Flexible Map

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 1.17.1



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Flexible Map allows you to add Google Maps to your WordPress website.


  • three ways to load a map:
    • by centre coordinates
    • by street address
    • by URL to a Google Earth KML file
  • no special Google Maps key is required -- uses the latest stable Google Maps API
  • simple shortcode for adding maps to pages/posts
  • PHP function flexmap_show_map() for theme and plugin developers
  • supports multiple maps on a page/post
  • supports responsive design -- specify width / height in percent
  • map marker doesn't have to be the centre of the map
  • optional description for info window
  • optional directions link for info window
  • directions can be dropped into any div element with an ID
  • minimal dependencies -- just WordPress and the Google Maps API

Try WP Flexible Map online.


  • directions on KML maps generously sponsored by Roger Los

Thanks for sponsoring new features on WP Flexible Maps!


Many thanks to the generous efforts of our translators:

  • Czech (cs) -- caslavak
  • Dutch (nl) -- Ivan Beemster
  • French (fr) -- mister klucha
  • German (de) -- Carib Design
  • Greek (el) -- Pantelis Orfanos
  • Hungarian (hu) -- Krisztin Vrs
  • Norwegian: Bokml (nb_NO) -- neonnero
  • Norwegian: Nynorsk (nn_NO) -- neonnero
  • Spanish (es) -- edurramos
  • Welsh (cy) -- Dylan

The initial translations for all other languages were made using Google Translate, so it's likely that some will be truly awful! If you'd like to help out by translating this plugin, please sign up for an account and dig in.

Releases (49 )

Version Release Date Change Log
1.17.1 2019-05-04
1.17.0 2018-11-19
1.16.0 2018-09-07
1.15.0 2018-07-21
1.14.0 2018-06-06
1.13.0 2018-01-15

bump version of Google Maps API to 3.30


1.12.1 2016-11-18

bump version of Google Maps API to 3.26


1.12.0 2016-07-28

added support for Google Maps API key, required since 2016-06-22 for new websites


1.11.0 2016-06-05

use localisation from translate.wordpress.org in preference to local plugin copy; bump version of Google Maps API to 3.24


1.10.1 2016-04-01

fix NextGEN Gallery breaking localisation of maps; bump version of Google Maps API to 3.22; update translations de_DE, nb_NO, nl_NL


1.10.0 2015-10-10
1.9.2 2015-10-10
1.9.1 2014-12-29

[2014-12-29] = * fixed: zoom control styling / hiding was broken in v1.9.0

1.9.0 2014-12-24

[2014-12-24] = * fixed: maps broken when hidden in tabs / accordions (not for IE 10 and earlier; uses MutationObserver) * fixed: strip spaces from map coordinates * fixed: suppress border radius on images within map containers * added: server-side lookup of address, to reduce the number of Google Maps queries when only an address is given * added: support for custom map types (inc. styled maps) * added: maptypes attribute for selecting which map types can be picked by visitors * changed: refactored JavaScript for localised strings

1.8.3 2014-12-17

[2014-12-17] = * fixed: CSS for directions in twentyfifteen theme and others that toss table-layout:fixed around willy nilly

1.8.2 2014-12-05

[2014-12-06] = * added: Welsh translation (thanks, Dylan!)

1.8.1 2014-10-05

[2014-10-05] = * fixed: Hungarian translation (thanks, Krisztin Vrs) * changed: bump version of Google Maps API to 3.17

1.8.0 2014-08-31

[2014-08-31] = * fixed: Czech translation (thanks, caslavak!) * fixed: Norwegian translations (thanks, neonnero!) * changed: localisation uses standard .mo files now; if you'd like to help translate, please sign up for an account and dig in. 2014-04-18

[2014-03-22] = * fixed: infowindow width on some Webkit browsers, and IE10/11

1.7.3 2014-03-15

[2014-03-16] = * fixed: German translation (thanks, Carib Design!) * fixed: some themes (e.g. Evolve) mess up Google Maps directions markers * fixed: CSS for infowindows with Google Maps Visual Refresh / API v3.15 * changed: removed instructions page, better handled by new homepage for plugin * changed: bump version of Google Maps API to 3.15 * added: KML cache buster attribute kmlcache, for dynamically created KML maps * added: WordPress filter flexmap_shortcode_script * removed: visualrefresh attribute doesn't do anything any more (Google Maps API has adopted Visual Refresh as standard) 2014-01-01
1.7.2 2014-01-01

[2014-01-01] = * fixed: Spanish translation (thanks, edurramos!) * fixed: clean up JSHint warnings * changed: Slovenian translation refresh from Google Translate (human translators wanted!) * changed: plugin homepage, better documentation and examples, will develop as time permits!

1.7.1 2013-10-23

[2013-10-13] = * fixed: Google link was showing marker at centre, not at marker location when marker !

