Version Description
- js optimization removed
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | rextheme |
Plugin | WP VR – 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress |
Version | 3.6.0 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 3.5.0 to 3.6.0
- README.txt +4 -1
- admin/class-wpvr-admin-pages.php +1 -1
- admin/class-wpvr-icon.php +994 -995
- admin/css/wpvr-admin.css +141 -7
- admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php +3 -3
- admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php +5 -8
- admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php +2 -2
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/de.po +0 -611
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/es.po +0 -607
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/it.po +0 -608
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/nl_NL.po +0 -3801
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/pt_PT.po +0 -3800
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/wpvr-ar.po +302 -0
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/wpvr-de_DE.po +309 -0
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/wpvr-es_ES.po +307 -0
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/wpvr-it_IT.po +310 -0
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/wpvr-nl_NL.po +309 -0
- languages/ +0 -0
- languages/wpvr-pt_PT.po +308 -0
- languages/wpvr.pot +292 -0
- public/class-wpvr-public.php +86 -166
- public/css/wpvr-public.css +1 -1
- wpvr.php +72 -67
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Donate link:
4 |
Tags: virtual tour, real estate tour, panorama, panorama viewer, virtual tour, 360 panorama, interactive tour
5 |
Requires at least: 4.0
6 |
Tested up to: 5.3
7 |
Stable tag: 3.
8 |
Requires PHP: 5.6
9 |
License: GPLv2 or later
10 |
License URI:
@@ -301,5 +301,8 @@ Simply add "/plugins/wpvr" to exclusion field (or use the location where you sto
301 |
= 3.5.0 =
302 |
* Front-end error fix
303 |
304 |
== Upgrade Notice ==
305 |
Please do update the WP VR to the latest version. Each update makes it sure your plugin is supporting all tour features.
4 |
Tags: virtual tour, real estate tour, panorama, panorama viewer, virtual tour, 360 panorama, interactive tour
5 |
Requires at least: 4.0
6 |
Tested up to: 5.3
7 |
Stable tag: 3.6.0
8 |
Requires PHP: 5.6
9 |
License: GPLv2 or later
10 |
License URI:
301 |
= 3.5.0 =
302 |
* Front-end error fix
303 |
304 |
= 3.6.0 =
305 |
* js optimization removed
306 |
307 |
== Upgrade Notice ==
308 |
Please do update the WP VR to the latest version. Each update makes it sure your plugin is supporting all tour features.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class Wpvr_Admin_Pages {
17 |
18 |
function wpvr_add_admin_pages() {
19 |
20 |
add_menu_page( 'Wpvr', '
21 |
22 |
add_submenu_page( 'wpvr', 'Wpvr', 'Get Started','manage_options', 'wpvr', array( $this, 'wpvr_admin_doc'));
23 |
17 |
18 |
function wpvr_add_admin_pages() {
19 |
20 |
add_menu_page( 'Wpvr', 'WP VR', 'manage_options', 'wpvr', array( $this, 'wpvr_admin_doc'),plugins_url(). '/wpvr/images/icon.png' , 110);
21 |
22 |
add_submenu_page( 'wpvr', 'Wpvr', 'Get Started','manage_options', 'wpvr', array( $this, 'wpvr_admin_doc'));
23 |
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
6 |
* @link
7 |
* @since 1.0.0
8 |
9 |
* @package
10 |
* @subpackage
11 |
12 |
13 |
class Wpvr_fontawesome_icons {
@@ -21,999 +21,998 @@ class Wpvr_fontawesome_icons {
21 |
public function __construct() {
22 |
23 |
$this->icon = array (
24 |
'none' =>
25 |
'fab fa-500px' =>
26 |
'fab fa-accessible-icon' =>
27 |
'fab fa-accusoft' =>
28 |
'fas fa-address-book' =>
29 |
'far fa-address-book' =>
30 |
'fas fa-address-card' =>
31 |
'far fa-address-card' =>
32 |
'fas fa-adjust' =>
33 |
'fab fa-adn' =>
34 |
'fab fa-adversal' =>
35 |
'fab fa-affiliatetheme' =>
36 |
'fab fa-algolia' =>
37 |
'fas fa-align-center' =>
38 |
'fas fa-align-justify' =>
39 |
'fas fa-align-left' =>
40 |
'fas fa-align-right' =>
41 |
'fas fa-allergies' =>
42 |
'fab fa-amazon' =>
43 |
'fab fa-amazon-pay' =>
44 |
'fas fa-ambulance' =>
45 |
'fas fa-american-sign-language-interpreting' =>
46 |
'fab fa-amilia' =>
47 |
'fas fa-anchor' =>
48 |
'fab fa-android' =>
49 |
'fab fa-angellist' =>
50 |
'fas fa-angle-double-down' =>
51 |
'fas fa-angle-double-left' =>
52 |
'fas fa-angle-double-right' =>
53 |
'fas fa-angle-double-up' =>
54 |
'fas fa-angle-down' =>
55 |
'fas fa-angle-left' =>
56 |
'fas fa-angle-right' =>
57 |
'fas fa-angle-up' =>
58 |
'fab fa-angrycreative' =>
59 |
'fab fa-angular' =>
60 |
'fab fa-app-store' =>
61 |
'fab fa-app-store-ios' =>
62 |
'fab fa-apper' =>
63 |
'fab fa-apple' =>
64 |
'fab fa-apple-pay' =>
65 |
'fas fa-archive' =>
66 |
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-down' =>
67 |
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-down' =>
68 |
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-left' =>
69 |
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-left' =>
70 |
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right' =>
71 |
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-right' =>
72 |
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-up' =>
73 |
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-up' =>
74 |
'fas fa-arrow-circle-down' =>
75 |
'fas fa-arrow-circle-left' =>
76 |
'fas fa-arrow-circle-right' =>
77 |
'fas fa-arrow-circle-up' =>
78 |
'fas fa-arrow-down' =>
79 |
'fas fa-arrow-left' =>
80 |
'fas fa-arrow-right' =>
81 |
'fas fa-arrow-up' =>
82 |
'fas fa-arrows-alt' =>
83 |
'fas fa-arrows-alt-h' =>
84 |
'fas fa-arrows-alt-v' =>
85 |
'fas fa-assistive-listening-systems' =>
86 |
'fas fa-asterisk' =>
87 |
'fab fa-asymmetrik' =>
88 |
'fas fa-at' =>
89 |
'fab fa-audible' =>
90 |
'fas fa-audio-description' =>
91 |
'fab fa-autoprefixer' =>
92 |
'fab fa-avianex' =>
93 |
'fab fa-aviato' =>
94 |
'fab fa-aws' =>
95 |
'fas fa-backward' =>
96 |
'fas fa-balance-scale' =>
97 |
'fas fa-ban' =>
98 |
'fas fa-band-aid' =>
99 |
'fab fa-bandcamp' =>
100 |
'fas fa-barcode' =>
101 |
'fas fa-bars' =>
102 |
'fas fa-baseball-ball' =>
103 |
'fas fa-basketball-ball' =>
104 |
'fas fa-bath' =>
105 |
'fas fa-battery-empty' =>
106 |
'fas fa-battery-full' =>
107 |
'fas fa-battery-half' =>
108 |
'fas fa-battery-quarter' =>
109 |
'fas fa-battery-three-quarters' =>
110 |
'fas fa-bed' =>
111 |
'fas fa-beer' =>
112 |
'fab fa-behance' =>
113 |
'fab fa-behance-square' =>
114 |
'fas fa-bell' =>
115 |
'far fa-bell' =>
116 |
'fas fa-bell-slash' =>
117 |
'far fa-bell-slash' =>
118 |
'fas fa-bicycle' =>
119 |
'fab fa-bimobject' =>
120 |
'fas fa-binoculars' =>
121 |
'fas fa-birthday-cake' =>
122 |
'fab fa-bitbucket' =>
123 |
'fab fa-bitcoin' =>
124 |
'fab fa-bity' =>
125 |
'fab fa-black-tie' =>
126 |
'fab fa-blackberry' =>
127 |
'fas fa-blind' =>
128 |
'fab fa-blogger' =>
129 |
'fab fa-blogger-b' =>
130 |
'fab fa-bluetooth' =>
131 |
'fab fa-bluetooth-b' =>
132 |
'fas fa-bold' =>
133 |
'fas fa-bolt' =>
134 |
'fas fa-bomb' =>
135 |
'fas fa-book' =>
136 |
'fas fa-bookmark' =>
137 |
'far fa-bookmark' =>
138 |
'fas fa-bowling-ball' =>
139 |
'fas fa-box' =>
140 |
'fas fa-box-open' =>
141 |
'fas fa-boxes' =>
142 |
'fas fa-braille' =>
143 |
'fas fa-briefcase' =>
144 |
'fas fa-briefcase-medical' =>
145 |
'fab fa-btc' =>
146 |
'fas fa-bug' =>
147 |
'fas fa-building' =>
148 |
'far fa-building' =>
149 |
'fas fa-bullhorn' =>
150 |
'fas fa-bullseye' =>
151 |
'fas fa-burn' =>
152 |
'fab fa-buromobelexperte' =>
153 |
'fas fa-bus' =>
154 |
'fab fa-buysellads' =>
155 |
'fas fa-calculator' =>
156 |
'fas fa-calendar' =>
157 |
'far fa-calendar' =>
158 |
'fas fa-calendar-alt' =>
159 |
'far fa-calendar-alt' =>
160 |
'fas fa-calendar-check' =>
161 |
'far fa-calendar-check' =>
162 |
'fas fa-calendar-minus' =>
163 |
'far fa-calendar-minus' =>
164 |
'fas fa-calendar-plus' =>
165 |
'far fa-calendar-plus' =>
166 |
'fas fa-calendar-times' =>
167 |
'far fa-calendar-times' =>
168 |
'fas fa-camera' =>
169 |
'fas fa-camera-retro' =>
170 |
'fas fa-capsules' =>
171 |
'fas fa-car' =>
172 |
'fas fa-caret-down' =>
173 |
'fas fa-caret-left' =>
174 |
'fas fa-caret-right' =>
175 |
'fas fa-caret-square-down' =>
176 |
'far fa-caret-square-down' =>
177 |
'fas fa-caret-square-left' =>
178 |
'far fa-caret-square-left' =>
179 |
'fas fa-caret-square-right' =>
180 |
'far fa-caret-square-right' =>
181 |
'fas fa-caret-square-up' =>
182 |
'far fa-caret-square-up' =>
183 |
'fas fa-caret-up' =>
184 |
'fas fa-cart-arrow-down' =>
185 |
'fas fa-cart-plus' =>
186 |
'fab fa-cc-amazon-pay' =>
187 |
'fab fa-cc-amex' =>
188 |
'fab fa-cc-apple-pay' =>
189 |
'fab fa-cc-diners-club' =>
190 |
'fab fa-cc-discover' =>
191 |
'fab fa-cc-jcb' =>
192 |
'fab fa-cc-mastercard' =>
193 |
'fab fa-cc-paypal' =>
194 |
'fab fa-cc-stripe' =>
195 |
'fab fa-cc-visa' =>
196 |
'fab fa-centercode' =>
197 |
'fas fa-certificate' =>
198 |
'fas fa-chart-area' =>
199 |
'fas fa-chart-bar' =>
200 |
'far fa-chart-bar' =>
201 |
'fas fa-chart-line' =>
202 |
'fas fa-chart-pie' =>
203 |
'fas fa-check' =>
204 |
'fas fa-check-circle' =>
205 |
'far fa-check-circle' =>
206 |
'fas fa-check-square' =>
207 |
'far fa-check-square' =>
208 |
'fas fa-chess' =>
209 |
'fas fa-chess-bishop' =>
210 |
'fas fa-chess-board' =>
211 |
'fas fa-chess-king' =>
212 |
'fas fa-chess-knight' =>
213 |
'fas fa-chess-pawn' =>
214 |
'fas fa-chess-queen' =>
215 |
'fas fa-chess-rook' =>
216 |
'fas fa-chevron-circle-down' =>
217 |
'fas fa-chevron-circle-left' =>
218 |
'fas fa-chevron-circle-right' =>
219 |
'fas fa-chevron-circle-up' =>
220 |
'fas fa-chevron-down' =>
221 |
'fas fa-chevron-left' =>
222 |
'fas fa-chevron-right' =>
223 |
'fas fa-chevron-up' =>
224 |
'fas fa-child' =>
225 |
'fab fa-chrome' =>
226 |
'fas fa-circle' =>
227 |
'far fa-circle' =>
228 |
'fas fa-circle-notch' =>
229 |
'fas fa-clipboard' =>
230 |
'far fa-clipboard' =>
231 |
'fas fa-clipboard-check' =>
232 |
'fas fa-clipboard-list' =>
233 |
'fas fa-clock' =>
234 |
'far fa-clock' =>
235 |
'fas fa-clone' =>
236 |
'far fa-clone' =>
237 |
'fas fa-closed-captioning' =>
238 |
'far fa-closed-captioning' =>
239 |
'fas fa-cloud' =>
240 |
'fas fa-cloud-download-alt' =>
241 |
'fas fa-cloud-upload-alt' =>
242 |
'fab fa-cloudscale' =>
243 |
'fab fa-cloudsmith' =>
244 |
'fab fa-cloudversify' =>
245 |
'fas fa-code' =>
246 |
'fas fa-code-branch' =>
247 |
'fab fa-codepen' =>
248 |
'fab fa-codiepie' =>
249 |
'fas fa-coffee' =>
250 |
'fas fa-cog' =>
251 |
'fas fa-cogs' =>
252 |
'fas fa-columns' =>
253 |
'fas fa-comment' =>
254 |
'far fa-comment' =>
255 |
'fas fa-comment-alt' =>
256 |
'far fa-comment-alt' =>
257 |
'fas fa-comment-dots' =>
258 |
'fas fa-comment-slash' =>
259 |
'fas fa-comments' =>
260 |
'far fa-comments' =>
261 |
'fas fa-compass' =>
262 |
'far fa-compass' =>
263 |
'fas fa-compress' =>
264 |
'fab fa-connectdevelop' =>
265 |
'fab fa-contao' =>
266 |
'fas fa-copy' =>
267 |
'far fa-copy' =>
268 |
'fas fa-copyright' =>
269 |
'far fa-copyright' =>
270 |
'fas fa-couch' =>
271 |
'fab fa-cpanel' =>
272 |
'fab fa-creative-commons' =>
273 |
'fas fa-credit-card' =>
274 |
'far fa-credit-card' =>
275 |
'fas fa-crop' =>
276 |
'fas fa-crosshairs' =>
277 |
'fab fa-css3' =>
278 |
'fab fa-css3-alt' =>
279 |
'fas fa-cube' =>
280 |
'fas fa-cubes' =>
281 |
'fas fa-cut' =>
282 |
'fab fa-cuttlefish' =>
283 |
'fab fa-d-and-d' =>
284 |
'fab fa-dashcube' =>
285 |
'fas fa-database' =>
286 |
'fas fa-deaf' =>
287 |
'fab fa-delicious' =>
288 |
'fab fa-deploydog' =>
289 |
'fab fa-deskpro' =>
290 |
'fas fa-desktop' =>
291 |
'fab fa-deviantart' =>
292 |
'fas fa-diagnoses' =>
293 |
'fab fa-digg' =>
294 |
'fab fa-digital-ocean' =>
295 |
'fab fa-discord' =>
296 |
'fab fa-discourse' =>
297 |
'fas fa-dna' =>
298 |
'fab fa-dochub' =>
299 |
'fab fa-docker' =>
300 |
'fas fa-dollar-sign' =>
301 |
'fas fa-dolly' =>
302 |
'fas fa-dolly-flatbed' =>
303 |
'fas fa-donate' =>
304 |
'fas fa-dot-circle' =>
305 |
'far fa-dot-circle' =>
306 |
'fas fa-dove' =>
307 |
'fas fa-download' =>
308 |
'fab fa-draft2digital' =>
309 |
'fab fa-dribbble' =>
310 |
'fab fa-dribbble-square' =>
311 |
'fab fa-dropbox' =>
312 |
'fab fa-drupal' =>
313 |
'fab fa-dyalog' =>
314 |
'fab fa-earlybirds' =>
315 |
'fab fa-edge' =>
316 |
'fas fa-edit' =>
317 |
'far fa-edit' =>
318 |
'fas fa-eject' =>
319 |
'fab fa-elementor' =>
320 |
'fas fa-ellipsis-h' =>
321 |
'fas fa-ellipsis-v' =>
322 |
'fab fa-ember' =>
323 |
'fab fa-empire' =>
324 |
'fas fa-envelope' =>
325 |
'far fa-envelope' =>
326 |
'fas fa-envelope-open' =>
327 |
'far fa-envelope-open' =>
328 |
'fas fa-envelope-square' =>
329 |
'fab fa-envira' =>
330 |
'fas fa-eraser' =>
331 |
'fab fa-erlang' =>
332 |
'fab fa-ethereum' =>
333 |
'fab fa-etsy' =>
334 |
'fas fa-euro-sign' =>
335 |
'fas fa-exchange-alt' =>
336 |
'fas fa-exclamation' =>
337 |
'fas fa-exclamation-circle' =>
338 |
'fas fa-exclamation-triangle' =>
339 |
'fas fa-expand' =>
340 |
'fas fa-expand-arrows-alt' =>
341 |
'fab fa-expeditedssl' =>
342 |
'fas fa-external-link-alt' =>
343 |
'fas fa-external-link-square-alt' =>
344 |
'fas fa-eye' =>
345 |
'fas fa-eye-dropper' =>
346 |
'fas fa-eye-slash' =>
347 |
'far fa-eye-slash' =>
348 |
'fab fa-facebook' =>
349 |
'fab fa-facebook-f' =>
350 |
'fab fa-facebook-messenger' =>
351 |
'fab fa-facebook-square' =>
352 |
'fas fa-fast-backward' =>
353 |
'fas fa-fast-forward' =>
354 |
'fas fa-fax' =>
355 |
'fas fa-female' =>
356 |
'fas fa-fighter-jet' =>
357 |
'fas fa-file' =>
358 |
'far fa-file' =>
359 |
'fas fa-file-alt' =>
360 |
'far fa-file-alt' =>
361 |
'fas fa-file-archive' =>
362 |
'far fa-file-archive' =>
363 |
'fas fa-file-audio' =>
364 |
'far fa-file-audio' =>
365 |
'fas fa-file-code' =>
366 |
'far fa-file-code' =>
367 |
'fas fa-file-excel' =>
368 |
'far fa-file-excel' =>
369 |
'fas fa-file-image' =>
370 |
'far fa-file-image' =>
371 |
'fas fa-file-medical' =>
372 |
'fas fa-file-medical-alt' =>
373 |
'fas fa-file-pdf' =>
374 |
'far fa-file-pdf' =>
375 |
'fas fa-file-powerpoint' =>
376 |
'far fa-file-powerpoint' =>
377 |
'fas fa-file-video' =>
378 |
'far fa-file-video' =>
379 |
'fas fa-file-word' =>
380 |
'far fa-file-word' =>
381 |
'fas fa-film' =>
382 |
'fas fa-filter' =>
383 |
'fas fa-fire' =>
384 |
'fas fa-fire-extinguisher' =>
385 |
'fab fa-firefox' =>
386 |
'fas fa-first-aid' =>
387 |
'fab fa-first-order' =>
388 |
'fab fa-firstdraft' =>
389 |
'fas fa-flag' =>
390 |
'far fa-flag' =>
391 |
'fas fa-flag-checkered' =>
392 |
'fas fa-flask' =>
393 |
'fab fa-flickr' =>
394 |
'fab fa-flipboard' =>
395 |
'fab fa-fly' =>
396 |
'fas fa-folder' =>
397 |
'far fa-folder' =>
398 |
'fas fa-folder-open' =>
399 |
'far fa-folder-open' =>
400 |
'fas fa-font' =>
401 |
'fab fa-font-awesome' =>
402 |
'fab fa-font-awesome-alt' =>
403 |
'fab fa-font-awesome-flag' =>
404 |
'fab fa-fonticons' =>
405 |
'fab fa-fonticons-fi' =>
406 |
'fas fa-football-ball' =>
407 |
'fab fa-fort-awesome' =>
408 |
'fab fa-fort-awesome-alt' =>
409 |
'fab fa-forumbee' =>
410 |
'fas fa-forward' =>
411 |
'fab fa-foursquare' =>
412 |
'fab fa-free-code-camp' =>
413 |
'fab fa-freebsd' =>
414 |
'fas fa-frown' =>
415 |
'far fa-frown' =>
416 |
'fas fa-futbol' =>
417 |
'far fa-futbol' =>
418 |
'fas fa-gamepad' =>
419 |
'fas fa-gavel' =>
420 |
'fas fa-gem' =>
421 |
'far fa-gem' =>
422 |
'fas fa-genderless' =>
423 |
'fab fa-get-pocket' =>
424 |
'fab fa-gg' =>
425 |
'fab fa-gg-circle' =>
426 |
'fas fa-gift' =>
427 |
'fab fa-git' =>
428 |
'fab fa-git-square' =>
429 |
'fab fa-github' =>
430 |
'fab fa-github-alt' =>
431 |
'fab fa-github-square' =>
432 |
'fab fa-gitkraken' =>
433 |
'fab fa-gitlab' =>
434 |
'fab fa-gitter' =>
435 |
'fas fa-glass-martini' =>
436 |
'fab fa-glide' =>
437 |
'fab fa-glide-g' =>
438 |
'fas fa-globe' =>
439 |
'fab fa-gofore' =>
440 |
'fas fa-golf-ball' =>
441 |
'fab fa-goodreads' =>
442 |
'fab fa-goodreads-g' =>
443 |
'fab fa-google' =>
444 |
'fab fa-google-drive' =>
445 |
'fab fa-google-play' =>
446 |
'fab fa-google-plus' =>
447 |
'fab fa-google-plus-g' =>
448 |
'fab fa-google-plus-square' =>
449 |
'fab fa-google-wallet' =>
450 |
'fas fa-graduation-cap' =>
451 |
'fab fa-gratipay' =>
452 |
'fab fa-grav' =>
453 |
'fab fa-gripfire' =>
454 |
'fab fa-grunt' =>
455 |
'fab fa-gulp' =>
456 |
'fas fa-h-square' =>
457 |
'fab fa-hacker-news' =>
458 |
'fab fa-hacker-news-square' =>
459 |
'fas fa-hand-holding' =>
460 |
'fas fa-hand-holding-heart' =>
461 |
'fas fa-hand-holding-usd' =>
462 |
'fas fa-hand-lizard' =>
463 |
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464 |
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465 |
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466 |
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467 |
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468 |
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469 |
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470 |
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471 |
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472 |
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473 |
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474 |
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475 |
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476 |
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477 |
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478 |
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479 |
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480 |
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481 |
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482 |
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483 |
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484 |
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485 |
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486 |
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487 |
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488 |
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489 |
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490 |
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491 |
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492 |
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493 |
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494 |
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495 |
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496 |
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497 |
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498 |
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499 |
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500 |
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501 |
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502 |
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503 |
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504 |
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505 |
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506 |
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507 |
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508 |
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509 |
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510 |
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511 |
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512 |
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513 |
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514 |
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515 |
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516 |
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517 |
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518 |
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519 |
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520 |
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521 |
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522 |
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523 |
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524 |
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525 |
