Version Description
(02/09/2014) =
* Changed design and functionality, new features
* Changed multisite behaviour: now you can activate maintenance individually (each blog from the network has it's own maintenance settings)
* Removed actions: wm_header
, wm_footer
, wm_content
* Removed filters: wm_header
* Removed [loginform] shortcode
* Some filters are depreciated (but still available in next 4 releases, after that will be removed) and replaced with new ones:
- wm_heading
-> wpmm_heading
- wp_maintenance_mode_status_code
-> wp_maintenance_mode_status_code
- wm_title
-> wpmm_meta_title
- wm_meta_author
-> wpmm_meta_author
- wm_meta_description
-> wpmm_meta_description
- wm_meta_keywords
-> wpmm_meta_keywords
* Added new filters:
- wpmm_backtime
- can be used to change the backtime from page header
- wpmm_meta_robots
- can be used to change Robots Meta Tag
option (from General)
- wpmm_text
- can be used to change Text
option (from Design > Content)
- wpmm_scripts
- can be used to embed new javascripts files
- wpmm_styles
- can be used to embed new css files
- wpmm_search_bots
- if you have Bypass for Search Bots
option (from General) activated, it can be used to add new bots (useragents)
* Removed themes and now we have a "Design" & "Modules" tabs, where the look and functionality of the maintenance page can be changed as you need
Release Info
Developer | GeorgeJipa |
Plugin | WP Maintenance Mode |
Version | 2.0.0 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 1.8.11 to 2.0.0
- assets/css/index.php +2 -0
- assets/css/style-admin.css +133 -0
- assets/css/style.css +403 -0
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- assets/images/backgrounds/bg8_thumb.jpg +0 -0
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- css/style.css +0 -36
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- includes/classes/wp-maintenance-mode.php +689 -0
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- includes/index.php +2 -0
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- views/settings.php +69 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 |
2 |
// Silence is golden.
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
1 |
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2 |
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3 |
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4 |
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5 |
height: 48px;
6 |
padding-left: 55px;
7 |
8 |
9 |
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10 |
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11 |
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12 |
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13 |
14 |
15 |
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16 |
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17 |
18 |
19 |
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20 |
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21 |
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22 |
23 |
24 |
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25 |
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26 |
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27 |
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28 |
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29 |
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30 |
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31 |
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32 |
33 |
34 |
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35 |
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36 |
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37 |
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38 |
39 |
40 |
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41 |
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42 |
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43 |
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44 |
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45 |
46 |
47 |
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48 |
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49 |
50 |
51 |
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52 |
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53 |
54 |
55 |
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56 |
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57 |
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58 |
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59 |
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60 |
61 |
62 |
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63 |
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64 |
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65 |
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66 |
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67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
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71 |
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72 |
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73 |
74 |
75 |
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76 |
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77 |
78 |
79 |
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80 |
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81 |
82 |
83 |
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84 |
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85 |
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86 |
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87 |
88 |
89 |
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90 |
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91 |
92 |
93 |
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94 |
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95 |
96 |
97 |
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98 |
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99 |
100 |
101 |
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102 |
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103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
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107 |
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108 |
109 |
110 |
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111 |
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112 |
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113 |
114 |
115 |
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116 |
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117 |
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118 |
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119 |
120 |
121 |
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122 |
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123 |
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124 |
125 |
126 |
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127 |
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128 |
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129 |
130 |
131 |
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132 |
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133 |
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1 |
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2 |
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3 |
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4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
10 |
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11 |
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12 |
13 |
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14 |
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15 |
16 |
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17 |
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18 |
19 |
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20 |
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21 |
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22 |
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23 |
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24 |
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25 |
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26 |
27 |
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28 |
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29 |
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30 |
31 |
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32 |
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33 |
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34 |
35 |
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36 |
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37 |
38 |
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39 |
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40 |
41 |
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42 |
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43 |
44 |
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45 |
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46 |
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47 |
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48 |
49 |
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50 |
51 |
52 |
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53 |
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54 |
