WP Super Cache

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 1.9.2

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Releases (110 )

Version Release Date Change Log
1.9.2 2022-12-14
1.9.2-beta3 2022-12-14
1.9.2-beta2 2022-12-12
1.9.2-beta 2022-12-09
1.9.1 2022-11-02
1.9 2022-09-16
1.8 2022-08-16
1.7.9 2022-06-07
1.7.8 2022-06-05
1.7.7 2022-02-01
1.7.6 2022-01-31
1.7.5 2022-01-31
1.7.4 2021-07-08
1.7.3 2021-04-28
1.7.2 2021-03-15
1.7.1 2020-01-30
1.7.0 2019-08-16
1.6.9 2019-07-25
1.6.8 2019-06-27
1.6.7 2019-05-30
1.6.6 2019-05-28
1.6.5 2019-05-07
1.6.4 2018-08-22
1.6.3 2018-08-10
1.6.2 2018-06-19
1.6.1 2018-05-15
1.6.0 2018-04-30
1.5.9 2017-12-15
1.5.8 2017-10-31
  • PHP 7 fixes. (#429)
  • Fix debug comments checkbox. (#433)
  • Only register uninstall function in admin pages to save queries. (#430)
  • Check that wp-cache-phase1.php is loaded before saving settings page. (#428)
  • If a url has a "?" in it then don't delete the associated cache. It'll delete the whole cache after stripping out ?... part. (#427 & #420)
  • Allow static functions in classes to be used in cacheactions. (#425)
  • Don't make AJAX requests anonymous. (#423)
  • Fixed link to chmod explanation. (#421)
  • Add more escaping to the CDN settings page. (#416)
  • Use SERVER_PROTOCOL to determine http protocol. (#412 & #413)
  • If preload stalls only send one email per day, but do display an admin notice. (#432)
  • Fixed more PHP warnings in #438 and #437
  • Hide mod_rewrite warnings for Nginx users. #434 2017-10-11
  • If the HTTP HOST is empty then don't use it in strpos to avoid a PHP warning. (#408)
  • Don't preload posts with permalinks that contain rejected strings. (#407)
  • Generate a list of archive feeds that can be deleted when the site is updated. Also fixes corrupted config file issue and fatal error with older versions of WordPress. (#403)
1.5.7 2017-10-06
  • Fix fatal error in plugins/searchengine.php (#398)
1.5.6 2017-10-04
  • REST API: Added /plugins endpoint to handle the plugins settings page. (#382)
  • Minor changes to indentaion and spaces to tabs conversion (#371) (#395)
  • Don't set $wp_super_cache_comments here as it's not saved. (#379)
  • realpath() only works on directories. The cache_file wasn't set correctly. (#377)
  • Fix problem deleting cache from admin bar because of realpath() (#381)
  • Use trigger_error() instead of echoing to the screen if a config file isn't writeable. (#394)
  • Added the "wpsc_enable_wp_config_edit" filter to disable editing the wp-config.php (#392)
  • Fix some PHP notices when comments are edited/published/maintained. (#386)
  • Minor changes to description on plugins page. (#393)
1.5.5 2017-08-29
  • Catch fatal errors so they're not cached, improve code that catches unknown page types. (#367)
  • Fix caching on older WP installs, and if the plugin is inactive on a blog, but still caching, give feeds a short TTL to ensure they're fresh. (#366)
  • When preloading don't delete sub-directories, or child pages, when caching pages. (#363)
  • Avoid PHP warnings from the REST API for settings that are not yet defined. (#361)
  • Added missing settings to the config file. (#360)
1.5.4 2017-08-23
  • Fix messages related to creating advanced-cache.php (#355, #354)
  • Deleting the plugin doesn't need to delete the cache directory as it's already done on deactivation. (#323)
  • Disable Jetpack mobile detection if Jetpack Beta is detected. (#298)
  • Add more checks on directories to make sure they exist before deleting them. (#324)
  • Add siteurl setting to CDN page for users who have WordPress in it's own directory. (#332)
  • Don't enable and then not save debug comments when toggling logging. (#334)
  • Show plugin activity html comments to users who disable caching for logged in users. (#335)
  • Better notifications on Preload page, and redo sql to fetch posts. Added "wpsc_preload_post_types_args" filter on post visibility, and wpsc_preload_post_types filter on post types used. (#336)
  • Use a cached feed if it is newer than the last time a post was updated. (#337)
  • Better define a sitemap (#340) but when the content type is unknown add more checks to find out what it is. (#346)
  • Save cache location correctly on the advanced settings page. (#345)
  • Make sure the debug log exists before toggling it on/off to ensure the http auth code is added to it.
  • Return the correct cache type to the REST API. Ignore supercache enabled status. (#352)
  • Fix cache contents in REST API showing double count of supercache files. (#353)
  • Move the nonce in the CDN page back into a function. (#346)
  • Use realpath to compare directories when loading the sample config file to account for symlinked directories. (#342)
  • Other minor changes to html or typos (Numbers are pull requests on Github.)
1.5.3 2017-07-27