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526 |
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527 |
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528 |
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529 |
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530 |
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531 |
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532 |
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533 |
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534 |
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535 |
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536 |
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537 |
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538 |
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539 |
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540 |
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541 |
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542 |
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543 |
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544 |
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545 |
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546 |
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547 |
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548 |
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549 |
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550 |
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551 |
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552 |
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553 |
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554 |
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555 |
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556 |
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557 |
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558 |
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559 |
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560 |
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561 |
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562 |
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563 |
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564 |
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565 |
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566 |
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567 |
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568 |
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570 |
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571 |
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572 |
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573 |
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574 |
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575 |
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576 |
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577 |
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578 |
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579 |
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580 |
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581 |
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582 |
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583 |
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584 |
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585 |
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586 |
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587 |
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588 |
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589 |
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590 |
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591 |
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592 |
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593 |
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594 |
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595 |
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596 |
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597 |
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598 |
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599 |
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600 |
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601 |
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602 |
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603 |
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604 |
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605 |
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606 |
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607 |
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608 |
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609 |
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610 |
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611 |
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612 |
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613 |
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614 |
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615 |
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616 |
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617 |
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618 |
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619 |
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620 |
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621 |
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622 |
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623 |
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624 |
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625 |
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626 |
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627 |
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628 |
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629 |
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630 |
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631 |
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632 |
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633 |
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634 |
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635 |
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636 |
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637 |
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638 |
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639 |
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640 |
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641 |
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642 |
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643 |
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644 |
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645 |
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646 |
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647 |
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648 |
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649 |
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650 |
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651 |
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652 |
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653 |
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654 |
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655 |
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656 |
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657 |
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658 |
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659 |
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660 |
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661 |
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662 |
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663 |
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664 |
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665 |
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666 |
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667 |
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668 |
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669 |
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670 |
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671 |
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672 |
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673 |
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674 |
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675 |
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676 |
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677 |
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678 |
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679 |
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680 |
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681 |
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682 |
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683 |
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684 |
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685 |
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686 |
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687 |
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688 |
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689 |
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690 |
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691 |
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692 |
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693 |
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694 |
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695 |
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696 |
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697 |
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698 |
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699 |
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700 |
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701 |
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702 |
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703 |
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704 |
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705 |
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706 |
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707 |
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708 |
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709 |
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710 |
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711 |
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712 |
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713 |
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714 |
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715 |
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716 |
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717 |
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718 |
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719 |
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720 |
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721 |
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722 |
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723 |
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724 |
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725 |
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726 |
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727 |
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728 |
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729 |
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730 |
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731 |
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732 |
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733 |
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734 |
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735 |
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736 |
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737 |
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738 |
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739 |
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740 |
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742 |
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743 |
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744 |
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745 |
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746 |
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747 |
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748 |
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749 |
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750 |
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751 |
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752 |
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753 |
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754 |
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755 |
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756 |
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757 |
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758 |
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759 |
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760 |
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761 |
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762 |
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763 |
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764 |
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765 |
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766 |
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767 |
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768 |
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769 |
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770 |
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771 |
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772 |
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773 |
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774 |
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775 |
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776 |
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777 |
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778 |
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779 |
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780 |
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781 |
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782 |
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783 |
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784 |
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785 |
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786 |
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787 |
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788 |
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789 |
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790 |
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791 |
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792 |
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793 |
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794 |
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795 |
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796 |
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797 |
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798 |
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799 |
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800 |
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801 |
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802 |
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803 |
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804 |
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805 |
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806 |
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807 |
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808 |
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809 |
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810 |
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811 |
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812 |
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813 |
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814 |
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815 |
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816 |
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817 |
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818 |
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819 |
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820 |
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821 |
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822 |
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823 |
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824 |
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825 |
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826 |
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827 |
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828 |
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829 |
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830 |
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831 |
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832 |
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833 |
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834 |
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835 |
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836 |
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837 |
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838 |
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839 |
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840 |
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841 |
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842 |
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843 |
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844 |
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845 |
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846 |
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847 |
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848 |
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849 |
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850 |
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851 |
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852 |
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853 |
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854 |
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855 |
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856 |
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857 |
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858 |
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859 |
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860 |
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861 |
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862 |
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863 |
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864 |
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865 |
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866 |
