WP Statistics

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 13.2.8



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Today 4,396
Yesterday 5,143
Last Week 27,391
All Time 5,449,116
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Do you need a simple tool to know your website statistics? Do you need to represent these statistics? Are you caring about your users privacy while analyzing who are interested in your business or website? With WP Statistics you can know your website statistics without any need to send your users data anywhere. You can know how many people visit your personal or business website, where theyre coming from, what browsers and search engines they use, and which of your contents, categories, tags and users get more visits.

All these data are recorded in your server, and YES! WP Statistics is GDPR compliant.

Checkout Demo!


  • Visitor Data Records including IP, Referring Site, Browser, Search Engine, OS, Country and City
  • Stunning Graphs and Visual Statistics
  • Visitors Country Recognition
  • Visitors City Recognition
  • The number of Visitors coming from each Search Engine
  • The number of Referrals from each Referring Site
  • Top 10 common browsers; Top 10 countries with most visitors; Top 10 most-visited pages; Top 10 referring sites
  • Hits Time-Based Filtering
  • Statistics on Contents based on Categories, Tags, and Writers
  • Widget Support for showing Statistics
  • Data Export in TSV, XML, and CSV formats
  • Statistical Reporting Emails
  • [Premium] Real-time stats
  • [Premium] More Advanced reporting
  • And much more information represented in graphs & charts along with data filtering


Some advanced features are Premium, which means you need to buy extra add-ons to unlock those features. You can get Premium add-ons here!


If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since Github is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

Releases (198 )

Version Release Date Change Log
13.2.8 2022-12-03

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since GitHub is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.2.7 2022-10-23

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since GitHub is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.2.6 2022-09-07

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since GitHub is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.2.5 2022-07-27

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since GitHub is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed. 2022-06-25

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since GitHub is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.2.4 2022-06-11

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since GitHub is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.2.3 2022-05-11

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since GitHub is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed. 2022-05-08

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since GitHub is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.2.2 2022-05-08

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since GitHub is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.2.1 2022-04-25

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since GitHub is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.2.0 2022-04-25

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on GitHub where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since GitHub is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.1.7 2022-03-18

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on Github where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since Github is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.1.6 2022-02-16

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on Github where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since Github is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.1.5 2022-02-02

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on Github where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since Github is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.1.4 2022-01-14

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on Github where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since Github is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.1.3 2021-12-23

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on Github where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since Github is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.1.2 2021-11-09

= 13.0 = IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on Github where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since Github is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.

13.1.1 2021-09-22
  • Fixed exclusions setting page and storing properly data in option page and keep lines in the input data
  • Fixed some tweak issues and improved setting pages
  • Fixed showing chart in RTL language
  • Disable checking the SSL certificate while sending the request to check the plugin's REST API is enabled
  • Updated Chart.js to v3.5.1
13.1 2021-08-23
  • New admin design!
  • Improvement input data in setting and optimization page as well
  • Escaping all input data in admin pages, (Special thanks to Vlad Visse)
  • Improvement GeoIP enhancements
  • Added subdivision names to cities for clarity
  • Added links to mapping tools on more pages
  • Updated the mapping tool link to a site that doesn't have errors
13.0.9 2021-07-26
  • Compatibility with PHP v8 and WordPress v5.8
  • Fixed log file path and moved out to wp-content/uploads/wp-statistics/debug.log and protected for the public access as well
  • Fixed updating widget and compatibility with block-based
  • Improvement Image optimisation with ImageAlpha (png8+alpha) and ImageOptim. Thanks vicocotea
  • Updated Chart.js to v3.4.1
13.0.8 2021-03-25
  • Improvement getting page id & type queries for the admin page
  • Added no-cache in the hit endpoint response to compatibility with Cloudflare HTML caching
  • Improvement exceptions to make sure working properly
13.0.7 2021-03-14
  • Compatibility with WordPress v5.7
  • Fixes linking hits page from post meta box
  • Support new hooks for email reporting and fix email logging
  • Compatibility with Advanced Reporting and fixes tweak issues
13.0.6 2021-02-13
  • Improvement the time-out functionality while downloading the GeoIP city database.
  • Fixed conflict with custom post-type column.
  • Fixed error to passing the wrong argument for implode in WhichBrowser.
  • Fixed date range selector in Top Pages.
  • Fixed purge cache data after deleting the table.
  • Fixed some issues & improvement historical functionality.
  • Minor Improvements.
13.0.5 2020-12-25
  • Compatibility the ChartJs with some kind of plugins.
  • Compatibility with WordPress v5.6
  • Improvement error handling with REST API
  • Added an option in the Optimization page to optimize & repair the tables.
  • Added ability to filter wp_statistics_get_top_pages() by post type #343
  • Fixed the issue to load Purge class.
  • Minor Improvements in SQL queries.
13.0.4 2020-12-03
  • Compatibility with PHP v7.2 and adjustment requires PHP version in the Composer to 5.6
  • Fixed the issue to get the Referred::get() method during the initial plugin.
  • Fixed issue to create tables queries in MariaDB v10.3
  • Fixed the ChartJs conflict with some plugins.
  • Disabled the Cronjob for table optimization in the background process (we're going to create an option on the Optimization page to handle it)
  • Minor Improvements.
13.0.3 2020-11-30

We're very sorry regarding the previous update because we had a lot of changes on v13.0, we worked almost 1 year for this update and considered all situations and many tests, anyway try to update and enjoy the new features!

