Social Media Share Buttons & Social Sharing Icons

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 2.8.0



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Try it out on your free dummy site: Click here => (this trick works for all plugins - just replace "wordpress" with "tastewp" in the plugin's WP repo URL)

Social media plugin which let's you add share icons for RSS, Email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, 'Share' (covering 200+ other social media platforms) and upload custom share icons of your choice.

This free plugin has a lot to offer. Even more can be found in the Premium Plugin, please watch this short video:


See all features of the Premium plugin.

The free social media plugin includes the following features:

  • Pick from 16 different designs for your social media share icons
  • Give several actions to one social media share icon (e.g. your facebook share icon can lead visitors to your Facebook page, and also give visitors the opportunity to like your page)
  • Decide to give your social media icons an animation (e.g. automatic shuffling, mouse-over effects) to make your visitors aware of the share icons, increasing the chance that they follow/share your blog
  • Make your social media icons 'float' or 'sticky'
  • Allow visitors to subscribe to your blog by Email
  • Add 'counts' to your social media buttons
  • Decide to display a pop-up (on all or only on selected pages) asking people to follow/share you via your social media icons
  • Decide to display sharing-buttons and social media icons at the end of every post
  • Select from many other customization features for your socialmedia icons!

For GDPR compliance, please have a look at our Social Media GDPR Compliance page.

The social media plugin is very easy to use as it takes you through all the steps:

  • Step 1: Choose which social media icons you want to display
  • Step 2: Define what actions your social media icons should perform
  • Step 3: Pick design & animation options for your social media icons
  • Step 4: Add counts to your social media icons (optional)
  • Step 5: Select from various other social share options, e.g. make your social media icons 'float'
  • Step 6: Add sharing/linking icons next to each blog post (optional)
  • Step 7: Add a customized pop-up asking people to follow or share (optional)
  • Step 8: Add a subscription form on your site (optional)

In case of issues or questions please ask in the Support forum.

We hope you enjoy the free social media plugin!

New premium social share plugin

We released a premium social share plugin with many more exciting features:

  • Many more social networks supported, including Snapchat share buttons, Whatsapp share buttons, Yummly share buttons, Phone button, Yelp share buttons, Soundcloud share buttons, Skype share buttons Flickr share buttons, Blogger share buttons, Reddit share buttons, Vimeo share buttons, Tumblr share buttons, Xing share buttons, Xhenta, Vkontakte share buttons (VK), Telegram share buttons, Amazon share buttons, Goodreads share buttons, Angies list share buttons, Steam share buttons, Twitch share buttons, Spotify share buttons, Odnoklassniki share buttons (OK), Buffer share buttons, Weibo share buttons, Pocket share buttons, Meneame share buttons, Frype share buttons, LiveJournal share buttons, Patreon share buttons, Dloky share buttons, Discord share buttons, Github share buttons, Wordpress buttons, Etsy share buttons, Better Business Bureau share buttons, Digg share buttons, Delicious share buttons, Print share buttons, and many other share buttons!
  • More design styles to make your social share icons look really cool & matching the design of your website
  • Themed design styles, e.g. if you have a website about cats you can pick from social media logos which look like cats etc.
  • Better social sharing and following features, e.g. you can define the Tweet-texts better (e.g. pull the post titles into your Tweets automatically), let people follow you on Facebook directly without leaving your site etc.
  • Place the social icons on specific pages, i.e. you can define on which pages the icons to the social media sites should not show
  • Position the social icons by anchor and margins, i.e. you can define the margins where your share icons should be displayed (from top/bottom/left/right), and then have them floating, or stick, still visible when user scrolls down or not etc.
  • Optimized for mobile - you can define separate selections for your social network icons for mobile
  • More functions for email icon, such as Share (by email), Contact you, Link to a certain page etc.
  • Social media counters optimized to encourage more social media sharing from your visitors
  • More pop up options which contain your social media buttons, e.g. define a limit to how often the pop-up is shown to the same user, show pop-up only when people try to leave your website etc.
  • Friendly support in case you're stuck
  • Many more settings and options for your social media network icons

Have a look at the Premium Plugin features

Releases (101 )