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867 |
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868 |
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869 |
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870 |
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871 |
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872 |
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873 |
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874 |
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875 |
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876 |
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877 |
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878 |
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879 |
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880 |
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881 |
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882 |
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883 |
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884 |
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885 |
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886 |
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887 |
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888 |
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889 |
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890 |
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891 |
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892 |
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893 |
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894 |
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895 |
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896 |
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897 |
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898 |
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899 |
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900 |
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901 |
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902 |
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903 |
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904 |
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905 |
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906 |
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907 |
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908 |
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909 |
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910 |
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911 |
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912 |
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913 |
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914 |
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915 |
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916 |
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917 |
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918 |
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919 |
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920 |
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921 |
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922 |
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923 |
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924 |
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925 |
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926 |
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927 |
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928 |
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929 |
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930 |
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931 |
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932 |
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933 |
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934 |
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935 |
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936 |
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937 |
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938 |
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939 |
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940 |
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941 |
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942 |
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943 |
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945 |
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946 |
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947 |
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948 |
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949 |
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950 |
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951 |
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952 |
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953 |
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954 |
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955 |
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956 |
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957 |
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958 |
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959 |
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960 |
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961 |
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962 |
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963 |
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964 |
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965 |
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966 |
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967 |
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968 |
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969 |
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970 |
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971 |
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972 |
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973 |
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974 |
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975 |
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976 |
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977 |
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978 |
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979 |
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980 |
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981 |
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982 |
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983 |
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984 |
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985 |
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986 |
'fas fa-window-close' =>
987 |
'far fa-window-close' =>
988 |
'fas fa-window-maximize' =>
989 |
'far fa-window-maximize' =>
990 |
'fas fa-window-minimize' =>
991 |
'far fa-window-minimize' =>
992 |
'fas fa-window-restore' =>
993 |
'far fa-window-restore' =>
994 |
'fab fa-windows' =>
995 |
'fas fa-wine-glass' =>
996 |
'fas fa-won-sign' =>
997 |
'fab fa-wordpress' =>
998 |
'fab fa-wordpress-simple' =>
999 |
'fab fa-wpbeginner' =>
1000 |
'fab fa-wpexplorer' =>
1001 |
'fab fa-wpforms' =>
1002 |
'fas fa-wrench' =>
1003 |
'fas fa-x-ray' =>
1004 |
'fab fa-xbox' =>
1005 |
'fab fa-xing' =>
1006 |
'fab fa-xing-square' =>
1007 |
'fab fa-y-combinator' =>
1008 |
'fab fa-yahoo' =>
1009 |
'fab fa-yandex' =>
1010 |
'fab fa-yandex-international' =>
1011 |
'fab fa-yelp' =>
1012 |
'fas fa-yen-sign' =>
1013 |
'fab fa-yoast' =>
1014 |
'fab fa-youtube' =>
1015 |
'fab fa-youtube-square' =>
1016 |
1017 |
1018 |
1019 |
6 |
* @link
7 |
* @since 1.0.0
8 |
9 |
* @package
10 |
* @subpackage /admin
11 |
12 |
13 |
class Wpvr_fontawesome_icons {
21 |
public function __construct() {
22 |
23 |
$this->icon = array (
24 |
'none' => 'None',
25 |
'fab fa-500px' => '500px',
26 |
'fab fa-accessible-icon' => 'accessible-icon',
27 |
'fab fa-accusoft' => 'accusoft',
28 |
'fas fa-address-book' => 'address-book',
29 |
'far fa-address-book' => 'address-book',
30 |
'fas fa-address-card' => 'address-card',
31 |
'far fa-address-card' => 'address-card',
32 |
'fas fa-adjust' => 'adjust',
33 |
'fab fa-adn' => 'adn',
34 |
'fab fa-adversal' => 'adversal',
35 |
'fab fa-affiliatetheme' => 'affiliatetheme',
36 |
'fab fa-algolia' => 'algolia',
37 |
'fas fa-align-center' => 'align-center',
38 |
'fas fa-align-justify' => 'align-justify',
39 |
'fas fa-align-left' => 'align-left',
40 |
'fas fa-align-right' => 'align-right',
41 |
'fas fa-allergies' => 'allergies',
42 |
'fab fa-amazon' => 'amazon',
43 |
'fab fa-amazon-pay' => 'amazon-pay',
44 |
'fas fa-ambulance' => 'ambulance',
45 |
'fas fa-american-sign-language-interpreting' => 'american-sign-language-interpreting',
46 |
'fab fa-amilia' => 'amilia',
47 |
'fas fa-anchor' => 'anchor',
48 |
'fab fa-android' => 'android',
49 |
'fab fa-angellist' => 'angellist',
50 |
'fas fa-angle-double-down' => 'angle-double-down',
51 |
'fas fa-angle-double-left' => 'angle-double-left',
52 |
'fas fa-angle-double-right' => 'angle-double-right',
53 |
'fas fa-angle-double-up' => 'angle-double-up',
54 |
'fas fa-angle-down' => 'angle-down',
55 |
'fas fa-angle-left' => 'angle-left',
56 |
'fas fa-angle-right' => 'angle-right',
57 |
'fas fa-angle-up' => 'angle-up',
58 |
'fab fa-angrycreative' => 'angrycreative',
59 |
'fab fa-angular' => 'angular',
60 |
'fab fa-app-store' => 'app-store',
61 |
'fab fa-app-store-ios' => 'app-store-ios',
62 |
'fab fa-apper' => 'apper',
63 |
'fab fa-apple' => 'apple',
64 |
'fab fa-apple-pay' => 'apple-pay',
65 |
'fas fa-archive' => 'archive',
66 |
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-down' => 'arrow-alt-circle-down',
67 |
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-down' => 'arrow-alt-circle-down',
68 |
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-left' => 'arrow-alt-circle-left',
69 |
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-left' => 'arrow-alt-circle-left',
70 |
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right' => 'arrow-alt-circle-right',
71 |
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-right' => 'arrow-alt-circle-right',
72 |
'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-up' => 'arrow-alt-circle-up',
73 |
'far fa-arrow-alt-circle-up' => 'arrow-alt-circle-up',
74 |
'fas fa-arrow-circle-down' => 'arrow-circle-down',
75 |
'fas fa-arrow-circle-left' => 'arrow-circle-left',
76 |
'fas fa-arrow-circle-right' => 'arrow-circle-right',
77 |
'fas fa-arrow-circle-up' => 'arrow-circle-up',
78 |
'fas fa-arrow-down' => 'arrow-down',
79 |
'fas fa-arrow-left' => 'arrow-left',
80 |
'fas fa-arrow-right' => 'arrow-right',
81 |
'fas fa-arrow-up' => 'arrow-up',
82 |
'fas fa-arrows-alt' => 'arrows-alt',
83 |
'fas fa-arrows-alt-h' => 'arrows-alt-h',
84 |
'fas fa-arrows-alt-v' => 'arrows-alt-v',
85 |
'fas fa-assistive-listening-systems' => 'assistive-listening-systems',
86 |
'fas fa-asterisk' => 'asterisk',
87 |
'fab fa-asymmetrik' => 'asymmetrik',
88 |
'fas fa-at' => 'at',
89 |
'fab fa-audible' => 'audible',
90 |
'fas fa-audio-description' => 'audio-description',
91 |
'fab fa-autoprefixer' => 'autoprefixer',
92 |
'fab fa-avianex' => 'avianex',
93 |
'fab fa-aviato' => 'aviato',
94 |
'fab fa-aws' => 'aws',
95 |
'fas fa-backward' => 'backward',
96 |
'fas fa-balance-scale' => 'balance-scale',
97 |
'fas fa-ban' => 'ban',
98 |
'fas fa-band-aid' => 'band-aid',
99 |
'fab fa-bandcamp' => 'bandcamp',
100 |
'fas fa-barcode' => 'barcode',
101 |
'fas fa-bars' => 'bars',
102 |
'fas fa-baseball-ball' => 'baseball-ball',
103 |
'fas fa-basketball-ball' => 'basketball-ball',
104 |
'fas fa-bath' => 'bath',
105 |
'fas fa-battery-empty' => 'battery-empty',
106 |
'fas fa-battery-full' => 'battery-full',
107 |
'fas fa-battery-half' => 'battery-half',
108 |
'fas fa-battery-quarter' => 'battery-quarter',
109 |
'fas fa-battery-three-quarters' => 'battery-three-quarters',
110 |
'fas fa-bed' => 'bed',
111 |
'fas fa-beer' => 'beer',
112 |
'fab fa-behance' => 'behance',
113 |
'fab fa-behance-square' => 'behance-square',
114 |
'fas fa-bell' => 'bell',
115 |
'far fa-bell' => 'bell',
116 |
'fas fa-bell-slash' => 'bell-slash',
117 |
'far fa-bell-slash' => 'bell-slash',
118 |
'fas fa-bicycle' => 'bicycle',
119 |
'fab fa-bimobject' => 'bimobject',
120 |
'fas fa-binoculars' => 'binoculars',
121 |
'fas fa-birthday-cake' => 'birthday-cake',
122 |
'fab fa-bitbucket' => 'bitbucket',
123 |
'fab fa-bitcoin' => 'bitcoin',
124 |
'fab fa-bity' => 'bity',
125 |
'fab fa-black-tie' => 'black-tie',
126 |
'fab fa-blackberry' => 'blackberry',
127 |
'fas fa-blind' => 'blind',
128 |
'fab fa-blogger' => 'blogger',
129 |
'fab fa-blogger-b' => 'blogger-b',
130 |
'fab fa-bluetooth' => 'bluetooth',
131 |
'fab fa-bluetooth-b' => 'bluetooth-b',
132 |
'fas fa-bold' => 'bold',
133 |
'fas fa-bolt' => 'bolt',
134 |
'fas fa-bomb' => 'bomb',
135 |
'fas fa-book' => 'book',
136 |
'fas fa-bookmark' => 'bookmark',
137 |
'far fa-bookmark' => 'bookmark',
138 |
'fas fa-bowling-ball' => 'bowling-ball',
139 |
'fas fa-box' => 'box',
140 |
'fas fa-box-open' => 'box-open',
141 |
'fas fa-boxes' => 'boxes',
142 |
'fas fa-braille' => 'braille',
143 |
'fas fa-briefcase' => 'briefcase',
144 |
'fas fa-briefcase-medical' => 'briefcase-medical',
145 |
'fab fa-btc' => 'btc',
146 |
'fas fa-bug' => 'bug',
147 |
'fas fa-building' => 'building',
148 |
'far fa-building' => 'building',
149 |
'fas fa-bullhorn' => 'bullhorn',
150 |
'fas fa-bullseye' => 'bullseye',
151 |
'fas fa-burn' => 'burn',
152 |
'fab fa-buromobelexperte' => 'buromobelexperte',
153 |
'fas fa-bus' => 'bus',
154 |
'fab fa-buysellads' => 'buysellads',
155 |
'fas fa-calculator' => 'calculator',
156 |
'fas fa-calendar' => 'calendar',
157 |
'far fa-calendar' => 'calendar',
158 |
'fas fa-calendar-alt' => 'calendar-alt',
159 |
'far fa-calendar-alt' => 'calendar-alt',
160 |
'fas fa-calendar-check' => 'calendar-check',
161 |
'far fa-calendar-check' => 'calendar-check',
162 |
'fas fa-calendar-minus' => 'calendar-minus',
163 |
'far fa-calendar-minus' => 'calendar-minus',
164 |
'fas fa-calendar-plus' => 'calendar-plus',
165 |
'far fa-calendar-plus' => 'calendar-plus',
166 |
'fas fa-calendar-times' => 'calendar-times',
167 |
'far fa-calendar-times' => 'calendar-times',
168 |
'fas fa-camera' => 'camera',
169 |
'fas fa-camera-retro' => 'camera-retro',
170 |
'fas fa-capsules' => 'capsules',
171 |
'fas fa-car' => 'car',
172 |
'fas fa-caret-down' => 'caret-down',
173 |
'fas fa-caret-left' => 'caret-left',
174 |
'fas fa-caret-right' => 'caret-right',
175 |
'fas fa-caret-square-down' => 'caret-square-down',
176 |
'far fa-caret-square-down' => 'caret-square-down',
177 |
'fas fa-caret-square-left' => 'caret-square-left',
178 |
'far fa-caret-square-left' => 'caret-square-left',
179 |
'fas fa-caret-square-right' => 'caret-square-right',
180 |
'far fa-caret-square-right' => 'caret-square-right',
181 |
'fas fa-caret-square-up' => 'caret-square-up',
182 |
'far fa-caret-square-up' => 'caret-square-up',
183 |
'fas fa-caret-up' => 'caret-up',
184 |
'fas fa-cart-arrow-down' => 'cart-arrow-down',
185 |
'fas fa-cart-plus' => 'cart-plus',
186 |
'fab fa-cc-amazon-pay' => 'cc-amazon-pay',
187 |
'fab fa-cc-amex' => 'cc-amex',
188 |
'fab fa-cc-apple-pay' => 'cc-apple-pay',
189 |
'fab fa-cc-diners-club' => 'cc-diners-club',
190 |
'fab fa-cc-discover' => 'cc-discover',
191 |
'fab fa-cc-jcb' => 'cc-jcb',
192 |
'fab fa-cc-mastercard' => 'cc-mastercard',
193 |
'fab fa-cc-paypal' => 'cc-paypal',
194 |
'fab fa-cc-stripe' => 'cc-stripe',
195 |
'fab fa-cc-visa' => 'cc-visa',
196 |
'fab fa-centercode' => 'centercode',
197 |
'fas fa-certificate' => 'certificate',
198 |
'fas fa-chart-area' => 'chart-area',
199 |
'fas fa-chart-bar' => 'chart-bar',
200 |
'far fa-chart-bar' => 'chart-bar',
201 |
'fas fa-chart-line' => 'chart-line',
202 |
'fas fa-chart-pie' => 'chart-pie',
203 |
'fas fa-check' => 'check',
204 |
'fas fa-check-circle' => 'check-circle',
205 |
'far fa-check-circle' => 'check-circle',
206 |
'fas fa-check-square' => 'check-square',
207 |
'far fa-check-square' => 'check-square',
208 |
'fas fa-chess' => 'chess',
209 |
'fas fa-chess-bishop' => 'chess-bishop',
210 |
'fas fa-chess-board' => 'chess-board',
211 |
'fas fa-chess-king' => 'chess-king',
212 |
'fas fa-chess-knight' => 'chess-knight',
213 |
'fas fa-chess-pawn' => 'chess-pawn',
214 |
'fas fa-chess-queen' => 'chess-queen',
215 |
'fas fa-chess-rook' => 'chess-rook',
216 |
'fas fa-chevron-circle-down' => 'chevron-circle-down',
217 |
'fas fa-chevron-circle-left' => 'chevron-circle-left',
218 |
'fas fa-chevron-circle-right' => 'chevron-circle-right',
219 |
'fas fa-chevron-circle-up' => 'chevron-circle-up',
220 |
'fas fa-chevron-down' => 'chevron-down',
221 |
'fas fa-chevron-left' => 'chevron-left',
222 |
'fas fa-chevron-right' => 'chevron-right',
223 |
'fas fa-chevron-up' => 'chevron-up',
224 |
'fas fa-child' => 'child',
225 |
'fab fa-chrome' => 'chrome',
226 |
'fas fa-circle' => 'circle',
227 |
'far fa-circle' => 'circle',
228 |
'fas fa-circle-notch' => 'circle-notch',
229 |
'fas fa-clipboard' => 'clipboard',
230 |
'far fa-clipboard' => 'clipboard',
231 |
'fas fa-clipboard-check' => 'clipboard-check',
232 |
'fas fa-clipboard-list' => 'clipboard-list',
233 |
'fas fa-clock' => 'clock',
234 |
'far fa-clock' => 'clock',
235 |
'fas fa-clone' => 'clone',
236 |
'far fa-clone' => 'clone',
237 |
'fas fa-closed-captioning' => 'closed-captioning',
238 |
'far fa-closed-captioning' => 'closed-captioning',
239 |
'fas fa-cloud' => 'cloud',
240 |
'fas fa-cloud-download-alt' => 'cloud-download-alt',
241 |
'fas fa-cloud-upload-alt' => 'cloud-upload-alt',
242 |
'fab fa-cloudscale' => 'cloudscale',
243 |
'fab fa-cloudsmith' => 'cloudsmith',
244 |
'fab fa-cloudversify' => 'cloudversify',
245 |
'fas fa-code' => 'code',
246 |
'fas fa-code-branch' => 'code-branch',
247 |
'fab fa-codepen' => 'codepen',
248 |
'fab fa-codiepie' => 'codiepie',
249 |
'fas fa-coffee' => 'coffee',
250 |
'fas fa-cog' => 'cog',
251 |
'fas fa-cogs' => 'cogs',
252 |
'fas fa-columns' => 'columns',
253 |
'fas fa-comment' => 'comment',
254 |
'far fa-comment' => 'comment',
255 |
'fas fa-comment-alt' => 'comment-alt',
256 |
'far fa-comment-alt' => 'comment-alt',
257 |
'fas fa-comment-dots' => 'comment-dots',
258 |
'fas fa-comment-slash' => 'comment-slash',
259 |
'fas fa-comments' => 'comments',
260 |
'far fa-comments' => 'comments',
261 |
'fas fa-compass' => 'compass',
262 |
'far fa-compass' => 'compass',
263 |
'fas fa-compress' => 'compress',
264 |
'fab fa-connectdevelop' => 'connectdevelop',
265 |
'fab fa-contao' => 'contao',
266 |
'fas fa-copy' => 'copy',
267 |
'far fa-copy' => 'copy',
268 |
'fas fa-copyright' => 'copyright',
269 |
'far fa-copyright' => 'copyright',
270 |
'fas fa-couch' => 'couch',
271 |
'fab fa-cpanel' => 'cpanel',
272 |
'fab fa-creative-commons' => 'creative-commons',
273 |
'fas fa-credit-card' => 'credit-card',
274 |
'far fa-credit-card' => 'credit-card',
275 |
'fas fa-crop' => 'crop',
276 |
'fas fa-crosshairs' => 'crosshairs',
277 |
'fab fa-css3' => 'css3',
278 |
'fab fa-css3-alt' => 'css3-alt',
279 |
'fas fa-cube' => 'cube',
280 |
'fas fa-cubes' => 'cubes',
281 |
'fas fa-cut' => 'cut',
282 |
'fab fa-cuttlefish' => 'cuttlefish',
283 |
'fab fa-d-and-d' => 'd-and-d',
284 |
'fab fa-dashcube' => 'dashcube',
285 |
'fas fa-database' => 'database',
286 |
'fas fa-deaf' => 'deaf',
287 |
'fab fa-delicious' => 'delicious',
288 |
'fab fa-deploydog' => 'deploydog',
289 |
'fab fa-deskpro' => 'deskpro',
290 |
'fas fa-desktop' => 'desktop',
291 |
'fab fa-deviantart' => 'deviantart',
292 |
'fas fa-diagnoses' => 'diagnoses',
293 |
'fab fa-digg' => 'digg',
294 |
'fab fa-digital-ocean' => 'digital-ocean',
295 |
'fab fa-discord' => 'discord',
296 |