  • Fixed critical issue when some PHP modules such as bcmath are not enabled. it caused a fatal error, the purpose flag platform-check from Composer has been disabled.
  • Fixed the "Connect to WordPress RestAPI" message while loading the admin statistics' widgets, the uBlock browser extension was blocking the WP-Statistics's requests.
  • Fixed the upgrade process issue, one of the previous action was calling and that caused the issue, that's now disabled.
  • Disabled some repair and optimization table queries during the initial request.
  • Minor Improvements.
13.0.2 2020-11-29

New Feature

  • Added error logs system
  • Added the ability to change visitors data based on WordPress hook
  • Added the ability to manage the plugin based on WP-CLI
  • Added a link to show users locations coordinates on Google Map based on their IP
  • Added advanced filters in the page of WordPress website visitors list
  • Added the class of sending standard email reports in the WordPress
  • Added the ability to get WordPress users in the database record

Bug Fix

  • Fixed recording visitors data problem when the cache plugin is installed
  • Fixed exclusion problem in Ajax requests mode
  • Fixed REST-API requests problem in JavaScript mode without jQuery library
  • Fixed the issue of limiting the number of database table records
  • Fixed the problem of getting WordPress page type in taxonomy mode
  • Fixed display of visitor history for yesterday and today


  • Improved widget information based on REST-API
  • Optimized and troubleshot database tables after an interval of one day
  • Improved plugin information deleting operation
  • Improved receiving country and city visitors information based on WordPress cache IP
  • Improved display plugin management menus list in WordPress
  • Improved search engine display in the mode of referring users from the search engine to the website
  • Improved widgets display and Ajax loading capability
  • Improved loading of JS files based on plugin-specific pages
13.0.1 2020-11-29

New Feature

  • Added error logs system
  • Added the ability to change visitors data based on WordPress hook
  • Added the ability to manage the plugin based on WP-CLI
  • Added a link to show users locations coordinates on Google Map based on their IP
  • Added advanced filters in the page of WordPress website visitors list
  • Added the class of sending standard email reports in the WordPress
  • Added the ability to get WordPress users in the database record

Bug Fix

  • Fixed recording visitors data problem when the cache plugin is installed
  • Fixed exclusion problem in Ajax requests mode
  • Fixed REST-API requests problem in JavaScript mode without jQuery library
  • Fixed the issue of limiting the number of database table records
  • Fixed the problem of getting WordPress page type in taxonomy mode
  • Fixed display of visitor history for yesterday and today


  • Improved widget information based on REST-API
  • Optimized and troubleshot database tables after an interval of one day
  • Improved plugin information deleting operation
  • Improved receiving country and city visitors information based on WordPress cache IP
  • Improved display plugin management menus list in WordPress
  • Improved search engine display in the mode of referring users from the search engine to the website
  • Improved widgets display and Ajax loading capability
  • Improved loading of JS files based on plugin-specific pages
13.0 2020-11-29

IMPORTANT NOTE Welcome to WP-Statistics v13.0, our biggest update! Thank you for being part of our community. Weve been working hard for one year to develop this version and make WP-Statistics better for you. Before updating, make sure you disabled all your add-ons, then after that, try to update add-ons.

If you encounter any bug, please create an issue on Github where we can act upon them more efficiently. Since Github is not a support forum, just bugs are welcomed, and any other request will be closed.


12.6.13 2020-05-20
  • WordPress 5.4 compatibility.
  • Fixed: Updating the GeoIP DB and forced to use the Github repository instead of the Maxmind
12.6.12 2019-12-11
  • Improvement: Minor issues.
12.6.11 2019-11-26
  • Improvement: REST API request.
  • Improvement: Minor issues.
  • Fixed: Issue to uninstalling the tables.
12.6.10 2019-10-06
  • Improvement: Admin cache detector issue.
  • Added: Some filter for integration with new Add-On called WP-Statistics Customization.
12.6.9 2019-09-01
  • Fixed: Hit counter issue in some servers that blocking some XMLHttpRequest request.
  • Improvement REST API.
12.6.8 2019-08-21
  • Fixed: Coefficient per visitors.
  • Improvement www domain in Top Referring.
  • Improvement REST API.
12.6.7 2019-07-01
  • Improvement and sanitize visitor's IP address.
  • Improved: Minor issues. 2019-06-11
  • Fixed: issue to showing Hit column for custom post type.
  • Improvement: Sanitize page's title and Escaping that in overview page.
  • Added: postbox Ads in overview page. Don't worry! Not very annoying.
12.6.6 2019-06-11
  • Fixed: issue to showing Hit column for custom post type.
  • Improvement: Sanitize page's title and Escaping that in overview page.
  • Added: postbox Ads in overview page. Don't worry! Not very annoying.
12.6.5 2019-05-11
  • WordPress 5.2 compatibility.
12.6.4 2019-04-24
  • Added: The Visitor IP configuration in the setting page for choosing method that gets visitor's IP addresses.
  • Improved: Minor issues in datepicker.
  • Improved: Minor issues in search referrer.
12.6.3 2019-04-13
  • Fixed date picker issue in Top Visitors page.
  • Improved: Minor issues.
12.6.2 2019-03-28
  • Fixed issue to get IP in some servers that stored
12.6.1 2019-03-20
  • Added Whip Package for getting visitor's IP address.
  • Fixed get the country code when the Hash or Anonymize IP Addresses is enabled.
  • Added database upgrade class for update page type.
  • Fixed duplicate page list in report pages.
  • Fixed bug to get home page title.
  • Improvement Sanitize subject for sending email reporting.
  • Improvement jQuery Datepicker UI.
  • Improvement visitor's hit when there was a broken file in that request.
12.6 2019-02-23


  • Post/Page Select in statistics page reporting according to post Type.
  • Online Users widget, A cool widget to show current online users!
  • A new table visitor_relationship for saving visitors logs.
  • user_id, page_id, type columns to statistics_useronline table.
  • Visitor count column in Top Country widget.


  • Improvement MySQL time query in all functions.
  • Improvement online users page UI.
  • Improvement Top referrals UI.
  • Improvement CSV exporter.
  • Improvement pagination in admin pages that used the WordPress paginate_links.
  • Improvement time filter in admin pages stats.
  • Improvement admin_url link in all admin pages.
  • Improvement text wrap in all meta boxes.
  • Fixed reset number online users list in period time.
  • Schedule list in statistical reporting.
  • Refer Param in Top Referring Sites page.
  • Fix method to get IP addresses.
  • Fix Page CSS.
  • Fix the error of No page title found in the meta box.
  • Fix show number refer link from custom URL.
  • Fix update option for Piwik blacklist.


  • Remove WP_Statistics_Pagination class.
  • Deprecate Top Search Words (30 Days) widget.
12.5.7 2018-12-23
  • Added: The Edge To Browser List.
  • Added: date_i18n function in dates for retrieving localized date.
  • Improved: The Browsers charts.
  • Improved: Minor issues in GeoIP update function.
  • Optimized: All png files. (60% Save).
12.5.6 2018-12-15
  • Fixed: Counting stats issue in Cache mode.
12.5.5 2018-12-11
  • Improved: The WP-Statistics Metaboxes for Gutenberg!
  • Improved: The params() method.
  • Improved: Referrers URL to be valid.
12.5.4 2018-11-29
  • Disabled: Notice cache in all admin pages just enabled in the summary and setting of WP-Statistics pages.
  • Improved: Some methods. params() and get_hash_string().
12.5.3 2018-11-28

Please consider that after updating, you will probably see some changes in Hits. The reason is that we have better-recognized crawlers and robots to get more accurate statistics for you.