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55 |
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56 |
57 |
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58 |
59 |
60 |
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61 |
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62 |
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63 |
64 |
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65 |
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66 |
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67 |
68 |
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69 |
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70 |
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71 |
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72 |
73 |
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74 |
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75 |
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76 |
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77 |
78 |
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79 |
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80 |
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81 |
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82 |
83 |
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84 |
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85 |
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86 |
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87 |
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88 |
89 |
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90 |
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91 |
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92 |
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93 |
94 |
95 |
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96 |
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97 |
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98 |
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99 |
100 |
101 |
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102 |
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103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
.wrap .countdown {
109 |
margin: 0 0 85px;
110 |
111 |
.wrap .countdown span {
112 |
font-size: 30px;
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
.wrap form.subscribe_form {
119 |
width: 465px;
120 |
margin: 0 0 75px;
121 |
display: inline-block;
122 |
border: 3px solid #e0e0e0;
123 |
box-sizing: border-box;
124 |
125 |
.wrap form.subscribe_form input {
126 |
margin: 0;
127 |
outline: 0;
128 |
border: 0;
129 |
float: left;
130 |
font-size: 18px;
131 |
padding: 20px 25px;
132 |
box-sizing: content-box;
133 |
134 |
.wrap form.subscribe_form input[type="text"] {
135 |
width: 245px;
136 |
137 |
.wrap form.subscribe_form input[type="submit"] {
138 |
background: #000;
139 |
color: #fff;
140 |
float: right;
141 |
cursor: pointer;
142 |
padding: 20px 30px;
143 |
border-left: 3px solid #e0e0e0;
144 |
145 |
.wrap form.subscribe_form input[type="submit"]:hover {
146 |
background: #fff;
147 |
color: #000;
148 |
border-left: 3px solid #e0e0e0;
149 |
150 |
151 |
.wrap form.subscribe_form input[type="submit"]:active {
152 |
background: #1e1e1e;
153 |
color: #fff;
154 |
155 |
.wrap form.subscribe_form .error {
156 |
color: red;
157 |
158 |
.wrap form.subscribe_form label.error {
159 |
display: none !important;
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
.wrap .social {
166 |
margin: 0 0 70px;
167 |
168 |
.wrap .social a {
169 |
width: 22px;
170 |
height: 22px;
171 |
margin: 0 0 20px 60px;
172 |
background-image: url('../images/icn_sprite.png');
173 |
background-repeat: no-repeat;
174 |
display: inline-block;
175 |
text-indent: -999em;
176 |
177 |
.wrap .social a:first-of-type {
178 |
margin: 0 0 20px 0;
179 |
180 |
.wrap .social .git {
181 |
background-position: 0 0;
182 |
183 |
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184 |
background-position: -240px 0;
185 |
186 |
.wrap .social .tw {
187 |
background-position: -162px 0px;
188 |
189 |
.wrap .social .rss {
190 |
background-position: -402px 0;
191 |
192 |
.wrap .social .mail {
193 |
background-position: -560px 0;
194 |
195 |
.wrap .social .pin {
196 |
background-position: -322px 0;
197 |
198 |
.wrap .social .dribbble {
199 |
background-position: -82px 0;
200 |
201 |
.wrap .social .gplus {
202 |
background-position: -486px 0;
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
.wrap .contact_us {
209 |
color: #000;
210 |
border: 3px solid #000;
211 |
font-size: 18px;
212 |
padding: 15px 40px;
213 |
display: inline-block;
214 |
margin: 0 0 70px;
215 |
216 |
217 |
.wrap .contact_us:hover {
218 |
background: #000;
219 |
color: #fff;
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
.contact_us {
224 |
text-decoration: none;
225 |
226 |
227 |
.contact {
228 |
position: fixed;
229 |
display: none;
230 |
top: 0;
231 |
bottom: 0;
232 |
left: 0;
233 |
right: 0;
234 |
background: rgba(27, 31, 35, 0.95);
235 |
236 |
.contact label.error {
237 |
color: red;
238 |
float: left;
239 |
font-size: 11px;
240 |
padding-top: 10px;
241 |
242 |
.contact .form {
243 |
width: 520px;
244 |
text-align: center;
245 |
padding: 40px;
246 |
background: #f9f9f9;
247 |
box-sizing: border-box;
248 |
margin: 100px auto;
249 |
transition: 0.2s transform ease-in-out;
250 |
251 |
.contact .form input, .contact .form textarea {
252 |
padding: 15px 20px;
253 |
margin: 0;
254 |
outline: 0;
255 |
width: 100%;
256 |
background: #f9f9f9;
257 |
border: 3px solid #e0e0e0;
258 |
font-size: 18px;
259 |
font-family: Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif;
260 |
box-sizing: border-box;
261 |
resize: none;
262 |
263 |
.contact .form textarea {
264 |
height: 175px;
265 |
padding: 20px;
266 |
267 |
.contact .form input[type="text"]::-webkit-input-placeholder, .contact .form textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder {
268 |
color: #dadada;
269 |
270 |
.contact .form input[type="text"]::-moz-input-placeholder, .contact .form textarea::-moz-input-placeholder {
271 |
color: #dadada;
272 |
273 |
.contact .form input[type="text"]::-ms-input-placeholder, .contact .form textarea::-ms-input-placeholder {
274 |
color: #dadada;
275 |
276 |
.contact .form .col {
277 |
width: 205px;
278 |
margin: 0 0 30px;
279 |
display: inline-block;
280 |
float: left;
281 |
282 |
.contact .form .col.last {
283 |
float: right;
284 |
285 |
.contact .form .submit {
286 |
margin: 30px 0 0;
287 |
text-align: center;
288 |
clear: left;
289 |
290 |
.contact .form .submit input {
291 |
cursor: pointer;
292 |
display: inline-block;
293 |
background: #1b1f24;
294 |
color: #fff;
295 |
border: 0;
296 |
padding: 20px 45px;
297 |
width: auto;
298 |
299 |
300 |
/*======= MOVE ANIMATION =======*/
301 |
.contact .move_top {
302 |
transform: perspective(1000px) translateY(-200px);
303 |
304 |
.contact .move_bottom {
305 |
transform: perspective(1000px) translateY(0);
306 |
307 |
308 |
309 |
/*======= ZOOM ANIMATION =======*/
310 |
.contact .zoom {
311 |
transform: perspective(1000px) scale(0.5);
312 |
transition: 0.3s transform ease-in-out;
313 |
314 |
.contact .zoomed {
315 |
transform: perspective(1000px) scale(1);
316 |
317 |
318 |
/*======= FOLD ANIMATION =======*/
319 |
.contact .fold {
320 |
transform: perspective(1000px) rotateY(90deg);
321 |
322 |
.contact .unfold {
323 |
transform: perspective(1000px) rotateY(0);
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 |
.background {
330 |
background: url('../images/backgrounds/bg1.jpg') no-repeat center top fixed;
331 |
background-size: cover;
332 |
333 |
.background .countdown span {
334 |
color: #fff;
335 |
336 |
.background form.subscribe_form input[type="submit"] {
337 |
color: #000;
338 |
background: #fff;
339 |
340 |
.background form.subscribe_form input[type="text"] {
341 |
background: transparent;
342 |
color: #fff;
343 |
344 |
.background form.subscribe_form input.error[type="text"] {
345 |
color: red;
346 |
347 |
.background form.subscribe_form input[type="text"]::-webkit-input-placeholder {
348 |
color: #fff;
349 |
350 |
.background form.subscribe_form input[type="text"]::-moz-input-placeholder {
351 |
color: #fff;
352 |
353 |
.background form.subscribe_form input[type="text"]::-ms-input-placeholder {
354 |
color: #fff;
355 |
356 |
.background .contact_us {
357 |
color: #fff;
358 |
border-color: #fff;
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
364 |
@media only screen and (max-width: 550px) {
365 |
.wrap {
366 |
width: 90%;
367 |
margin: 50px auto 0;
368 |
369 |
.wrap h1 {
370 |
margin: 0 0 50px;
371 |
372 |
.wrap h2, .wrap h3 {
373 |
font-size: 18px;
374 |
375 |
.wrap form {
376 |
box-sizing: border-box;
377 |
width: 100%;
378 |
379 |
.wrap form input {
380 |
box-sizing: border-box;
381 |
382 |
.wrap form input[type="text"], .wrap form input[type="submit"] {
383 |
width: 100%;
384 |
385 |
.wrap .contact_us {
386 |
margin: 0 0 50px;
387 |
388 |
.contact .form {
389 |
width: 90%;
390 |
391 |
.contact .form p.col {
392 |
width: 100%;
393 |
394 |
.contact .form input[type="submit"] {
395 |
width: 100%;
396 |
397 |
ul, ol {
398 |
width: 80%;
399 |
400 |
blockquote, q {
401 |
width: 70%;
402 |
403 |
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Binary file
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1 |
2 |
// Silence is golden.
