Version Description
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Release Info
Developer | yithemes |
Plugin | YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier |
Version | 2.13.0 |
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See all releases |
Code changes from version 2.12.0 to 2.13.0
- assets/js/jquery.min.js +1 -1
- init.php +4 -4
- languages/yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier.pot +2 -2
- plugin-fw/assets/css/welcome-modal.css +72 -0
- plugin-fw/assets/css/yith-bh-onboarding.css +1 -0
- plugin-fw/assets/css/yith-plugin-ui.css +73 -0
- plugin-fw/assets/js/welcome-modal.js +27 -0
- plugin-fw/assets/js/welcome-modal.min.js +1 -0
- plugin-fw/includes/class-yit-assets.php +2 -0
- plugin-fw/includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php +1 -0
- plugin-fw/includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php +271 -38
- plugin-fw/includes/class-yith-post-type-admin.php +1 -1
- plugin-fw/init.php +2 -2
- plugin-fw/languages/ +0 -0
- plugin-fw/languages/yith-plugin-fw-el.po +88 -44
- plugin-fw/languages/ +0 -0
- plugin-fw/languages/yith-plugin-fw-es_ES.po +99 -59
- plugin-fw/languages/ +0 -0
- plugin-fw/languages/yith-plugin-fw-it_IT.po +99 -59
- plugin-fw/languages/ +0 -0
- plugin-fw/languages/yith-plugin-fw-nl_NL.po +93 -54
- plugin-fw/languages/ +0 -0
- plugin-fw/languages/yith-plugin-fw-ru_RU.po +93 -54
- plugin-fw/languages/ +0 -0
- plugin-fw/languages/yith-plugin-fw-zh_CN.po +94 -56
- plugin-fw/languages/yith-plugin-fw.pot +88 -44
- plugin-fw/phpcs.xml +6 -0
- plugin-fw/templates/components/list-items.php +83 -0
- plugin-fw/templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php +66 -0
- plugin-fw/templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php +62 -0
- readme.txt +6 -1
@@ -1 +1 @@
1 |
!function($){function sc_setScroll(t,e,s){return{anims:[],duration:t,orgDuration:t,easing:e="transition"==s.transition&&"swing"==e?"ease":e,startTime:getTime()}}function sc_startScroll(t,e){for(var s=0,i=t.anims.length;s<i;s++){var o=t.anims[s];o&&o[0][e.transition](o[1],t.duration,t.easing,o[2])}}function sc_stopScroll(t,e){is_boolean(e)||(e=!0),is_object(t.pre)&&sc_stopScroll(t.pre,e);for(var s=0,i=t.anims.length;s<i;s++){var o=t.anims[s];o[0].stop(!0),e&&(o[0].css(o[1]),is_function(o[2])&&o[2]())}is_object(,e)}function sc_afterScroll(t,e,s){switch(e&&e.remove(),s.fx){case"fade":case"crossfade":case"cover-fade":case"uncover-fade":t.css("opacity",1),t.css("filter","")}}function sc_fireCallbacks(t,e,s,i,o){if(e[s]&&e[s].call(t,i),o[s].length)for(var n=0,r=o[s].length;n<r;n++)o[s][n].call(t,i);return[]}function sc_fireQueue(t,e,s){return e.length&&(t.trigger(cf_e(e[0][0],s),e[0][1]),e.shift()),e}function sc_hideHiddenItems(t){t.each(function(){var 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is_function(e.button)&&(,is_string(e.button)&&(e.button=$(e.button)),is_boolean(||(!0),is_number(e.delay)||(e.delay=0),is_undefined(e.pauseOnEvent)&&(e.pauseOnEvent=!0),is_boolean(e.pauseOnResize)||(e.pauseOnResize=!0),is_number(e.timeoutDuration)||(e.timeoutDuration=e.duration<10?2500:5*e.duration),e.progress&&(is_function(,is_string($(,||(e.progress.updater=$.fn.carouFredSel.progressbarUpdater),is_number(e.progress.interval)||(e.progress.interval=50)):e.progress=!1),e}function go_getPrevNextObject(t,e){return is_jquery(e=go_getNaviObject(t,e))?e={button:e}:is_number(e)&&(e={key:e}),e}function go_complementPrevNextObject(t,e){return is_function(e.button)&&(,is_string(e.button)&&(e.button=$(e.button)),is_string(e.key)&&(e.key=cf_getKeyCode(e.key)),e}function go_getPaginationObject(t,e){return is_jquery(e=go_getNaviObject(t,e))?e={container:e}:is_boolean(e)&&(e={keys:e}),e}function go_complementPaginationObject(t,e){return is_function(e.container)&&(,is_string(e.container)&&(e.container=$(e.container)),is_number(e.items)||(e.items=!1),is_boolean(e.keys)||(e.keys=!1),is_function(e.anchorBuilder)||is_false(e.anchorBuilder)||(e.anchorBuilder=$.fn.carouFredSel.pageAnchorBuilder),is_number(e.deviation)||(e.deviation=0),e}function go_getSwipeObject(t,e){return is_true(e=is_undefined(e=is_function(e)?{onTouch:!1}:e)?e={onTouch:e}:is_number(e)&&(e={items:e}),e}function go_complementSwipeObject(t,e){return is_boolean(e.onTouch)||(e.onTouch=!0),is_boolean(e.onMouse)||(e.onMouse=!1),is_object(e.options)||(e.options={}),is_boolean(e.options.triggerOnTouchEnd)||(e.options.triggerOnTouchEnd=!1),e}function go_getMousewheelObject(t,e){return is_true(e=is_function(e)?{}:is_number(e)?e={items:e}:is_undefined(e)&&(e=!1),e}function go_complementMousewheelObject(t,e){return e}function gn_getItemIndex(t,e,s,i,o){if(is_jquery(t=is_object(t=is_string(t)?$(t,o):t)?$(t,o):t)?(t=o.children().index(t),is_boolean(s)||(s=!1)):is_boolean(s)||(s=!0),is_number(t)||(t=0),is_number(e)||(e=0),s&&(t+=i.first),t+=e,0<{for(;t>;);for(;t<0;)}return t}function gn_getVisibleItemsPrev(t,e,s){for(var i=0,o=0,n=s;0<=n;n--){var r=t.eq(n);if((":visible")?r[e.d.outerWidth](!0):0)>e.maxDimension)return o;0==n&&(n=t.length),o++}}function gn_getVisibleItemsPrevFilter(t,e,s){return gn_getItemsPrevFilter(t,e.items.filter,,s)}function gn_getScrollItemsPrevFilter(t,e,s,i){return gn_getItemsPrevFilter(t,e.items.filter,i,s)}function gn_getItemsPrevFilter(t,e,s,i){for(var o=0,n=0,r=i,c=t.length;0<=r;r--){if(++n==c)return n;var a=t.eq(r);if( n;0==r&&(r=c)}}function gn_getVisibleOrg(t,e){return||t.children().slice(0,e.items.visible).filter(e.items.filter).length}function gn_getVisibleItemsNext(t,e,s){for(var i=0,o=0,n=s,r=t.length-1;n<=r;n++){var c=t.eq(n);if((":visible")?c[e.d.outerWidth](!0):0)>e.maxDimension)return o;if(++o==1+r)return o;n==r&&(n=-1)}}function gn_getVisibleItemsNextTestCircular(t,e,s,i){t=gn_getVisibleItemsNext(t,e,s);return e.circular||i<s+t&&(t=i-s),t}function gn_getVisibleItemsNextFilter(t,e,s){return gn_getItemsNextFilter(t,e.items.filter,,s,e.circular)}function gn_getScrollItemsNextFilter(t,e,s,i){return gn_getItemsNextFilter(t,e.items.filter,i+1,s,e.circular)-1}function gn_getItemsNextFilter(t,e,s,i,o){for(var n=0,r=0,c=i,a=t.length-1;c<=a;c++){if(a<=++r)return r;var f=t.eq(c);if( r;c==a&&(c=-1)}}function gi_getCurrentItems(t,e){return t.slice(0,e.items.visible)}function gi_getOldItemsPrev(t,e,s){return t.slice(s,e.items.visibleConf.old+s)}function gi_getNewItemsPrev(t,e){return t.slice(0,e.items.visible)}function gi_getOldItemsNext(t,e){return t.slice(0,e.items.visibleConf.old)}function gi_getNewItemsNext(t,e,s){return t.slice(s,e.items.visible+s)}function sz_storeMargin(t,s,i){s.usePadding&&(is_string(i)||(i="_cfs_origCssMargin"),t.each(function(){var t=$(this),e=parseInt(t.css(s.d.marginRight),10);is_number(e)||(e=0),,e)}))}function sz_resetMargin(t,e,s){var i;e.usePadding&&(i=!!is_boolean(s)&&s,is_number(s)||(s=0),sz_storeMargin(t,e,"_cfs_tempCssMargin"),t.each(function(){var t=$(this);t.css(e.d.marginRight,i?"_cfs_tempCssMargin")"_cfs_origCssMargin"))}))}function sz_storeOrigCss(t){t.each(function(){var t=$(this);"_cfs_origCss",t.attr("style")||"")})}function sz_restoreOrigCss(t){t.each(function(){var t=$(this);t.attr("style","_cfs_origCss")||"")})}function sz_setResponsiveSizes(s,t){s.items.visible;var i=s.items[s.d.width],o=s[s.d.height],n=is_percentage(o);t.each(function(){var t=$(this),e=i-ms_getPaddingBorderMargin(t,s,"Width");t[s.d.width](e),n&&t[s.d.height](ms_getPercentage(e,o))})}function sz_setSizes(t,e){var s,i=t.parent(),o=t.children(),n=gi_getCurrentItems(o,e),r=cf_mapWrapperSizes(ms_getSizes(n,e,!0),e,!1);return i.css(r),e.usePadding&&(s=(i=e.padding)[e.d[1]],e.align&&s<0&&(s=0),(n=n.last()).css(e.d.marginRight,"_cfs_origCssMargin")+s),t.css(,i[e.d[0]]),t.css(e.d.left,i[e.d[3]])),t.css(e.d.width,r[e.d.width]+2*ms_getTotalSize(o,e,"width")),t.css(e.d.height,ms_getLargestSize(o,e,"height")),r}function ms_getSizes(t,e,s){return[ms_getTotalSize(t,e,"width",s),ms_getLargestSize(t,e,"height",s)]}function ms_getLargestSize(t,e,s,i){return is_boolean(i)||(i=!1),is_number(e[e.d[s]])&&i?e[e.d[s]]:is_number(e.items[e.d[s]])?e.items[e.d[s]]:ms_getTrueLargestSize(t,e,s=-1<s.toLowerCase().indexOf("width")?"outerWidth":"outerHeight")}function ms_getTrueLargestSize(t,e,s){for(var i=0,o=0,n=t.length;o<n;o++){var r=t.eq(o),":visible")?r[e.d[s]](!0):0;i<r&&(i=r)}return i}function ms_getTotalSize(t,e,s,i){if(is_boolean(i)||(i=!1),is_number(e[e.d[s]])&&i)return e[e.d[s]];if(is_number(e.items[e.d[s]]))return e.items[e.d[s]]*t.length;for(var o=-1<s.toLowerCase().indexOf("width")?"outerWidth":"outerHeight",n=0,r=0,c=t.length;r<c;r++){var a=t.eq(r);":visible")?a[e.d[o]](!0):0}return n}function ms_getParentSize(t,e,s){var":visible"),s=(i&&t.hide(),t.parent()[e.d[s]]());return i&&,s}function ms_getMaxDimension(t,e){return is_number(t[t.d.width])?t[t.d.width]:e}function ms_hasVariableSizes(t,e,s){for(var i=!1,o=!1,n=0,r=t.length;n<r;n++){var c=t.eq(n),":visible")?c[e.d[s]](!0):0;!1===i?i=c:i!=c&&(o=!0),0==i&&(o=!0)}return o}function ms_getPaddingBorderMargin(t,e,s){return t[e.d["outer"+s]](!0)-t[e.d[s.toLowerCase()]]()}function ms_getPercentage(t,e){if(is_percentage(e)){if(!is_number(e=parseInt(e.slice(0,-1),10)))return t;t*=e/100}return t}function cf_e(t,e,s,i,o){return is_boolean(s)||(s=!0),is_boolean(i)||(i=!0),is_boolean(o)||(o=!1),s&&(,i&&(t=t+".",i&&o&&(t+=e.serialNumber),t}function cf_c(t,e){return is_string(e.classnames[t])?e.classnames[t]:t}function cf_mapWrapperSizes(t,e,s){is_boolean(s)||(s=!0);var s=e.usePadding&&s?e.padding:[0,0,0,0],i={};return i[e.d.width]=t[0]+s[1]+s[3],i[e.d.height]=t[1]+s[0]+s[2],i}function cf_sortParams(t,e){for(var s=[],i=0,o=t.length;i<o;i++)for(var n=0,r=e.length;n<r;n++)if(-1<e[n].indexOf(typeof t[i])&&is_undefined(s[n])){s[n]=t[i];break}return s}function cf_getPadding(t){if(is_undefined(t))return[0,0,0,0];if(is_number(t))return[t,t,t,t];if(!is_array(t=is_string(t)?t.split("px").join("").split("em").join("").split(" "):t))return[0,0,0,0];for(var e=0;e<4;e++)t[e]=parseInt(t[e],10);switch(t.length){case 0:return[0,0,0,0];case 1:return[t[0],t[0],t[0],t[0]];case 2:return[t[0],t[1],t[0],t[1]];case 3:return[t[0],t[1],t[2],t[1]];default:return[t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3]]}}function cf_getAlignPadding(t,e){var s=is_number(e[e.d.width])?Math.ceil(e[e.d.width]-ms_getTotalSize(t,e,"width")):0;switch(e.align){case"left":return[0,s];case"right":return[s,0];default:return[Math.ceil(s/2),Math.floor(s/2)]}}function cf_getDimensions(t){for(var 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e=0,s=(t=is_array(t[0])?t:[t]).length;e<s;e++)is_string(t[e][0])&&(t[e][0]=$(t[e][0])),is_boolean(t[e][1])||(t[e][1]=!0),is_boolean(t[e][2])||(t[e][2]=!0),is_number(t[e][3])||(t[e][3]=0);return t}function cf_getKeyCode(t){return"right"==t?39:"left"==t?37:"up"==t?38:"down"==t?40:-1}function cf_setCookie(t,e,s){t&&(s=e.triggerHandler(cf_e("currentPosition",s)),$.fn.carouFredSel.cookie.set(t,s))}function cf_getCookie(t){t=$.fn.carouFredSel.cookie.get(t);return""==t?0:t}function in_mapCss(t,e){for(var s={},i=0,o=e.length;i<o;i++)s[e[i]]=t.css(e[i]);return s}function in_complementItems(t,e,s,i){return is_object(t.visibleConf)||(t.visibleConf={}),is_object(t.sizesConf)||(t.sizesConf={}),0==t.start&&is_number(i)&&(t.start=i),is_object(t.visible)?(t.visibleConf.min=t.visible.min,t.visibleConf.max=t.visible.max,t.visible=!1):is_string(t.visible)?("variable"==t.visible?t.visibleConf.variable=!0:t.visibleConf.adjust=t.visible,t.visible=!1):is_function(t.visible)&&(t.visibleConf.adjust=t.visible,t.visible=!1),is_string(t.filter)||(t.filter=0<s.filter(":hidden").length?":visible":"*"),t[e.d.width]||(e.responsive?(debug(!0,"Set a "+e.d.width+" for the items!"),t[e.d.width]=ms_getTrueLargestSize(s,e,"outerWidth")):t[e.d.width]=ms_hasVariableSizes(s,e,"outerWidth")?"variable":s[e.d.outerWidth](!0)),t[e.d.height]||(t[e.d.height]=ms_hasVariableSizes(s,e,"outerHeight")?"variable":s[e.d.outerHeight](!0)),t.sizesConf.width=t.width,t.sizesConf.height=t.height,t}function 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i=cf_getItemAdjustMinMax(Math.ceil(t[t.d.width]/t.items[t.d.width]),t.items.visibleConf),e=(i>e.length&&(i=e.length),Math.floor(t[t.d.width]/i));return t.items.visible=i,t.items[t.d.width]=e,t[t.d.width]=i*e,t}function bt_pauseOnHoverConfig(t){var e,s;return is_string(t)?(s=-1<t.indexOf("immediate"),e=-1<t.indexOf("resume")):s=e=!1,[s,e]}function bt_mousesheelNumber(t){is_number(t)}function is_null(t){return null===t}function is_undefined(t){return is_null(t)||void 0===t||""===t||"undefined"===t}function is_array(t){return t instanceof Array}function is_jquery(t){return t instanceof jQuery}function is_object(t){return(t instanceof Object||"object"==typeof t)&&!is_null(t)&&!is_jquery(t)&&!is_array(t)&&!is_function(t)}function is_number(t){return(t instanceof Number||"number"==typeof t)&&!isNaN(t)}function is_string(t){return(t instanceof String||"string"==typeof t)&&!is_undefined(t)&&!is_true(t)&&!is_false(t)}function is_function(t){return t instanceof Function||"function"==typeof t}function is_boolean(t){return t instanceof Boolean||"boolean"==typeof t||is_true(t)||is_false(t)}function is_true(t){return!0===t||"true"===t}function is_false(t){return!1===t||"false"===t}function is_percentage(t){return is_string(t)&&"%"==t.slice(-1)}function getTime(){return(new Date).getTime()}function deprecated(t,e){debug(!0,t+" is DEPRECATED, support for it will be removed. 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opts.infinite&&$cfs.trigger(cf_e("next",conf),,t.stopImmediatePropagation();if(sz_resetMargin(i,opts),is_number(s)||(s=cf_getAdjust(s=opts.items.visibleConf.variable?gn_getVisibleItemsPrev(i,opts,"*"!=opts.items.filter?(r=is_number(e.items)?e.items:gn_getVisibleOrg($cfs,opts),gn_getScrollItemsPrevFilter(i,opts,,r)):opts.items.visible,opts,e.items,$tt0)),opts.circular||<itms.first&&(,opts.items.visibleConf.old=opts.items.visible,opts.items.visibleConf.variable?(l=cf_getItemsAdjust(gn_getVisibleItemsNext(i,opts,,opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0),opts.items.visible+s<=l&&s<,l=cf_getItemsAdjust(gn_getVisibleItemsNext(i,opts,,opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0)),opts.items.visible=l):"*"!=opts.items.filter&&(l=gn_getVisibleItemsNextFilter(i,opts,,opts.items.visible=cf_getItemsAdjust(l,opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0)),sz_resetMargin(i,opts,!0),0==s)return t.stopImmediatePropagation(),debug(conf,"0 items to scroll: Not scrolling.");for(debug(conf,"Scrolling "+s+" items backward."),itms.first+=s;itms.first>;);opts.circular||(0==itms.first&&e.onEnd&&$tt0,"prev"),opts.infinite||nv_enableNavi(opts,itms.first,conf)),$cfs.children().slice(,$cfs),<opts.items.visible+s&&$cfs.children().slice(0,!0).appendTo($cfs);var 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n=cf_getItemsAdjust(gn_getVisibleItemsNextTestCircular(i,opts,s,o),opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0);opts.items.visible-s>=n&&s<;)n=cf_getItemsAdjust(gn_getVisibleItemsNextTestCircular(i,opts,++s,o),opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0);opts.items.visible=n}else"*"!=opts.items.filter&&(n=gn_getVisibleItemsNextFilter(i,opts,s),opts.items.visible=cf_getItemsAdjust(n,opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0));if(sz_resetMargin(i,opts,!0),0==s)return t.stopImmediatePropagation(),debug(conf,"0 items to scroll: Not scrolling.");for(debug(conf,"Scrolling "+s+" items forward."),itms.first-=s;itms.first<0;);opts.circular||(itms.first==opts.items.visible&&e.onEnd&&$tt0,"next"),opts.infinite||nv_enableNavi(opts,itms.first,conf)),<opts.items.visible+s&&$cfs.children().slice(0,!0).appendTo($cfs);var 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opts.infinite&&$cfs.trigger(cf_e("next",conf),,t.stopImmediatePropagation();if(sz_resetMargin(i,opts),is_number(s)||(s=cf_getAdjust(s=opts.items.visibleConf.variable?gn_getVisibleItemsPrev(i,opts,"*"!=opts.items.filter?(r=is_number(e.items)?e.items:gn_getVisibleOrg($cfs,opts),gn_getScrollItemsPrevFilter(i,opts,,r)):opts.items.visible,opts,e.items,$tt0)),opts.circular||<itms.first&&(,opts.items.visibleConf.old=opts.items.visible,opts.items.visibleConf.variable?(l=cf_getItemsAdjust(gn_getVisibleItemsNext(i,opts,,opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0),opts.items.visible+s<=l&&s<,l=cf_getItemsAdjust(gn_getVisibleItemsNext(i,opts,,opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0)),opts.items.visible=l):"*"!=opts.items.filter&&(l=gn_getVisibleItemsNextFilter(i,opts,,opts.items.visible=cf_getItemsAdjust(l,opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0)),sz_resetMargin(i,opts,!0),0==s)return t.stopImmediatePropagation(),debug(conf,"0 items to scroll: Not scrolling.");for(debug(conf,"Scrolling "+s+" items backward."),itms.first+=s;itms.first>;);opts.circular||(0==itms.first&&e.onEnd&&$tt0,"prev"),opts.infinite||nv_enableNavi(opts,itms.first,conf)),$cfs.children().slice(,$cfs),<opts.items.visible+s&&$cfs.children().slice(0,!0).appendTo($cfs);var 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t;0<M&&($cfs.children().slice(,n=$($cfs.children().slice($cfs.children().slice(0,M).get()))),sc_showHiddenItems(p),opts.usePadding&&(t=$cfs.children().eq(opts.items.visible+s-1)).css(opts.d.marginRight,"_cfs_origCssMargin"))},D=sc_mapCallbackArguments(n,d,r,s,"prev",y,_),A=function(){sc_afterScroll($cfs,g,e),crsl.isScrolling=!1,clbk.onAfter=sc_fireCallbacks($tt0,e,"onAfter",D,clbk),queu=sc_fireQueue($cfs,queu,conf),crsl.isPaused||$cfs.trigger(cf_e("play",conf))};switch(crsl.isScrolling=!0,tmrs=sc_clearTimers(tmrs),clbk.onBefore=sc_fireCallbacks($tt0,e,"onBefore",D,clbk),e.fx){case"none":$cfs.css(v),I(),j(),k(),O(),T(),F(),A();break;case"fade":scrl.anims.push([$cfs,{opacity:0},function(){I(),j(),k(),O(),T(),F(),(scrl=sc_setScroll(y,e.easing,conf)).anims.push([$cfs,{opacity:1},A]),sc_startScroll(scrl,conf)}]);break;case"crossfade":$cfs.css({opacity:0}),scrl.anims.push([g,{opacity:0}]),scrl.anims.push([$cfs,{opacity:1},A]),z(),j(),k(),O(),T(),F();break;case"cover":scrl.anims.push([g,v,function(){j(),k(),O(),T(),F(),A()}]),z();break;case"cover-fade":scrl.anims.push([$cfs,{opacity:0}]),scrl.anims.push([g,v,function(){j(),k(),O(),T(),F(),A()}]),z();break;case"uncover":scrl.anims.push([g,h,A]),z(),j(),k(),O(),T(),F();break;case"uncover-fade":$cfs.css({opacity:0}),scrl.anims.push([$cfs,{opacity:1}]),scrl.anims.push([g,h,A]),z(),j(),k(),O(),T(),F();break;default:scrl.anims.push([$cfs,v,function(){F(),A()}]),z(),N(),H(),q()}return sc_startScroll(scrl,conf),cf_setCookie(opts.cookie,$cfs,conf),$cfs.trigger(cf_e("updatePageStatus",conf),[!1,_]),!0}),$cfs.bind(cf_e("slide_next",conf),function(t,e,s){t.stopPropagation();var i=$cfs.children();if(!opts.circular&&itms.first==opts.items.visible)return opts.infinite&&$cfs.trigger(cf_e("prev",conf),,t.stopImmediatePropagation();sz_resetMargin(i,opts),is_number(s)||(s=cf_getAdjust(s="*"!=opts.items.filter?(r=is_number(e.items)?e.items:gn_getVisibleOrg($cfs,opts),gn_getScrollItemsNextFilter(i,opts,0,r)):opts.items.visible,opts,e.items,$tt0));var o=0==itms.first?;if(opts.circular||(r=opts.items.visibleConf.variable?(n=gn_getVisibleItemsNext(i,opts,s),gn_getVisibleItemsPrev(i,opts,o-1)):(n=opts.items.visible,opts.items.visible),o<s+n&&(s=o-r)),opts.items.visibleConf.old=opts.items.visible,opts.items.visibleConf.variable){for(var n=cf_getItemsAdjust(gn_getVisibleItemsNextTestCircular(i,opts,s,o),opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0);opts.items.visible-s>=n&&s<;)n=cf_getItemsAdjust(gn_getVisibleItemsNextTestCircular(i,opts,++s,o),opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0);opts.items.visible=n}else"*"!=opts.items.filter&&(n=gn_getVisibleItemsNextFilter(i,opts,s),opts.items.visible=cf_getItemsAdjust(n,opts,opts.items.visibleConf.adjust,$tt0));if(sz_resetMargin(i,opts,!0),0==s)return t.stopImmediatePropagation(),debug(conf,"0 items to scroll: Not scrolling.");for(debug(conf,"Scrolling "+s+" items forward."),itms.first-=s;itms.first<0;);opts.circular||(itms.first==opts.items.visible&&e.onEnd&&$tt0,"next"),opts.infinite||nv_enableNavi(opts,itms.first,conf)),<opts.items.visible+s&&$cfs.children().slice(0,!0).appendTo($cfs);var 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O=function(){$cfs.css(C)},,M=function(){0<T&&$cfs.children().slice(;var 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@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
3 |
* Plugin Name: YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom
4 |
* Plugin URI:
5 |
* Description: <code><strong>YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom</strong></code> allows you to add a zoom effect to product images and a thumbnail slider for the product image gallery. <a href="" target="_blank">Get more plugins for your e-commerce shop on <strong>YITH</strong></a>.