'fab fa-discourse' => 'discourse',
297 |
'fas fa-dna' => 'dna',
298 |
'fab fa-dochub' => 'dochub',
299 |
'fab fa-docker' => 'docker',
300 |
'fas fa-dollar-sign' => 'dollar-sign',
301 |
'fas fa-dolly' => 'dolly',
302 |
'fas fa-dolly-flatbed' => 'dolly-flatbed',
303 |
'fas fa-donate' => 'donate',
304 |
'fas fa-dot-circle' => 'dot-circle',
305 |
'far fa-dot-circle' => 'dot-circle',
306 |
'fas fa-dove' => 'dove',
307 |
'fas fa-download' => 'download',
308 |
'fab fa-draft2digital' => 'draft2digital',
309 |
'fab fa-dribbble' => 'dribbble',
310 |
'fab fa-dribbble-square' => 'dribbble-square',
311 |
'fab fa-dropbox' => 'dropbox',
312 |
'fab fa-drupal' => 'drupal',
313 |
'fab fa-dyalog' => 'dyalog',
314 |
'fab fa-earlybirds' => 'earlybirds',
315 |
'fab fa-edge' => 'edge',
316 |
'fas fa-edit' => 'edit',
317 |
'far fa-edit' => 'edit',
318 |
'fas fa-eject' => 'eject',
319 |
'fab fa-elementor' => 'elementor',
320 |
'fas fa-ellipsis-h' => 'ellipsis-h',
321 |
'fas fa-ellipsis-v' => 'ellipsis-v',
322 |
'fab fa-ember' => 'ember',
323 |
'fab fa-empire' => 'empire',
324 |
'fas fa-envelope' => 'envelope',
325 |
'far fa-envelope' => 'envelope',
326 |
'fas fa-envelope-open' => 'envelope-open',
327 |
'far fa-envelope-open' => 'envelope-open',
328 |
'fas fa-envelope-square' => 'envelope-square',
329 |
'fab fa-envira' => 'envira',
330 |
'fas fa-eraser' => 'eraser',
331 |
'fab fa-erlang' => 'erlang',
332 |
'fab fa-ethereum' => 'ethereum',
333 |
'fab fa-etsy' => 'etsy',
334 |
'fas fa-euro-sign' => 'euro-sign',
335 |
'fas fa-exchange-alt' => 'exchange-alt',
336 |
'fas fa-exclamation' => 'exclamation',
337 |
'fas fa-exclamation-circle' => 'exclamation-circle',
338 |
'fas fa-exclamation-triangle' => 'exclamation-triangle',
339 |
'fas fa-expand' => 'expand',
340 |
'fas fa-expand-arrows-alt' => 'expand-arrows-alt',
341 |
'fab fa-expeditedssl' => 'expeditedssl',
342 |
'fas fa-external-link-alt' => 'external-link-alt',
343 |
'fas fa-external-link-square-alt' => 'external-link-square-alt',
344 |
'fas fa-eye' => 'eye',
345 |
'fas fa-eye-dropper' => 'eye-dropper',
346 |
'fas fa-eye-slash' => 'eye-slash',
347 |
'far fa-eye-slash' => 'eye-slash',
348 |
'fab fa-facebook' => 'facebook',
349 |
'fab fa-facebook-f' => 'facebook-f',
350 |
'fab fa-facebook-messenger' => 'facebook-messenger',
351 |
'fab fa-facebook-square' => 'facebook-square',
352 |
'fas fa-fast-backward' => 'fast-backward',
353 |
'fas fa-fast-forward' => 'fast-forward',
354 |
'fas fa-fax' => 'fax',
355 |
'fas fa-female' => 'female',
356 |
'fas fa-fighter-jet' => 'fighter-jet',
357 |
'fas fa-file' => 'file',
358 |
'far fa-file' => 'file',
359 |
'fas fa-file-alt' => 'file-alt',
360 |
'far fa-file-alt' => 'file-alt',
361 |
'fas fa-file-archive' => 'file-archive',
362 |
'far fa-file-archive' => 'file-archive',
363 |
'fas fa-file-audio' => 'file-audio',
364 |
'far fa-file-audio' => 'file-audio',
365 |
'fas fa-file-code' => 'file-code',
366 |
'far fa-file-code' => 'file-code',
367 |
'fas fa-file-excel' => 'file-excel',
368 |
'far fa-file-excel' => 'file-excel',
369 |
'fas fa-file-image' => 'file-image',
370 |
'far fa-file-image' => 'file-image',
371 |
'fas fa-file-medical' => 'file-medical',
372 |
'fas fa-file-medical-alt' => 'file-medical-alt',
373 |
'fas fa-file-pdf' => 'file-pdf',
374 |
'far fa-file-pdf' => 'file-pdf',
375 |
'fas fa-file-powerpoint' => 'file-powerpoint',
376 |
'far fa-file-powerpoint' => 'file-powerpoint',
377 |
'fas fa-file-video' => 'file-video',
378 |
'far fa-file-video' => 'file-video',
379 |
'fas fa-file-word' => 'file-word',
380 |
'far fa-file-word' => 'file-word',
381 |
'fas fa-film' => 'film',
382 |
'fas fa-filter' => 'filter',
383 |
'fas fa-fire' => 'fire',
384 |
'fas fa-fire-extinguisher' => 'fire-extinguisher',
385 |
'fab fa-firefox' => 'firefox',
386 |
'fas fa-first-aid' => 'first-aid',
387 |
'fab fa-first-order' => 'first-order',
388 |
'fab fa-firstdraft' => 'firstdraft',
389 |
'fas fa-flag' => 'flag',
390 |
'far fa-flag' => 'flag',
391 |
'fas fa-flag-checkered' => 'flag-checkered',
392 |
'fas fa-flask' => 'flask',
393 |
'fab fa-flickr' => 'flickr',
394 |
'fab fa-flipboard' => 'flipboard',
395 |
'fab fa-fly' => 'fly',
396 |
'fas fa-folder' => 'folder',
397 |
'far fa-folder' => 'folder',
398 |
'fas fa-folder-open' => 'folder-open',
399 |
'far fa-folder-open' => 'folder-open',
400 |
'fas fa-font' => 'font',
401 |
'fab fa-font-awesome' => 'font-awesome',
402 |
'fab fa-font-awesome-alt' => 'font-awesome-alt',
403 |
'fab fa-font-awesome-flag' => 'font-awesome-flag',
404 |
'fab fa-fonticons' => 'fonticons',
405 |
'fab fa-fonticons-fi' => 'fonticons-fi',
406 |
'fas fa-football-ball' => 'football-ball',
407 |
'fab fa-fort-awesome' => 'fort-awesome',
408 |
'fab fa-fort-awesome-alt' => 'fort-awesome-alt',
409 |
'fab fa-forumbee' => 'forumbee',
410 |
'fas fa-forward' => 'forward',
411 |
'fab fa-foursquare' => 'foursquare',
412 |
'fab fa-free-code-camp' => 'free-code-camp',
413 |
'fab fa-freebsd' => 'freebsd',
414 |
'fas fa-frown' => 'frown',
415 |
'far fa-frown' => 'frown',
416 |
'fas fa-futbol' => 'futbol',
417 |
'far fa-futbol' => 'futbol',
418 |
'fas fa-gamepad' => 'gamepad',
419 |
'fas fa-gavel' => 'gavel',
420 |
'fas fa-gem' => 'gem',
421 |
'far fa-gem' => 'gem',
422 |
'fas fa-genderless' => 'genderless',
423 |
'fab fa-get-pocket' => 'get-pocket',
424 |
'fab fa-gg' => 'gg',
425 |
'fab fa-gg-circle' => 'gg-circle',
426 |
'fas fa-gift' => 'gift',
427 |
'fab fa-git' => 'git',
428 |
'fab fa-git-square' => 'git-square',
429 |
'fab fa-github' => 'github',
430 |
'fab fa-github-alt' => 'github-alt',
431 |
'fab fa-github-square' => 'github-square',
432 |
'fab fa-gitkraken' => 'gitkraken',
433 |
'fab fa-gitlab' => 'gitlab',
434 |
'fab fa-gitter' => 'gitter',
435 |
'fas fa-glass-martini' => 'glass-martini',
436 |
'fab fa-glide' => 'glide',
437 |
'fab fa-glide-g' => 'glide-g',
438 |
'fas fa-globe' => 'globe',
439 |
'fab fa-gofore' => 'gofore',
440 |
'fas fa-golf-ball' => 'golf-ball',
441 |
'fab fa-goodreads' => 'goodreads',
442 |
'fab fa-goodreads-g' => 'goodreads-g',
443 |
'fab fa-google' => 'google',
444 |
'fab fa-google-drive' => 'google-drive',
445 |
'fab fa-google-play' => 'google-play',
446 |
'fab fa-google-plus' => 'google-plus',
447 |
'fab fa-google-plus-g' => 'google-plus-g',
448 |
'fab fa-google-plus-square' => 'google-plus-square',
449 |
'fab fa-google-wallet' => 'google-wallet',
450 |
'fas fa-graduation-cap' => 'graduation-cap',
451 |
'fab fa-gratipay' => 'gratipay',
452 |
'fab fa-grav' => 'grav',
453 |
'fab fa-gripfire' => 'gripfire',
454 |
'fab fa-grunt' => 'grunt',
455 |
'fab fa-gulp' => 'gulp',
456 |
'fas fa-h-square' => 'h-square',
457 |
'fab fa-hacker-news' => 'hacker-news',
458 |
'fab fa-hacker-news-square' => 'hacker-news-square',
459 |
'fas fa-hand-holding' => 'hand-holding',
460 |
'fas fa-hand-holding-heart' => 'hand-holding-heart',
461 |
'fas fa-hand-holding-usd' => 'hand-holding-usd',
462 |
'fas fa-hand-lizard' => 'hand-lizard',
463 |
'far fa-hand-lizard' => 'hand-lizard',
464 |
'fas fa-hand-paper' => 'hand-paper',
465 |
'far fa-hand-paper' => 'hand-paper',
466 |
'fas fa-hand-peace' => 'hand-peace',
467 |
'far fa-hand-peace' => 'hand-peace',
468 |
'fas fa-hand-point-down' => 'hand-point-down',
469 |
'far fa-hand-point-down' => 'hand-point-down',
470 |
'fas fa-hand-point-left' => 'hand-point-left',
471 |
'far fa-hand-point-left' => 'hand-point-left',
472 |
'fas fa-hand-point-right' => 'hand-point-right',
473 |
'far fa-hand-point-right' => 'hand-point-right',
474 |
'fas fa-hand-point-up' => 'hand-point-up',
475 |
'far fa-hand-point-up' => 'hand-point-up',
476 |
'fas fa-hand-pointer' => 'hand-pointer',
477 |
'far fa-hand-pointer' => 'hand-pointer',
478 |
'fas fa-hand-rock' => 'hand-rock',
479 |
'far fa-hand-rock' => 'hand-rock',
480 |
'fas fa-hand-scissors' => 'hand-scissors',
481 |
'far fa-hand-scissors' => 'hand-scissors',
482 |
'fas fa-hand-spock' => 'hand-spock',
483 |
'far fa-hand-spock' => 'hand-spock',
484 |
'fas fa-hands' => 'hands',
485 |
'fas fa-hands-helping' => 'hands-helping',
486 |
'fas fa-handshake' => 'handshake',
487 |
'far fa-handshake' => 'handshake',
488 |
'fas fa-hashtag' => 'hashtag',
489 |
'fas fa-hdd' => 'hdd',
490 |
'far fa-hdd' => 'hdd',
491 |
'fas fa-heading' => 'heading',
492 |
'fas fa-headphones' => 'headphones',
493 |
'fas fa-heart' => 'heart',
494 |
'far fa-heart' => 'heart',
495 |
'fas fa-heartbeat' => 'heartbeat',
496 |
'fab fa-hips' => 'hips',
497 |
'fab fa-hire-a-helper' => 'hire-a-helper',
498 |
'fas fa-history' => 'history',
499 |
'fas fa-hockey-puck' => 'hockey-puck',
500 |
'fas fa-home' => 'home',
501 |
'fab fa-hooli' => 'hooli',
502 |
'fas fa-hospital' => 'hospital',
503 |
'far fa-hospital' => 'hospital',
504 |
'fas fa-hospital-alt' => 'hospital-alt',
505 |
'fas fa-hospital-symbol' => 'hospital-symbol',
506 |
'fab fa-hotjar' => 'hotjar',
507 |
'fas fa-hourglass' => 'hourglass',
508 |
'far fa-hourglass' => 'hourglass',
509 |
'fas fa-hourglass-end' => 'hourglass-end',
510 |
'fas fa-hourglass-half' => 'hourglass-half',
511 |
'fas fa-hourglass-start' => 'hourglass-start',
512 |
'fab fa-houzz' => 'houzz',
513 |
'fab fa-html5' => 'html5',
514 |
'fab fa-hubspot' => 'hubspot',
515 |
'fas fa-i-cursor' => 'i-cursor',
516 |
'fas fa-id-badge' => 'id-badge',
517 |
'far fa-id-badge' => 'id-badge',
518 |
'fas fa-id-card' => 'id-card',
519 |
'far fa-id-card' => 'id-card',
520 |
'fas fa-id-card-alt' => 'id-card-alt',
521 |
'fas fa-image' => 'image',
522 |
'far fa-image' => 'image',
523 |
'fas fa-images' => 'images',
524 |
'far fa-images' => 'images',
525 |
'fab fa-imdb' => 'imdb',
526 |
'fas fa-inbox' => 'inbox',
527 |
'fas fa-indent' => 'indent',
528 |
'fas fa-industry' => 'industry',
529 |
'fas fa-info' => 'info',
530 |
'fas fa-info-circle' => 'info-circle',
531 |
'fab fa-instagram' => 'instagram',
532 |
'fab fa-internet-explorer' => 'internet-explorer',
533 |
'fab fa-ioxhost' => 'ioxhost',
534 |
'fas fa-italic' => 'italic',
535 |
'fab fa-itunes' => 'itunes',
536 |
'fab fa-itunes-note' => 'itunes-note',
537 |
'fab fa-java' => 'java',
538 |
'fab fa-jenkins' => 'jenkins',
539 |
'fab fa-joget' => 'joget',
540 |
'fab fa-joomla' => 'joomla',
541 |
'fab fa-js' => 'js',
542 |
'fab fa-js-square' => 'js-square',
543 |
'fab fa-jsfiddle' => 'jsfiddle',
544 |
'fas fa-key' => 'key',
545 |
'fas fa-keyboard' => 'keyboard',
546 |
'far fa-keyboard' => 'keyboard',
547 |
'fab fa-keycdn' => 'keycdn',
548 |
'fab fa-kickstarter' => 'kickstarter',
549 |
'fab fa-kickstarter-k' => 'kickstarter-k',
550 |
'fab fa-korvue' => 'korvue',
551 |
'fas fa-language' => 'language',
552 |
'fas fa-laptop' => 'laptop',
553 |
'fab fa-laravel' => 'laravel',
554 |
'fab fa-lastfm' => 'lastfm',
555 |
'fab fa-lastfm-square' => 'lastfm-square',
556 |
'fas fa-leaf' => 'leaf',
557 |
'fab fa-leanpub' => 'leanpub',
558 |
'fas fa-lemon' => 'lemon',
559 |
'far fa-lemon' => 'lemon',
560 |
'fab fa-less' => 'less',
561 |
'fas fa-level-down-alt' => 'level-down-alt',
562 |
'fas fa-level-up-alt' => 'level-up-alt',
563 |
'fas fa-life-ring' => 'life-ring',
564 |
'far fa-life-ring' => 'life-ring',
565 |
'fas fa-lightbulb' => 'lightbulb',
566 |
'far fa-lightbulb' => 'lightbulb',
567 |
'fab fa-line' => 'line',
568 |
'fas fa-link' => 'link',
569 |
'fab fa-linkedin' => 'linkedin',
570 |
'fab fa-linkedin-in' => 'linkedin-in',
571 |
'fab fa-linode' => 'linode',
572 |
'fab fa-linux' => 'linux',
573 |
'fas fa-lira-sign' => 'lira-sign',
574 |
'fas fa-list' => 'list',
575 |
'fas fa-list-alt' => 'list-alt',
576 |
'far fa-list-alt' => 'list-alt',
577 |
'fas fa-list-ol' => 'list-ol',
578 |
'fas fa-list-ul' => 'list-ul',
579 |
'fas fa-location-arrow' => 'location-arrow',
580 |
'fas fa-lock' => 'lock',
581 |
'fas fa-lock-open' => 'lock-open',
582 |
'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-down' => 'long-arrow-alt-down',
583 |
'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left' => 'long-arrow-alt-left',
584 |
'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right' => 'long-arrow-alt-right',
585 |
'fas fa-long-arrow-alt-up' => 'long-arrow-alt-up',
586 |
'fas fa-low-vision' => 'low-vision',
587 |
'fab fa-lyft' => 'lyft',
588 |
'fab fa-magento' => 'magento',
589 |
'fas fa-magic' => 'magic',
590 |
'fas fa-magnet' => 'magnet',
591 |
'fas fa-male' => 'male',
592 |
'fas fa-map' => 'map',
593 |
'far fa-map' => 'map',
594 |
'fas fa-map-marker' => 'map-marker',
595 |
'fas fa-map-marker-alt' => 'map-marker-alt',
596 |
'fas fa-map-pin' => 'map-pin',
597 |
'fas fa-map-signs' => 'map-signs',
598 |
'fas fa-mars' => 'mars',
599 |
'fas fa-mars-double' => 'mars-double',
600 |
'fas fa-mars-stroke' => 'mars-stroke',
601 |
'fas fa-mars-stroke-h' => 'mars-stroke-h',
602 |
'fas fa-mars-stroke-v' => 'mars-stroke-v',
603 |
'fab fa-maxcdn' => 'maxcdn',
604 |
'fab fa-medapps' => 'medapps',
605 |
'fab fa-medium' => 'medium',
606 |
'fab fa-medium-m' => 'medium-m',
607 |
'fas fa-medkit' => 'medkit',
608 |
'fab fa-medrt' => 'medrt',
609 |
'fab fa-meetup' => 'meetup',
610 |
'fas fa-meh' => 'meh',
611 |
'far fa-meh' => 'meh',
612 |
'fas fa-mercury' => 'mercury',
613 |
'fas fa-microchip' => 'microchip',
614 |
'fas fa-microphone' => 'microphone',
615 |
'fas fa-microphone-slash' => 'microphone-slash',
616 |
'fab fa-microsoft' => 'microsoft',
617 |
'fas fa-minus' => 'minus',
618 |
'fas fa-minus-circle' => 'minus-circle',
619 |
'fas fa-minus-square' => 'minus-square',
620 |
'far fa-minus-square' => 'minus-square',
621 |
'fab fa-mix' => 'mix',
622 |
'fab fa-mixcloud' => 'mixcloud',
623 |
'fab fa-mizuni' => 'mizuni',
624 |
'fas fa-mobile' => 'mobile',
625 |
'fas fa-mobile-alt' => 'mobile-alt',
626 |
'fab fa-modx' => 'modx',
627 |
'fab fa-monero' => 'monero',
628 |
'fas fa-money-bill-alt' => 'money-bill-alt',
629 |
'far fa-money-bill-alt' => 'money-bill-alt',
630 |
'fas fa-moon' => 'moon',
631 |
'far fa-moon' => 'moon',
632 |
'fas fa-motorcycle' => 'motorcycle',
633 |
'fas fa-mouse-pointer' => 'mouse-pointer',
634 |
'fas fa-music' => 'music',
635 |
'fab fa-napster' => 'napster',
636 |
'fas fa-neuter' => 'neuter',
637 |
'fas fa-newspaper' => 'newspaper',
638 |
'far fa-newspaper' => 'newspaper',
639 |
'fab fa-nintendo-switch' => 'nintendo-switch',
640 |
'fab fa-node' => 'node',
641 |
'fab fa-node-js' => 'node-js',
642 |
'fas fa-notes-medical' => 'notes-medical',
643 |
'fab fa-npm' => 'npm',
644 |
'fab fa-ns8' => 'ns8',
645 |
'fab fa-nutritionix' => 'nutritionix',
646 |
'fas fa-object-group' => 'object-group',
647 |
'far fa-object-group' => 'object-group',
648 |
'fas fa-object-ungroup' => 'object-ungroup',
649 |
'far fa-object-ungroup' => 'object-ungroup',
650 |
'fab fa-odnoklassniki' => 'odnoklassniki',
651 |
'fab fa-odnoklassniki-square' => 'odnoklassniki-square',
652 |
'fab fa-opencart' => 'opencart',
653 |
'fab fa-openid' => 'openid',
654 |
'fab fa-opera' => 'opera',
655 |
'fab fa-optin-monster' => 'optin-monster',
656 |
'fab fa-osi' => 'osi',
657 |
'fas fa-outdent' => 'outdent',
658 |
'fab fa-page4' => 'page4',
659 |
'fab fa-pagelines' => 'pagelines',
660 |
'fas fa-paint-brush' => 'paint-brush',
661 |
'fab fa-palfed' => 'palfed',
662 |
'fas fa-pallet' => 'pallet',
663 |
'fas fa-paper-plane' => 'paper-plane',
664 |
'far fa-paper-plane' => 'paper-plane',
665 |
'fas fa-paperclip' => 'paperclip',
666 |
'fas fa-parachute-box' => 'parachute-box',
667 |
'fas fa-paragraph' => 'paragraph',
668 |
'fas fa-paste' => 'paste',
669 |
'fab fa-patreon' => 'patreon',
670 |
'fas fa-pause' => 'pause',
671 |
'fas fa-pause-circle' => 'pause-circle',
672 |
'far fa-pause-circle' => 'pause-circle',
673 |
'fas fa-paw' => 'paw',
674 |
'fab fa-paypal' => 'paypal',
675 |
'fas fa-pen-square' => 'pen-square',
676 |
'fas fa-pencil-alt' => 'pencil-alt',
677 |
'fas fa-people-carry' => 'people-carry',
678 |
'fas fa-percent' => 'percent',
679 |
'fab fa-periscope' => 'periscope',
680 |
'fab fa-phabricator' => 'phabricator',
681 |
'fab fa-phoenix-framework' => 'phoenix-framework',
682 |
'fas fa-phone' => 'phone',
683 |
'fas fa-phone-slash' => 'phone-slash',
684 |
'fas fa-phone-square' => 'phone-square',
685 |
'fas fa-phone-volume' => 'phone-volume',
686 |
'fab fa-php' => 'php',
687 |
'fab fa-pied-piper' => 'pied-piper',
688 |
'fab fa-pied-piper-alt' => 'pied-piper-alt',
689 |
'fab fa-pied-piper-hat' => 'pied-piper-hat',
690 |
'fab fa-pied-piper-pp' => 'pied-piper-pp',
691 |
'fas fa-piggy-bank' => 'piggy-bank',
692 |
'fas fa-pills' => 'pills',
693 |
'fab fa-pinterest' => 'pinterest',
694 |
'fab fa-pinterest-p' => 'pinterest-p',
695 |
'fab fa-pinterest-square' => 'pinterest-square',
696 |
'fas fa-plane' => 'plane',
697 |
'fas fa-play' => 'play',
698 |
'fas fa-play-circle' => 'play-circle',
699 |
'far fa-play-circle' => 'play-circle',
700 |
'fab fa-playstation' => 'playstation',
701 |
'fas fa-plug' => 'plug',
702 |
'fas fa-plus' => 'plus',
703 |
'fas fa-plus-circle' => 'plus-circle',
704 |
'fas fa-plus-square' => 'plus-square',
705 |
'far fa-plus-square' => 'plus-square',
706 |
'fas fa-podcast' => 'podcast',
707 |
'fas fa-poo' => 'poo',
708 |
'fas fa-pound-sign' => 'pound-sign',
709 |
'fas fa-power-off' => 'power-off',
710 |
'fas fa-prescription-bottle' => 'prescription-bottle',
711 |
'fas fa-prescription-bottle-alt' => 'prescription-bottle-alt',
712 |
'fas fa-print' => 'print',
713 |
'fas fa-procedures' => 'procedures',
714 |
'fab fa-product-hunt' => 'product-hunt',
715 |
'fab fa-pushed' => 'pushed',
716 |
'fas fa-puzzle-piece' => 'puzzle-piece',
717 |
'fab fa-python' => 'python',
718 |
'fab fa-qq' => 'qq',
719 |
'fas fa-qrcode' => 'qrcode',
720 |
'fas fa-question' => 'question',
721 |
'fas fa-question-circle' => 'question-circle',
722 |
'far fa-question-circle' => 'question-circle',
723 |
'fas fa-quidditch' => 'quidditch',
724 |
'fab fa-quinscape' => 'quinscape',
725 |
'fab fa-quora' => 'quora',
726 |
'fas fa-quote-left' => 'quote-left',
727 |
'fas fa-quote-right' => 'quote-right',
728 |
'fas fa-random' => 'random',
729 |
'fab fa-ravelry' => 'ravelry',
730 |
'fab fa-react' => 'react',
731 |
'fab fa-readme' => 'readme',
732 |
'fab fa-rebel' => 'rebel',
733 |
'fas fa-recycle' => 'recycle',
734 |
'fab fa-red-river' => 'red-river',
735 |
'fab fa-reddit' => 'reddit',
736 |
'fab fa-reddit-alien' => 'reddit-alien',
737 |
'fab fa-reddit-square' => 'reddit-square',
738 |
'fas fa-redo' => 'redo',
739 |
'fas fa-redo-alt' => 'redo-alt',
740 |
'fas fa-registered' => 'registered',
741 |
'far fa-registered' => 'registered',
742 |
'fab fa-rendact' => 'rendact',
743 |
'fab fa-renren' => 'renren',
744 |
'fas fa-reply' => 'reply',
745 |
'fas fa-reply-all' => 'reply-all',
746 |
'fab fa-replyd' => 'replyd',
747 |
'fab fa-resolving' => 'resolving',
748 |
'fas fa-retweet' => 'retweet',
749 |
'fas fa-ribbon' => 'ribbon',
750 |
'fas fa-road' => 'road',
751 |
'fas fa-rocket' => 'rocket',
752 |
'fab fa-rocketchat' => 'rocketchat',
753 |
'fab fa-rockrms' => 'rockrms',
754 |
'fas fa-rss' => 'rss',
755 |
'fas fa-rss-square' => 'rss-square',
756 |
'fas fa-ruble-sign' => 'ruble-sign',
757 |
'fas fa-rupee-sign' => 'rupee-sign',
758 |
'fab fa-safari' => 'safari',
759 |
'fab fa-sass' => 'sass',
760 |
'fas fa-save' => 'save',
761 |
'far fa-save' => 'save',
762 |
'fab fa-schlix' => 'schlix',
763 |
'fab fa-scribd' => 'scribd',
764 |
'fas fa-search' => 'search',
765 |
'fas fa-search-minus' => 'search-minus',
766 |
'fas fa-search-plus' => 'search-plus',
767 |
'fab fa-searchengin' => 'searchengin',
768 |
'fas fa-seedling' => 'seedling',
769 |
'fab fa-sellcast' => 'sellcast',
770 |
'fab fa-sellsy' => 'sellsy',
771 |
'fas fa-server' => 'server',
772 |
'fab fa-servicestack' => 'servicestack',
773 |
'fas fa-share' => 'share',
774 |
'fas fa-share-alt' => 'share-alt',
775 |
'fas fa-share-alt-square' => 'share-alt-square',
776 |
'fas fa-share-square' => 'share-square',
777 |
'far fa-share-square' => 'share-square',
778 |
'fas fa-shekel-sign' => 'shekel-sign',
779 |
'fas fa-shield-alt' => 'shield-alt',
780 |
'fas fa-ship' => 'ship',
781 |
'fas fa-shipping-fast' => 'shipping-fast',
782 |
'fab fa-shirtsinbulk' => 'shirtsinbulk',
783 |
'fas fa-shopping-bag' => 'shopping-bag',
784 |
'fas fa-shopping-basket' => 'shopping-basket',
