Version Description
New entrance effects and bug fixes
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | premiocommit |
Plugin | myStickymenu |
Version | 2.4.4 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 2.4.3 to 2.4.4
- css/admin-setting.css +1 -0
- css/mystickymenu-admin.css +158 -15
- images/agency-price.png +0 -0
- images/basic-price-bg.png +0 -0
- images/new_widget_bg.png +0 -0
- images/plus-price.png +0 -0
- images/pro-chat.png +0 -0
- images/pro-devices.png +0 -0
- images/pro-language.png +0 -0
- images/pro-page.png +0 -0
- images/pro-support.png +0 -0
- images/pro-widget.png +0 -0
- js/iris-script.js +21 -6
- js/mystickymenu-admin.js +12 -0
- mystickymenu-deactivate-form.php +239 -0
- mystickymenu.php +211 -151
- mystickymeny-new-welcomebar.php +63 -0
- readme.txt +7 -3
- upgrade-to-pro.php +167 -0
- welcome-bar.php +201 -76
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
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@@ -580,6 +580,108 @@ div#slider.ui-slider {
580 |
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581 |
display: none;
582 |
583 |
@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1200px) {
584 |
.pt_numberbutton.pt_numberdown {
585 |
position: relative;
@@ -1669,10 +1771,36 @@ a.create-rule {
1669 |
padding-bottom: 0;
1670 |
1671 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-upgrade-main .myStickymenu-upgrade {
1672 |
float: right
1673 |
1674 |
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1675 |
1676 |
1677 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-page-option .url-content {
1678 |
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@@ -1706,18 +1834,32 @@ a.create-rule {
1706 |
1707 |
1708 |
.mysticky-page-option .myStickymenu-upgrade {
1709 |
1710 |
1711 |
1712 |
1713 |
1714 |
1715 |
1716 |
1717 |
1718 |
1719 |
1720 |
1721 |
1722 |
.mysticky-page-option {
1723 |
background-color: #fff;
@@ -2075,4 +2217,5 @@ div#wp-mysticky_bar_text-wrap {
2075 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-preview-screen.mysticky-welcomebar-preview-mobile-screen {
2076 |
max-width: 250px;
2077 |
2078 |
580 |
/*.sticky-header-content {
581 |
display: none;
582 |
583 |
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584 |
width: 55px;
585 |
586 |
587 |
/*New Welcomebar Page css*/
588 |
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589 |
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590 |
591 |
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592 |
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593 |
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594 |
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595 |
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596 |
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597 |
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598 |
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599 |
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600 |
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601 |
line-height: 20px;
602 |
603 |
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604 |
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605 |
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606 |
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607 |
line-height: 30px;
608 |
color: #1e1e1e;
609 |
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610 |
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611 |
612 |
+ {
613 |
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614 |
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615 |
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616 |
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617 |
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618 |
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619 |
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620 |
line-height: 40px;
621 |
margin: 10px 0 10px 10px;
622 |
padding: 0 25px;
623 |
text-decoration: none;
624 |
text-transform: uppercase;
625 |
626 |
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627 |
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628 |
align-items: center;
629 |
flex-wrap: wrap;
630 |
margin-top: 0;
631 |
margin-bottom: 0;
632 |
633 |
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634 |
width: 33.33%;
635 |
padding: 10px 10px 0px;
636 |
margin-bottom: 0;
637 |
638 |
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639 |
margin: 30px 0 0 0;
640 |
background: #fff;
641 |
border: 1px solid #605dec;
642 |
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643 |
border-radius: 4px;
644 |
padding: 30px 15px 10px 15px;
645 |
min-height: 186px;
646 |
position: relative;
647 |
648 |
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649 |
width: 50px;
650 |
height: 50px;
651 |
border: solid 1px #605dec;
652 |
border-radius: 50%;
653 |
position: absolute;
654 |
left: 0;
655 |
right: 0;
656 |
margin: 0 auto;
657 |
top: -25px;
658 |
background: #fff;
659 |
z-index: 11;
660 |
padding: 10px;
661 |
662 |
.feature-title {
663 |
font-family: Poppins;
664 |
font-style: normal;
665 |
font-weight: 700;
666 |
font-size: 13px;
667 |
line-height: 18px;
668 |
color: #1e1e1e;
669 |
670 |
.feature-description {
671 |
font-family: Poppins;
672 |
font-style: normal;
673 |
font-weight: 400;
674 |
font-size: 13px;
675 |
line-height: 18px;
676 |
color: #1e1e1e;
677 |
678 |
.mystickymenu-feature-top img {
679 |
width: auto;
680 |
height: auto;
681 |
max-width: 100%;
682 |
max-height: 100%;
683 |
684 |
/* Finish new Welcome bar screen css */
685 |
@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) and (max-width: 1200px) {
686 |
.pt_numberbutton.pt_numberdown {
687 |
position: relative;
1771 |
padding-bottom: 0;
1772 |
1773 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-upgrade-main .myStickymenu-upgrade {
1774 |
float: right;
1775 |
1776 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-page-option {
1777 |
margin-bottom: 20px;
1778 |
position: relative;
1779 |
1780 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-page-option select {
1781 |
width: 230px;
1782 |
1783 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-page-option .myStickymenu-upgrade {
1784 |
display: none;
1785 |
position: absolute;
1786 |
top: 9px;
1787 |
left: 50%;
1788 |
-webkit-transform: translateX(-50%);
1789 |
-moz-transform: translateX(-50%);
1790 |
transform: translateX(-50%);
1791 |
text-align: center;
1792 |
margin-left: 0;
1793 |
1794 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-page-option .myStickymenu-upgrade a {
1795 |
padding-top: 5px;
1796 |
padding-bottom: 7px;
1797 |
padding-left: 20px;
1798 |
padding-right: 20px;
1799 |
font-size: 14px;
1800 |
box-shadow: 0 0 3px #999;
1801 |
1802 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-page-option:hover .myStickymenu-upgrade {
1803 |
display: block;
1804 |
1805 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-page-option .url-content {
1806 |
/*display: flex;*/
1834 |
1835 |
1836 |
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1837 |
float: none;
1838 |
position: absolute;
1839 |
top: 0;
1840 |
left: 50%;
1841 |
/* right: 0; */
1842 |
text-align: center;
1843 |
/* background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); */
1844 |
bottom: 0;
1845 |
border-radius: 10px;
1846 |
display: none;
1847 |
align-items: center;
1848 |
justify-content: center;
1849 |
-webkit-transform: translateX(-50%);
1850 |
-moz-transform: translateX(-50%);
1851 |
transform: translateX(-50%);
1852 |
1853 |
.mysticky-page-option:hover .myStickymenu-upgrade {
1854 |
display: flex;
1855 |
1856 |
.mysticky-page-option .myStickymenu-upgrade a {
1857 |
padding-top: 5px;
1858 |
padding-bottom: 7px;
1859 |
padding-left: 20px;
1860 |
padding-right: 20px;
1861 |
font-size: 14px;
1862 |
box-shadow: 0 0 3px #999;
1863 |
1864 |
.mysticky-page-option {
1865 |
background-color: #fff;
2217 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-preview-screen.mysticky-welcomebar-preview-mobile-screen {
2218 |
max-width: 250px;
2219 |
2220 |
2221 |
Binary file
Binary file
Binary file
Binary file
Binary file
Binary file
Binary file
Binary file
Binary file
Binary file
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function($){
5 |
6 |
jQuery(".sticky-header-menu ul li a:last").trigger("click");
7 |
8 |
if(jQuery(".multiple-options").length) {
9 |
10 |
minimumResultsForSearch: -1
@@ -15,14 +16,13 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function($){