Binary file
Binary file
Binary file
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 |
2 |
// Silence is golden.
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 |
2 |
// Silence is golden.
@@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
1 |
2 |
* jQuery
3 |
* By: Trent Richardson []
4 |
* Version 1.2
5 |
* Last Modified: 02/02/2013
6 |
7 |
* Copyright 2013 Trent Richardson
8 |
* You may use this project under MIT
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
(function($) {
16 |
17 |
18 |
* Lets not redefine timepicker, Prevent "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"
@@ -27,7 +22,7 @@
27 |
28 |
$.extend($.ui, {
29 |
timepicker: {
30 |
version: "
31 |
32 |
33 |
@@ -37,7 +32,7 @@
37 |
* Settings for (groups of) time pickers are maintained in an instance object,
38 |
* allowing multiple different settings on the same page.
39 |
40 |
var Timepicker = function() {
41 |
this.regional = []; // Available regional settings, indexed by language code
42 |
this.regional[''] = { // Default regional settings
43 |
currentText: 'Now',
@@ -52,54 +47,62 @@
52 |
minuteText: 'Minute',
53 |
secondText: 'Second',
54 |
millisecText: 'Millisecond',
55 |
timezoneText: 'Time Zone',
56 |
isRTL: false
57 |
58 |
this._defaults = { // Global defaults for all the datetime picker instances
59 |
showButtonPanel: true,
60 |
timeOnly: false,
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
showTime: true,
67 |
stepHour: 1,
68 |
stepMinute: 1,
69 |
stepSecond: 1,
70 |
stepMillisec: 1,
71 |
hour: 0,
72 |
minute: 0,
73 |
second: 0,
74 |
millisec: 0,
75 |
timezone: null,
76 |
useLocalTimezone: false,
77 |
defaultTimezone: "+0000",
78 |
hourMin: 0,
79 |
minuteMin: 0,
80 |
secondMin: 0,
81 |
millisecMin: 0,
82 |
hourMax: 23,
83 |
minuteMax: 59,
84 |
secondMax: 59,
85 |
millisecMax: 999,
86 |
minDateTime: null,
87 |
maxDateTime: null,
88 |
onSelect: null,
89 |
hourGrid: 0,
90 |
minuteGrid: 0,
91 |
secondGrid: 0,
92 |
millisecGrid: 0,
93 |
alwaysSetTime: true,
94 |
separator: ' ',
95 |
altFieldTimeOnly: true,
96 |
altTimeFormat: null,
97 |
altSeparator: null,
98 |
altTimeSuffix: null,
99 |
pickerTimeFormat: null,
100 |
pickerTimeSuffix: null,
101 |
showTimepicker: true,
102 |
timezoneIso8601: false,
103 |
timezoneList: null,
104 |
addSliderAccess: false,
105 |
sliderAccessArgs: null,
@@ -119,35 +122,41 @@
119 |
minute_slider: null,
120 |
second_slider: null,
121 |
millisec_slider: null,
122 |
timezone_select: null,
123 |
hour: 0,
124 |
minute: 0,
125 |
second: 0,
126 |
millisec: 0,
127 |
timezone: null,
128 |
defaultTimezone: "+0000",
129 |
hourMinOriginal: null,
130 |
minuteMinOriginal: null,
131 |
secondMinOriginal: null,
132 |
millisecMinOriginal: null,
133 |
hourMaxOriginal: null,
134 |
minuteMaxOriginal: null,
135 |
secondMaxOriginal: null,
136 |
millisecMaxOriginal: null,
137 |
ampm: '',
138 |
formattedDate: '',
139 |
formattedTime: '',
140 |
formattedDateTime: '',
141 |
timezoneList: null,
142 |
units: ['hour','minute','second','millisec'],
143 |
control: null,
144 |
145 |
146 |
* Override the default settings for all instances of the time picker.
147 |
* @param settings object - the new settings to use as defaults (anonymous object)
148 |
* @return the manager object
149 |
150 |
setDefaults: function(settings) {
151 |
extendRemove(this._defaults, settings || {});
152 |
return this;
153 |
@@ -155,14 +164,14 @@
155 |
156 |
* Create a new Timepicker instance
157 |
158 |
_newInst: function($input,
159 |
var tp_inst = new Timepicker(),
160 |
inlineSettings = {},
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
for (var attrName in this._defaults) {
165 |
166 |
var attrValue = $input.attr('time:' + attrName);
167 |
if (attrValue) {
168 |
try {
@@ -173,87 +182,104 @@
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
return val.toUpperCase();
209 |
210 |
tp_inst.pmNames = $.map(tp_inst._defaults.pmNames, function(val) {
211 |
return val.toUpperCase();
212 |
213 |
214 |
// controlType is string - key to our this._controls
215 |
if(typeof(tp_inst._defaults.controlType) === 'string'){
216 |
217 |
tp_inst._defaults.controlType = 'select';
218 |
219 |
tp_inst.control = tp_inst._controls[tp_inst._defaults.controlType];
220 |
221 |
// controlType is an object and must implement create, options, value methods
222 |
223 |
tp_inst.control = tp_inst._defaults.controlType;
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
tp_inst._defaults.timezoneList = timezoneList;
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
tp_inst.ampm = '';
249 |
tp_inst.$input = $input;
250 |
251 |
if (
252 |
tp_inst.$altInput = $(
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
if (tp_inst._defaults.minDate === 0 || tp_inst._defaults.minDateTime === 0) {
@@ -276,7 +302,7 @@
276 |
if (tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime !== undefined && tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime instanceof Date) {
277 |
tp_inst._defaults.maxDate = new Date(tp_inst._defaults.maxDateTime.getTime());
278 |
279 |
tp_inst.$input.bind('focus', function() {
280 |
281 |
282 |
@@ -286,7 +312,7 @@
286 |
287 |
* add our sliders to the calendar
288 |
289 |
_addTimePicker: function(dp_inst) {
290 |
var currDT = (this.$altInput && this._defaults.altFieldTimeOnly) ? this.$input.val() + ' ' + this.$altInput.val() : this.$input.val();
291 |
292 |
this.timeDefined = this._parseTime(currDT);
@@ -297,7 +323,7 @@
297 |
298 |