785 |
'fas fa-shopping-cart' => 'shopping-cart',
786 |
'fas fa-shower' => 'shower',
787 |
'fas fa-sign' => 'sign',
788 |
'fas fa-sign-in-alt' => 'sign-in-alt',
789 |
'fas fa-sign-language' => 'sign-language',
790 |
'fas fa-sign-out-alt' => 'sign-out-alt',
791 |
'fas fa-signal' => 'signal',
792 |
'fab fa-simplybuilt' => 'simplybuilt',
793 |
'fab fa-sistrix' => 'sistrix',
794 |
'fas fa-sitemap' => 'sitemap',
795 |
'fab fa-skyatlas' => 'skyatlas',
796 |
'fab fa-skype' => 'skype',
797 |
'fab fa-slack' => 'slack',
798 |
'fab fa-slack-hash' => 'slack-hash',
799 |
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800 |
'fab fa-slideshare' => 'slideshare',
801 |
'fas fa-smile' => 'smile',
802 |
'far fa-smile' => 'smile',
803 |
'fas fa-smoking' => 'smoking',
804 |
'fab fa-snapchat' => 'snapchat',
805 |
'fab fa-snapchat-ghost' => 'snapchat-ghost',
806 |
'fab fa-snapchat-square' => 'snapchat-square',
807 |
'fas fa-snowflake' => 'snowflake',
808 |
'far fa-snowflake' => 'snowflake',
809 |
'fas fa-sort' => 'sort',
810 |
'fas fa-sort-alpha-down' => 'sort-alpha-down',
811 |
'fas fa-sort-alpha-up' => 'sort-alpha-up',
812 |
'fas fa-sort-amount-down' => 'sort-amount-down',
813 |
'fas fa-sort-amount-up' => 'sort-amount-up',
814 |
'fas fa-sort-down' => 'sort-down',
815 |
'fas fa-sort-numeric-down' => 'sort-numeric-down',
816 |
'fas fa-sort-numeric-up' => 'sort-numeric-up',
817 |
'fas fa-sort-up' => 'sort-up',
818 |
'fab fa-soundcloud' => 'soundcloud',
819 |
'fas fa-space-shuttle' => 'space-shuttle',
820 |
'fab fa-speakap' => 'speakap',
821 |
'fas fa-spinner' => 'spinner',
822 |
'fab fa-spotify' => 'spotify',
823 |
'fas fa-square' => 'square',
824 |
'far fa-square' => 'square',
825 |
'fas fa-square-full' => 'square-full',
826 |
'fab fa-stack-exchange' => 'stack-exchange',
827 |
'fab fa-stack-overflow' => 'stack-overflow',
828 |
'fas fa-star' => 'star',
829 |
'far fa-star' => 'star',
830 |
'fas fa-star-half' => 'star-half',
831 |
'far fa-star-half' => 'star-half',
832 |
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833 |
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834 |
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835 |
'fab fa-steam-symbol' => 'steam-symbol',
836 |
'fas fa-step-backward' => 'step-backward',
837 |
'fas fa-step-forward' => 'step-forward',
838 |
'fas fa-stethoscope' => 'stethoscope',
839 |
'fab fa-sticker-mule' => 'sticker-mule',
840 |
'fas fa-sticky-note' => 'sticky-note',
841 |
'far fa-sticky-note' => 'sticky-note',
842 |
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843 |
'fas fa-stop-circle' => 'stop-circle',
844 |
'far fa-stop-circle' => 'stop-circle',
845 |
'fas fa-stopwatch' => 'stopwatch',
846 |
'fab fa-strava' => 'strava',
847 |
'fas fa-street-view' => 'street-view',
848 |
'fas fa-strikethrough' => 'strikethrough',
849 |
'fab fa-stripe' => 'stripe',
850 |
'fab fa-stripe-s' => 'stripe-s',
851 |
'fab fa-studiovinari' => 'studiovinari',
852 |
'fab fa-stumbleupon' => 'stumbleupon',
853 |
'fab fa-stumbleupon-circle' => 'stumbleupon-circle',
854 |
'fas fa-subscript' => 'subscript',
855 |
'fas fa-subway' => 'subway',
856 |
'fas fa-suitcase' => 'suitcase',
857 |
'fas fa-sun' => 'sun',
858 |
'far fa-sun' => 'sun',
859 |
'fab fa-superpowers' => 'superpowers',
860 |
'fas fa-superscript' => 'superscript',
861 |
'fab fa-supple' => 'supple',
862 |
'fas fa-sync' => 'sync',
863 |
'fas fa-sync-alt' => 'sync-alt',
864 |
'fas fa-syringe' => 'syringe',
865 |
'fas fa-table' => 'table',
866 |
'fas fa-table-tennis' => 'table-tennis',
867 |
'fas fa-tablet' => 'tablet',
868 |
'fas fa-tablet-alt' => 'tablet-alt',
869 |
'fas fa-tablets' => 'tablets',
870 |
'fas fa-tachometer-alt' => 'tachometer-alt',
871 |
'fas fa-tag' => 'tag',
872 |
'fas fa-tags' => 'tags',
873 |
'fas fa-tape' => 'tape',
874 |
'fas fa-tasks' => 'tasks',
875 |
'fas fa-taxi' => 'taxi',
876 |
'fab fa-telegram' => 'telegram',
877 |
'fab fa-telegram-plane' => 'telegram-plane',
878 |
'fab fa-tencent-weibo' => 'tencent-weibo',
879 |
'fas fa-terminal' => 'terminal',
880 |
'fas fa-text-height' => 'text-height',
881 |
'fas fa-text-width' => 'text-width',
882 |
'fas fa-th' => 'th',
883 |
'fas fa-th-large' => 'th-large',
884 |
'fas fa-th-list' => 'th-list',
885 |
'fab fa-themeisle' => 'themeisle',
886 |
'fas fa-thermometer' => 'thermometer',
887 |
'fas fa-thermometer-empty' => 'thermometer-empty',
888 |
'fas fa-thermometer-full' => 'thermometer-full',
889 |
'fas fa-thermometer-half' => 'thermometer-half',
890 |
'fas fa-thermometer-quarter' => 'thermometer-quarter',
891 |
'fas fa-thermometer-three-quarters' => 'thermometer-three-quarters',
892 |
'fas fa-thumbs-down' => 'thumbs-down',
893 |
'far fa-thumbs-down' => 'thumbs-down',
894 |
'fas fa-thumbs-up' => 'thumbs-up',
895 |
'far fa-thumbs-up' => 'thumbs-up',
896 |
'fas fa-thumbtack' => 'thumbtack',
897 |
'fas fa-ticket-alt' => 'ticket-alt',
898 |
'fas fa-times' => 'times',
899 |
'fas fa-times-circle' => 'times-circle',
900 |
'far fa-times-circle' => 'times-circle',
901 |
'fas fa-tint' => 'tint',
902 |
'fas fa-toggle-off' => 'toggle-off',
903 |
'fas fa-toggle-on' => 'toggle-on',
904 |
'fas fa-trademark' => 'trademark',
905 |
'fas fa-train' => 'train',
906 |
'fas fa-transgender' => 'transgender',
907 |
'fas fa-transgender-alt' => 'transgender-alt',
908 |
'fas fa-trash' => 'trash',
909 |
'fas fa-trash-alt' => 'trash-alt',
910 |
'far fa-trash-alt' => 'trash-alt',
911 |
'fas fa-tree' => 'tree',
912 |
'fab fa-trello' => 'trello',
913 |
'fab fa-tripadvisor' => 'tripadvisor',
914 |
'fas fa-trophy' => 'trophy',
915 |
'fas fa-truck' => 'truck',
916 |
'fas fa-truck-loading' => 'truck-loading',
917 |
'fas fa-truck-moving' => 'truck-moving',
918 |
'fas fa-tty' => 'tty',
919 |
'fab fa-tumblr' => 'tumblr',
920 |
'fab fa-tumblr-square' => 'tumblr-square',
921 |
'fas fa-tv' => 'tv',
922 |
'fab fa-twitch' => 'twitch',
923 |
'fab fa-twitter' => 'twitter',
924 |
'fab fa-twitter-square' => 'twitter-square',
925 |
'fab fa-typo3' => 'typo3',
926 |
'fab fa-uber' => 'uber',
927 |
'fab fa-uikit' => 'uikit',
928 |
'fas fa-umbrella' => 'umbrella',
929 |
'fas fa-underline' => 'underline',
930 |
'fas fa-undo' => 'undo',
931 |
'fas fa-undo-alt' => 'undo-alt',
932 |
'fab fa-uniregistry' => 'uniregistry',
933 |
'fas fa-universal-access' => 'universal-access',
934 |
'fas fa-university' => 'university',
935 |
'fas fa-unlink' => 'unlink',
936 |
'fas fa-unlock' => 'unlock',
937 |
'fas fa-unlock-alt' => 'unlock-alt',
938 |
'fab fa-untappd' => 'untappd',
939 |
'fas fa-upload' => 'upload',
940 |
'fab fa-usb' => 'usb',
941 |
'fas fa-user' => 'user',
942 |
'far fa-user' => 'user',
943 |
'fas fa-user-circle' => 'user-circle',
944 |
'far fa-user-circle' => 'user-circle',
945 |
'fas fa-user-md' => 'user-md',
946 |
'fas fa-user-plus' => 'user-plus',
947 |
'fas fa-user-secret' => 'user-secret',
948 |
'fas fa-user-times' => 'user-times',
949 |
'fas fa-users' => 'users',
950 |
'fab fa-ussunnah' => 'ussunnah',
951 |
'fas fa-utensil-spoon' => 'utensil-spoon',
952 |
'fas fa-utensils' => 'utensils',
953 |
'fab fa-vaadin' => 'vaadin',
954 |
'fas fa-venus' => 'venus',
955 |
'fas fa-venus-double' => 'venus-double',
956 |
'fas fa-venus-mars' => 'venus-mars',
957 |
'fab fa-viacoin' => 'viacoin',
958 |
'fab fa-viadeo' => 'viadeo',
959 |
'fab fa-viadeo-square' => 'viadeo-square',
960 |
'fas fa-vial' => 'vial',
961 |
'fas fa-vials' => 'vials',
962 |
'fab fa-viber' => 'viber',
963 |
'fas fa-video' => 'video',
964 |
'fas fa-video-slash' => 'video-slash',
965 |
'fab fa-vimeo' => 'vimeo',
966 |
'fab fa-vimeo-square' => 'vimeo-square',
967 |
'fab fa-vimeo-v' => 'vimeo-v',
968 |
'fab fa-vine' => 'vine',
969 |
'fab fa-vk' => 'vk',
970 |
'fab fa-vnv' => 'vnv',
971 |
'fas fa-volleyball-ball' => 'volleyball-ball',
972 |
'fas fa-volume-down' => 'volume-down',
973 |
'fas fa-volume-off' => 'volume-off',
974 |
'fas fa-volume-up' => 'volume-up',
975 |
'fab fa-vuejs' => 'vuejs',
976 |
'fas fa-warehouse' => 'warehouse',
977 |
'fab fa-weibo' => 'weibo',
978 |
'fas fa-weight' => 'weight',
979 |
'fab fa-weixin' => 'weixin',
980 |
'fab fa-whatsapp' => 'whatsapp',
981 |
'fab fa-whatsapp-square' => 'whatsapp-square',
982 |
'fas fa-wheelchair' => 'wheelchair',
983 |
'fab fa-whmcs' => 'whmcs',
984 |
'fas fa-wifi' => 'wifi',
985 |
'fab fa-wikipedia-w' => 'wikipedia-w',
986 |
'fas fa-window-close' => 'window-close',
987 |
'far fa-window-close' => 'window-close',
988 |
'fas fa-window-maximize' => 'window-maximize',
989 |
'far fa-window-maximize' => 'window-maximize',
990 |
'fas fa-window-minimize' => 'window-minimize',
991 |
'far fa-window-minimize' => 'window-minimize',
992 |
'fas fa-window-restore' => 'window-restore',
993 |
'far fa-window-restore' => 'window-restore',
994 |
'fab fa-windows' => 'windows',
995 |
'fas fa-wine-glass' => 'wine-glass',
996 |
'fas fa-won-sign' => 'won-sign',
997 |
'fab fa-wordpress' => 'wordpress',
998 |
'fab fa-wordpress-simple' => 'wordpress-simple',
999 |
'fab fa-wpbeginner' => 'wpbeginner',
1000 |
'fab fa-wpexplorer' => 'wpexplorer',
1001 |
'fab fa-wpforms' => 'wpforms',
1002 |
'fas fa-wrench' => 'wrench',
1003 |
'fas fa-x-ray' => 'x-ray',
1004 |
'fab fa-xbox' => 'xbox',
1005 |
'fab fa-xing' => 'xing',
1006 |
'fab fa-xing-square' => 'xing-square',
1007 |
'fab fa-y-combinator' => 'y-combinator',
1008 |
'fab fa-yahoo' => 'yahoo',
1009 |
'fab fa-yandex' => 'yandex',
1010 |
'fab fa-yandex-international' => 'yandex-international',
1011 |
'fab fa-yelp' => 'yelp',
1012 |
'fas fa-yen-sign' => 'yen-sign',
1013 |
'fab fa-yoast' => 'yoast',
1014 |
'fab fa-youtube' => 'youtube',
1015 |
'fab fa-youtube-square' => 'youtube-square',
1016 |
1017 |
1018 |
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459 |
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467 |
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468 |
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470 |
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720 |
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721 |
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722 |
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723 |
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724 |
725 |
726 |
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727 |
728 |
729 |
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730 |
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734 |
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735 |
736 |
737 |
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738 |
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739 |
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994 |
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995 |
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996 |
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997 |
998 |
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999 |
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1000 |
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1277 |
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1278 |
1279 |
1280 |
1281 |
1282 |
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1314 |
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1315 |
1316 |
1317 |
1318 |
1319 |
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1320 |
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1321 |
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1388 |
1389 |
1390 |
1391 |
1392 |
1393 |
* On Boarding Page
1394 |
1395 |
1396 |
1397 |
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459 |
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463 |
464 |
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465 |
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467 |
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468 |
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469 |
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470 |
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471 |
472 |
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721 |
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722 |
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723 |
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724 |
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725 |
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726 |
727 |
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728 |
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729 |
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730 |
731 |
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732 |
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733 |
734 |
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735 |
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739 |
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740 |
741 |
742 |
743 |
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744 |
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745 |
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746 |
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747 |
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748 |
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749 |
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750 |
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751 |
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752 |
753 |
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754 |
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755 |
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756 |
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757 |
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758 |
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759 |
760 |
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761 |
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762 |
763 |
764 |
.general .company-info-control-wrapper .single-settings:first-child,
765 |
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766 |
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767 |
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768 |
769 |
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770 |
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771 |
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772 |
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773 |
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774 |
775 |
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776 |
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777 |
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778 |
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779 |
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780 |
781 |
782 |
783 |
784 |
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785 |
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786 |
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787 |
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788 |
789 |
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790 |
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791 |
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792 |
793 |
794 |
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795 |
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796 |
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797 |
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798 |
799 |
800 |
801 |
802 |
.rex-pano-tab input[type="password"],
803 |
.rex-pano-tab input[type="email"],
804 |
.rex-pano-tab input[type="number"],
1059 |
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1060 |
color: #494b51;
1061 |
font-size: 16px;
1062 |
font-weight: 500;
1063 |
display: block;
1064 |
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1065 |
1342 |
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1343 |
1344 |
1345 |
1346 |
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1347 |
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1348 |
1349 |
1350 |
1351 |
1352 |
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1384 |
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1385 |
1386 |
1387 |
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1388 |
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1389 |
1390 |
1391 |
1392 |
1393 |
1394 |
1395 |
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1396 |
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1397 |
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1398 |
1399 |
1400 |
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1401 |
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1402 |
1403 |
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1404 |
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1405 |
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1406 |
1407 |
1408 |
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1409 |
width: 400px;
1410 |
1411 |
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1412 |
margin-bottom: 30px;
1413 |
1414 |
.general .company-info-control-wrapper .single-settings:last-child {
1415 |
margin-bottom: 0;
1416 |
1417 |
1418 |
1419 |
1420 |
1421 |
1422 |
1423 |
@media (max-width: 1300px){
1424 |
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1425 |
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1491 |
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1492 |
1493 |
1494 |
1495 |
1496 |
1497 |
1498 |
1499 |
1500 |
1501 |
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1503 |
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1504 |
1505 |
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1506 |
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1507 |
1508 |
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1509 |
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1510 |
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1511 |
1512 |
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1513 |
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1514 |
1515 |
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1516 |
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1517 |
1518 |
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1519 |
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1520 |
1521 |
1522 |
1523 |
1524 |
1525 |
1526 |
1527 |
1528 |
1529 |
* On Boarding Page
1530 |
1531 |
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1532 |
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1533 |
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@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ if (isset($postdata['panodata'])) {
353 |
<div id="custom-ifram" style="display: none;">
354 |
355 |
356 |
<div id="<?php echo 'pano'.$id; ?>" class="pano-wrap">
357 |
358 |
359 |
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ if (isset($postdata['panodata'])) {
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
<div class="scene-gallery vrowl-carousel">
375 |
376 |
377 |
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ var scenes = response[1];
404 |
405 |
if (response[1]['scenes'] != "") {
406 |
var panoshow = pannellum.viewer(response[0]["panoid"], scenes);
407 |
408 |
if (scenes.autoRotate) {
409 |
panoshow.on('load', function (){
410 |
setTimeout(function(){ panoshow.startAutoRotate(scenes.autoRotate, 0); }, 3000);
353 |
<div id="custom-ifram" style="display: none;">
354 |
355 |
356 |
<div id="<?php echo 'pano'.$id; ?>" class="pano-wrap" style="direction:ltr;">
357 |
358 |
359 |
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
<div class="scene-gallery vrowl-carousel" style="direction:ltr;">
375 |
376 |
377 |
404 |
405 |
if (response[1]['scenes'] != "") {
406 |
var panoshow = pannellum.viewer(response[0]["panoid"], scenes);
407 |
408 |
if (scenes.autoRotate) {
409 |
panoshow.on('load', function (){
410 |
setTimeout(function(){ panoshow.startAutoRotate(scenes.autoRotate, 0); }, 3000);
@@ -18,13 +18,10 @@ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
18 |
$id = $post->ID;
19 |
$slug = $post->post_name;
20 |