15 |
minimumResultsForSearch: -1
16 |
17 |
18 |
// priceOptions = jQuery.parseJSON(priceOptions);
19 |
jQuery(document).on("change", ".multiple-options", function(){
20 |
priceText = jQuery(this).find("option:selected").attr("data-header");
21 |
thisValue = jQuery(this).val();
22 |
thisPrice = jQuery(this).find("option:selected").attr("data-price");
23 |
if(!jQuery(this).hasClass("has-multiple-websites")) {
24 |
25 |
26 |
} else {
27 |
var webOption = jQuery(".multiple-web-options").val();
28 |
var priceSettings = priceOptions[webOption];
@@ -33,12 +33,27 @@ jQuery(document).ready(function($){
33 |
thisPrice = priceSettings.price;
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
jQuery(document).on("change", ".multiple-web-options", function(){
42 |
43 |
44 |
5 |
6 |
jQuery(".sticky-header-menu ul li a:last").trigger("click");
7 |
8 |
9 |
if(jQuery(".multiple-options").length) {
10 |
11 |
minimumResultsForSearch: -1
16 |
minimumResultsForSearch: -1
17 |
18 |
19 |
jQuery(document).on("change", ".multiple-options", function(){
20 |
priceText = jQuery(this).find("option:selected").attr("data-header");
21 |
thisValue = jQuery(this).val();
22 |
thisPrice = jQuery(this).find("option:selected").attr("data-price");
23 |
if(!jQuery(this).hasClass("has-multiple-websites")) {
24 |
jQuery(this).closest(".price-table").find("a.cart-link").attr("href", thisValue);
25 |
jQuery(this).closest(".price-table").find(".plan-price").text("$" + thisPrice);
26 |
} else {
27 |
var webOption = jQuery(".multiple-web-options").val();
28 |
var priceSettings = priceOptions[webOption];
33 |
thisPrice = priceSettings.price;
34 |
35 |
36 |
thisOption = jQuery(this).find("option:selected").attr("data-option");
37 |
if(thisOption == "1_year") {
38 |
thisPrice = thisPrice+"<span>/year</span>";
39 |
priceText = "Renewals for <b>25% off</b>";
40 |
} else if(thisOption == "2_year") {
41 |
thisPrice = thisPrice+"<span>/2 years</span>";
42 |
priceText = "Renewals for <b>25% off</b>";
43 |
} else {
44 |
thisPrice = thisPrice+"<span>/lifetime</span>";
45 |
priceText = "For lifetime";
46 |
47 |
jQuery(this).closest(".price-table").find("a.cart-link").attr("href", thisValue);
48 |
jQuery(this).closest(".price-table").find(".plan-price").html("$" + thisPrice);
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
jQuery(document).on("change", ".multiple-web-options", function(){
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
if(jQuery(".multiple-options.has-multiple-websites").length) {
57 |
58 |
59 |
@@ -307,6 +307,18 @@
307 |
308 |
} );
309 |
/* DATE: 11-12-2019 End */
310 |
311 |
$( '.mysticky-welcomebar-submit input#submit' ).on( 'click', function(e){
312 |
if ( $( 'input[name="mysticky_option_welcomebar[mysticky_welcomebar_enable]"]' ).prop( 'checked' ) == false && $( 'input#save_welcome_bar' ).val() == '' ) {
307 |
308 |
} );
309 |
/* DATE: 11-12-2019 End */
310 |
$("#myStickymenu-entry-effect").on( 'change', function() {
311 |
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312 |
$(".mysticky-welcomebar-fixed").removeClass (function (index, className) {
313 |
return (className.match (/(^|\s)mysticky-welcomebar-entry-effect-\S+/g) || []).join(' ');
314 |
315 |
$( '.mysticky-welcomebar-preview-screen .mysticky-welcomebar-fixed' ).addClass( 'mysticky-welcomebar-entry-effect-' + $(this).val() );
316 |
setTimeout( function(){
317 |
$(".mysticky-welcomebar-preview-screen .mysticky-welcomebar-fixed").addClass('entry-effect');
318 |
}, 1000 );
319 |
320 |
321 |
$( '.mysticky-welcomebar-fixed' ).addClass( 'entry-effect' );
322 |
323 |
$( '.mysticky-welcomebar-submit input#submit' ).on( 'click', function(e){
324 |
if ( $( 'input[name="mysticky_option_welcomebar[mysticky_welcomebar_enable]"]' ).prop( 'checked' ) == false && $( 'input#save_welcome_bar' ).val() == '' ) {
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
1 |
2 |
.mystickymenu--hidden {
3 |
overflow: hidden;
4 |
5 |
6 |
.mystickymenu--popup-overlay .mystickymenu--internal-message {
7 |
margin: 3px 0 3px 22px;
8 |
display: none;
9 |
10 |
11 |
.mystickymenu--reason-input {
12 |
margin: 3px 0 3px 22px;
13 |
display: none;
14 |
15 |
16 |
.mystickymenu--reason-input input[type="text"] {
17 |
width: 100%;
18 |
display: block;
19 |
20 |
21 |
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22 |
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
23 |
position: fixed;
24 |
top: 0;
25 |
left: 0;
26 |
height: 100%;
27 |
width: 100%;
28 |
z-index: 1000;
29 |
overflow: auto;
30 |
visibility: hidden;
31 |
opacity: 0;
32 |
transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out :
33 |
34 |
35 |
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36 |
opacity: 1;
37 |
visibility: visible;
38 |
39 |
40 |
.mystickymenu--serveypanel {
41 |
width: 600px;
42 |
background: #fff;
43 |
margin: 65px auto 0;
44 |
45 |
46 |
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47 |
background: #f1f1f1;
48 |
padding: 20px;
49 |
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
50 |
51 |
52 |
.mystickymenu--popup-header h2 {
53 |
margin: 0;
54 |
55 |
56 |
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57 |
padding: 10px 20px;
58 |
59 |
60 |
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61 |
background: #f9f3f3;
62 |
padding: 10px 20px;
63 |
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64 |
65 |
66 |
.mystickymenu--popup-footer:after {
67 |
content: "";
68 |
display: table;
69 |
clear: both;
70 |
71 |
72 |
.action-btns {
73 |
float: right;
74 |
75 |
76 |
.mystickymenu--anonymous {
77 |
display: none;
78 |
79 |
80 |
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81 |
color: red;
82 |
font-weight: 600;
83 |
display: none;
84 |
85 |
86 |
.mystickymenu--spinner {
87 |
display: none;
88 |
89 |
90 |
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91 |
margin-top: 3px;
92 |
93 |
94 |
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95 |
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96 |
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97 |
98 |
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99 |
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100 |
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101 |
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102 |
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103 |
104 |
105 |
span.mystickymenu--error-message {
106 |
color: #dd0000;
107 |
font-weight: 600;
108 |
109 |
.mystickymenu--popup-body h3 {
110 |
line-height: 24px;
111 |
112 |
.mystickymenu--popup-overlay .form-control input {
113 |
width: 100%;
114 |
margin: 0 0 15px 0;
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
<div class="mystickymenu--popup-overlay">
119 |
<div class="mystickymenu--serveypanel">
120 |
<form action="#" method="post" id="mystickymenu--deactivate-form">
121 |
<div class="mystickymenu--popup-header">
122 |
<h2><?php _e('Quick feedback about My Sticky Menu', "mystickymenu"); ?> 🙏</h2>
123 |
124 |
<div class="mystickymenu--popup-body">
125 |
<h3><?php _e('Your feedback will help us improve the product, please tell us why did you decide to deactivate My Sticky Menu :)', "mystickymenu"); ?></h3>
126 |
<div class="form-control">
127 |
<input type="email" value="<?php echo get_option( 'admin_email' ) ?>" placeholder="<?php echo _e("Email address", "mystickymenu") ?>" id="mystickymenu-deactivation-email_id">
128 |
129 |
<div class="form-control">
130 |
<textarea placeholder="<?php echo _e("Your comment", "mystickymenu") ?>" id="mystickymenu-deactivation-comment"></textarea>
131 |
132 |
133 |
<div class="mystickymenu--popup-footer">
134 |
<label class="mystickymenu--anonymous">
135 |
<input type="checkbox"/><?php _e('Anonymous feedback', "mystickymenu"); ?>
136 |
137 |
<input type="button" class="button button-secondary button-skip mystickymenu--popup-skip-feedback" value="Skip & Deactivate">
138 |
<div class="action-btns">
139 |
<span class="mystickymenu--spinner"><img src="<?php echo admin_url('/images/spinner.gif'); ?>" alt=""></span>
140 |
<input type="submit" class="button button-secondary button-deactivate mystickymenu--popup-allow-deactivate" value="Submit & Deactivate" disabled="disabled">
141 |
<a href="#" class="button button-primary mystickymenu--popup-button-close"><?php _e('Cancel', "mystickymenu"); ?></a>
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
(function ($) {
151 |
152 |
$(function () {
153 |
154 |
var pluginSlug = 'mystickymenu';
155 |
// Code to fire when the DOM is ready.