Version Release Date Change Log
2.8.0 2022-11-24
  • Adjusted PHP compatibility
2.7.9 2022-11-23
  • Added black-friday theme (only for that period)
  • Tested up to WordPress 6.1.1
2.7.8 2022-10-05
  • Fixed issues with after post icons
  • Plugin tested with WordPress 6.1 @ PHP 8.1
2.7.7 2022-09-15
  • Added: support for no-opener tag on links
  • Added: support for twitter:image tag
2.7.5 2022-04-25
  • New: Added mouse-over effects for the responsive icons, sticky bar icons and original icons - similar as it works now with the round icons
  • Fixed: Some minor fixes
2.7.4 2022-04-25
  • New: Added mouse-over effects for the responsive icons, sticky bar icons and original icons - similar as it works now with the round icons
  • Update: Check WordPress 5.9.3 compatibility
  • Update: Tooltip remain open when click on round icons
  • Fixed: Some minor fixes
2.7.3 2022-02-24
  • Update: Check WordPress 5.9.1 compatibility
  • Fixed: Optimize CSS/JS code
  • Fixed: Some minor fixes
2.7.2 2022-02-10
  • Check PHP 8.1 compatibility
  • Fixed: Widget loading issue Admin > Widgets
  • Fixed: Some minor fixes
2.7.1 2022-02-07
  • Update: WordPress 5.9 compatibility
  • Fixed: Fix new version update string offset notice.
  • Fixed: Some minor fixes
2.7.0 2022-01-11
  • New: Added Background color option for Flat icon style
  • New: Added a new tab "Get advice for more shares & traffic"
  • New: Added administrator only popup
  • Update: WordPress 5.8.3 compatibility
  • Update: Update Facebook API
  • Update: Footer banner
  • Fixed: Some minor fixes
2.6.9 2021-11-26
  • Update: Banners
  • Fixed: Optimize CSS/JS code
  • Fixed: Some minor fixes
2.6.8 2021-11-19
  • New: Added Snapchat, Reddit, Facebook Messenger, TikTok sharing platform.
  • New: Added VK sharing option in Q2
  • New: Added 'Sticky bar' features
  • New: Added new Animated Icons, Flat Squared and Icons Only style for icon theme
  • New: Added horizontally/vertically icons alignments option in floating icons, widget, shortcode
  • New: Added Pinterest and share count in Responsive icons
  • New: Added Language for like, share and subscribe buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) in Q6
  • Update: WordPress 5.8.2 compatibility
  • Update: Instagram and FB Messenger icons for some icon themes
  • Update: Popup shown option for On some pages
  • Fixed: Share counter display issue for Q3
  • Fixed: Duplicate localize script
  • Fixed: Fix some errors shown on W3C Markup Validation
  • Fixed: Some minor fixes
2.6.7 2021-05-26
  • Check PHP 8.0 compatibility
  • Change unserialize to maybe_unserialize
  • Update Instagram icons
  • Fix transaltion issues
  • Some minor fixes
2.6.6 2021-04-03
  • Vulnerability fix
  • Some minor fixes
2.6.5 2021-02-18
  • Plugin Translation added
  • Tooltip issue fixed
2.6.4 2021-02-05
  • Responsive icon refresh issue fixed
  • Added carrousel
2.6.3 2021-01-17
  • Fixed responsive icons issue with table of contents
  • Fixed Shuffle option not saving
  • Fixed Facebook original icons share to new tab
  • Updated Youtube icons
  • Fixed Mobile icons not working when shuffle is selected
  • Whatsapp mouse hover text corrected