* parse the time string from input value or _setTime
299 |
300 |
_parseTime: function(timeString, withDate) {
301 |
if (!this.inst) {
302 |
this.inst = $.datepicker._getInst(this.$input[0]);
303 |
@@ -331,49 +357,54 @@
331 |
332 |
* generate and inject html for timepicker into ui datepicker
333 |
334 |
_injectTimePicker: function() {
335 |
var $dp = this.inst.dpDiv,
336 |
o = this.inst.settings,
337 |
tp_inst = this,
338 |
litem = '',
339 |
uitem = '',
340 |
max = {},
341 |
gridSize = {},
342 |
size = null
343 |
344 |
// Prevent displaying twice
345 |
if ($dp.find("div.ui-timepicker-div").length === 0 && o.showTimepicker) {
346 |
var noDisplay = ' style="display:none;"',
347 |
html = '<div class="ui-timepicker-div'+ (o.isRTL? ' ui-timepicker-rtl' : '') +'"><dl>' + '<dt class="ui_tpicker_time_label"' + ((o.showTime) ? '' : noDisplay) + '>' + o.timeText + '</dt>' +
348 |
'<dd class="ui_tpicker_time"' + ((o.showTime) ? '' : noDisplay) + '></dd>';
349 |
350 |
// Create the markup
351 |
352 |
litem = this.units[i];
353 |
uitem = litem.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + litem.substr(1);
354 |
// Added by Peter Medeiros:
355 |
// - Figure out what the hour/minute/second max should be based on the step values.
356 |
// - Example: if stepMinute is 15, then minMax is 45.
357 |
max[litem] = parseInt((o[litem+'Max'] - ((o[litem+'Max'] - o[litem+'Min']) % o['step'+uitem])), 10);
358 |
gridSize[litem] = 0;
359 |
360 |
html += '<dt class="ui_tpicker_'+ litem +'_label"' + (
361 |
'<dd class="ui_tpicker_'+ litem +'"><div class="ui_tpicker_'+ litem +'_slider"' + (
362 |
363 |
if (
364 |
html += '<div style="padding-left: 1px"><table class="ui-tpicker-grid-label"><tr>';
365 |
366 |
367 |
for (var h = o[litem+'Min']; h <= max[litem]; h += parseInt(o[litem+'Grid'], 10)) {
368 |
369 |
var tmph = $.datepicker.formatTime(
370 |
html += '<td data-for="'+litem+'">' + tmph + '</td>';
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
for (var m = o[litem+'Min']; m <= max[litem]; m += parseInt(o[litem+'Grid'], 10)) {
375 |
376 |
html += '<td data-for="'+litem+'">' + ((m < 10) ? '0' : '') + m + '</td>';
377 |
378 |
379 |
@@ -383,8 +414,9 @@
383 |
384 |
385 |
// Timezone
386 |
387 |
html += '<
388 |
389 |
// Create the elements from string
390 |
html += '</dl></div>';
@@ -397,45 +429,45 @@
397 |
398 |
399 |
// add sliders, adjust grids, add events
400 |
401 |
litem = tp_inst.units[i];
402 |
uitem = litem.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + litem.substr(1);
403 |
404 |
// add the slider
405 |
tp_inst[litem+'_slider'] = tp_inst.control.create(tp_inst, $tp.find('.ui_tpicker_'+litem+'_slider'), litem, tp_inst[litem], o[litem+'Min'], max[litem], o['step'+uitem]);
406 |
407 |
// adjust the grid and add click event
408 |
if (
409 |
size = 100 * gridSize[litem] * o[litem+'Grid'] / (max[litem] - o[litem+'Min']);
410 |
$tp.find('.ui_tpicker_'+litem+' table').css({
411 |
width: size + "%",
412 |
marginLeft: o.isRTL? '0' : ((size / (-2 * gridSize[litem])) + "%"),
413 |
marginRight: o.isRTL? ((size / (-2 * gridSize[litem])) + "%") : '0',
414 |
borderCollapse: 'collapse'
415 |
416 |
var $t = $(this),
417 |
h = $t.html(),
418 |
n = parseInt(h.replace(/[^0-9]/g),10),
419 |
ap = h.replace(/[^apm]/ig),
420 |
f = $'for'); // loses scope, so we use data-for
421 |
422 |
423 |
if(ap.indexOf('p') !== -1 && n < 12){
424 |
n += 12;
425 |
426 |
427 |
if(ap.indexOf('a') !== -1 && n === 12){
428 |
n = 0;
429 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
433 |
tp_inst.control.value(tp_inst, tp_inst[f+'_slider'], litem, n);
434 |
435 |
436 |
437 |
438 |
439 |
cursor: 'pointer',
440 |
width: (100 / gridSize[litem]) + '%',
441 |
textAlign: 'center',
@@ -447,26 +479,24 @@
447 |
// Add timezone options
448 |
this.timezone_select = $tp.find('.ui_tpicker_timezone').append('<select></select>').find("select");
449 |
450 |
$.map(o.timezoneList, function(val, idx) {
451 |
return $("<option />").val(typeof val
452 |
453 |
if (typeof(this.timezone)
454 |
455 |
456 |
457 |
458 |
} else {
459 |
460 |
461 |
} else {
462 |
if (typeof(this.hour)
463 |
464 |
} else {
465 |
466 |
467 |
468 |
this.timezone_select.change(function() {
469 |
tp_inst._defaults.useLocalTimezone = false;
470 |
471 |
472 |
@@ -494,21 +524,21 @@
494 |
rtl = this._defaults.isRTL;
495 |
sliderAccessArgs.isRTL = rtl;
496 |
497 |
setTimeout(function() { // fix for inline mode
498 |
if ($tp.find('.ui-slider-access').length === 0) {
499 |
500 |
501 |
// fix any grids since sliders are shorter
502 |
var sliderAccessWidth = $tp.find('.ui-slider-access:eq(0)').outerWidth(true);
503 |
if (sliderAccessWidth) {
504 |
$tp.find('table:visible').each(function() {
505 |
var $g = $(this),
506 |
oldWidth = $g.outerWidth(),
507 |
oldMarginLeft = $g.css(rtl? 'marginRight':'marginLeft').toString().replace('%', ''),
508 |
newWidth = oldWidth - sliderAccessWidth,
509 |
newMarginLeft = ((oldMarginLeft * newWidth) / oldWidth) + '%',
510 |
css = { width: newWidth, marginRight: 0, marginLeft: 0 };
511 |
css[rtl? 'marginRight':'marginLeft'] = newMarginLeft;
512 |
513 |
514 |
@@ -517,6 +547,7 @@
517 |
518 |
// end slideAccess integration
519 |
520 |
521 |
522 |
@@ -524,7 +555,7 @@
524 |
* This function tries to limit the ability to go outside the
525 |
* min/max date range
526 |
527 |
_limitMinMaxDateTime: function(dp_inst, adjustSliders) {
528 |
var o = this._defaults,
529 |
dp_date = new Date(dp_inst.selectedYear, dp_inst.selectedMonth, dp_inst.selectedDay);