156 |
157 |
$(document).on('click', 'tr[data-slug="' + pluginSlug + '"] .deactivate', function (e) {
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
$(document).on('click', '.mystickymenu--popup-button-close', function () {
164 |
165 |
166 |
$(document).on('click', ".mystickymenu--serveypanel,tr[data-slug='" + pluginSlug + "'] .deactivate", function (e) {
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
$(document).click(function () {
171 |
172 |
173 |
$('.mystickymenu--reason label').on('click', function () {
174 |
175 |
176 |
if ($(this).find('input[type="radio"]').is(':checked')) {
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
$(document).on("keyup", "#mystickymenu-deactivation-comment", function(){
181 |
if($.trim($(this).val()) == "") {
182 |
$(".mystickymenu--popup-allow-deactivate").attr("disabled", true);
183 |
} else {
184 |
$(".mystickymenu--popup-allow-deactivate").attr("disabled", false);
185 |
186 |
187 |
$('input[type="radio"][name="mystickymenu--selected-reason"]').on('click', function (event) {
188 |
189 |
190 |
$(document).on('submit', '#mystickymenu--deactivate-form', function (event) {
191 |
192 |
_reason = "";
193 |
if(jQuery.trim(jQuery("#mystickymenu-deactivation-comment").val()) == "") {
194 |
jQuery("#alt_plugin").after("<span class='mystickymenu--error-message'>Please provide your feedback</span>");
195 |
return false;
196 |
} else {
197 |
_reason = jQuery.trim(jQuery("#mystickymenu-deactivation-comment").val());
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
var email_id = jQuery.trim(jQuery("#mystickymenu-deactivation-email_id").val());
203 |
204 |
205 |
url: ajaxurl,
206 |
type: 'POST',
207 |
data: {
208 |
action: 'mystickymenu_plugin_deactivate',
209 |
reason: _reason,
210 |
email_id: email_id,
211 |
nonce: '<?php echo wp_create_nonce("mystickymenu_deactivate_nonce") ?>'
212 |
213 |
beforeSend: function () {
214 |
215 |
$(".mystickymenu--popup-allow-deactivate").attr("disabled", "disabled");
216 |
217 |
}).done(function (status) {
218 |
219 |
220 |
window.location.href = $("tr[data-slug='" + pluginSlug + "'] .deactivate a").attr('href');
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
$('.mystickymenu--popup-skip-feedback').on('click', function (e) {
225 |
window.location.href = $("tr[data-slug='" + pluginSlug + "'] .deactivate a").attr('href');
226 |
227 |
228 |
function close_popup() {
229 |
230 |
231 |
$(".mystickymenu--popup-allow-deactivate").attr('disabled', 'disabled');
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
})(jQuery); // This invokes the function above and allows us to use '$' in place of 'jQuery' in our code.
239 |
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
3 |
Plugin Name: myStickymenu
4 |
Plugin URI:
5 |
Description: Simple sticky (fixed on top) menu implementation for navigation menu and Welcome bar for announcements and promotion. After install go to Settings / myStickymenu and change Sticky Class to .your_navbar_class or #your_navbar_id.
6 |
Version: 2.4.
7 |
Author: Premio
8 |
Author URI:
9 |
Text Domain: mystickymenu
@@ -12,11 +12,14 @@ License: GPLv2 or later
12 |
13 |
14 |
defined('ABSPATH') or die("Cannot access pages directly.");
15 |
define( 'MYSTICKY_VERSION', '2.4.
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
if(is_admin()) {
20 |
include_once 'class-review-box.php';
21 |
22 |
@@ -39,6 +42,9 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
39 |
add_action("wp_ajax_sticky_menu_update_status", array($this, 'sticky_menu_update_status'));
40 |
41 |
add_action("wp_ajax_mystickymenu_update_popup_status", array($this, 'mystickymenu_popup_status'));
42 |
43 |
44 |
public function mystickymenu_popup_status() {
@@ -91,7 +97,7 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
91 |
92 |
public function mysticky_admin_script($hook) {
93 |
94 |
if ( $
95 |
96 |
97 |
@@ -109,9 +115,8 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
109 |
110 |
if($hook == "mystickymenu_page_my-stickymenu-upgrade") {
111 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'my-select2', plugins_url('js/select2.min.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'wp-color-picker' ), false, true );
112 |
113 |
114 |
wp_enqueue_style('my-css-select2', plugins_url('css/select2.min.css', __FILE__), array(), MYSTICKY_VERSION );
115 |
116 |
117 |
wp_enqueue_script('mystickymenuAdminScript', plugins_url('/js/mystickymenu-admin.js', __FILE__), array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-slider' ), MYSTICKY_VERSION);
@@ -152,6 +157,15 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
152 |
153 |
array( $this, 'mystickystickymenu_admin_welcomebar_page' )
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
'Upgrade to Pro',
@@ -176,6 +190,7 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
176 |
$post['device_desktop'] = 'on';
177 |
$post['device_mobile'] = 'on';
178 |
update_option( 'mysticky_option_name', $post);
179 |
echo '<div class="updated settings-error notice is-dismissible "><p><strong>' . esc_html__('Settings saved.','mystickymenu'). '</p></strong></div>';
180 |
} else {
181 |
wp_verify_nonce($_GET['nonce'], 'wporg_frontend_delete');
@@ -300,7 +315,7 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
300 |
301 |
<div class="mysticky_device_upgrade">
302 |
<label class="mysticky_title"><?php _e("Devices", 'mystickymenu')?></label>
303 |
<span class="myStickymenu-upgrade"><a class="sticky-header-upgrade
304 |
305 |
<ul class="mystickymenu-input-multicheckbox">
306 |
@@ -423,7 +438,7 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
423 |
424 |
<div class="mystickymenu-content-option">
425 |
<label class="mysticky_title css-style-title"><?php _e("Hide on Scroll Down", 'mystickymenu'); ?></label>
426 |
<?php if(!$is_old) { ?><span class="myStickymenu-upgrade"><a class="sticky-header-upgrade
427 |
428 |
<label class="mysticky_text">
429 |
<input id="myfixed_disable_scroll_down" name="mysticky_option_name[myfixed_disable_scroll_down]" type="checkbox" <?php checked( @$mysticky_options['myfixed_disable_scroll_down'], 'on' );?> <?php echo !$is_old?"disabled":"" ?> />
@@ -483,20 +498,20 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
483 |
484 |
485 |
486 |
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="create-rule" id="mysticky_create-rule"><?php esc_html_e( "Add Rule", "
487 |
488 |
<input type="hidden" id="mysticky_welcomebar_site_url" value="<?php echo site_url("/") ?>" />
489 |
<div class="mysticky-page-options-html" style="display: none;">
490 |
<div class="mysticky-page-option">
491 |
<div class="url-content">
492 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-url-select">
493 |
<select name="
494 |
<option value="show_on"><?php esc_html_e("Show on", "mysticky" );?></option>
495 |
<option value="not_show_on"><?php esc_html_e("Don't show on", "mysticky" );?></option>
496 |
497 |
498 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-url-option">
499 |
<select class="mysticky-url-options" name="
500 |
<option selected="selected" disabled value=""><?php esc_html_e("Select Rule", "mysticky" );?></option>
501 |
<?php foreach($url_options as $key=>$value) {
502 |
echo '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$value.'</option>';
@@ -507,14 +522,11 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
507 |
<span class='mysticky-welcomebar-url'><?php echo site_url("/"); ?></span>
508 |
509 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-url-values">
510 |
<input type="text" value="" name="mysticky_option_name[mysticky_page_settings][__count__][value]" id="url_rules___count___value"
511 |
512 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-url-buttons">
513 |
<a class="mysticky-remove-rule" href="javascript:void(0);">x</a>
514 |
515 |
<div class="clear"></div>
516 |
517 |
518 |
519 |
520 |
@@ -549,7 +561,7 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
549 |
550 |
<div class="mystickymenu-content-option">
551 |
<label class="mysticky_title"><?php _e("Disable at", 'mystickymenu'); ?></label>
552 |
<?php if(!$is_old) { ?><span class="myStickymenu-upgrade"><a class="sticky-header-upgrade
553 |
<div class="mystickymenu-input-section">
554 |
<ul class="mystickymenu-input-multicheckbox">
555 |
@@ -658,6 +670,14 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
658 |
659 |
<?php }
660 |
661 |
public function mystickystickymenu_admin_welcomebar_page() {
662 |
/* welcome bar save data */
663 |
if (isset($_POST['mysticky_option_welcomebar']) && !empty($_POST['mysticky_option_welcomebar']) && isset($_POST['nonce'])) {
@@ -672,6 +692,7 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
672 |
$mysticky_option_welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_expirydate'] = '';
673 |
$mysticky_option_welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_page_settings'] = '';
674 |
update_option( 'mysticky_option_welcomebar', $mysticky_option_welcomebar);
675 |
echo '<div class="updated settings-error notice is-dismissible "><p><strong>' . esc_html__('Settings saved.','mystickymenu'). '</p></strong></div>';
676 |
} else {
677 |
wp_verify_nonce($_GET['nonce'], 'wporg_frontend_delete');
@@ -682,6 +703,7 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
682 |
if(!empty($_POST['nonce_reset']) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['nonce_reset'], 'mysticky_option_welcomebar_reset')) {
683 |
$mysticky_option_welcomebar_reset = mysticky_welcomebar_pro_widget_default_fields();
684 |
update_option( 'mysticky_option_welcomebar', $mysticky_option_welcomebar_reset);
685 |
echo '<div class="updated settings-error notice is-dismissible "><p><strong>' . esc_html__('Reset Settings saved.','mystickymenu'). '</p></strong></div>';
686 |
} else {
687 |
wp_verify_nonce($_GET['nonce'], 'wporg_frontend_delete');
@@ -745,140 +767,9 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
745 |
<li><a href="<?php echo admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-stickymenu-upgrade' ) ?>" class="active" ><?php _e('Upgrade to Pro', 'mystickymenu'); ?></a></li>
746 |
747 |
748 |
749 |
750 |
751 |
<strong class="text-primary">Unlock All Features</strong>
752 |
753 |
<div class="">
754 |
<div class="rpt_plan rpt_plan_0 ">
755 |
<div style="text-align:left;" class="rpt_title rpt_title_0">Basic</div>
756 |
<div class="rpt_head rpt_head_0">
757 |
<div class="rpt_recurrence rpt_recurrence_0">For small website owners</div>
758 |
<div class="rpt_price rpt_price_0">$19</div>
759 |
<div class="rpt_description rpt_description_0 rpt_desc">Per year. Renewals for 25% off</div>
