Version Description
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Release Info
Developer | yithemes |
Plugin | YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier |
Version | 1.2.9 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 1.2.8 to 1.2.9
- README.txt +8 -1
- assets/css/frontend.css +6 -0
- assets/images/{yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier.jpg → yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier-video.jpg} +0 -0
- assets/js/frontend.js +1 -1
- assets/js/yith_magnifier.js +9 -9
- assets/js/yith_magnifier.min.js +1 -1
- class.yith-wcmg-admin.php +163 -165
- class.yith-wcmg-frontend.php +145 -146
- class.yith-wcmg.php +1 -1
- functions.yith-wcmg.php +56 -45
- init.php +3 -3
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/ywzm-it_IT.po +167 -88
- languages/ywzm.pot +70 -64
- lib/class.yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier.php +1 -1
- lib/class.yith-ywzm-custom-types.php +177 -172
- lib/class.yith-ywzm-plugin-fw-loader.php +1 -1
- plugin-fw/assets/js/yit-cpt-unlimited.js +1 -1
- plugin-fw/assets/js/yit-cpt-unlimited.min.js +1 -1
- plugin-fw/lib/yit-cpt-unlimited.php +1 -1
- plugin-fw/lib/yit-video.php +12 -4
- plugin-fw/yit-functions.php +5 -0
- plugin-options/general-options.php +50 -49
- templates/admin/premium.php +13 -15
- templates/single-product/product-thumbnails-magnifier.php +4 -0
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Contributors: yithemes
4 |
Tags: zoom, magnifier, woocommerce, product image, themes, yit, e-commerce, shop, thumbnail, thumbnail slider, zoom image, carousel, image carousel
5 |
Requires at least: 3.5.1
6 |
Tested up to: 4.3
7 |
Stable tag: 1.2.
8 |
License: GPLv2 or later
9 |
License URI:
10 |
@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ The size of the Zoom Image is automatically setted. If you want to change these
59 |
60 |
== Changelog ==
61 |
62 |
= Version 1.2.8 - RELEASED: SEP 01, 2015 =
63 |
64 |
* Fix: removed deprecated woocommerce_update_option_X hook.
4 |
Tags: zoom, magnifier, woocommerce, product image, themes, yit, e-commerce, shop, thumbnail, thumbnail slider, zoom image, carousel, image carousel
5 |
Requires at least: 3.5.1
6 |
Tested up to: 4.3
7 |
Stable tag: 1.2.9
8 |
License: GPLv2 or later
9 |
License URI:
10 |
59 |
60 |
== Changelog ==
61 |
62 |
= Version 1.2.9 - RELEASED: SEP 04, 2015 =
63 |
64 |
* Updated: Languages file
65 |
* Fix: Changed plugin text domain from yit to ywmz
66 |
* Fix: featured image shown one time on slider.
67 |
* Fix: div not shown if loading text is empty.
68 |
69 |
= Version 1.2.8 - RELEASED: SEP 01, 2015 =
70 |
71 |
* Fix: removed deprecated woocommerce_update_option_X hook.
@@ -57,3 +57,9 @@ span.onsale {
57 |
z-index: 10000
58 |
59 |
57 |
z-index: 10000
58 |
59 |
60 |
div.pp_woocommerce a.pp_expand {
61 |
display: inline;
62 |
bottom: 10px;
63 |
top: initial;
64 |
left: 10px;
65 |
assets/images/{yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier.jpg → yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier-video.jpg}
File without changes
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
3 |
4 |
* @author Your Inspiration Themes
5 |
* @package YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier
6 |
* @version 1.2.
7 |
8 |
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
9 |
3 |
4 |
* @author Your Inspiration Themes
5 |
* @package YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier
6 |
* @version 1.2.9
7 |
8 |
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
9 |
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
7 |
* MIT License.
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
(function (window, $, undefined) {
12 |
'use strict';
13 |
14 |
//include imagesLoaded plugin
@@ -23,8 +22,7 @@
23 |
/*jshint curly: true, eqeqeq: true, noempty: true, strict: true, undef: true, browser: true */
24 |
/*global jQuery: false */
25 |
26 |
27 |
(function ($, undefined) {
28 |
'use strict';
29 |
30 |
// blank image data-uri bypasses webkit log warning (thx doug jones)
@@ -285,11 +283,13 @@
285 |
if (this.mouseTrap === undefined) {
286 |
var w = this.options.elements.zoom.width();
287 |
288 |
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
7 |
* MIT License.
8 |
9 |
10 |
;(function (window, $, undefined) {
11 |
'use strict';
12 |
13 |
//include imagesLoaded plugin
22 |
/*jshint curly: true, eqeqeq: true, noempty: true, strict: true, undef: true, browser: true */
23 |
/*global jQuery: false */
24 |
25 |
;(function ($, undefined) {
26 |
'use strict';
27 |
28 |
// blank image data-uri bypasses webkit log warning (thx doug jones)
283 |
if (this.mouseTrap === undefined) {
284 |
var w = this.options.elements.zoom.width();
285 |
286 |
if (this.options.loadingLabel) {
287 |
$('<div class="yith_magnifier_loading">' + this.options.loadingLabel + '</div>').css({
288 |
'width': w,
289 |
'text-align': 'center',
290 |
opacity: .5
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
@@ -1 +1 @@
1 |
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o=t.options.elements.zoom,n=t.options.elements.zoomImage;i(".yith_magnifier_loading").remove(),this.element.find(".yith_magnifier_mousetrap")&&this.element.find(".yith_magnifier_mousetrap").remove(),this.mouseTrap=i('<div class="yith_magnifier_mousetrap" />').css({width:"100%",height:"100%",top:0,left:0}).appendTo(o.parent());var s="ontouchstart"in document.documentElement?!0:!1,a="touchmove mousemove",r="touchend mouseleave",h="touchstart mouseenter",m="touchstart click";this.mouseTrap.on(a,this,function(i){t.options.onMove(),"undefined"!=typeof i.originalEvent.touches?i.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX:i.pageX,"undefined"!=typeof i.originalEvent.touches?i.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY:i.pageY}).on(r,this,function(){return 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/>').css({,}).appendTo(o),t.mouseTrap.css("cursor",t.lens.css("cursor"));var g=!1;t.options.tint&&(t.tint=i("<div />").css({display:"none",position:"absolute",left:0,top:0,width:n.outerWidth(),height:n.outerHeight(),backgroundColor:t.options.tint,opacity:t.options.tintOpacity}).appendTo(o),t.lens.append(i("<img />",{src:n.attr("src")})),g=!0,t.tint.fadeIn(500)),t.options.softFocus&&(t.softFocus=i("<div />").css({position:"absolute",display:"none",top:"1px",left:"1px",width:n.outerWidth(),height:n.outerHeight(),opacity:.5}).appendTo(o),t.softFocus.append(i("<img />",{src:n.attr("src")})),0==t.lens.find("img").length&&t.lens.append(i("<img />",{src:n.attr("src")})),g=!0,t.softFocus.fadeIn(500)),g||t.lens.css("opacity",t.options.lensOpacity),"inside"!==t.options.position&&t.lens.fadeIn(500),})},_controlLoop:function(){var t=this;if(this.lens){var*>>0,*>>0;0>i?i=0:i>this.zoomImage.outerWidth(),0>e?e=0:e>this.zoomImage.outerHeight(),this.lens.css({left:i-2,top:e-1}),this.lens.find("img").css({width:this.zoomImage.outerWidth(),height:this.zoomImage.outerHeight(),marginLeft:-i+"px ",marginTop:-e+"px"}),this.destU=this.IMG_zoomImage.width<=1?i/this.zoomImage.outerWidth()*this.IMG_zoomImage.naturalWidth>>0:i/this.zoomImage.outerWidth()*this.IMG_zoomImage.width>>0,this.destV=this.IMG_zoomImage.height<=1?e/this.zoomImage.outerHeight()*this.IMG_zoomImage.naturalHeight>>0:e/this.zoomImage.outerHeight()*this.IMG_zoomImage.height>>0,this.currU+=(this.destU-this.currU)/this.options.smoothMove,this.currV+=(this.destV-this.currV)/this.options.smoothMove,this.zoomDiv.css("background-position",-(this.currU>>0)+"px "+(-(this.currV>>0)+"px"))}this.controlTimer=setTimeout(function(){t._controlLoop()},30)},_onLeave:function(){this.options.onLeave(),this.zoomDiv&&(this.zoomDiv.remove(),this.zoomDiv=null),this._removeElements()},_removeElements:function(){this.lens&&(this.lens.remove(),this.lens=null),this.tint&&(this.tint.remove(),this.tint=null),this.softFocus&&(this.softFocus.remove(),this.softFocus=null),this.element.find(".yith_magnifier_loading").length>0&&this.element.find(".yith_magnifier_loading").remove()},_isPhone:function(){var t=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();return t.match(/iphone/i)||t.match(/ipod/i)||t.match(/android/i)},destroy:function(){this.zoom&&this.zoom.unwrap(),this.mouseTrap&&(this.mouseTrap.unbind(),this.mouseTrap.remove(),this.mouseTrap=null),this.zoomDiv&&(this.zoomDiv.remove(),this.zoomDiv=null),this.options.disableRightClick&&i(document).unbind(),this._removeElements(),,this.element.removeData("yith_magnifier")}},i.fn.yith_magnifier=function(t){if("string"==typeof t){var,1);this.each(function(){var,"yith_magnifier");return o?i.isFunction(o[t])&&"_"!==t.charAt(0)?void o[t].apply(o,e):void i.error("no such method '"+t+"' for yith_magnifier instance"):void i.error("cannot call methods on yith_magnifier prior to initialization; attempted to call method '"+t+"'")})}else this.each(function(){var,"yith_magnifier");e?i.error("yith_magnifier already istantiated."),"yith_magnifier",new i.yith_magnifier(t,this))});return this}}(window,jQuery);
1 |
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a(n,0===n.naturalWidth||0===n.naturalHeight):void((n.readyState||n.complete)&&(n.src=e,n.src=s))}):n(),h?h.promise(r):r}}(jQuery),i.yith_magnifier=function(t,e){this.t=e,this.element=i(e),this._init(t)},i.yith_magnifier.defaults={zoomWidth:"auto",zoomHeight:"auto",position:"right",tint:!1,tintOpacity:.5,lensOpacity:.5,softFocus:!1,smoothMove:3,showTitle:!0,titleOpacity:.5,adjustX:0,adjustY:0,phoneBehavior:"inside",loadingLabel:"Loading...",enableSlider:!0,slider:"carouFredSel",sliderOptions:{},onLoad:function(){return!1},onEnter:function(){return!1},onLeave:function(){return!1},onMove:function(){return!1},onClick:function(){return!1},elements:{zoom:i(".yith_magnifier_zoom"),zoomImage:i(".yith_magnifier_zoom img"),gallery:i(".yith_magnifier_gallery li a")}},i.yith_magnifier.prototype={_init:function(t){var e=this;i(document).trigger("yith_magnifier_before_init"),i.each(i.yith_magnifier.defaults.elements,function(t,o){var n=i.yith_magnifier.defaults.elements;n[t]=i(o,e)}),e.options=i.extend(!0,{},i.yith_magnifier.defaults,t),e.isPhone=e._isPhone(),e._loading(),e.element.imagesLoaded(function(){e.options.onLoad(),e._initZoom(),e._initGallery()}),i(document).trigger("yith_magnifier_after_init")},_initGallery:function(){var t=this,e=t.options.elements,,n=e.zoom,s=e.zoomImage;o.length>0?(o.on("click",function(e){e.preventDefault();var o=i(this);t.destroy(),n.attr("href",this.href),s.attr("src","small")).attr("srcset","small")).attr("src-orig","small")).attr("title","").attr("title",o.attr("title")),,"yith_magnifier",new i.yith_magnifier(t.options,t.element))}),t.options.enableSlider&&(o.closest("ul").trigger("yith_magnifier_slider_destroy"),o.closest("ul")[t.options.slider](t.options.sliderOptions))):o.on("click",function(t){return t.preventDefault(),!1})},_loading:function(){if(this.options.disableRightClick&&i(document).on("contextmenu",function(){return!1}),this.mouseTrap===e){var 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o=t.options.elements.zoom,n=t.options.elements.zoomImage;i(".yith_magnifier_loading").remove(),this.element.find(".yith_magnifier_mousetrap")&&this.element.find(".yith_magnifier_mousetrap").remove(),this.mouseTrap=i('<div class="yith_magnifier_mousetrap" />').css({width:"100%",height:"100%",top:0,left:0}).appendTo(o.parent());var s="ontouchstart"in document.documentElement?!0:!1,a="touchmove mousemove",r="touchend mouseleave",h="touchstart mouseenter",m="touchstart click";this.mouseTrap.on(a,this,function(i){t.options.onMove(),"undefined"!