If the cache option is enabled in your WordPress, you should make sure the below endpoint registered in your WordPress. http://yourwebsite.com/wp-json/wpstatistics/v1

To register, go to the Permalink page and update the permalink with press Save Changes.


12.5.2 2018-11-15
  • Improved: Some issues in php v5.4
12.5.1 2018-11-15
  • Added: Cache option for support when the cache enabled in the WordPress.
  • Added: Visitor's city name with GeoIP, you can enable the city name in Settings > Externals > GeoIP City
  • Added: WP-Statistics shortcode in the TinyMCE editor. you can use the shortcode easily in the posts and pages.
  • Added: Qwant search engine in the Search Engine Referrals.
  • Added: Referrers to WP-Statistics shortcode attributes. e.g. [wpstatistics stat=referrer time=today top=10]
  • Added: WhichBrowser and CrawlerDetect. These libraries give us more help in identifying user agents. the Browscap library removed.
  • Improved: The Datepicker in the WP-Statistics pages, supported WordPress custom date format.
  • Improved: The pagination class.
  • Improved: The assets and fixed conflict ChartJS issue, when the Hit Statistics Meta box was enabled in posts/pages.
  • Improved: The responsive summary page.
  • Improved: Exclude Ajax requests, now compatible with Related Post by Jetpack.
  • Improved: Some issues.
  • Updated: Chart.js library to v2.7.3
  • Enabled: Hit Statistics in posts/pages. the conflict problem solved.
  • Disabled: The setting menu when the current user doesn't access.
  • Disabled: Baidu search engine by default after installing.
12.4.3 2018-09-25
  • Disabled the welcome page and Travod widget.
12.4.2 2018-09-12
  • Disabled the welcome page.
12.4.1 2018-08-30
  • Implemented the do_welcome() function.
  • Updated Libraries to latest version.
  • Added delete_transient() for deleting transients when uninstalling the plugin.
12.4.0 2018-08-23

GDPR compliance, Updated! We implement GDPR into the WP-Statistics. for more information read the blog post. Important: with this update, Opt-out feature is removed.

= 2018-07-31
  • Updated Libraries to latest version.
  • Enabled the suggestion notice in the log pages.
  • Improvement Counting non-changing collections with count(). Thanks Daniel Ruf 2018-06-22
  • Disable the suggestion notice. 2018-06-21
  • Tested with PHP v7.2.4
  • Added suggestion notice in the log pages.
  • Added new option for enable/disable notices. 2018-05-19
  • Improvement i18n strings.
  • Improvement GDPR, Supported for DNT-Header.
  • Improvement GDPR, Added new option for delete visitor data with IP addresses.
12.3.6 2018-04-24
  • Note: GDPR, We Updated Our Privacy Policy.
  • Added Privacy tab in the setting page and moved Hash IP Addresses and Store entire user agent in this tab.
  • Added Opt-out option in the Setting page -> Privacy for GDPR compliance.
  • Updated: Chart.js library to v2.7.2
  • Fixed: Issue to build search engine queries.
12.3.5 2018-01-17
  • Improvement: Isolation Browscap cache processes to reduce memory usage.
  • Improvement: Include file.php and pluggable.php in GeoIP downloader when is not exists.
  • Fixed: GeoIP database update problem. Added an alternative server for download database when impossible access to maxmind.com
12.3.2 2017-12-31
  • Added: New feature! Show Hits on the single posts/pages.
  • Added: Pages Dropdown in the page stats.
  • Fixed: Menu bar for both frontend & backend.
  • Fixed: Issue to create the object of the main class.
  • Fixed: Issue to get page title in empty search words option.
  • Fixed: Issue to show date range in the charts.
12.3.1 2017-12-03
  • We're sorry about last issues. Now you can update to new version to resolve the problems.
  • Updated: Composer libraries.
  • Fixed: A minor bug in get_referrer_link.
  • Improvement: wp_doing_cron function, Check before call if is not exist.
  • Fixed: Issue to get IP in Hits class.
  • Fixed: Issue to get prefix table in searched phrases postbox.
  • Fixed: Issue in Browscap, Used the original Browscap library in the plugin.
  • If you have any problem, don't forget to send the report to your web site's contact form.
12.3 2017-11-30
  • The new version proves itself more than twice as faster because we had a lot of changes in the plugin.
  • Improvement: Management processes and front-end have been separated for more speed.
  • Improvement: MySQL Queries and used multi-index for wp_statistics_pages.
  • Improvement: Top Referring widget in Big data. Used Transient cache to build this widget data.
  • Fixed: Issue in checking the Cron request.
  • Fixed: Issue in i18n strings. The load_plugin_textdomain missed.
  • Fixed issue in generating query string in some state pages.
  • Fixed issue in admin widget. The id in label missed and used get_field_id method to get a correct id.
  • Fixed: Admin bar menu icon.
  • Updated: Chart.js library to v2.7.1
12.2.1 2017-11-17
  • Fixed: Issue to add_column callback.
12.2 2017-11-17
  • The new version proves itself more than twice as faster because we had a lot of changes in the plugin.
  • Improvement: Many functions converted to classes.
  • Improvement: Export data on the optimization page.
  • Improvement: Constants, Include files.
  • Improvement: Setting/Optimization page stylesheet and removed jQuery UI to generate tabs.
  • Added: Top Search Words in the plugin.
  • Fixed: Some notices error.
  • Removed: Some unused variables.
  • Removed: Force English option feature in the plugin.
  • Thanks Farhad Sakhaei To help us with these changes.
12.1.3 2017-10-05
  • We're sorry about last issues. Now you can update to new version to resolve conflict issues.
  • Fixed: Chart conflict issues with other libraries.
  • Fixed: Chart height issue in css.
  • Fixed: Correct numbering for pages > 1 in Top Referring page. #22
  • Fixed: Don't run the SQL if $reffer is not set. #21
  • Fixed: Refferer url scheme. #24 Thanks Farhad Sakhaei
  • Fixed: Network menu icon.
12.1.2 2017-10-02
  • Fixed: Issues in charts css.
12.1.1 2017-10-02
  • Updated: Admin css and charts height.
  • Fixed: Issues in conflict chart script with other libraries.
12.1.0 2017-09-28
  • Added: Awesome charts! The Chartjs library used in the plugin for show charts.
  • Updated: Missed flags icons. (Curaao, Saint Lucia, Turkmenistan, Kosovo, Saint Martin, Saint Barthlemy and Mayotte)
  • Updated: Countries code.
  • Updated: Settings and Optimization page styles.
  • Fixed: Showing data on the Browsers, Platforms and browsers version charts.
  • Fixed: Postbox container width in Logs page.
  • Removed: WP_STATISTICS_MIN_EXT define for load .min version in css/js.
  • Removed: Additional assets and the assets cleaned up. 2017-09-09
  • Fixed: PHP syntax error for array brackets when the PHP < 5.4
12.0.12 2017-08-22
  • Added: Add-ons page! The Add-ons add functionality to your WP-Statistics. Click here to see current Add-ons.
  • Fixed: Translations issue.
  • Updated: GeoIP library to v2.6.0
  • Updated: admin.min.css
12.0.11 2017-08-21
  • Release Date: August 17, 2017
  • Fixed: links issue in the last visitors page.
  • Fixed: i18n issues (hardcoded strings, missing or incorrect textdomains).
  • Updated: admin CSS style. set with for Hits column in posts/pages list.
  • Updated: Improve consistency, best practices and correct typos in translation strings.
  • Updated: More, Reload and Toggle arrow buttons in metaboxes are consistent with WP core widget metaboxes, with screen-reader-text and key navigation. by Pedro Mendona.
12.0.10 2017-07-24
  • Release Date: July 24, 2017
  • Added: UptimeRobot to the default robots list.
  • Fixed: Uses esc_attr() for cleaning $_GET in referrers page.
  • Removed: screen_icon() function from the plugin. (This function has been deprecated).
12.0.9 2017-07-03