760 |
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
761 |
762 |
<div class="rpt_features rpt_features_0">
763 |
<div style="padding: 12px 16px 6px 16px" class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_0-0"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Use myStickymenu on 1 domain</span>1 website<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
764 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_0-1"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>You can show the menu when scrolling up, down or both</span>Show on scroll up/down<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
765 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_0-2"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>You can disable the sticky effect on desktop or mobile</span>Devices<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
766 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_0-3"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Add CSS of your own to the sticky menu</span>CSS style<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
767 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_0-4"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Show/hide the sticky menu on specific pages</span>Page targeting<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
768 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_0-5"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Fade/Slide, opacity, background color, transition time and more</span>Effects and more<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
769 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_0-6"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Including page targeting, delay and scroll triggers, devices, position, height, expiry date, open link in a new tab</span>Welcome bar<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus"> +</span></a></div>
770 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_0-9">
771 |
<select data-key="0" class="multiple-options">
772 |
<option data-header="Renewals for 25% off" data-price="19" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."1") ?>">
773 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 1 year") ?>
774 |
775 |
<option data-header="For 2 years" data-price="29" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."13") ?>">
776 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 2 years") ?>
777 |
778 |
<option data-header="For lifetime" data-price="59" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."5") ?>">
779 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for lifetime") ?>
780 |
781 |
782 |
783 |
784 |
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
785 |
<a target="_blank" href="[price_id]=1" class="rpt_foot rpt_foot_0">Buy now</a>
786 |
787 |
<div class="rpt_plan rpt_plan_1 rpt_recommended_plan ">
788 |
<div style="text-align:left;" class="rpt_title rpt_title_1">Plus<img class="rpt_recommended" src="<?php echo plugins_url("") ?>/mystickymenu/images/rpt_recommended.png" style="top: 27px;"></div>
789 |
<div class="rpt_head rpt_head_1">
790 |
<div class="rpt_recurrence rpt_recurrence_1">For businesses with multiple websites</div>
791 |
<div class="rpt_price rpt_price_1">$39</div>
792 |
<div class="rpt_description rpt_description_1 rpt_desc">Per year. Renewals for 25% off</div>
793 |
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
794 |
795 |
<div class="rpt_features rpt_features_1">
796 |
<div style="padding: 12px 16px 6px 16px" class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_1-0"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Use myStickymenu on 5 domains</span>5 websites<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
797 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_1-1"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>You can show the menu when scrolling up, down or both</span>Show on scroll up/down<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
798 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_1-2"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>You can disable the sticky effect on desktop or mobile</span>Devices<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
799 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_1-3"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Add CSS of your own to the sticky menu</span>CSS style<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
800 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_1-4"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Show/hide the sticky menu on specific pages</span>Page targeting<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
801 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_1-5"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Fade/Slide, opacity, background color, transition time and more</span>Effects and more<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
802 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_1-6"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Including page targeting, delay and scroll triggers, devices, position, height, expiry date, open link in a new tab</span>Welcome bar<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus"> +</span></a></div>
803 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_0-9">
804 |
<select data-key="0" class="multiple-options">
805 |
<option data-header="Renewals for 25% off" data-price="39" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."2") ?>">
806 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 1 year") ?>
807 |
808 |
<option data-header="For 2 years" data-price="59" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."14") ?>">
809 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 2 years") ?>
810 |
811 |
<option data-header="For lifetime" data-price="99" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."7") ?>">
812 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for lifetime") ?>
813 |
814 |
815 |
816 |
817 |
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
818 |
<a target="_blank" href="[price_id]=2" class="rpt_foot rpt_foot_1">Buy now</a>
819 |
820 |
<div class="rpt_plan rpt_plan_2 ">
821 |
<div style="text-align:left;" class="rpt_title rpt_title_2">Agency</div>
822 |
<div class="rpt_head rpt_head_2">
823 |
<div class="rpt_recurrence rpt_recurrence_2">For agencies who manage clients</div>
824 |
<div class="rpt_price rpt_price_2">$79</div>
825 |
<div class="rpt_description rpt_description_2 rpt_desc">Per year. Renewals for 25% off</div>
826 |
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
827 |
828 |
<div class="rpt_features rpt_features_2">
829 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_2-0"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip">
830 |
<select class="multiple-web-options">
831 |
<option value="50_websites">50 websites</option>
832 |
<option value="500_websites">500 websites</option>
833 |
<option value="1000_websites">1000 websites</option>
834 |
835 |
836 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_2-1"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>You can show the menu when scrolling up, down or both</span>Show on scroll up/down<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
837 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_2-2"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>You can disable the sticky effect on desktop or mobile</span>Devices<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
838 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_2-3"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Add CSS of your own to the sticky menu</span>CSS style<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
839 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_2-4"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Show/hide the sticky menu on specific pages</span>Page targeting<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
840 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_2-5"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Fade/Slide, opacity, background color, transition time and more</span>Effects and more<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus" > +</span></a></div>
841 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_2-6"><a href="javascript:;" class="rpt_tooltip"><span class="intool"><b></b>Including page targeting, delay and scroll triggers, devices, position, height, expiry date, open link in a new tab</span>Welcome bar<span class="rpt_tooltip_plus"> +</span></a></div>
842 |
<div class="rpt_feature rpt_feature_0-9">
843 |
<select data-key="0" class="multiple-options has-multiple-websites">
844 |
<option data-option="1_year" data-header="Renewals for 25% off" data-price="79" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."3") ?>">
845 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 1 year") ?>
846 |
847 |
<option data-option="2_year" data-header="For 2 years" data-price="125" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."15") ?>">
848 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 2 years") ?>
849 |
850 |
<option data-option="lifetime" data-header="For lifetime" data-price="199" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."9") ?>">
851 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for lifetime") ?>
852 |
853 |
854 |
855 |
856 |
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
857 |
<a target="_blank" href="[price_id]=3" class="rpt_foot rpt_foot_2">Buy now</a>
858 |
859 |
860 |
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
861 |
<div class="client-testimonial">
862 |
<p class="text-center"><span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span> 30 days money back guaranteed</p>
863 |
<p class="text-center"><span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span> The plugin will always keep working even if you don't renew your license</p>
864 |
<div class="payment">
865 |
<img src="<?php echo plugins_url("") ?>/mystickymenu/images/payment.png" alt="Payment" class="payment-img" />
866 |
867 |
<div class="testimonial-box">
868 |
<div class="testimonial-image">
869 |
<img src="<?php echo plugins_url("") ?>/mystickymenu/images/testimonial.png" style="top: 27px;">
870 |
871 |
<div class="testimonial-content">
872 |
This plugin does exactly what it should. It is simple but powerful. I would suggest to anyone who wants to make their menu sticky! I especially love the hide header on scroll down, show on scroll up feature that is built it. Great work!