=typeof i.originalEvent.touches?i.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX:i.pageX,"undefined"!=typeof i.originalEvent.touches?i.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY:i.pageY}).on(r,this,function(){return clearTimeout(t.controlTimer),t.lens&&t.lens.fadeOut(299),t.tint&&t.tint.fadeOut(299),t.softFocus&&t.softFocus.fadeOut(299),t.zoomDiv.fadeOut(300,function(){t._onLeave()}),!1}).on(m,this,function(){t.options.onClick()}).on(h,this,function(a){t.options.onEnter(),s&&a.preventDefault(),"undefined"!=typeof a.originalEvent.touches?a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX:a.pageX,"undefined"!=typeof a.originalEvent.touches?a.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY:a.pageY,,t.zoomDiv&&(t.zoomDiv.stop(!0,!1),t.zoomDiv.remove());var r=t.options.adjustX,h=t.options.adjustY,m=n.outerWidth(),l=n.outerHeight(),u=t.options.zoomWidth,c=t.options.zoomHeight;"auto"==t.options.zoomWidth&&(u=m),"auto"==t.options.zoomHeight&&(c=l);var d=o.parent();switch(t.options.position){case"top":h-=c;break;case"right":r+=m;break;case"bottom":h+=l;break;case"left":r-=u;break;case"inside":u=m,c=l;break;default:d=i("#"+t.options.position),d.length?(u=d.innerWidth(),c=d.innerHeight()):(d=o,r+=m,h+=l)}t.isPhone&&"inside"==t.options.phoneBehavior&&(u=m,c=l,r=0,h=0),t.zoomDiv=i('<div class="yith_magnifier_zoom_magnifier" />').css({left:r,top:h,width:u,height:c,"background-repeat":"no-repeat",backgroundImage:"url("+e.src+")"}).appendTo(d),n.attr("title")&&t.options.showTitle&&i('<div class="yith_magnifier_title">'+n.attr("title")+"</div>").appendTo(t.zoomDiv),t.isPhone?"disable"!=t.options.phoneBehavior?t.zoomDiv.fadeIn(500):t.lens.fadeOut(299):t.zoomDiv.fadeIn(500),t.lens&&(t.lens.remove(),t.lens=null),<=1?n.outerWidth()/e.naturalWidth*t.zoomDiv.width():n.outerWidth()/e.width*t.zoomDiv.width(),<=1?n.outerHeight()/e.naturalHeight*t.zoomDiv.height():n.outerHeight()/e.height*t.zoomDiv.height(),t.lens=i('<div class="yith_magnifier_lens" />').css({,}).appendTo(o),t.mouseTrap.css("cursor",t.lens.css("cursor"));var g=!1;t.options.tint&&(t.tint=i("<div />").css({display:"none",position:"absolute",left:0,top:0,width:n.outerWidth(),height:n.outerHeight(),backgroundColor:t.options.tint,opacity:t.options.tintOpacity}).appendTo(o),t.lens.append(i("<img />",{src:n.attr("src")})),g=!0,t.tint.fadeIn(500)),t.options.softFocus&&(t.softFocus=i("<div />").css({position:"absolute",display:"none",top:"1px",left:"1px",width:n.outerWidth(),height:n.outerHeight(),opacity:.5}).appendTo(o),t.softFocus.append(i("<img />",{src:n.attr("src")})),0==t.lens.find("img").length&&t.lens.append(i("<img />",{src:n.attr("src")})),g=!0,t.softFocus.fadeIn(500)),g||t.lens.css("opacity",t.options.lensOpacity),"inside"!==t.options.position&&t.lens.fadeIn(500),})},_controlLoop:function(){var t=this;if(this.lens){var*>>0,*>>0;0>i?i=0:i>this.zoomImage.outerWidth(),0>e?e=0:e>this.zoomImage.outerHeight(),this.lens.css({left:i-2,top:e-1}),this.lens.find("img").css({width:this.zoomImage.outerWidth(),height:this.zoomImage.outerHeight(),marginLeft:-i+"px ",marginTop:-e+"px"}),this.destU=this.IMG_zoomImage.width<=1?i/this.zoomImage.outerWidth()*this.IMG_zoomImage.naturalWidth>>0:i/this.zoomImage.outerWidth()*this.IMG_zoomImage.width>>0,this.destV=this.IMG_zoomImage.height<=1?e/this.zoomImage.outerHeight()*this.IMG_zoomImage.naturalHeight>>0:e/this.zoomImage.outerHeight()*this.IMG_zoomImage.height>>0,this.currU+=(this.destU-this.currU)/this.options.smoothMove,this.currV+=(this.destV-this.currV)/this.options.smoothMove,this.zoomDiv.css("background-position",-(this.currU>>0)+"px "+(-(this.currV>>0)+"px"))}this.controlTimer=setTimeout(function(){t._controlLoop()},30)},_onLeave:function(){this.options.onLeave(),this.zoomDiv&&(this.zoomDiv.remove(),this.zoomDiv=null),this._removeElements()},_removeElements:function(){this.lens&&(this.lens.remove(),this.lens=null),this.tint&&(this.tint.remove(),this.tint=null),this.softFocus&&(this.softFocus.remove(),this.softFocus=null),this.element.find(".yith_magnifier_loading").length>0&&this.element.find(".yith_magnifier_loading").remove()},_isPhone:function(){var t=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();return t.match(/iphone/i)||t.match(/ipod/i)||t.match(/android/i)},destroy:function(){this.zoom&&this.zoom.unwrap(),this.mouseTrap&&(this.mouseTrap.unbind(),this.mouseTrap.remove(),this.mouseTrap=null),this.zoomDiv&&(this.zoomDiv.remove(),this.zoomDiv=null),this.options.disableRightClick&&i(document).unbind(),this._removeElements(),,this.element.removeData("yith_magnifier")}},i.fn.yith_magnifier=function(t){if("string"==typeof t){var,1);this.each(function(){var,"yith_magnifier");return o?i.isFunction(o[t])&&"_"!==t.charAt(0)?void o[t].apply(o,e):void i.error("no such method '"+t+"' for yith_magnifier instance"):void i.error("cannot call methods on yith_magnifier prior to initialization; attempted to call method '"+t+"'")})}else this.each(function(){var,"yith_magnifier");e?i.error("yith_magnifier already istantiated."),"yith_magnifier",new i.yith_magnifier(t,this))});return this}}(window,jQuery);
@@ -8,172 +8,170 @@
8 |
9 |
10 |
if ( ! defined( 'YITH_WCMG' ) ) {
11 |
12 |
} // Exit if accessed directly
13 |
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if ( ! class_exists( 'YITH_WCMG_Admin' ) ) {
15 |
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8 |
9 |
10 |
if ( ! defined( 'YITH_WCMG' ) ) {
11 |
12 |
} // Exit if accessed directly
13 |
14 |
if ( ! class_exists( 'YITH_WCMG_Admin' ) ) {
15 |
16 |
* Admin class.
17 |
* The class manage all the admin behaviors.
18 |
19 |
* @since 1.0.0
20 |
21 |
class YITH_WCMG_Admin {
22 |
23 |
* Plugin options
24 |
25 |
* @var array
26 |
* @access public
27 |
* @since 1.0.0
28 |
29 |
public $options = array();
30 |
31 |
32 |
* Plugin version
33 |
34 |
* @var string
35 |
* @since 1.0.0
36 |
37 |
public $version;
38 |
39 |
40 |
* Various links
41 |
42 |
* @var string
43 |
* @access public
44 |
* @since 1.0.0
45 |
46 |
public $banner_url = '';
47 |
public $banner_img = '';
48 |
public $doc_url = '';
49 |
50 |
51 |
* Constructor
52 |
53 |
* @access public
54 |
* @since 1.0.0
55 |
56 |
public function __construct( $version ) {
57 |
$this->version = $version;
58 |
59 |
60 |
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_styles_scripts' ) );
61 |
62 |
add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_yith_wcmg', array( $this, 'update_options' ) );
63 |
64 |
add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_field_banner', array( $this, 'admin_fields_banner' ) );
65 |
add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_fields_image_deps' ) );
66 |
67 |
add_filter( 'woocommerce_catalog_settings', array( $this, 'add_catalog_image_size' ) );
68 |
69 |
//Apply filters
70 |
$this->banner_url = apply_filters( 'yith_wcmg_banner_url', $this->banner_url );
71 |
72 |
// YITH WCMG Loaded
73 |
do_action( 'yith_wcmg_loaded' );
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
* Add Zoom Image size to Woocommerce -> Catalog
78 |
79 |
* @access public
80 |
81 |
* @param array $settings
82 |
83 |
* @return array
84 |
85 |
public function add_catalog_image_size( $settings ) {
86 |
$tmp = $settings[count( $settings ) - 1];
87 |
unset( $settings[count( $settings ) - 1] );
88 |
89 |
$settings[] = array(
90 |
'name' => __( 'Image Size', 'ywzm' ),
91 |
'desc' => __( 'The size of the images used within the magnifier box', 'ywzm' ),
92 |
'id' => 'woocommerce_magnifier_image',
93 |
'css' => '',
94 |
'type' => 'image_width',
95 |
'default' => array(
96 |
'width' => 600,
97 |
'height' => 600,
98 |
'crop' => true
99 |
100 |
'std' => array(
101 |
'width' => 600,
102 |
'height' => 600,
103 |
'crop' => true
104 |
105 |
'desc_tip' => true
106 |
107 |
$settings[] = $tmp;
108 |
return $settings;
109 |
110 |
111 |
112 |
* Create new Woocommerce admin field: image deps
113 |
114 |
* @access public
115 |
116 |
* @param array $value
117 |
118 |
* @return void
119 |
* @since 1.0.0
120 |
121 |
public function admin_fields_image_deps( $value ) {
122 |
global $woocommerce;
123 |
124 |
$force = get_option( 'yith_wcmg_force_sizes' ) == 'yes';
125 |
126 |
if ( $force ) {
127 |
$value['desc'] = 'These values ??are automatically calculated based on the values ??of the Single product. If you\'d like to customize yourself the values, please disable the "Forcing Zoom Image sizes" in "Magnifier" tab.';
128 |
129 |
130 |
if ( $force && isset( $_GET['page'] ) && isset( $_GET['tab'] ) && ( $_GET['page'] == 'woocommerce_settings' || $_GET['page'] == 'wc-settings' ) && $_GET['tab'] == 'catalog' ): ?>
131 |
132 |
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
133 |
$('#woocommerce_magnifier_image-width, #woocommerce_magnifier_image-height, #woocommerce_magnifier_image-crop').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
134 |
135 |
$('#shop_single_image_size-width, #shop_single_image_size-height').on('keyup', function () {
136 |
var value = parseInt($(this).val());
137 |
var input = ('width') >= 0 ? 'width' : 'height';
138 |
139 |
if (!isNaN(value)) {
140 |
$('#woocommerce_magnifier_image-' + input).val(value * 2);
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
$('#shop_single_image_size-crop').on('change', function () {
145 |
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
146 |
$('#woocommerce_magnifier_image-crop').attr('checked', 'checked');
147 |
} else {
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
$('#mainform').on('submit', function () {
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
<?php endif;
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
* Enqueue admin styles and scripts
163 |
164 |
* @access public
165 |
* @return void
166 |
* @since 1.0.0
167 |
168 |
public function enqueue_styles_scripts() {
169 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui' );
170 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-core' );
171 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-mouse' );
172 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-slider' );
173 |
174 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'yith_wcmg_admin', YITH_WCMG_URL . 'assets/css/admin.css' );
175 |
176 |
177 |
@@ -7,152 +7,151 @@
7 |
* @version 1.1.2
8 |
9 |
10 |
if (
11 |
12 |
} // Exit if accessed directly
13 |
14 |
if (
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156 |
157 |
158 |
7 |
* @version 1.1.2
8 |
9 |
10 |
if (!defined('YITH_WCMG')) {
11 |
12 |
} // Exit if accessed directly
13 |
14 |
if (!class_exists('YITH_WCMG_Frontend')) {
15 |
16 |
* Admin class.
17 |
* The class manage all the Frontend behaviors.