6 |
* Version: 2.
7 |
* Author: YITH
8 |
* Author URI:
9 |
* Text Domain: yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier
10 |
* Domain Path: /languages/
11 |
* WC requires at least: 6.
12 |
* WC tested up to: 6.
13 |
14 |
15 |
/* Copyright 2013-2018 Your Inspiration Themes (email :
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ register_activation_hook ( __FILE__, 'yith_plugin_registration_hook' );
78 |
79 |
defined ( 'YITH_YWZM_FREE_INIT' ) || define ( 'YITH_YWZM_FREE_INIT', plugin_basename ( __FILE__ ) );
80 |
defined ( 'YITH_YWZM_SLUG' ) || define ( 'YITH_YWZM_SLUG', 'yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier' );
81 |
defined ( 'YITH_YWZM_VERSION' ) || define ( 'YITH_YWZM_VERSION', '2.
82 |
defined ( 'YITH_YWZM_SCRIPT_VERSION' ) || define ( 'YITH_YWZM_SCRIPT_VERSION', '2.1.1' );
83 |
84 |
defined ( 'YITH_YWZM_FILE' ) || define ( 'YITH_YWZM_FILE', __FILE__ );
3 |
* Plugin Name: YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom
4 |
* Plugin URI:
5 |
* Description: <code><strong>YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom</strong></code> allows you to add a zoom effect to product images and a thumbnail slider for the product image gallery. <a href="" target="_blank">Get more plugins for your e-commerce shop on <strong>YITH</strong></a>.
6 |
* Version: 2.13.0
7 |
* Author: YITH
8 |
* Author URI:
9 |
* Text Domain: yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier
10 |
* Domain Path: /languages/
11 |
* WC requires at least: 6.7
12 |
* WC tested up to: 6.9
13 |
14 |
15 |
/* Copyright 2013-2018 Your Inspiration Themes (email :
78 |
79 |
defined ( 'YITH_YWZM_FREE_INIT' ) || define ( 'YITH_YWZM_FREE_INIT', plugin_basename ( __FILE__ ) );
80 |
defined ( 'YITH_YWZM_SLUG' ) || define ( 'YITH_YWZM_SLUG', 'yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier' );
81 |
defined ( 'YITH_YWZM_VERSION' ) || define ( 'YITH_YWZM_VERSION', '2.13.0' );
82 |
defined ( 'YITH_YWZM_SCRIPT_VERSION' ) || define ( 'YITH_YWZM_SCRIPT_VERSION', '2.1.1' );
83 |
84 |
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@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
2 |
# This file is distributed under the same license as the YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom package.
3 |
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4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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10 |
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2 |
# This file is distributed under the same license as the YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom package.
3 |
msgid ""
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom 2.13.0\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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10 |
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@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
1 |
2 |
* Welcome Modal.
3 |
4 |
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5 |
padding-bottom: 0;
6 |
7 |
8 |
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9 |
background: transparent;
10 |
text-align: center;
11 |
12 |
13 |
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14 |
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15 |
16 |
17 |
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18 |
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19 |
20 |
21 |
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22 |
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23 |
24 |
25 |
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26 |
width: 60px;
27 |
28 |
29 |
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30 |
color: #03689f;
31 |
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32 |
line-height: 2em;
33 |
34 |
35 |
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36 |
margin: 15px 0 25px;
37 |
38 |
39 |
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40 |
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41 |
42 |
43 |
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44 |
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45 |
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46 |
47 |
48 |
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49 |
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50 |
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51 |
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52 |
53 |
54 |
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55 |
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56 |
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57 |
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58 |
59 |
60 |
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61 |
margin-top: 30px;
62 |
63 |
64 |
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65 |
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66 |
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67 |
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68 |
display: inline-block;
69 |
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70 |
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71 |
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72 |
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@
133 |
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134 |
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135 |
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136 |
137 |
138 |
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133 |
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134 |
font-size: 13px;
135 |
line-height: 1.6em;
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
#yith-bh-onboarding .yith-bh-onboarding-connect-cta {
@@ -969,6 +969,79 @@
969 |
border: 1px solid var(--yith-delete-hover);
970 |
971 |
972 |
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973 |
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974 |
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969 |
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970 |
971 |
972 |
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973 |
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974 |
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975 |
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976 |
977 |
978 |
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979 |
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980 |
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981 |
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982 |
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983 |
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984 |
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985 |
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986 |
987 |
988 |
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989 |
border-color: #bcd9f6;
990 |
background: #e5eef7;
991 |
992 |
993 |
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994 |
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995 |
color: var(--yith-link);
996 |
997 |
998 |
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999 |
background: transparent;
1000 |
color: var(--yith-link);
1001 |
1002 |
1003 |
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1004 |
font-size: 30px;
1005 |
font-weight: 700;
1006 |
text-align: center;
1007 |
width: 60px;
1008 |
margin-left: -14px;
1009 |
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1010 |
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1011 |
1012 |
1013 |
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1014 |
font-weight: 500;
1015 |
flex: 1;
1016 |
1017 |
1018 |
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1019 |
font-size: 1.1em;
1020 |
1021 |
1022 |
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1023 |
font-size: .85em;
1024 |
margin-top: .5em;
1025 |
1026 |
1027 |
.yith-plugin-fw__list-item .yith-plugin-fw__list-item__cta {
1028 |
margin-top: .7em;
1029 |
color: var(--yith-link);
1030 |
font-size: .85em;
1031 |
font-weight: 500;
1032 |
1033 |
1034 |
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1035 |
color: #717171;
1036 |
margin-left: 10px;
1037 |
font-size: 12px;
1038 |
font-weight: 800;
1039 |
1040 |
1041 |
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1042 |
font-style: italic;
1043 |
1044 |
1045 |
.yith-plugin-fw__list-table-blank-state {
1046 |
padding: 30px 30px 0;
1047 |
text-align: center;
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1 |
/* global jQuery, yith, wp */
2 |
jQuery( function ( $ ) {
3 |
"use strict";
4 |
5 |
var template = wp.template( 'yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal' ),
6 |
content = $( template( {} ) ),
7 |
footer = content.find( '.yith-plugin-fw-welcome__footer' );
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
content : content,
12 |
footer : footer,
13 |
classes : {
14 |
wrap: 'yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal'
15 |
16 |
width : '600px',
17 |
closeWhenClickingOnOverlay: false,
18 |
onClose : function () {
19 |
var location = footer.find( '.yith-plugin-fw-welcome__close' ).attr( 'href' );
20 |
if ( location ) {
21 |
window.location.href = location;
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
} );
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
jQuery(function(e){"use strict";var o=e(wp.template("yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal")({})),i=o.find(".yith-plugin-fw-welcome__footer");yith.ui.modal({content:o,footer:i,classes:{wrap:"yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal"},width:"600px",closeWhenClickingOnOverlay:!1,onClose:function(){var e=i.find(".yith-plugin-fw-welcome__close").attr("href");e&&(window.location.href=e)}})});
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Assets' ) ) {
81 |
wp_register_script( 'yith_how_to', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/js/how-to' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->version, true );
82 |
wp_register_script( 'yith-plugin-fw-wp-pages', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/js/wp-pages' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->version, false );
83 |
wp_register_script( 'yith-bh-onboarding', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/js/yith-bh-onboarding' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery', 'yit-plugin-panel', 'yith-plugin-fw-fields', 'jquery-blockui' ), $this->version, true );
84 |
85 |
// Register styles.
86 |
wp_register_style( 'yith-plugin-ui', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/css/yith-plugin-ui.css', array( 'yith-plugin-fw-icon-font' ), $this->version );
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Assets' ) ) {
91 |
wp_register_style( 'yit-plugin-metaboxes', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/css/metaboxes.css', array( 'yith-plugin-ui' ), $this->version );
92 |
wp_register_style( 'yith-plugin-fw-fields', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/css/yith-fields.css', array( 'yith-plugin-ui' ), $this->version );
93 |
wp_register_style( 'yith-bh-onboarding', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/css/yith-bh-onboarding.css', array( 'yith-plugin-ui', 'yith-plugin-fw-fields' ), $this->version );
94 |
95 |
$wc_version_suffix = '';
96 |
if ( function_exists( 'WC' ) || ! empty( $woocommerce ) ) {
81 |
wp_register_script( 'yith_how_to', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/js/how-to' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->version, true );
82 |
wp_register_script( 'yith-plugin-fw-wp-pages', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/js/wp-pages' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->version, false );
83 |
wp_register_script( 'yith-bh-onboarding', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/js/yith-bh-onboarding' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery', 'yit-plugin-panel', 'yith-plugin-fw-fields', 'jquery-blockui' ), $this->version, true );
84 |
wp_register_script( 'yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/js/welcome-modal' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery', 'wp-util', 'yith-ui' ), $this->version, true );
85 |
86 |
// Register styles.
87 |
wp_register_style( 'yith-plugin-ui', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/css/yith-plugin-ui.css', array( 'yith-plugin-fw-icon-font' ), $this->version );
92 |
wp_register_style( 'yit-plugin-metaboxes', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/css/metaboxes.css', array( 'yith-plugin-ui' ), $this->version );
93 |
wp_register_style( 'yith-plugin-fw-fields', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/css/yith-fields.css', array( 'yith-plugin-ui' ), $this->version );
94 |
wp_register_style( 'yith-bh-onboarding', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/css/yith-bh-onboarding.css', array( 'yith-plugin-ui', 'yith-plugin-fw-fields' ), $this->version );
95 |
wp_register_style( 'yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal', YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/css/welcome-modal.css', array(), $this->version );
96 |
97 |
$wc_version_suffix = '';
98 |
if ( function_exists( 'WC' ) || ! empty( $woocommerce ) ) {
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel_WooCommerce' ) ) {
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'set_default_options' ) );
89 |
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_setting_page' ) );
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'set_default_options' ) );
90 |
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_setting_page' ) );
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'register_settings' ) );
110 |
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_setting_page' ), 20 );
@@ -207,8 +208,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
207 |
208 |
* Init actions.
209 |
210 |
* @since 3.0.0
211 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
212 |
213 |
protected static function init_actions() {
214 |
if ( ! static::$actions_initialized ) {
@@ -273,8 +274,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
273 |
274 |
* @param string $admin_body_classes Body classes.
275 |
276 |
* @return string
277 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
278 |
* @since 3.0.0
279 |
280 |
public static function add_body_class( $admin_body_classes ) {
@@ -391,8 +392,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
391 |
392 |
* @param array $field The field to validate.
393 |
394 |
* @return array validated fields
395 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
396 |
397 |
public function options_validate( $field ) {
398 |
$option_key = ! empty( $field['option_key'] ) ? $field['option_key'] : 'general';
@@ -440,8 +441,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
440 |
441 |
* Add Premium Version upgrade menu item
442 |
443 |
* @since 2.9.13
444 |
* @author Andrea Grillo <>
445 |
446 |
public function add_premium_version_upgrade_to_menu() {
447 |
// Add the How To menu item only if the customer haven't a premium version enabled.
@@ -503,9 +504,9 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
503 |
* @param string $tab_name Tab name.
504 |
* @param array $args Nav Arguments.
505 |
506 |
* @return string Tab HTML
507 |
508 |
* @author Antonio La Rocca <>
509 |
* @since 3.4.0
510 |
511 |
protected function get_tab_nav( $tab_slug, $tab_name, $args = array() ) {
@@ -776,8 +777,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
776 |
777 |
* Checks whether current tab is special Help Tab
778 |
779 |
* @return bool Whether current tab is Help Tab
780 |
* @author Antonio La Rocca <>
781 |
782 |
public function is_help_tab() {
783 |
return 'help' === $this->get_current_tab();
@@ -786,8 +787,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
786 |
787 |
* Prints special Help Tab
788 |
789 |
* @return void
790 |
* @author Antonio La Rocca <>
791 |
792 |
public function print_help_tab() {
793 |
$options = isset( $this->settings['help_tab'] ) ? $this->settings['help_tab'] : array();
@@ -801,11 +802,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
801 |
802 |
// translators: 1. Plugin name.
803 |
$default_title = $is_premium ? _x( 'Thank you for purchasing %s!', 'Help tab default title', 'yith-plugin-fw' ) : _x( 'Thank you for using %s!', 'Help tab default title', 'yith-plugin-fw' );
804 |
$default_doc_url =
805 |
806 |
if ( isset( $this->settings['plugin_slug'] ) ) {
807 |
$default_doc_url = $is_extended ? "{$this->settings['plugin_slug']}/" : "{$this->settings['plugin_slug']}/";
808 |
809 |
810 |
// parse options.
811 |
$options = wp_parse_args(
@@ -880,10 +877,219 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
880 |
881 |
882 |
883 |
884 |
885 |
* @return bool
886 |
* @author Giuseppe Arcifa <>
887 |
* @since 3.9.0
888 |
889 |
protected function is_premium_tab() {
@@ -894,8 +1100,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
894 |
* Check if panel has premium tab
895 |
* (Check for premium Tab through the premium_tab param fully handled by plugin-fw)
896 |
897 |
* @return bool
898 |
* @author Giuseppe Arcifa <>
899 |
* @since 3.9.0
900 |
901 |
protected function has_premium_tab() {
@@ -905,8 +1111,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
905 |
906 |
* Prints Premium Tab
907 |
908 |
* @return void
909 |
* @author Giuseppe Arcifa <>
910 |
* @since 3.9.0
911 |
912 |
protected function print_premium_tab() {
@@ -995,13 +1201,26 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
995 |
* Get current tab.
996 |
* Retrieve the id of tab shown, return general is the current tab is not defined.
997 |
998 |
* @return string|false
999 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1000 |
1001 |
public function get_current_tab() {
1002 |
// phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
1003 |
$admin_tabs = array_keys( $this->settings['admin-tabs'] );
1004 |
1005 |
if ( ! isset( $_GET['page'] ) || $_GET['page'] !== $this->settings['page'] ) {
1006 |
return false;
1007 |
@@ -1020,12 +1239,26 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1020 |
1021 |
* Get the current sub-tab.
1022 |
1023 |
* @return string The key of the sub-tab if exists, empty string otherwise.
1024 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1025 |
* @since 3.4.0
1026 |
1027 |
public function get_current_sub_tab() {
1028 |
// phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
1029 |
$sub_tabs = $this->get_sub_tabs();
1030 |
$sub_tab = isset( $_REQUEST['sub_tab'] ) ? sanitize_key( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['sub_tab'] ) ) : '';
1031 |
@@ -1046,19 +1279,19 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1046 |
* for sub-tabbed tabs, it will return the current sub-tab.
1047 |
* fot normal tabs, it will return the current tab.
1048 |
1049 |
* @return string the current sub-tab, if exists; the current tab otherwise.
1050 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1051 |
* @since 3.4.0
1052 |
1053 |
public function get_current_option_key() {
1054 |
$current_tab = $this->get_current_tab();
1055 |
$current_sub_tab = $this->get_current_sub_tab();
1056 |
1057 |
if ( ! $current_tab ) {
1058 |
return false;
1059 |
1060 |
1061 |
return $current_sub_tab ? $current_sub_tab : $current_tab;
1062 |
1063 |
1064 |
@@ -1100,8 +1333,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1100 |
* @param string $type The type of message (can be 'error' or 'updated').
1101 |
* @param bool $echo Set to true if you want to print the message.
1102 |
1103 |
* @return string
1104 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1105 |
1106 |
public function get_message( $message, $type = 'error', $echo = true ) {
1107 |
$message = '<div id="message" class="' . esc_attr( $type ) . ' fade"><p>' . wp_kses_post( $message ) . '</p></div>';
@@ -1116,8 +1349,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1116 |
* Get Tab Path Files
1117 |
* return an array with file names of tabs
1118 |
1119 |
* @return array
1120 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1121 |
1122 |
public function get_tabs_path_files() {
1123 |
$option_files_path = $this->settings['options-path'] . '/';
@@ -1141,8 +1374,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1141 |
* Get main array options
1142 |
* return an array with all options defined on options-files
1143 |
1144 |
* @return array
1145 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1146 |
1147 |
public function get_main_array_options() {
1148 |
@@ -1177,7 +1410,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1177 |
1178 |
if ( is_string( $_tab ) ) {
1179 |
$main_array_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
1180 |
$current_tab_options =
1181 |
if ( $current_tab_options ) {
1182 |
$_tab = array( $_tab => $current_tab_options );
1183 |
@@ -1221,8 +1454,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1221 |
* Set an array with all default options
1222 |
* put default options in an array
1223 |
1224 |
* @return array
1225 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1226 |
1227 |
public function get_default_options() {
1228 |
$yit_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
@@ -1248,8 +1481,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1248 |
* Get the title of the tab
1249 |
* return the title of tab
1250 |
1251 |
* @return string
1252 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1253 |
1254 |
public function get_tab_title() {
1255 |
$yit_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
@@ -1272,8 +1505,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1272 |
1273 |
* @param string $section The section.