$postdata = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'panodata', true );
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
<p><?php echo __('For
25 |
<p><?php echo __('To use this
26 |
<p><code>[wpvr id="<?php echo $id; ?>"]</code><?php ($slug ? 'or' : '') ?></p>
27 |
<p><?php echo __('For
28 |
29 |
<p><?php echo __('Check how to use: ', 'wpvr'); ?><a href="" target="blank">
30 |
18 |
$id = $post->ID;
19 |
$slug = $post->post_name;
20 |
$postdata = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'panodata', true );
21 |
22 |
<p><?php echo __('For Classic Editor:', 'wpvr'); ?></p>
23 |
<p><?php echo __('To use this WP VR tour in your posts or pages use the following shortcode:', 'wpvr'); ?></p>
24 |
<p><code>[wpvr id="<?php echo $id; ?>"]</code><?php ($slug ? 'or' : '') ?></p>
25 |
<p><?php echo __('For Gutenberg:', 'wpvr'); ?></p>
26 |
<p>Use id:<code><?php echo $id; ?></code>on WP VR block setting</p>
27 |
<p><?php echo __('Check how to use: ', 'wpvr'); ?><a href="" target="blank"> WP VR block</a></p>
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
89 |
<div class="body">
90 |
91 |
92 |
_e('Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make
93 |
94 |
95 |
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
102 |
<div class="onboarding-block">
103 |
<div class="header">
104 |
<img src="<?php echo WPVR_PLUGIN_DIR_URL . 'admin/icon/Rating.png'?>" class="title-icon" alt="wpvr-documentation">
105 |
<h4><?php _e('Make
106 |
107 |
108 |
<div class="body">
89 |
<div class="body">
90 |
91 |
92 |
_e('Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make WP VR even better.','wpvr');
93 |
94 |
95 |
102 |
<div class="onboarding-block">
103 |
<div class="header">
104 |
<img src="<?php echo WPVR_PLUGIN_DIR_URL . 'admin/icon/Rating.png'?>" class="title-icon" alt="wpvr-documentation">
105 |
<h4><?php _e('Make WP VR Popular','wpvr'); ?></h4>
106 |
107 |
108 |
<div class="body">
Binary file
@@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
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4 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-01-11 15:55+0600\n"
5 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-01 08:53+0000\n"
6 |
"Last-Translator: devadmin <>\n"
7 |
"Language-Team: German\n"
8 |
"Language: de\n"
9 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
10 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
11 |
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12 |
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13 |
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14 |
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15 |
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e\n"
16 |
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17 |
18 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
19 |
"X-Loco-Version: 2.3.1; wp-5.2.4"
20 |
21 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:178
22 |
#, php-format
23 |
msgid ""
24 |
"There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target=\"_blank\" "
25 |
"class=\"thickbox\" href=\"%2$s\">View version %3$s details</a>."
26 |
msgstr ""
27 |
"Es ist eine neue Version von %1$s verfügbar. <a target=“_blank” "
28 |
"class=“thickbox” href=“%2$s”>Details zur Version %3$s anzeigen</a>."
29 |
30 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:185
31 |
#, php-format
32 |
msgid ""
33 |
"There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target=\"_blank\" "
34 |
"class=\"thickbox\" href=\"%2$s\">View version %3$s details</a> or <a "
35 |
"href=\"%4$s\">update now</a>."
36 |
msgstr ""
37 |
"Es ist eine neue Version von %1$s verfügbar. <a target=“_blank” "
38 |
"class=“thickbox” href=“%2$s”>Details zur Version %3$s anzeigen</a> or <a "
39 |
"href=“%4$s”>Jetzt aktualisieren</a>."
40 |
41 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:325
42 |
msgid "You do not have permission to install plugin updates"
43 |
msgstr "Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Installieren von Plugin-Updates"
44 |
45 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:325
46 |
msgid "Error"
47 |
msgstr "Fehler"
48 |
49 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:138 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1405
50 |
msgid "Preview"
51 |
msgstr "Vorschau"
52 |
53 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:147
54 |
msgid "Using this VR"
55 |
msgstr "Mit dieser VR"
56 |
57 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:161 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:162
58 |
msgid "Tour"
59 |
msgstr "Tour"
60 |
61 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:163 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:164
62 |
msgid "Add New Tour"
63 |
msgstr "Neue Tour hinzufügen"
64 |
65 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:165
66 |
msgid "Edit Tour"
67 |
msgstr "Tour bearbeiten"
68 |
69 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:166
70 |
msgid "New Tour"
71 |
msgstr "Neue Tour"
72 |
73 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:167
74 |
msgid "View Tour"
75 |
msgstr "Tour ansehen"
76 |
77 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:168
78 |
msgid "Search Wpvr Tour"
79 |
msgstr "Suche Wpvr Tour"
80 |
81 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:169
82 |
msgid "No Wpvr Tour found"
83 |
msgstr "Keine Wpvr Tour gefunden"
84 |
85 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:170
86 |
msgid "No Wpvr Tour found in Trash"
87 |
msgstr "Nr. Wpvr Tour im Papierkorb gefunden"
88 |
89 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:172
90 |
msgid "All Tours"
91 |
msgstr "Alle Touren"
92 |
93 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:173
94 |
msgid "Wpvr"
95 |
msgstr "Wpvr"
96 |
97 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:216
98 |
msgid "Title"
99 |
msgstr "Titel"
100 |
101 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:217
102 |
msgid "Shortcodes"
103 |
msgstr "Shortcodes"
104 |
105 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:218
106 |
msgid "Author"
107 |
msgstr "Autor"
108 |
109 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:219
110 |
msgid "Date"
111 |
msgstr "Datum"
112 |
113 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:230 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:231
114 |
msgid "Wpvr item updated."
115 |
msgstr "Wpvr item aktualisiert."
116 |
117 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:259
118 |
msgid "Setup"
119 |
msgstr "Konfiguration"
120 |
121 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:308
122 |
msgid "general"
123 |
msgstr "Allgemeines"
124 |
125 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:309
126 |
msgid "Scenes"
127 |
msgstr "Szenen"
128 |
129 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:310
130 |
msgid "hotspot"
131 |
msgstr "Hotspot"
132 |
133 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:317
134 |
msgid "General Settings : "
135 |
msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen:"
136 |
137 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:321 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:337
138 |
msgid "Autoload: "
139 |
msgstr "Autoload:"
140 |
141 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:356 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:372
142 |
msgid "Show Controls: "
143 |
msgstr "Steuerelemente anzeigen:"
144 |
145 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:390
146 |
msgid "Scene Fade Duration: "
147 |
msgstr "Szenenüberblendungsdauer:"
148 |
149 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:419 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:555
150 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:680 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:690
151 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1041 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1051
152 |
msgid "Set as default: "
153 |
msgstr "Als Standard einstellen:"
154 |
155 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:428 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:563
156 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:699 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1061
157 |
msgid "Scene ID : "
158 |
msgstr "Szenen-ID:"
159 |
160 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:433 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:568
161 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:704 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1066
162 |
msgid "Scene Type : "
163 |
msgstr "Szenentyp:"
164 |
165 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:438 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:573
166 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:709 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1071
167 |
msgid "Scene Upload: "
168 |
msgstr "Szenen-Upload:"
169 |
170 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:464 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:599
171 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:766 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:862
172 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:974 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1128
173 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1224 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1336
174 |
msgid "Hotspot ID : "
175 |
msgstr "Hotspot-ID:"
176 |
177 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:469 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:604
178 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:771 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:867
179 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:979 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1133
180 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1229 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1341
181 |
msgid "Pitch: "
182 |
msgstr "Pitch: "
183 |
184 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:474 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:609
185 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:776 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:872
186 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:984 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1138
187 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1234 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1346
188 |
msgid "Yaw: "
189 |
msgstr "Yaw: "
190 |
191 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:479 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:614
192 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:781 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:877
193 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:989 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1143
194 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1239 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1351
195 |
msgid "Hotspot custom class: "
196 |
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Hotspot-Klasse:"
197 |
198 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:485 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:620
199 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:790 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:822
200 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:886 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:918
201 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:995 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1152
202 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1184 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1248
203 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1280 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1357
204 |
msgid "Hotspot-Type: "
205 |
msgstr "Hotspot-Typ:"
206 |
207 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:492 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:627
208 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:797 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:829
209 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:893 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:925
210 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1002 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1159
211 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1191 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1287
212 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1364
213 |
msgid "URL: "
214 |
msgstr "URL: "
215 |
216 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:497 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:632
217 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:802 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:834
218 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:898 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:930
219 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1007 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1164
220 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1196 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1260
221 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1292
222 |
msgid "On click Content: "
223 |
msgstr "Klicken Sie auf Inhalt:"
224 |
225 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:502 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:637
226 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:807 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:839
227 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:903 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:935
228 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1012 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1169
229 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1201 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1265
230 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1297 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1374
231 |
msgid "On hover Content: "
232 |
msgstr "Über dem Hover-Inhalt:"
233 |
234 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:507 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:642
235 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:812 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:844
236 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:908 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:940
237 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1017 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1174
238 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1206 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1270
239 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1302 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1379
240 |
msgid "Target Scene ID: "
241 |
msgstr "Zielszenen-ID:"
242 |
243 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1255
244 |
msgid " URL: "
245 |
msgstr " URL: "
246 |
247 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1369
248 |
msgid " On click Content: "
249 |
msgstr "Klicken Sie auf Inhalt:"
250 |
251 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:161
252 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:49
253 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:174
254 |
msgid "firstScene"
255 |
msgstr "firstScene"
256 |
257 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:161
258 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:49
259 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:174
260 |
msgid "sceneFadeDuration"
261 |
msgstr "Überblenddauer der Szene"
262 |
263 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:171
264 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:60
265 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:185
266 |
msgid "text"
267 |
msgstr "text"
268 |
269 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:172
270 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:61
271 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:186
272 |
msgid "pitch"
273 |
msgstr "pitch"
274 |
275 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:173
276 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:62
277 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:187
278 |
msgid "yaw"
279 |
msgstr "yaw"
280 |
281 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:174 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:183
282 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:63
283 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:73
284 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:188 public/class-wpvr-public.php:198
285 |
msgid "type"
286 |
msgstr "type"
287 |
288 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:175
289 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:65
290 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:190
291 |
msgid "URL"
292 |
msgstr "URL"
293 |
294 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:176
295 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:66
296 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:191
297 |
msgid "clickHandlerArgs"
298 |
msgstr "clickHandlerArgs"
299 |
300 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:177
301 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:67
302 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:192
303 |
msgid "createTooltipArgs"
304 |
msgstr "createTooltipArgs"
305 |
306 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:178
307 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:68
308 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:193
309 |
msgid "sceneId"
310 |
msgstr "Szenen-ID"
311 |
312 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:183
313 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:73
314 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:198
315 |
msgid "panorama"
316 |
msgstr "Panorama"
317 |
318 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:183
319 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:73
320 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:198
321 |
msgid "hotSpots"
322 |
msgstr "hotSpots"
323 |
324 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:192 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
325 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:84
326 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:208
327 |
msgid "panoid"
328 |
msgstr "panoid"
329 |
330 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
331 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
332 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
333 |
msgid "autoLoad"
334 |
msgstr "Auto Load"
335 |
336 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
337 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
338 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
339 |
msgid "showControls"
340 |
msgstr "Steuerelemente anzeigen"
341 |
342 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194
343 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
344 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
345 |
msgid "default"
346 |
msgstr "default"
347 |
348 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194
349 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
350 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
351 |
msgid "scenes"
352 |
msgstr "Szenen"
353 |
354 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
355 |
msgid "defaultscene"
356 |
msgstr "defaultscene"
357 |
358 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
359 |
msgid "scenefadeduration"
360 |
msgstr "Überblenddauer der Szene"
361 |
362 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
363 |
msgid "panodata"
364 |
msgstr "panodata"
365 |
366 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:407 insights.php:407
367 |
#, php-format
368 |
msgid ""
369 |
"Want to help make <strong>%1$s</strong> even more awesome? Allow %1$s to "
370 |
"collect non-sensitive diagnostic data and usage information."