1.7.0 2013-10-12

[2013-10-12] = * fixed: Greek translation (thanks, Pantelis Orfanos!) * fixed: Dutch translation (thanks, Ivan Beemster!) * fixed: KML map zoom sometimes doesn't happen on first page visit * fixed: some themes (e.g. twentythirteen) mess up Google Maps directions markers * fixed: Google link opens maps without marker (NB: <

1.6.5 2013-07-19

[2013-07-19] = * fixed: stop twentythirteen theme stuffing up Google Maps infowindows with its too-promiscuous box-sizing rules * added: dirdraggable and dirnomarkers parameters

1.6.4 2013-06-26

[2013-06-14] = * fixed: can set directions=false and showdirections=true * fixed: space before colon in fr translation (thanks, mister klucha!) * added: load unminified script if SCRIPT_DEBUG is defined / true * changed: clicking directions link sets focus on From: address again * changed: bump version of Google Maps API to 3.12

1.6.3 2013-03-20

[2013-03-14] = * fixed: HTML description now works for address-based maps (thanks, John Sundberg!)

1.6.2 2013-03-04

[2013-03-04] = * fixed: CSS fix for themes that muck up Google Maps images by specifying background colour on images without being selective * added: icon parameter to set marker icon on centre / address maps

1.6.1 2013-01-29

[2013-01-29] = * fixed: infowindow auto-pans on load, to prevent the top of the bubble being cropped * added: WordPress filter 'flexmap_google_maps_api_args' for filtering array of arguments before building Google Maps API URL * added: function flexmap_show_map() accepts an attribute "echo", and returns a string without output to screen when "echo"=>"false" * changed: all scripts now loaded through wp_enqueue_scripts, including language scripts (thanks to a tip from toscho) * changed: bump version of Google Maps API to 3.11

1.6.0 2012-12-31

[2012-12-30] = * added: themes can call function flexmap_load_scripts() to force load of scripts, e.g. on single-page AJAX websites * added: can add HTML block to infowindow, e.g. images * fixed: no auto-focus on directions search field, thus no auto-scroll page to last directions search field!

1.5.3 2012-12-06

[2012-11-30] = * fixed: when parameters showdirections or directionsfrom were specified, but not directions, the directions panel was not added to page and a JavaScript error was generated * changed: bump version of Google Maps API to 3.10

1.5.2 2012-11-10

[2012-10-12] = * fixed: KML maps broken; KMLLayer status_changed event unreliable, use defaultviewport_changed event instead (possible Google Maps API change)

1.5.1 2012-09-30

[2012-09-30] = * changed: tighten up FlexibleMap API to keep private members private (in case they change later)

1.5.0 2012-09-29

[2012-09-29] = * added: new shortcode attribute "id" which will be used for the container div, instead of the random unique div id * added: FlexibleMap object is accessible via global variable with name derived from container div id (e.g. if you need to access the Google Maps map object in your own scripts) * added: redraw() and redrawOnce() methods, for when the map needs to be redrawn correctly (e.g. when hidden then revealed) * added: KML maps support directions (sponsored by Roger Los -- thanks!)

1.4.1 2012-09-10

[2012-09-11] = * fixed: targetfix was not stopping KML marker links opening in new window/tab since Google Maps API 3.9

1.4.0 2012-08-22

[2012-08-22] = * changed: bump version of Google Maps API to 3.9 * added: allow CSS units in ch, rem, vh, vw, vmin, vmax

1.3.1 2012-07-13

[2012-07-13] = * fixed: width/height in digits (no units) defaults to pixels (sorry folks, I thought I tested that, but missed it somehow!)

1.3.0 2012-07-12

[2012-07-12] = * fixed: Norwegian translation had incorrect file name * fixed: Malaysian translation had incorrect index (was overwriting Macedonian translation) * added: filters so that theme and plugin developers can modify the behaviour of this plugin * added: width and height can be any valid CSS units, not just pixels

1.2.0 2012-06-29

[2012-06-29] = * added: option showdirections, to show the directions search when the map loads * added: option directionsfrom, to set the default from: location, and immediately search for directions when showdirections is set

1.1.2 2012-05-20

[2012-05-20] = * fixed: some themes set box-shadow on all images, now forceably fixed for Google Maps images * added: option to control whether links on KML maps open in new window

1.1.1 2012-04-21

[2012-04-15] = * fixed: instructions updated to reflect recent changes

1.1.0 2012-04-14

[2012-04-15] = * added: locale-specific messages (using translations from Google Translate) e.g. Directions link * wanted: translators to help me add new translations, and clean up the messages I got from Google Translate! * fixed: use region to help refine street address searches

1.0.6 2012-04-06

[2012-04-06] = * fixed: use plugin_dir_url() to get url base, and protocol-relative url to load Google Maps API (SSL compatible)

1.0.5 2012-03-17

[2012-03-17] = * fixed: CSS fixes for themes that muck up Google Maps images (e.g. twentyeleven) * added: infowindow styles now in enqueued stylesheet

1.0.4a 2012-03-06
1.0.3 2012-02-26

[2012-02-27] = * fixed: address query updated to work with Google Maps v3.8 (so using address for centre marker works again) * fixed: tied Google Maps API to v3.8 so newer versions don't break plugin, and will keep updated as API changes

1.0.2 2012-02-04

[2012-02-04] = * added: address parameter as alternative to center coordinates * added: use address parameter for directions, if given (so that directions match address) * changed: readme improved a little * changed: refactored code for DRY (don't repeat yourself)

1.0.1 2012-01-26

[2012-01-26] = * fix directions bugs in JavaScript for Opera, IE

1.0.0 2012-01-26

[2012-01-08] = * final cleanup for public release