This is a security fix, please update immediately.

= 2017-07-02
  • Release Date: July 2, 2017
  • Fixed: load languages file. please visit translations page to help translation.
12.0.8 2017-06-29

This is a security fix, please update immediately.


12.0.7 2017-06-08
  • Release Date: June 8, 2017
  • WordPress 4.8 compatibility
  • Updated WP-Statistics logo! Thanks Arin Hacopian for design the logo.
  • Remove manual file and moved to wp-statistics.com/category/documentation
  • Fixed items show issue in referring page.
  • Fixed recent visitor link in dashboard widget.
12.0.6 2017-04-28
  • Release Date: April 27, 2017
  • Fixed: Additional XSS fixes, thanks Plugin Vulnerabilities Team.
12.0.5 2017-04-06

This is a security fix, please update immediately.


12.0.4 2017-04-01

This is a security fix, please update immediately.


12.0.3 2017-03-31

This is a security fix, please update immediately.


12.0.2 2017-03-30

This is a security fix, please update immediately.


12.0.1 2017-03-24
  • Release Date: March 24, 2017
  • Added: Check for BCMath or GMP Math extensions to support newer GeoIP database files.
  • Fixed: Robots list not being updated on upgrades properly in some cases.
  • Fixed: wp_statistics_get_uri() to handle cases where site and home uri's are different.
  • Fixed: wp_statistics_get_uri() to validate what is being removed to make sure we don't remove the wrong things.
  • Fixed: Display of individual referring site stats.
12.0 2017-02-18

PHP 5.4 is now required for version 11.0 and above!


11.0.3 2017-01-13
  • Release Date: January 13, 2017
  • Added: Option to reset plugin options without deleting the data.
  • Fixed: If IP hashing as enabled a PHP would be generated during the hashing.
  • Fixed: Typo in JavaScript code that would cause some errors not to be displayed.
  • Fixed: Make sure the historical table exists before checking the keys on it which would cause extra output to be generated on first install.
  • Updated: RTL CSS styles for left/right div's in the admin dashboard, thanks sszdh.
11.0.2 2016-12-08
  • Release Date: December 1, 2016
  • Fixed: Top visitors page css for date picker.
  • Fixed: Incorrect url for link on recent visitors widget.
  • Fixed: Make sure the tick intervals are always whole numbers, otherwise the axis ticks won't match up with the data on line charts.
  • Fixed: Make sure when looking up a page/post ID for a URL to take the latest visited id instead of the first in case the URI has been reused.
  • Fixed: Duplicate display of hit statistics on hits page in some corner cases.
11.0.1 2016-11-07
  • Release Date: November 7, 2016
  • Fixed: Don't refresh a widget if it's not visible, fixes the widget being replaced by a spinner that never goes away.
  • Updated: Minimum PHP version is now 5.4.
  • Updated: Additional error checks for new IP code.
  • Updated: jqPlot library to version development version and added DST fix.
11.0 2016-10-28

IPv6 is now supported! Note you must have IPv6 support complied in to PHP for this to work otherwise you may see warning messages if you receive visitors from IPv6 addresses (see the FAQ for more information).


10.3 2016-09-16

This is primarily a maintenance release with updates to various libraries and bug fixes, note that Google Maps is no longer supported as of 10.2.


10.2 2016-08-02

This is primarily a maintenance release with updates to various libraries and bug fixes, note that Google Maps is no longer supported.


10.1 2016-04-21

This is primarily a maintenance release with updates to various libraries and bug fixes.


10.0.5 2016-02-05
  • Release Date: February 5, 2016
  • Fixed: Date range selector display after entering a custom date range.
  • Fixed: Date ranges that ended in the past displaying the wrong visit/visitors data.
10.0.4 2016-01-21
  • Release Date: January 21, 2016
  • Fixed: Recent Visitors widget in the dashboard did not work.
  • Fixed: Top Visitors in Overview page would not reload.
  • Fixed: Links for yesterday and older visitors count went to wrong page.
  • Fixed: Typo in purge code that caused a fatal error.
10.0.3 2016-01-19
  • Release Date: January 19, 2016
  • Updated: Google map API now always uses https.
  • Fixed: Google map error that broken the overview page display of charts and the map.
10.0.2 2016-01-19
  • Release Date: January 19, 2016
  • Added: Additional error checking on widget load so they will retry if there is a failure.
  • Fixed: Added code to flush out invalid widget order user meta.
  • Fixed: Include Fatal Error if corrupt data was passed to the ajax widget code.
10.0.1 2016-01-18
  • Release Date: January 18, 2016
  • Fixed: If you re-ordered the widgets on the overview screen and then reloaded the page, all the widgets would disappear.
10.0 2016-01-15

The overview page has been completely rewritten! If you had set custom values for what widgets to display and in what order on your overview page you will have to re-select them using the "Screen Options" tab on the overview page and by dragging and dropping the widgets in to place.


