],"No focus keyword was set for this page. If you do not set a focus keyword, no score can be calculated.":["Er is geen focus-trefwoord ingesteld voor deze pagina. Als er geen focus-trefwoord wordt opgegeven, kan er geen score worden berekend."],"Meta description":["Meta-omschrijving"],"Snippet preview":["Snippetvoorvertoning"]}}}
languages/wordpress-seo-ru_RU.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1 @@
- {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural_forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);","lang":"ru"},"The focus keyword appears in %2$d (out of %1$d) subheadings in your copy.":["Ключевое слово используется в %2$d из %1$d подзаголовков в вашем тексте."],"You've used this focus keyword %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %4$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%5$s.":["Вы уже использовали это ключевое слово %1$s ранее%3$s %2$d раз. Прочитайте нашу статью о том, %4$sпочему лучше не использовать ключевое слово больше одного раза%5$s. "],"You've used this focus keyword %1$sonce before%2$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %3$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%4$s.":["Вы уже использовали это ключевое слово %1$sоднажды%2$s. Прочитайте нашу статью о том, %3$sпочему лучше не использовать ключевое слово больше одного раза%4$s."],"The meta description has a nice length.":["Мета-описание имеет хорошую длину."],"No internal links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["На этой странице нет внутренних ссылок. Возможно, вы можете добавить несколько, если это улучшит ваш текст."],"This page has %1$s internal link(s).":["На странице %1$s внутренних ссылок."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed internal link(s) and %2$s normal internal link(s).":["На странице %1$s внутренних nofollow ссылок и %2$s обычных внутренних ссылок."],"This page has %1$s internal link(s), all nofollowed.":["На странице %1$s внутренних ссылок, все с аттрибутом nofollow."],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Прокрутите, чтобы увидеть предпросмотр содержимого."],"The focus keyword contains a stop word. This may or may not be wise depending on the circumstances. %1$sLearn more about the stop words%2$s.":["Ключевое фокус-слово содержит стоп-слово. Это может хорошо или плохо в зависимости от обстоятельств. %1$sПодробнее о стоп-слове%2$s.","Ключевое фокус-слово содержит %3$d стоп-слова. Это может хорошо или плохо в зависимости от обстоятельств. %1$sПодробнее о стоп-словах%2$s.","Ключевое фокус-слово содержит %3$d стоп-слов. Это может хорошо или плохо в зависимости от обстоятельств. %1$sПодробнее о стоп-словах%2$s."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is way over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Плотность ключевых слов — %1$s, это гораздо больше рекомендуемого максимума (%3$s); фокусное ключевое слово было найдено %2$d раз."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Ошибка при оценке '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s слов содержат %2$sболее %3$s слогов%4$s, это больше рекомендуемого максимума (%5$s)."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s слов содержат %2$sболее %3$s слогов%4$s, это меньше рекомендованного максимума %5$s или равно ему."],"The slug for this page contains a %1$sstop word%2$s, consider removing it.":["URL страницы содержит %1$sстоп слов%2$s, возможно, их стоит удалить.","URL страницы содержит %1$sстоп слов%2$s, возможно, их стоит удалить.","URL страницы содержит %1$sстоп слов%2$s, возможно, их стоит удалить."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is great.":["%1$s предложений содержат %2$sпереходное слово%3$s или словосочетание, что очень хорошо."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is less than the recommended minimum of %4$s.":["%1$s предложений содержат %2$sпереходное слово%3$s или словосочетание, это меньше необходимого минимума %4$s."],"The focus keyword '%1$s' does not appear in the SEO title.":["Фокусное ключевое слово «%1$s» отсутствует в SEO-заголовке страницы."],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["Это намного ниже рекомендованного минимума %2$d слово. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме.","Это намного ниже рекомендованного минимума %2$d слова. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме.","Это намного ниже рекомендованного минимума %2$d слов. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["%2$d слово. Это меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме.","%2$d слова. Это меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме.","%2$d слов. Это меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add a bit more copy.":["%2$d слово. Это немного меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте еще немного.","%2$d слова. Это немного меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте еще немного.","%2$d слов. Это немного меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте еще немного."],"This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of %2$d word.":["Это больше рекомендованного минимума %2$d слово или равно ему.","Это больше рекомендованного минимума %2$d слова или равно ему.","Это больше рекомендованного минимума %2$d слов или равно ему."],"The text contains %1$d word.":["Текст содержит %1$d слово.","Текст содержит %1$d слова.","Текст содержит %1$d слов."],"%1$d subheading is followed by more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Try to insert another subheading.":["После %1$d заголовка следует более, чем рекомендуемое количество %2$d слов. Добавьте дополнительный заголовок.","После %1$d заголовков следует более, чем рекомендуемое количество %2$d слов. Добавьте дополнительные заголовки.","После %1$d заголовков следует более, чем рекомендуемое количество %2$d слов. Добавьте дополнительные заголовки."],"The amount of words following each of the subheadings doesn't exceed the recommended maximum of %1$d words, which is great.":["Количество слов после каждого подзаголовка не превышает рекомендуемый максимум %1$d слов, и это хорошо."