18 |
19 |
* @since 1.0.0
20 |
21 |
class YITH_WCMG_Frontend {
22 |
23 |
* Plugin version
24 |
25 |
* @var string
26 |
* @since 1.0.0
27 |
28 |
public $version;
29 |
30 |
31 |
* Constructor
32 |
33 |
* @access public
34 |
* @since 1.0.0
35 |
36 |
public function __construct($version) {
37 |
$this->version = $version;
38 |
39 |
// add the action only when the loop is initializate
40 |
add_action('template_redirect', array($this, 'render'));
41 |
42 |
43 |
public function render() {
44 |
if (yith_wcmg_is_enabled() && !$this->is_video_featured_enabled()) {
45 |
//change the templates
46 |
remove_action('woocommerce_before_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_show_product_images', 20);
47 |
remove_action('woocommerce_product_thumbnails', 'woocommerce_show_product_thumbnails', 20);
48 |
add_action('woocommerce_before_single_product_summary', array($this, 'show_product_images'), 20);
49 |
add_action('woocommerce_product_thumbnails', array($this, 'show_product_thumbnails'), 20);
50 |
51 |
//custom styles and javascripts
52 |
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_styles_scripts'));
53 |
54 |
//add attributes to product variations
55 |
add_filter('woocommerce_available_variation', array($this, 'available_variation'), 10, 3);
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
* Change product-single.php template
62 |
63 |
* @access public
64 |
* @return void
65 |
* @since 1.0.0
66 |
67 |
public function show_product_images() {
68 |
69 |
/** FIX WOO 2.1 */
70 |
$wc_get_template = function_exists('wc_get_template') ? 'wc_get_template' : 'woocommerce_get_template';
71 |
$wc_get_template('single-product/product-image-magnifier.php', array(), '', YITH_YWZM_DIR . 'templates/');
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
* Change product-thumbnails.php template
77 |
78 |
* @access public
79 |
* @return void
80 |
* @since 1.0.0
81 |
82 |
public function show_product_thumbnails() {
83 |
84 |
/** FIX WOO 2.1 */
85 |
$wc_get_template = function_exists('wc_get_template') ? 'wc_get_template' : 'woocommerce_get_template';
86 |
87 |
$wc_get_template('single-product/product-thumbnails-magnifier.php', array(), '', YITH_YWZM_DIR . 'templates/');
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
* Enqueue styles and scripts
93 |
94 |
* @access public
95 |
* @return void
96 |
* @since 1.0.0
97 |
98 |
public function enqueue_styles_scripts() {
99 |
global $post;
100 |
101 |
$suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
102 |
103 |
wp_register_script('yith-magnifier-slider', YITH_WCMG_URL . 'assets/js/jquery.carouFredSel' . $suffix . '.js', array(
104 |
105 |
106 |
), '6.2.1', true);
107 |
108 |
if (is_product() || (!empty($post->post_content) && strstr($post->post_content, '[product_page'))) {
109 |
110 |
wp_enqueue_script('yith-magnifier', YITH_WCMG_URL . 'assets/js/yith_magnifier' . $suffix . '.js', array('jquery'), $this->version, true);
111 |
wp_enqueue_script('yith_wcmg_frontend', YITH_WCMG_URL . 'assets/js/frontend' . $suffix . '.js', array(
112 |
113 |
114 |
), $this->version, true);
115 |
wp_enqueue_style('yith-magnifier', YITH_WCMG_URL . 'assets/css/yith_magnifier.css');
116 |
117 |
$css = file_exists(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/woocommerce/yith_magnifier.css') ? get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/woocommerce/yith_magnifier.css' : YITH_WCMG_URL . 'assets/css/frontend.css';
118 |
wp_enqueue_style('yith_wcmg_frontend', $css);
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
* Add attributes to product variations
125 |
126 |
* @access public
127 |
* @return void
128 |
* @since 1.0.0
129 |
130 |
public function available_variation($data, $wc_prod, $variation) {
131 |
132 |
$attachment_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($variation->get_variation_id());
133 |
$attachment = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, 'shop_magnifier');
134 |
135 |
$data['image_magnifier'] = $attachment ? current($attachment) : '';
136 |
137 |
return $data;
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
* Detect if the featured video is enabled
142 |
143 |
public function is_video_featured_enabled() {
144 |
global $post;
145 |
if (!isset($post->ID)) {
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
$featured_video = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_video_url', true);
150 |
if (!empty($featured_video)) {
151 |
return true;
152 |
} else {
153 |
return false;
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if( !class_exists( 'YITH_WCMG' ) ) {
22 |
* @var string
23 |
* @since 1.0.0
24 |
25 |
public $version = '1.2.
26 |
27 |
28 |
* Plugin object
22 |
* @var string
23 |
* @since 1.0.0
24 |
25 |
public $version = '1.2.9';
26 |
27 |
28 |
* Plugin object
@@ -7,58 +7,69 @@
7 |
* @version 1.1.2
8 |
9 |
10 |
if ( !defined( 'YITH_WCMG' ) ) {
11 |
12 |
if( !function_exists( 'yith_wcmg_is_enabled' ) ) {
13 |
14 |
* Locate the templates and return the path of the file found
15 |
16 |
* @param string $path
17 |
* @param array $var
18 |
* @return void
19 |
* @since 1.0.0
20 |
21 |
function yith_wcmg_is_enabled() {
22 |
return get_option('yith_wcmg_enable_plugin') == 'yes';
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
if( !function_exists( 'yit_shop_single_w' ) ) {
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
if( !function_exists( 'yit_shop_thumbnail_w' ) ) {
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
if( !function_exists( 'yit_get_image_size' ) ){
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
7 |
* @version 1.1.2
8 |
9 |
10 |
if ( ! defined( 'YITH_WCMG' ) ) {
11 |
12 |
} // Exit if accessed directly
13 |
14 |
if ( ! function_exists( 'yith_wcmg_is_enabled' ) ) {
15 |
16 |
* Check if the plugin is enabled for the current context
17 |
18 |
* @param string $path
19 |
* @param array $var
20 |
21 |
* @return void
22 |
* @since 1.0.0
23 |
24 |
function yith_wcmg_is_enabled() {
25 |
if ( wp_is_mobile() ) {
26 |
return ( 'yes' == get_option( 'yith_wcmg_enable_mobile' ) );
27 |
28 |
29 |
return get_option( 'yith_wcmg_enable_plugin' ) == 'yes';
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
if ( ! function_exists( 'yit_shop_single_w' ) ) {
35 |
36 |
* Return the shop_single image width
37 |
38 |
* @return integer
39 |
* @since 1.0.0
40 |
41 |
function yit_shop_single_w() {
42 |
global $woocommerce;
43 |
$size = yit_get_image_size( 'shop_single' );
44 |
45 |
return $size['width'];
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
if ( ! function_exists( 'yit_shop_thumbnail_w' ) ) {
50 |
51 |
* Return the shop_thumbnail image width
52 |
53 |
* @return integer
54 |
* @since 1.0.0
55 |
56 |
function yit_shop_thumbnail_w() {
57 |
global $woocommerce;
58 |
$size = yit_get_image_size( 'shop_thumbnail' );
59 |
60 |
return $size['width'];
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
if ( ! function_exists( 'yit_get_image_size' ) ) {
66 |
function yit_get_image_size( $size ) {
67 |
if ( function_exists( 'wc_get_image_size' ) ) {
68 |
return wc_get_image_size( $size );
69 |
} else {
70 |
global $woocommerce;
71 |
72 |
return $woocommerce->get_image_size( $size );
73 |
74 |
75 |
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
3 |
* Plugin Name: YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier
4 |
* Plugin URI:
5 |
* Description: YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier enables you to add a zoom effect to product images and a thumbnail slider for the product image gallery.
6 |
* Version: 1.2.
7 |
* Author: Yithemes
8 |
* Author URI:
9 |
* Text Domain: ywzm
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
11 |
12 |
* @author Your Inspiration Themes
13 |
* @package YITH WooCommerce Magnifier
14 |
* @version 1.2.
15 |
16 |
/* Copyright 2013-2015 Your Inspiration Themes (email :
17 |
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ if ( ! defined( 'YITH_YWZM_FREE_INIT' ) ) {
65 |
66 |
67 |
if ( ! defined( 'YITH_YWZM_VERSION' ) ) {
68 |
define( 'YITH_YWZM_VERSION', '1.2.
69 |
70 |
71 |
if ( ! defined( 'YITH_YWZM_FILE' ) ) {
3 |
* Plugin Name: YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier
4 |
* Plugin URI:
5 |
* Description: YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier enables you to add a zoom effect to product images and a thumbnail slider for the product image gallery.
6 |
* Version: 1.2.9
7 |
* Author: Yithemes
8 |
* Author URI:
9 |
* Text Domain: ywzm
11 |
12 |
* @author Your Inspiration Themes
13 |
* @package YITH WooCommerce Magnifier
14 |
* @version 1.2.9
15 |
16 |
/* Copyright 2013-2015 Your Inspiration Themes (email :
17 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
if ( ! defined( 'YITH_YWZM_VERSION' ) ) {
68 |
define( 'YITH_YWZM_VERSION', '1.2.9' );
69 |
70 |
71 |
if ( ! defined( 'YITH_YWZM_FILE' ) ) {
Binary file
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier\n"
4 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-
5 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-
6 |
"Last-Translator: \n"
7 |
"Language-Team: Your Inspiration Themes <>\n"
8 |
"Language: it_IT\n"
9 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
11 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
12 |
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.
13 |
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
14 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n"
15 |
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __ ;_e;_n:1,2;__ngettext:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;"
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ msgstr ""
18 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
19 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: plugin-fw\n"
20 |
21 |
#: class.yith-wcmg-admin.php:
22 |
msgid "Image Size"
23 |
msgstr "Dimensioni Immagine"
24 |
25 |
#: class.yith-wcmg-admin.php:
26 |
msgid "The size of the images used within the magnifier box"
27 |
msgstr "La dimensione delle immagini utilizzata nel riquadro di zoom"
28 |
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ msgstr ""
42 |
"Non è possibile attivare la versione gratuita di YITH WooCommerce Zoom "
43 |
"Magnifier mentre si utilizza quella premium."
44 |
45 |
#: lib/class.yith-ywzm-custom-types.php:
46 |
msgid "Do you want to hard crop the image?"
47 |
msgstr "Vuoi ritagliare l'immagine?"
48 |
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ msgid "Premium version"
80 |
msgstr "Versione premium"
81 |
82 |
#: lib/class.yith-ywzm-plugin-fw-loader.php:237
83 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
84 |
msgid "YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
85 |
msgstr "YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
86 |
@@ -103,22 +103,28 @@ msgid "General Settings"
103 |
msgstr "Impostazioni generali"
104 |
105 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:42
106 |
msgid "Activate YITH Magnifier"
107 |
msgstr "Attiva YITH Magnifier"
108 |
109 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:43
110 |
msgid "Activate the plugin or use the WooCommerce default product image."
111 |
msgstr "Attiva il plugin o usa le immagini prodotto di default di WooCommerce."
112 |
113 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:50
114 |
msgid "Activate
115 |
msgstr "Attiva
116 |
117 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
118 |
msgid "Forced Image Size"
119 |
msgstr "Dimensioni Immagini Forzate"
120 |
121 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
122 |
msgid ""
123 |
"If disabled, you will able to customize the sizes of the zoomed images. "
124 |
"Disable it at your own risk; the magnifier could not properly work with "
@@ -128,100 +134,100 @@ msgstr ""
128 |
"delle immagini zoomate. Disabilitare a proprio rischio: lo zoom potrebbe non "
129 |
"funzionare correttamente con immagini sproporzionate."
130 |
131 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
132 |
msgid "Magnifier Settings"
133 |
msgstr "Impostazioni Zoom"
134 |
135 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
136 |
msgid "Zoom Box Width"
137 |
msgstr "Larghezza Riquadro Zoom"
138 |
139 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
140 |
msgid "The width of the magnifier box (default: auto)"
141 |
msgstr "La larghezza del riquadro di zoom (default: auto)"
142 |
143 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
144 |
msgid "Zoom Box Height"
145 |
msgstr "Altezza Riquadro Zoom"
146 |
147 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
148 |
msgid "The height of the magnifier box (default: auto)"
149 |
msgstr "L'altezza del riquadro di zoom (default: auto)"
150 |
151 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
152 |
msgid "Zoom Box Position"
153 |
msgstr "Posizione Riquadro Zoom"
154 |
155 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
156 |
msgid "The magnifier position"
157 |
msgstr "Dove apparirà la finestra di zoom"
158 |
159 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
160 |
msgid "Right"
161 |
msgstr "Destra"
162 |
163 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
164 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
165 |
msgid "Inside"
166 |
msgstr "Interno"
167 |
168 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
169 |
msgid "Zoom Box Position for mobile devices"
170 |
msgstr "Posizione Riquadro Zoom su dispositivi mobili"
171 |
172 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
173 |
msgid "The magnifier position for the mobile devices (iPhone, Android, etc.)"
174 |
msgstr ""
175 |
"Dove apparirà la finestra di zoom sui dispositivi mobili (iPhone, Android, "
176 |
177 |
178 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
179 |
msgid "Default"
180 |
msgstr "Default"
181 |
182 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
183 |
msgid "Disable"
184 |
msgstr "Disattiva"
185 |
186 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
187 |
msgid "Loading label"
188 |
msgstr "Etichetta di caricamento"
189 |
190 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
191 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
192 |
msgid "Loading..."
193 |
msgstr "Caricamento..."
194 |
195 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
196 |
msgid "Lens Opacity"
197 |
msgstr "Opacità Lenti"
198 |
199 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
200 |
msgid "Blur"
201 |
msgstr "Sfocatura"
202 |
203 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
204 |
msgid "Add a blur effect to the small image on mouse hover."
205 |
msgstr ""
206 |
"Aggiungi un effetto di sfocatura all'immagine piccola al passaggio del mouse."
207 |
208 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
209 |
msgid "Slider Settings"
210 |
msgstr "Impostazioni Slider"
211 |
212 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
213 |
msgid "Activate Slider"
214 |
msgstr "Attiva Slider"
215 |
216 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
217 |
msgid "Activate Thumbnail Slider."
218 |
msgstr "Attiva lo slider con anteprime."
219 |
220 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
221 |
msgid "Activate Responsive Slider"
222 |
msgstr "Attiva Slider Responsive"
223 |
224 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
225 |
msgid ""
226 |
"This option fits the thumbnails within the available space. Disable it if "
227 |
"you want to manage freely the thumbnails (eg. add margins, paddings, etc.)"
@@ -230,27 +236,27 @@ msgstr ""
230 |
"vuoi gestire liberamente le anteprime (per esempio aggiungere margini, "
231 |
"padding, ecc.)"
