Contact Form 7 – reCaptcha v2

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 1.4.3



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Releases (35 )

Version Release Date Change Log
1.4.3 2022-07-29
1.4.2 2022-07-29
1.4.1 2022-07-29

(2022-07-29) = * Fixed issue with validation error message not appearing on submission.

1.4.0 2022-06-02

(2022-06-01) = * Updated supported version for WordPress 6.0

1.3.9 2022-04-13

(2022-04-13) = * Using wp_is_block_theme() to conditionally test if Google ReCaptcha script should be enqueued globally or inline.

1.3.8 2022-03-07

(2022-03-07) = * New global reCaptcha Locale filter hook wpcf7_recaptcha_locale.

1.3.7 2022-01-03

(2022-01-03) = * Happy New Year! * Fixed issue with reCpatcha not appearing in the new WordPress Full Site Editing feature of TwentyTwentyTwo theme. Thanks @gerhardfasol !

1.3.6 2021-11-24

(2021-11-29) = * Resolved conflict with Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7.

1.3.5 2021-07-21

(2020-06-14) = * Updated support for WordPress 5.8

1.3.4 2021-06-14

(2020-06-14) = * Updated the controls JS file to be encapsulated. * Added the reCaptcha error messages to the Contact Form 7 "Messages" screen so they may be changed.

1.3.3 2021-03-01

(2020-03-01) = * Updated reCaptcha HTML to be wrapped in span tag as Contact Form 7 expects. * Updated javascript to reflect HTML change above.

1.3.2 2021-02-25

(2020-02-25) = * Updated the remove action hook priority for wpcf7_recaptcha_enqueue_scripts from 10 to 20

1.3.1 2021-02-25

(2020-02-25) = * Updated the remove action hook priority for wpcf7_recaptcha_enqueue_scripts from 10 to 20

1.3.0 2020-12-21
1.2.9 2020-08-26

(2020-08-26) = * Updated external scripts enqueue method based on user feedback.

1.2.8 2020-08-19

(2020-08-19) = * Updated supported version to 5.5. * Fixed JS issue in which response was not looking for correct element ( Thanks @fuadyp ). * Moved inline script to enqueued script ( Props @m3h1nd3r ). * Removed instance of "whitelist".

1.2.7 2020-06-16

(2020-06-15) = * Rearranged the plugin method calls so that inclusion of files is last.

1.2.6 2020-04-22

(2020-04-22) = * Updated reCpatcha Javascript to use the passed event to find the given form.

1.2.5 2020-04-20

(2020-04-20) = * Updated WordPress Version to denote support for 5.4+

1.2.4 2019-12-23

(2019-12-23) = * Added extra failsafe should CF7 reCaptcha not be removed. * Added PHP constant checks against the Contact Form 7 consts. Future proofing.

1.2.3 2019-11-13

(2019-10-13) = * Added support for wp-config Contact Form 7 key constants. * Added support for reCaptcha alignment. * Fixed an issue with google response logging should the api return an error.

1.2.2 2019-09-17

(2019-09-17) = * Fixed translation function to include plugin slug. Thanks @alexclassroom !

1.2.1 2019-09-09

(2019-09-09) = * Updated the plugin name to fix Trademark infringement.

1.2.0 2019-06-13

(2019-06-13) = * Removed jQuery dependecy. * Converted jQuery reCaptcha submission check to vanilla JavaScript. * Updated reCaptcha noscript to account for A3 Lazy Load Plugin.

1.1.9 2019-05-15

(2019-05-14) = * Added selectable option to choose which website to pull reCaptcha resources from ( | Thanks @scits! * Added and modified some class methods. See extended changelog for further details. * Modified noscript reCaptcha to look and function better "default". Styling left to theme authors and developers.

1.1.8 2019-04-26

(2019-04-26) = * Fixed WPCF7+Flamingo bug which saved un-verified submissions to spam in Flamingo. Thanks @scits!

1.1.7 2019-04-26

(2019-04-26) = * Fixed WPCF7+Flamingo bug which saved un-verified submissions to spam in Flamingo. Thanks @scits!

1.1.6 2019-04-02

(2019-04-02) = * Added localization to reCaptcha API box which translates related text. Thanks @aldebaran57!

1.1.5 2019-02-25

(2019-02-25) =

  • Added link to github in description
  • Updated version number to fix json checksum (Thanks @willpresleyev)!
1.1.4 2019-02-22

(2019-02-21) = * We need your help translating this plugin! Interested parties may contribute at: * * Ensured WordPress 5.1 compatibility * Removed languages folder to avoid confusion with glotpress. * Multisite - Network Admins will notice a new menu item under plugins labelled "WPCF7 reCaptcha Settings" * Multisite - Network Admins now have the ability to add default keys and settings for sites. Individual sites can overwrite these defaults should they choose to. * Multisite - Default Network settings do not override keys or settings if they are already set/saved on the individual site. These only apply if none are found on the individual site.

1.1.3 2019-02-06

(2019-02-06) = * An attempt to make translations easier and better overall. * Combined a few redundant translation functions into a single translation function. * Made wording and references more consistent. * Added a margin-bottom: 0 style to the reCaptcha iframe in an attempt to prevent CSS overlapping.

1.1.2 2019-01-14

(2019-01-14) = * Renamed Text Domain to match the plugin slug which should help translations. * Added Portable Object Template (.pot) file to /languages/ folder. * Added call to action on settings page which encourages users to like IQComputing on Facebook to receive the latest news and updates.

1.1.1 2019-01-07

(2019-01-07) = * Adds message whenever user forgets to click reCaptcha checkbox.

1.1.0 2018-12-30

(2018-12-28) = * Prevents Contact Form 7 from removing reCaptcha keys upon update. * Removes Contact Form 7 reCaptcha upgrade notice.

1.0 2018-12-28