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. Try to shorten the sentences.":["%1$s из предложений содержит %2$s более %3$s слов%4$s, что более, чем рекомендуемый максимум %5$s предложений. Попробуйте сократить фразы."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s из предложений содержит %2$s более, чем %3$s слов%4$s, что меньше рекомендуемого максимума %5$s или равно ему."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Мета-описание содержит %1$d предложение, состоящее из %2$sболее %3$s слов%4$s. Постарайтесь сократить это предложение.","Мета-описание содержит %1$d предложения, состоящих из %2$sболее %3$s слов%4$s. Постарайтесь сократить эти предложения.","Мета-описание содержит %1$d предложений, состоящих из %2$sболее %3$s слов%4$s. Постарайтесь сократить эти предложения."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Мета-описание не содержит предложений, состоящих из %1$sболее %2$s слов%3$s."],"The text contains %2$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. Try to mix things up!":["В тексте встречаются %2$d или более последовательных предложений начинаются с одного и того же слова. Постарайтесь изменить порядок слов.","В тексте найдено %1$d случая, когда %2$d или более последовательных предложений начинаются с одного и того же слова. Постарайтесь изменить порядок слов.","В тексте найдено %1$d случаев, когда %2$d или более последовательных предложений начинаются с одного и того же слова. Постарайтесь изменить порядок слов."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. Try to use their active counterparts.":["%1$s предложений содержат %2$sстрадательный залог%3$s, что превышает рекомендуемый максимум в %4$s . Постарайтесь использовать активный залог."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %4$s.":["%1$s предложений содержат %2$sстрадательный залог%3$s, что меньше рекомендованного максимума в %4$s или равно ему."],"%1$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Are you sure all information is about the same topic, and therefore belongs in one single paragraph?":["%1$d абзац содержит больше слов, чем рекомендуемый максимум - %2$d. Вы уверены, что вся информация в каждом из этих абзацев принадлежит той же теме и поэтому принадлежит одному абзацу?","%1$d абзаца содержит больше слов, чем рекомендуемый максимум - %2$d. Вы уверены, что вся информация в каждом из этих абзацев принадлежит той же теме и поэтому принадлежит одному абзацу?","%1$d абзацев содержит больше слов, чем рекомендуемый максимум - %2$d. Вы уверены, что вся информация в каждом из этих абзацев принадлежит той же теме и поэтому принадлежит одному абзацу?"],"The meta description is over %1$d characters. Reducing the length will ensure the entire description will be visible.":["Данное мета-описание содержит более %1$d символов. Стоит сократить его, чтобы оно было видно целиком."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is too low; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Плотность ключевых слов слишком низкая — %1$s; фокусное ключевое слово было найдено %2$d раз."],"Mobile preview":["Предварительный просмотр для мобильного устройства."],"Desktop preview":["Предварительный просмотр для Настольного ПК"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Укажите SEO-заголовок страницы в этом сниппете."],"Meta description preview:":["Просмотр мета-описания:"],"Slug preview:":["Просмотр ярлыка:"],"SEO title preview:":["Предварительный просмотр SEO названия:"],"Close snippet editor":["Закрыть редактор сниппета"],"Slug":["Ярлык"],"Remove marks in the text":["Удалить метки в тексте"],"Mark this result in the text":["Отметить этот результат в тексте"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Маhrths отключены в текущем представлении"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Оптимизация контента: Оценка SEO Хорошо"],"Good SEO score":["Хорошая оценка SEO"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Оптимизация контента: Оценка SEO Уд-но"],"OK SEO score":["Оценка SEO: уд-ная"],"Content optimization: Bad SEO score":["Оптимизация контента: Оценка SEO Плохо"],"Bad SEO score":["Оценка SEO: плохая"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Оптимизация контента: имеются отзывы"],"Feedback":["Обратная связь"],"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_words":["https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Шумовые_слова"],"The focus keyword appears in the URL for this page.":["URL этой страницы содержит фокусное ключевое слово."],"You have far too little content, please add some content to enable a good analysis.":["У вас слишком мало текста. Добавьте больше текста, чтобы улучшить результат анализа."],"The images on this page contain alt attributes.":["У изображений