1274 |
1275 |
* @return string
1276 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1277 |
1278 |
public function get_section_title( $section ) {
1279 |
$yit_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
@@ -1294,8 +1527,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1294 |
1295 |
* @param string $section The section.
1296 |
1297 |
* @return string
1298 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1299 |
1300 |
public function get_section_description( $section ) {
1301 |
$yit_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
@@ -1315,8 +1548,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1315 |
* Show form when necessary
1316 |
* return true if 'showform' is not defined
1317 |
1318 |
* @return bool
1319 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1320 |
1321 |
public function is_show_form() {
1322 |
$yit_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
@@ -1342,8 +1575,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1342 |
1343 |
* @param string $name The name.
1344 |
1345 |
* @return string
1346 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1347 |
1348 |
public function get_name_field( $name = '' ) {
1349 |
return 'yit_' . $this->settings['parent'] . '_options[' . $name . ']';
@@ -1355,8 +1588,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1355 |
1356 |
* @param string $id The ID.
1357 |
1358 |
* @return string
1359 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1360 |
1361 |
public function get_id_field( $id ) {
1362 |
return 'yit_' . $this->settings['parent'] . '_options_' . $id;
@@ -1370,8 +1603,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1370 |
1371 |
* @param array $param The parameters.
1372 |
1373 |
* @return void
1374 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1375 |
1376 |
public function render_field( $param ) {
1377 |
if ( ! empty( $param ) && isset( $param ['option'] ) ) {
@@ -1413,8 +1646,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1413 |
* return the options from db, if the options aren't defined in the db,
1414 |
* get the default options ad add the options in the db
1415 |
1416 |
* @return array
1417 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1418 |
1419 |
public function get_options() {
1420 |
$options = get_option( 'yit_' . $this->settings['parent'] . '_options' );
@@ -1464,8 +1697,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1464 |
1465 |
* Sort plugins by name in YITH Plugins menu.
1466 |
1467 |
* @since 3.0.0
1468 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1469 |
1470 |
public static function sort_plugins() {
1471 |
global $submenu;
@@ -1488,9 +1721,9 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1488 |
1489 |
* @param array $menu The menu.
1490 |
1491 |
* @return array
1492 |
* @since 3.0.0
1493 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1494 |
1495 |
public static function add_menu_class_in_yith_plugin( $menu ) {
1496 |
global $submenu;
@@ -1685,8 +1918,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1685 |
* If the panel page is a WP Page, this will redirect you to the correct page
1686 |
* useful when a Post Type (Taxonomy) is the first tab of your panel, so when you open your panel it'll open the Post Type (Taxonomy) list
1687 |
1688 |
* @since 3.4.0
1689 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1690 |
1691 |
public function maybe_redirect_to_proper_wp_page() {
1692 |
// phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
@@ -1711,8 +1944,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1711 |
* Print the Panel tabs and sub-tabs navigation in WP pages
1712 |
* Important: this opens a wrapper <div> that will be closed through YIT_Plugin_Panel::print_panel_tabs_in_post_edit_page_end()
1713 |
1714 |
* @since 3.4.0
1715 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1716 |
1717 |
public function print_panel_tabs_in_wp_pages() {
1718 |
if ( self::$panel_tabs_in_wp_pages && 'all_admin_notices' === current_action() ) {
@@ -1761,8 +1994,8 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YIT_Plugin_Panel' ) ) {
1761 |
1762 |
* Close the wrapper opened in YIT_Plugin_Panel::print_panel_tabs_in_wp_pages()
1763 |
1764 |
* @since 3.4.0
1765 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1766 |
1767 |
public function print_panel_tabs_in_wp_pages_end() {
1768 |
if ( self::$panel_tabs_in_wp_pages ) {
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'register_settings' ) );
111 |
add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_setting_page' ), 20 );
208 |
209 |
* Init actions.
210 |
211 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
212 |
* @since 3.0.0
213 |
214 |
protected static function init_actions() {
215 |
if ( ! static::$actions_initialized ) {
274 |
275 |
* @param string $admin_body_classes Body classes.
276 |
277 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
278 |
* @return string
279 |
* @since 3.0.0
280 |
281 |
public static function add_body_class( $admin_body_classes ) {
392 |
393 |
* @param array $field The field to validate.
394 |
395 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
396 |
* @return array validated fields
397 |
398 |
public function options_validate( $field ) {
399 |
$option_key = ! empty( $field['option_key'] ) ? $field['option_key'] : 'general';
441 |
442 |
* Add Premium Version upgrade menu item
443 |
444 |
* @author Andrea Grillo <>
445 |
* @since 2.9.13
446 |
447 |
public function add_premium_version_upgrade_to_menu() {
448 |
// Add the How To menu item only if the customer haven't a premium version enabled.
504 |
* @param string $tab_name Tab name.
505 |
* @param array $args Nav Arguments.
506 |
507 |
* @author Antonio La Rocca <>
508 |
* @return string Tab HTML
509 |
510 |
* @since 3.4.0
511 |
512 |
protected function get_tab_nav( $tab_slug, $tab_name, $args = array() ) {
777 |
778 |
* Checks whether current tab is special Help Tab
779 |
780 |
* @author Antonio La Rocca <>
781 |
* @return bool Whether current tab is Help Tab
782 |
783 |
public function is_help_tab() {
784 |
return 'help' === $this->get_current_tab();
787 |
788 |
* Prints special Help Tab
789 |
790 |
* @author Antonio La Rocca <>
791 |
* @return void
792 |
793 |
public function print_help_tab() {
794 |
$options = isset( $this->settings['help_tab'] ) ? $this->settings['help_tab'] : array();
802 |
803 |
// translators: 1. Plugin name.
804 |
$default_title = $is_premium ? _x( 'Thank you for purchasing %s!', 'Help tab default title', 'yith-plugin-fw' ) : _x( 'Thank you for using %s!', 'Help tab default title', 'yith-plugin-fw' );
805 |
$default_doc_url = $this->get_doc_url();
806 |
807 |
// parse options.
808 |
$options = wp_parse_args(
877 |
878 |
879 |
880 |
* Get the plugin doc URL.
881 |
882 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
883 |
* @return string
884 |
* @since 3.9.14
885 |
886 |
protected function get_doc_url() {
887 |
$plugin_slug = sanitize_title( $this->settings['plugin_slug'] ?? '' );
888 |
if ( $plugin_slug ) {
889 |
return $this->is_extended() ? "{$plugin_slug}/" : "{$plugin_slug}/";
890 |
891 |
892 |
return '';
893 |
894 |
895 |
896 |
* Is in panel?
897 |
898 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
899 |
* @return bool
900 |
* @since 3.9.14
901 |
902 |
protected function is_panel(): bool {
903 |
$is_panel = yith_plugin_fw_is_panel() && isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] === $this->settings['page']; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
904 |
$is_wp_page_in_panel = isset( self::$panel_tabs_in_wp_pages, self::$panel_tabs_in_wp_pages['page'] ) && self::$panel_tabs_in_wp_pages['page'] === $this->settings['page'];
905 |
906 |
return $is_panel || $is_wp_page_in_panel;
907 |
908 |
909 |
910 |
* Is this the first panel page?
911 |
912 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
913 |
* @return bool
914 |
* @since 3.9.14
915 |
916 |
protected function is_first_page(): bool {
917 |
$is_first_page = false;
918 |
if ( $this->is_panel() ) {
919 |
$first_tab = current( array_keys( $this->settings['admin-tabs'] ?? array() ) );
920 |
$sub_tabs = $this->get_sub_tabs( $first_tab );
921 |
$first_sub_tab = current( array_keys( $sub_tabs ) );
922 |
923 |
$tab = $this->get_current_tab();
924 |
$sub_tab = $this->get_current_sub_tab();
925 |
926 |
$is_first_page = $first_tab === $tab;
927 |
928 |
if ( $is_first_page && ! ! $first_sub_tab ) {
929 |
$is_first_page = $first_sub_tab === $sub_tab;
930 |
931 |
932 |
933 |
return $is_first_page;
934 |
935 |
936 |
937 |
* Add welcome modals.
938 |
939 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
940 |
* @since 3.9.14
941 |
942 |
protected function maybe_init_welcome_modals() {
943 |
if ( isset( $this->settings['welcome_modals'] ) ) {
944 |
// Priority needs to be greater than 11, to correctly check if it's first page also for WP pages.
945 |
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'maybe_print_welcome_modal' ), 20 );
946 |
add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'handle_welcome_modal_action' ) );
947 |
948 |
949 |
950 |
951 |
* Handle welcome modal actions.
952 |
953 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
954 |
* @since 3.9.14
955 |
956 |
public function handle_welcome_modal_action() {
957 |
if ( isset( $_GET['yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal-close'], $_GET['yith-panel-page'] ) && $_GET['yith-panel-page'] === $this->settings['page'] ) {
958 |
check_admin_referer( 'welcome-modal-close' );
959 |
$modal = sanitize_key( wp_unslash( $_GET['yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal-close'] ) );
960 |
$on_close = $this->settings['welcome_modals']['modals'][ $modal ]['on_close'] ?? $this->settings['welcome_modals']['on_close'] ?? false;
961 |
962 |
if ( $on_close && is_callable( $on_close ) ) {
963 |
call_user_func( $on_close );
964 |
965 |
966 |
wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => $this->settings['page'] ), admin_url( 'admin.php' ) ) );
967 |
968 |
969 |
970 |
971 |
972 |
* Print the welcome modal.
973 |
974 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
975 |
* @since 3.9.14
976 |
977 |
public function maybe_print_welcome_modal() {
978 |
$settings = $this->settings['welcome_modals'] ?? array();
979 |
$modals = $settings['modals'] ?? array();
980 |
$show_in = $settings['show_in'] ?? 'panel';
981 |
982 |
if ( ! $this->is_panel() ) {
983 |
984 |
985 |
986 |
$is_page_to_show = true;
987 |
988 |
switch ( $show_in ) {
989 |
case 'panel':
990 |
991 |
case 'first_page':
992 |
$is_page_to_show = $this->is_first_page();
993 |
994 |
995 |
if ( is_callable( $show_in ) ) {
996 |
$context = array(
997 |
'is_first_page' => $this->is_first_page(),
998 |
'tab' => $this->get_current_tab(),
999 |
'sub_tab' => $this->get_current_sub_tab(),
1000 |
1001 |
$is_page_to_show = call_user_func( $show_in, $context );
1002 |
1003 |
1004 |
1005 |
1006 |
if ( $is_page_to_show ) {
1007 |
foreach ( $modals as $key => $modal ) {
1008 |
$show = $modal['show'] ?? null;
1009 |
$should_be_shown = ! ! ( is_callable( $show ) ? call_user_func( $show ) : $show );
1010 |
$modal['items'] = $modal['items'] ?? array();
1011 |
1012 |
if ( $should_be_shown ) {
1013 |
$type = $modal['type'] ?? $key;
1014 |
$template = YIT_CORE_PLUGIN_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/panel/welcome-modals/' . $type . '.php';
1015 |
$close_url = wp_nonce_url(
1016 |
1017 |
1018 |
'yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal-close' => $key,
1019 |
'yith-panel-page' => $this->settings['page'],
1020 |
1021 |
1022 |
1023 |
1024 |
1025 |
$plugin = array(
1026 |
'name' => $this->settings['plugin_name'] ?? $this->settings['page_title'] ?? '',
1027 |
'version' => $this->settings['plugin_version'] ?? '',
1028 |
'slug' => $this->settings['plugin_slug'] ?? '',
1029 |
'icon' => $this->settings['plugin_icon'] ?? '',
1030 |
1031 |
1032 |
$plugin['version'] = preg_replace( '/\.0$/', '', $plugin['version'] ); // Make the version nicer.
1033 |
1034 |
if ( 'welcome' === $type ) {
1035 |
if ( isset( $modal['items']['documentation'] ) ) {
1036 |
$modal['items']['documentation'] = wp_parse_args(
1037 |
1038 |
1039 |
'title' => __( 'Read the <mark>plugin documentation</mark>', 'yith-plugin-fw' ),
1040 |
'description' => __( 'Learn what you can really do with this powerful tool', 'yith-plugin-fw' ),
1041 |
'url' => $this->get_doc_url(),
1042 |
1043 |
1044 |
1045 |
1046 |
if ( isset( $modal['items']['how-to-video'], $modal['items']['how-to-video']['url'] ) ) {
1047 |
$modal['items']['how-to-video'] = wp_parse_args(
1048 |
1049 |
1050 |
'title' => __( 'Watch our <mark>"First Steps" video</mark>', 'yith-plugin-fw' ),
1051 |
'description' => __( 'See how it works before you start using it', 'yith-plugin-fw' ),
1052 |
1053 |
1054 |
1055 |
1056 |
1057 |
if ( 'update' === $type ) {
1058 |
if ( ! isset( $modal['changelog_url'] ) && $this->is_premium() && ! $this->is_extended() ) {
1059 |
$doc_url = $this->get_doc_url();
1060 |
if ( $doc_url ) {
1061 |
$modal['changelog_url'] = trailingslashit( $doc_url ) . 'changelog/changelog-premium-version/';
1062 |
1063 |
1064 |
1065 |
1066 |
if ( file_exists( $template ) ) {
1067 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal' );
1068 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal' );
1069 |
1070 |
// Plugin, modal and close_url variables are required in the modal templates.
1071 |
$print_template_cb = function () use ( $template, $plugin, $modal, $close_url ) {
1072 |
1073 |
<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-yith-plugin-fw-welcome-modal">
1074 |
<?php include $template; ?>
1075 |
1076 |
1077 |
1078 |
1079 |
add_action( 'admin_footer', $print_template_cb );
1080 |
1081 |
1082 |
1083 |
1084 |
1085 |
1086 |
1087 |
1088 |
1089 |
* Checks whether current tab is Premium Tab
1090 |
1091 |
* @author Giuseppe Arcifa <>
1092 |
* @return bool
1093 |
* @since 3.9.0
1094 |
1095 |
protected function is_premium_tab() {
1100 |
* Check if panel has premium tab
1101 |
* (Check for premium Tab through the premium_tab param fully handled by plugin-fw)
1102 |
1103 |
* @author Giuseppe Arcifa <>
1104 |
* @return bool
1105 |
* @since 3.9.0
1106 |
1107 |
protected function has_premium_tab() {
1111 |
1112 |
* Prints Premium Tab
1113 |
1114 |
* @author Giuseppe Arcifa <>
1115 |
* @return void
1116 |
* @since 3.9.0
1117 |
1118 |
protected function print_premium_tab() {
1201 |
* Get current tab.
1202 |
* Retrieve the id of tab shown, return general is the current tab is not defined.
1203 |
1204 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1205 |
* @return string|false
1206 |
* @since 3.9.14 Check for WP pages.
1207 |
1208 |
public function get_current_tab() {
1209 |
// phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
1210 |
$admin_tabs = array_keys( $this->settings['admin-tabs'] );
1211 |
1212 |
global $post_type, $taxonomy;
1213 |
$wp_tabs = array();
1214 |
if ( $this->is_custom_post_type_page() ) {
1215 |
$wp_tabs = $this->get_post_type_tabs( $post_type );
1216 |
} elseif ( $this->is_custom_taxonomy_page() ) {
1217 |
$wp_tabs = $this->get_taxonomy_tabs( $taxonomy );
1218 |
1219 |
1220 |
if ( $wp_tabs && isset( $wp_tabs['tab'] ) ) {
1221 |
return $wp_tabs['tab'];
1222 |
1223 |
1224 |
if ( ! isset( $_GET['page'] ) || $_GET['page'] !== $this->settings['page'] ) {
1225 |
return false;
1226 |
1239 |
1240 |
* Get the current sub-tab.
1241 |
1242 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1243 |
* @return string The key of the sub-tab if exists, empty string otherwise.
1244 |
* @since 3.4.0
1245 |
* @since 3.9.14 Check for WP pages.
1246 |
1247 |
public function get_current_sub_tab() {
1248 |
// phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
1249 |
1250 |
global $post_type, $taxonomy;
1251 |
$wp_tabs = array();
1252 |
if ( $this->is_custom_post_type_page() ) {
1253 |
$wp_tabs = $this->get_post_type_tabs( $post_type );
1254 |
} elseif ( $this->is_custom_taxonomy_page() ) {
1255 |
$wp_tabs = $this->get_taxonomy_tabs( $taxonomy );
1256 |
1257 |
1258 |
if ( $wp_tabs && isset( $wp_tabs['sub_tab'] ) ) {
1259 |
return $wp_tabs['sub_tab'];
1260 |
1261 |
1262 |
$sub_tabs = $this->get_sub_tabs();
1263 |
$sub_tab = isset( $_REQUEST['sub_tab'] ) ? sanitize_key( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['sub_tab'] ) ) : '';
1264 |
1279 |
* for sub-tabbed tabs, it will return the current sub-tab.
1280 |
* fot normal tabs, it will return the current tab.
1281 |
1282 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1283 |
* @return string the current sub-tab, if exists; the current tab otherwise.
1284 |
* @since 3.4.0
1285 |
1286 |
public function get_current_option_key() {
1287 |
$current_tab = $this->get_current_tab();
1288 |
$current_sub_tab = $this->get_current_sub_tab();
1289 |
1290 |
if ( ! $current_tab || $this->is_custom_post_type_page() || $this->is_custom_taxonomy_page() ) {
1291 |
return false;
1292 |
1293 |
1294 |
return ! ! $current_sub_tab ? $current_sub_tab : $current_tab;
1295 |
1296 |
1297 |
1333 |
* @param string $type The type of message (can be 'error' or 'updated').
1334 |
* @param bool $echo Set to true if you want to print the message.
1335 |
1336 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1337 |
* @return string
1338 |
1339 |
public function get_message( $message, $type = 'error', $echo = true ) {
1340 |
$message = '<div id="message" class="' . esc_attr( $type ) . ' fade"><p>' . wp_kses_post( $message ) . '</p></div>';
1349 |
* Get Tab Path Files
1350 |
* return an array with file names of tabs
1351 |
1352 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1353 |
* @return array
1354 |
1355 |
public function get_tabs_path_files() {
1356 |
$option_files_path = $this->settings['options-path'] . '/';
1374 |
* Get main array options
1375 |
* return an array with all options defined on options-files
1376 |
1377 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1378 |
* @return array
1379 |
1380 |
public function get_main_array_options() {
1381 |
1410 |
1411 |
if ( is_string( $_tab ) ) {
1412 |
$main_array_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
1413 |
$current_tab_options = $main_array_options[ $_tab ] ?? array();
1414 |
if ( $current_tab_options ) {
1415 |
$_tab = array( $_tab => $current_tab_options );
1416 |
1454 |
* Set an array with all default options
1455 |
* put default options in an array
1456 |
1457 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1458 |
* @return array
1459 |
1460 |
public function get_default_options() {
1461 |
$yit_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
1481 |
* Get the title of the tab
1482 |
* return the title of tab
1483 |
1484 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1485 |
* @return string
1486 |
1487 |
public function get_tab_title() {
1488 |
$yit_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
1505 |
1506 |
* @param string $section The section.
1507 |
1508 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1509 |
* @return string
1510 |
1511 |
public function get_section_title( $section ) {
1512 |
$yit_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
1527 |
1528 |
* @param string $section The section.
1529 |
1530 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1531 |
* @return string
1532 |
1533 |
public function get_section_description( $section ) {
1534 |
$yit_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
1548 |
* Show form when necessary
1549 |
* return true if 'showform' is not defined
1550 |
1551 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1552 |
* @return bool
1553 |
1554 |
public function is_show_form() {
1555 |
$yit_options = $this->get_main_array_options();
1575 |
1576 |
* @param string $name The name.
1577 |
1578 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1579 |
* @return string
1580 |
1581 |
public function get_name_field( $name = '' ) {
1582 |
return 'yit_' . $this->settings['parent'] . '_options[' . $name . ']';
1588 |
1589 |
* @param string $id The ID.
1590 |
1591 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1592 |
* @return string
1593 |
1594 |
public function get_id_field( $id ) {
1595 |
return 'yit_' . $this->settings['parent'] . '_options_' . $id;
1603 |
1604 |
* @param array $param The parameters.
1605 |
1606 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1607 |
* @return void
1608 |
1609 |
public function render_field( $param ) {
1610 |
if ( ! empty( $param ) && isset( $param ['option'] ) ) {
1646 |
* return the options from db, if the options aren't defined in the db,
1647 |
* get the default options ad add the options in the db
1648 |
1649 |
* @author Emanuela Castorina <>
1650 |
* @return array
1651 |
1652 |
public function get_options() {
1653 |
$options = get_option( 'yit_' . $this->settings['parent'] . '_options' );
1697 |
1698 |
* Sort plugins by name in YITH Plugins menu.