530 |
@@ -536,14 +567,15 @@
536 |
var minDateTime = $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'minDateTime'),
537 |
minDateTimeDate = new Date(minDateTime.getFullYear(), minDateTime.getMonth(), minDateTime.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
538 |
539 |
if (this.hourMinOriginal === null || this.minuteMinOriginal === null || this.secondMinOriginal === null || this.millisecMinOriginal === null) {
540 |
this.hourMinOriginal = o.hourMin;
541 |
this.minuteMinOriginal = o.minuteMin;
542 |
this.secondMinOriginal = o.secondMin;
543 |
this.millisecMinOriginal = o.millisecMin;
544 |
545 |
546 |
if (dp_inst.settings.timeOnly || minDateTimeDate.getTime()
547 |
this._defaults.hourMin = minDateTime.getHours();
548 |
if (this.hour <= this._defaults.hourMin) {
549 |
this.hour = this._defaults.hourMin;
@@ -554,26 +586,36 @@
554 |
if (this.second <= this._defaults.secondMin) {
555 |
this.second = this._defaults.secondMin;
556 |
this._defaults.millisecMin = minDateTime.getMilliseconds();
557 |
558 |
if (this.millisec < this._defaults.millisecMin) {
559 |
this.millisec = this._defaults.millisecMin;
560 |
561 |
this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;
562 |
563 |
} else {
564 |
this._defaults.secondMin = this.secondMinOriginal;
565 |
this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;
566 |
567 |
} else {
568 |
this._defaults.minuteMin = this.minuteMinOriginal;
569 |
this._defaults.secondMin = this.secondMinOriginal;
570 |
this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;
571 |
572 |
} else {
573 |
this._defaults.hourMin = this.hourMinOriginal;
574 |
this._defaults.minuteMin = this.minuteMinOriginal;
575 |
this._defaults.secondMin = this.secondMinOriginal;
576 |
this._defaults.millisecMin = this.millisecMinOriginal;
577 |
578 |
579 |
@@ -581,14 +623,15 @@
581 |
var maxDateTime = $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'maxDateTime'),
582 |
maxDateTimeDate = new Date(maxDateTime.getFullYear(), maxDateTime.getMonth(), maxDateTime.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
583 |
584 |
if (this.hourMaxOriginal === null || this.minuteMaxOriginal === null || this.secondMaxOriginal === null) {
585 |
this.hourMaxOriginal = o.hourMax;
586 |
this.minuteMaxOriginal = o.minuteMax;
587 |
this.secondMaxOriginal = o.secondMax;
588 |
this.millisecMaxOriginal = o.millisecMax;
589 |
590 |
591 |
if (dp_inst.settings.timeOnly || maxDateTimeDate.getTime()
592 |
this._defaults.hourMax = maxDateTime.getHours();
593 |
if (this.hour >= this._defaults.hourMax) {
594 |
this.hour = this._defaults.hourMax;
@@ -599,51 +642,104 @@
599 |
if (this.second >= this._defaults.secondMax) {
600 |
this.second = this._defaults.secondMax;
601 |
this._defaults.millisecMax = maxDateTime.getMilliseconds();
602 |
603 |
if (this.millisec > this._defaults.millisecMax) {
604 |
this.millisec = this._defaults.millisecMax;
605 |
606 |
this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;
607 |
608 |
} else {
609 |
this._defaults.secondMax = this.secondMaxOriginal;
610 |
this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;
611 |
612 |
} else {
613 |
this._defaults.minuteMax = this.minuteMaxOriginal;
614 |
this._defaults.secondMax = this.secondMaxOriginal;
615 |
this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;
616 |
617 |
} else {
618 |
this._defaults.hourMax = this.hourMaxOriginal;
619 |
this._defaults.minuteMax = this.minuteMaxOriginal;
620 |
this._defaults.secondMax = this.secondMaxOriginal;
621 |
this._defaults.millisecMax = this.millisecMaxOriginal;
622 |
623 |
624 |
625 |
if (adjustSliders !== undefined && adjustSliders === true) {
626 |
var hourMax = parseInt((this._defaults.hourMax - ((this._defaults.hourMax - this._defaults.hourMin) % this._defaults.stepHour)), 10),
627 |
minMax = parseInt((this._defaults.minuteMax - ((this._defaults.minuteMax - this._defaults.minuteMin) % this._defaults.stepMinute)), 10),
628 |
secMax = parseInt((this._defaults.secondMax - ((this._defaults.secondMax - this._defaults.secondMin) % this._defaults.stepSecond)), 10),
629 |
millisecMax = parseInt((this._defaults.millisecMax - ((this._defaults.millisecMax - this._defaults.millisecMin) % this._defaults.stepMillisec)), 10)
630 |
631 |
if (this.hour_slider) {
632 |
this.control.options(this, this.hour_slider, 'hour', { min: this._defaults.hourMin, max: hourMax });
633 |
this.control.value(this, this.hour_slider, 'hour', this.hour - (this.hour % this._defaults.stepHour));
634 |
635 |
if (this.minute_slider) {
636 |
this.control.options(this, this.minute_slider, 'minute', { min: this._defaults.minuteMin, max: minMax });
637 |
this.control.value(this, this.minute_slider, 'minute', this.minute - (this.minute % this._defaults.stepMinute));
638 |
639 |
if (this.second_slider) {
640 |
this.control.options(this, this.second_slider, 'second', { min: this._defaults.secondMin, max: secMax });
641 |
this.control.value(this, this.second_slider, 'second', this.second - (this.second % this._defaults.stepSecond));
642 |
643 |
if (this.millisec_slider) {
644 |
this.control.options(this, this.millisec_slider, 'millisec', { min: this._defaults.millisecMin, max: millisecMax });
645 |
this.control.value(this, this.millisec_slider, 'millisec', this.millisec - (this.millisec % this._defaults.stepMillisec));
646 |
647 |
648 |
649 |
@@ -652,29 +748,36 @@
652 |
* when a slider moves, set the internal time...