9.7 2015-12-30

Have you updated your database indexes and search table? If not please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database after you have installed the update and run the updates.

9.6.6 2015-12-15

Security update release, please update Immediately. Have you updated your database indexes and search table? If not please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database after you have installed the update and run the updates.

9.6.5 2015-09-18

Have you updated your database indexes and search table? If not please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database after you have installed the update and run the updates.

9.6.4 2015-09-15

Have you updated your database indexes and search table? If not please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database after you have installed the update and run the updates.

9.6.3 2015-09-11

Have you updated your database indexes and search table? If not please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database after you have installed the update and run the updates.

9.6.2 2015-09-05

This is a security release, please upgrade immediately. Have you updated your database indexes and search table? If not please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database after you have installed the update and run the updates.

9.6.1 2015-09-04

Have you updated your database indexes and search table? If not please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database after you have installed the update and run the updates.

9.6 2015-09-03

Have you updated your database indexes and search table? If not please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database after you have installed the update and run the updates.

9.5.3 2015-08-19

BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! This release alters the table structure of the database. This release creates a new table for search engine/words for performance improvements, however you must convert your data to the new format via the Statistics->Optimization->Database tab.

9.5.2 2015-08-11

BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! This release alters the table structure of the database. This release creates a new table for search engine/words for performance improvements, however you must convert your data to the new format via the Statistics->Optimization->Database tab.

9.5.1 2015-08-04

BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! This release alters the table structure of the database. This release creates a new table for search engine/words for performance improvements, however you must convert your data to the new format via the Statistics->Optimization->Database tab.

9.5 2015-08-03

BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! This release alters the table structure of the database. This release creates a new table for search engine/words for performance improvements, however you must convert your data to the new format via the Statistics->Optimization->Database tab.

9.4.1 2015-07-09

This is a security release, please upgrade immediately. If upgrading from pre-9.0, please make sure to backup your database before installing. Once installed, please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database and add the visits index.

9.4 2015-07-03

If upgrading from pre-9.0, please make sure to backup your database before installing. Once installed, please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database and add the visits index.

9.3.1 2015-05-24

If upgrading from pre-9.0, please make sure to backup your database before installing. Once installed, please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database and add the visits index.

9.3 2015-05-15

If upgrading from pre-9.0, please make sure to backup your database before installing. Once installed, please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database and add the visits index.

9.2 2015-04-26

If upgrading from pre-9.0, please make sure to backup your database before installing. Once installed, please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database and add the visits index.

9.1.3 2015-04-14

If upgrading from pre-9.0, please make sure to backup your database before installing. Once installed, please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database and add the visits index.

9.1.2 2015-03-20

If upgrading from pre-9.0, please make sure to backup your database before installing. Once installed, please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database and add the visits index.

9.1.1 2015-03-19

*Fixed: Verify the $display settings return an array before using it as an array to avoid warning on overview page.

9.1 2015-03-18

BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! This release alters the table structure of the database. Once installed, please go to Statistics->Optimization->Database and add the visits index.

9.0 2015-03-12

This release updates some core code to do with timezones, hence the change to version 9.0, if you see any issues with timezones, please let us know. In addition, you may see an increase in your visits count as a race condition that dropped some visits has been resolved.


8.8.1 2015-03-07
  • Updated license to GPL3.
8.8 2015-01-31
  • Added: Installation/upgrades/removals on WordPress multi-sites now upgrade all sites in the network if the installing user has the appropriate rights.
  • Added: RSS feed URL's can now be excluded.
  • Added: Option to set the country code for private IP addresses.
  • Fixed: Additional WP_DEBUG warning fixes.
  • Fixed: Incorrect parameter list in get_home_url() when checking for self referrals.
  • Fixed: Single quotes can now be used in the report content without being escaped.
  • Fixed: Referrers menu item was misspelled.
  • Updated: Italian, French, Polish, Arabic, Persian and Chinese translation.
  • Updated: Widget now formats numbers with international standards.
  • Updated: Short codes now support three number formatting options; i18n, english or none.
  • Updated: Removed old throttling code for hits which is no longer required.
  • Updated: IP address exclusions without a subnet mask now assume a single IP address instead of all IP addresses.
8.7.2 2015-01-06
  • Added: shareaholic-bot to robots list.
  • Fixed: Robot threshold setting was not being saved.
  • Updated: Italian translation, thanks illatooscuro.
  • Updated: Arabic translation, thanks Hammad.
  • Updated: Honey pot page title now includes "Pot" in it.
8.7.1 2014-12-28
  • Fixed: Variable scope for the exclusion match/reason updated to protected from private to allow the GeoIP code to set them. This could cause various issues including failed uploades depending on the error reporting level set for PHP.
8.7 2014-12-27

BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! This release alters the table structure of the database.

8.6.3 2014-12-12
  • Fixed: Really fix included countries code this time.
  • Fixed: Typo in excluded hosts code.
8.6.2 2014-12-12
  • Fixed: New included countries code incorrectly identified all countries as excluded.
8.6.1 2014-12-12
  • Added: Code to perform additional clean up of uncommon user agents.
  • Fixed: Spurious break statement in GeoIP exclusion code which caused a fatal error in certian cases.
8.6 2014-12-11
  • Added: Option to remove URI parameters from page tracking.
  • Added: GeoIP exclusion options.
  • Added: Host name exclusion options.
  • Fixed: Map dashboard widget fails when Google is selected as map provider.
  • Fixed: Changing the statistical report schedule would not actually change the schedule unless you disabled and then enabled the statistical reports feature.
  • Updated: French language.
8.5.1 2014-12-02
  • Fixed: Typo in last search page causing fatal error in PHP.
8.5 2014-12-02

This is a security update release, please update as soon as possible. In addition to the security fixes there are several new features, see the change log for details.

