WP VR – 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 8.2.6



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Releases (100 )

Version Release Date Change Log
8.2.6 2022-12-15

(15-12-2022) = * Fixed: Security Patch.

8.2.5 2022-11-25

(25-11-2022) = * BFCM banner & notice added.

8.2.4 2022-11-09

(09-11-2022) = * Update: Checked compatibility with WordPress 6.1 * Fix: Hotspot Image Content Conflict with WP 6.1

8.2.3 2022-11-01

(01-11-2022) = * New: Multiple Tour Support Inside Elementor Tabs. * Fix: Summernote Image Upload Issue. * Fix: Hotspot IDs hovering over Scene-type hotspots on Preview mode. * Fix: Floor Plan option appearing for Video Tours & Street View Tours. * Fix: Options are appearing over the Preview Image on the front end. * Tweak: Improvements on WPVR Gutenberg Block & Oxygen Module.

8.2.1 2022-10-17
8.2.2 2022-10-17

(17-10-2022) = * New: WPVR Gutenberg Block Support re-designed & refined with new options (Height, Width, Radius, Mobile Height, Border Width, Style & Color). * New: WPVR Divi Module Support re-designed & refined with new options (Height, Width, Radius, & Mobile Height). * New: WPVR Visual Composer Module re-designed & refined with new options (Height, Width, & Radius). * New: WPVR Oxygen Element re-designed & refined with new options (Height, Width, Radius, & Mobile Height). * New: Two Options for Scene Gallery Icon (Small & Large). * Fix: Timeout error for image content in hotspots. * Fix: Issue while importing tours. * Fix: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string. * Fix: Company Logo Changes position - tour published with Divi. * Fix: Scene Gallery Moves to Left - published with Divi. * Fix: Floor Plan & Explainer Video buttons overlapping - published with Divi. * Fix: Floor Plan pointer & Close option lost style - published with Divi. * Fix: Removed 'RexTheme' text on right-click in pro. * Tweak: Warning Message improved for Free version missing. * Tweak: Content & Tooltips improved on the Floor Plan section.

8.2.0 2022-09-12

(12-09-2022) = * New: Floor Plan for virtual tours. * Fix: Disable option for On-hover content not working.

8.1.1 2022-08-19

(03-08-2022) = * New: Custom Color Support for Individual Hotspots. * Fix: Custom Hotspot Icon Class is not working. * Tweak: Explainer Video & Global Zoom Settings not shown.

8.1.2 2022-08-19

(19-08-2022) = * New: WPVR - Divi 360 Panorama & Virtual Tour Builder Module.

8.1.0 2022-07-26

(26-07-2022) = * New: VR Glass Support for virtual tours.

8.0.2 2022-07-14

(14-07-2022) = * Fix: Undefined Variable - PHP Error Notice. * Fix: Issue with Gutenberg Block. * Fix: Missing Language Files. * Update: Compatibility with PHP 8.1.7. * New: Automated the Rollback Function.

8.0.1 2022-06-23

(23-06-2022) = * Fix: View Details option doesn't work from the Plugins page. * Update: Content for Free vs Pro page. * Tweak: Scene Upload design

8.0.0 2022-06-15

(15-06-2022) = * Update: Plugin Code restructured. * Update: Improvement on tour creation tabs. * New: Welcome page. * New: Guided Tour. * Tweak: Global Preview button. * Fix: Conflict with Divi Page Builder.

7.3.11 2022-06-14

(03-06-2022) = * Fix: URL Redirect Issue while Publishing Tour

7.3.10 2022-06-01

(01-06-2022) = * Fix: JS file missing issue

7.3.9 2022-06-01

(01-06-2022) = * New: WYSIWYG Editor Integration for On-click & On-hover Hotspot content. * New: Close On-click windows on any click.

7.3.8 2022-05-25

(25-05-2022) = * Update: Checked compatibility with WordPress 6.0. * Update: Get Started page content updated. * New: Updated support for Elementor function register_controls(). * Fix: Loading wrong tabs on tour editing mode. * Fix: Radius not working for self-hosted video tours - Shortcodes. * Fix: Radius not working for self-hosted video tours - WPVR Gutenberg Block. * Fix: Radius not working for self-hosted video tours - WPVR Elementor Widget.