1699 |
1700 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1701 |
* @since 3.0.0
1702 |
1703 |
public static function sort_plugins() {
1704 |
global $submenu;
1721 |
1722 |
* @param array $menu The menu.
1723 |
1724 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1725 |
* @return array
1726 |
* @since 3.0.0
1727 |
1728 |
public static function add_menu_class_in_yith_plugin( $menu ) {
1729 |
global $submenu;
1918 |
* If the panel page is a WP Page, this will redirect you to the correct page
1919 |
* useful when a Post Type (Taxonomy) is the first tab of your panel, so when you open your panel it'll open the Post Type (Taxonomy) list
1920 |
1921 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1922 |
* @since 3.4.0
1923 |
1924 |
public function maybe_redirect_to_proper_wp_page() {
1925 |
// phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
1944 |
* Print the Panel tabs and sub-tabs navigation in WP pages
1945 |
* Important: this opens a wrapper <div> that will be closed through YIT_Plugin_Panel::print_panel_tabs_in_post_edit_page_end()
1946 |
1947 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1948 |
* @since 3.4.0
1949 |
1950 |
public function print_panel_tabs_in_wp_pages() {
1951 |
if ( self::$panel_tabs_in_wp_pages && 'all_admin_notices' === current_action() ) {
1994 |
1995 |
* Close the wrapper opened in YIT_Plugin_Panel::print_panel_tabs_in_wp_pages()
1996 |
1997 |
* @author Leanza Francesco <>
1998 |
* @since 3.4.0
1999 |
2000 |
public function print_panel_tabs_in_wp_pages_end() {
2001 |
if ( self::$panel_tabs_in_wp_pages ) {
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ if ( ! class_exists( 'YITH_Post_Type_Admin' ) ) {
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
* Disable Months dropdown
431 |
432 |
* @param bool $disable Set true to disable.
433 |
* @param string $post_type The post type.
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
* Disable Months dropdown
431 |
432 |
* @param bool $disable Set true to disable.
433 |
* @param string $post_type The post type.
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
* Framework Name: YIT Plugin Framework
4 |
* Version: 3.9.
5 |
* Author: YITH
6 |
* Text Domain: yith-plugin-fw
7 |
* Domain Path: /languages/
8 |
9 |
* @author YITH
10 |
* @version 3.9.
11 |
* @package YITH\PluginFramework
12 |
13 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
* Framework Name: YIT Plugin Framework
4 |
* Version: 3.9.15
5 |
* Author: YITH
6 |
* Text Domain: yith-plugin-fw
7 |
* Domain Path: /languages/
8 |
9 |
* @author YITH
10 |
* @version 3.9.15
11 |
* @package YITH\PluginFramework
12 |
13 |
Binary file
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-11 18:07:46+0000\n"
9 |
"Language: el_GR\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -13,56 +13,56 @@ msgstr ""
13 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
14 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
15 |
16 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
17 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
18 |
msgstr ""
19 |
20 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
21 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
22 |
msgstr ""
23 |
24 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
25 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
26 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
27 |
msgid "No"
28 |
msgstr "Όχι"
29 |
30 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
31 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
32 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
33 |
msgstr ""
34 |
35 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
36 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
37 |
msgstr ""
38 |
39 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
40 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
41 |
msgid ""
42 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
43 |
msgstr ""
44 |
45 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
46 |
msgid "Clear"
47 |
msgstr "Καθαρισμός"
48 |
49 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
50 |
msgid "Clear color"
51 |
msgstr "Καθαρισμός χρώματος"
52 |
53 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
54 |
msgid "Default"
55 |
msgstr "Προεπιλεγμένο"
56 |
57 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
58 |
msgid "Select default color"
59 |
msgstr "Επιλογή προεπιλεγμένου χρώματος"
60 |
61 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
62 |
msgid "Select Color"
63 |
msgstr "Επιλογή Χρώματος"
64 |
65 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
66 |
msgid "Color value"
67 |
msgstr "Αξία χρώματος"
68 |
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ msgstr "Αξία χρώματος"
70 |
msgid "There was an error with your request; please try again later."
71 |
msgstr ""
72 |
73 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:
74 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
75 |
msgstr ""
76 |
"Οι αλλαγές που έχετε δημιουργήσει θα χαθούν αν αφήσετε αυτήν την σελίδα."
@@ -83,17 +83,17 @@ msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις Προσθέτου"
83 |
msgid "Settings"
84 |
msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις"
85 |
86 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
87 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
88 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
89 |
msgstr "Πώς να εγκαταστήσετε την προηγμένη έκδοση"
90 |
91 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
92 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
93 |
msgid "Save Changes"
94 |
msgstr "Αποθήκευση Αλλαγών"
95 |
96 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
97 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
98 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
99 |
msgid ""
@@ -102,73 +102,89 @@ msgstr ""
102 |
"Αν συνεχίσετε με αυτή την ενέργεια θα επαναφέρετε όλες τις επιλογές στη "
103 |
104 |
105 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
106 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
107 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
108 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
109 |
msgstr "Είστε σίγουρος;"
110 |
111 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
112 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
113 |
msgid "Reset to default"
114 |
msgstr "Επαναφορά σε προεπιλεγμένο"
115 |
116 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
117 |
msgid ""
118 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
119 |
msgstr "Το στοιχείο που εισάγατε υπάρχει ήδη. Παρακαλώ, εισάγετε άλλο όνομα."
120 |
121 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
122 |
msgid "Settings saved"
123 |
msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις αποθηκεύτηκαν"
124 |
125 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
126 |
msgid "Settings reset"
127 |
msgstr "Επαναφορά ρυθμίσεων"
128 |
129 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
130 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
131 |
msgstr "Το στοιχείο διαγράφηκε επιτυχώς."
132 |
133 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
134 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
135 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
136 |
msgstr "Το στοιχείο αναβαθμίστηκε επιτυχώς."
137 |
138 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
139 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
140 |
msgstr "Επιτυχής εισαγωγή βάσης δεδομένων."
141 |
142 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
143 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
144 |
msgstr "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την εισαγωγή. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά."
145 |
146 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
147 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
148 |
msgstr "Το προστιθέμενο αρχείο δεν είναι έγκυρο."
149 |
150 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
151 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
152 |
msgstr "Συγνώμη, η εισαγωγή είναι απενεργοποιημένη."
153 |
154 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
155 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
156 |
msgstr "Διαλογή επιτυχής."
157 |
158 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
159 |
msgid "We need your support"
160 |
msgstr "Χρειαζόμαστε την υποστήριξή σας"
161 |
162 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
163 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
164 |
msgstr ""
165 |
"για να διατηρήσετε την ενημέρωση και τη βελτίωση του πρόσθετου. Παρακαλώ,"
166 |
167 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
168 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
169 |
msgstr ""
170 |
171 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
172 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
173 |
msgstr ":) Ευχαριστώ!"
174 |
@@ -536,6 +552,34 @@ msgstr "Ανέβασμα"
536 |
msgid "Reset"
537 |
msgstr "Επαναφορά"
538 |
539 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
540 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
541 |
msgid "Save Options"
@@ -716,50 +760,50 @@ msgctxt "[gutenberg]: Category Name"
716 |
msgid "YITH"
717 |
msgstr "YITH"
718 |
719 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
720 |
msgctxt "Button text"
721 |
msgid "Confirm"
722 |
msgstr ""
723 |
724 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
725 |
msgctxt "Button text"
726 |
msgid "Cancel"
727 |
msgstr ""
728 |
729 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
730 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
731 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
732 |
msgstr ""
733 |
734 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
735 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
736 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
737 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
738 |
msgstr ""
739 |
740 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
741 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
742 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
743 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
744 |
msgstr ""
745 |
746 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
747 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
748 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
749 |
msgstr ""
750 |
751 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
752 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
753 |
msgid ""
754 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
755 |
msgstr ""
756 |
757 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
758 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
759 |
msgid "Get premium"
760 |
msgstr ""
761 |
762 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
763 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
764 |
msgid "Help"
765 |
msgstr ""
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-10 12:46:35+00:00\n"
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-11 18:07:46+0000\n"
9 |
"Language: el_GR\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
13 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
14 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
15 |
16 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:148 yit-functions.php:2006
17 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
18 |
msgstr ""
19 |
20 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:149
21 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
22 |
msgstr ""
23 |
24 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:151 includes/class-yit-assets.php:155
25 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
26 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
27 |
msgid "No"
28 |
msgstr "Όχι"
29 |
30 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:152 yit-functions.php:2024
31 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
32 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
33 |
msgstr ""
34 |
35 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153
36 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
37 |
msgstr ""
38 |
39 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153 yit-functions.php:1940
40 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
41 |
msgid ""
42 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
43 |
msgstr ""
44 |
45 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:174
46 |
msgid "Clear"
47 |
msgstr "Καθαρισμός"
48 |
49 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:175
50 |
msgid "Clear color"
51 |
msgstr "Καθαρισμός χρώματος"
52 |
53 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:176
54 |
msgid "Default"
55 |
msgstr "Προεπιλεγμένο"
56 |
57 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:177
58 |
msgid "Select default color"
59 |
msgstr "Επιλογή προεπιλεγμένου χρώματος"
60 |
61 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:178
62 |
msgid "Select Color"
63 |
msgstr "Επιλογή Χρώματος"
64 |
65 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:179
66 |
msgid "Color value"
67 |
msgstr "Αξία χρώματος"
68 |
70 |
msgid "There was an error with your request; please try again later."
71 |
msgstr ""
72 |
73 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:437
74 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
75 |
msgstr ""
76 |
"Οι αλλαγές που έχετε δημιουργήσει θα χαθούν αν αφήσετε αυτήν την σελίδα."
83 |
msgid "Settings"
84 |
msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις"
85 |
86 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:456
87 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:459
88 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
89 |
msgstr "Πώς να εγκαταστήσετε την προηγμένη έκδοση"
90 |
91 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:656
92 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
93 |
msgid "Save Changes"
94 |
msgstr "Αποθήκευση Αλλαγών"
95 |
96 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
97 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
98 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
99 |
msgid ""
102 |
"Αν συνεχίσετε με αυτή την ενέργεια θα επαναφέρετε όλες τις επιλογές στη "
103 |
104 |
105 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
106 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
107 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
108 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
109 |
msgstr "Είστε σίγουρος;"
110 |
111 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:668
112 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
113 |
msgid "Reset to default"
114 |
msgstr "Επαναφορά σε προεπιλεγμένο"
115 |
116 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1039
117 |
msgid "Read the <mark>plugin documentation</mark>"
118 |
msgstr ""
119 |
120 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1040
121 |
msgid "Learn what you can really do with this powerful tool"
122 |
msgstr ""
123 |
124 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1050
125 |
msgid "Watch our <mark>\"First Steps\" video</mark>"
126 |
msgstr ""
127 |
128 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1051
129 |
msgid "See how it works before you start using it"
130 |
msgstr ""
131 |
132 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1307
133 |
msgid ""
134 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
135 |
msgstr "Το στοιχείο που εισάγατε υπάρχει ήδη. Παρακαλώ, εισάγετε άλλο όνομα."
136 |
137 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1308
138 |
msgid "Settings saved"
139 |
msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις αποθηκεύτηκαν"
140 |
141 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1309
142 |
msgid "Settings reset"
143 |
msgstr "Επαναφορά ρυθμίσεων"
144 |
145 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1310
146 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
147 |
msgstr "Το στοιχείο διαγράφηκε επιτυχώς."
148 |
149 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1311
150 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1312
151 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
152 |
msgstr "Το στοιχείο αναβαθμίστηκε επιτυχώς."
153 |
154 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1313
155 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
156 |
msgstr "Επιτυχής εισαγωγή βάσης δεδομένων."
157 |
158 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1314
159 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
160 |
msgstr "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την εισαγωγή. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά."
161 |
162 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1315
163 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
164 |
msgstr "Το προστιθέμενο αρχείο δεν είναι έγκυρο."
165 |
166 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1316
167 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
168 |
msgstr "Συγνώμη, η εισαγωγή είναι απενεργοποιημένη."
169 |
170 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1317
171 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
172 |
msgstr "Διαλογή επιτυχής."
173 |
174 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1806
175 |
msgid "We need your support"
176 |
msgstr "Χρειαζόμαστε την υποστήριξή σας"
177 |
178 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1807
179 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
180 |
msgstr ""
181 |
"για να διατηρήσετε την ενημέρωση και τη βελτίωση του πρόσθετου. Παρακαλώ,"
182 |
183 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1809
184 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
185 |
msgstr ""
186 |
187 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1810
188 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
189 |
msgstr ":) Ευχαριστώ!"
190 |
552 |
msgid "Reset"
553 |
msgstr "Επαναφορά"
554 |
555 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
556 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:34
557 |
msgid "is successfully updated to version %s."
558 |
msgstr ""
559 |
560 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
561 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:44
562 |
msgid "What's new in version %s"
563 |
msgstr ""
564 |
565 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:49
566 |
msgid "Check the changelog >"
567 |
msgstr ""
568 |
569 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:64
570 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:60
571 |
msgid "Got it, close this window"
572 |
msgstr ""
573 |
574 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:30
575 |
msgid "Thank you for using our plugin"
576 |
msgstr ""
577 |
578 |
#. translators: %s is the number of steps.
579 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:45
580 |
msgid "Start with these %s steps:"
581 |
msgstr ""
582 |
583 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
584 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
585 |
msgid "Save Options"
760 |
msgid "YITH"
761 |
msgstr "YITH"
762 |
763 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:136
764 |
msgctxt "Button text"
765 |
msgid "Confirm"
766 |
msgstr ""
767 |
768 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:137
769 |
msgctxt "Button text"
770 |
msgid "Cancel"
771 |
msgstr ""
772 |
773 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:150 yit-functions.php:2009
774 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
775 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
776 |
msgstr ""
777 |
778 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:154 yit-functions.php:2027
779 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
780 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
781 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
782 |
msgstr ""
783 |
784 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
785 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
786 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
787 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
788 |
msgstr ""
789 |
790 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
791 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
792 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
793 |
msgstr ""
794 |
795 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:812
796 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
797 |
msgid ""
798 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
799 |
msgstr ""
800 |
801 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:863
802 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
803 |
msgid "Get premium"
804 |
msgstr ""
805 |
806 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:875
807 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
808 |
msgid "Help"
809 |
msgstr ""
Binary file
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ msgid ""
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-
9 |
"Language: es\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
11 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -13,57 +13,57 @@ msgstr ""
13 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
14 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
15 |
16 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
17 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
18 |
msgstr "Confirmar el traslado a la papelera"
19 |
20 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
21 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
22 |
msgstr ""
23 |
"¿Estás seguro de que quieres mover a la papelera los elementos seleccionados?"
24 |
25 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
26 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
27 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
28 |
msgid "No"
29 |
msgstr "No"
30 |
31 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
32 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
33 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
34 |
msgstr "Confirmar el borrado"
35 |
36 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
37 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
38 |
msgstr "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar los elementos seleccionados?"
39 |
40 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
41 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
42 |
msgid ""
43 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
44 |
msgstr "Esta acción no se puede revertir y no podrá recuperar estos datos."
45 |
46 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
47 |
msgid "Clear"
48 |
msgstr "Borrar"
49 |
50 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
51 |
msgid "Clear color"
52 |
msgstr "Borrar color"
53 |
54 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
55 |
msgid "Default"
56 |
msgstr "Predeterminado"
57 |
58 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
59 |
msgid "Select default color"
60 |
msgstr "Seleccionar color predeterminado"
61 |
62 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
63 |
msgid "Select Color"
64 |
msgstr "Seleccionar color"
65 |
66 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
67 |
msgid "Color value"
68 |
msgstr "Valor del color"
69 |
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ msgid "There was an error with your request; please try again later."
72 |
msgstr ""
73 |
"Se ha producido un error en tu solicitud; inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
74 |
75 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:
76 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
77 |
msgstr "Los cambios que has hecho se perderán si abandonas esta página."
78 |
@@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ msgstr "Ajustes del plugin"
84 |
msgid "Settings"
85 |
msgstr "Ajustes"
86 |
87 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
88 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
89 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
90 |
msgstr "Cómo instalar la versión premium"
91 |
92 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
93 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
94 |
msgid "Save Changes"
95 |
msgstr "Guardar cambios"
96 |
97 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
98 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
99 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
100 |
msgid ""
@@ -103,74 +103,90 @@ msgstr ""
103 |
"Si continúas con esta acción, restablecerás todas las opciones en esta "
104 |
105 |
106 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
107 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
108 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
109 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
110 |
msgstr "¿Estás seguro?"
111 |
112 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
113 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
114 |
msgid "Reset to default"
115 |
msgstr "Restablecer valores predeterminados"
116 |
117 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
118 |
msgid ""
119 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
120 |
msgstr ""
121 |
"El elemento que has introducido ya existe. Por favor, introduce otro nombre."
122 |
123 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
124 |
msgid "Settings saved"
125 |
msgstr "Ajustes guardados"
126 |
127 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
128 |
msgid "Settings reset"
129 |
msgstr "Restablecer ajustes"
130 |
131 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
132 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
133 |
msgstr "Elemento eliminado correctamente."
134 |
135 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
136 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
137 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
138 |
msgstr "Elemento actualizado correctamente."
139 |
140 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
141 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
142 |
msgstr "Base de datos importada correctamente."
143 |
144 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
145 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
146 |
msgstr ""
147 |
"Ha ocurrido un error durante la importación. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
148 |
149 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
150 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
151 |
msgstr "El archivo añadido no es válido."
152 |
153 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
154 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
155 |
msgstr "Lo siento, la importación está desactivada."
156 |
157 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
158 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
159 |
msgstr "Clasificación realizada con éxito"
160 |
161 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
162 |
msgid "We need your support"
163 |
msgstr "Necesitamos tu apoyo"
164 |
165 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
166 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
167 |
msgstr "para que podamos seguir actualizando y mejorando el plugin. Por favor,"
168 |
169 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
170 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
171 |
msgstr "ayúdanos dejando una buena valoración"
172 |
173 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
174 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
175 |
msgstr ":) ¡Gracias!"
176 |
@@ -213,7 +229,7 @@ msgstr ""
213 |
214 |
#: includes/class-yith-bh-onboarding.php:85
215 |
msgid "It is not possible save the options"
216 |
msgstr ""
217 |
218 |
#: includes/class-yith-dashboard.php:35
219 |
msgid "YITH Latest Updates"
@@ -416,7 +432,7 @@ msgstr ""
416 |
417 |
#: templates/bh-onboarding/onboarding-tabs.php:63
418 |
msgid "Save"
419 |
msgstr ""
420 |
421 |
#: templates/fields/ajax-customers.php:41
422 |
msgid "Search for a customer..."
@@ -545,6 +561,34 @@ msgstr "Subir"
545 |
msgid "Reset"
546 |
msgstr "Restablecer"
547 |
548 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
549 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
550 |
msgid "Save Options"
@@ -728,40 +772,39 @@ msgctxt "[gutenberg]: Category Name"
728 |
msgid "YITH"
729 |
msgstr "YITH"
730 |
731 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
732 |
msgctxt "Button text"
733 |
msgid "Confirm"
734 |
msgstr "Confirmar"
735 |
736 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
737 |
msgctxt "Button text"
738 |
msgid "Cancel"
739 |
msgstr "Cancelar"
740 |
741 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
742 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
743 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
744 |
msgstr "Sí, mover a la papelera"
745 |
746 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
747 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
748 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
749 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
750 |
msgstr "Si, borrar"
751 |
752 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
753 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
754 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
755 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
756 |
msgstr "¡Gracias por comprar %s!"
757 |
758 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
759 |
#, fuzzy
760 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
761 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
762 |
msgstr "¡Gracias por
763 |
764 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
765 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
766 |
msgid ""
767 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
@@ -769,12 +812,12 @@ msgstr ""
769 |
"Queremos ayudarte a disfrutar de una experiencia maravillosa con todos "
770 |
"nuestros productos."
771 |
772 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
773 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
774 |
msgid "Get premium"
775 |
msgstr "Obtén premium"
776 |
777 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
778 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
779 |
msgid "Help"
780 |
msgstr "Ayuda"
@@ -969,19 +1012,16 @@ msgstr "Enviar ticket"
969 |
970 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:216 templates/panel/help-tab.php:218
971 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:223
972 |
#, fuzzy
973 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
974 |
msgid "Read the plugin documentation"
975 |
msgstr "Lee la documentación"
976 |
977 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:220
978 |
#, fuzzy
979 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
980 |
msgid "to learn how it works from the basics."
981 |
msgstr "para aprender cómo funciona
982 |
983 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:231 templates/panel/help-tab.php:233
984 |
#, fuzzy
985 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
986 |
msgid "Need some help?"
987 |
msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
@@ -989,7 +1029,7 @@ msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
989 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:235
990 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
991 |
msgid "From DIY to full-service help"
992 |
msgstr ""
993 |
994 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:238
995 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
@@ -997,12 +1037,13 @@ msgid ""
997 |
"Call or chat 24/7 with our support agents, or let our experts build your "
998 |
999 |
msgstr ""
1000 |
1001 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:241
1002 |
#, fuzzy
1003 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1004 |
msgid "Yes, I need help"
1005 |
msgstr "
1006 |
1007 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:30
1008 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
@@ -1026,10 +1067,9 @@ msgid "And so much more!"