на этой странице есть атрибут alt."],"The images on this page do not have alt attributes containing the focus keyword.":["У изображений на этой странице нет атрибутов альт, содержащих ключевое слово."],"The images on this page contain alt attributes with the focus keyword.":["У изображений на этой странице атрибут alt содержит фокусное ключевое слово."],"The text does not contain any %1$ssubheadings%2$s. Add at least one subheading.":["Текст не содержит %1$sподзаголовков%2$s. Добавьте хотя бы один подзаголовок."],"None of the paragraphs are too long, which is great.":["Ни один из абзацев не слишком длинный, и это здорово."],"The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit.":["Заголовок SEO шире чем предел просмотра."],"The SEO title has a nice length.":["Заголовок SEO хорошей длины."],"The SEO title is too short. Use the space to add keyword variations or create compelling call-to-action copy.":["Заголовок SEO слишком короткий. Используйте пространство для добавления ключевых слов или создайте убедительный призыв к действию."],"The meta description contains the focus keyword.":["Мета-описание содержит фокусное ключевое слово."],"The keyphrase is over 10 words, a keyphrase should be shorter.":["Ключевая фраза состоит из более 10 слов, она должна быть короче."],"ok":["ok"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Укажите мета-описание страницы в этом сниппете."],"Edit snippet":["Изменить сниппет"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Кликните на любом элементе предпросмотра, чтобы перейти к редактору снипета."],"SEO title":["SEO-заголовок"],"Needs improvement":["Требуется улучшение"],"Good":["Хорошо"],"very difficult":["очень трудно"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability.":["Попробуйте писать более короткими предложениями и использовать меньше трудных слов, чтобы улучшить читабельность."],"difficult":["трудно"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability.":["Попробуйте писать более короткими предложениями, чтобы улучшить читабельность."],"fairly difficult":["довольно трудно"],"OK":["ОК"],"fairly easy":["довольно легко"],"easy":["легко"],"very easy":["очень легко"],"The copy scores %1$s in the %2$s test, which is considered %3$s to read. %4$s":["Ваш текст получил оценку %1$s в тесте %2$s, что означает, что текст %3$s читать. %4$s"],"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.":["Первый абзац содержит фокусное ключевое слово."],"The focus keyword doesn't appear in the first paragraph of the copy. Make sure the topic is clear immediately.":["Первый абзац не содержит фокусное ключевое слово. Убедитесь, что тема записи понятна сразу."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is great; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Плотность ключевых слов %1$s, это отлично! Ключевое слово было найдено %2$d раз."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Плотность ключевых слов %1$s, что превышает максимально допустимые %3$s, ключевое слово было найдено %2$d раз."],"A meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the focus keyword.":["Указанное мета-описание не содержит фокусного ключевого слова."],"No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead.":["Мета-описание не задано, поисковые системы будут вместо него отображать часть текста страницы."],"The meta description is under %1$d characters long. However, up to %2$d characters are available.":["Мета-описание содержит менее %1$d символов, всего доступно до %2$d символов."],"You have not used the focus keyword in any subheading (such as an H2) in your copy.":["Вы не использовали фокусное ключевое слово в подзаголовках (например, H2) вашей статьи."],"The images on this page are missing alt attributes.":["У изображений на этой странице отсутствует атрибут alt."],"No outbound links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Страница не содержит исходящих ссылок, возможно, вы можете добавить несколько."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed outbound link(s) and %2$s normal outbound link(s).":["Эта страница содержит ссылки с атрибутом nofollow (%1$s) и обычные исходящие ссылки (%2$s)."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s), all nofollowed.":["Эта страница имеет %1$s исходящих ссылок, все с nofollow."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s).":["Эта страница имеет %1$s исходящих ссылок."],"You're linking to another page with the focus keyword you want this page to rank for. Consider changing that if you truly want this page to rank.":["На этой странице вы ссылаетесь на другую страницу с тем же фокусным ключевым словом. Подумайте, как изменить эту ситуацию, если вы действительно хотите ранжировать эту страницу."],"No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["На этой странице нет ни одного изображения. Рассмотрите возможность добавления изображения, если это сделает вашу страницу лучше."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, but it does not appear at the beginning; try and move it to the beginning.":["Заголовок страницы содержит фокусное ключевое слово, но не в начале; попробуйте переместить его в начало."