653 |
* on time change is also called when the time is updated in the text field
654 |
655 |
_onTimeChange: function() {
656 |
var hour = (this.hour_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.hour_slider, 'hour') : false,
657 |
minute = (this.minute_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.minute_slider, 'minute') : false,
658 |
second = (this.second_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.second_slider, 'second') : false,
659 |
millisec = (this.millisec_slider) ? this.control.value(this, this.millisec_slider, 'millisec') : false,
660 |
timezone = (this.timezone_select) ? this.timezone_select.val() : false,
661 |
o = this._defaults,
662 |
pickerTimeFormat = o.pickerTimeFormat || o.timeFormat,
663 |
pickerTimeSuffix = o.pickerTimeSuffix || o.timeSuffix;
664 |
665 |
if (typeof(hour)
666 |
hour = false;
667 |
668 |
if (typeof(minute)
669 |
minute = false;
670 |
671 |
if (typeof(second)
672 |
second = false;
673 |
674 |
if (typeof(millisec)
675 |
millisec = false;
676 |
677 |
if (typeof(
678 |
timezone = false;
679 |
680 |
@@ -690,14 +793,26 @@
690 |
if (millisec !== false) {
691 |
millisec = parseInt(millisec, 10);
692 |
693 |
694 |
var ampm = o[hour < 12 ? 'amNames' : 'pmNames'][0];
695 |
696 |
// If the update was done in the input field, the input field should not be updated.
697 |
// If the update was done using the sliders, update the input field.
698 |
var hasChanged = (
699 |
700 |
701 |
702 |
if (hasChanged) {
703 |
@@ -713,6 +828,9 @@
713 |
if (millisec !== false) {
714 |
this.millisec = millisec;
715 |
716 |
if (timezone !== false) {
717 |
this.timezone = timezone;
718 |
@@ -723,17 +841,17 @@
723 |
724 |
this._limitMinMaxDateTime(this.inst, true);
725 |
726 |
if (
727 |
this.ampm = ampm;
728 |
729 |
730 |
// Updates the time within the timepicker
731 |
this.formattedTime = $.datepicker.formatTime(o.timeFormat, this, o);
732 |
if (this.$timeObj) {
733 |
if(pickerTimeFormat === o.timeFormat){
734 |
this.$timeObj.text(this.formattedTime + pickerTimeSuffix);
735 |
736 |
737 |
this.$timeObj.text($.datepicker.formatTime(pickerTimeFormat, this, o) + pickerTimeSuffix);
738 |
739 |
@@ -741,6 +859,7 @@
741 |
this.timeDefined = true;
742 |
if (hasChanged) {
743 |
744 |
745 |
746 |
@@ -748,7 +867,7 @@
748 |
* call custom onSelect.
749 |
* bind to sliders slidestop, and grid click.
750 |
751 |
_onSelectHandler: function() {
752 |
var onSelect = this._defaults.onSelect || this.inst.settings.onSelect;
753 |
var inputEl = this.$input ? this.$input[0] : null;
754 |
if (onSelect && inputEl) {
@@ -759,9 +878,14 @@
759 |
760 |
* update our input with the new date time..
761 |
762 |
_updateDateTime: function(dp_inst) {
763 |
dp_inst = this.inst || dp_inst;
764 |
765 |
dateFmt = $.datepicker._get(dp_inst, 'dateFormat'),
766 |
formatCfg = $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(dp_inst),
767 |
timeAvailable = dt !== null && this.timeDefined;
@@ -769,10 +893,10 @@
769 |
var formattedDateTime = this.formattedDate;
770 |
771 |
// if a slider was changed but datepicker doesn't have a value yet, set it
772 |
773 |
774 |
775 |
776 |
777 |
778 |
@@ -784,9 +908,9 @@
784 |
// return;
785 |
786 |
787 |
if (this._defaults.timeOnly === true) {
788 |
formattedDateTime = this.formattedTime;
789 |
} else if (this._defaults.timeOnly !== true && (this._defaults.alwaysSetTime || timeAvailable)) {
790 |
formattedDateTime += this._defaults.separator + this.formattedTime + this._defaults.timeSuffix;
791 |
792 |
@@ -794,20 +918,34 @@
794 |
795 |
if (!this._defaults.showTimepicker) {
796 |
797 |
} else if (this.$altInput && this._defaults.altFieldTimeOnly === true) {
798 |
799 |
800 |
} else if (this.$altInput) {
801 |
802 |
var altFormattedDateTime = '',
803 |
altSeparator = this._defaults.altSeparator ? this._defaults.altSeparator : this._defaults.separator,
804 |
altTimeSuffix = this._defaults.altTimeSuffix ? this._defaults.altTimeSuffix : this._defaults.timeSuffix;
805 |
806 |
if (this._defaults.