873 |
<div class="author">Clayton Chase</div>
874 |
875 |
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
876 |
877 |
878 |
879 |
880 |
881 |
882 |
883 |
884 |
public function mysticky_default_options() {
@@ -1001,6 +892,175 @@ class MyStickyMenuBackend
1001 |
update_option( 'update_mysticky_version_2_6', true );
1002 |
1003 |
1004 |
1005 |
1006 |
3 |
Plugin Name: myStickymenu
4 |
Plugin URI:
5 |
Description: Simple sticky (fixed on top) menu implementation for navigation menu and Welcome bar for announcements and promotion. After install go to Settings / myStickymenu and change Sticky Class to .your_navbar_class or #your_navbar_id.
6 |
Version: 2.4.4
7 |
Author: Premio
8 |
Author URI:
9 |
Text Domain: mystickymenu
12 |
13 |
14 |
defined('ABSPATH') or die("Cannot access pages directly.");
15 |
define( 'MYSTICKY_VERSION', '2.4.4' );
16 |
define('MYSTICKYMENU_URL', plugins_url('/', __FILE__)); // Define Plugin URL
17 |
define('MYSTICKYMENU_PATH', plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)); // Define Plugin Directory Path
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
if( is_admin() ) {
23 |
include_once 'class-review-box.php';
24 |
25 |
42 |
add_action("wp_ajax_sticky_menu_update_status", array($this, 'sticky_menu_update_status'));
43 |
44 |
add_action("wp_ajax_mystickymenu_update_popup_status", array($this, 'mystickymenu_popup_status'));
45 |
46 |
add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'mystickymenu_deactivate' ) );
47 |
add_action( 'wp_ajax_mystickymenu_plugin_deactivate', array( $this, 'mystickymenu_plugin_deactivate' ) );
48 |
49 |
50 |
public function mystickymenu_popup_status() {
97 |
98 |
public function mysticky_admin_script($hook) {
99 |
100 |
if ( !isset($_GET['page']) || ( isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] != 'my-stickymenu-settings' && $_GET['page'] != 'my-stickymenu-welcomebar' && $_GET['page'] != 'my-stickymenu-new-welcomebar' && $_GET['page'] != 'my-stickymenu-upgrade' )) {
101 |
102 |
103 |
115 |
116 |
if($hook == "mystickymenu_page_my-stickymenu-upgrade") {
117 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'my-select2', plugins_url('js/select2.min.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'wp-color-picker' ), false, true );
118 |
wp_enqueue_style('my-css-select2', plugins_url('css/select2.min.css', __FILE__), array(), MYSTICKY_VERSION );
119 |
wp_enqueue_style('my-css-admin-settings', plugins_url('css/admin-setting.css', __FILE__), array(), MYSTICKY_VERSION );
120 |
121 |
122 |
wp_enqueue_script('mystickymenuAdminScript', plugins_url('/js/mystickymenu-admin.js', __FILE__), array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-slider' ), MYSTICKY_VERSION);
157 |
158 |
array( $this, 'mystickystickymenu_admin_welcomebar_page' )
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
'Settings Admin',
163 |
'+ Create New Welcome Bar',
164 |
165 |
166 |
array( $this, 'mystickystickymenu_admin_new_welcomebar_page' )
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
'Upgrade to Pro',
190 |
$post['device_desktop'] = 'on';
191 |
$post['device_mobile'] = 'on';
192 |
update_option( 'mysticky_option_name', $post);
193 |
194 |
echo '<div class="updated settings-error notice is-dismissible "><p><strong>' . esc_html__('Settings saved.','mystickymenu'). '</p></strong></div>';
195 |
} else {
196 |
wp_verify_nonce($_GET['nonce'], 'wporg_frontend_delete');
315 |
316 |
<div class="mysticky_device_upgrade">
317 |
<label class="mysticky_title"><?php _e("Devices", 'mystickymenu')?></label>
318 |
<span class="myStickymenu-upgrade"><a class="sticky-header-upgrade" href="<?php echo esc_url($upgarde_url); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e( 'Upgrade Now', 'mystickymenu' );?></a></span>
319 |
320 |
<ul class="mystickymenu-input-multicheckbox">
321 |
438 |
439 |
<div class="mystickymenu-content-option">
440 |
<label class="mysticky_title css-style-title"><?php _e("Hide on Scroll Down", 'mystickymenu'); ?></label>
441 |
<?php if(!$is_old) { ?><span class="myStickymenu-upgrade"><a class="sticky-header-upgrade" href="<?php echo esc_url($upgarde_url); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e( 'Upgrade Now', 'mystickymenu' );?></a></span><?php } ?>
442 |
443 |
<label class="mysticky_text">
444 |
<input id="myfixed_disable_scroll_down" name="mysticky_option_name[myfixed_disable_scroll_down]" type="checkbox" <?php checked( @$mysticky_options['myfixed_disable_scroll_down'], 'on' );?> <?php echo !$is_old?"disabled":"" ?> />
498 |
499 |
500 |
501 |
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="create-rule" id="mysticky_create-rule"><?php esc_html_e( "Add Rule", "mystickymenu" );?></a>
502 |
503 |
<input type="hidden" id="mysticky_welcomebar_site_url" value="<?php echo site_url("/") ?>" />
504 |
<div class="mysticky-page-options-html" style="display: none;">
505 |
<div class="mysticky-page-option">
506 |
<div class="url-content">
507 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-url-select">
508 |
<select name="" id="url_shown_on___count___option">
509 |
<option value="show_on"><?php esc_html_e("Show on", "mysticky" );?></option>
510 |
<option value="not_show_on"><?php esc_html_e("Don't show on", "mysticky" );?></option>
511 |
512 |
513 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-url-option">
514 |
<select class="mysticky-url-options" name="" id="url_rules___count___option">
515 |
<option selected="selected" disabled value=""><?php esc_html_e("Select Rule", "mysticky" );?></option>
516 |
<?php foreach($url_options as $key=>$value) {
517 |
echo '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$value.'</option>';
522 |
<span class='mysticky-welcomebar-url'><?php echo site_url("/"); ?></span>
523 |
524 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-url-values">
525 |
<input type="text" value="" name="mysticky_option_name[mysticky_page_settings][__count__][value]" id="url_rules___count___value" disabled />
526 |
527 |
<div class="clear"></div>
528 |
529 |
<span class="myStickymenu-upgrade"><a class="sticky-header-upgrade" href="<?php echo esc_url($upgarde_url); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e( 'Upgrade Now', 'mystickymenu' );?></a></span>
530 |
531 |
532 |
561 |
562 |
<div class="mystickymenu-content-option">
563 |
<label class="mysticky_title"><?php _e("Disable at", 'mystickymenu'); ?></label>
564 |
<?php if(!$is_old) { ?><span class="myStickymenu-upgrade"><a class="sticky-header-upgrade" href="<?php echo esc_url($upgarde_url); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e( 'Upgrade Now', 'mystickymenu' );?></a></span><?php } ?>
565 |
<div class="mystickymenu-input-section">
566 |
<ul class="mystickymenu-input-multicheckbox">
567 |
670 |
671 |
<?php }
672 |
673 |
public function mystickystickymenu_admin_new_welcomebar_page() {
674 |
675 |
<div id="mystickymenu" class="wrap mystickymenu mystickymenu-new-widget-wrap">
676 |
<?php include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/mystickymeny-new-welcomebar.php';?>
677 |
678 |
679 |
680 |
681 |
public function mystickystickymenu_admin_welcomebar_page() {
682 |
/* welcome bar save data */
683 |
if (isset($_POST['mysticky_option_welcomebar']) && !empty($_POST['mysticky_option_welcomebar']) && isset($_POST['nonce'])) {
692 |
$mysticky_option_welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_expirydate'] = '';
693 |
$mysticky_option_welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_page_settings'] = '';
694 |
update_option( 'mysticky_option_welcomebar', $mysticky_option_welcomebar);
695 |
696 |
echo '<div class="updated settings-error notice is-dismissible "><p><strong>' . esc_html__('Settings saved.','mystickymenu'). '</p></strong></div>';
697 |
} else {
698 |
wp_verify_nonce($_GET['nonce'], 'wporg_frontend_delete');
703 |
if(!empty($_POST['nonce_reset']) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['nonce_reset'], 'mysticky_option_welcomebar_reset')) {
704 |
$mysticky_option_welcomebar_reset = mysticky_welcomebar_pro_widget_default_fields();
705 |
update_option( 'mysticky_option_welcomebar', $mysticky_option_welcomebar_reset);
706 |
707 |
echo '<div class="updated settings-error notice is-dismissible "><p><strong>' . esc_html__('Reset Settings saved.','mystickymenu'). '</p></strong></div>';
708 |
} else {
709 |
wp_verify_nonce($_GET['nonce'], 'wporg_frontend_delete');
767 |
<li><a href="<?php echo admin_url( 'admin.php?page=my-stickymenu-upgrade' ) ?>" class="active" ><?php _e('Upgrade to Pro', 'mystickymenu'); ?></a></li>
768 |
769 |
770 |
<?php include_once "upgrade-to-pro.php"; ?>
771 |
772 |
773 |
774 |
775 |
public function mysticky_default_options() {
892 |
update_option( 'update_mysticky_version_2_6', true );
893 |
894 |
895 |
896 |
897 |
* clear cache when any option is updated
898 |
899 |
900 |
public function mysticky_clear_all_caches(){
901 |
902 |
try {
903 |
global $wp_fastest_cache;
904 |
905 |
// if W3 Total Cache is being used, clear the cache
906 |
if (function_exists('w3tc_flush_all')) {
907 |
908 |
909 |
/* if WP Super Cache is being used, clear the cache */
910 |
if (function_exists('wp_cache_clean_cache')) {
911 |
global $file_prefix, $supercachedir;
912 |
if (empty($supercachedir) && function_exists('get_supercache_dir')) {
913 |
$supercachedir = get_supercache_dir();
914 |
915 |
916 |
917 |
918 |
if (class_exists('WpeCommon')) {
919 |
//be extra careful, just in case 3rd party changes things on us
920 |
if (method_exists('WpeCommon', 'purge_memcached')) {
921 |
922 |
923 |
if (method_exists('WpeCommon', 'clear_maxcdn_cache')) {
924 |
925 |
926 |
if (method_exists('WpeCommon', 'purge_varnish_cache')) {
927 |
928 |
929 |
930 |
931 |
if (method_exists('WpFastestCache', 'deleteCache') && !empty($wp_fastest_cache)) {
932 |
933 |
934 |
if (function_exists('rocket_clean_domain')) {
935 |
936 |
// Preload cache.