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, at the beginning which is considered to improve rankings.":["Заголовок страницы содержит фокусное ключевое слово в начале, это должно улучшить рейтинг."],"Please create an SEO title.":["Пожалуйста создайте SEO заголовок."],"The slug for this page is a bit long, consider shortening it.":["Ярлык этой страницы слишком длинный, подумайте, как сократить его."],"The focus keyword does not appear in the URL for this page. If you decide to rename the URL be sure to check the old URL 301 redirects to the new one!":["В URL-адресе страницы отсутствует фокусное ключевое слово. Если вы решите изменить URL-адрес — убедитесь, что старый адрес перенаправляет на новый с кодом 301."],"You've never used this focus keyword before, very good.":["Очень хорошо, вы еще не использовали это фокусное ключевое слово."],"No focus keyword was set for this page. If you do not set a focus keyword, no score can be calculated.":["Для этой страницы не задано фокусное ключевое слово. Без фокусного ключевого слова оценку выполнить нельзя."],"Meta description":["Мета-описание"],"Snippet preview":["Просмотр сниппета"]}}}
+ {"domain":"wordpress-seo","locale_data":{"wordpress-seo":{"":{"domain":"wordpress-seo","plural_forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);","lang":"ru"},"The focus keyword appears in %2$d (out of %1$d) subheadings in your copy.":["Ключевое слово используется в %2$d из %1$d подзаголовков в вашем тексте."],"You've used this focus keyword %1$s%2$d times before%3$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %4$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%5$s.":["Вы уже использовали это ключевое слово %1$s ранее%3$s %2$d раз. Прочитайте нашу статью о том, %4$sпочему лучше не использовать ключевое слово больше одного раза%5$s. "],"You've used this focus keyword %1$sonce before%2$s. It’s probably a good idea to read about %3$swhy you should not use your focus keyword more than once%4$s.":["Вы уже использовали это ключевое слово %1$sоднажды%2$s. Прочитайте нашу статью о том, %3$sпочему лучше не использовать ключевое слово больше одного раза%4$s."],"The meta description has a nice length.":["Мета-описание имеет хорошую длину."],"No internal links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["На этой странице нет внутренних ссылок. Возможно, вы можете добавить несколько, если это улучшит ваш текст."],"This page has %1$s internal link(s).":["На странице %1$s внутренних ссылок."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed internal link(s) and %2$s normal internal link(s).":["На странице %1$s внутренних nofollow ссылок и %2$s обычных внутренних ссылок."],"This page has %1$s internal link(s), all nofollowed.":["На странице %1$s внутренних ссылок, все с аттрибутом nofollow."],"Scroll to see the preview content.":["Прокрутите, чтобы увидеть предпросмотр содержимого."],"The focus keyword contains a stop word. This may or may not be wise depending on the circumstances. %1$sLearn more about the stop words%2$s.":["Ключевое фокус-слово содержит стоп-слово. Это может хорошо или плохо в зависимости от обстоятельств. %1$sПодробнее о стоп-слове%2$s.","Ключевое фокус-слово содержит %3$d стоп-слова. Это может хорошо или плохо в зависимости от обстоятельств. %1$sПодробнее о стоп-словах%2$s.","Ключевое фокус-слово содержит %3$d стоп-слов. Это может хорошо или плохо в зависимости от обстоятельств. %1$sПодробнее о стоп-словах%2$s."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is way over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Плотность ключевых слов — %1$s, это гораздо больше рекомендуемого максимума (%3$s); фокусное ключевое слово было найдено %2$d раз."],"An error occurred in the '%1$s' assessment":["Ошибка при оценке '%1$s'"],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s слов содержат %2$sболее %3$s слогов%4$s, это больше рекомендуемого максимума (%5$s)."],"%1$s of the words contain %2$sover %3$s syllables%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s слов содержат %2$sболее %3$s слогов%4$s, это меньше рекомендованного максимума %5$s или равно ему."],"The slug for this page contains a %1$sstop word%2$s, consider removing it.":["URL страницы содержит %1$sстоп слов%2$s, возможно, их стоит удалить.","URL страницы содержит %1$sстоп слов%2$s, возможно, их стоит удалить.","URL страницы содержит %1$sстоп слов%2$s, возможно, их стоит удалить."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is great.":["%1$s предложений содержат %2$sпереходное слово%3$s или словосочетание, что очень хорошо."],"%1$s of the sentences contain a %2$stransition word%3$s or phrase, which is less than the recommended minimum of %4$s.":["%1$s предложений содержат %2$sпереходное слово%3$s или словосочетание, это меньше необходимого минимума %4$s."],"The focus keyword '%1$s' does not appear in the SEO title.":["Фокусное ключевое слово «%1$s» отсутствует в SEO-заголовке страницы."],"This is far below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["Это намного ниже рекомендованного минимума %2$d слово. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме.","Это намного ниже рекомендованного минимума %2$d слова. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме.","Это намного ниже рекомендованного минимума %2$d слов. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме."],"This is below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add more content that is relevant for the topic.":["%2$d слово. Это меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме.","%2$d слова. Это меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме.","%2$d слов. Это меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте больше содержания, имеющего отношение к данной теме."],"This is slightly below the recommended minimum of %2$d word. Add a bit more copy.":["%2$d слово. Это немного меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте еще немного.","%2$d слова. Это немного меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте еще немного.","%2$d слов. Это немного меньше рекомендованного минимума. Добавьте еще немного."],"This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of %2$d word.":["Это больше рекомендованного минимума %2$d слово или равно ему.","Это больше рекомендованного минимума %2$d слова или равно ему.","Это больше рекомендованного минимума %2$d слов или равно ему."],"The text contains %1$d word.":["Текст содержит %1$d слово.","Текст содержит %1$d слова.","Текст содержит %1$d слов."],"%1$d subheading is followed by more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Try to insert another subheading.":["После %1$d заголовка следует более, чем рекомендуемое количество %2$d слов. Добавьте дополнительный заголовок.","После %1$d заголовков следует более, чем рекомендуемое количество %2$d слов. Добавьте дополнительные заголовки.","После %1$d заголовков следует более, чем рекомендуемое количество %2$d слов. Добавьте дополнительные заголовки."],"The amount of words following each of the subheadings doesn't exceed the recommended maximum of %1$d words, which is great.":["Количество слов после каждого подзаголовка не превышает рекомендуемый максимум %1$d слов, и это хорошо."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %5$s. Try to shorten the sentences.":["%1$s из предложений содержит %2$s более %3$s слов%4$s, что более, чем рекомендуемый максимум %5$s предложений. Попробуйте сократить фразы."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$smore than %3$s words%4$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %5$s.":["%1$s из предложений содержит %2$s более, чем %3$s слов%4$s, что меньше рекомендуемого максимума %5$s или равно ему."],"The meta description contains %1$d sentence %2$sover %3$s words%4$s. Try to shorten this sentence.":["Мета-описание содержит %1$d предложение, состоящее из %2$sболее %3$s слов%4$s. Постарайтесь сократить это предложение.","Мета-описание содержит %1$d предложения, состоящих из %2$sболее %3$s слов%4$s. Постарайтесь сократить эти предложения.","Мета-описание содержит %1$d предложений, состоящих из %2$sболее %3$s слов%4$s. Постарайтесь сократить эти предложения."],"The meta description contains no sentences %1$sover %2$s words%3$s.":["Мета-описание не содержит предложений, состоящих из %1$sболее %2$s слов%3$s."],"The text contains %2$d consecutive sentences starting with the same word. Try to mix things up!":["В тексте встречаются %2$d или более последовательных предложений начинаются с одного и того же слова. Постарайтесь изменить порядок слов.","В тексте найдено %1$d случая, когда %2$d или более последовательных предложений начинаются с одного и того же слова. Постарайтесь изменить порядок слов.","В тексте найдено %1$d случаев, когда %2$d или более последовательных предложений начинаются с одного и того же слова. Постарайтесь изменить порядок слов."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is more than the recommended maximum of %4$s. Try to use their active counterparts.":["%1$s предложений содержат %2$sстрадательный залог%3$s, что превышает рекомендуемый максимум в %4$s . Постарайтесь использовать активный залог."],"%1$s of the sentences contain %2$spassive voice%3$s, which is less than or equal to the recommended maximum of %4$s.":["%1$s предложений содержат %2$sстрадательный залог%3$s, что меньше рекомендованного максимума в %4$s или равно ему."],"%1$d of the paragraphs contains more than the recommended maximum of %2$d words. Are you sure all information is about the same topic, and therefore belongs in one single paragraph?":["%1$d абзац содержит больше слов, чем рекомендуемый максимум - %2$d. Вы уверены, что вся информация в каждом из этих абзацев принадлежит той же теме и поэтому принадлежит одному абзацу?","%1$d абзаца содержит больше слов, чем рекомендуемый максимум - %2$d. Вы уверены, что вся информация в каждом из этих абзацев принадлежит той же теме и поэтому принадлежит одному абзацу?","%1$d абзацев содержит больше слов, чем рекомендуемый максимум - %2$d. Вы уверены, что вся информация в каждом из этих абзацев принадлежит той же теме и поэтому принадлежит одному абзацу?"],"The meta description is over %1$d characters. Reducing the length will ensure the entire description will be visible.":["Данное мета-описание содержит более %1$d символов. Стоит сократить его, чтобы оно было видно целиком."