3.1.1 2014-11-27
  • Bug Fix: Security problem. (Thanks Mohammad Teimori) for report bug.
  • Optimized: Statistics screen in resolution 1024x768.
  • Language: Persian was updated.
8.4 2014-11-26
  • Added: Dashboard widgets for all of the widgets on the overview page.
  • Added: Option to disable all dashboard widgets.
  • Added: Old dashboard widget upgraded with last 10 days of hits statistics.
  • Added: Online users page and time a user has been online.
  • Fixed: Fixed missing site_url on top 10 pages in the overview page.
  • Fixed: Incorrect url generated for Google map if dashboard was being forced in to https mode.
  • Fixed: Properly un-escape quotation marks in report body if magic quotes is enabled.
  • Fixed: URL referrer CSS style would 'push' other entires to the next line on small displays.
  • Fixed: Various PHP warnings on uninitalized variables, thanks bseddon
  • Updated: Polish translations.
  • Updated: Default map type now set to JQVMap.
8.3.1 2014-11-19
  • This is a security update release, please update as soon as possible.
8.3 2014-11-14
  • Added: Sanity checks for file size and results to browscap.ini updates, if the new cache file size is wrong or it mis-identifies a common real browser as a crawler the update will be rolled back.
  • Added: Option to e-mail a report on browscap.ini, database pruning, upgrades and GeoIP database updates.
  • Updated: Polish translations.
  • Updated: Added "Notificaitons" tab to the settings page and moved statistical report settings to it.
  • Fixed: The historical data table no longer uses reserved keywords as column names which caused issues on older versions of MySQL.
  • Fixed: Unable to set visits historical count.
  • Fixed: Purging did not record visits/visitors correctly if not already set through the optimization page.
  • Fixed: JavaScript bug when a non-administrative user viewed the settings page.
  • Removed: Reference to old settings file for the widget.
8.2 2014-11-08
  • Added: Support for historical data.
  • Added: Removal option.
  • Updated: Optimized SQL statements to hopefully get rid of duplicate key error/warnings.
  • Updated: Persian, Polish, Italian translations.
  • Fixed: Duplicate date display on charts due to DST time change.
8.1.1 2014-10-27
  • If you have enabled browscap.ini, please go to Statistics->Settings->browscap and download the browscap.ini file manually.
8.1 2014-10-18
  • Added: Detected browser information to the optimization page.
  • Updated: Re-organized new browscap code to avoid PHP 5.2 or below throwing a parse error.
  • Fixed: If the client sent no user agent string a fatal error would be generated, added additional logic to handle this case.
  • Removed: Unused code in various log displays.
8.0 2014-10-16
  • PHP 5.3 is now required for WP Statistics! DO NOT UPGRADE TO 8.0 IF YOU ARE RUNNING AN OLDER VERSION!
  • BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! This release alters the table structure of the database.
  • Support for old format substitution codes in the statistics reports has been removed, the upgrade now converts them to short codes but you should verify the report content after upgrading.


7.4 2014-09-19
  • BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! This release alters the table structure of the database.
  • If you have used the sidebar widget you'll have to re-add it to your sidebar as the internal widget name has change (sorry, unavoidable). Also if you have styled the widget the new class name will be 'widget_wpstatistics_widget' instead of 'wp_statistics_show_widget'.
7.3 2014-09-09
  • BACKUP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE INSTALLING! This release alters the table structure of the database.
  • A new option for updating the robot's list automatically during an upgrade is available (Statistics->Settings->Access/Exclusions->IP/Robot Exclusions->Force robot list update after upgrades) but is not set on existing installs by default.
  • Online users and visitors are now calculated on ip address as well as browser details so you may see a change in the reporting of these numbers (more unique visitors and users online).
7.2 2014-09-04
  • Added: Total visitors by country to the push pins on the overview map.
  • Added: Statistical reports can now be sent to a custom list of e-mail addresses instead of just the administrator.
  • Added: JQVMap option for the overview map.
  • Fixed: Additional WP_DEBUG warnings cleaned up.
  • Fixed: Google map would sometimes only use part of the area to draw the map in the overview page.
  • Updated: Statistical report schedules are now listed by occurrence instead of randomly.
  • Updated: Vertical alignment of statistical report option label column now correct.
  • Updated: Various grammatical updates.
  • Updated: Overview map now limits the number of visitors to five per country.
  • Updated: Persian (fa_IR) language.
7.1 2014-08-14
  • There is now a manual process for adding an index to the visitor's table to protect against duplicate entries, go to Statistics->Optimization->Database. Newer installs of WP Statistics already have the index and the option to add it will only be present if do not have it already.
7.0.4 2014-08-09
  • Fixed: Typo in table definition of visitor table's UAString field.
7.0.3 2014-08-08
  • Added: Extra check that the co-efficient setting is valid.
  • Updated: Format of the dbDetla scripts to match the guidelines from WordPress, thanks kitchin.
  • Updated: Handled some WP_DEBUG warning messages, thanks kitchin.
  • Updated: Multiple additional WP_DEBUG warning fixes.
  • Updated: Arabic (ar) language.
  • Updated: Polish (pl_PL) language.
  • Fixed: Typo in variable name which causes the robots list to be overwritten with the defaults incorrectly.
  • Fixed: Access role exclusions and search engine exclusions options not displaying correctly in the settings page.
  • Removed: Database upgrade code to add the unique index on the visitors table due to issues with multiple users. Will add back in a future release as a user selectable option.
7.0.2 2014-08-07
  • Fixed: Database prefix not being used when creating/updating tables correctly.
  • Fixed: New installs caused an error in the new upgrade code as the visitor table did not exist yet.
  • Fixed: Replaced use of deprecated $table_prefix global during install/update.
7.0.1 2014-08-05
  • Fixed: Error during new installations due to $wpdb object not being available.
7.0 2014-08-05
  • This update includes a database change to the visitors table that requires the duplicate data in the table to be deleted. This requires a complete scan of the database and on large installs may take a while.
  • Page track is now enabled on new installs or upgrades from pre 6.0 installs.
  • HighCharts has been replaced by jqPlot and the chart type setting is no longer available.
  • If you have enabled statistical reporting you can now use any shortcode that is supported in your WordPress installation, the old variables will continue to work for the time being, however in a future version of WP Statistics they will be removed so please update your message text now with the appropriate shortcodes.


