Wordpress Plugins

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Displaying wordpress plugins 1541 - 1550 of 1762 in total
Name First release Latest release Downloads alltime ▲
Icon wp plugin Google Analytics 2016-12-16 2022-11-30 3,397,733
Icon 128x128 Schema & Structured Data for WP & AMP 2018-08-16 2022-12-03 3,400,990
Icon 128x128 Toolset Types – Custom Post Types, Custom Fields and Taxonomies 2014-08-22 2018-12-07 3,453,184
Icon 128x128 Autoptimize 2009-07-09 2022-12-03 3,464,609
Icon 128x128 BackUpWordPress 2007-09-03 2022-02-23 3,477,897
Icon 128x128 WP eCommerce 2008-08-20 2020-08-21 3,500,395
Icon 128x128 Loco Translate 2013-07-23 2022-10-25 3,517,418
Icon 128x128 Redux Framework 2013-10-24 2022-12-05 3,520,573
Icon 128x128 Custom Post Type UI 2011-02-25 2022-12-15 3,559,015
Icon 128x128 Happy Addons for Elementor (Mega Menu, Post Grid, Woocommerce Product Grid, Table, Event Calendar, Slider Elementor Widget) 2019-06-16 2022-11-20 3,626,108