1026 |
msgstr "¡Y mucho más!"
1027 |
1028 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:53
1029 |
#, fuzzy
1030 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1031 |
msgid "Check the premium features >"
1032 |
msgstr "Comprueba las características
1033 |
1034 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:60
1035 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-10 12:46:35+00:00\n"
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-10 11:52:30+0000\n"
9 |
"Language: es\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
11 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
13 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
14 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
15 |
16 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:148 yit-functions.php:2006
17 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
18 |
msgstr "Confirmar el traslado a la papelera"
19 |
20 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:149
21 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
22 |
msgstr ""
23 |
"¿Estás seguro de que quieres mover a la papelera los elementos seleccionados?"
24 |
25 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:151 includes/class-yit-assets.php:155
26 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
27 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
28 |
msgid "No"
29 |
msgstr "No"
30 |
31 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:152 yit-functions.php:2024
32 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
33 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
34 |
msgstr "Confirmar el borrado"
35 |
36 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153
37 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
38 |
msgstr "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar los elementos seleccionados?"
39 |
40 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153 yit-functions.php:1940
41 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
42 |
msgid ""
43 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
44 |
msgstr "Esta acción no se puede revertir y no podrá recuperar estos datos."
45 |
46 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:174
47 |
msgid "Clear"
48 |
msgstr "Borrar"
49 |
50 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:175
51 |
msgid "Clear color"
52 |
msgstr "Borrar color"
53 |
54 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:176
55 |
msgid "Default"
56 |
msgstr "Predeterminado"
57 |
58 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:177
59 |
msgid "Select default color"
60 |
msgstr "Seleccionar color predeterminado"
61 |
62 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:178
63 |
msgid "Select Color"
64 |
msgstr "Seleccionar color"
65 |
66 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:179
67 |
msgid "Color value"
68 |
msgstr "Valor del color"
69 |
72 |
msgstr ""
73 |
"Se ha producido un error en tu solicitud; inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
74 |
75 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:437
76 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
77 |
msgstr "Los cambios que has hecho se perderán si abandonas esta página."
78 |
84 |
msgid "Settings"
85 |
msgstr "Ajustes"
86 |
87 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:456
88 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:459
89 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
90 |
msgstr "Cómo instalar la versión premium"
91 |
92 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:656
93 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
94 |
msgid "Save Changes"
95 |
msgstr "Guardar cambios"
96 |
97 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
98 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
99 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
100 |
msgid ""
103 |
"Si continúas con esta acción, restablecerás todas las opciones en esta "
104 |
105 |
106 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
107 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
108 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
109 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
110 |
msgstr "¿Estás seguro?"
111 |
112 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:668
113 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
114 |
msgid "Reset to default"
115 |
msgstr "Restablecer valores predeterminados"
116 |
117 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1039
118 |
msgid "Read the <mark>plugin documentation</mark>"
119 |
msgstr "Lee la <mark>documentación del plugin</mark>"
120 |
121 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1040
122 |
msgid "Learn what you can really do with this powerful tool"
123 |
msgstr "Aprende lo que realmente puedes hacer con esta potente herramienta"
124 |
125 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1050
126 |
msgid "Watch our <mark>\"First Steps\" video</mark>"
127 |
msgstr "Mira nuestro <mark>vídeo de «primeros pasos»</mark>"
128 |
129 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1051
130 |
msgid "See how it works before you start using it"
131 |
msgstr "Ve cómo funciona antes de empezar a usarlo"
132 |
133 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1307
134 |
msgid ""
135 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
136 |
msgstr ""
137 |
"El elemento que has introducido ya existe. Por favor, introduce otro nombre."
138 |
139 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1308
140 |
msgid "Settings saved"
141 |
msgstr "Ajustes guardados"
142 |
143 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1309
144 |
msgid "Settings reset"
145 |
msgstr "Restablecer ajustes"
146 |
147 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1310
148 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
149 |
msgstr "Elemento eliminado correctamente."
150 |
151 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1311
152 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1312
153 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
154 |
msgstr "Elemento actualizado correctamente."
155 |
156 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1313
157 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
158 |
msgstr "Base de datos importada correctamente."
159 |
160 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1314
161 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
162 |
msgstr ""
163 |
"Ha ocurrido un error durante la importación. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
164 |
165 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1315
166 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
167 |
msgstr "El archivo añadido no es válido."
168 |
169 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1316
170 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
171 |
msgstr "Lo siento, la importación está desactivada."
172 |
173 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1317
174 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
175 |
msgstr "Clasificación realizada con éxito"
176 |
177 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1806
178 |
msgid "We need your support"
179 |
msgstr "Necesitamos tu apoyo"
180 |
181 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1807
182 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
183 |
msgstr "para que podamos seguir actualizando y mejorando el plugin. Por favor,"
184 |
185 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1809
186 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
187 |
msgstr "ayúdanos dejando una buena valoración"
188 |
189 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1810
190 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
191 |
msgstr ":) ¡Gracias!"
192 |
229 |
230 |
#: includes/class-yith-bh-onboarding.php:85
231 |
msgid "It is not possible save the options"
232 |
msgstr "No es posible guardar las opciones"
233 |
234 |
#: includes/class-yith-dashboard.php:35
235 |
msgid "YITH Latest Updates"
432 |
433 |
#: templates/bh-onboarding/onboarding-tabs.php:63
434 |
msgid "Save"
435 |
msgstr "Guardar"
436 |
437 |
#: templates/fields/ajax-customers.php:41
438 |
msgid "Search for a customer..."
561 |
msgid "Reset"
562 |
msgstr "Restablecer"
563 |
564 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
565 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:34
566 |
msgid "is successfully updated to version %s."
567 |
msgstr "ha sido actualizado correctamente a la versión %s."
568 |
569 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
570 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:44
571 |
msgid "What's new in version %s"
572 |
msgstr "Novedades de la versión %s"
573 |
574 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:49
575 |
msgid "Check the changelog >"
576 |
msgstr "Comprueba el registro de cambios >"
577 |
578 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:64
579 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:60
580 |
msgid "Got it, close this window"
581 |
msgstr "Entendido, cerrar esta ventana"
582 |
583 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:30
584 |
msgid "Thank you for using our plugin"
585 |
msgstr "Gracias por usar nuestro plugin"
586 |
587 |
#. translators: %s is the number of steps.
588 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:45
589 |
msgid "Start with these %s steps:"
590 |
msgstr "Comienza con estos %s pasos:"
591 |
592 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
593 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
594 |
msgid "Save Options"
772 |
msgid "YITH"
773 |
msgstr "YITH"
774 |
775 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:136
776 |
msgctxt "Button text"
777 |
msgid "Confirm"
778 |
msgstr "Confirmar"
779 |
780 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:137
781 |
msgctxt "Button text"
782 |
msgid "Cancel"
783 |
msgstr "Cancelar"
784 |
785 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:150 yit-functions.php:2009
786 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
787 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
788 |
msgstr "Sí, mover a la papelera"
789 |
790 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:154 yit-functions.php:2027
791 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
792 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
793 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
794 |
msgstr "Si, borrar"
795 |
796 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
797 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
798 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
799 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
800 |
msgstr "¡Gracias por comprar %s!"
801 |
802 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
803 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
804 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
805 |
msgstr "¡Gracias por usar %s!"
806 |
807 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:812
808 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
809 |
msgid ""
810 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
812 |
"Queremos ayudarte a disfrutar de una experiencia maravillosa con todos "
813 |
"nuestros productos."
814 |
815 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:863
816 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
817 |
msgid "Get premium"
818 |
msgstr "Obtén premium"
819 |
820 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:875
821 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
822 |
msgid "Help"
823 |
msgstr "Ayuda"
1012 |
1013 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:216 templates/panel/help-tab.php:218
1014 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:223
1015 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
1016 |
msgid "Read the plugin documentation"
1017 |
msgstr "Lee la documentación del plugin"
1018 |
1019 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:220
1020 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
1021 |
msgid "to learn how it works from the basics."
1022 |
msgstr "para aprender cómo funciona desde lo más básico."
1023 |
1024 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:231 templates/panel/help-tab.php:233
1025 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1026 |
msgid "Need some help?"
1027 |
msgstr "¿Necesitas ayuda?"
1029 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:235
1030 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1031 |
msgid "From DIY to full-service help"
1032 |
msgstr "Ayuda desde «hazlo tu mismo» hasta un servicio completo"
1033 |
1034 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:238
1035 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1037 |
"Call or chat 24/7 with our support agents, or let our experts build your "
1038 |
1039 |
msgstr ""
1040 |
"Llama o chatee las 24 horas del día con nuestros agentes de soporte, o deja "
1041 |
"que nuestros expertos construyan tu sitio."
1042 |
1043 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:241
1044 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1045 |
msgid "Yes, I need help"
1046 |
msgstr "Sí, necesito ayuda"
1047 |
1048 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:30
1049 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1067 |
msgstr "¡Y mucho más!"
1068 |
1069 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:53
1070 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1071 |
msgid "Check the premium features >"
1072 |
msgstr "Comprueba las características premium >"
1073 |
1074 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:60
1075 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
Binary file
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ msgid ""
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-
9 |
"Language: it\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
11 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@@ -13,30 +13,30 @@ msgstr ""
13 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
14 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
15 |
16 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
17 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
18 |
msgstr "Conferma eliminazione"
19 |
20 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
21 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
22 |
msgstr "Se sicuro di voler spostare nel cestino gli elementi selezionati?"
23 |
24 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
25 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
26 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
27 |
msgid "No"
28 |
msgstr "No"
29 |
30 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
31 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
32 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
33 |
msgstr "Conferma eliminazione"
34 |
35 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
36 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
37 |
msgstr "Se sicuro di voler eliminare gli elementi selezionati?"
38 |
39 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
40 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
41 |
msgid ""
42 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
@@ -44,27 +44,27 @@ msgstr ""
44 |
"Quest'azione non può essere annullata e non sarà possibile recuperare questi "
45 |
46 |
47 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
48 |
msgid "Clear"
49 |
msgstr "Rimuovi"
50 |
51 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
52 |
msgid "Clear color"
53 |
msgstr "Rimuovi colore"
54 |
55 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
56 |
msgid "Default"
57 |
msgstr "Predefinito"
58 |
59 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
60 |
msgid "Select default color"
61 |
msgstr "Seleziona il colore predefinito"
62 |
63 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
64 |
msgid "Select Color"
65 |
msgstr "Seleziona il colore"
66 |
67 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
68 |
msgid "Color value"
69 |
msgstr "Valore del colore"
70 |
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ msgstr "Valore del colore"
72 |
msgid "There was an error with your request; please try again later."
73 |
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore con la tua richiesta. Riprova più tardi."
74 |
75 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:
76 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
77 |
msgstr "Perderai tutti i cambiamenti effettuati se lasci questa pagina."
78 |
@@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ msgstr "Impostazioni plugin"
84 |
msgid "Settings"
85 |
msgstr "Impostazioni"
86 |
87 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
88 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
89 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
90 |
msgstr "Come installare la versione premium"
91 |
92 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
93 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
94 |
msgid "Save Changes"
95 |
msgstr "Salva modifiche"
96 |
97 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
98 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
99 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
100 |
msgid ""
@@ -103,72 +103,88 @@ msgstr ""
103 |
"Se prosegui con questa azione, tutte le opzioni di questa pagina saranno "
104 |
105 |
106 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
107 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
108 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
109 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
110 |
msgstr "Sei sicuro?"
111 |
112 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
113 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
114 |
msgid "Reset to default"
115 |
msgstr "Ripristina configurazione predefinita"
116 |
117 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
118 |
msgid ""
119 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
120 |
msgstr "L'elemento inserito esiste già. Per favore, inserisci un altro nome."
121 |
122 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
123 |
msgid "Settings saved"
124 |
msgstr "Impostazioni salvate"
125 |
126 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
127 |
msgid "Settings reset"
128 |
msgstr "Impostazioni azzerate"
129 |
130 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
131 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
132 |
msgstr "Elemento rimosso correttamente."
133 |
134 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
135 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
136 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
137 |
msgstr "Elemento aggiornato correttamente."
138 |
139 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
140 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
141 |
msgstr "Database importato correttamente."
142 |
143 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
144 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
145 |
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante l'importazione. Prova di nuovo."
146 |
147 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
148 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
149 |
msgstr "Il file aggiunto non è valido."
150 |
151 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
152 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
153 |
msgstr "Ci dispiace, l'importazione è disabilitata."
154 |
155 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
156 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
157 |
msgstr "Ordinamento effettuato con successo."
158 |
159 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
160 |
msgid "We need your support"
161 |
msgstr "Abbiamo bisogno del tuo sostegno"
162 |
163 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
164 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
165 |
msgstr "per poter continuare ad aggiornare e migliorare il plugin."
166 |
167 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
168 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
169 |
msgstr "Puoi darci una mano lasciando una recensione positiva"
170 |
171 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
172 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
173 |
msgstr ":) Grazie!"
174 |
@@ -210,7 +226,7 @@ msgstr ""
210 |
211 |
#: includes/class-yith-bh-onboarding.php:85
212 |
msgid "It is not possible save the options"
213 |
msgstr ""
214 |
215 |
#: includes/class-yith-dashboard.php:35
216 |
msgid "YITH Latest Updates"
@@ -414,7 +430,7 @@ msgstr ""
414 |
415 |
#: templates/bh-onboarding/onboarding-tabs.php:63
416 |
msgid "Save"
417 |
msgstr ""
418 |
419 |
#: templates/fields/ajax-customers.php:41
420 |
msgid "Search for a customer..."
@@ -543,6 +559,34 @@ msgstr "Carica"
543 |
msgid "Reset"
544 |
msgstr "Ripristina"
545 |
546 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
547 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
548 |
msgid "Save Options"
@@ -728,40 +772,39 @@ msgctxt "[gutenberg]: Category Name"
728 |
msgid "YITH"
729 |
msgstr "YITH"
730 |
731 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
732 |
msgctxt "Button text"
733 |
msgid "Confirm"
734 |
msgstr "Conferma"
735 |
736 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
737 |
msgctxt "Button text"
738 |
msgid "Cancel"
739 |
msgstr "Annulla"
740 |
741 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
742 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
743 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
744 |
msgstr "Sì, sposta nel cestino"
745 |
746 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
747 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
748 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
749 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
750 |
msgstr "Sì, elimina"
751 |
752 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
753 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
754 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
755 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
756 |
msgstr "Grazie per aver acquistato %s!"
757 |
758 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
759 |
#, fuzzy
760 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
761 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
762 |
msgstr "Grazie per aver
763 |
764 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
765 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
766 |
msgid ""
767 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
@@ -769,12 +812,12 @@ msgstr ""
769 |
"Vogliamo aiutarti ad avere un'esperienza fantastica con tutti i nostri "
770 |
771 |
772 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
773 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
774 |
msgid "Get premium"
775 |
msgstr "Diventa premium"
776 |
777 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
778 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
779 |
msgid "Help"
780 |
msgstr "Help"
@@ -970,19 +1013,16 @@ msgstr "Invia un ticket"
970 |
971 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:216 templates/panel/help-tab.php:218
972 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:223
973 |
#, fuzzy
974 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
975 |
msgid "Read the plugin documentation"
976 |
msgstr "
977 |
978 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:220
979 |
#, fuzzy
980 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
981 |
msgid "to learn how it works from the basics."
982 |
msgstr "per
983 |
984 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:231 templates/panel/help-tab.php:233
985 |
#, fuzzy
986 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
987 |
msgid "Need some help?"
988 |
msgstr "Ti serve aiuto?"
@@ -990,7 +1030,7 @@ msgstr "Ti serve aiuto?"
990 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:235
991 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
992 |
msgid "From DIY to full-service help"
993 |
msgstr ""
994 |
995 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:238
996 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
@@ -998,12 +1038,13 @@ msgid ""
998 |
"Call or chat 24/7 with our support agents, or let our experts build your "
999 |
1000 |
msgstr ""
1001 |
1002 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:241
1003 |
#, fuzzy
1004 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1005 |
msgid "Yes, I need help"
1006 |
msgstr "
1007 |
1008 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:30
1009 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
@@ -1027,10 +1068,9 @@ msgid "And so much more!"
1027 |
msgstr "E molto altro!"
1028 |
1029 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:53
1030 |
#, fuzzy
1031 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1032 |
msgid "Check the premium features >"
1033 |
msgstr "
1034 |
1035 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:60
1036 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-10 12:46:35+00:00\n"
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-10 12:35:50+0000\n"
9 |
"Language: it\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
11 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
13 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
14 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
15 |
16 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:148 yit-functions.php:2006
17 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
18 |
msgstr "Conferma eliminazione"
19 |
20 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:149
21 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
22 |
msgstr "Se sicuro di voler spostare nel cestino gli elementi selezionati?"
23 |
24 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:151 includes/class-yit-assets.php:155
25 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
26 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
27 |
msgid "No"
28 |
msgstr "No"
29 |
30 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:152 yit-functions.php:2024
31 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
32 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
33 |
msgstr "Conferma eliminazione"
34 |
35 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153
36 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
37 |
msgstr "Se sicuro di voler eliminare gli elementi selezionati?"
38 |
39 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153 yit-functions.php:1940
40 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
41 |
msgid ""
42 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
44 |
"Quest'azione non può essere annullata e non sarà possibile recuperare questi "
45 |
46 |
47 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:174
48 |
msgid "Clear"
49 |
msgstr "Rimuovi"
50 |
51 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:175
52 |
msgid "Clear color"
53 |
msgstr "Rimuovi colore"
54 |
55 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:176
56 |
msgid "Default"
57 |
msgstr "Predefinito"
58 |
59 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:177
60 |
msgid "Select default color"
61 |
msgstr "Seleziona il colore predefinito"
62 |
63 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:178
64 |
msgid "Select Color"
65 |
msgstr "Seleziona il colore"
66 |
67 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:179
68 |
msgid "Color value"
69 |
msgstr "Valore del colore"
70 |
72 |
msgid "There was an error with your request; please try again later."
73 |
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore con la tua richiesta. Riprova più tardi."
74 |
75 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:437
76 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
77 |
msgstr "Perderai tutti i cambiamenti effettuati se lasci questa pagina."
78 |
84 |
msgid "Settings"
85 |
msgstr "Impostazioni"
86 |
87 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:456
88 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:459
89 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
90 |
msgstr "Come installare la versione premium"
91 |
92 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:656
93 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
94 |
msgid "Save Changes"
95 |
msgstr "Salva modifiche"
96 |
97 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
98 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
99 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
100 |
msgid ""
103 |
"Se prosegui con questa azione, tutte le opzioni di questa pagina saranno "
104 |
105 |
106 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
107 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
108 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
109 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
110 |
msgstr "Sei sicuro?"
111 |
112 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:668
113 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
114 |
msgid "Reset to default"
115 |
msgstr "Ripristina configurazione predefinita"
116 |
117 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1039
118 |
msgid "Read the <mark>plugin documentation</mark>"
119 |
msgstr "Consulta la <mark>documentazione del plugin</mark>"
120 |
121 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1040
122 |
msgid "Learn what you can really do with this powerful tool"
123 |
msgstr "Scopri cosa puoi fare con questo potente strumento"
124 |
125 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1050
126 |
msgid "Watch our <mark>\"First Steps\" video</mark>"
127 |
msgstr "Guarda il nostro <mark>video \"Primi Step\" video</mark>"
128 |
129 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1051
130 |
msgid "See how it works before you start using it"
131 |
msgstr "Guarda come funziona prima di iniziare ad usarlo"
132 |
133 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1307
134 |
msgid ""
135 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
136 |
msgstr "L'elemento inserito esiste già. Per favore, inserisci un altro nome."
137 |
138 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1308
139 |
msgid "Settings saved"
140 |
msgstr "Impostazioni salvate"
141 |
142 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1309
143 |
msgid "Settings reset"
144 |
msgstr "Impostazioni azzerate"
145 |
146 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1310
147 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
148 |
msgstr "Elemento rimosso correttamente."
149 |
150 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1311
151 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1312
152 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
153 |
msgstr "Elemento aggiornato correttamente."
154 |
155 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1313
156 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
157 |
msgstr "Database importato correttamente."
158 |
159 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1314
160 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
161 |
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante l'importazione. Prova di nuovo."
162 |
163 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1315
164 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
165 |
msgstr "Il file aggiunto non è valido."
166 |
167 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1316
168 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
169 |
msgstr "Ci dispiace, l'importazione è disabilitata."
170 |
171 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1317
172 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
173 |
msgstr "Ordinamento effettuato con successo."
174 |
175 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1806
176 |
msgid "We need your support"
177 |
msgstr "Abbiamo bisogno del tuo sostegno"
178 |
179 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1807
180 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
181 |
msgstr "per poter continuare ad aggiornare e migliorare il plugin."
182 |
183 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1809
184 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
185 |
msgstr "Puoi darci una mano lasciando una recensione positiva"
186 |
187 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1810
188 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
189 |
msgstr ":) Grazie!"