232 |
233 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
234 |
msgid "Items"
235 |
msgstr "Elementi"
236 |
237 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
238 |
msgid "Number of items to show"
239 |
msgstr "Numero di elementi da mostrare"
240 |
241 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
242 |
msgid "Circular carousel"
243 |
msgstr "Carosello circolare"
244 |
245 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
246 |
msgid "It defines whether the carousel should be circular."
247 |
msgstr "Imposta se il carosello deve essere circolare."
248 |
249 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
250 |
msgid "Infinite carousel"
251 |
msgstr "Carosello infinito"
252 |
253 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
254 |
msgid ""
255 |
"It defines whether the carousel should be infinite. Note: It is possible to "
256 |
"create a non-circular, infinite carousel, but it is not possible to create a "
@@ -260,15 +266,15 @@ msgstr ""
260 |
"un carosello infinito non circolare, ma non puoi creare un carosello "
261 |
"circolare non infinito."
262 |
263 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
264 |
msgid "Upgrade to the PREMIUM VERSION"
265 |
msgstr "Aggiorna alla VERSIONE PREMIUM"
266 |
267 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
268 |
msgid "Discover The Advanced Features"
269 |
msgstr "Scopri le caratteristiche avanzate"
270 |
271 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
272 |
msgid ""
273 |
274 |
"from all features!"
@@ -276,7 +282,7 @@ msgstr ""
276 |
277 |
"usufruire di tutte le caratteristiche!"
278 |
279 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
280 |
msgid ""
281 |
"See YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier plugin with full premium features in "
282 |
@@ -284,14 +290,14 @@ msgstr ""
284 |
"Guarda il plugin YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier con tutte le "
285 |
"caratteristiche premium in azione"
286 |
287 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
288 |
msgid "Get Support and Pro Features"
289 |
msgstr "Ottieni il supporto e le caratteristiche premium"
290 |
291 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
292 |
msgid ""
293 |
"Purchasing the premium version of the plugin, you will take advantage of the "
294 |
"advanced features of the product and you will get one year of free updates "
295 |
"and support through our platform available 24h/24."
296 |
msgstr ""
297 |
"Acquistando la versione premium del plugin potrai usufruire delle "
@@ -299,66 +305,161 @@ msgstr ""
299 |
"aggiornamenti gratuiti e di supporto attraverso la nostra piattaforma "
300 |
"disponibile 24h/24."
301 |
302 |
303 |
msgid "Select a date"
304 |
msgstr "Scegli una data"
305 |
306 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
307 |
msgid "Hours"
308 |
msgstr "Ore"
309 |
310 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
311 |
msgid "Minutes"
312 |
msgstr "Minuti"
313 |
314 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
315 |
msgid "Upload"
316 |
msgstr "Carica"
317 |
318 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
319 |
msgid "px"
320 |
msgstr "px"
321 |
322 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
323 |
msgid "em"
324 |
msgstr "em"
325 |
326 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
327 |
msgid "pt"
328 |
msgstr "pt"
329 |
330 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
331 |
msgid "rem"
332 |
msgstr "rem"
333 |
334 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
335 |
msgid "Select a font family"
336 |
msgstr "Scegli una famiglia di caratteri"
337 |
338 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
339 |
msgid "Regular"
340 |
msgstr "Normale"
341 |
342 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
343 |
msgid "Bold"
344 |
msgstr "Grassetto"
345 |
346 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
347 |
msgid "Extra bold"
348 |
msgstr "Grassetto extra"
349 |
350 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
351 |
msgid "Italic"
352 |
msgstr "Corsivo"
353 |
354 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
355 |
msgid "Italic bold"
356 |
msgstr "Corsivo E Grassetto"
357 |
358 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
359 |
msgid "Click to preview"
360 |
msgstr "Premi per visualizzare l'anteprima"
361 |
362 |
#~ msgid "product"
363 |
#~ msgstr "prodotto"
364 |
@@ -419,25 +520,3 @@ msgstr "Premi per visualizzare l'anteprima"
419 |
420 |
#~ msgid "Left"
421 |
#~ msgstr "Sinistra"
422 |
423 |
#~ msgid "Activate YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
424 |
#~ msgstr "Attiva YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
425 |
426 |
#~ msgid "Activate on mobile device"
427 |
#~ msgstr "Attiva su dispositivi mobili"
428 |
429 |
#~ msgid ""
430 |
#~ "Set if zoom and slider functionalities should be shown also on mobile "
431 |
#~ "devices."
432 |
#~ msgstr ""
433 |
#~ "Decidi se mostrare lo zoom e lo slider anche sui dispositivi mobili."
434 |
435 |
#~ msgid ""
436 |
#~ "Purchasing the premium version of the plugin, you will take advantage of "
437 |
#~ "the advanced features of the product, and you will get one year of free "
438 |
#~ "updates and support through our platform available 24h/24."
439 |
#~ msgstr ""
440 |
#~ "Acquistando la versione premium del plugin potrai usufruire delle "
441 |
#~ "caratteristiche avanzate del prodotto, oltre a ottenere un anno di "
442 |
#~ "aggiornamenti gratuiti e di supporto attraverso la nostra piattaforma "
443 |
#~ "disponibile 24h/24."
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier\n"
4 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-02 15:20+0200\n"
5 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-02 15:38+0200\n"
6 |
"Last-Translator: \n"
7 |
"Language-Team: Your Inspiration Themes <>\n"
8 |
"Language: it_IT\n"
9 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
11 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
12 |
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.4\n"
13 |
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
14 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n"
15 |
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __ ;_e;_n:1,2;__ngettext:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;"
18 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
19 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: plugin-fw\n"
20 |
21 |
#: class.yith-wcmg-admin.php:90
22 |
msgid "Image Size"
23 |
msgstr "Dimensioni Immagine"
24 |
25 |
#: class.yith-wcmg-admin.php:91 plugin-options/general-options.php:17
26 |
msgid "The size of the images used within the magnifier box"
27 |
msgstr "La dimensione delle immagini utilizzata nel riquadro di zoom"
28 |
42 |
"Non è possibile attivare la versione gratuita di YITH WooCommerce Zoom "
43 |
"Magnifier mentre si utilizza quella premium."
44 |
45 |
#: lib/class.yith-ywzm-custom-types.php:159
46 |
msgid "Do you want to hard crop the image?"
47 |
msgstr "Vuoi ritagliare l'immagine?"
48 |
80 |
msgstr "Versione premium"
81 |
82 |
#: lib/class.yith-ywzm-plugin-fw-loader.php:237
83 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:216
84 |
msgid "YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
85 |
msgstr "YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
86 |
103 |
msgstr "Impostazioni generali"
104 |
105 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:42
106 |
msgid "Activate YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
107 |
msgstr "Attiva YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
108 |
109 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:43
110 |
msgid "Activate the plugin or use the WooCommerce default product image."
111 |
msgstr "Attiva il plugin o usa le immagini prodotto di default di WooCommerce."
112 |
113 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:50
114 |
msgid "Activate on mobile device"
115 |
msgstr "Attiva su dispositivi mobili"
116 |
117 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:51
118 |
msgid ""
119 |
"Set if zoom and slider functionalities should be shown also on mobile "
120 |
121 |
msgstr "Decidi se mostrare lo zoom e lo slider anche sui dispositivi mobili."
122 |
123 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:59
124 |
msgid "Forced Image Size"
125 |
msgstr "Dimensioni Immagini Forzate"
126 |
127 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:60
128 |
msgid ""
129 |
"If disabled, you will able to customize the sizes of the zoomed images. "
130 |
"Disable it at your own risk; the magnifier could not properly work with "
134 |
"delle immagini zoomate. Disabilitare a proprio rischio: lo zoom potrebbe non "
135 |
"funzionare correttamente con immagini sproporzionate."
136 |
137 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:74
138 |
msgid "Magnifier Settings"
139 |
msgstr "Impostazioni Zoom"
140 |
141 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:80
142 |
msgid "Zoom Box Width"
143 |
msgstr "Larghezza Riquadro Zoom"
144 |
145 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:81
146 |
msgid "The width of the magnifier box (default: auto)"
147 |
msgstr "La larghezza del riquadro di zoom (default: auto)"
148 |
149 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:88
150 |
msgid "Zoom Box Height"
151 |
msgstr "Altezza Riquadro Zoom"
152 |
153 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:89
154 |
msgid "The height of the magnifier box (default: auto)"
155 |
msgstr "L'altezza del riquadro di zoom (default: auto)"
156 |
157 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:97
158 |
msgid "Zoom Box Position"
159 |
msgstr "Posizione Riquadro Zoom"
160 |
161 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:98
162 |
msgid "The magnifier position"
163 |
msgstr "Dove apparirà la finestra di zoom"
164 |
165 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:104
166 |
msgid "Right"
167 |
msgstr "Destra"
168 |
169 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:105
170 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:117
171 |
msgid "Inside"
172 |
msgstr "Interno"
173 |
174 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:109
175 |
msgid "Zoom Box Position for mobile devices"
176 |
msgstr "Posizione Riquadro Zoom su dispositivi mobili"
177 |
178 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:110
179 |
msgid "The magnifier position for the mobile devices (iPhone, Android, etc.)"
180 |
msgstr ""
181 |
"Dove apparirà la finestra di zoom sui dispositivi mobili (iPhone, Android, "
182 |
183 |
184 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:116
185 |
msgid "Default"
186 |
msgstr "Default"
187 |
188 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:118
189 |
msgid "Disable"
190 |
msgstr "Disattiva"
191 |
192 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:122
193 |
msgid "Loading label"
194 |
msgstr "Etichetta di caricamento"
195 |
196 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:125
197 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:126
198 |
msgid "Loading..."
199 |
msgstr "Caricamento..."
200 |
201 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:130
202 |
msgid "Lens Opacity"
203 |
msgstr "Opacità Lenti"
204 |
205 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:141
206 |
msgid "Blur"
207 |
msgstr "Sfocatura"
208 |
209 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:142
210 |
msgid "Add a blur effect to the small image on mouse hover."
211 |
msgstr ""
212 |
"Aggiungi un effetto di sfocatura all'immagine piccola al passaggio del mouse."
213 |
214 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:153
215 |
msgid "Slider Settings"
216 |
msgstr "Impostazioni Slider"
217 |
218 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:159
219 |
msgid "Activate Slider"
220 |
msgstr "Attiva Slider"
221 |
222 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:160
223 |
msgid "Activate Thumbnail Slider."
224 |
msgstr "Attiva lo slider con anteprime."
225 |
226 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:167
227 |
msgid "Activate Responsive Slider"
228 |
msgstr "Attiva Slider Responsive"
229 |
230 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:168
231 |
msgid ""
232 |
"This option fits the thumbnails within the available space. Disable it if "
233 |
"you want to manage freely the thumbnails (eg. add margins, paddings, etc.)"
236 |
"vuoi gestire liberamente le anteprime (per esempio aggiungere margini, "
237 |
"padding, ecc.)"
238 |
239 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:175
240 |
msgid "Items"
241 |
msgstr "Elementi"
242 |
243 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:176
244 |
msgid "Number of items to show"
245 |
msgstr "Numero di elementi da mostrare"
246 |
247 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:186
248 |
msgid "Circular carousel"
249 |
msgstr "Carosello circolare"
250 |
251 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:187
252 |
msgid "It defines whether the carousel should be circular."
253 |
msgstr "Imposta se il carosello deve essere circolare."
254 |
255 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:194
256 |
msgid "Infinite carousel"
257 |
msgstr "Carosello infinito"
258 |
259 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:195
260 |
msgid ""
261 |
"It defines whether the carousel should be infinite. Note: It is possible to "
262 |
"create a non-circular, infinite carousel, but it is not possible to create a "
266 |
"un carosello infinito non circolare, ma non puoi creare un carosello "
267 |
"circolare non infinito."
268 |
269 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:213
270 |
msgid "Upgrade to the PREMIUM VERSION"
271 |
msgstr "Aggiorna alla VERSIONE PREMIUM"
272 |
273 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:217
274 |
msgid "Discover The Advanced Features"
275 |
msgstr "Scopri le caratteristiche avanzate"
276 |
277 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:218
278 |
msgid ""
279 |
280 |
"from all features!"
282 |
283 |
"usufruire di tutte le caratteristiche!"
284 |
285 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:222
286 |
msgid ""
287 |
"See YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier plugin with full premium features in "
288 |
290 |
"Guarda il plugin YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier con tutte le "
291 |
"caratteristiche premium in azione"
292 |
293 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:224
294 |
msgid "Get Support and Pro Features"
295 |
msgstr "Ottieni il supporto e le caratteristiche premium"
296 |
297 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:225
298 |
msgid ""
299 |
"Purchasing the premium version of the plugin, you will take advantage of the "
300 |
"advanced features of the product, and you will get one year of free updates "
301 |
"and support through our platform available 24h/24."
302 |
msgstr ""
303 |
"Acquistando la versione premium del plugin potrai usufruire delle "
305 |
"aggiornamenti gratuiti e di supporto attraverso la nostra piattaforma "
306 |
"disponibile 24h/24."
307 |
308 |
#: templates/admin/premium.php:193
309 |
#, php-format
310 |
msgid ""
311 |
"Upgrade to the %1$s premium version %2$s of %1$s YITH WooCommerce Zoom "
312 |
"Magnifier %2$s to benefit from all features!"