6.1 2014-06-30
  • Added: Display of the current memory_limit setting from php.ini in the optimization page.
  • Added: New index on visitor table for new installs to avoid duplicate entries being created. A future update will add this index to existing installs but will need additional testing before it is implemented.
  • Added: Seychelles flag.
  • Updated: Support international number formats in statistics display.
  • Updated: Description of WordPress.org plugin link in plugin list.
  • Updated: Widget and shortcode now use the countonly option in wp_statistics_vistor() for better performance.
  • Updated: Renamed plugin from "WordPress Statistics" to "WP Statistics".
  • Fixed: bug in new IP validation code and support for stripping off port numbers if they are passed through the headers. Thanks Stephanos Io.
  • Updated: Persian (fa_IR) language.
6.0 2014-06-15
  • This update includes a new database table, you should not lose any data to make sure to backup your database just in case.
  • You can now track statistics on WordPress pages! However this is disabled by default, go to Statistics->Settings->General Settings->Pages to enabled it.
  • There's a new admin manual, you can view or download it by going to Statistics->Manual.
5.4 2014-05-31
  • Fixed: GeoIP dependency code to ignore safe mode check in PHP 5.4 or newer.
  • Fixed: GeoIP dependency code to properly detect safe mode with PHP 5.3 or older.
  • Fixed: Browser information not recorded if GeoIP was not enabled.
  • Updated: get_IP code to better handle malformed IP addresses.
  • Updated: Persian (fa_IR) language.
  • Updated: Arabic (ar) language.
  • Updated: Chinese (zh_CN) language.
5.3 2014-05-28
  • Robots list updated, please either go to "Statistics->Settings->IP/Robot Exclusions", "Reset to Default" and then save or manually make the changes which can be found in the change log details.
5.2 2014-03-10
  • Added: Additional checks for BC Math and cURL which are required for the GeoIP code.
  • Updated: GeoIP database handling if it is missing or invalid.
  • Updated: GeoIP database is now stored in uploads/wp-statistics directory so it does not get overwritten during upgrades.
  • Fixed: Typo's in the shortcode codes (thanks g33kg0dd3ss).
  • Updated: Polish (pl_PL) language.
5.1 2014-03-03
  • Fixes: Small bug in referral url.
  • Fixes: Problem export table.
  • Updated: Arabic (ar) language.
5.0 2014-03-02
  • Added: Show last visitor in Google Map.
  • Added: Search visitor by IP in log pages.
  • Added: Total line to charts with multiple values, like the search engine referrals.
  • Added: Shortcodes. By Greg Ross
  • Added: Dashicons to log pages.
  • Fixes: Small bugs.
  • Fixes: More debug warnings.
  • Fixes: User access function level code always returned manage_options no matter what it was actaully set to.
  • Updated: Hungarian (hu_HU) language.
  • Updated: Turkish (tr_TR) language.
  • Removed: Parameter from wp_statistics_lastpostdate() function and return date type became dynamic.
4.8.1 2014-03-02
  • Fixes: Small bug in the Current_Date.
  • Fixes: Small bug in the exclusions.php file.
  • Updated: Polish (pl_PL) language.
4.8 2014-02-04
  • This update includes a new database table, you should not lose any data to make sure to backup your database just in case.
4.7 2014-02-02
  • Added: Responsive Stats page for smaller-screen devices.
  • Added: Dashicons icon for plugin page.
  • Added: Tabs option in setting page.
  • Added: Tabs category in optimization page.
  • Fixes: More debug warnings.
  • Fixes: GeoIP populate code now functions again.
  • Updated: Some optimization of the statistics code.
  • Updated: Search Words now reports results only for referrers with actual search queries.
  • Updated: Highcharts JS v3.0.7 to JS v3.0.9.
  • Updated: Brazil (pt_BR) language.
4.6.1 2014-01-24
  • Fixes: a Small bug in to get rid of one of the reported warnings from debug mode.
4.6 2014-01-20
  • Added: In the optimization page you can now empty all tables at once.
  • Added: In the optimization page you can now purge statistics over a given number of days old.
  • Added: Daily scheduled job to purge statistics over a given number of days old.
  • Fixed: Bug in the robots code that on new installs failed to populate the defaults in the database.
  • Fixed: All known warning messages when running in WordPress debug mode.
  • Fixed: Incorrect description of co-efficient value in the setting page.
  • Fixed: Top level links on the various stats pages now update highlight the current page in the admin menu instead of the overview page.
  • Fixed: Install code now only executes on a true new installation instead of on each activation.
  • Fixed: Bug in hits code when GeoIP was disabled, IP address would not be recorded.
4.5 2014-01-18
  • As of V4.3, the robots list is now stored in the database and is user configurable. Because of this updates to the default robots list will not automatically be added during upgrades. You can either go to "Statistics->Settings->IP/Robot Exclusions", "Reset to Default" and then save or manually make the changes which can be found in the change log details.
4.4 2014-01-17
  • Added: option to set the required capability level to view statistics in the admin interface.
  • Added: option to set the required capability level to manage statistics in the admin interface.
  • Fixed: 'See More' links on the overview page now update highlight the current page in the admin menu instead of the overview page.
  • Added: Schedule downloads of the GeoIP database.
  • Added: Auto populate missing GeoIP information after a download of the GeoIP database.
  • Fixed: Unschedule of report event if reporting is disabled.
4.3.1 2014-01-13
  • Fixed: Critical bug that caused only a single visitor to be recorded.
  • Added: Version information to the optimization page. Thanks Greg Ross
4.3 2014-01-13
  • Added: Definable robots list to exclude based upon the user agent string from the client.
  • Added: IP address and subnet exclusion support.
  • Added: Client IP and user agent information to the optimization page.
  • Added: Support to exclude users from data collection based on their WordPress role.
  • Fixed: A bug when the GeoIP code was disabled with optimization page.
4.2 2013-12-31
  • Added: Statistical menus.
  • Fixed: Small bug in the geoip version.
  • Language: Serbian (sr_RS) was updated.
  • Language: German (de_DE) was updated.
  • Language: French (fr_FR) was updated.
4.1 2013-12-24
  • Language: Arabic (ar) was updated
  • Fixed: small bug in moved the GeoIP database.
  • Updated: update to the spiders list.
4.0 2013-12-21
  • GeoIP is enabled by default but you must download the GeoIP database before any Countries will be detected correctly. Go to the settings page and it will download automatically, if it does not or it fails, simply go to the bottom of the page and re-download it.
  • The new browser detection code uses "MSIE" instead of "IE", your database will be updated automatically during install to reflect this.
  • As the webcrawler code is now working, you'll probably see a significant change in the "Unknown" browser catagory and the number of hits your site gets.