937 |
if (function_exists('run_rocket_sitemap_preload')) {
938 |
939 |
940 |
941 |
942 |
if (class_exists("autoptimizeCache") && method_exists("autoptimizeCache", "clearall")) {
943 |
944 |
945 |
946 |
if (class_exists("LiteSpeed_Cache_API") && method_exists("autoptimizeCache", "purge_all")) {
947 |
948 |
949 |
950 |
if ( class_exists( '\Hummingbird\Core\Utils' ) ) {
951 |
952 |
$modules = \Hummingbird\Core\Utils::get_active_cache_modules();
953 |
foreach ( $modules as $module => $name ) {
954 |
$mod = \Hummingbird\Core\Utils::get_module( $module );
955 |
956 |
if ( $mod->is_active() ) {
957 |
if ( 'minify' === $module ) {
958 |
959 |
} else {
960 |
961 |
962 |
963 |
964 |
965 |
966 |
} catch (Exception $e) {
967 |
return 1;
968 |
969 |
970 |
971 |
public function mystickymenu_deactivate() {
972 |
global $pagenow;
973 |
974 |
if ( 'plugins.php' !== $pagenow ) {
975 |
976 |
977 |
include dirname(__FILE__) . "/mystickymenu-deactivate-form.php";
978 |
979 |
public function mystickymenu_plugin_deactivate() {
980 |
global $current_user;
981 |
if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
982 |
983 |
984 |
check_ajax_referer( 'mystickymenu_deactivate_nonce', 'nonce' );
985 |
986 |
$postData = $_POST;
987 |
$errorCounter = 0;
988 |
$response = array();
989 |
$response['status'] = 0;
990 |
$response['message'] = "";
991 |
$response['valid'] = 1;
992 |
if(!isset($postData['reason']) || empty($postData['reason'])) {
993 |
994 |
$response['message'] = "Please provide reason";
995 |
} else if(!isset($postData['reason']) || empty($postData['reason'])) {
996 |
997 |
$response['message'] = "Please provide reason";
998 |
} else {
999 |
$nonce = $postData['nonce'];
1000 |
if(!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'mystickymenu_deactivate_nonce')) {
1001 |
$response['message'] = __("Your request is not valid", "mystickymenu");
1002 |
1003 |
$response['valid'] = 0;
1004 |
1005 |
1006 |
if($errorCounter == 0) {
1007 |
global $current_user;
1008 |
$plugin_info = get_plugin_data( dirname(__FILE__) . "/mystickymenu.php" );
1009 |
$postData = $_POST;
1010 |
$email = "none@none.none";
1011 |
1012 |
if (isset($postData['email_id']) && !empty($postData['email_id']) && filter_var($postData['email_id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
1013 |
$email = $postData['email_id'];
1014 |
1015 |
$domain = site_url();
1016 |
$user_name = $current_user->first_name . " " . $current_user->last_name;
1017 |
$subject = "My Sticky Menu was removed from {$domain}";
1018 |
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
1019 |
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
1020 |
$headers .= 'From: ' . $user_name . ' <' . $email . '>' . PHP_EOL;
1021 |
$headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . $user_name . ' <' . $email . '>' . PHP_EOL;
1022 |
$headers .= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
1023 |
1024 |
1025 |
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
1026 |
1027 |
1028 |
<td>My Sticky Menu</td>
1029 |
1030 |
1031 |
<th>Plugin Version</th>
1032 |
<td><?php echo $plugin_info['Version']; ?></td>
1033 |
1034 |
1035 |
1036 |
<td><?php echo $domain ?></td>
1037 |
1038 |
1039 |
1040 |
<td><?php echo $email ?></td>
1041 |
1042 |
1043 |
1044 |
<td><?php echo nl2br($postData['reason']) ?></td>
1045 |
1046 |
1047 |
<th>WordPress Version</th>
1048 |
<td><?php echo get_bloginfo('version') ?></td>
1049 |
1050 |
1051 |
<th>PHP Version</th>
1052 |
<td><?php echo PHP_VERSION ?></td>
1053 |
1054 |
1055 |
1056 |
$content = ob_get_clean();
1057 |
$to = ",";
1058 |
wp_mail($to, $subject, $content, $headers);
1059 |
$response['status'] = 1;
1060 |
1061 |
echo json_encode($response);
1062 |
1063 |
1064 |
1065 |
1066 |
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
1 |
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
2 |
<h2 class="text-center"><?php esc_attr_e( 'Create a new My Sticky Welcome bar for your website. What can you use it for?', 'mystickyelements' ); ?></h2>
3 |
<div class="mystickymenu-new-widget-row">
4 |
<div class="mystickymenu-features">
5 |
6 |
7 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature">
8 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature-top">
9 |
<img src="<?php echo MYSTICKYMENU_URL ?>/images/pro-devices.png" />
10 |
11 |
<div class="feature-title">Create separate designs for desktop and mobile</div>
12 |
<div class="feature-description">E.g. the mobile version can have a different color and a different position</div>
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature">
17 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature-top">
18 |
<img src="<?php echo MYSTICKYMENU_URL ?>/images/pro-language.png" />
19 |
20 |
<div class="feature-title">Do you have a multi-language website or WPML plugin installed?</div>
21 |
<div class="feature-description">You can show different welcome bars based on URL (E.g. French welcome bar for the French version of your website)</div>
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature">
26 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature-top">
27 |
<img src="<?php echo MYSTICKYMENU_URL ?>/images/pro-widget.png" />
28 |
29 |
<div class="feature-description"><b>Show separate welcome bars for different products on your website</b> (e.g. you can show the welcome bar for products in the* category)</div>
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature second">
34 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature-top">
35 |
<img src="<?php echo MYSTICKYMENU_URL ?>/images/pro-page.png" />
36 |
37 |
<div class="feature-title">Display different channels for your landing pages</div>
38 |
<div class="feature-description">This way you can track the results better and have the right welcome bars for your landing pages.</div>
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature second">
43 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature-top">
44 |
<img src="<?php echo MYSTICKYMENU_URL ?>/images/pro-support.png" />
45 |
46 |
<div class="feature-title">Show one welcome bar on your support and contact pages,</div>
47 |
<div class="feature-description"> and a different welcome bar on your sales pages.</div>
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature second">
52 |
<div class="mystickymenu-feature-top">
53 |
<img src="<?php echo MYSTICKYMENU_URL ?>/images/pro-chat.png" />
54 |
55 |
<div class="feature-title">Display different call-to-action buttons</div>
56 |
<div class="feature-description">for different pages on your website or buttons for mobile and desktop</div>
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
<div class="clear clearfix"></div>
61 |
62 |
<a href="<?php echo esc_url(admin_url("admin.php?page=my-stickymenu-upgrade")); ?>" class="new-upgrade-button" target="blank">Upgrade to Pro</a>
63 |
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
1 |
2 |
Contributors: tomeraharon, galdub, premio
3 |
Tags:menu, header, sticky menu, sticky header, floating menu, floating navigation menu, navigation menu, navigation, sticky navigation menu, welcome bar, hello bar, top bar, sticky bar, floating bar, notification bar
4 |
Requires at least: 3.5.1
5 |
Tested up to: 5.5
6 |
Stable tag: 2.4.
