Magento Extensions

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Displaying magento extensions 2651 - 2660 of 3445 in total
Name Summary First release Latest release ▼
Bloompcommerce Offer a real time discount for consumers that share their buying intention. 2012-11-26 2013-02-28
EPOSTIDENT Deutsche Post – E-POSTIDENT Online age verification, identification and automatic handover of address data 2013-02-28 2013-02-28
GoWebBaby_Facebook_Connect Allows your users to register using their Facebook accounts.Enables to use the Like feature for all store pages.Now it is available absolutely for free! 2013-02-27 2013-02-27
ES_Vcatalog Vertical Catalog Exploded Navigation 2013-02-23 2013-02-23
Mageix_Inline_Ixcba The ultimate module that fully & seamlessly integrates Checkout By Amazon into magento checkout & order mgmt. 2013-02-02 2013-02-22
Achang_Scene7 The scene7 extension help you to use adobe scene7 to customize product on magento 2013-02-22 2013-02-22
Iwebics_LayeredCategory Out Layered Category extension gives you the maximum flexibility to set category wise layered navigation. Layered Category enables you to set different layered navigation for different category.You can also set default layered navigation from configuration settings. 2013-02-14 2013-02-22
Smasoft_Oneclickorder One Click Order 2013-02-17 2013-02-21
Barpay_Payment_Standard Secure, quick and without any fees: Pay online in cash with BarPay. 2012-08-28 2013-02-21
Magebeam_GetOrderBack Magebeam Get Order Back gives the store owner ability to uncancel any accidentally canceled order. 2013-02-21 2013-02-21