Emergency fix of a critical bug that caused wp-super-cache to delete the wp-admin when deleting the plugin thanks to a null cache path


1.5.2 2017-07-26

Fix loading the REST API code, finding the .htaccess file, mobile browsers using WP-Cache caching, and more..


1.5.1 2017-07-20

Emergency fix for sites running outdated WordPress and PHP.


1.5.0 2017-07-19

Added REST API settings endpoints, simplified settings, reorganised cache files. Lots of bug fixes.


1.4.9 2017-06-01

Fixed XSS on the settings page, settings page updates, file locking fixes and PHP 7.1 fix, caching fixes on static homepage blogs and more.


1.4.8 2017-01-11

Removed malware URL in a code comment.


1.4.7 2016-12-09

Bugfix for layout changes on settings pages in WordPress 4.4.


1.4.6 2015-10-09

Bugfix for sites that use mod_rewrite to serve compressed pages.


1.4.5 2015-09-25

Security and bugfix release fixing an XSS bug in the settings page, hide cache files, and prevent PHP Object Injection in meta files.


1.4.4 2015-05-15

Security release fixing an XSS bug in the settings page, and fix for fatal error in output handler.


1.3.3 2015-04-08

Backport fix for XSS in settings page.


1.2.1 2015-04-08

Backported fix for XSS in settings page.


1.1.1 2015-04-08

Backported fix for XSS in settings page.


1.0.1 2015-04-08

Backported fix for XSS in cache file listing from version 1.4.3


1.4.3 2015-04-03

Security release fixing an XSS bug in the settings page.


1.4.2 2014-12-18

Fixed "acceptable file list" and no caching for GET queries bugs in last release.


1.4.1 2014-08-07

Fix for XSS in settings page.


1.4 2014-04-17

Dynamic cached content now disabled by default. mfunc replaced by wpsc_cachedata filter. Read http://ocaoimh.ie/y/6j before updating if you use mfunc/mclude/dynamic-cached-content.


1.3.2 2013-08-19

IMPORTANT - Dynamic cached content now disabled by default. See advanced settings page. Better mangling of the mfunc tag in comments. Jetpack Mobile Theme support.


1.3.1 2013-04-12

Fixed XSS problem on the settings page. Upgrade recommended. Warning: if you use them, you will have to enable mfunc, mclude and dynamic-cached-content on the settings page in the next major release (1.4).


1.3 2013-04-11

Fixed mfunc exploit due to user input, add support for LOGGED_IN_COOKIE


1.2 2012-12-13

Lots of bugfixes, garbage collection improved, more details at http://ocaoimh.ie/y/3i


1.1 2012-06-13

Lots of bugfixes


1.0 2012-01-30

= = Serve repeated static files from the same CDN hostname, translations, lots of bug fixes 2011-07-12

Serve repeated static files from the same CDN hostname, translations, lots of bug fixes

= 2011-01-07

CDN code can be switched off, better uninstall process, compress dynamic pages, 1and1 webhosting fix, use Supercache files for dynamic pages

= 2010-11-24

= = Fixed problem serving cached files with PHP, added support for 304 "file not modified" browser caching, French & German and updated Italian translations 2010-09-30

Fixed problem serving cached files with PHP, added support for 304 "file not modified" browser caching, French & German and updated Italian translations

= 2010-09-29

Don't enable compression or footer link on easy caching page and other bugfixes.

= 2010-09-22

Cache tester fixes, Easy settings page and tabs to settings page, new PHP caching mode, fixes to mobile support, domain mapping support plugin.

= 2010-06-16

Fix division by zero error in half-on mode, always show "delete cache" button, fix "Update mod_rewrite rules" button.