7 |
License: GPLv2 or later
8 |
9 |
This sticky menu plugin will make your menu or header stick to the top of page, when scrolled down and up. Also create a beautiful welcome notification bar with it.
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ My Sticky Menu is tested and compatible with Elementor website builder, Divi, WP
43 |
* Change the opacity
44 |
* Change the sticky transition time
45 |
* Define the z-index of the sticky header
46 |
47 |
48 |
* Display your floating bar at top position
@@ -65,12 +66,13 @@ My Sticky Menu is tested and compatible with Elementor website builder, Divi, WP
65 |
But wait, there's more 😉
66 |
67 |
= Welcome Bar Pro Features =
68 |
* Display your floating bar at bottom position
69 |
* Change the height of the sticky notification bar
70 |
* Open redirect link in a new tab
71 |
* Show your notification bar just on mobile or desktop
72 |
* Show your notification bar on scroll or after a few seconds
73 |
* Set an expiry date for your welcome bar
74 |
* Display your floating notification bar on specific pages
75 |
* New: You can set a thank you screen which appears after the button is clicked (can be used for coupons or any other message you want to show your visitors after they click on the button)
76 |
@@ -265,6 +267,8 @@ After installing the plugin, you’ll have the option to turn on the welcome bar
265 |
266 |
267 |
== Changelog ==
268 |
= 2.4.3 =
269 |
Infrastructure changes
270 |
= 2.4.2 =
1 |
===Sticky Menu on Scroll, Sticky Header, Floating Notification Bar for Any Theme - myStickymenu===
2 |
Contributors: tomeraharon, galdub, premio
3 |
Tags:menu, header, sticky menu, sticky header, floating menu, floating navigation menu, navigation menu, navigation, sticky navigation menu, welcome bar, hello bar, top bar, sticky bar, floating bar, notification bar
4 |
Requires at least: 3.5.1
5 |
Tested up to: 5.5
6 |
Stable tag: 2.4.4
7 |
License: GPLv2 or later
8 |
9 |
This sticky menu plugin will make your menu or header stick to the top of page, when scrolled down and up. Also create a beautiful welcome notification bar with it.
43 |
* Change the opacity
44 |
* Change the sticky transition time
45 |
* Define the z-index of the sticky header
46 |
* Set an entrance effect for your sticky menu
47 |
48 |
49 |
* Display your floating bar at top position
66 |
But wait, there's more 😉
67 |
68 |
= Welcome Bar Pro Features =
69 |
* Multi Welcome Bar - Create a separate notification bar for different pages based on page targeting rules (E.g. seperate notification bar for different languages, different product categories and much more)
70 |
* Display your floating bar at bottom position
71 |
* Change the height of the sticky notification bar
72 |
* Open redirect link in a new tab
73 |
* Show your notification bar just on mobile or desktop
74 |
* Show your notification bar on scroll or after a few seconds
75 |
* Set an expiry date for your welcome bar, including settings a timezone
76 |
* Display your floating notification bar on specific pages
77 |
* New: You can set a thank you screen which appears after the button is clicked (can be used for coupons or any other message you want to show your visitors after they click on the button)
78 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
== Changelog ==
270 |
= 2.4.4 =
271 |
New entrance effects and bug fixes
272 |
= 2.4.3 =
273 |
Infrastructure changes
274 |
= 2.4.2 =
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
1 |
<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;
2 |
$pro_url = "[price_id]=";
3 |
4 |
<div class="key-table">
5 |
<div class="modal-upgrade upgrade-block" id="folder-modal">
6 |
<div class="easy-modal-inner">
7 |
<div class="container">
8 |
<div class="pricing-table">
9 |
<div class="price-title">Unlock All Features</div>
10 |
<div class="price-tables">
11 |
<div class="row">
12 |
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12">
13 |
<div class="price-table basic-feature">
14 |
<div class="price-table-top">
15 |
<div class="price-head">
16 |
<div class="plan-name">Basic</div>
17 |
<div class="plan-price">$19<span>/year</span></div>
18 |
19 |
<div class="price-websites">For small website owners</div>
20 |
<div class="price-offer">Renewals for <b>25% off</b></div>
21 |
22 |
<div class="price-table-middle">
23 |
24 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">1 website <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Use Folders on 1 domain</span></a></li>
25 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Multi Welcome bar <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Create a separate welcome bar for different pages based on page targeting rules (E.g. for different languages, different product categories and much more)</span></a></li>
26 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Show on scroll up/down <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">You can show the menu when scrolling up, down or both</span></a></li>
27 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Devices <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">You can disable the sticky effect on desktop or mobile</span></a></li>
28 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">CSS style <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Add CSS of your own to the sticky menu</span></a></li>
29 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Page targeting <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Show/hide the sticky menu on specific pages</span></a></li>
30 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Effects and more <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Fade/Slide, opacity, background color, transition time and more</span></a></li>
31 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Welcome bar <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Including page targeting, delay and scroll triggers, devices, position, height, expiry date, open link in a new tab</span></a></li>
32 |
33 |
34 |
<div class="price-table-bottom">
35 |
<div class="custom-dd">
36 |
<select class="multiple-options">
37 |
<option data-option="1_year" data-header="Renewals for 25% off" data-price="19" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."1") ?>">
38 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 1 year") ?>
39 |
40 |
<option data-option="2_year" data-header="For 2 years" data-price="29" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."13") ?>">
41 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 2 years") ?>
42 |
43 |
<option data-option="lifetime" data-header="For lifetime" data-price="59" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."5") ?>">
44 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for lifetime") ?>
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
<a class="cart-link" target="_blank" href="[price_id]=1">Buy now</a>
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12">
53 |
<div class="price-table plus-feature">
54 |
<div class="price-table-top">
55 |
<div class="price-head">
56 |
<div class="plan-name">Plus</div>
57 |
<div class="plan-price">$39<span>/year</span></div>
58 |
59 |
<div class="price-websites">For businesses with multiple websites</div>
60 |
<div class="price-offer">Renewals for <b>25% off</b></div>
61 |
62 |
<div class="price-table-middle">
63 |
64 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">1 website <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Use Folders on 1 domain</span></a></li>
65 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Multi Welcome bar <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Create a separate welcome bar for different pages based on page targeting rules (E.g. for different languages, different product categories and much more)</span></a></li>
66 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Show on scroll up/down <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">You can show the menu when scrolling up, down or both</span></a></li>
67 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Devices <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">You can disable the sticky effect on desktop or mobile</span></a></li>
68 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">CSS style <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Add CSS of your own to the sticky menu</span></a></li>
69 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Page targeting <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Show/hide the sticky menu on specific pages</span></a></li>
70 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Effects and more <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Fade/Slide, opacity, background color, transition time and more</span></a></li>
71 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Welcome bar <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Including page targeting, delay and scroll triggers, devices, position, height, expiry date, open link in a new tab</span></a></li>
72 |
73 |
74 |
<div class="price-table-bottom">
75 |
<div class="custom-dd">
76 |
<select class="multiple-options">
77 |
<option data-option="1_year" data-header="Renewals for 25% off" data-price="39" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."2") ?>">
78 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 1 year") ?>
79 |
80 |
<option data-option="2_year" data-header="For 2 years" data-price="59" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."14") ?>">
81 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 2 years") ?>
82 |
83 |
<option data-option="lifetime" data-header="For lifetime" data-price="99" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."7") ?>">
84 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for lifetime") ?>
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
<a class="cart-link" target="_blank" href="">Buy now</a>
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12">
93 |
<div class="price-table agency-feature">
94 |
<div class="price-table-top">
95 |
<div class="price-head">
96 |
<div class="plan-name">Agency</div>
97 |
<div class="plan-price">$79<span>/year</span></div>
98 |
99 |
<div class="price-websites">For agencies who manage clients</div>
100 |
<div class="price-offer">Renewals for <b>25% off</b></div>
101 |
102 |
<div class="price-table-middle">
103 |
104 |
105 |
<div class="website-package">