313 |
msgstr ""
314 |
"Aggiorna alla %1$s versione premium %2$s di %1$s YITH WooCommerce Zoom "
315 |
"Magnifier %2$s per usufruire di tutte le funzionalità!"
316 |
317 |
#: templates/admin/premium.php:196
318 |
#, php-format
319 |
msgid "%1$sUPGRADE%2$s%3$sto the premium version%2$s"
320 |
msgstr "%1$sAGGIORNA%2$s%3$salla versione premium%2$s "
321 |
322 |
#: templates/admin/premium.php:202
323 |
#, php-format
324 |
msgid "%1$sPremium Features%2$s"
325 |
msgstr "%1$sFunzionalità premium%2$s"
326 |
327 |
#: templates/admin/premium.php:210
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
#: templates/admin/premium.php:213
332 |
#, php-format
333 |
msgid ""
334 |
"Choose where you want to show the %1$szoomed version%2$s of the image of "
335 |
"your products. Place it above or below the original image, on its left or "
336 |
"its right, or you can even place it over it.$2$s"
337 |
msgstr ""
338 |
"Scegli dove far apparire la %1$sversione ingrandita%2$s dell’immagine dei "
339 |
"tuoi prodotti. Posizionala in alto o in basso rispetto all’immagine "
340 |
"originale, alla sua destra o alla sua sinistra, o fa’ sì che si sovrapponga "
341 |
"ad essa.$2$s"
342 |
343 |
#: templates/admin/premium.php:223
344 |
345 |
346 |
347 |
#: templates/admin/premium.php:225
348 |
msgid ""
349 |
"Just one click and the product image will appear in a bigger size in a modal "
350 |
"window. A further chance to let users analyze in a better way what you sell."
351 |
msgstr ""
352 |
"Un clic e l’immagine del prodotto apparirà a dimensioni maggiori e "
353 |
"all’interno di una finestra modale. Una possibilità in più per mettere "
354 |
"l’utente nelle condizioni di valutare al meglio ciò che vede."
355 |
356 |
#: templates/admin/premium.php:240
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |
#: templates/admin/premium.php:242
361 |
msgid ""
362 |
"Tailored options to limit the plugin features only to certain products. Some "
363 |
"of these could have too small images to be zoomed, or maybe being part of "
364 |
"categories that do not imply zoomed images. Select the products and the "
365 |
"categories to exclude and delete all your problems"
366 |
msgstr ""
367 |
"Opzioni su misura per limitare le funzionalità del plugin solo a determinati "
368 |
"prodotti. Alcuni di questi possono avere immagini troppo piccole per essere "
369 |
"zoomate o appartenere a categorie in cui lo zoom immagine non è necessario. "
370 |
"Seleziona i prodotti e le categorie da escludere e risolvi questo tipo di "
371 |
372 |
373 |
#: templates/admin/premium.php:251
374 |
#, php-format
375 |
msgid ""
376 |
"Upgrade to the %1$spremium version%2$s of %1$sYITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
377 |
"%2$s to benefit from all features!"
378 |
msgstr ""
379 |
"Aggiorna alla %1$sversione premium%2$s di %1$s YITH WooCommerce Zoom "
380 |
"Magnifier %2$s per usufruire di tutte le funzionalità!"
381 |
382 |
#: templates/admin/premium.php:254
383 |
#, php-format
384 |
msgid "%1$sUPGRADE%2$s %3$sto the premium version%2$s"
385 |
msgstr "%1$sAGGIORNA%2$s %3$salla versione premium%2$s "
386 |
387 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:418
388 |
msgid "Select a date"
389 |
msgstr "Scegli una data"
390 |
391 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:419
392 |
msgid "Hours"
393 |
msgstr "Ore"
394 |
395 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:420 yit-common/yith-panel.php:421
396 |
msgid "Minutes"
397 |
msgstr "Minuti"
398 |
399 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:429
400 |
msgid "Upload"
401 |
msgstr "Carica"
402 |
403 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:466
404 |
msgid "px"
405 |
msgstr "px"
406 |
407 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:468
408 |
msgid "em"
409 |
msgstr "em"
410 |
411 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:470
412 |
msgid "pt"
413 |
msgstr "pt"
414 |
415 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:472
416 |
msgid "rem"
417 |
msgstr "rem"
418 |
419 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:484
420 |
msgid "Select a font family"
421 |
msgstr "Scegli una famiglia di caratteri"
422 |
423 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:494
424 |
msgid "Regular"
425 |
msgstr "Normale"
426 |
427 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:496
428 |
msgid "Bold"
429 |
msgstr "Grassetto"
430 |
431 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:498
432 |
msgid "Extra bold"
433 |
msgstr "Grassetto extra"
434 |
435 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:500
436 |
msgid "Italic"
437 |
msgstr "Corsivo"
438 |
439 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:502
440 |
msgid "Italic bold"
441 |
msgstr "Corsivo E Grassetto"
442 |
443 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:518
444 |
msgid "Click to preview"
445 |
msgstr "Premi per visualizzare l'anteprima"
446 |
447 |
#~ msgid "Activate YITH Magnifier"
448 |
#~ msgstr "Attiva YITH Magnifier"
449 |
450 |
#~ msgid "Activate the plugin on mobile device"
451 |
#~ msgstr "Attiva il plugin su dispositivi mobili"
452 |
453 |
#~ msgid ""
454 |
#~ "Purchasing the premium version of the plugin, you will take advantage of "
455 |
#~ "the advanced features of the product and you will get one year of free "
456 |
#~ "updates and support through our platform available 24h/24."
457 |
#~ msgstr ""
458 |
#~ "Acquistando la versione premium del plugin potrai usufruire delle "
459 |
#~ "caratteristiche avanzate del prodotto, oltre a ottenere un anno di "
460 |
#~ "aggiornamenti gratuiti e di supporto attraverso la nostra piattaforma "
461 |
#~ "disponibile 24h/24."
462 |
463 |
#~ msgid "product"
464 |
#~ msgstr "prodotto"
465 |
520 |
521 |
#~ msgid "Left"
522 |
#~ msgstr "Sinistra"
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
2 |
msgid ""
3 |
msgstr ""
4 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking\n"
5 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-
6 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-22 12:25+0100\n"
7 |
"Last-Translator: \n"
8 |
"Language-Team: Your Inspiration Themes <>\n"
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgstr ""
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
11 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
12 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
13 |
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8\n"
14 |
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\\\n"
15 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n"
16 |
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __ ;_e;_n:1,2;__ngettext:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;"
@@ -19,18 +19,18 @@ msgstr ""
19 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
20 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: plugin-fw\n"
21 |
22 |
#: class.yith-wcmg-admin.php:
23 |
msgid "Image Size"
24 |
msgstr ""
25 |
26 |
#: class.yith-wcmg-admin.php:
27 |
msgid "The size of the images used within the magnifier box"
28 |
msgstr ""
29 |
30 |
#: init.php:43
31 |
msgid ""
32 |
"YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier is enabled but not effective. It requires "
33 |
34 |
msgstr ""
35 |
36 |
#: init.php:52
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgid ""
39 |
"you are using the premium one."
40 |
msgstr ""
41 |
42 |
#: lib/class.yith-ywzm-custom-types.php:
43 |
msgid "Do you want to hard crop the image?"
44 |
msgstr ""
45 |
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ msgid "Premium version"
75 |
msgstr ""
76 |
77 |
#: lib/class.yith-ywzm-plugin-fw-loader.php:237
78 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
79 |
msgid "YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
80 |
msgstr ""
81 |
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ msgid "General Settings"
95 |
msgstr ""
96 |
97 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:42
98 |
msgid "Activate YITH Magnifier"
99 |
msgstr ""
100 |
101 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:43
@@ -103,230 +103,236 @@ msgid "Activate the plugin or use the WooCommerce default product image."
103 |
msgstr ""
104 |
105 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:50
106 |
msgid "Activate
107 |
msgstr ""
108 |
109 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
110 |
msgid "Forced Image Size"
111 |
msgstr ""
112 |
113 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
114 |
msgid ""
115 |
"If disabled, you will able to customize the sizes of the zoomed images. "
116 |
"Disable it at your own risk; the magnifier could not properly work with "
117 |
"images out of proportion."
118 |
msgstr ""
119 |
120 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
121 |
msgid "Magnifier Settings"
122 |
msgstr ""
123 |
124 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
125 |
msgid "Zoom Box Width"
126 |
msgstr ""
127 |
128 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
129 |
msgid "The width of the magnifier box (default: auto)"
130 |
msgstr ""
131 |
132 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
133 |
msgid "Zoom Box Height"
134 |
msgstr ""
135 |
136 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
137 |
msgid "The height of the magnifier box (default: auto)"
138 |
msgstr ""
139 |
140 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
141 |
msgid "Zoom Box Position"
142 |
msgstr ""
143 |
144 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
145 |
msgid "The magnifier position"
146 |
msgstr ""
147 |
148 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
149 |
msgid "Right"
150 |
msgstr ""
151 |
152 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
153 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
154 |
msgid "Inside"
155 |
msgstr ""
156 |
157 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
158 |
msgid "Zoom Box Position for mobile devices"
159 |
msgstr ""
160 |
161 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
162 |
msgid "The magnifier position for the mobile devices (iPhone, Android, etc.)"
163 |
msgstr ""
164 |
165 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
166 |
msgid "Default"
167 |
msgstr ""
168 |
169 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
170 |
msgid "Disable"
171 |
msgstr ""
172 |
173 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
174 |
msgid "Loading label"
175 |
msgstr ""
176 |
177 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
178 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
179 |
msgid "Loading..."
180 |
msgstr ""
181 |
182 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
183 |
msgid "Lens Opacity"
184 |
msgstr ""
185 |
186 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
187 |
msgid "Blur"
188 |
msgstr ""
189 |
190 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
191 |
msgid "Add a blur effect to the small image on mouse hover."
192 |
msgstr ""
193 |
194 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
195 |
msgid "Slider Settings"
196 |
msgstr ""
197 |
198 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
199 |
msgid "Activate Slider"
200 |
msgstr ""
201 |
202 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
203 |
msgid "Activate Thumbnail Slider."
204 |
msgstr ""
205 |
206 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
207 |
msgid "Activate Responsive Slider"
208 |
msgstr ""
209 |
210 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
211 |
msgid ""
212 |
"This option fits the thumbnails within the available space. Disable it if "
213 |
"you want to manage freely the thumbnails (eg. add margins, paddings, etc.)"
214 |
msgstr ""
215 |
216 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
217 |
msgid "Items"
218 |
msgstr ""
219 |
220 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
221 |
msgid "Number of items to show"
222 |
msgstr ""
223 |
224 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
225 |
msgid "Circular carousel"
226 |
msgstr ""
227 |
228 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
229 |
msgid "It defines whether the carousel should be circular."
230 |
msgstr ""
231 |
232 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
233 |
msgid "Infinite carousel"
234 |
msgstr ""
235 |
236 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
237 |
msgid ""
238 |
"It defines whether the carousel should be infinite. Note: It is possible to "
239 |
"create a non-circular, infinite carousel, but it is not possible to create a "
240 |
"circular, non-infinite carousel."
241 |
msgstr ""
242 |
243 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
244 |
msgid "Upgrade to the PREMIUM VERSION"
245 |
msgstr ""
246 |
247 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
248 |
msgid "Discover The Advanced Features"
249 |
msgstr ""
250 |
251 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
252 |
msgid ""
253 |
254 |
"from all features!"
255 |
msgstr ""
256 |
257 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
258 |
msgid ""
259 |
"See YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier plugin with full premium features in "
260 |
261 |
msgstr ""
262 |
263 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
264 |
msgid "Get Support and Pro Features"
265 |
msgstr ""
266 |
267 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:
268 |
msgid ""
269 |
"Purchasing the premium version of the plugin, you will take advantage of the "
270 |
"advanced features of the product and you will get one year of free updates "
271 |
"and support through our platform available 24h/24."
272 |
msgstr ""
273 |
274 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
275 |
msgid "Select a date"
276 |
msgstr ""
277 |
278 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
279 |
msgid "Hours"
280 |
msgstr ""
281 |
282 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
283 |
msgid "Minutes"
284 |
msgstr ""
285 |
286 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
287 |
msgid "Upload"
288 |
msgstr ""
289 |
290 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
291 |
msgid "px"
292 |
msgstr ""
293 |
294 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
295 |
msgid "em"
296 |
msgstr ""
297 |
298 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
299 |
msgid "pt"
300 |
msgstr ""
301 |
302 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
303 |
msgid "rem"
304 |
msgstr ""
305 |
306 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
307 |
msgid "Select a font family"
308 |
msgstr ""
309 |
310 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
311 |
msgid "Regular"
312 |
msgstr ""
313 |
314 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
315 |
msgid "Bold"
316 |
msgstr ""
317 |
318 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
319 |
msgid "Extra bold"
320 |
msgstr ""
321 |
322 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
323 |
msgid "Italic"
324 |
msgstr ""
325 |
326 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
327 |
msgid "Italic bold"
328 |
msgstr ""
329 |
330 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:
331 |
msgid "Click to preview"
332 |
msgstr ""
2 |
msgid ""
3 |
msgstr ""
4 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking\n"
5 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-01 14:07+0100\n"
6 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-22 12:25+0100\n"
7 |
"Last-Translator: \n"
8 |
"Language-Team: Your Inspiration Themes <>\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
11 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
12 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
13 |
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.1\n"
14 |
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\\\n"
15 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n"
16 |
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __ ;_e;_n:1,2;__ngettext:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;"
19 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
20 |
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: plugin-fw\n"
21 |
22 |
#: class.yith-wcmg-admin.php:90
23 |
msgid "Image Size"
24 |
msgstr ""
25 |
26 |
#: class.yith-wcmg-admin.php:91 plugin-options/general-options.php:17
27 |
msgid "The size of the images used within the magnifier box"
28 |
msgstr ""
29 |
30 |
#: init.php:43
31 |
msgid ""
32 |
"YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier is enabled but not effective. It requires "
33 |
"WooCommerce in order to work."