7.3.7 2022-05-19

(19-05-2022) = * Fix: ZenCDN Removed. * Fix: Conflict between On-click Content & URL fields * Fix: Reset inserted data when Hotspot Type is changed (Info, Scene). * Tweak: Better loading logic while Previewing Tour on General, Scenes, & Hotspots tabs. * Tweak: Better loading logic for Getting Started & Settings pages

7.3.6 2022-04-04

(04-04-2022) = * New: Google Cardboard, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, & GearVR Support for Video Tours. * New: Support for Multiple Tours Inside Elementor Tabs. * New: Custom Mobile Height for the Tours using WPVR Gutenberg Block. * New: Custom Mobile Height for the Tours using Shortcode. * Fix: Custom Preview Image Text not Working in Elementor Tabs. * Fix: PHP Warnings on Front-end. * Fix: PHP Warnings on Settings Page. * Fix: PHP Warnings on Hotspots Page.

7.3.5 2022-01-27

(27-01-2022) = * Update: Checked Compatibility with WordPress 5.9. * Update: Checked Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.1.1. * Update: Checked Compatibility with Gutenberg 12.4.1. * Update: Checked Compatibility with Elementor 3.5.4. * Update: Checked Compatibility with Visual Composer 42.1. * Update: Checked Compatibility with Fluent Forms 4.3.0. * Update: Rollback version updated to 7.3.4. * New: Disable On-hover content for mobile devices. * New: Open URL in the same tab from hotspots. * Fix: Height field doesn't work for YouTube videos - WPVR Elementor widget. * Fix: Width and Height fields don't work for YouTube video tours - WPVR Gutenberg block.

7.3.4 2021-10-13

(13-10-2021) = * Update: Checked Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.8.0. * Update: Checked Compatibility with Elementor 3.4.5. * Update: Rollback Versions updated to 7.3.3. * New: Preview Option in General Section. * New: Warning Message in Video Tab if no video is assigned. * Fix: Endless Loading Loop in Tour Preview. * Fix: Video Tab Warning - 'X' Button Functionality Issue. * Fix: Warning Message if Scene ID & 360 Degree Image is missing. * Fix: Warning Message while Enabling video.js control, if Exclude Field is empty. * Tweak: Video Tab Warning Message.

7.3.3 2021-09-16

(16-09-2021) = * Update: Checked Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.1. * Update: Checked Compatibility with PHP 8.0. * Update: Rollback Versions Updated to 7.3.2. * Fix: PHP Error Notices. * New: Full-window Virtual Tour Support. * New: Control video.js loading on specific pages.

7.3.2 2021-08-05

(04-08-2021) = *Fix: PHP Error Notices.

7.3.1 2021-07-29

(27-07-2021) = * Update: Checked compatibility with WordPress 5.8. * Fix: PHP Error Notice. * Tweak: Dual Action Warning for Auto-Rotation redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Invalid Pitch Value Warning redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Invalid Yaw Value Warning redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Invalid Default Zoom Value Warnings redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Invalid Max-zoom Value Warning redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Max-zoom Value Exceeded Warning redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Invalid Min-zoom Value Warning redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Low Min-zoom Value Warning redesigned & updated.

7.3.0 2021-07-13

(18-06-2021) = * Tweak: WP VR logo & Text Aligned on Dashboard. * Tweak: Scene Image Missing Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Scene ID Missing Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Invalid Scene ID Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Duplicate Scene ID Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Default Scene Change Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Scene Deletion Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Scene Limit Reached Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Invalid Hotspot ID Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Duplicate Hotspot ID Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: On-click Content + URL Dual Input Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Custom Icon + Custom Icon Class Dual Input Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Target Scene Missing Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Hotspot Limit Reached Notice redesigned & updated. * Tweak: Hotspot Deletion Notice redesigned & updated. * Fix: Autoplay bug for 360-degree videos.