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is too low; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Плотность ключевых слов слишком низкая — %1$s; фокусное ключевое слово было найдено %2$d раз."],"Mobile preview":["Предварительный просмотр для мобильного устройства."],"Desktop preview":["Предварительный просмотр для Настольного ПК"],"Please provide an SEO title by editing the snippet below.":["Укажите SEO-заголовок страницы в этом сниппете."],"Meta description preview:":["Просмотр мета-описания:"],"Slug preview:":["Просмотр ярлыка:"],"SEO title preview:":["Предварительный просмотр SEO названия:"],"Close snippet editor":["Закрыть редактор сниппета"],"Slug":["Ярлык"],"Remove marks in the text":["Удалить метки в тексте"],"Mark this result in the text":["Отметить этот результат в тексте"],"Marks are disabled in current view":["Маhrths отключены в текущем представлении"],"Content optimization: Good SEO score":["Оптимизация контента: Оценка SEO Хорошо"],"Good SEO score":["Хорошая оценка SEO"],"Content optimization: OK SEO score":["Оптимизация контента: Оценка SEO Уд-но"],"OK SEO score":["Оценка SEO: уд-ная"],"Content optimization: Bad SEO score":["Оптимизация контента: Оценка SEO Плохо"],"Bad SEO score":["Оценка SEO: плохая"],"Content optimization: Has feedback":["Оптимизация контента: имеются отзывы"],"Feedback":["Обратная связь"],"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_words":["https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Шумовые_слова"],"The focus keyword appears in the URL for this page.":["URL этой страницы содержит фокусное ключевое слово."],"You have far too little content, please add some content to enable a good analysis.":["У вас слишком мало текста. Добавьте больше текста, чтобы улучшить результат анализа."],"The images on this page contain alt attributes.":["У изображений на этой странице есть атрибут alt."],"The images on this page do not have alt attributes containing the focus keyword.":["У изображений на этой странице нет атрибутов альт, содержащих ключевое слово."],"The images on this page contain alt attributes with the focus keyword.":["У изображений на этой странице атрибут alt содержит фокусное ключевое слово."],"The text does not contain any %1$ssubheadings%2$s. Add at least one subheading.":["Текст не содержит %1$sподзаголовков%2$s. Добавьте хотя бы один подзаголовок."],"None of the paragraphs are too long, which is great.":["Ни один из абзацев не слишком длинный, и это здорово."],"The SEO title is wider than the viewable limit.":["Заголовок SEO шире чем предел просмотра."],"The SEO title has a nice length.":["Заголовок SEO хорошей длины."],"The SEO title is too short. Use the space to add keyword variations or create compelling call-to-action copy.":["Заголовок SEO слишком короткий. Используйте пространство для добавления ключевых слов или создайте убедительный призыв к действию."],"The meta description contains the focus keyword.":["Мета-описание содержит фокусное ключевое слово."],"The keyphrase is over 10 words, a keyphrase should be shorter.":["Ключевая фраза состоит из более 10 слов, она должна быть короче."],"ok":["OK"],"Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below.":["Укажите мета-описание страницы в этом сниппете."],"Edit snippet":["Изменить сниппет"],"You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor.":["Кликните на любом элементе предпросмотра, чтобы перейти к редактору снипета."],"SEO title":["SEO-заголовок"],"Needs improvement":["Требуется улучшение"],"Good":["Хорошо"],"very difficult":["очень трудно"],"Try to make shorter sentences, using less difficult words to improve readability.":["Попробуйте писать более короткими предложениями и использовать меньше трудных слов, чтобы улучшить читабельность."],"difficult":["трудно"],"Try to make shorter sentences to improve readability.":["Попробуйте писать более короткими предложениями, чтобы улучшить читабельность."],"fairly difficult":["довольно трудно"],"OK":["ОК"],"fairly easy":["довольно легко"],"easy":["легко"],"very easy":["очень легко"],"The copy scores %1$s in the %2$s test, which is considered %3$s to read. %4$s":["Ваш текст получил оценку %1$s в тесте %2$s, что означает, что текст %3$s читать. %4$s"],"The focus keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.":["Первый абзац содержит фокусное ключевое слово."],"The focus keyword doesn't appear in the first paragraph of the copy. Make sure the topic is clear immediately.":["Первый абзац не содержит фокусное ключевое слово. Убедитесь, что тема записи понятна сразу."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is great; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Плотность ключевых слов %1$s, это отлично! Ключевое слово было найдено %2$d раз."],"The keyword density is %1$s, which is over the advised %3$s maximum; the focus keyword was found %2$d times.":["Плотность ключевых слов %1$s, что превышает максимально допустимые %3$s, ключевое слово было найдено %2$d раз."],"A meta description has been specified, but it does not contain the focus keyword.":["Указанное мета-описание не содержит фокусного ключевого слова."],"No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead.":["Мета-описание не задано, поисковые системы будут вместо него отображать часть текста страницы."],"The meta description is under %1$d characters long. However, up to %2$d characters are available.":["Мета-описание содержит менее %1$d символов, всего доступно до %2$d символов."],"You have not used the focus keyword in any subheading (such as an H2) in your copy.":["Вы не использовали фокусное ключевое слово в подзаголовках (например, H2) вашей статьи."],"The images on this page are missing alt attributes.":["У изображений на этой странице отсутствует атрибут alt."],"No outbound links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["Страница не содержит исходящих ссылок, возможно, вы можете добавить несколько."],"This page has %1$s nofollowed outbound link(s) and %2$s normal outbound link(s).":["Эта страница содержит ссылки с атрибутом nofollow (%1$s) и обычные исходящие ссылки (%2$s)."