= 2010-06-15

= = Preloading of cache, better mobile plugin support, lots of bugfixes. 2010-06-15

Preloading of cache, better mobile plugin support, lots of bugfixes.


0.9.9 2010-02-08

Experimental object cache support, better WP Mobile Edition support, new translations, bugfixes, workarounds for broken .htaccess rules.


0.9.8 2009-11-18
  • Added Spanish translation by Omi.
  • Added Italian translation by Gianni Diurno.
  • Addded advanced debug code to check front page for category problem. Enable by setting $wp_super_cache_advanced_debug to 1 in the config file.
  • Fixed wordpress vs wordpress_logged_in cookie mismatch in cookie checking function.
  • Correctly check if WP_CACHE is set or not. PHP is weird.
  • Added wp_cache_clear_cache() to clear out cache directory.
  • Only show logged in message when debugging enabled.
  • Added troubleshooting point 20. PHP vs Apache user.
  • Fixed problem deleting cache file.
  • Don't delete cache files when moderated comments are deleted.
0.9.7 2009-10-02
  • Fixed problem with blogs in folders.
  • Added cache file listing and delete links to admin page.
  • Added "Newest Cached Pages" listing in sidebox.
  • Made admin page translatable.
  • Added "How do I make certain parts of the page stay dynamic?" to FAQ.
  • Advanced: added "late init" feature so that plugin activates on "init". Set $wp_super_cache_late_init to true in config file to use.
  • Disable supercaching when GET parameters present instead of disabling all caching. Disable on POST (as normal) and preview.
  • Fixed problem with cron job and mutex filename.
  • Warn users they must enable mobile device support if rewrite rules detected. Better detection of when to warn that .htaccess rules must be updated (no need when rewrite rules not present)
  • Advanced: Added "wpsupercache_404" filter. Return true to cache 404 error pages.
  • Use the wordpress_test_cookie in the cache key.
  • Show correct number of cache files when compression off.
  • Fixed problem with PHP safe_mode detection.
  • Various bugfixes and documentation updates. See Changelog.txt 2009-07-29
  • Move "not logged in" message init below check for POST.
  • Add is_admin() check so plugin definitely can't cache the backend.
  • Add "do not cache" page type to admin page.
0.9.6 2009-07-27
  • Add uninstall.php uninstall script.
  • Updated cache/.htaccess rules (option to upgrade that)
  • Added FAQ about category and static homepage problem.
  • Add wp_cache_user_agent_is_rejected() back to wp-cache-phase2.php
  • Show message for logged in users when caching disable for them.
  • Check filemtime on correct supercache file
0.9.5 2009-07-17
  • Show next and last GC times in minutes, not local time.
  • Don't serve wp_cache cache files to rejected user agents. Supercache files are still served to them.
  • If enabled, mobile support now serves php cached files to mobile clients and static cached files to everyone else.
  • Added checks for "WPSC_DISABLE_COMPRESSION" and "WPSC_DISABLE_LOCKING" constants to disable compression and file locking. For hosting companies primarily.
  • Added check for DONOTCACHEPAGE constant to avoid caching a page.
  • Use PHP_DOCUMENT_ROOT when creating .htaccess if necessary. 2009-04-25 2009-04-25 2009-04-21
0.9.4 2009-04-21 2009-04-06
0.9.3 2009-04-05
0.9.2 2009-03-31
0.9.1 2009-02-26
0.9 2009-01-29
0.8.9 2009-01-23
0.8.8 2009-01-16
0.8.7 2009-01-09
0.8.6 2008-12-04
0.8.5 2008-11-25
0.8.4 2008-10-22
0.8.3 2008-10-08
0.8.2 2008-09-26
0.8.1 2008-09-24
0.8 2008-09-23
0.7.1 2008-08-28
0.7 2008-08-27
0.6.8 2008-08-27
0.6.7 2008-08-20
0.6.6 2008-07-31
0.6.5 2008-07-15
0.6.4 2008-05-14
0.6.3 2008-04-24
0.6.2 2008-04-12
0.5.3 2008-01-04
0.5.2 2008-01-04
0.5.1 2007-11-26
0.5 2007-11-26
0.4 2007-11-12
0.3.1 2007-11-07
0.3 2007-11-06
0.2 2007-11-06
0.1 2007-11-06