2.6.2 2020-12-12
  • Updated to Wordpress 5.6 compatibility
  • Updated to PHP 8 compatibility
  • Pop up feature added
2.6.1 2020-11-19
  • Updated Instagram icons
2.6.0 2020-10-21
  • Added Whatsapp share.
  • Fixed Woocommerce banner dismiss.
2.5.9 2020-09-14
  • Instagram count issue solved
  • Pinterest on mobile issue solved
2.5.8 2020-07-21
  • UI fixes
  • Corrected banner behaviour
  • Wordpress Compatablity increased to 5.5.
  • Removed comment that was being flagged as dangourous code by some malware scanners.
2.5.7 2020-06-20
  • Subscription fallback Url issue fixed.
2.5.6 2020-06-03
  • Fixed undefined index issue
  • Updated Youtube api updated
  • Bitly changes
2.5.5 2020-04-10
  • Fixed claim feed from Q8 popup.
  • Updated new section to show counts.
  • Fixed subscribe form button value.
  • Fixed twitter url space corrected.
  • changed nopin to data-attr.
  • Fixed youtube tooltip alignemnt.
2.5.4 2020-03-26
  • Fixed syntax errors
  • Fixed open in a new window icons
  • Removed automatic scroll
2.5.3 2020-03-19
  • Fixed UI issues
  • Fixed problems with moving to
2.5.2 2020-03-17
  • Updated to
  • Updated notifications to make them less annoying
2.5.1 2020-02-13
  • Price Change
  • Icon per row fixed css
2.5.0 2020-02-07
  • Fixed LinkedIn share to correct urls.
2.4.9 2020-02-02
  • Fixed Pinterest Save icon
2.4.8 2020-02-01
  • Fixed Fblike
2.4.7 2020-01-30
  • Added Margins above and below responsive icons
  • Updated the display for widget
  • Replaced with icons which reduces the loading time
2.4.6 2020-01-14
  • Updated Tweet about my page can be empty.
  • Updated Export section aligned center to button.
  • Updated top_arow css removed.
2.4.5 2019-12-06
  • Updated Export section and success message after export
  • Corrected so that responsive icons don't show on homepage
  • Added Lazy load css to reduce conflicts
2.4.4 2019-11-20
  • Q3 auto opening and opening of Floating and 'before and after posts' open automatically for new installs
  • Analyst 5.4.
  • Added the spinner for the chart
  • Updated the wp version compatablity
  • Export and import section added
  • Optimized bloc & teh wiget area for blocs (Gutenberg)
2.4.3 2019-10-15
  • Updated Url encoded
  • Added auto open of question 3
  • Updated location.href escaped
  • Design changes in show icon after post
2.4.2 2019-09-25
  • Solved the unserialize problem.
  • Design changes and typo corrections in the settings page.
2.4.1 2019-09-23
  • Feedback system updated.
  • Design changes in settings page.
  • Moved below post options to Q3.
2.4.0 2019-09-09
  • Instagram generate token removed the deplicated scopes.
  • Removed some PHP update Notices.
  • Updated feed claiming apis.
  • Updated Mouseover text removed.
2.3.9 2019-09-06
  • Corrected the jQuery admin area problem
  • Solved the jQuery error for shortcode
  • Solved feed claiming
  • Option name in Q3 changed
2.3.8 2019-09-03
  • Update: Fixed text in theme banner.
  • Update: Fixed follow icon and subscription box when Curl is disabled.
  • Update: Fixed cURL errors.
2.3.7 2019-08-19
  • solved: Wrong link on icons when curl not installed.
2.3.6 2019-08-19