371 |
msgstr ""
372 |
"Möchten Sie <strong>%1$s</strong> noch mehr großartiger machen? Erlaube %1$s,"
373 |
" nicht sensible Diagnosedaten und Nutzungsinformationen zu sammeln."
374 |
375 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:412 insights.php:412
376 |
msgid "what we collect"
377 |
msgstr "was wir sammeln"
378 |
379 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:418 insights.php:418
380 |
msgid "Allow"
381 |
msgstr "Ermöglichen"
382 |
383 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:419 insights.php:419
384 |
msgid "No thanks"
385 |
msgstr "Nein Danke"
386 |
387 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:615 insights.php:615
388 |
msgid "Once Weekly"
389 |
msgstr "Einmal wöchentlich"
390 |
391 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:749 insights.php:749
392 |
msgid "If you have a moment, please let us know why you are deactivating:"
393 |
msgstr ""
394 |
"Wenn Sie einen Moment Zeit haben, lassen Sie uns wissen, warum Sie die "
395 |
"Deaktivierung vornehmen:"
396 |
397 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:763 insights.php:763
398 |
msgid "I rather wouldn't say"
399 |
msgstr "Möchte ich nicht sagen"
400 |
401 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:764 insights.php:764
402 |
msgid "Submit & Deactivate"
403 |
msgstr "Senden & deaktivieren"
404 |
405 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:765 insights.php:765
406 |
msgid "Cancel"
407 |
msgstr "Stornieren"
408 |
409 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:22
410 |
msgid ""
411 |
"To use this Wpvr item in your posts or pages use the following "
412 |
"shortcode(won't work untill you publish this post):"
413 |
msgstr ""
414 |
"Um diese Wpvr item in Ihren Posts oder Seiten zu verwenden, verwenden Sie "
415 |
"die folgende shortcode (funktioniert erst, wenn Sie diesen Beitrag "
416 |
"veröffentlicht haben)"
417 |
418 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:30
419 |
msgid "License Key"
420 |
msgstr "Lizenzschlüssel"
421 |
422 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:34
423 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
424 |
msgstr ""
425 |
"Geben Sie Ihren Lizenzschlüssel ein, speichern Sie die Änderungen und "
426 |
"aktivieren Sie sie."
427 |
428 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:40
429 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:50
430 |
msgid "Activate License"
431 |
msgstr "Lizenz aktivieren"
432 |
433 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:44
434 |
msgid "active"
435 |
msgstr "Aktiv"
436 |
437 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:46
438 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
439 |
msgstr "Lizenz deaktivieren"
440 |
441 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
442 |
msgid "General"
443 |
msgstr "Allgemeines"
444 |
445 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:68
446 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
447 |
msgstr "Videoanleitungen"
448 |
449 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:69
450 |
msgid "Go Premium"
451 |
msgstr "Premium werden"
452 |
453 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:84
454 |
msgid "Documentation"
455 |
msgstr "Dokumentation"
456 |
457 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:90
458 |
msgid ""
459 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
460 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
461 |
msgstr ""
462 |
"Bevor Sie beginnen, können Sie sich in unserer Dokumentation mit WP VR - 360 "
463 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress vertraut machen."
464 |
465 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:94
466 |
msgid "View Documentation"
467 |
msgstr "Dokumentation anzeigen"
468 |
469 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:104
470 |
msgid "Support"
471 |
msgstr "Unterstützung"
472 |
473 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:110
474 |
msgid ""
475 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
476 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
477 |
msgstr ""
478 |
"Kann keine Lösung mit unserer Dokumentation finden? Posten Sie einfach ein "
479 |
"Ticket im Support-Forum. Wir werden Ihr Problem lösen"
480 |
481 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:114
482 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
483 |
msgstr "Ticket buchen"
484 |
485 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:123
486 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
487 |
msgstr "Teile deine Gedanken"
488 |
489 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:129
490 |
msgid ""
491 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
492 |
msgstr ""
493 |
"Ihre Vorschläge sind für uns wertvoll. Es kann helfen, wpvr noch besser zu "
494 |
495 |
496 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
497 |
msgid "Suggest"
498 |
msgstr "Vorschlagen"
499 |
500 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:142
501 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
502 |
msgstr "Machen Sie WPVR populär"
503 |
504 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:148
505 |
msgid ""
506 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
507 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
508 |
msgstr ""
509 |
"Ihre Bewertung und Ihr Feedback ist uns wichtig. Wenn Sie mit WP VR - 360 "
510 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress zufrieden sind, geben Sie "
511 |
"uns eine Bewertung."
512 |
513 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
514 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
515 |
msgstr "Bewerten Sie uns!"
516 |
517 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
518 |
msgid "Share On"
519 |
msgstr "Teilen Sie auf"
520 |
521 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:167
522 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
523 |
msgstr "Auf Facebook teilen"
524 |
525 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:168
526 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
527 |
msgstr "Auf Twitter teilen"
528 |
529 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:169
530 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
531 |
msgstr " Auf Google+ teilen"
532 |
533 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:170
534 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
535 |
msgstr "Auf LinkedIn teilen"
536 |
537 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:184
538 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
539 |
msgstr "Warum ein Upgrade auf die Premium-Version durchführen?"
540 |
541 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:186
542 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
543 |
msgstr "Unbegrenzte Szenen"
544 |
545 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:187
546 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
547 |
msgstr "Unbegrenzte Hotspots"
548 |
549 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:188
550 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
551 |
msgstr ""
552 |
"Personalisierter Support in beiden Supportforen und in unserer Support-E-"
553 |
554 |
555 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:190
556 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
557 |
msgstr "Holen Sie sich die Premium-Version"
558 |
559 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:199
560 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
561 |
msgstr "Upgrade auf Pro"
562 |
563 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:140
564 |
msgid "Invalid Wpvr slug attribute"
565 |
msgstr "Ungültige Wpvr slug attribute"
566 |
567 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:189
568 |
msgid "cssClass"
569 |
msgstr "cssClass"
570 |
571 |
#: wpvr.php:146
572 |
msgid ""
573 |
"WPVR : Some users are having issues with Gutenberg and WordPress 5.0.2 . "
574 |
"Please use"
575 |
msgstr ""
576 |
"WPVR: Einige Benutzer haben Probleme mit Gutenberg und WordPress 5.0.2. "
577 |
"Benutzen Sie bitte"
578 |
579 |
#: wpvr.php:146
580 |
msgid "Classic editor"
581 |
msgstr "Classic editor"
582 |
583 |
#: wpvr.php:207 wpvr.php:235
584 |
msgid "An error occurred, please try again."
585 |
msgstr "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie es erneut."
586 |
587 |
#: wpvr.php:214
588 |
#, php-format
589 |
msgid "Your license key expired on %s."
590 |
msgstr "Ihr Lizenzschlüssel ist am %s abgelaufen."
591 |
592 |
#: wpvr.php:219
593 |
msgid "Your license key has been disabled."
594 |
msgstr "Ihr Lizenzschlüssel wurde deaktiviert."
595 |
596 |
#: wpvr.php:222
597 |
msgid "Invalid license."
598 |
msgstr "Ungültige Lizenz."
599 |
600 |
#: wpvr.php:226
601 |
msgid "Your license is not active for this URL."
602 |
msgstr "Ihre Lizenz ist für diese URL nicht aktiv."
603 |
604 |
#: wpvr.php:229
605 |
#, php-format
606 |
msgid "This appears to be an invalid license key for %s."
607 |
msgstr "Dies scheint ein ungültiger Lizenzschlüssel für %s zu sein."
608 |
609 |
#: wpvr.php:232
610 |
msgid "Your license key has reached its activation limit."
611 |
msgstr "Ihr Lizenzschlüssel hat das Aktivierungslimit erreicht."
Binary file
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1 |
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2 |
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3 |
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4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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10 |
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11 |
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12 |
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13 |
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15 |
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16 |
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17 |
18 |
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19 |
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20 |
21 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:178
22 |
#, php-format
23 |
msgid ""
24 |
"There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target=\"_blank\" "
25 |
"class=\"thickbox\" href=\"%2$s\">View version %3$s details</a>."
26 |
msgstr ""
27 |
"Hay una nueva versión de %1$s disponible. <a target=“_blank” "
28 |
"class=“thickbox” href=“%2$s”>Ver detalles de la versión %3$s</a>."
29 |
30 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:185
31 |
#, php-format
32 |
msgid ""
33 |
"There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target=\"_blank\" "
34 |
"class=\"thickbox\" href=\"%2$s\">View version %3$s details</a> or <a "
35 |
"href=\"%4$s\">update now</a>."
36 |
msgstr ""
37 |
"Hay una nueva versión de %1$s disponible. <a target=“_blank” "
38 |
"class=“thickbox” href=“%2$s”>Ver detalles de la versión %3$s</a> or <a "
39 |
"href=“%4$s”>actualizar ahora</a>."
40 |
41 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:325
42 |
msgid "You do not have permission to install plugin updates"
43 |
msgstr "No tienes permiso para instalar actualizaciones de plugins"
44 |
45 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:325
46 |
msgid "Error"
47 |
msgstr "Error"
48 |
49 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:138 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1405
50 |
msgid "Preview"
51 |
msgstr "Avance"
52 |
53 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:147
54 |
msgid "Using this VR"
55 |
msgstr "Usando este VR"
56 |
57 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:161 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:162
58 |
msgid "Tour"
59 |
msgstr "Excursión"
60 |
61 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:163 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:164
62 |
msgid "Add New Tour"
63 |
msgstr "Añadir nuevo tour"
64 |
65 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:165
66 |
msgid "Edit Tour"
67 |
msgstr "Editar Tour"
68 |
69 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:166
70 |
msgid "New Tour"
71 |
msgstr "Nuevo tour"
72 |
73 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:167
74 |
msgid "View Tour"
75 |
msgstr "Ver tour"
76 |
77 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:168
78 |
msgid "Search Wpvr Tour"
79 |
msgstr "Buscar Wpvr Tour"
80 |
81 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:169
82 |
msgid "No Wpvr Tour found"
83 |
msgstr "No se encontró Wpvr Tour"
84 |
85 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:170
86 |
msgid "No Wpvr Tour found in Trash"
87 |
msgstr "No Wpvr Tour encontrado en la basura"
88 |
89 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:172
90 |
msgid "All Tours"
91 |
msgstr "Todos los tours"
92 |
93 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:173
94 |
msgid "Wpvr"
95 |
msgstr "Wpvr"
96 |
97 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:216
98 |
msgid "Title"
99 |
msgstr "Título"
100 |
101 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:217
102 |
msgid "Shortcodes"
103 |
msgstr "Shortcodes"
104 |
105 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:218
106 |
msgid "Author"
107 |
msgstr "el autor"
108 |
109 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:219
110 |
msgid "Date"
111 |
msgstr "Fecha"
112 |
113 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:230 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:231
114 |
msgid "Wpvr item updated."
115 |
msgstr "Wpvr item actualizado."
116 |
117 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:259
118 |
msgid "Setup"
119 |
msgstr "Preparar"
120 |
121 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:308
122 |
msgid "general"
123 |
msgstr "general"
124 |
125 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:309
126 |
msgid "Scenes"
127 |
msgstr "Escenas"
128 |
129 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:310
130 |
msgid "hotspot"
131 |
msgstr "hotspot"
132 |
133 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:317
134 |
msgid "General Settings : "
135 |
msgstr "Configuración general :"
136 |
137 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:321 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:337
138 |
msgid "Autoload: "
139 |
msgstr "Carga automática:"
140 |
141 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:356 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:372
142 |
msgid "Show Controls: "
143 |
msgstr "Mostrar controles:"
144 |
145 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:390
146 |
msgid "Scene Fade Duration: "
147 |
msgstr "Duración de la escena desvanecida:"
148 |
149 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:419 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:555
150 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:680 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:690
151 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1041 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1051
152 |
msgid "Set as default: "
153 |
msgstr "Establecer por defecto:"
154 |
155 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:428 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:563
156 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:699 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1061
157 |
msgid "Scene ID : "
158 |
msgstr "ID de escena:"
159 |
160 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:433 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:568
161 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:704 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1066
162 |
msgid "Scene Type : "
163 |
msgstr "Tipo de escena:"
164 |
165 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:438 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:573
166 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:709 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1071
167 |
msgid "Scene Upload: "
168 |
msgstr "Carga de escena:"
169 |
170 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:464 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:599
171 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:766 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:862
172 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:974 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1128
173 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1224 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1336
174 |
msgid "Hotspot ID : "
175 |
msgstr "Hotspot ID: "
176 |
177 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:469 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:604
178 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:771 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:867
179 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:979 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1133
180 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1229 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1341
181 |
msgid "Pitch: "
182 |
msgstr "tono"
183 |
184 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:474 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:609
185 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:776 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:872
186 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:984 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1138
187 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1234 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1346
188 |
msgid "Yaw: "
189 |
msgstr "Yaw: "
190 |
191 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:479 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:614
192 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:781 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:877
193 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:989 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1143
194 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1239 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1351
195 |
msgid "Hotspot custom class: "
196 |
msgstr "Clase personalizada de punto de acceso:"
197 |
198 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:485 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:620
199 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:790 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:822
200 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:886 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:918
201 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:995 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1152
202 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1184 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1248
203 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1280 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1357
204 |
msgid "Hotspot-Type: "
205 |
msgstr "Tipo Hotspot:"
206 |
207 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:492 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:627
208 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:797 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:829
209 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:893 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:925
210 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1002 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1159
211 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1191 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1287
212 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1364
213 |
msgid "URL: "
214 |
msgstr "URL: "
215 |
216 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:497 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:632
217 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:802 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:834
218 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:898 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:930
219 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1007 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1164
220 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1196 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1260
221 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1292
222 |
msgid "On click Content: "
223 |
msgstr "Al hacer clic en Contenido:"
224 |
225 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:502 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:637
226 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:807 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:839
227 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:903 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:935
228 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1012 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1169
229 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1201 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1265
230 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1297 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1374
231 |
msgid "On hover Content: "
232 |
msgstr "Sobre el contenido de la libración:"
233 |
234 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:507 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:642
235 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:812 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:844
236 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:908 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:940
237 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1017 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1174
238 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1206 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1270
239 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1302 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1379
240 |
msgid "Target Scene ID: "
241 |
msgstr "ID de la escena de destino:"
242 |
243 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1255
244 |
msgid " URL: "
245 |
msgstr "URL: "
246 |
247 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1369
248 |
msgid " On click Content: "
249 |
msgstr "Al hacer clic en Contenido:"
250 |
251 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:161
252 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:49
253 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:174
254 |
msgid "firstScene"
255 |
msgstr "primera escena"
256 |
257 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:161
258 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:49
259 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:174
260 |
msgid "sceneFadeDuration"
261 |
msgstr "sceneFadeDuration"
262 |
263 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:171
264 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:60
265 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:185
266 |
msgid "text"
267 |
msgstr "texto"
268 |
269 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:172
270 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:61
271 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:186
272 |
msgid "pitch"
273 |
msgstr "tono"
274 |
275 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:173
276 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:62
277 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:187
278 |
msgid "yaw"
279 |
msgstr "yaw"
280 |
281 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:174 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:183
282 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:63
283 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:73
284 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:188 public/class-wpvr-public.php:198
285 |
msgid "type"
286 |
msgstr "type"
287 |
288 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:175
289 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:65
290 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:190
291 |
msgid "URL"
292 |
msgstr "URL"
293 |
294 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:176
295 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:66
296 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:191
297 |
msgid "clickHandlerArgs"
298 |
msgstr "clickHandlerArgs"
299 |
300 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:177
301 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:67
302 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:192
303 |
msgid "createTooltipArgs"
304 |
msgstr "createTooltipArgs"
305 |
306 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:178
307 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:68
308 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:193
309 |
msgid "sceneId"
310 |
msgstr "id de escena"
311 |
312 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:183
313 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:73
314 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:198
315 |
msgid "panorama"
316 |
msgstr "panorama"
317 |
318 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:183
319 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:73
320 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:198
321 |
msgid "hotSpots"
322 |
msgstr "hotSpots"
323 |
324 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:192 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
325 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:84
326 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:208
327 |
msgid "panoid"
328 |
msgstr "panoid"
329 |
330 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
331 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
332 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
333 |
msgid "autoLoad"
334 |
msgstr "carga automática"
335 |
336 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
337 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
338 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
339 |
msgid "showControls"
340 |
msgstr "showControls"
341 |
342 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194
343 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
344 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
345 |
msgid "default"
346 |
msgstr "defecto"
347 |
348 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194
349 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
350 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
351 |
msgid "scenes"
352 |
msgstr "escenas"
353 |
354 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
355 |
msgid "defaultscene"
356 |
msgstr "escena predeterminada"
357 |
358 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
359 |
msgid "scenefadeduration"
360 |
msgstr "duración del desvanecimiento de la escena"
361 |
362 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
363 |
msgid "panodata"
364 |
msgstr "panodata"
365 |
366 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:407 insights.php:407
367 |
#, php-format
368 |
msgid ""
369 |
"Want to help make <strong>%1$s</strong> even more awesome? Allow %1$s to "
370 |
"collect non-sensitive diagnostic data and usage information."
371 |
msgstr ""
372 |
"¿Quieres ayudar a hacer que <strong>%1$s</strong> sea aún más impresionante? "
373 |
"Permitir que %1$s recopile datos de diagnóstico no sensibles e información "
374 |
"de uso."