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s), all nofollowed.":["Эта страница имеет %1$s исходящих ссылок, все с nofollow."],"This page has %1$s outbound link(s).":["Эта страница имеет %1$s исходящих ссылок."],"You're linking to another page with the focus keyword you want this page to rank for. Consider changing that if you truly want this page to rank.":["На этой странице вы ссылаетесь на другую страницу с тем же фокусным ключевым словом. Подумайте, как изменить эту ситуацию, если вы действительно хотите ранжировать эту страницу."],"No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate.":["На этой странице нет ни одного изображения. Рассмотрите возможность добавления изображения, если это сделает вашу страницу лучше."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, but it does not appear at the beginning; try and move it to the beginning.":["Заголовок страницы содержит фокусное ключевое слово, но не в начале; попробуйте переместить его в начало."],"The SEO title contains the focus keyword, at the beginning which is considered to improve rankings.":["Заголовок страницы содержит фокусное ключевое слово в начале, это должно улучшить рейтинг."],"Please create an SEO title.":["Пожалуйста создайте SEO заголовок."],"The slug for this page is a bit long, consider shortening it.":["Ярлык этой страницы слишком длинный, подумайте, как сократить его."],"The focus keyword does not appear in the URL for this page. If you decide to rename the URL be sure to check the old URL 301 redirects to the new one!":["В URL-адресе страницы отсутствует фокусное ключевое слово. Если вы решите изменить URL-адрес — убедитесь, что старый адрес перенаправляет на новый с кодом 301."],"You've never used this focus keyword before, very good.":["Очень хорошо, вы еще не использовали это фокусное ключевое слово."],"No focus keyword was set for this page. If you do not set a focus keyword, no score can be calculated.":["Для этой страницы не задано фокусное ключевое слово. Без фокусного ключевого слова оценку выполнить нельзя."],"Meta description":["Мета-описание"],"Snippet preview":["Просмотр сниппета"]}}}
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- #: yoast-components/composites/OnboardingWizard/OnboardingWizard.js:297
- msgid "%s installation wizard"
- msgstr ""
- #: yoast-components/composites/OnboardingWizard/OnboardingWizard.js:284
- msgid "Next step"
- msgstr ""
- #: yoast-components/composites/OnboardingWizard/OnboardingWizard.js:283
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- msgid "Get Google Authorization Code"
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- #: js/src/components/ConnectGoogleSearchConsole.js:353
- msgid ""
- "To allow %s to fetch your Google Search Console information, please enter "
- "your Google Authorization Code. Clicking the button below will open a new "
- "window."
- msgstr ""
- #: js/src/components/ConnectGoogleSearchConsole.js:342
- msgid "Reauthenticate with Google"
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- #: js/src/components/ConnectGoogleSearchConsole.js:317
- msgid "Authenticate"
- msgstr ""
- #: js/src/components/ConnectGoogleSearchConsole.js:313
- msgid "Enter authorization code here..."
- msgstr ""
- #: js/src/components/ConnectGoogleSearchConsole.js:302
- msgid "Enter your Google Authorization Code and press the Authenticate button."
- msgstr ""
- #: js/src/components/ConnectGoogleSearchConsole.js:277
- msgid "Choose a profile"
- msgstr ""
- #: js/src/components/ConnectGoogleSearchConsole.js:271
- msgid "Select profile"
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- #: js/src/components/ConnectGoogleSearchConsole.js:259
- msgid "There were no profiles found"
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- #: js/src/components/ConnectGoogleSearchConsole.js:112
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- #: js/src/components/MailchimpSignup.js:221
- msgid "Sign Up!"
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- #: js/src/components/MailchimpSignup.js:114
- msgid "MailChimp signup failed:"
- msgstr ""
- #: js/src/components/MediaUpload.js:107
- msgid "Choose image"
- msgstr ""
- #: js/src/components/MediaUpload.js:97
- msgid "company logo image preview"
- msgstr ""
- #: js/src/components/MediaUpload.js:90
- msgid "Remove the image"
- msgstr ""
- #: js/src/components/MediaUpload.js:20
- #: js/src/components/MediaUpload.js:19
- msgid "Choose an image"
- msgstr ""
readme.txt CHANGED
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
  Tags: SEO, XML sitemap, Google Search Console, Content analysis, Readability
  Requires at least: 4.8
  Tested up to: 4.9.5
- Stable tag: 7.5.1
  Requires PHP: 5.2.4
  Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.
@@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ You'll find answers to many of your questions on [kb.yoast.com](https://yoa.st/1
  == Changelog ==
  = 7.5.1 =
  Release Date: May 16th, 2018
  Tags: SEO, XML sitemap, Google Search Console, Content analysis, Readability
  Requires at least: 4.8
  Tested up to: 4.9.5
+ Stable tag: 7.5.3
  Requires PHP: 5.2.4
  Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using the Yoast SEO plugin.
  == Changelog ==
+ = 7.5.3 =
+ Release Date: May 30th, 2018
+ * Added hooks and filters to allow our new [search index purge](https://wordpress.org/plugins/yoast-seo-search-index-purge/) plugin to work. You’re encouraged to read [this post about an attachment URL problem](https://yoa.st/2r8) for more info.