Please upgrade

2.3.5 2019-08-19

Please upgrade

2.3.3 2019-08-19

Please upgrade

2.3.2 2019-08-15

Please upgrade

2.3.0 2019-08-05

Please upgrade

2.2.9 2019-07-18
  • Solved: Sometimes icons after posts were not shown, this is corrected now.
2.2.8 2019-07-14
  • Solved: Header already sent error on some servers.
2.2.7 2019-07-13
  • Solved: Updated feedback system to next version.
  • Solved: Responsive Icons UI updated.
2.2.5 2019-06-21
  • Integrated feedback system
2.2.4 2019-05-21
  • Solved: Unserialized error corrected.
  • Solved: All curl calls to wp_remote.
2.2.3 2019-05-17
  • Solved: Footer Error solved.
  • Solved: Removed most of the html errors.
  • Solved: Less anoying sidebar.
2.2.2 2019-05-06
  • Solved: More icons updated
  • Solved: Icon backgrounds updated
  • Solved: Custom icon upload issue
2.2.0 2019-03-29
  • Solved: Critical security patch.
2.1.9 2019-03-28
  • Solved: Security Patch.
2.1.7 2019-03-23
  • Solved: save button not working.
2.1.6 2019-03-22
  • Solved: compatablity issue with older versions.
2.1.5 2019-03-18
  • Solved: Google plus is deprecated
  • Solved: SF count not shown
  • Solved: SF subscribe form opens blank page in some cases
2.1.4 2019-03-05
  • Solved: Email validation for Offline chat.
  • Solved: Premium notification breaking the dashboard structure.
  • Solved: changed option for linkedin count.
  • Solved: ajax_object conflict with themes.
2.1.2 2019-01-26
  • Solved: Text optimized
2.1.1 2019-01-24
  • Solved: curl calls to wp_remote calls.
  • Solved: unexpected charactor "[" error for php version 5.3.
2.1.0 2018-12-12
  • Solved: removed deprecated jQuery functions
  • Solved: Rectangle icon alignemnt problem on some themes
2.0.9 2018-11-20
  • Banner for animation section in Question 4 added
  • Different icon for mouseover section pointing to premium in Question 4 added
  • Removed theme icon banner if no match
2.0.8 2018-11-06
  • Solved: Notification bar cannot be seen anymore
  • Solved: cleared the float elements after notice.
2.0.7 2018-10-23
  • Round green follow button doesn't show - fixed
  • Footer optimized
2.0.6 2018-09-28
  • Fixed bug that sometimes banner didn't disappear
  • Links in review message updated
2.0.5 2018-09-16
  • Issue with click on icons on mobile fixed
2.0.4 2018-09-16
  • Corrected missing ? in shortcode
2.0.3 2018-07-17
  • Optimized texts
2.0.2 2018-07-02
  • Addthis removed due to GDPR
  • New option to switch debugging mode on/off
2.0.1 2018-06-13
  • Issue of window.onscroll function overriding and breaking other plugins/themes fixed
2.0.0 2018-05-29
  • New question 3 to facilitate placement of icons
1.9.8 2018-05-29
  • New question 3 to facilitate placement of icons
1.9.7 2018-05-22
  • Stopped setting cookies for pop-up selection "if user moved to end of page" as not needed in this case (relevant for GDPR compliance)
1.9.6 2018-05-15
  • Usage instructions updated
1.9.5 2018-04-26
  • Facebook like count fixed (previously only fixed for likes of user's website, not likes of Facebook page)
1.9.4 2018-04-24
  • Youtube count and direct follow issues fixed
1.9.3 2018-04-23
  • Facebook like count issue fixed
  • Youtube saving issue when clicked on "Save all settings" - fixed now
1.9.2 2018-04-17
  • Instagram followers count issue fixed
  • Twitter count issue fixed
  • Facebook share count issue fixed
1.9.1 2018-04-12
  • Errors with "non-numeric value" fixed
1.8.9 2018-04-02
  • Error log files removed
1.8.8 2018-03-30
  • Error log file removed
  • Issue that follow-icon is sometimes too large on user's sites fixed
  • Updated description texts
1.8.7 2018-03-29
  • Updated description texts
1.8.6 2018-03-19
  • Made different placement options more visible
1.8.5 2018-02-17
  • Text changes
1.8.4 2018-02-13
  • Added referring opportunity
1.8.3 2018-01-17
  • Saving of links for custom icons sometimes didn't work. Fixed now.
1.8.2 2017-11-20
  • Links updated
1.8.1 2017-11-10
  • Themed icon notifications optimized
1.8.0 2017-10-26
  • CSS & JAVASCRIPT files are added in footer instead of header
1.7.9 2017-09-26
  • Banners added
  • Spelling mistakes corrected
1.7.8 2017-08-31
  • Added more themed icon banners
1.7.7 2017-08-30
  • Added more themed icon banners
1.7.6 2017-08-06
  • Comment to selecting of specific text and picture per page/post added
1.7.5 2017-07-26
  • Link to more premium icons added
1.7.4 2017-07-06
  • Better error messages in case of Curl errors
  • Optimized review bar
  • Code not remaining on site after de-installation
1.7.2 2017-05-16
  • More individualized offer for themed icons
1.7.1 2017-05-11
  • Claiming process optimized
1.6.9 2017-05-01
  • Counts for social buttons optimized and Instagram counter bug fixed
  • Link to more social sharing buttons added