190 |
226 |
227 |
#: includes/class-yith-bh-onboarding.php:85
228 |
msgid "It is not possible save the options"
229 |
msgstr "Non è possibile salvare le opzioni"
230 |
231 |
#: includes/class-yith-dashboard.php:35
232 |
msgid "YITH Latest Updates"
430 |
431 |
#: templates/bh-onboarding/onboarding-tabs.php:63
432 |
msgid "Save"
433 |
msgstr "Salva"
434 |
435 |
#: templates/fields/ajax-customers.php:41
436 |
msgid "Search for a customer..."
559 |
msgid "Reset"
560 |
msgstr "Ripristina"
561 |
562 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
563 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:34
564 |
msgid "is successfully updated to version %s."
565 |
msgstr "è stato aggiornato alla versione %s."
566 |
567 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
568 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:44
569 |
msgid "What's new in version %s"
570 |
msgstr "Novità nella versione %s"
571 |
572 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:49
573 |
msgid "Check the changelog >"
574 |
msgstr "Vedi tutte le modifiche >"
575 |
576 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:64
577 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:60
578 |
msgid "Got it, close this window"
579 |
msgstr "Ho capito, chiudi questa finestra"
580 |
581 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:30
582 |
msgid "Thank you for using our plugin"
583 |
msgstr "Grazie per aver scelto di usare il nostro plugin"
584 |
585 |
#. translators: %s is the number of steps.
586 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:45
587 |
msgid "Start with these %s steps:"
588 |
msgstr "Inizia da questi %s step:"
589 |
590 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
591 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
592 |
msgid "Save Options"
772 |
msgid "YITH"
773 |
msgstr "YITH"
774 |
775 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:136
776 |
msgctxt "Button text"
777 |
msgid "Confirm"
778 |
msgstr "Conferma"
779 |
780 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:137
781 |
msgctxt "Button text"
782 |
msgid "Cancel"
783 |
msgstr "Annulla"
784 |
785 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:150 yit-functions.php:2009
786 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
787 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
788 |
msgstr "Sì, sposta nel cestino"
789 |
790 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:154 yit-functions.php:2027
791 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
792 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
793 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
794 |
msgstr "Sì, elimina"
795 |
796 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
797 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
798 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
799 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
800 |
msgstr "Grazie per aver acquistato %s!"
801 |
802 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
803 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
804 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
805 |
msgstr "Grazie per aver scelto %s!"
806 |
807 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:812
808 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
809 |
msgid ""
810 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
812 |
"Vogliamo aiutarti ad avere un'esperienza fantastica con tutti i nostri "
813 |
814 |
815 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:863
816 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
817 |
msgid "Get premium"
818 |
msgstr "Diventa premium"
819 |
820 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:875
821 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
822 |
msgid "Help"
823 |
msgstr "Help"
1013 |
1014 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:216 templates/panel/help-tab.php:218
1015 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:223
1016 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
1017 |
msgid "Read the plugin documentation"
1018 |
msgstr "Leggi la documentazione del plugin"
1019 |
1020 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:220
1021 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
1022 |
msgid "to learn how it works from the basics."
1023 |
msgstr "per vedere come funziona nel dettaglio."
1024 |
1025 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:231 templates/panel/help-tab.php:233
1026 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1027 |
msgid "Need some help?"
1028 |
msgstr "Ti serve aiuto?"
1030 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:235
1031 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1032 |
msgid "From DIY to full-service help"
1033 |
msgstr "Dal fai-da-te a un servizio completo"
1034 |
1035 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:238
1036 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1038 |
"Call or chat 24/7 with our support agents, or let our experts build your "
1039 |
1040 |
msgstr ""
1041 |
"Chiamaci o avvia una chat con i nostri agenti disponibili 24/7 oppure "
1042 |
"lasciati aiutare dai nostri esperti a configurare il tuo sito."
1043 |
1044 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:241
1045 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1046 |
msgid "Yes, I need help"
1047 |
msgstr "Sì, mi serve aiuto"
1048 |
1049 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:30
1050 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1068 |
msgstr "E molto altro!"
1069 |
1070 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:53
1071 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1072 |
msgid "Check the premium features >"
1073 |
msgstr "Scopri le funzionalità premium >"
1074 |
1075 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:60
1076 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
Binary file
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-13 12:45:02+0000\n"
9 |
"Language: nl\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -13,32 +13,32 @@ msgstr ""
13 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
14 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
15 |
16 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
17 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
18 |
msgstr "Verplaatsen naar prullenbak bevestigen"
19 |
20 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
21 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
22 |
msgstr ""
23 |
"Weet je zeker dat je het geselecteerde item naar de prullenbak wilt "
24 |
25 |
26 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
27 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
28 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
29 |
msgid "No"
30 |
msgstr "Nee"
31 |
32 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
33 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
34 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
35 |
msgstr "Verwijderen bevestigen"
36 |
37 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
38 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
39 |
msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je de geselecteerde items wilt verwijderen?"
40 |
41 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
42 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
43 |
msgid ""
44 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
@@ -46,27 +46,27 @@ msgstr ""
46 |
"Deze actie kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden en je zult deze gegevens niet "
47 |
"kunnen herstellen."
48 |
49 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
50 |
msgid "Clear"
51 |
msgstr "Wissen"
52 |
53 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
54 |
msgid "Clear color"
55 |
msgstr "Kleur wissen"
56 |
57 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
58 |
msgid "Default"
59 |
msgstr "Standaard"
60 |
61 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
62 |
msgid "Select default color"
63 |
msgstr "Standaardkleur selecteren"
64 |
65 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
66 |
msgid "Select Color"
67 |
msgstr "Kleur selecteren"
68 |
69 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
70 |
msgid "Color value"
71 |
msgstr "Kleurwaarde"
72 |
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ msgid "There was an error with your request; please try again later."
75 |
msgstr ""
76 |
"Er is een fout opgetreden met je verzoek, probeer het later opnieuw a.u.b."
77 |
78 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:
79 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
80 |
msgstr "Als je deze pagina verlaat zullen alle wijzigingen verloren gaan."
81 |
@@ -87,17 +87,17 @@ msgstr "Plugin instellingen"
87 |
msgid "Settings"
88 |
msgstr "Instellingen"
89 |
90 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
91 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
92 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
93 |
msgstr "Hoe installeer ik de premium versie"
94 |
95 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
96 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
97 |
msgid "Save Changes"
98 |
msgstr "Wijzigingen opslaan"
99 |
100 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
101 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
102 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
103 |
msgid ""
@@ -105,72 +105,88 @@ msgid ""
105 |
msgstr ""
106 |
"Als je doorgaat met deze actie, zal je alle opties op deze pagina resetten."
107 |
108 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
109 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
110 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
111 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
112 |
msgstr "Weet je het zeker?"
113 |
114 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
115 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
116 |
msgid "Reset to default"
117 |
msgstr "Resetten naar standaard"
118 |
119 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
120 |
msgid ""
121 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
122 |
msgstr "Het element dat je hebt ingevoerd bestaat al. Voer een andere naam in."
123 |
124 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
125 |
msgid "Settings saved"
126 |
msgstr "Instellingen opgeslagen"
127 |
128 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
129 |
msgid "Settings reset"
130 |
msgstr "Instellingen resetten"
131 |
132 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
133 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
134 |
msgstr "Element juist verwijderd."
135 |
136 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
137 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
138 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
139 |
msgstr "Element juist geüpdatet."
140 |
141 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
142 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
143 |
msgstr "Database juist geïmporteerd."
144 |
145 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
146 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
147 |
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens importeren. Probeer opnieuw."
148 |
149 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
150 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
151 |
msgstr "Het toegevoegde bestand is niet geldig."
152 |
153 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
154 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
155 |
msgstr "Sorry, importeren is uitgeschakeld."
156 |
157 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
158 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
159 |
msgstr "Succesvol gesorteerd."
160 |
161 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
162 |
msgid "We need your support"
163 |
msgstr "We hebben je hulp nodig"
164 |
165 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
166 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
167 |
msgstr "om de plugin te blijven bijwerken en verbeteren. A.u.b.,"
168 |
169 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
170 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
171 |
msgstr "help ons door een goede beoordeling achter te laten"
172 |
173 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
174 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
175 |
msgstr ":) Bedankt!"
176 |
@@ -544,6 +560,34 @@ msgstr "Upload"
544 |
msgid "Reset"
545 |
msgstr "Resetten"
546 |
547 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
548 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
549 |
msgid "Save Options"
@@ -724,51 +768,50 @@ msgctxt "[gutenberg]: Category Name"
724 |
msgid "YITH"
725 |
msgstr "YITH"
726 |
727 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
728 |
msgctxt "Button text"
729 |
msgid "Confirm"
730 |
msgstr "Bevestigen"
731 |
732 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
733 |
msgctxt "Button text"
734 |
msgid "Cancel"
735 |
msgstr "Annuleren"
736 |
737 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
738 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
739 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
740 |
msgstr "Ja, verplaatsen naar prullenbak"
741 |
742 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
743 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
744 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
745 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
746 |
msgstr "Ja, verwijderen"
747 |
748 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
749 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
750 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
751 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
752 |
msgstr "Bedankt voor het kopen van %s!"
753 |
754 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
755 |
#, fuzzy
756 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
757 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
758 |
msgstr "
759 |
760 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
761 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
762 |
msgid ""
763 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
764 |
msgstr ""
765 |
766 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
767 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
768 |
msgid "Get premium"
769 |
msgstr "Neem premium"
770 |
771 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
772 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
773 |
msgid "Help"
774 |
msgstr "Help"
@@ -960,10 +1003,9 @@ msgstr "Verstuur een ticket"
960 |
961 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:216 templates/panel/help-tab.php:218
962 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:223
963 |
#, fuzzy
964 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
965 |
msgid "Read the plugin documentation"
966 |
msgstr "
967 |
968 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:220
969 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
@@ -971,10 +1013,9 @@ msgid "to learn how it works from the basics."
971 |
msgstr ""
972 |
973 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:231 templates/panel/help-tab.php:233
974 |
#, fuzzy
975 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
976 |
msgid "Need some help?"
977 |
msgstr "
978 |
979 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:235
980 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
@@ -989,10 +1030,9 @@ msgid ""
989 |
msgstr ""
990 |
991 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:241
992 |
#, fuzzy
993 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
994 |
msgid "Yes, I need help"
995 |
msgstr "
996 |
997 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:30
998 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
@@ -1016,10 +1056,9 @@ msgid "And so much more!"
1016 |
msgstr "En zo veel meer!"
1017 |
1018 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:53
1019 |
#, fuzzy
1020 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1021 |
msgid "Check the premium features >"
1022 |
msgstr "
1023 |
1024 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:60
1025 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-10 12:46:35+00:00\n"
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-13 12:45:02+0000\n"
9 |
"Language: nl\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
13 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
14 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
15 |
16 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:148 yit-functions.php:2006
17 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
18 |
msgstr "Verplaatsen naar prullenbak bevestigen"
19 |
20 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:149
21 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
22 |
msgstr ""
23 |
"Weet je zeker dat je het geselecteerde item naar de prullenbak wilt "
24 |
25 |
26 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:151 includes/class-yit-assets.php:155
27 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
28 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
29 |
msgid "No"
30 |
msgstr "Nee"
31 |
32 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:152 yit-functions.php:2024
33 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
34 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
35 |
msgstr "Verwijderen bevestigen"
36 |
37 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153
38 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
39 |
msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je de geselecteerde items wilt verwijderen?"
40 |
41 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153 yit-functions.php:1940
42 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
43 |
msgid ""
44 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
46 |
"Deze actie kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden en je zult deze gegevens niet "
47 |
"kunnen herstellen."
48 |
49 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:174
50 |
msgid "Clear"
51 |
msgstr "Wissen"
52 |
53 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:175
54 |
msgid "Clear color"
55 |
msgstr "Kleur wissen"
56 |
57 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:176
58 |
msgid "Default"
59 |
msgstr "Standaard"
60 |
61 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:177
62 |
msgid "Select default color"
63 |
msgstr "Standaardkleur selecteren"
64 |
65 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:178
66 |
msgid "Select Color"
67 |
msgstr "Kleur selecteren"
68 |
69 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:179
70 |
msgid "Color value"
71 |
msgstr "Kleurwaarde"
72 |
75 |
msgstr ""
76 |
"Er is een fout opgetreden met je verzoek, probeer het later opnieuw a.u.b."
77 |
78 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:437
79 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
80 |
msgstr "Als je deze pagina verlaat zullen alle wijzigingen verloren gaan."
81 |
87 |
msgid "Settings"
88 |
msgstr "Instellingen"
89 |
90 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:456
91 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:459
92 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
93 |
msgstr "Hoe installeer ik de premium versie"
94 |
95 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:656
96 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
97 |
msgid "Save Changes"
98 |
msgstr "Wijzigingen opslaan"
99 |
100 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
101 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
102 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
103 |
msgid ""
105 |
msgstr ""
106 |
"Als je doorgaat met deze actie, zal je alle opties op deze pagina resetten."
107 |
108 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
109 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
110 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
111 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
112 |
msgstr "Weet je het zeker?"
113 |
114 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:668
115 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
116 |
msgid "Reset to default"
117 |
msgstr "Resetten naar standaard"
118 |
119 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1039
120 |
msgid "Read the <mark>plugin documentation</mark>"
121 |
msgstr ""
122 |
123 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1040
124 |
msgid "Learn what you can really do with this powerful tool"
125 |
msgstr ""
126 |
127 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1050
128 |
msgid "Watch our <mark>\"First Steps\" video</mark>"
129 |
msgstr ""
130 |
131 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1051
132 |
msgid "See how it works before you start using it"
133 |
msgstr ""
134 |
135 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1307
136 |
msgid ""
137 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
138 |
msgstr "Het element dat je hebt ingevoerd bestaat al. Voer een andere naam in."
139 |
140 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1308
141 |
msgid "Settings saved"
142 |
msgstr "Instellingen opgeslagen"
143 |
144 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1309
145 |
msgid "Settings reset"
146 |
msgstr "Instellingen resetten"
147 |
148 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1310
149 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
150 |
msgstr "Element juist verwijderd."
151 |
152 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1311
153 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1312
154 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
155 |
msgstr "Element juist geüpdatet."
156 |
157 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1313
158 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
159 |
msgstr "Database juist geïmporteerd."
160 |
161 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1314
162 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
163 |
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens importeren. Probeer opnieuw."
164 |
165 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1315
166 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
167 |
msgstr "Het toegevoegde bestand is niet geldig."
168 |
169 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1316
170 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
171 |
msgstr "Sorry, importeren is uitgeschakeld."
172 |
173 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1317
174 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
175 |
msgstr "Succesvol gesorteerd."
176 |
177 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1806
178 |
msgid "We need your support"
179 |
msgstr "We hebben je hulp nodig"
180 |
181 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1807
182 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
183 |
msgstr "om de plugin te blijven bijwerken en verbeteren. A.u.b.,"
184 |
185 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1809
186 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
187 |
msgstr "help ons door een goede beoordeling achter te laten"
188 |
189 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1810
190 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
191 |
msgstr ":) Bedankt!"
192 |
560 |
msgid "Reset"
561 |
msgstr "Resetten"
562 |
563 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
564 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:34
565 |
msgid "is successfully updated to version %s."
566 |
msgstr ""
567 |
568 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
569 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:44
570 |
msgid "What's new in version %s"
571 |
msgstr ""
572 |
573 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:49
574 |
msgid "Check the changelog >"
575 |
msgstr ""
576 |
577 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:64
578 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:60
579 |
msgid "Got it, close this window"
580 |
msgstr ""
581 |
582 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:30
583 |
msgid "Thank you for using our plugin"
584 |
msgstr ""
585 |
586 |
#. translators: %s is the number of steps.
587 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:45
588 |
msgid "Start with these %s steps:"
589 |
msgstr ""
590 |
591 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
592 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
593 |
msgid "Save Options"
768 |
msgid "YITH"
769 |
msgstr "YITH"
770 |
771 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:136
772 |
msgctxt "Button text"
773 |
msgid "Confirm"
774 |
msgstr "Bevestigen"
775 |
776 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:137
777 |
msgctxt "Button text"
778 |
msgid "Cancel"
779 |
msgstr "Annuleren"
780 |
781 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:150 yit-functions.php:2009
782 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
783 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
784 |
msgstr "Ja, verplaatsen naar prullenbak"
785 |
786 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:154 yit-functions.php:2027
787 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
788 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
789 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
790 |
msgstr "Ja, verwijderen"
791 |
792 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
793 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
794 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
795 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
796 |
msgstr "Bedankt voor het kopen van %s!"
797 |
798 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
799 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
800 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
801 |
msgstr ""
802 |
803 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:812
804 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
805 |
msgid ""
806 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
807 |
msgstr ""
808 |
809 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:863
810 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
811 |
msgid "Get premium"
812 |
msgstr "Neem premium"
813 |
814 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:875
815 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
816 |
msgid "Help"
817 |
msgstr "Help"
1003 |
1004 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:216 templates/panel/help-tab.php:218
1005 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:223
1006 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
1007 |
msgid "Read the plugin documentation"
1008 |
msgstr ""
1009 |
1010 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:220
1011 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
1013 |
msgstr ""
1014 |
1015 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:231 templates/panel/help-tab.php:233
1016 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1017 |
msgid "Need some help?"
1018 |
msgstr ""
1019 |
1020 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:235
1021 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1030 |
msgstr ""
1031 |
1032 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:241
1033 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1034 |
msgid "Yes, I need help"
1035 |
msgstr ""
1036 |
1037 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:30
1038 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1056 |
msgstr "En zo veel meer!"
1057 |
1058 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:53
1059 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1060 |
msgid "Check the premium features >"
1061 |
msgstr ""
1062 |
1063 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:60
1064 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
Binary file
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-04-05 17:22:32+0000\n"
9 |
"Language: ru\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -14,56 +14,56 @@ msgstr ""
14 |
"10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14)) ? 1 : 2);\n"
15 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
16 |
17 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
18 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
19 |
msgstr "Подтвердить корзину"
20 |
21 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
22 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
23 |
msgstr "Вы уверены, что хотите переместить в корзину выбранные элементы?"
24 |
25 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
26 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
27 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
28 |
msgid "No"
29 |
msgstr "Нет"
30 |
31 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
32 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
33 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
34 |
msgstr "Подтвердите удаление"
35 |
36 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
37 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
38 |
msgstr "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить выбранные элементы?"
39 |
40 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
41 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
42 |
msgid ""
43 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
44 |
msgstr "Это действие нельзя отменить, и вы не сможете восстановить эти данные."
45 |
46 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
47 |
msgid "Clear"
48 |
msgstr "Очистить"
49 |
50 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
51 |
msgid "Clear color"
52 |
msgstr "Очистить цвет"
53 |
54 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
55 |
msgid "Default"
56 |
msgstr "По умолчанию"
57 |
58 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
59 |
msgid "Select default color"
60 |
msgstr "Выберите цвет по умолчанию"
61 |
62 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
63 |
msgid "Select Color"
64 |
msgstr "Выберите цвет"
65 |
66 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
67 |
msgid "Color value"
68 |
msgstr "Цвет значения"
69 |
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ msgstr ""
73 |
"При выполнении вашего запроса произошла ошибка; пожалуйста, повторите "
74 |
"попытку позже."
75 |
76 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:
77 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
78 |
msgstr ""
79 |
"Внесенные вами изменения будут потеряны, если вы покинете эту страницу."
@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ msgstr "Настройки Плагина"
86 |
msgid "Settings"
87 |
msgstr "Настройки"
88 |
89 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
90 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
91 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
92 |
msgstr "Как установить премиум версию"
93 |
94 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
95 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
96 |
msgid "Save Changes"
97 |
msgstr "Сохранить Изменения"
98 |
99 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
100 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
101 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
102 |
msgid ""
@@ -104,72 +104,88 @@ msgid ""
104 |
msgstr ""
105 |
"Если вы продолжите это действие, вы сбросите все параметры на этой странице."
106 |
107 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
108 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
109 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
110 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
111 |
msgstr "Вы уверены?"
112 |
113 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
114 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
115 |
msgid "Reset to default"
116 |
msgstr "Сброс до заводских настроек"
117 |
118 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
119 |
msgid ""
120 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
121 |
msgstr "Введенный вами элемент уже существует. Пожалуйста, введите другое имя."
122 |
123 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
124 |
msgid "Settings saved"
125 |
msgstr "Настройки сохранены"
126 |
127 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
128 |
msgid "Settings reset"
129 |
msgstr "Сбросить настройки"
130 |
131 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
132 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
133 |
msgstr "Элемент удален правильно."
134 |
135 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
136 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
137 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
138 |
msgstr "Элемент обновлен правильно."
139 |
140 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
141 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
142 |
msgstr "База данных импортирована правильно."
143 |
144 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
145 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
146 |
msgstr "Во время импорта произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз."
147 |
148 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
149 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
150 |
msgstr "Добавленный файл недействителен."
151 |
152 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
153 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
154 |
msgstr "Извините, импорт отключен."
155 |
156 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
157 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
158 |
msgstr "Сортировка выполнена успешно."