34 |
msgstr ""
35 |
36 |
#: init.php:52
39 |
"you are using the premium one."
40 |
msgstr ""
41 |
42 |
#: lib/class.yith-ywzm-custom-types.php:159
43 |
msgid "Do you want to hard crop the image?"
44 |
msgstr ""
45 |
75 |
msgstr ""
76 |
77 |
#: lib/class.yith-ywzm-plugin-fw-loader.php:237
78 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:216
79 |
msgid "YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
80 |
msgstr ""
81 |
95 |
msgstr ""
96 |
97 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:42
98 |
msgid "Activate YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier"
99 |
msgstr ""
100 |
101 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:43
103 |
msgstr ""
104 |
105 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:50
106 |
msgid "Activate on mobile device"
107 |
msgstr ""
108 |
109 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:51
110 |
msgid ""
111 |
"Set if zoom and slider functionalities should be shown also on mobile "
112 |
113 |
msgstr ""
114 |
115 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:59
116 |
msgid "Forced Image Size"
117 |
msgstr ""
118 |
119 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:60
120 |
msgid ""
121 |
"If disabled, you will able to customize the sizes of the zoomed images. "
122 |
"Disable it at your own risk; the magnifier could not properly work with "
123 |
"images out of proportion."
124 |
msgstr ""
125 |
126 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:74
127 |
msgid "Magnifier Settings"
128 |
msgstr ""
129 |
130 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:80
131 |
msgid "Zoom Box Width"
132 |
msgstr ""
133 |
134 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:81
135 |
msgid "The width of the magnifier box (default: auto)"
136 |
msgstr ""
137 |
138 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:88
139 |
msgid "Zoom Box Height"
140 |
msgstr ""
141 |
142 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:89
143 |
msgid "The height of the magnifier box (default: auto)"
144 |
msgstr ""
145 |
146 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:97
147 |
msgid "Zoom Box Position"
148 |
msgstr ""
149 |
150 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:98
151 |
msgid "The magnifier position"
152 |
msgstr ""
153 |
154 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:104
155 |
msgid "Right"
156 |
msgstr ""
157 |
158 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:105
159 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:117
160 |
msgid "Inside"
161 |
msgstr ""
162 |
163 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:109
164 |
msgid "Zoom Box Position for mobile devices"
165 |
msgstr ""
166 |
167 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:110
168 |
msgid "The magnifier position for the mobile devices (iPhone, Android, etc.)"
169 |
msgstr ""
170 |
171 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:116
172 |
msgid "Default"
173 |
msgstr ""
174 |
175 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:118
176 |
msgid "Disable"
177 |
msgstr ""
178 |
179 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:122
180 |
msgid "Loading label"
181 |
msgstr ""
182 |
183 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:125
184 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:126
185 |
msgid "Loading..."
186 |
msgstr ""
187 |
188 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:130
189 |
msgid "Lens Opacity"
190 |
msgstr ""
191 |
192 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:141
193 |
msgid "Blur"
194 |
msgstr ""
195 |
196 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:142
197 |
msgid "Add a blur effect to the small image on mouse hover."
198 |
msgstr ""
199 |
200 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:153
201 |
msgid "Slider Settings"
202 |
msgstr ""
203 |
204 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:159
205 |
msgid "Activate Slider"
206 |
msgstr ""
207 |
208 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:160
209 |
msgid "Activate Thumbnail Slider."
210 |
msgstr ""
211 |
212 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:167
213 |
msgid "Activate Responsive Slider"
214 |
msgstr ""
215 |
216 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:168
217 |
msgid ""
218 |
"This option fits the thumbnails within the available space. Disable it if "
219 |
"you want to manage freely the thumbnails (eg. add margins, paddings, etc.)"
220 |
msgstr ""
221 |
222 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:175
223 |
msgid "Items"
224 |
msgstr ""
225 |
226 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:176
227 |
msgid "Number of items to show"
228 |
msgstr ""
229 |
230 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:186
231 |
msgid "Circular carousel"
232 |
msgstr ""
233 |
234 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:187
235 |
msgid "It defines whether the carousel should be circular."
236 |
msgstr ""
237 |
238 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:194
239 |
msgid "Infinite carousel"
240 |
msgstr ""
241 |
242 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:195
243 |
msgid ""
244 |
"It defines whether the carousel should be infinite. Note: It is possible to "
245 |
"create a non-circular, infinite carousel, but it is not possible to create a "
246 |
"circular, non-infinite carousel."
247 |
msgstr ""
248 |
249 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:213
250 |
msgid "Upgrade to the PREMIUM VERSION"
251 |
msgstr ""
252 |
253 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:217
254 |
msgid "Discover The Advanced Features"
255 |
msgstr ""
256 |
257 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:218
258 |
msgid ""
259 |
260 |
"from all features!"
261 |
msgstr ""
262 |
263 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:222
264 |
msgid ""
265 |
"See YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier plugin with full premium features in "
266 |
267 |
msgstr ""
268 |
269 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:224
270 |
msgid "Get Support and Pro Features"
271 |
msgstr ""
272 |
273 |
#: plugin-options/general-options.php:225
274 |
msgid ""
275 |
"Purchasing the premium version of the plugin, you will take advantage of the "
276 |
"advanced features of the product, and you will get one year of free updates "
277 |
"and support through our platform available 24h/24."
278 |
msgstr ""
279 |
280 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:418
281 |
msgid "Select a date"
282 |
msgstr ""
283 |
284 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:419
285 |
msgid "Hours"
286 |
msgstr ""
287 |
288 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:420 yit-common/yith-panel.php:421
289 |
msgid "Minutes"
290 |
msgstr ""
291 |
292 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:429
293 |
msgid "Upload"
294 |
msgstr ""
295 |
296 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:466
297 |
msgid "px"
298 |
msgstr ""
299 |
300 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:468
301 |
msgid "em"
302 |
msgstr ""
303 |
304 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:470
305 |
msgid "pt"
306 |
msgstr ""
307 |
308 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:472
309 |
msgid "rem"
310 |
msgstr ""
311 |
312 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:484
313 |
msgid "Select a font family"
314 |
msgstr ""
315 |
316 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:494
317 |
msgid "Regular"
318 |
msgstr ""
319 |
320 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:496
321 |
msgid "Bold"
322 |
msgstr ""
323 |
324 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:498
325 |
msgid "Extra bold"
326 |
msgstr ""
327 |
328 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:500
329 |
msgid "Italic"
330 |
msgstr ""
331 |
332 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:502
333 |
msgid "Italic bold"
334 |
msgstr ""
335 |
336 |
#: yit-common/yith-panel.php:518
337 |
msgid "Click to preview"
338 |
msgstr ""
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YITH_WooCommerce_Zoom_Magnifier' ) ) {
25 |
* @var string
26 |
* @since 1.0.0
27 |
28 |
public $version = '1.2.
29 |
30 |
31 |
* Plugin object
25 |
* @var string
26 |
* @since 1.0.0
27 |
28 |
public $version = '1.2.9';
29 |
30 |
31 |
* Plugin object
@@ -1,176 +1,181 @@
1 |
2 |
if (
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
if (
7 |
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173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
1 |
2 |
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
3 |
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
4 |
5 |
6 |
if (!class_exists('YITH_YWZM_Custom_Types')) {
7 |
8 |
9 |
* custom types fields
10 |
11 |
* @class YITH_YWZM_Custom_Types
12 |
* @package Yithemes
13 |
* @since 1.0.0
14 |
* @author Your Inspiration Themes
15 |
16 |
class YITH_YWZM_Custom_Types
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
* Single instance of the class
21 |
22 |
* @since 1.0.0
23 |
24 |
protected static $instance;
25 |
26 |
27 |
* Returns single instance of the class
28 |
29 |
* @since 1.0.0
30 |
31 |
public static function get_instance()
32 |
33 |
if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
34 |
self::$instance = new self();
35 |
36 |
37 |
return self::$instance;
38 |
39 |
40 |
public function __construct()
41 |
42 |
43 |
* Register actions and filters for custom types used on the current plugin
44 |
45 |
46 |
/** Custom types : slider */
47 |
add_action('woocommerce_admin_field_slider', array($this, 'admin_fields_slider'));
48 |
49 |
add_action('woocommerce_admin_field_yith_ywzm_image_width', array(
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
* Create new Woocommerce admin field: slider
57 |
58 |
* @access public
59 |
60 |
* @param array $value
61 |
62 |
* @return void
63 |
* @since 1.0.0
64 |
65 |
public function admin_fields_slider($value)
66 |
67 |
$slider_value = (get_option($value['id']) !== false && get_option($value['id']) !== null) ?
68 |
esc_attr(stripslashes(get_option($value['id']))) :
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
<tr valign="top">
73 |
<th scope="row" class="titledesc">
74 |
<label for="<?php echo esc_attr($value['id']); ?>"><?php echo $value['name']; ?></label>
75 |
76 |
<td class="forminp">
77 |
<div id="<?php echo esc_attr($value['id']); ?>_slider" class="yith_woocommerce_slider"
78 |
style="width: 300px; float: left;"></div>
79 |
<div id="<?php echo esc_attr($value['id']); ?>_value"
80 |
class="yith_woocommerce_slider_value ui-state-default ui-corner-all"><?php echo $slider_value ?></div>
81 |
<input name="<?php echo esc_attr($value['id']); ?>" id="<?php echo esc_attr($value['id']); ?>"
82 |
type="hidden" value="<?php echo $slider_value ?>"/> <?php echo $value['desc']; ?>
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
89 |
$('#<?php echo esc_attr( $value['id'] ); ?>_slider').slider({
90 |
min: <?php echo $value['min'] ?>,
91 |
max: <?php echo $value['max'] ?>,
92 |
step: <?php echo $value['step'] ?>,
93 |
value: <?php echo $slider_value ?>,
94 |
slide: function (event, ui) {
95 |
$("#<?php echo esc_attr( $value['id'] ); ?>").val(ui.value);
96 |
$("#<?php echo esc_attr( $value['id'] ); ?>_value").text(ui.value);
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
* Save the admin field: slider
107 |
108 |
* @access public
109 |
110 |
* @param mixed $value
111 |
112 |
* @return void
113 |
* @since 1.0.0
114 |
115 |
public function admin_update_option($value)
116 |
117 |
global $woocommerce;
118 |
119 |
if (version_compare(preg_replace('/-beta-([0-9]+)/', '', $woocommerce->version), '2.1', '<')) {
120 |
$wc_clean = 'woocommerce_clean';
121 |
} else {
122 |
$wc_clean = 'wc_clean';
123 |
124 |
125 |
update_option($value['id'], woocommerce_clean($_POST[$value['id']]));
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
* Create new Woocommerce admin field: yith_ywzm_image_width
131 |
132 |
* @access public
133 |
* @param array $value
134 |
* @return void
135 |
* @since 1.1.3
136 |
137 |
public function admin_fields_yith_ywzm_image_width($value)
138 |
139 |
140 |
$width = WC_Admin_Settings::get_option($value['id'] . '[width]', $value['default']['width']);
141 |
$height = WC_Admin_Settings::get_option($value['id'] . '[height]', $value['default']['height']);
142 |
$crop = WC_Admin_Settings::get_option($value['id'] . '[crop]');
143 |
$crop = ($crop == 'on' || $crop == '1') ? 1 : 0;
144 |
$crop = checked(1, $crop, false);
145 |
146 |
147 |
<tr valign="top">
148 |
<th scope="row" class="titledesc"><?php echo esc_html($value['title']) ?></th>
149 |
<td class="forminp image_width_settings">
150 |
<input name="<?php echo esc_attr($value['id']); ?>[width]"
151 |
id="<?php echo esc_attr($value['id']); ?>-width" type="text" size="3"
152 |
value="<?php echo $width; ?>"/> × <input
153 |
name="<?php echo esc_attr($value['id']); ?>[height]"
154 |
id="<?php echo esc_attr($value['id']); ?>-height" type="text" size="3"
155 |
value="<?php echo $height; ?>"/>px <span class="description"><?php echo $value['desc'] ?></span>
156 |
157 |
<label><input name="<?php echo esc_attr($value['id']); ?>[crop]"
158 |
id="<?php echo esc_attr($value['id']); ?>-crop"
159 |
type="checkbox" <?php echo $crop; ?> /> <?php _e('Do you want to hard crop the image?', 'woocommerce'); ?>
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
* Update plugin options.