7.2.9 2021-05-25

(25-05-2021) = New: Warning message added for Street View tab. Tweak: Rollback versions updated.

7.2.8 2021-05-06

(06-05-2021) = * Fix: PHP Warnings on Backend & Frontend * Fix: Audio Issue for self-hosted videos on hotspots

7.2.7 2021-04-12

(12-04-2021) = * Tweak: Rollback versions updated. * Tweak: Video tab warning pop-up redesigned. * New: Preview Image Text is made dynamic. * New: On the Hotspots tab, the active Scene ID will be mentioned. * Fix: Elementor Widget Issue. * Fix: Preview Image Test font mismatch.

7.2.6 2021-03-22

(22-03-2021) = * Tweak: Rollback versions updated * Fix: Dummy notice removed * Fix: AppSero Updater Error

7.2.5 2021-03-11

(11-03-2021) = * Visual Composer element support * WP 5.7 Support


7.2.4 2021-02-24

(24-02-2021) = * Enable Script Control Option is now Conditional * Pop-up Warning Added For Switching To Video Tour * Fixed: Style Conflict Issue With Phlox Pro Theme * Fixed: Tour ID Dropdown is not responsive for WP VR Elementor Widget * Fixed: Deleted Scene Icons Still Show Up


7.2.3 2021-02-09

(09-02-2020) = * Export tab alert removed * PHP warning fixed on activation


7.2.2 2020-12-30

(21-12-2020) = * Browser JS conflict fixed * Dummy functions removed


7.2.1 2020-12-17

(17-12-2020) = * VR audio JS error fixed * Warning message added for video tour * Tab and accordion issue fixed * Modified rollback options


7.2.0 2020-12-09

(09-12-2020) = * WordPress 5.6 compatibility checked * VR audio conflict fixed


7.1.0 2020-11-19

(19-11-2020) = * Black Friday banner modified


7.0.0 2020-11-19

(19-11-2020) = * Black Friday banner added


6.9.0 2020-11-16
6.8.0 2020-10-22

(22-10-2020) = * Display gallery by default on the tour


6.7.0 2020-09-18

(18-09-2020) = * Import/Export modified * Mobile media resizer switch added * Ocean theme conflict fixed


6.6.0 2020-09-09

(09-09-2020) = * Preview gallery modified * Mobile media resizer modified * Video tab bug fixed * Allow url open auto handled


6.5.0 2020-08-31

(31-08-2020) = * Empty needle warning fixed * Appsero updated


6.4.0 2020-08-19

(19-08-2020) = * Media resizer fixed


6.3.0 2020-08-14

(14-08-2020) = * Mobile media resizer added * WordPress 5.5 compatible * Street View responsive issue fixed


6.2.0 2020-08-10

(07-08-2020) = * Oxygen builder support added * Multi-site support added * Dynamic front-end notice added


6.1.0 2020-07-31

(31-7-2020) = * Style issue fixed for on click content


5.9.0 2020-07-29

(27-7-2020) = * Export/import SSL error fixed * JS error fixed


6.0.0 2020-07-29

(28-7-2020) = * Error fix for safari * JS error fix for optimization


5.8.0 2020-07-25

(25-7-2020) = * Submit restriction to control gyro for SSL * Add-on compatibility added * Mobile notice added * License input type changed to password * On click content container responsive issue fixed


5.7.0 2020-07-20

(20-7-2020) = * UI updated * Youtube 360 video autoplay fixed * Company logo style fixed * Save draft issue fixed * Gallery thumbnail size image loaded * Gallery scene ids replaced with scene title * Plugin rollback feature added


5.6.0 2020-06-15

(15-06-2020) = * VR background music support


5.5.0 2020-05-12

(12-05-2020) = * Custom control conflict fixed * On click container fixed * Self hosted video pause on cross button


5.4.0 2020-04-27

(27-04-2020) = * Device Orientation control fix


5.3.0 2020-04-17

(16-04-2020) = * Keyboard zoom control added * Logo style modified


5.2.0 2020-04-02

(02-04-2020) = * Author URL field added


5.1.0 2020-03-26

(26-03-2020) = * Auto device based gyro enable added


5.0.0 2020-03-19
  • Home button added to return to default scene


4.9.0 2020-03-12
  • Scene title field added for gallery content


4.8.0 2020-03-05
  • Script & Style file control modified


4.7.0 2020-02-27
  • Gyroscope conflict fix with default control
  • WordPress high resolution image upload
  • Input type error handled


4.6.0 2020-02-20
  • Gyroscope Support fix for custom control


4.5.0 2020-02-06
  • Library updated
  • Fixed default icon issue on android.