159 |
160 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
161 |
msgid "We need your support"
162 |
msgstr "Нам нужна ваша поддержка"
163 |
164 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
165 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
166 |
msgstr "чтобы продолжать обновлять и улучшать плагин. Пожалуйста,"
167 |
168 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
169 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
170 |
msgstr "помогите нам, оставив хороший отзыв"
171 |
172 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
173 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
174 |
msgstr ":) Благодарим!"
175 |
@@ -543,6 +559,34 @@ msgstr "Загрузить"
543 |
msgid "Reset"
544 |
msgstr "Сброс"
545 |
546 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
547 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
548 |
msgid "Save Options"
@@ -724,40 +768,39 @@ msgctxt "[gutenberg]: Category Name"
724 |
msgid "YITH"
725 |
msgstr "YITH"
726 |
727 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
728 |
msgctxt "Button text"
729 |
msgid "Confirm"
730 |
msgstr "Подтвердить"
731 |
732 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
733 |
msgctxt "Button text"
734 |
msgid "Cancel"
735 |
msgstr "Отмена"
736 |
737 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
738 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
739 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
740 |
msgstr "Да, удалить в корзину"
741 |
742 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
743 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
744 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
745 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
746 |
msgstr "Да, удалить"
747 |
748 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
749 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
750 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
751 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
752 |
msgstr "Благодарим вас за покупку %s!"
753 |
754 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
755 |
#, fuzzy
756 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
757 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
758 |
msgstr "
759 |
760 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
761 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
762 |
msgid ""
763 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
@@ -765,12 +808,12 @@ msgstr ""
765 |
"Мы хотим помочь вам получить удовольствие от использования всех наших "
766 |
767 |
768 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
769 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
770 |
msgid "Get premium"
771 |
msgstr "Получите премиум"
772 |
773 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
774 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
775 |
msgid "Help"
776 |
msgstr "Помощь"
@@ -966,10 +1009,9 @@ msgstr "Отправить обращение"
966 |
967 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:216 templates/panel/help-tab.php:218
968 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:223
969 |
#, fuzzy
970 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
971 |
msgid "Read the plugin documentation"
972 |
msgstr "
973 |
974 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:220
975 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
@@ -977,10 +1019,9 @@ msgid "to learn how it works from the basics."
977 |
msgstr ""
978 |
979 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:231 templates/panel/help-tab.php:233
980 |
#, fuzzy
981 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
982 |
msgid "Need some help?"
983 |
msgstr "
984 |
985 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:235
986 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
@@ -995,10 +1036,9 @@ msgid ""
995 |
msgstr ""
996 |
997 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:241
998 |
#, fuzzy
999 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1000 |
msgid "Yes, I need help"
1001 |
msgstr "
1002 |
1003 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:30
1004 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
@@ -1022,10 +1062,9 @@ msgid "And so much more!"
1022 |
msgstr "И многое другое!"
1023 |
1024 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:53
1025 |
#, fuzzy
1026 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1027 |
msgid "Check the premium features >"
1028 |
msgstr "
1029 |
1030 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:60
1031 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-10 12:46:35+00:00\n"
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-04-05 17:22:32+0000\n"
9 |
"Language: ru\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
14 |
"10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14)) ? 1 : 2);\n"
15 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
16 |
17 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:148 yit-functions.php:2006
18 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
19 |
msgstr "Подтвердить корзину"
20 |
21 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:149
22 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
23 |
msgstr "Вы уверены, что хотите переместить в корзину выбранные элементы?"
24 |
25 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:151 includes/class-yit-assets.php:155
26 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
27 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
28 |
msgid "No"
29 |
msgstr "Нет"
30 |
31 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:152 yit-functions.php:2024
32 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
33 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
34 |
msgstr "Подтвердите удаление"
35 |
36 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153
37 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
38 |
msgstr "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить выбранные элементы?"
39 |
40 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153 yit-functions.php:1940
41 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
42 |
msgid ""
43 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
44 |
msgstr "Это действие нельзя отменить, и вы не сможете восстановить эти данные."
45 |
46 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:174
47 |
msgid "Clear"
48 |
msgstr "Очистить"
49 |
50 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:175
51 |
msgid "Clear color"
52 |
msgstr "Очистить цвет"
53 |
54 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:176
55 |
msgid "Default"
56 |
msgstr "По умолчанию"
57 |
58 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:177
59 |
msgid "Select default color"
60 |
msgstr "Выберите цвет по умолчанию"
61 |
62 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:178
63 |
msgid "Select Color"
64 |
msgstr "Выберите цвет"
65 |
66 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:179
67 |
msgid "Color value"
68 |
msgstr "Цвет значения"
69 |
73 |
"При выполнении вашего запроса произошла ошибка; пожалуйста, повторите "
74 |
"попытку позже."
75 |
76 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:437
77 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
78 |
msgstr ""
79 |
"Внесенные вами изменения будут потеряны, если вы покинете эту страницу."
86 |
msgid "Settings"
87 |
msgstr "Настройки"
88 |
89 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:456
90 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:459
91 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
92 |
msgstr "Как установить премиум версию"
93 |
94 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:656
95 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
96 |
msgid "Save Changes"
97 |
msgstr "Сохранить Изменения"
98 |
99 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
100 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
101 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
102 |
msgid ""
104 |
msgstr ""
105 |
"Если вы продолжите это действие, вы сбросите все параметры на этой странице."
106 |
107 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
108 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
109 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
110 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
111 |
msgstr "Вы уверены?"
112 |
113 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:668
114 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
115 |
msgid "Reset to default"
116 |
msgstr "Сброс до заводских настроек"
117 |
118 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1039
119 |
msgid "Read the <mark>plugin documentation</mark>"
120 |
msgstr ""
121 |
122 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1040
123 |
msgid "Learn what you can really do with this powerful tool"
124 |
msgstr ""
125 |
126 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1050
127 |
msgid "Watch our <mark>\"First Steps\" video</mark>"
128 |
msgstr ""
129 |
130 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1051
131 |
msgid "See how it works before you start using it"
132 |
msgstr ""
133 |
134 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1307
135 |
msgid ""
136 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
137 |
msgstr "Введенный вами элемент уже существует. Пожалуйста, введите другое имя."
138 |
139 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1308
140 |
msgid "Settings saved"
141 |
msgstr "Настройки сохранены"
142 |
143 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1309
144 |
msgid "Settings reset"
145 |
msgstr "Сбросить настройки"
146 |
147 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1310
148 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
149 |
msgstr "Элемент удален правильно."
150 |
151 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1311
152 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1312
153 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
154 |
msgstr "Элемент обновлен правильно."
155 |
156 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1313
157 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
158 |
msgstr "База данных импортирована правильно."
159 |
160 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1314
161 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
162 |
msgstr "Во время импорта произошла ошибка. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз."
163 |
164 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1315
165 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
166 |
msgstr "Добавленный файл недействителен."
167 |
168 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1316
169 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
170 |
msgstr "Извините, импорт отключен."
171 |
172 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1317
173 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
174 |
msgstr "Сортировка выполнена успешно."
175 |
176 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1806
177 |
msgid "We need your support"
178 |
msgstr "Нам нужна ваша поддержка"
179 |
180 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1807
181 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
182 |
msgstr "чтобы продолжать обновлять и улучшать плагин. Пожалуйста,"
183 |
184 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1809
185 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
186 |
msgstr "помогите нам, оставив хороший отзыв"
187 |
188 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1810
189 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
190 |
msgstr ":) Благодарим!"
191 |
559 |
msgid "Reset"
560 |
msgstr "Сброс"
561 |
562 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
563 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:34
564 |
msgid "is successfully updated to version %s."
565 |
msgstr ""
566 |
567 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
568 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:44
569 |
msgid "What's new in version %s"
570 |
msgstr ""
571 |
572 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:49
573 |
msgid "Check the changelog >"
574 |
msgstr ""
575 |
576 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:64
577 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:60
578 |
msgid "Got it, close this window"
579 |
msgstr ""
580 |
581 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:30
582 |
msgid "Thank you for using our plugin"
583 |
msgstr ""
584 |
585 |
#. translators: %s is the number of steps.
586 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:45
587 |
msgid "Start with these %s steps:"
588 |
msgstr ""
589 |
590 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
591 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
592 |
msgid "Save Options"
768 |
msgid "YITH"
769 |
msgstr "YITH"
770 |
771 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:136
772 |
msgctxt "Button text"
773 |
msgid "Confirm"
774 |
msgstr "Подтвердить"
775 |
776 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:137
777 |
msgctxt "Button text"
778 |
msgid "Cancel"
779 |
msgstr "Отмена"
780 |
781 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:150 yit-functions.php:2009
782 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
783 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
784 |
msgstr "Да, удалить в корзину"
785 |
786 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:154 yit-functions.php:2027
787 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
788 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
789 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
790 |
msgstr "Да, удалить"
791 |
792 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
793 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
794 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
795 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
796 |
msgstr "Благодарим вас за покупку %s!"
797 |
798 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
799 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
800 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
801 |
msgstr ""
802 |
803 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:812
804 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
805 |
msgid ""
806 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
808 |
"Мы хотим помочь вам получить удовольствие от использования всех наших "
809 |
810 |
811 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:863
812 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
813 |
msgid "Get premium"
814 |
msgstr "Получите премиум"
815 |
816 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:875
817 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
818 |
msgid "Help"
819 |
msgstr "Помощь"
1009 |
1010 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:216 templates/panel/help-tab.php:218
1011 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:223
1012 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
1013 |
msgid "Read the plugin documentation"
1014 |
msgstr ""
1015 |
1016 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:220
1017 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
1019 |
msgstr ""
1020 |
1021 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:231 templates/panel/help-tab.php:233
1022 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1023 |
msgid "Need some help?"
1024 |
msgstr ""
1025 |
1026 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:235
1027 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1036 |
msgstr ""
1037 |
1038 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:241
1039 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1040 |
msgid "Yes, I need help"
1041 |
msgstr ""
1042 |
1043 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:30
1044 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1062 |
msgstr "И многое другое!"
1063 |
1064 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:53
1065 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1066 |
msgid "Check the premium features >"
1067 |
msgstr ""
1068 |
1069 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:60
1070 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
Binary file
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-29 13:12:18+0000\n"
9 |
"Language: zh\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -13,56 +13,56 @@ msgstr ""
13 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
14 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
15 |
16 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
17 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
18 |
msgstr "確認丟棄"
19 |
20 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
21 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
22 |
msgstr "你確定要將所選的項目移至垃圾桶嗎?"
23 |
24 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
25 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
26 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
27 |
msgid "No"
28 |
msgstr "不"
29 |
30 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
31 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
32 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
33 |
msgstr "確認刪除"
34 |
35 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
36 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
37 |
msgstr "你確定要刪除所選的項目嗎?"
38 |
39 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
40 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
41 |
msgid ""
42 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
43 |
msgstr "此操作無法撤消,您將無法恢復此數據。"
44 |
45 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
46 |
msgid "Clear"
47 |
msgstr "清除"
48 |
49 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
50 |
msgid "Clear color"
51 |
msgstr "清除顏色"
52 |
53 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
54 |
msgid "Default"
55 |
msgstr "預設"
56 |
57 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
58 |
msgid "Select default color"
59 |
msgstr "選擇預設顏色"
60 |
61 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
62 |
msgid "Select Color"
63 |
msgstr "選擇顏色"
64 |
65 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
66 |
msgid "Color value"
67 |
msgstr "顏色數值"
68 |
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ msgstr "顏色數值"
70 |
msgid "There was an error with your request; please try again later."
71 |
msgstr "您的請求有誤; 請稍後再試。"
72 |
73 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:
74 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
75 |
msgstr "如果你離開這個頁面,這些改變將會遺失"
76 |
@@ -82,89 +82,105 @@ msgstr "外掛設定"
82 |
msgid "Settings"
83 |
msgstr "設定"
84 |
85 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
86 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
87 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
88 |
msgstr "如何安裝高級版"
89 |
90 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
91 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
92 |
msgid "Save Changes"
93 |
msgstr "儲存變更"
94 |
95 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
96 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
97 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
98 |
msgid ""
99 |
"If you continue with this action, you will reset all options in this page."
100 |
msgstr "如果你繼續這個動作,你將會重設這個頁面所有的選項"
101 |
102 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
103 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
104 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
105 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
106 |
msgstr "你確定嗎?"
107 |
108 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
109 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
110 |
msgid "Reset to default"
111 |
msgstr "重置為預設值"
112 |
113 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
114 |
msgid ""
115 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
116 |
msgstr "你輸入的這個元素已經存在,請輸入另一個名稱"
117 |
118 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
119 |
msgid "Settings saved"
120 |
msgstr "設定已經儲存"
121 |
122 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
123 |
msgid "Settings reset"
124 |
msgstr "重置設定"
125 |
126 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
127 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
128 |
msgstr "元素已被確實刪除"
129 |
130 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
131 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
132 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
133 |
msgstr "元素已正確更新。"
134 |
135 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
136 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
137 |
msgstr "資料庫已被正確匯入"
138 |
139 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
140 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
141 |
msgstr "匯入過程中發生一個錯誤,請再試一次"
142 |
143 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
144 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
145 |
msgstr "添加的檔案無效"
146 |
147 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
148 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
149 |
msgstr "抱歉,匯入功能被關閉"
150 |
151 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
152 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
153 |
msgstr "已順利排序"
154 |
155 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
156 |
msgid "We need your support"
157 |
msgstr "我們需要你的支援"
158 |
159 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
160 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
161 |
msgstr "請不斷保持更新與改進外掛"
162 |
163 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
164 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
165 |
msgstr "留下好的評論幫助我們更進步"
166 |
167 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
168 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
169 |
msgstr ":) 謝謝!"
170 |
@@ -527,6 +543,34 @@ msgstr "上傳"
527 |
msgid "Reset"
528 |
msgstr "重置"
529 |
530 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
531 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
532 |
msgid "Save Options"
@@ -704,51 +748,50 @@ msgctxt "[gutenberg]: Category Name"
704 |
msgid "YITH"
705 |
msgstr "YITH"
706 |
707 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
708 |
msgctxt "Button text"
709 |
msgid "Confirm"
710 |
msgstr "確認"
711 |
712 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
713 |
msgctxt "Button text"
714 |
msgid "Cancel"
715 |
msgstr "取消"
716 |
717 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
718 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
719 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
720 |
msgstr "是的,將它移至垃圾桶"
721 |
722 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
723 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
724 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
725 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
726 |
msgstr "是的,刪除"
727 |
728 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
729 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
730 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
731 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
732 |
msgstr "感謝您購買 %s !"
733 |
734 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
735 |
#, fuzzy
736 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
737 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
738 |
msgstr "
739 |
740 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
741 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
742 |
msgid ""
743 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
744 |
msgstr "我們希望幫助您享受我們所有產品的美妙體驗。"
745 |
746 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
747 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
748 |
msgid "Get premium"
749 |
msgstr "取得高級版"
750 |
751 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
752 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
753 |
msgid "Help"
754 |
msgstr "幫助"
@@ -938,22 +981,19 @@ msgstr "提交一張工作單"
938 |
939 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:216 templates/panel/help-tab.php:218
940 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:223
941 |
#, fuzzy
942 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
943 |
msgid "Read the plugin documentation"
944 |
msgstr "
945 |
946 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:220
947 |
#, fuzzy
948 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
949 |
msgid "to learn how it works from the basics."
950 |
msgstr "
951 |
952 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:231 templates/panel/help-tab.php:233
953 |
#, fuzzy
954 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
955 |
msgid "Need some help?"
956 |
msgstr "
957 |
958 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:235
959 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
@@ -968,10 +1008,9 @@ msgid ""
968 |
msgstr ""
969 |
970 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:241
971 |
#, fuzzy
972 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
973 |
msgid "Yes, I need help"
974 |
msgstr "
975 |
976 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:30
977 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
@@ -995,10 +1034,9 @@ msgid "And so much more!"
995 |
msgstr "還有更多!"
996 |
997 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:53
998 |
#, fuzzy
999 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1000 |
msgid "Check the premium features >"
1001 |
msgstr "
1002 |
1003 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:60
1004 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: YITH Framework\n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-10 12:46:35+00:00\n"
8 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-29 13:12:18+0000\n"
9 |
"Language: zh\n"
10 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
13 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
14 |
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
15 |
16 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:148 yit-functions.php:2006
17 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
18 |
msgstr "確認丟棄"
19 |
20 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:149
21 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
22 |
msgstr "你確定要將所選的項目移至垃圾桶嗎?"
23 |
24 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:151 includes/class-yit-assets.php:155
25 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
26 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
27 |
msgid "No"
28 |
msgstr "不"
29 |
30 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:152 yit-functions.php:2024
31 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
32 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
33 |
msgstr "確認刪除"
34 |
35 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153
36 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
37 |
msgstr "你確定要刪除所選的項目嗎?"
38 |
39 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153 yit-functions.php:1940
40 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
41 |
msgid ""
42 |
"This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
43 |
msgstr "此操作無法撤消,您將無法恢復此數據。"
44 |
45 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:174
46 |
msgid "Clear"
47 |
msgstr "清除"
48 |
49 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:175
50 |
msgid "Clear color"
51 |
msgstr "清除顏色"
52 |
53 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:176
54 |
msgid "Default"
55 |
msgstr "預設"
56 |
57 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:177
58 |
msgid "Select default color"
59 |
msgstr "選擇預設顏色"
60 |
61 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:178
62 |
msgid "Select Color"
63 |
msgstr "選擇顏色"
64 |
65 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:179
66 |
msgid "Color value"
67 |
msgstr "顏色數值"
68 |
70 |
msgid "There was an error with your request; please try again later."
71 |
msgstr "您的請求有誤; 請稍後再試。"
72 |
73 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:437
74 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
75 |
msgstr "如果你離開這個頁面,這些改變將會遺失"
76 |
82 |
msgid "Settings"
83 |
msgstr "設定"
84 |
85 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:456
86 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:459
87 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
88 |
msgstr "如何安裝高級版"
89 |
90 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:656
91 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
92 |
msgid "Save Changes"
93 |
msgstr "儲存變更"
94 |
95 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
96 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
97 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
98 |
msgid ""
99 |
"If you continue with this action, you will reset all options in this page."
100 |
msgstr "如果你繼續這個動作,你將會重設這個頁面所有的選項"
101 |
102 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
103 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
104 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
105 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
106 |
msgstr "你確定嗎?"
107 |
108 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:668
109 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
110 |
msgid "Reset to default"
111 |
msgstr "重置為預設值"
112 |
113 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1039
114 |
msgid "Read the <mark>plugin documentation</mark>"
115 |
msgstr ""
116 |
117 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1040
118 |
msgid "Learn what you can really do with this powerful tool"
119 |
msgstr ""
120 |
121 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1050
122 |
msgid "Watch our <mark>\"First Steps\" video</mark>"
123 |
msgstr ""
124 |
125 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1051
126 |
msgid "See how it works before you start using it"
127 |
msgstr ""
128 |
129 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1307
130 |
msgid ""
131 |
"The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
132 |
msgstr "你輸入的這個元素已經存在,請輸入另一個名稱"
133 |
134 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1308
135 |
msgid "Settings saved"
136 |
msgstr "設定已經儲存"
137 |
138 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1309
139 |
msgid "Settings reset"
140 |
msgstr "重置設定"
141 |
142 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1310
143 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
144 |
msgstr "元素已被確實刪除"
145 |
146 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1311
147 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1312
148 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
149 |
msgstr "元素已正確更新。"
150 |
151 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1313
152 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
153 |
msgstr "資料庫已被正確匯入"
154 |
155 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1314
156 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
157 |
msgstr "匯入過程中發生一個錯誤,請再試一次"
158 |
159 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1315
160 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
161 |
msgstr "添加的檔案無效"
162 |
163 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1316
164 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
165 |
msgstr "抱歉,匯入功能被關閉"
166 |
167 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1317
168 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
169 |
msgstr "已順利排序"
170 |
171 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1806
172 |
msgid "We need your support"
173 |
msgstr "我們需要你的支援"
174 |
175 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1807
176 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
177 |
msgstr "請不斷保持更新與改進外掛"
178 |
179 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1809
180 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
181 |
msgstr "留下好的評論幫助我們更進步"
182 |
183 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1810
184 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
185 |
msgstr ":) 謝謝!"
186 |
543 |
msgid "Reset"
544 |
msgstr "重置"
545 |
546 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
547 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:34
548 |
msgid "is successfully updated to version %s."
549 |
msgstr ""
550 |
551 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
552 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:44
553 |
msgid "What's new in version %s"
554 |
msgstr ""
555 |
556 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:49
557 |
msgid "Check the changelog >"
558 |
msgstr ""
559 |
560 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:64
561 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:60
562 |
msgid "Got it, close this window"
563 |
msgstr ""
564 |
565 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:30
566 |
msgid "Thank you for using our plugin"
567 |
msgstr ""
568 |
569 |
#. translators: %s is the number of steps.