807 |
808 |
809 |
810 |
811 |
812 |
} else {
813 |
@@ -816,13 +954,13 @@
816 |
817 |
818 |
819 |
_onFocus: function() {
820 |
if (!this.$input.val() && this._defaults.defaultValue) {
821 |
822 |
var inst = $.datepicker._getInst(this.$input.get(0)),
823 |
tp_inst = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'timepicker');
824 |
if (tp_inst) {
825 |
if (tp_inst._defaults.timeOnly && (inst.input.val()
826 |
try {
827 |
828 |
} catch (err) {
@@ -840,29 +978,30 @@
840 |
_controls: {
841 |
// slider methods
842 |
slider: {
843 |
create: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val, min, max, step){
844 |
var rtl = tp_inst._defaults.isRTL; // if rtl go -60->0 instead of 0->60
845 |
return obj.prop('slide', null).slider({
846 |
orientation: "horizontal",
847 |
value: rtl? val
848 |
min: rtl? max
849 |
max: rtl? min
850 |
step: step,
851 |
slide: function(event, ui) {
852 |
tp_inst.control.value(tp_inst, $(this), unit, rtl? ui.value
853 |
854 |
855 |
stop: function(event, ui) {
856 |
857 |
858 |
859 |
860 |
options: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, opts, val){
861 |
862 |
863 |
864 |
if(val !== undefined)
865 |
return obj.slider(opts, val
866 |
return Math.abs(obj.slider(opts));
867 |
868 |
return obj.slider(opts);
@@ -870,68 +1009,75 @@
870 |
var min = opts.min,
871 |
max = opts.max;
872 |
opts.min = opts.max = null;
873 |
if(min !== undefined)
874 |
opts.max = min * -1;
875 |
876 |
opts.min = max * -1;
877 |
return obj.slider(opts);
878 |
879 |
880 |
881 |
return obj.slider(opts);
882 |
883 |
value: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val){
884 |
885 |
if(val !== undefined)
886 |
return obj.slider('value', val
887 |
return Math.abs(obj.slider('value'));
888 |
889 |
if(val !== undefined)
890 |
return obj.slider('value', val);
891 |
return obj.slider('value');
892 |
893 |
894 |
// select methods
895 |
select: {
896 |
create: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val, min, max, step){
897 |
var sel = '<select class="ui-timepicker-select" data-unit="'+ unit +'" data-min="'+ min +'" data-max="'+ max +'" data-step="'+ step +'">',
898 |
899 |
900 |
901 |
902 |
903 |
904 |
905 |
else if(unit
906 |
else sel += '0'+ i.toString();
907 |
sel += '</option>';
908 |
909 |
sel += '</select>';
910 |
911 |
912 |
913 |
914 |
915 |
916 |
917 |
918 |
return obj;
919 |
920 |
options: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, opts, val){
921 |
var o = {},
922 |
$t = obj.children('select');
923 |
924 |
if(val === undefined)
925 |
return $;
926 |
o[opts] = val;
927 |
928 |
else o = opts;
929 |
return tp_inst.control.create(tp_inst, obj, $'unit'), $t.val(), o.min || $'min'), o.max || $'max'), o.step || $'step'));
930 |
931 |
value: function(tp_inst, obj, unit, val){
932 |
var $t = obj.children('select');
933 |
if(val !== undefined)
934 |
return $t.val(val);
935 |
return $t.val();
936 |
937 |
@@ -941,19 +1087,19 @@
941 |
942 |
943 |
944 |
* shorthand just to use timepicker
945 |
946 |
timepicker: function(o) {
947 |
o = o || {};
948 |
var tmp_args =;
949 |
950 |
if (typeof o
951 |
tmp_args[0] = $.extend(o, {
952 |
timeOnly: true
953 |
954 |
955 |
956 |
return $(this).each(function() {
957 |
$.fn.datetimepicker.apply($(this), tmp_args);
958 |
959 |
@@ -961,21 +1107,21 @@
961 |
962 |
* extend timepicker to datepicker
963 |
964 |
datetimepicker: function(o) {
965 |
o = o || {};
966 |
var tmp_args = arguments;
967 |
968 |
if (typeof(o)
969 |
if (o
970 |
return $.fn.datepicker.apply($(this[0]), tmp_args);
971 |
} else {
972 |
return this.each(function() {
973 |
var $t = $(this);
974 |
$t.datepicker.apply($t, tmp_args);
975 |
976 |
977 |
} else {
978 |
return this.each(function() {
979 |
var $t = $(this);
980 |
$t.datepicker($.timepicker._newInst($t, o)._defaults);
981 |
@@ -986,11 +1132,12 @@
986 |
987 |
* Public Utility to parse date and time
988 |
989 |
$.datepicker.parseDateTime = function(dateFormat, timeFormat, dateTimeString, dateSettings, timeSettings) {
990 |
var parseRes = parseDateTimeInternal(dateFormat, timeFormat, dateTimeString, dateSettings, timeSettings);
991 |
if (parseRes.timeObj) {
992 |
var t = parseRes.timeObj;
993 |, t.minute, t.second, t.millisec);
994 |
995 |
996 |
@@ -999,14 +1146,15 @@
999 |
1000 |
* Public utility to parse time
1001 |
1002 |
$.datepicker.parseTime = function(timeFormat, timeString, options) {
1003 |
var o = extendRemove(extendRemove({}, $.timepicker._defaults), options || {})
1004 |
1005 |
// Strict parse requires the timeString to match the timeFormat exactly
1006 |
var strictParse = function(f, s, o){
1007 |
1008 |
// pattern for standard and localized AM/PM markers
1009 |
var getPatternAmpm = function(amNames, pmNames) {
1010 |
var markers = [];
1011 |
if (amNames) {
1012 |
$.merge(markers, amNames);
@@ -1014,27 +1162,28 @@
1014 |
if (pmNames) {
1015 |