4.4.0 2020-02-04
  • Draggable error fix
  • Control plugin scripts and styles to load them on specific pages only.


4.3.0 2020-01-30
  • Draggable switch added
  • Setting title capitalized


4.2.0 2020-01-23
  • Keyboard control switch added
  • Fontawesome conflict fix


4.1.0 2020-01-16
  • 360 video autoplay and loop
  • Mouse scroll support added


4.0.0 2020-01-10
  • User role support added


3.9.0 2020-01-02
3.8.0 2019-12-26
  • Load box design changed


3.7.0 2019-12-19
  • Partial Panorama for pro version


3.6.0 2019-12-12
  • js optimization removed


3.5.0 2019-12-05
  • Front-end error fix


1.0.2 2019-12-05
3.4.9 2019-12-05
  • JS & CSS load optimized


3.4.8 2019-11-28
  • Company logo on pro version
  • Made preview load more efficient


3.4.7 2019-11-21
  • Google street view embed


3.4.6 2019-11-13
  • Custom control feature for pro version
  • WordPress 5.3 bug fix


3.4.5 2019-11-07
  • Wordpress.com hosting support fixed


3.4.4 2019-10-31
  • Rotation fix on default scene face
  • Rotation fix on hotspot to target scene face
  • Plugin library update


3.4.3 2019-10-24
  • Autorotation error fix
  • Ziparchive class error fix


3.4.2 2019-10-10
  • Gallery carousal design fix
  • Css and js restricted


3.4.1 2019-10-03
  • Gallery carousal fix


3.4.0 2019-09-12
  • Repeater delete confirmation fix.


3.3.0 2019-08-29
  • Placeholder change.


3.2.0 2019-08-02
  • Custom scene gallery conflict and bug fix for iphone and ipad.


3.1.0 2019-07-11
  • Custom scene gallery.
  • Border radius tag added.
  • Modified preview window.


3.0.0 2019-07-10
  • File import & export system added.
  • Fullwidth tag added.
  • Placeholder color changed.


2.9.0 2019-06-27
  • Tour selector updated on vr block


2.8.0 2019-06-20
  • Dynamic error reporting added.


2.7.0 2019-05-29
  • Post memory limit fix.


2.6.0 2019-05-23
  • Duplicate tour.
  • Blink animation automated.
  • Language issue fixed.


2.5.0 2019-05-16
  • Gyroscope support on premium version.
  • Appsero error fix.
  • Gutenberg block column layout fix.


2.4.0 2019-05-02
  • Font-awesome icon load fix.
  • Plugin conflict fix.
  • Rextheme link removed from premium version.


2.3.0 2019-04-09
  • Elementor widget support for free.
  • Mozilla Firefox bug fix.
  • CDN load fix.
  • Block input dropdown added.
  • Hotspot based scene face added.


2.2.0 2019-03-20
  • Scene title and author tag support.
  • Elementor widget support.


2.1.1 2019-03-04
  • Dynamic Font-Awesome icon added for hotspot.
  • Dynamic color picker added for hotspot color.
  • Custom panorama compass support.


2.1.0 2019-02-27
  • Save draft fixed.
  • Error handling fixed.
  • Video support added.
  • Slider revolution conflict fix.
  • Auto rotation
  • Rotation pause and stop control


2.0.0 2019-01-23
  • Gutenberg block support
  • Bug fix.


1.0.1 2019-01-09
  • Default scene can be selected from scene tab.
  • Default height and width given for shortcodes.


1.0.0 2018-12-12