570 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:45
571 |
msgid "Start with these %s steps:"
572 |
msgstr ""
573 |
574 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
575 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
576 |
msgid "Save Options"
748 |
msgid "YITH"
749 |
msgstr "YITH"
750 |
751 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:136
752 |
msgctxt "Button text"
753 |
msgid "Confirm"
754 |
msgstr "確認"
755 |
756 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:137
757 |
msgctxt "Button text"
758 |
msgid "Cancel"
759 |
msgstr "取消"
760 |
761 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:150 yit-functions.php:2009
762 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
763 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
764 |
msgstr "是的,將它移至垃圾桶"
765 |
766 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:154 yit-functions.php:2027
767 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
768 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
769 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
770 |
msgstr "是的,刪除"
771 |
772 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
773 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
774 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
775 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
776 |
msgstr "感謝您購買 %s !"
777 |
778 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
779 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
780 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
781 |
msgstr ""
782 |
783 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:812
784 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
785 |
msgid ""
786 |
"We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
787 |
msgstr "我們希望幫助您享受我們所有產品的美妙體驗。"
788 |
789 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:863
790 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
791 |
msgid "Get premium"
792 |
msgstr "取得高級版"
793 |
794 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:875
795 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
796 |
msgid "Help"
797 |
msgstr "幫助"
981 |
982 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:216 templates/panel/help-tab.php:218
983 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:223
984 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
985 |
msgid "Read the plugin documentation"
986 |
msgstr ""
987 |
988 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:220
989 |
msgctxt "Help tab documentation"
990 |
msgid "to learn how it works from the basics."
991 |
msgstr ""
992 |
993 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:231 templates/panel/help-tab.php:233
994 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
995 |
msgid "Need some help?"
996 |
msgstr ""
997 |
998 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:235
999 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1008 |
msgstr ""
1009 |
1010 |
#: templates/panel/help-tab.php:241
1011 |
msgctxt "Help tab support"
1012 |
msgid "Yes, I need help"
1013 |
msgstr ""
1014 |
1015 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:30
1016 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1034 |
msgstr "還有更多!"
1035 |
1036 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:53
1037 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
1038 |
msgid "Check the premium features >"
1039 |
msgstr ""
1040 |
1041 |
#: templates/panel/premium-tab.php:60
1042 |
msgctxt "Premium Tab"
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-
8 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
9 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
10 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
@@ -24,55 +24,55 @@ msgstr ""
24 |
"X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n"
25 |
"X-Generator: grunt-wp-i18n 1.0.3\n"
26 |
27 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
28 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
29 |
msgstr ""
30 |
31 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
32 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
33 |
msgstr ""
34 |
35 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
36 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
37 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
38 |
msgid "No"
39 |
msgstr ""
40 |
41 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
42 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
43 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
44 |
msgstr ""
45 |
46 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
47 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
48 |
msgstr ""
49 |
50 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
51 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
52 |
msgid "This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
53 |
msgstr ""
54 |
55 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
56 |
msgid "Clear"
57 |
msgstr ""
58 |
59 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
60 |
msgid "Clear color"
61 |
msgstr ""
62 |
63 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
64 |
msgid "Default"
65 |
msgstr ""
66 |
67 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
68 |
msgid "Select default color"
69 |
msgstr ""
70 |
71 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
72 |
msgid "Select Color"
73 |
msgstr ""
74 |
75 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
76 |
msgid "Color value"
77 |
msgstr ""
78 |
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ msgstr ""
80 |
msgid "There was an error with your request; please try again later."
81 |
msgstr ""
82 |
83 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:
84 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
85 |
msgstr ""
86 |
@@ -92,87 +92,103 @@ msgstr ""
92 |
msgid "Settings"
93 |
msgstr ""
94 |
95 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
96 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
97 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
98 |
msgstr ""
99 |
100 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
101 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
102 |
msgid "Save Changes"
103 |
msgstr ""
104 |
105 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
106 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
107 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
108 |
msgid "If you continue with this action, you will reset all options in this page."
109 |
msgstr ""
110 |
111 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
112 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
113 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
114 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
115 |
msgstr ""
116 |
117 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
118 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
119 |
msgid "Reset to default"
120 |
msgstr ""
121 |
122 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
123 |
msgid "The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
124 |
msgstr ""
125 |
126 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
127 |
msgid "Settings saved"
128 |
msgstr ""
129 |
130 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
131 |
msgid "Settings reset"
132 |
msgstr ""
133 |
134 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
135 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
136 |
msgstr ""
137 |
138 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
139 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
140 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
141 |
msgstr ""
142 |
143 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
144 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
145 |
msgstr ""
146 |
147 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
148 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
149 |
msgstr ""
150 |
151 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
152 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
153 |
msgstr ""
154 |
155 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
156 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
157 |
msgstr ""
158 |
159 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
160 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
161 |
msgstr ""
162 |
163 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
164 |
msgid "We need your support"
165 |
msgstr ""
166 |
167 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
168 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
169 |
msgstr ""
170 |
171 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
172 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
173 |
msgstr ""
174 |
175 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
176 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
177 |
msgstr ""
178 |
@@ -524,6 +540,34 @@ msgstr ""
524 |
msgid "Reset"
525 |
msgstr ""
526 |
527 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
528 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
529 |
msgid "Save Options"
@@ -701,49 +745,49 @@ msgctxt "[gutenberg]: Category Name"
701 |
msgid "YITH"
702 |
msgstr ""
703 |
704 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
705 |
msgctxt "Button text"
706 |
msgid "Confirm"
707 |
msgstr ""
708 |
709 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
710 |
msgctxt "Button text"
711 |
msgid "Cancel"
712 |
msgstr ""
713 |
714 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
715 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
716 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
717 |
msgstr ""
718 |
719 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:
720 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
721 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
722 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
723 |
msgstr ""
724 |
725 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
726 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
727 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
728 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
729 |
msgstr ""
730 |
731 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
732 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
733 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
734 |
msgstr ""
735 |
736 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
737 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
738 |
msgid "We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
739 |
msgstr ""
740 |
741 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
742 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
743 |
msgid "Get premium"
744 |
msgstr ""
745 |
746 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:
747 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
748 |
msgid "Help"
749 |
msgstr ""
4 |
msgstr ""
5 |
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
6 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: YITH <>\n"
7 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-08-10 12:46:35+00:00\n"
8 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
9 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
10 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
24 |
"X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n"
25 |
"X-Generator: grunt-wp-i18n 1.0.3\n"
26 |
27 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:148 yit-functions.php:2006
28 |
msgid "Confirm trash"
29 |
msgstr ""
30 |
31 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:149
32 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to trash the selected items?"
33 |
msgstr ""
34 |
35 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:151 includes/class-yit-assets.php:155
36 |
#: templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:42 templates/sysinfo/tabs/main.php:50
37 |
#: yit-functions.php:2008 yit-functions.php:2026
38 |
msgid "No"
39 |
msgstr ""
40 |
41 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:152 yit-functions.php:2024
42 |
#: yit-functions.php:2152
43 |
msgid "Confirm delete"
44 |
msgstr ""
45 |
46 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153
47 |
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
48 |
msgstr ""
49 |
50 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:153 yit-functions.php:1940
51 |
#: yit-functions.php:2100
52 |
msgid "This action cannot be undone and you will not be able to recover this data."
53 |
msgstr ""
54 |
55 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:174
56 |
msgid "Clear"
57 |
msgstr ""
58 |
59 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:175
60 |
msgid "Clear color"
61 |
msgstr ""
62 |
63 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:176
64 |
msgid "Default"
65 |
msgstr ""
66 |
67 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:177
68 |
msgid "Select default color"
69 |
msgstr ""
70 |
71 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:178
72 |
msgid "Select Color"
73 |
msgstr ""
74 |
75 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:179
76 |
msgid "Color value"
77 |
msgstr ""
78 |
80 |
msgid "There was an error with your request; please try again later."
81 |
msgstr ""
82 |
83 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel-woocommerce.php:437
84 |
msgid "The changes you have made will be lost if you leave this page."
85 |
msgstr ""
86 |
92 |
msgid "Settings"
93 |
msgstr ""
94 |
95 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:456
96 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:459
97 |
msgid "How to install premium version"
98 |
msgstr ""
99 |
100 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:656
101 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:133
102 |
msgid "Save Changes"
103 |
msgstr ""
104 |
105 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
106 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
107 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
108 |
msgid "If you continue with this action, you will reset all options in this page."
109 |
msgstr ""
110 |
111 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:664
112 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:140
113 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:15
114 |
msgid "Are you sure?"
115 |
msgstr ""
116 |
117 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:668
118 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-subpanel.php:143
119 |
msgid "Reset to default"
120 |
msgstr ""
121 |
122 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1039
123 |
msgid "Read the <mark>plugin documentation</mark>"
124 |
msgstr ""
125 |
126 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1040
127 |
msgid "Learn what you can really do with this powerful tool"
128 |
msgstr ""
129 |
130 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1050
131 |
msgid "Watch our <mark>\"First Steps\" video</mark>"
132 |
msgstr ""
133 |
134 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1051
135 |
msgid "See how it works before you start using it"
136 |
msgstr ""
137 |
138 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1307
139 |
msgid "The element you have entered already exists. Please, enter another name."
140 |
msgstr ""
141 |
142 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1308
143 |
msgid "Settings saved"
144 |
msgstr ""
145 |
146 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1309
147 |
msgid "Settings reset"
148 |
msgstr ""
149 |
150 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1310
151 |
msgid "Element deleted correctly."
152 |
msgstr ""
153 |
154 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1311
155 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1312
156 |
msgid "Element updated correctly."
157 |
msgstr ""
158 |
159 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1313
160 |
msgid "Database imported correctly."
161 |
msgstr ""
162 |
163 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1314
164 |
msgid "An error has occurred during import. Please try again."
165 |
msgstr ""
166 |
167 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1315
168 |
msgid "The added file is not valid."
169 |
msgstr ""
170 |
171 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1316
172 |
msgid "Sorry, import is disabled."
173 |
msgstr ""
174 |
175 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1317
176 |
msgid "Sorting successful."
177 |
msgstr ""
178 |
179 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1806
180 |
msgid "We need your support"
181 |
msgstr ""
182 |
183 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1807
184 |
msgid "to keep updating and improving the plugin. Please,"
185 |
msgstr ""
186 |
187 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1809
188 |
msgid "help us by leaving a good review"
189 |
msgstr ""
190 |
191 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:1810
192 |
msgid ":) Thanks!"
193 |
msgstr ""
194 |
540 |
msgid "Reset"
541 |
msgstr ""
542 |
543 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:34
544 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
545 |
msgid "is successfully updated to version %s."
546 |
msgstr ""
547 |
548 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:44
549 |
#. translators: %s is the plugin version.
550 |
msgid "What's new in version %s"
551 |
msgstr ""
552 |
553 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:49
554 |
msgid "Check the changelog >"
555 |
msgstr ""
556 |
557 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/update.php:64
558 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:60
559 |
msgid "Got it, close this window"
560 |
msgstr ""
561 |
562 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:30
563 |
msgid "Thank you for using our plugin"
564 |
msgstr ""
565 |
566 |
#: templates/panel/welcome-modals/welcome.php:45
567 |
#. translators: %s is the number of steps.
568 |
msgid "Start with these %s steps:"
569 |
msgstr ""
570 |
571 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:29
572 |
#: templates/panel/woocommerce/woocommerce-form.php:33
573 |
msgid "Save Options"
745 |
msgid "YITH"
746 |
msgstr ""
747 |
748 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:136
749 |
msgctxt "Button text"
750 |
msgid "Confirm"
751 |
msgstr ""
752 |
753 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:137
754 |
msgctxt "Button text"
755 |
msgid "Cancel"
756 |
msgstr ""
757 |
758 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:150 yit-functions.php:2009
759 |
msgctxt "Trash confirmation action"
760 |
msgid "Yes, move to trash"
761 |
msgstr ""
762 |
763 |
#: includes/class-yit-assets.php:154 yit-functions.php:2027
764 |
#: yit-functions.php:2154
765 |
msgctxt "Delete confirmation action"
766 |
msgid "Yes, delete"
767 |
msgstr ""
768 |
769 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
770 |
#. translators: 1. Plugin name.
771 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
772 |
msgid "Thank you for purchasing %s!"
773 |
msgstr ""
774 |
775 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:804
776 |
msgctxt "Help tab default title"
777 |
msgid "Thank you for using %s!"
778 |
msgstr ""
779 |
780 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:812
781 |
msgctxt "Help tab default description"
782 |
msgid "We want to help you enjoy a wonderful experience with all of our products."
783 |
msgstr ""
784 |
785 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:863
786 |
msgctxt "Premium tab name"
787 |
msgid "Get premium"
788 |
msgstr ""
789 |
790 |
#: includes/class-yit-plugin-panel.php:875
791 |
msgctxt "Help tab name"
792 |
msgid "Help"
793 |
msgstr ""
@@ -52,4 +52,10 @@
52 |
<property name="customEscapingFunctions" type="array" value="wc_help_tip,wc_sanitize_tooltip,wc_selected,wc_kses_notice,wc_esc_json,wc_query_string_form_fields,wc_make_phone_clickable,yith_plugin_fw_html_data_to_string,yith_field_deps_data,yith_panel_field_deps_data,yith_plugin_fw_html_attributes_to_string"/>
53 |
54 |
55 |
52 |
<property name="customEscapingFunctions" type="array" value="wc_help_tip,wc_sanitize_tooltip,wc_selected,wc_kses_notice,wc_esc_json,wc_query_string_form_fields,wc_make_phone_clickable,yith_plugin_fw_html_data_to_string,yith_field_deps_data,yith_panel_field_deps_data,yith_plugin_fw_html_attributes_to_string"/>
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
<rule ref="WordPress.Arrays.MultipleStatementAlignment">
57 |
58 |
<property name="maxColumn" value="200"/>
59 |
60 |
61 |
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
* Template for displaying the list-items component
4 |
5 |
* @var array $component The component.
6 |
* @package YITH\PluginFramework\Templates\Components
7 |
8 |
9 |
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
10 |
11 |
list ( $component_id, $class, $the_title, $attributes, $data, $items, $variant ) = yith_plugin_fw_extract( $component, 'id', 'class', 'title', 'attributes', 'data', 'items', 'variant' );
12 |
13 |
$variant = sanitize_key( $variant ?? 'list' );
14 |
$classes = array(
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
$classes = implode( ' ', $classes );
20 |
$current_locale = substr( get_user_locale(), 0, 2 );
21 |
$loop = 1;
22 |
23 |
24 |
id="<?php echo esc_attr( $component_id ); ?>"
25 |
class="<?php echo esc_attr( $classes ); ?>"
26 |
<?php echo yith_plugin_fw_html_attributes_to_string( $attributes ); ?>
27 |
<?php echo yith_plugin_fw_html_data_to_string( $data ); ?>
28 |
29 |
30 |
<?php foreach ( $items as $item ) : ?>
31 |
32 |
$item_url = $item['url'] ?? '';
33 |
$item_title = $item['title'] ?? '';
34 |
$item_description = $item['description'] ?? '';
35 |
$item_cta = $item['cta'] ?? '';
36 |
$item_classes = array( 'yith-plugin-fw__list-item' );
37 |
38 |
if ( is_array( $item_url ) ) {
39 |
$item_url = $item_url[ $current_locale ] ?? $item_url['en'] ?? current( $item_url );
40 |
41 |
42 |
if ( ! $item_url ) {
43 |
$item_classes[] = 'yith-plugin-fw__list-item--no-link';
44 |
45 |
46 |
$item_classes = implode( ' ', $item_classes );
47 |
48 |
<li class="<?php echo esc_attr( $item_classes ); ?>">
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
<?php if ( $item_url ) : ?>
53 |
href="<?php echo esc_url( $item_url ); ?>"
54 |
<?php endif; ?>
55 |
56 |
<?php if ( 'steps' === $variant ) : ?>
57 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw__list-item__step">
58 |
<?php echo esc_html( $loop ); ?>
59 |
60 |
<?php endif; ?>
61 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw__list-item__content">
62 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw__list-item__title">
63 |
<?php echo wp_kses_post( $item_title ); ?>
64 |
65 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw__list-item__description">
66 |
<?php echo wp_kses_post( $item_description ); ?>
67 |
68 |
<?php if ( $item_cta ) : ?>
69 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw__list-item__cta">
70 |
<?php echo esc_html( $item_cta ); ?>
71 |
72 |
<?php endif; ?>
73 |
74 |
75 |
<?php if ( $item_url && ! $item_cta ) : ?>
76 |
<i class="yith-plugin-fw__list-item__arrow yith-icon yith-icon-arrow-right-alt"></i>
77 |
<?php endif; ?>
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
<?php $loop ++; ?>
82 |
<?php endforeach; ?>
83 |
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
* "Update" modal view.
4 |
5 |
* @var array $plugin The plugin info.
6 |
* @var array $modal The modal info.
7 |
* @var string $close_url The URL for closing the modal.
8 |
9 |
* @package YITH\PluginFramework
10 |
11 |
12 |
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
13 |
14 |
$classes = array(
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
$classes = implode( ' ', $classes );
19 |
20 |
$description = $modal['description'] ?? '';
21 |
$items = $modal['items'] ?? array();
22 |
23 |
24 |
<div class="<?php echo esc_attr( $classes ); ?>">
25 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__head">
26 |
<?php if ( $plugin['icon'] ) : ?>
27 |
<img class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__icon" src="<?php echo esc_url( $plugin['icon'] ); ?>"/>
28 |
<?php endif; ?>
29 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__title">
30 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__title__plugin-name"><?php echo esc_html( $plugin['name'] ); ?></div>
31 |
32 |
33 |
// translators: %s is the plugin version.
34 |
echo esc_html( sprintf( __( 'is successfully updated to version %s.', 'yith-plugin-fw' ), $plugin['version'] ) );
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__list-head">
41 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__list-head__title">
42 |
43 |
// translators: %s is the plugin version.
44 |
echo esc_html( sprintf( __( 'What\'s new in version %s', 'yith-plugin-fw' ), $modal['since'] ?? $plugin['version'] ) );
45 |
46 |
47 |
<?php if ( isset( $modal['changelog_url'] ) ) : ?>
48 |
<a class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__list-head__changelog" target="_blank" href="<?php echo esc_url( $modal['changelog_url'] ); ?>">
49 |
<?php esc_html_e( 'Check the changelog >', 'yith-plugin-fw' ); ?>
50 |
51 |
<?php endif; ?>
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
'type' => 'list-items',
57 |
'variant' => 'list',
58 |
'items' => $items,
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__footer">
64 |
<a class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__close" href="<?php echo esc_url( $close_url ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Got it, close this window', 'yith-plugin-fw' ); ?></a>
65 |
66 |
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
* "Welcome" modal view.
4 |
5 |
* @var array $plugin The plugin info.
6 |
* @var array $modal The modal info.
7 |
* @var string $close_url The URL for closing the modal.
8 |
9 |
* @package YITH\PluginFramework
10 |
11 |
12 |
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
13 |
14 |
$classes = array(
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
$classes = implode( ' ', $classes );
19 |
20 |
$description = $modal['description'] ?? '';
21 |
$items = $modal['items'] ?? array();
22 |
23 |
<div class="<?php echo esc_attr( $classes ); ?>">
24 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__head">
25 |
<?php if ( $plugin['icon'] ) : ?>
26 |
<img class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__icon" src="<?php echo esc_url( $plugin['icon'] ); ?>"/>
27 |
<?php endif; ?>
28 |
29 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__title">
30 |
<div><?php esc_html_e( 'Thank you for using our plugin', 'yith-plugin-fw' ); ?></div>
31 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__title__plugin-name"><?php echo esc_html( $plugin['name'] ); ?></div>
32 |
33 |
34 |
<?php if ( $description ) : ?>
35 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__description">
36 |
<?php echo wp_kses_post( $description ); ?>
37 |
38 |
<?php endif; ?>
39 |
40 |
41 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__list-head">
42 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__list-head__title">
43 |
44 |
// translators: %s is the number of steps.
45 |
echo esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Start with these %s steps:', 'yith-plugin-fw' ), count( $items ) ) );
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
'type' => 'list-items',
53 |
'variant' => 'steps',
54 |
'items' => $items,
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
<div class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__footer">
60 |
<a class="yith-plugin-fw-welcome__close" href="<?php echo esc_url( $close_url ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Got it, close this window', 'yith-plugin-fw' ); ?></a>
61 |
62 |
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Contributors: yithemes
4 |
Tags: zoom, magnifier, slider, carousel, woocommerce
5 |
Requires at least: 5.8
6 |
Tested up to: 6.0
7 |
Stable tag: 2.
8 |
License: GPLv2 or later
9 |
License URI:
10 |
@@ -74,6 +74,11 @@ YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom will add a new tab called "Product
74 |
75 |
== Changelog ==
76 |
77 |
= Version 2.12.0 - Released: August 03, 2022 =
78 |
79 |
* New: support for WooCommerce 6.8
4 |
Tags: zoom, magnifier, slider, carousel, woocommerce
5 |
Requires at least: 5.8
6 |
Tested up to: 6.0
7 |
Stable tag: 2.13.0
8 |
License: GPLv2 or later
9 |
License URI:
10 |
74 |
75 |
== Changelog ==
76 |
77 |
= Version 2.13.0 - Released: September 13, 2022 =
78 |
79 |
* New: support for WooCommerce 6.9
80 |
* Update: YITH plugin Framework
81 |
82 |
= Version 2.12.0 - Released: August 03, 2022 =
83 |
84 |
* New: support for WooCommerce 6.8