106 |
<select class="multiple-web-options">
107 |
<option value="50_websites">50 websites</option>
108 |
<option value="500_websites">500 websites</option>
109 |
<option value="1000_websites">1000 websites</option>
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Multi Welcome bar <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Create a separate welcome bar for different pages based on page targeting rules (E.g. for different languages, different product categories and much more)</span></a></li>
114 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Show on scroll up/down <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">You can show the menu when scrolling up, down or both</span></a></li>
115 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Devices <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">You can disable the sticky effect on desktop or mobile</span></a></li>
116 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">CSS style <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Add CSS of your own to the sticky menu</span></a></li>
117 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Page targeting <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Show/hide the sticky menu on specific pages</span></a></li>
118 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Effects and more <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Fade/Slide, opacity, background color, transition time and more</span></a></li>
119 |
<li><a href="javascript:;" class="cus-tooltip">Welcome bar <span class="has-tooltip">*</span><span class="tooltip__content">Including page targeting, delay and scroll triggers, devices, position, height, expiry date, open link in a new tab</span></a></li>
120 |
121 |
122 |
<div class="price-table-bottom">
123 |
<div class="custom-dd">
124 |
<select class="multiple-options has-multiple-websites">
125 |
<option data-option="1_year" data-header="Renewals for 25% off" data-price="79" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."3") ?>">
126 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 1 year") ?>
127 |
128 |
<option data-option="2_year" data-header="For 2 years" data-price="125" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."15") ?>">
129 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for 2 years") ?>
130 |
131 |
<option data-option="lifetime" data-header="For lifetime" data-price="199" value="<?php echo esc_url($pro_url."9") ?>">
132 |
<?php esc_html_e("Updates & support for lifetime") ?>
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
<a class="cart-link" target="_blank" href="">Buy now</a>
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
<div class="clearfix"></div>
142 |
143 |
144 |
<div class="text-center price-after">
145 |
<p class="money-guaranteed"><span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span>
146 |
<?php esc_html_e("30 days money back guaranteed"); ?>
147 |
148 |
<p class="money-guaranteed"><span class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></span>
149 |
<?php esc_html_e("The plugin will always keep working even if you don't renew your license"); ?>
150 |
151 |
<div class="payments">
152 |
<img src="<?php echo plugins_url("") ?>/mystickymenu/images/payment.png" alt="Payment" class="payment-img" />
153 |
154 |
155 |
<div class="folder-testimonial-list">
156 |
<div class="folder-testimonial">
157 |
<div class="testimonial-image"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url("") ?>/mystickymenu/images/testimonial.png"> </div>
158 |
<div class="testimonial-data">
159 |
<div class="testimonial-desc">This plugin does exactly what it should. It is simple but powerful. I would suggest to anyone who wants to make their menu sticky! I especially love the hide header on scroll down, show on scroll up feature that is built it. Great work!</div>
160 |
<div class="testimonial-author">- Clayton Chase</div>
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ function mysticky_welcome_bar_backend() {
25 |
$mysticky_welcomebar_btn_mobile = ' mysticky-welcomebar-btn-mobile';
26 |
27 |
$display = ' mysticky-welcomebar-attention-'.$welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_attentionselect'];
28 |
29 |
30 |
<form class="mysticky-welcomebar-form" id="mysticky_welcomebar_form" method="post" action="#">
31 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-header-title">
@@ -231,11 +232,40 @@ function mysticky_welcome_bar_backend() {
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-setting-block">
236 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-subheader-title">
237 |
<h4><?php _e('Display Rules', 'myStickymenu'); ?></h4>
238 |
239 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-upgrade-main mysticky_device_upgrade">
240 |
<span class="myStickymenu-upgrade">
241 |
<a class="sticky-header-upgrade-now" href="<?php echo esc_url($upgarde_url); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e( ' Upgrade Now', 'mystickymenu' );?></a>
@@ -279,6 +309,13 @@ function mysticky_welcome_bar_backend() {
279 |
<input type="text" id="mysticky_welcomebar_expirydate" name="mysticky_option_welcomebar[mysticky_welcomebar_expirydate]" placeholder="<?php _e('No expiry date', 'myStickymenu'); ?>" value="" disabled />
280 |
<span class="dashicons dashicons-calendar-alt"></span>
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-setting-content show-on-apper">
@@ -286,18 +323,29 @@ function mysticky_welcome_bar_backend() {
286 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-setting-content-right">
287 |
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="create-rule" id="create-rule"><?php esc_html_e( "Add Rule", "mystickyelements" );?></a>
288 |
289 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-page-options-html" style="display: none">
290 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-page-option">
291 |
<div class="url-content">
292 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-url-select">
293 |
<select name="
294 |
<option value="show_on"><?php esc_html_e("Show on", "mysticky" );?></option>
295 |
<option value="not_show_on"><?php esc_html_e("Don't show on", "mysticky" );?></option>
296 |
297 |
298 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-url-option">
299 |
<select class="mysticky-welcomebar-url-options" name="
300 |
<option selected="selected"
301 |
302 |
303 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-url-box">
@@ -308,6 +356,7 @@ function mysticky_welcome_bar_backend() {
308 |
309 |
<div class="clear"></div>
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-page-options mysticky-welcomebar-setting-content-right" id="mysticky-welcomebar-page-options" style="display:none"></div>
@@ -322,13 +371,15 @@ function mysticky_welcome_bar_backend() {
322 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-preview-screen">
323 |
<link href="<?php echo $welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_font'] ?>:400,600,700|Lato:400,500,600,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" class="sfba-google-font">
324 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-fixed mysticky-welcomebar-display-desktop <?php echo $display_main_class; ?>" >
325 |
<div class="mysticky-welcomebar-
326 |
327 |
328 |
329 |
330 |
331 |
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="mysticky-welcomebar-close">X</a>
332 |
333 |
334 |
@@ -369,29 +420,65 @@ function mysticky_welcome_bar_backend() {
369 |
370 |
371 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-fixed {
372 |
min-height: 80px;
373 |
background-color: <?php echo $welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_bgcolor'] ?>;
374 |
font-family: <?php echo $welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_font'] ?>;
375 |
position: absolute;
376 |
left: 0;
377 |
right: 0;
378 |
379 |
align-items: center;
380 |
justify-content: center;
381 |
padding: 20px 10px 20px 10px;
382 |
z-index: 9999999;
383 |
384 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-preview-mobile-screen .mysticky-welcomebar-fixed{
385 |
padding: 0 25px;
386 |
387 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-display-desktop.mysticky-welcomebar-fixed {
388 |
display: flex;
389 |
390 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-position-top {
391 |
392 |
393 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-position-bottom {
394 |
395 |
396 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-fixed .mysticky-welcomebar-content p a,
397 |
.mysticky-welcomebar-fixed .mysticky-welcomebar-content p {
@@ -837,6 +924,7 @@ function mysticky_welcomebar_pro_widget_default_fields() {
837 |
'mysticky_welcomebar_redirect_newtab' => '',
838 |
'mysticky_welcomebar_device_desktop' => 'desktop',
839 |
'mysticky_welcomebar_device_mobile' => 'mobile',
840 |
'mysticky_welcomebar_trigger' => 'after_a_few_seconds',
841 |
'mysticky_welcomebar_triggersec' => '0',
842 |
'mysticky_welcomebar_expirydate' => '',
@@ -866,10 +954,11 @@ function mysticky_welcome_bar_frontend(){
866 |
$mysticky_welcomebar_btn_mobile = ' mysticky-welcomebar-btn-mobile';
867 |
868 |
$display = ' mysticky-welcomebar-attention-'.$welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_attentionselect'];
869 |
$mysticky_welcomebar_display_desktop = ' mysticky-welcomebar-display-desktop';
870 |
$mysticky_welcomebar_display_mobile = ' mysticky-welcomebar-display-mobile';
871 |
872 |
$display_main_class = "mysticky-welcomebar-position-" . $welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_position'] . $mysticky_welcomebar_showx_desktop . $mysticky_welcomebar_showx_mobile . $mysticky_welcomebar_btn_desktop . $mysticky_welcomebar_btn_mobile . $mysticky_welcomebar_display_desktop . $mysticky_welcomebar_display_mobile .$display;
873 |
874 |
if( isset($welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_actionselect']) ) {
875 |
if( $welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_actionselect'] == 'redirect_to_url' ) {
@@ -878,32 +967,34 @@ function mysticky_welcome_bar_frontend(){
878 |
$mysticky_welcomebar_actionselect_url = 'javascript:void(0)';
879 |
880 |
881 |
if( isset($welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_enable']) ) {
882 |
if ( $welcomebar['mysticky_welcomebar_position'] == 'top' ) {
883 |
$welcomebar_enable_block = "top: -60px";
884 |
} else {
885 |
$welcomebar_enable_block = "bottom: -60px";
886 |
887 |
888 |
889 |