169 |
170 |
* @return void
171 |
* @since 1.0.0
172 |
173 |
public function update_options()
174 |
175 |
foreach ($this->options as $option) {
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 |
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YITH_YWZM_Plugin_FW_Loader' ) ) {
252 |
* @return string The premium landing link
253 |
254 |
public function get_premium_landing_uri() {
255 |
return defined( 'YITH_REFER_ID' ) ? $this->_premium_landing . '?refer_id=' . YITH_REFER_ID : $this->_premium_landing;
256 |
257 |
258 |
//region **** licence related methods ****
252 |
* @return string The premium landing link
253 |
254 |
public function get_premium_landing_uri() {
255 |
return defined( 'YITH_REFER_ID' ) ? $this->_premium_landing . '?refer_id=' . YITH_REFER_ID : $this->_premium_landing . '?refer_id=1030585';
256 |
257 |
258 |
//region **** licence related methods ****
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
12 |
// Author code here
13 |
14 |
// open media box
15 |
$('.wrap h2').on( 'click', 'a.multi-uploader', function(event){
16 |
17 |
18 |
var file_frame,
12 |
// Author code here
13 |
14 |
// open media box
15 |
$('.wrap h1, .wrap h2').on( 'click', 'a.multi-uploader', function(event){
16 |
17 |
18 |
var file_frame,
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
1 |
(function(c){c(".wrap h2").on("click","a.multi-uploader",function(f){f.preventDefault();var a,b=c(this),d=!1;"span.spinner").css("display","inline-block");a||({"uploader_title"),button:{"uploader_button_text")},library:{type:"image"},multiple:!0}),a.on("select",function(){var e=[];a.state().get("selection").map(function(a){a=a.toJSON();e.push({,url:a.url,title:a.title})});,{images:e,post_type:typenow,action:"yit_cptu_multiuploader"},
2 |
1 |
(function(c){c(".wrap h1, .wrap h2").on("click","a.multi-uploader",function(f){f.preventDefault();var a,b=c(this),d=!1;"span.spinner").css("display","inline-block");a||({"uploader_title"),button:{"uploader_button_text")},library:{type:"image"},multiple:!0}),a.on("select",function(){var e=[];a.state().get("selection").map(function(a){a=a.toJSON();e.push({,url:a.url,title:a.title})});,{images:e,post_type:typenow,action:"yit_cptu_multiuploader"},
2 |
@@ -1637,7 +1637,7 @@ class YIT_CPT_Unlimited {
1637 |
style: 'float: none;'
1638 |
1639 |
1640 |
button.appendTo('.wrap h2').after(spinner);
1641 |
1642 |
1643 |
1637 |
style: 'float: none;'
1638 |
1639 |
1640 |
button.appendTo('.wrap h2, .wrap h1').after(spinner);
1641 |
1642 |
1643 |
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Video' ) ) {
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
$id = preg_replace( '/[&|&]feature=([\w\-]*)/', '', $id );
63 |
$id = preg_replace( '/(youtube|vimeo):/', '', $id ); ?>
@@ -67,7 +67,11 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Video' ) ) {
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
@@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Video' ) ) {
97 |
$id = self::video_id_by_url( $url );
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
$id = preg_replace( '/[&|&]feature=([\w\-]*)/', '', $id );
103 |
$id = preg_replace( '/(youtube|vimeo):/', '', $id ); ?>
@@ -107,7 +111,11 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Video' ) ) {
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
$id = preg_replace( '/[&|&]feature=([\w\-]*)/', '', $id );
63 |
$id = preg_replace( '/(youtube|vimeo):/', '', $id ); ?>
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
$html = apply_filters( 'yit_video_youtube', ob_get_clean() );
71 |
72 |
if( $echo ) echo $html;
73 |
74 |
return $html;
75 |
76 |
77 |
101 |
$id = self::video_id_by_url( $url );
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
$id = preg_replace( '/[&|&]feature=([\w\-]*)/', '', $id );
107 |
$id = preg_replace( '/(youtube|vimeo):/', '', $id ); ?>
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
$html = apply_filters( 'yit_video_vimeo', ob_get_clean() );
115 |
116 |
if( $echo ) echo $html;
117 |
118 |
return $html;
119 |
120 |
121 |
@@ -634,9 +634,14 @@ if ( ! function_exists( 'yit_check_plugin_support' ) ) {
634 |
* @author Andrea Grillo <>
635 |
636 |
function yit_check_plugin_support() {
637 |
$headers['core'] = wp_get_theme()->get( 'Core Framework Version' );
638 |
$headers['author'] = wp_get_theme()->get( 'Author' );
639 |
640 |
if ( ( ! empty( $headers['core'] ) && version_compare( $headers['core'], '2.0.0', '<=' ) ) || $headers['author'] != 'Your Inspiration Themes' ) {
641 |
return true;
642 |
634 |
* @author Andrea Grillo <>
635 |
636 |
function yit_check_plugin_support() {
637 |
638 |
$headers['core'] = wp_get_theme()->get( 'Core Framework Version' );
639 |
$headers['author'] = wp_get_theme()->get( 'Author' );
640 |
641 |
if( ! $headers['core'] && defined( 'YIT_CORE_VERSION' ) ) {
642 |
$headers['core'] = YIT_CORE_VERSION;
643 |
644 |
645 |
if ( ( ! empty( $headers['core'] ) && version_compare( $headers['core'], '2.0.0', '<=' ) ) || $headers['author'] != 'Your Inspiration Themes' ) {
646 |
return true;
647 |
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
13 |
} // Exit if accessed directly
14 |
15 |
$image_size = array(
16 |
'name' => __( 'Image size', '
17 |
'desc' => __( 'The size of the images used within the magnifier box', '
18 |
'id' => 'woocommerce_magnifier_image',
19 |
'css' => '',
20 |
'type' => 'yith_ywzm_image_width',
@@ -33,29 +33,31 @@ $image_size = array(
33 |
34 |
$general_settings = array(
35 |
36 |
'name' => __( 'General Settings', '
37 |
'type' => 'title',
38 |
'desc' => '',
39 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_general'
40 |
41 |
42 |
'name' => __( 'Activate YITH Magnifier', '
43 |
'desc' => __( 'Activate the plugin or use the WooCommerce default product image.', '
44 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_enable_plugin',
45 |
'std' => 'yes',
46 |
'default' => 'yes',
47 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
48 |
49 |
50 |
'name' => __( 'Activate
51 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_enable_mobile',
52 |
'std' => 'yes',
53 |
'default' => 'yes',
54 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
55 |
56 |
57 |
'name' => __( 'Forced Image Size', '
58 |
'desc' => __( 'If disabled, you will able to customize the sizes of the zoomed images. Disable it at your own risk; the magnifier could not properly work with images out of proportion.', '
59 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_force_sizes',
60 |
'std' => 'yes',
61 |
'default' => 'yes',
@@ -69,22 +71,22 @@ $general_settings = array(
69 |
70 |
$magnifier_settings = array(
71 |
72 |
'name' => __( 'Magnifier Settings', '
73 |
'type' => 'title',
74 |
'desc' => '',
75 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_magnifier'
76 |
77 |
'zoom_box_width' => array(
78 |
'name' => __( 'Zoom Box Width', '
79 |
'desc' => __( 'The width of the magnifier box (default: auto)', '
80 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_zoom_width',
81 |
'std' => 'auto',
82 |
'default' => 'auto',
83 |
'type' => 'text',
84 |
85 |
86 |
'name' => __( 'Zoom Box Height', '
87 |
'desc' => __( 'The height of the magnifier box (default: auto)', '
88 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_zoom_height',
89 |
'std' => 'auto',
90 |
'default' => 'auto',
@@ -92,40 +94,40 @@ $magnifier_settings = array(
92 |
93 |
94 |
'zoom_box_position' => array(
95 |
'name' => __( 'Zoom Box Position', '
96 |
'desc' => __( 'The magnifier position', '
97 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_zoom_position',
98 |
'std' => 'right',
99 |
'default' => 'right',
100 |
'type' => 'select',
101 |
'options' => array(
102 |
'right' => __( 'Right', '
103 |
'inside' => __( 'Inside', '
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
'name' => __( 'Zoom Box Position for mobile devices', '
108 |
'desc' => __( 'The magnifier position for the mobile devices (iPhone, Android, etc.)', '
109 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_zoom_mobile_position',
110 |
'std' => 'default',
111 |
'default' => 'inside',
112 |
'type' => 'select',
113 |
'options' => array(
114 |
'default' => __( 'Default', '
115 |
'inside' => __( 'Inside', '
116 |
'disable' => __( 'Disable', '
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
'name' => __( 'Loading label', '
121 |
'desc' => '',
122 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_loading_label',
123 |
'std' => __( 'Loading...', '
124 |
'default' => __( 'Loading...', '
125 |
'type' => 'text',
126 |
127 |
128 |
'name' => __( 'Lens Opacity', '
129 |
'desc' => '',
130 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_lens_opacity',
131 |
'std' => 0.5,
@@ -136,8 +138,8 @@ $magnifier_settings = array(
136 |
'step' => .1
137 |
138 |
139 |
'name' => __( 'Blur', '
140 |
'desc' => __( 'Add a blur effect to the small image on mouse hover.', '
141 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_softfocus',
142 |
'std' => 'no',
143 |
'default' => 'no',
@@ -148,30 +150,30 @@ $magnifier_settings = array(
148 |
149 |
$slider_settings = array(
150 |
151 |
'name' => __( 'Slider Settings', '
152 |
'type' => 'title',
153 |
'desc' => '',
154 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_slider'
155 |
156 |
157 |
'name' => __( 'Activate Slider', '
158 |
'desc' => __( 'Activate Thumbnail Slider.', '
159 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_enableslider',
160 |
'std' => 'yes',
161 |
'default' => 'yes',
162 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
163 |
164 |
165 |
'name' => __( 'Activate Responsive Slider', '
166 |
'desc' => __( 'This option fits the thumbnails within the available space. Disable it if you want to manage freely the thumbnails (eg. add margins, paddings, etc.)', '
167 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_slider_responsive',
168 |
'std' => 'yes',
169 |
'default' => 'yes',
170 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
171 |
172 |
173 |
'name' => __( 'Items', '
174 |
'desc' => __( 'Number of items to show', '
175 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_slider_items',
176 |
'std' => 3,
177 |
'default' => 3,
@@ -181,16 +183,16 @@ $slider_settings = array(
181 |
'step' => 1
182 |
183 |
184 |
'name' => __( 'Circular carousel', '
185 |
'desc' => __( 'It defines whether the carousel should be circular.', '
186 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_slider_circular',
187 |
'std' => 'yes',
188 |
'default' => 'yes',
189 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
190 |
191 |
192 |
'name' => __( 'Infinite carousel', '
193 |
'desc' => __( 'It defines whether the carousel should be infinite. Note: It is possible to create a non-circular, infinite carousel, but it is not possible to create a circular, non-infinite carousel.', '
194 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_slider_infinite',
195 |
'std' => 'yes',
196 |
'default' => 'yes',
@@ -208,19 +210,19 @@ $options['general'] = array();
208 |
if ( ! defined( 'YITH_YWZM_PREMIUM' ) ) {
209 |
$intro_tab = array(
210 |
'section_general_settings_videobox' => array(
211 |
'name' => __( 'Upgrade to the PREMIUM VERSION', '
212 |
'type' => 'videobox',
213 |
'default' => array(
214 |
'plugin_name' => __( 'YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier', '
215 |
'title_first_column' => __( 'Discover The Advanced Features', '
216 |
'description_first_column' => __( 'Upgrade to the PREMIUM VERSION of YITH WOOCOMMERCE ZOOM MAGNIFIER to benefit from all features!', '
217 |
'video' => array(
218 |
'video_id' => '122436840',
219 |
'video_image_url' => YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL . 'yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier.jpg',
220 |
'video_description' => __( 'See YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier plugin with full premium features in action', '
221 |
222 |
'title_second_column' => __( 'Get Support and Pro Features', '
223 |
'description_second_column' => __( 'Purchasing the premium version of the plugin, you will take advantage of the advanced features of the product and you will get one year of free updates and support through our platform available 24h/24.', '
224 |
'button' => array(
225 |
'href' => YITH_YWZM_Plugin_FW_Loader::get_instance()->get_premium_landing_uri(),
226 |
'title' => 'Get Support and Pro Features'
@@ -235,5 +237,4 @@ if ( ! defined( 'YITH_YWZM_PREMIUM' ) ) {
235 |
236 |
$options['general'] = array_merge( $options['general'], $general_settings, $magnifier_settings, $slider_settings );
237 |
238 |
return apply_filters( 'yith_wcmg_tab_options', $options );
239 |
13 |
} // Exit if accessed directly
14 |
15 |
$image_size = array(
16 |
'name' => __( 'Image size', 'ywzm' ),
17 |
'desc' => __( 'The size of the images used within the magnifier box', 'ywzm' ),
18 |
'id' => 'woocommerce_magnifier_image',
19 |
'css' => '',
20 |
'type' => 'yith_ywzm_image_width',
33 |
34 |
$general_settings = array(
35 |
36 |
'name' => __( 'General Settings', 'ywzm' ),
37 |
'type' => 'title',
38 |
'desc' => '',
39 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_general'
40 |
41 |
42 |
'name' => __( 'Activate YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier', 'ywzm' ),
43 |
'desc' => __( 'Activate the plugin or use the WooCommerce default product image.', 'ywzm' ),
44 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_enable_plugin',