$.merge(markers, pmNames);
1016 |
1017 |
markers = $.map(markers, function(val) {
1018 |
return val.replace(/[.*+?|()\[\]{}\\]/g, '\\$&');
1019 |
1020 |
return '(' + markers.join('|') + ')?';
1021 |
1022 |
1023 |
// figure out position of time elements.. cause js cant do named captures
1024 |
var getFormatPositions = function(timeFormat) {
1025 |
var finds = timeFormat.toLowerCase().match(/(h{1,2}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|l{1}|t{1,2}|z|'.*?')/g),
1026 |
orders = {
1027 |
h: -1,
1028 |
m: -1,
1029 |
s: -1,
1030 |
l: -1,
1031 |
t: -1,
1032 |
z: -1
1033 |
1034 |
1035 |
if (finds) {
1036 |
for (var i = 0; i < finds.length; i++) {
1037 |
if (orders[finds[i].toString().charAt(0)]
1038 |
orders[finds[i].toString().charAt(0)] = i + 1;
1039 |
1040 |
@@ -1043,17 +1192,25 @@
1043 |
1044 |
1045 |
var regstr = '^' + f.toString()
1046 |
1047 |
var ml = match.length;
1048 |
switch (match.charAt(0).toLowerCase()) {
1049 |
1050 |
1051 |
1052 |
1053 |
1054 |
1055 |
1056 |
1057 |
1058 |
1059 |
.replace(/\s/g, '\\s?') +
@@ -1068,7 +1225,8 @@
1068 |
hour: 0,
1069 |
minute: 0,
1070 |
second: 0,
1071 |
millisec: 0
1072 |
1073 |
1074 |
if (treg) {
@@ -1078,15 +1236,15 @@
1078 |
resTime.ampm = '';
1079 |
} else {
1080 |
ampm = $.inArray(treg[order.t].toUpperCase(), o.amNames) !== -1 ? 'AM' : 'PM';
1081 |
resTime.ampm = o[ampm
1082 |
1083 |
1084 |
1085 |
if (order.h !== -1) {
1086 |
if (ampm
1087 |
resTime.hour = 0; // 12am = 0 hour
1088 |
} else {
1089 |
if (ampm
1090 |
resTime.hour = parseInt(treg[order.h], 10) + 12; // 12pm = 12 hour, any other pm = hour + 12
1091 |
} else {
1092 |
resTime.hour = Number(treg[order.h]);
@@ -1103,31 +1261,11 @@
1103 |
if (order.l !== -1) {
1104 |
resTime.millisec = Number(treg[order.l]);
1105 |
1106 |
if (order.z !== -1 && treg[order.z] !== undefined) {
1107 |
1108 |
switch (tz.length) {
1109 |
case 1:
1110 |
// Z
1111 |
tz = o.timezoneIso8601 ? 'Z' : '+0000';
1112 |
1113 |
case 5:
1114 |
// +hhmm
1115 |
if (o.timezoneIso8601) {
1116 |
tz = tz.substring(1) == '0000' ? 'Z' : tz.substring(0, 3) + ':' + tz.substring(3);
1117 |
1118 |
1119 |
case 6:
1120 |
// +hh:mm
1121 |
if (!o.timezoneIso8601) {
1122 |
tz = tz == 'Z' || tz.substring(1) == '00:00' ? '+0000' : tz.replace(/:/, '');
1123 |
} else {
1124 |
if (tz.substring(1) == '00:00') {
1125 |
tz = 'Z';
1126 |
1127 |
1128 |
1129 |
1130 |
resTime.timezone = tz;
1131 |
1132 |
1133 |
@@ -1137,15 +1275,15 @@
1137 |
};// end strictParse
1138 |
1139 |
// First try JS Date, if that fails, use strictParse
1140 |
var looseParse = function(f,s,o){
1141 |
1142 |
var d = new Date('2012-01-01 '+ s);
1143 |
1144 |
d = new Date('2012-01-01T'+ s);
1145 |
1146 |
d = new Date('01/01/2012 '+ s);
1147 |
1148 |
throw "Unable to parse time with native Date: "+ s;
1149 |
1150 |
1151 |
@@ -1155,36 +1293,38 @@
1155 |
minute: d.getMinutes(),
1156 |
second: d.getSeconds(),
1157 |
millisec: d.getMilliseconds(),
1158 |
1159 |
1160 |
1161 |
1162 |
1163 |
return strictParse(f,s,o);
1164 |
1165 |
1166 |
$.timepicker.log("Unable to parse \ntimeString: "+ s +"\ntimeFormat: "+ f);
1167 |
1168 |
1169 |
return false;
1170 |
}; // end looseParse
1171 |
1172 |
if(typeof o.parse === "function"){
1173 |
return o.parse(timeFormat, timeString, o)
1174 |
1175 |
if(o.parse === 'loose'){
1176 |
return looseParse(timeFormat, timeString, o);
1177 |
1178 |
return strictParse(timeFormat, timeString, o);
1179 |
1180 |
1181 |
1182 |
1183 |
1184 |
1185 |
1186 |
1187 |
1188 |
options = options || {};
1189 |
options = $.extend({}, $.timepicker._defaults, options);
1190 |
time = $.extend({
@@ -1192,7 +1332,8 @@
1192 |
minute: 0,
1193 |
second: 0,
1194 |
millisec: 0,
1195 |
1196 |
}, time);
1197 |
1198 |
var tmptime = format,
@@ -1203,8 +1344,8 @@
1203 |
ampmName = options.pmNames[0];
1204 |
1205 |
1206 |
tmptime = tmptime.replace(/(?:HH?|hh?|mm?|ss?|[tT]{1,2}|[
1207 |
1208 |
case 'HH':
1209 |
return ('0' + hour).slice(-2);
1210 |
case 'H':
@@ -1223,35 +1364,38 @@
1223 |
return time.second;
1224 |
case 'l':
1225 |
return ('00' + time.millisec).slice(-3);
1226 |
case 'z':
1227 |
return time.timezone === null? options.
1228 |
case '
1229 |
return ampmName.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
1230 |
case 'TT':
1231 |
return ampmName.toUpperCase();
1232 |
case 't':
1233 |
return ampmName.charAt(0).toLowerCase();
1234 |
case 'tt':
1235 |
return ampmName.toLowerCase();
1236 |
1237 |
return match.replace(
1238 |
1239 |
1240 |
1241 |
tmptime = $.trim(tmptime);
1242 |
return tmptime;
1243 |
1244 |
1245 |
1246 |
* the bad hack :/ override datepicker so it
1247 |
// inspired:
1248 |
1249 |
$.datepicker._base_selectDate = $.datepicker._selectDate;
1250 |
$.datepicker._selectDate = function(id, dateStr) {
1251 |
var inst = this._getInst($(id)[0]),
1252 |
tp_inst = this._get(inst, 'timepicker');
1253 |
1254 |