3.2 2013-08-07
  • Added: Optimization plugin page.
  • Added: Export data to excel, xml, csv and tsv files.
  • Added: Delete table data.
  • Added: Show memory usage in optimization page.
  • Language: Polish (pl_PL) was updated.
  • Language: updated.
3.1.4 2013-07-18
  • Added: Chart Type in the settings plugin.
  • Added: Search Engine referrer chart in the view stats page.
  • Added: Search Engine stats in Summary Statistics.
  • Optimized: 'wp_statistics_searchengine()' and add second parameter in the function.
  • Language: Chinese (China) was added.
  • Language: Russian was updated.
  • Language: updated.
3.1.3 2013-06-09
  • Optimized: View statistics.
  • Added: Chinese (Taiwan) language.
3.1.2 2013-06-04
  • Added: Top referring sites with full details.
  • Resolved: Loads the plugin's translated strings problem.
  • Resolved: View the main site in top referring sites.
  • Resolved: Empty referrer.
  • Resolved: Empty search words.
  • Update: Highcharts js 2.3.5 to v3.0.1.
  • Language: Arabic was updated.
  • Language: Hungarian was updated.
  • Language: updated.
3.1.0 2013-04-03
  • Bug Fix: Statistics Menu bar.
  • Bug Fix: Referral link of the last visitors.
  • Added: Latest all search words with full details.
  • Added: Recent all visitors with full details.
  • Enhancement: Optimized View Statistics.
  • Language: updated.
  • Language: Arabic was updated.
  • Remove: IP Information in setting page.
3.0.2 2013-02-05
  • Added: Hungarian language.
  • Added: Insert value in useronline table by Primary_Values function.
  • Added: Opera browser in get_UserAgent function.
  • Added: prefix wps_ in options.
  • Added: Notices to enable or disable the plugin.
  • Changed: Statistics class to WP_Statistics because Resemblance name.
3.0.1 2013-02-03
  • Bug Fix: Table plugin problem.
3.0 2013-02-03
  • Bug Fix: problem in calculating Statistics.
  • Enhancement: Optimize and speed up the process.
  • Enhancement: Overall reconstruction and coding plug with a new structure.
  • Enhancement: The use of object-oriented programming.
  • Added: statistics screen to complete.
  • Added: Chart Show.
  • Added: Graph of Browsers.
  • Added: Latest search words.
  • Added: Specification (Country and county) Visitors.
  • Added: Top referring sites.
  • Added: Send stats to Email/SMS
2.3.3 2012-12-18
  • Serbian language was solved.
  • Server variables were optimized by m.emami.
  • Turkish translation was complete.
2.3.2 2012-10-24
  • Added Indonesia language.
  • Turkish language file corrected by MBOZ.
2.3.1 2012-10-12
  • Added Tomasz Stulka language.
  • Added Support forum link in menu.
  • Fix problem error in delete plugin.
2.3.0 2012-09-26
  • Added Serbian language.
2.2.9 2012-09-20
  • Added Bengali language.
2.2.8 2012-07-27
  • Added Russian language.
  • Fix problem in count views.
  • Added more filter for check spider.
  • Optimize plugin.
2.2.7 2012-05-20
  • Fix problem in widget class.
  • Redundancy in Arabic translation.
  • Fix problem in [countposts] shortcode.
  • Optimized Style Reports.
2.2.4 2012-04-19
  • Added Turkish language.
  • Added Italian language.
  • Added German language.
  • Arabic language was solved.
  • Romanian language was solved.
  • The words in setting page were complete. (Thanks Will Abbott) default.po file is Updated.
  • The change of time from minutes to seconds to check users online.
  • Ignoring search engine crawler.
  • Added features premium version to free version.
  • Added user online live.
  • Added total visit live.
  • Added Increased to visit.
  • Added Reduced to visit.
  • Added Coefficient statistics for each user.
2.2.5 2012-04-19
  • The security problem was solved. Please be sure to update!
  • Redundancy in French translation.
  • Add CSS Class for the containing widget. (Thanks Luai Mohammed).
  • Add daily or total search engines in setting page.
  • Using wordpress jQuery in setting page.
2.2.6 2012-04-19
  • Fix a small problem.
2.2.3 2012-02-03
  • Optimized Counting.
  • Added Arabic language.
  • Draging problem was solved in Widgets
  • css problem was solved in sidebar
2.2.2 2012-01-11
  • Solving show functions in setting page.
  • Solving month visit in widget.
  • Added Spanish language.
2.2.1 2011-12-28
  • Solving drap uploader problem in media-new.php.
2.2.0 2011-12-27
  • Added statistics to admin bar wordpress 3.3.
  • Added Uninstall for remove data and table from database.
  • Added all statistics item in widget and Their choice.
  • Optimize show function code in setting page.
  • Calling jQuery in wordpress admin for plugin.
  • Remove the word "disabled" in the statistics When the plugin was disabled.
  • Solving scroll problem in statistics page.
2.1.6 2011-10-31
  • Added Russian language.
2.1.5 2011-10-29
  • Added French language.
  • Rounds a float Averages.
2.1.4 2011-10-21
  • Added Romanian language.
2.1.3 2011-10-14
  • Active plugin in setting page was solved.
2.1.2 2011-10-12
  • Added default language file.
  • Added Portuguese language.
2.1.1 2011-09-27
  • Complete files
2.1 2011-09-25
  • Edit string
2.0 2011-09-20
  • Support from Database
  • Added Setting Page
  • Addes decimals number
  • Addes Online user check time
  • Addes Database check time
  • Added User Online
  • Added Today Visit
  • Added Yesterday Visit
  • Added Week Visit
  • Added Month Visit
  • Added Years Visit
  • Added Search Engine reffered
  • Added Average Posts
  • Added Average Comments
  • Added Average Users
  • Added Google Pagerank
  • Added Alexa Pagerank
  • Added wordpress shortcode
1.0 2011-03-20
  • Adding Total Posts, Total Pages, Total Comments, Total Spams*, Last Post Date, Feedburner Subscribe And Total Blog Hits.
  • Adding English, Persian Language.