45 |
'std' => 'yes',
46 |
'default' => 'yes',
47 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
48 |
49 |
50 |
'name' => __( 'Activate on mobile device', 'ywzm' ),
51 |
'desc' => __( 'Set if zoom and slider functionalities should be shown also on mobile devices.', 'ywzm' ),
52 |
53 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_enable_mobile',
54 |
'std' => 'yes',
55 |
'default' => 'yes',
56 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
57 |
58 |
59 |
'name' => __( 'Forced Image Size', 'ywzm' ),
60 |
'desc' => __( 'If disabled, you will able to customize the sizes of the zoomed images. Disable it at your own risk; the magnifier could not properly work with images out of proportion.', 'ywzm' ),
61 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_force_sizes',
62 |
'std' => 'yes',
63 |
'default' => 'yes',
71 |
72 |
$magnifier_settings = array(
73 |
74 |
'name' => __( 'Magnifier Settings', 'ywzm' ),
75 |
'type' => 'title',
76 |
'desc' => '',
77 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_magnifier'
78 |
79 |
'zoom_box_width' => array(
80 |
'name' => __( 'Zoom Box Width', 'ywzm' ),
81 |
'desc' => __( 'The width of the magnifier box (default: auto)', 'ywzm' ),
82 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_zoom_width',
83 |
'std' => 'auto',
84 |
'default' => 'auto',
85 |
'type' => 'text',
86 |
87 |
88 |
'name' => __( 'Zoom Box Height', 'ywzm' ),
89 |
'desc' => __( 'The height of the magnifier box (default: auto)', 'ywzm' ),
90 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_zoom_height',
91 |
'std' => 'auto',
92 |
'default' => 'auto',
94 |
95 |
96 |
'zoom_box_position' => array(
97 |
'name' => __( 'Zoom Box Position', 'ywzm' ),
98 |
'desc' => __( 'The magnifier position', 'ywzm' ),
99 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_zoom_position',
100 |
'std' => 'right',
101 |
'default' => 'right',
102 |
'type' => 'select',
103 |
'options' => array(
104 |
'right' => __( 'Right', 'ywzm' ),
105 |
'inside' => __( 'Inside', 'ywzm' )
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
'name' => __( 'Zoom Box Position for mobile devices', 'ywzm' ),
110 |
'desc' => __( 'The magnifier position for the mobile devices (iPhone, Android, etc.)', 'ywzm' ),
111 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_zoom_mobile_position',
112 |
'std' => 'default',
113 |
'default' => 'inside',
114 |
'type' => 'select',
115 |
'options' => array(
116 |
'default' => __( 'Default', 'ywzm' ),
117 |
'inside' => __( 'Inside', 'ywzm' ),
118 |
'disable' => __( 'Disable', 'ywzm' )
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
'name' => __( 'Loading label', 'ywzm' ),
123 |
'desc' => '',
124 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_loading_label',
125 |
'std' => __( 'Loading...', 'ywzm' ),
126 |
'default' => __( 'Loading...', 'ywzm' ),
127 |
'type' => 'text',
128 |
129 |
130 |
'name' => __( 'Lens Opacity', 'ywzm' ),
131 |
'desc' => '',
132 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_lens_opacity',
133 |
'std' => 0.5,
138 |
'step' => .1
139 |
140 |
141 |
'name' => __( 'Blur', 'ywzm' ),
142 |
'desc' => __( 'Add a blur effect to the small image on mouse hover.', 'ywzm' ),
143 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_softfocus',
144 |
'std' => 'no',
145 |
'default' => 'no',
150 |
151 |
$slider_settings = array(
152 |
153 |
'name' => __( 'Slider Settings', 'ywzm' ),
154 |
'type' => 'title',
155 |
'desc' => '',
156 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_slider'
157 |
158 |
159 |
'name' => __( 'Activate Slider', 'ywzm' ),
160 |
'desc' => __( 'Activate Thumbnail Slider.', 'ywzm' ),
161 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_enableslider',
162 |
'std' => 'yes',
163 |
'default' => 'yes',
164 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
165 |
166 |
167 |
'name' => __( 'Activate Responsive Slider', 'ywzm' ),
168 |
'desc' => __( 'This option fits the thumbnails within the available space. Disable it if you want to manage freely the thumbnails (eg. add margins, paddings, etc.)', 'ywzm' ),
169 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_slider_responsive',
170 |
'std' => 'yes',
171 |
'default' => 'yes',
172 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
173 |
174 |
175 |
'name' => __( 'Items', 'ywzm' ),
176 |
'desc' => __( 'Number of items to show', 'ywzm' ),
177 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_slider_items',
178 |
'std' => 3,
179 |
'default' => 3,
183 |
'step' => 1
184 |
185 |
186 |
'name' => __( 'Circular carousel', 'ywzm' ),
187 |
'desc' => __( 'It defines whether the carousel should be circular.', 'ywzm' ),
188 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_slider_circular',
189 |
'std' => 'yes',
190 |
'default' => 'yes',
191 |
'type' => 'checkbox'
192 |
193 |
194 |
'name' => __( 'Infinite carousel', 'ywzm' ),
195 |
'desc' => __( 'It defines whether the carousel should be infinite. Note: It is possible to create a non-circular, infinite carousel, but it is not possible to create a circular, non-infinite carousel.', 'ywzm' ),
196 |
'id' => 'yith_wcmg_slider_infinite',
197 |
'std' => 'yes',
198 |
'default' => 'yes',
210 |
if ( ! defined( 'YITH_YWZM_PREMIUM' ) ) {
211 |
$intro_tab = array(
212 |
'section_general_settings_videobox' => array(
213 |
'name' => __( 'Upgrade to the PREMIUM VERSION', 'ywzm' ),
214 |
'type' => 'videobox',
215 |
'default' => array(
216 |
'plugin_name' => __( 'YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier', 'ywzm' ),
217 |
'title_first_column' => __( 'Discover The Advanced Features', 'ywzm' ),
218 |
'description_first_column' => __( 'Upgrade to the PREMIUM VERSION of YITH WOOCOMMERCE ZOOM MAGNIFIER to benefit from all features!', 'ywzm' ),
219 |
'video' => array(
220 |
'video_id' => '122436840',
221 |
'video_image_url' => YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL . 'yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier-video.jpg',
222 |
'video_description' => __( 'See YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier plugin with full premium features in action', 'ywzm' ),
223 |
224 |
'title_second_column' => __( 'Get Support and Pro Features', 'ywzm' ),
225 |
'description_second_column' => __( 'Purchasing the premium version of the plugin, you will take advantage of the advanced features of the product, and you will get one year of free updates and support through our platform available 24h/24.', 'ywzm' ),
226 |
'button' => array(
227 |
'href' => YITH_YWZM_Plugin_FW_Loader::get_instance()->get_premium_landing_uri(),
228 |
'title' => 'Get Support and Pro Features'
237 |
238 |
$options['general'] = array_merge( $options['general'], $general_settings, $magnifier_settings, $slider_settings );
239 |
240 |
return apply_filters( 'yith_wcmg_tab_options', $options );
@@ -190,18 +190,16 @@
190 |
<div class="landing-container">
191 |
<div class="premium-cta">
192 |
193 |
194 |
of <span class="highlight">YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier</span> to benefit from all features!
195 |
196 |
<a href="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_Plugin_FW_Loader::get_instance()->get_premium_landing_uri(); ?>" target="_blank" class="premium-cta-button button btn">
197 |
<span class="highlight">
198 |
<span>to the premium version</span>
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
<div class="section section-even clear" style="background: url(<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>01-bg.png) no-repeat #fff; background-position: 85% 75%">
204 |
205 |
<div class="landing-container">
206 |
<div class="col-1">
207 |
<img src="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>01.png" alt="Review Title" />
@@ -209,9 +207,11 @@
209 |
<div class="col-2">
210 |
<div class="section-title">
211 |
<img src="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>01-icon.png" alt="Review Title"/>
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
@@ -220,9 +220,9 @@
220 |
<div class="col-2">
221 |
<div class="section-title">
222 |
<img src="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>02-icon.png" alt="Attachment List" />
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
<div class="col-1">
228 |
<img src="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>02.png" alt="Attachment List" />
@@ -237,9 +237,9 @@
237 |
<div class="col-2">
238 |
<div class="section-title">
239 |
<img src="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>03-icon.png" alt="Vote the review" />
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
@@ -248,12 +248,10 @@
248 |
<div class="landing-container">
249 |
<div class="premium-cta">
250 |
251 |
252 |
of <span class="highlight">YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier</span> to benefit from all features!
253 |
254 |
<a href="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_Plugin_FW_Loader::get_instance()->get_premium_landing_uri(); ?>" target="_blank" class="premium-cta-button button btn">
255 |
256 |
<span>to the premium version</span>
257 |
258 |
259 |
190 |
<div class="landing-container">
191 |
<div class="premium-cta">
192 |
193 |
<?php echo sprintf(__('Upgrade to the %1$s premium version %2$s of %1$s YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier %2$s to benefit from all features!','ywzm'),'<span class="highlight">','</span>' );?>
194 |
195 |
<a href="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_Plugin_FW_Loader::get_instance()->get_premium_landing_uri(); ?>" target="_blank" class="premium-cta-button button btn">
196 |
<?php echo sprintf(__('%1$sUPGRADE%2$s%3$sto the premium version%2$s','ywzm'),'<span class="highlight">','</span>','<span>');?>
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
<div class="section section-even clear" style="background: url(<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>01-bg.png) no-repeat #fff; background-position: 85% 75%">
202 |
<?php echo sprintf(__('%1$sPremium Features%2$s','ywzm'),'<h1>','</h1>');?>
203 |
<div class="landing-container">
204 |
<div class="col-1">
205 |
<img src="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>01.png" alt="Review Title" />
207 |
<div class="col-2">
208 |
<div class="section-title">
209 |
<img src="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>01-icon.png" alt="Review Title"/>
210 |
<h2><?php _e('ZOOM BOX POSITION','ywzm');?></h2>
211 |
212 |
213 |
<?php echo sprintf(__('Choose where you want to show the %1$szoomed version%2$s of the image of your products. Place it above or below the original image, on its left or its right, or you can even place it over it.$2$s','ywzm'),'<b>','</b>');?>
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
220 |
<div class="col-2">
221 |
<div class="section-title">
222 |
<img src="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>02-icon.png" alt="Attachment List" />
223 |
<h2><?php _e('ENLARGE THE IMAGES','ywzm');?></h2>
224 |
225 |
<p><?php _e('Just one click and the product image will appear in a bigger size in a modal window. A further chance to let users analyze in a better way what you sell.','ywzm');?></p>
226 |
227 |
<div class="col-1">
228 |
<img src="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>02.png" alt="Attachment List" />
237 |
<div class="col-2">
238 |
<div class="section-title">
239 |
<img src="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_ASSETS_IMAGES_URL ?>03-icon.png" alt="Vote the review" />
240 |
<h2><?php _e('EXCLUDE PRODUCTS','ywzm');?></h2>
241 |
242 |
<p><?php _e('Tailored options to limit the plugin features only to certain products. Some of these could have too small images to be zoomed, or maybe being part of categories that do not imply zoomed images. Select the products and the categories to exclude and delete all your problems','ywzm');?></p>
243 |
244 |
245 |
248 |
<div class="landing-container">
249 |
<div class="premium-cta">
250 |
251 |
<?php echo sprintf(__('Upgrade to the %1$spremium version%2$s of %1$sYITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier%2$s to benefit from all features!','ywzm'),'<span class="highlight">','</span>');?>
252 |
253 |
<a href="<?php echo YITH_YWZM_Plugin_FW_Loader::get_instance()->get_premium_landing_uri(); ?>" target="_blank" class="premium-cta-button button btn">
254 |
<?php echo sprintf(__('%1$sUPGRADE%2$s %3$sto the premium version%2$s','ywzm'),'<span class="highlight">','</span>','<span>');?>
255 |
256 |
257 |
@@ -14,8 +14,12 @@ global $post, $product, $woocommerce;
14 |
$enable_slider = get_option('yith_wcmg_enableslider') == 'yes' ? true : false;
15 |
16 |
$attachment_ids = $product->get_gallery_attachment_ids();
17 |
if ( ! empty( $attachment_ids ) ) array_unshift( $attachment_ids, get_post_thumbnail_id() );
18 |
19 |
if ( $attachment_ids ) {
20 |
21 |
<div class="thumbnails <?php echo $enable_slider ? 'slider' : 'noslider' ?>">
14 |
$enable_slider = get_option('yith_wcmg_enableslider') == 'yes' ? true : false;
15 |
16 |
$attachment_ids = $product->get_gallery_attachment_ids();
17 |
18 |
if ( ! empty( $attachment_ids ) ) array_unshift( $attachment_ids, get_post_thumbnail_id() );
19 |
20 |
// make sure attachments ids are unique
21 |
$attachment_ids = array_unique($attachment_ids);
22 |
23 |
if ( $attachment_ids ) {
24 |
25 |
<div class="thumbnails <?php echo $enable_slider ? 'slider' : 'noslider' ?>">