  = 7.5.1 =
  Release Date: May 16th, 2018
vendor/autoload_52.php CHANGED
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
  require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/composer'.'/autoload_real_52.php';
- return ComposerAutoloaderInitcc2c7b3b0a9b74f1c12aef18b3f8243c::getLoader();
  require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/composer'.'/autoload_real_52.php';
+ return ComposerAutoloaderInit8c8f8a97754b755b52ca9d931feaed91::getLoader();
vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php CHANGED
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ return array(
  'WPSEO_Admin_Banner_Spot_Renderer' => $baseDir . '/admin/banner/class-admin-banner-spot-renderer.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Help_Panel' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-admin-help-panel.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Init' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-admin-init.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Menu' => $baseDir . '/admin/menu/class-admin-menu.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Pages' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-config.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_User_Profile' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-admin-user-profile.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Banner_Spot_Renderer' => $baseDir . '/admin/banner/class-admin-banner-spot-renderer.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Help_Panel' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-admin-help-panel.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Init' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-admin-init.php',
+ 'WPSEO_Admin_Media_Purge_Notification' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-admin-media-purge-notification.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Menu' => $baseDir . '/admin/menu/class-admin-menu.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Pages' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-config.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_User_Profile' => $baseDir . '/admin/class-admin-user-profile.php',
vendor/composer/autoload_real_52.php CHANGED
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  // autoload_real_52.php generated by xrstf/composer-php52
- class ComposerAutoloaderInitcc2c7b3b0a9b74f1c12aef18b3f8243c {
  private static $loader;
  public static function loadClassLoader($class) {
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ class ComposerAutoloaderInitcc2c7b3b0a9b74f1c12aef18b3f8243c {
  return self::$loader;
- spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitcc2c7b3b0a9b74f1c12aef18b3f8243c', 'loadClassLoader'), true /*, true */);
  self::$loader = $loader = new xrstf_Composer52_ClassLoader();
- spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInitcc2c7b3b0a9b74f1c12aef18b3f8243c', 'loadClassLoader'));
  $vendorDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
  $baseDir = dirname($vendorDir);
  // autoload_real_52.php generated by xrstf/composer-php52
+ class ComposerAutoloaderInit8c8f8a97754b755b52ca9d931feaed91 {
  private static $loader;
  public static function loadClassLoader($class) {
  return self::$loader;
+ spl_autoload_register(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit8c8f8a97754b755b52ca9d931feaed91', 'loadClassLoader'), true /*, true */);
  self::$loader = $loader = new xrstf_Composer52_ClassLoader();
+ spl_autoload_unregister(array('ComposerAutoloaderInit8c8f8a97754b755b52ca9d931feaed91', 'loadClassLoader'));
  $vendorDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
  $baseDir = dirname($vendorDir);
vendor/composer/autoload_static.php CHANGED
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ class ComposerStaticInite65e71171c1a5e9e7f808031e878a5e0
  'WPSEO_Admin_Banner_Spot_Renderer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/banner/class-admin-banner-spot-renderer.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Help_Panel' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-admin-help-panel.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Init' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-admin-init.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Menu' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/menu/class-admin-menu.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Pages' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-config.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_User_Profile' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-admin-user-profile.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Banner_Spot_Renderer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/banner/class-admin-banner-spot-renderer.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Help_Panel' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-admin-help-panel.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Init' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-admin-init.php',
+ 'WPSEO_Admin_Media_Purge_Notification' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-admin-media-purge-notification.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Menu' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/menu/class-admin-menu.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_Pages' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-config.php',
  'WPSEO_Admin_User_Profile' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/admin/class-admin-user-profile.php',
wp-seo-main.php CHANGED
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if ( ! function_exists( 'add_filter' ) ) {
  * {@internal Nobody should be able to overrule the real version number as this can cause
  * serious issues with the options, so no if ( ! defined() ).}}
- define( 'WPSEO_VERSION', '7.5.1' );
  if ( ! defined( 'WPSEO_PATH' ) ) {
  define( 'WPSEO_PATH', plugin_dir_path( WPSEO_FILE ) );
  * {@internal Nobody should be able to overrule the real version number as this can cause
  * serious issues with the options, so no if ( ! defined() ).}}
+ define( 'WPSEO_VERSION', '7.5.3' );
  if ( ! defined( 'WPSEO_PATH' ) ) {
  define( 'WPSEO_PATH', plugin_dir_path( WPSEO_FILE ) );
wp-seo.php CHANGED
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
  * @wordpress-plugin
  * Plugin Name: Yoast SEO
- * Version: 7.5.1
  * Plugin URI: https://yoa.st/1uj
  * Description: The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.
  * Author: Team Yoast
  * @wordpress-plugin
  * Plugin Name: Yoast SEO
+ * Version: 7.5.3
  * Plugin URI: https://yoa.st/1uj
  * Description: The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.
  * Author: Team Yoast