375 |
376 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:412 insights.php:412
377 |
msgid "what we collect"
378 |
msgstr "lo que recolectamos"
379 |
380 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:418 insights.php:418
381 |
msgid "Allow"
382 |
msgstr "Permitir"
383 |
384 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:419 insights.php:419
385 |
msgid "No thanks"
386 |
msgstr "No, gracias"
387 |
388 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:615 insights.php:615
389 |
msgid "Once Weekly"
390 |
msgstr "Una vez a la semana"
391 |
392 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:749 insights.php:749
393 |
msgid "If you have a moment, please let us know why you are deactivating:"
394 |
msgstr "Si tiene un momento, háganos saber por qué está desactivando:"
395 |
396 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:763 insights.php:763
397 |
msgid "I rather wouldn't say"
398 |
msgstr "Prefiero no decir"
399 |
400 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:764 insights.php:764
401 |
msgid "Submit & Deactivate"
402 |
msgstr "Enviar y desactivar"
403 |
404 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:765 insights.php:765
405 |
msgid "Cancel"
406 |
msgstr "Cancelar"
407 |
408 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:22
409 |
msgid ""
410 |
"To use this Wpvr item in your posts or pages use the following "
411 |
"shortcode(won't work untill you publish this post):"
412 |
msgstr ""
413 |
"Para usar este Wpvr item en tus publicaciones o páginas, utiliza los "
414 |
"siguientes shortcode (no funcionará hasta que publiques esta publicación):"
415 |
416 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:30
417 |
msgid "License Key"
418 |
msgstr "Clave de licencia"
419 |
420 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:34
421 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
422 |
msgstr "Ingrese su clave de licencia, guarde los cambios y active."
423 |
424 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:40
425 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:50
426 |
msgid "Activate License"
427 |
msgstr "Activar licencia"
428 |
429 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:44
430 |
msgid "active"
431 |
msgstr "activo"
432 |
433 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:46
434 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
435 |
msgstr "Desactivar licencia"
436 |
437 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
438 |
msgid "General"
439 |
msgstr "General"
440 |
441 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:68
442 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
443 |
msgstr "Tutoriales en vídeo"
444 |
445 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:69
446 |
msgid "Go Premium"
447 |
msgstr "Hazte Premium"
448 |
449 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:84
450 |
msgid "Documentation"
451 |
msgstr "Documentación"
452 |
453 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:90
454 |
msgid ""
455 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
456 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
457 |
msgstr ""
458 |
"Antes de comenzar, puede consultar nuestra documentación para familiarizarse "
459 |
"con WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
460 |
461 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:94
462 |
msgid "View Documentation"
463 |
msgstr "Ver Documentación"
464 |
465 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:104
466 |
msgid "Support"
467 |
msgstr "Apoyo"
468 |
469 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:110
470 |
msgid ""
471 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
472 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
473 |
msgstr ""
474 |
"¿No encuentras la solución con nuestra documentación? Solo publica un ticket "
475 |
"en el foro de soporte. Estamos para resolver su problema."
476 |
477 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:114
478 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
479 |
msgstr "Publicar un boleto"
480 |
481 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:123
482 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
483 |
msgstr "Comparte tus pensamientos"
484 |
485 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:129
486 |
msgid ""
487 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
488 |
msgstr ""
489 |
"Sus sugerencias son valiosas para nosotros. Puede ayudar a hacer wpvr aún "
490 |
491 |
492 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
493 |
msgid "Suggest"
494 |
msgstr "Sugerir"
495 |
496 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:142
497 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
498 |
msgstr "Haz WPVR Popular"
499 |
500 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:148
501 |
msgid ""
502 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
503 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
504 |
msgstr ""
505 |
"Su calificación y comentarios son importantes para nosotros. Si estás "
506 |
"contento con WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress "
507 |
"danos una valoración."
508 |
509 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
510 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
511 |
msgstr "¡Nos califica!"
512 |
513 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
514 |
msgid "Share On"
515 |
msgstr "Compartir en"
516 |
517 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:167
518 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
519 |
msgstr "Compartir en Facebook"
520 |
521 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:168
522 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
523 |
msgstr "Compartir en Twitter"
524 |
525 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:169
526 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
527 |
msgstr "Compartir en Google+"
528 |
529 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:170
530 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
531 |
msgstr "Compartir en LinkedIn"
532 |
533 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:184
534 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
535 |
msgstr "¿Por qué actualizar a la versión Premium?"
536 |
537 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:186
538 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
539 |
msgstr "Escenas ilimitadas"
540 |
541 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:187
542 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
543 |
msgstr "Hotspots ilimitados"
544 |
545 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:188
546 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
547 |
msgstr ""
548 |
"Soporte personalizado tanto en el foro de soporte como en nuestro correo "
549 |
"electrónico de soporte."
550 |
551 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:190
552 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
553 |
msgstr "Obtener la versión Premium"
554 |
555 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:199
556 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
557 |
msgstr "Actualizar a Pro"
558 |
559 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:140
560 |
msgid "Invalid Wpvr slug attribute"
561 |
msgstr "Wpvr slug attribute invalida"
562 |
563 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:189
564 |
msgid "cssClass"
565 |
msgstr "cssClass"
566 |
567 |
#: wpvr.php:146
568 |
msgid ""
569 |
"WPVR : Some users are having issues with Gutenberg and WordPress 5.0.2 . "
570 |
"Please use"
571 |
msgstr ""
572 |
"WPVR: Algunos usuarios tienen problemas con Gutenberg y WordPress 5.0.2. Por "
573 |
"favor use"
574 |
575 |
#: wpvr.php:146
576 |
msgid "Classic editor"
577 |
msgstr "Editor clásico"
578 |
579 |
#: wpvr.php:207 wpvr.php:235
580 |
msgid "An error occurred, please try again."
581 |
msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error. Por favor intente de nuevo."
582 |
583 |
#: wpvr.php:214
584 |
#, php-format
585 |
msgid "Your license key expired on %s."
586 |
msgstr "Su clave de licencia expiró en %s."
587 |
588 |
#: wpvr.php:219
589 |
msgid "Your license key has been disabled."
590 |
msgstr "Su clave de licencia ha sido deshabilitada."
591 |
592 |
#: wpvr.php:222
593 |
msgid "Invalid license."
594 |
msgstr "Licencia invalida."
595 |
596 |
#: wpvr.php:226
597 |
msgid "Your license is not active for this URL."
598 |
msgstr "Su licencia no está activa para esta URL."
599 |
600 |
#: wpvr.php:229
601 |
#, php-format
602 |
msgid "This appears to be an invalid license key for %s."
603 |
msgstr "Esto parece ser una clave de licencia no válida para %s."
604 |
605 |
#: wpvr.php:232
606 |
msgid "Your license key has reached its activation limit."
607 |
msgstr "Su clave de licencia ha alcanzado su límite de activación."
Binary file
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1 |
msgid ""
2 |
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3 |
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4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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10 |
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11 |
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12 |
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13 |
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14 |
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15 |
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16 |
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17 |
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18 |
19 |
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20 |
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21 |
22 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:178
23 |
#, php-format
24 |
msgid ""
25 |
"There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target=\"_blank\" "
26 |
"class=\"thickbox\" href=\"%2$s\">View version %3$s details</a>."
27 |
msgstr ""
28 |
"C’è una nuova versione di %1$s disponibile. <a target=“_blank” "
29 |
"class=“thickbox” href=“%2$s”>Visualizza la versione %3$s dettagli</a>."
30 |
31 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:185
32 |
#, php-format
33 |
msgid ""
34 |
"There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target=\"_blank\" "
35 |
"class=\"thickbox\" href=\"%2$s\">View version %3$s details</a> or <a "
36 |
"href=\"%4$s\">update now</a>."
37 |
msgstr ""
38 |
"C’è una nuova versione di %1$s disponibile. <a target=“_blank” "
39 |
"class=“thickbox” href=“%2$s”>Visualizza la versione %3$s dettagli</a> or <a "
40 |
"href=“%4$s”>aggiorna ora</a>."
41 |
42 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:325
43 |
msgid "You do not have permission to install plugin updates"
44 |
msgstr "Non hai il permesso di installare aggiornamenti del plugin"
45 |
46 |
#: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater.php:325
47 |
msgid "Error"
48 |
msgstr "Errore"
49 |
50 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:138 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1405
51 |
msgid "Preview"
52 |
msgstr "Anteprima"
53 |
54 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:147
55 |
msgid "Using this VR"
56 |
msgstr "Usando questa VR"
57 |
58 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:161 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:162
59 |
msgid "Tour"
60 |
msgstr "Tour"
61 |
62 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:163 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:164
63 |
msgid "Add New Tour"
64 |
msgstr "Aggiungi nuovo tour"
65 |
66 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:165
67 |
msgid "Edit Tour"
68 |
msgstr "Modifica tour"
69 |
70 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:166
71 |
msgid "New Tour"
72 |
msgstr "Nuovo tour"
73 |
74 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:167
75 |
msgid "View Tour"
76 |
msgstr "Visualizza il tour"
77 |
78 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:168
79 |
msgid "Search Wpvr Tour"
80 |
msgstr "Cerca il tour di Wpvr"
81 |
82 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:169
83 |
msgid "No Wpvr Tour found"
84 |
msgstr "Nessun tour Wpvr trovato"
85 |
86 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:170
87 |
msgid "No Wpvr Tour found in Trash"
88 |
msgstr "Nessun tour Wpvr trovato nel Cestino"
89 |
90 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:172
91 |
msgid "All Tours"
92 |
msgstr "Tutti i tour"
93 |
94 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:173
95 |
msgid "Wpvr"
96 |
msgstr "Wpvr"
97 |
98 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:216
99 |
msgid "Title"
100 |
msgstr "Titolo"
101 |
102 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:217
103 |
msgid "Shortcodes"
104 |
msgstr "Shortcodes"
105 |
106 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:218
107 |
msgid "Author"
108 |
msgstr "Gli autore"
109 |
110 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:219
111 |
msgid "Date"
112 |
msgstr "Data"
113 |
114 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:230 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:231
115 |
msgid "Wpvr item updated."
116 |
msgstr "Wpvr item aggiornata."
117 |
118 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:259
119 |
msgid "Setup"
120 |
msgstr "Impostare"
121 |
122 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:308
123 |
msgid "general"
124 |
msgstr "generale"
125 |
126 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:309
127 |
msgid "Scenes"
128 |
msgstr "Scene"
129 |
130 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:310
131 |
msgid "hotspot"
132 |
msgstr "punto di accesso"
133 |
134 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:317
135 |
msgid "General Settings : "
136 |
msgstr "Impostazioni generali :"
137 |
138 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:321 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:337
139 |
msgid "Autoload: "
140 |
msgstr "Caricamento automatico:"
141 |
142 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:356 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:372
143 |
msgid "Show Controls: "
144 |
msgstr "Mostra controlli:"
145 |
146 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:390
147 |
msgid "Scene Fade Duration: "
148 |
msgstr "Durata dissolvenza scena:"
149 |
150 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:419 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:555
151 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:680 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:690
152 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1041 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1051
153 |
msgid "Set as default: "
154 |
msgstr "Imposta come predefinito:"
155 |
156 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:428 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:563
157 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:699 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1061
158 |
msgid "Scene ID : "
159 |
msgstr "ID scena:"
160 |
161 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:433 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:568
162 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:704 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1066
163 |
msgid "Scene Type : "
164 |
msgstr "Tipo di scena:"
165 |
166 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:438 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:573
167 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:709 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1071
168 |
msgid "Scene Upload: "
169 |
msgstr "Caricamento scena:"
170 |
171 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:464 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:599
172 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:766 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:862
173 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:974 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1128
174 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1224 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1336
175 |
msgid "Hotspot ID : "
176 |
msgstr "ID Hotspot:"
177 |
178 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:469 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:604
179 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:771 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:867
180 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:979 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1133
181 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1229 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1341
182 |
msgid "Pitch: "
183 |
msgstr "Pitch: "
184 |
185 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:474 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:609
186 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:776 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:872
187 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:984 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1138
188 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1234 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1346
189 |
msgid "Yaw: "
190 |
msgstr "Yaw: "
191 |
192 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:479 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:614
193 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:781 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:877
194 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:989 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1143
195 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1239 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1351
196 |
msgid "Hotspot custom class: "
197 |
msgstr "Classe personalizzata hotspot:"
198 |
199 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:485 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:620
200 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:790 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:822
201 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:886 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:918
202 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:995 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1152
203 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1184 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1248
204 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1280 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1357
205 |
msgid "Hotspot-Type: "
206 |
msgstr "Hotspot-Type:"
207 |
208 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:492 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:627
209 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:797 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:829
210 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:893 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:925
211 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1002 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1159
212 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1191 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1287
213 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1364
214 |
msgid "URL: "
215 |
msgstr "URL: "
216 |
217 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:497 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:632
218 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:802 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:834
219 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:898 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:930
220 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1007 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1164
221 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1196 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1260
222 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1292
223 |
msgid "On click Content: "
224 |
msgstr "Sul contenuto del clic:"
225 |
226 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:502 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:637
227 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:807 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:839
228 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:903 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:935
229 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1012 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1169
230 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1201 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1265
231 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1297 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1374
232 |
msgid "On hover Content: "
233 |
msgstr "Sul contenuto hover:"
234 |
235 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:507 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:642
236 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:812 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:844
237 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:908 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:940
238 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1017 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1174
239 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1206 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1270
240 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1302 admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1379
241 |
msgid "Target Scene ID: "
242 |
msgstr "ID scena di destinazione:"
243 |
244 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1255
245 |
msgid " URL: "
246 |
msgstr " URL: "
247 |
248 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-admin.php:1369
249 |
msgid " On click Content: "
250 |
msgstr "Sul contenuto del clic:"
251 |
252 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:161
253 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:49
254 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:174
255 |
msgid "firstScene"
256 |
msgstr "prima scena"
257 |
258 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:161
259 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:49
260 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:174
261 |
msgid "sceneFadeDuration"
262 |
msgstr "durata dissolvenza scena"
263 |
264 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:171
265 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:60
266 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:185
267 |
msgid "text"
268 |
msgstr "text"
269 |
270 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:172
271 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:61
272 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:186
273 |
msgid "pitch"
274 |
msgstr "pitch"
275 |
276 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:173
277 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:62
278 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:187
279 |
msgid "yaw"
280 |
msgstr "yaw"
281 |
282 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:174 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:183
283 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:63
284 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:73
285 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:188 public/class-wpvr-public.php:198
286 |
msgid "type"
287 |
msgstr "type"
288 |
289 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:175
290 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:65
291 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:190
292 |
msgid "URL"
293 |
msgstr "URL"
294 |
295 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:176
296 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:66
297 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:191
298 |
msgid "clickHandlerArgs"
299 |
msgstr "clickHandlerArgs"
300 |
301 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:177
302 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:67
303 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:192
304 |
msgid "createTooltipArgs"
305 |
msgstr "createTooltipArgs"
306 |
307 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:178
308 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:68
309 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:193
310 |
msgid "sceneId"
311 |
msgstr "sceneId"
312 |
313 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:183
314 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:73
315 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:198
316 |
msgid "panorama"
317 |
msgstr "panorama"
318 |
319 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:183
320 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:73
321 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:198
322 |
msgid "hotSpots"
323 |
msgstr "hotspot"
324 |
325 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:192 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
326 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:84
327 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:208
328 |
msgid "panoid"
329 |
msgstr "panoid"
330 |
331 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
332 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
333 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
334 |
msgid "autoLoad"
335 |
msgstr "caricamento automatico"
336 |
337 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194 admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
338 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
339 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
340 |
msgid "showControls"
341 |
msgstr "mostra i controlli"
342 |
343 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194
344 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
345 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
346 |
msgid "default"
347 |
msgstr "predefinito"
348 |
349 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:194
350 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-builder-display.php:86
351 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:210
352 |
msgid "scenes"
353 |
msgstr "scene"
354 |
355 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
356 |
msgid "defaultscene"
357 |
msgstr "scena predefinita"
358 |
359 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
360 |
msgid "scenefadeduration"
361 |
msgstr "scenefadeduration"
362 |
363 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-ajax.php:350
364 |
msgid "panodata"
365 |
msgstr "panodata"
366 |
367 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:407 insights.php:407
368 |
#, php-format
369 |
msgid ""
370 |
"Want to help make <strong>%1$s</strong> even more awesome? Allow %1$s to "
371 |
"collect non-sensitive diagnostic data and usage information."
372 |
msgstr ""
373 |
"Vuoi contribuire a rendere <strong>%1$s</strong> ancora più fantastico? "
374 |
"Consente a %1$s di raccogliere dati diagnostici non sensibili e informazioni "
375 |
376 |
377 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:412 insights.php:412
378 |
msgid "what we collect"
379 |
msgstr "ciò che raccogliamo"
380 |
381 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:418 insights.php:418
382 |
msgid "Allow"
383 |
msgstr "Permettere"
384 |
385 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:419 insights.php:419
386 |
msgid "No thanks"
387 |
msgstr "No grazie"
388 |
389 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:615 insights.php:615
390 |
msgid "Once Weekly"
391 |
msgstr "Una volta alla settimana"
392 |
393 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:749 insights.php:749
394 |
msgid "If you have a moment, please let us know why you are deactivating:"
395 |
msgstr "Se hai un momento, facci sapere perché stai disattivando:"
396 |
397 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:763 insights.php:763
398 |
msgid "I rather wouldn't say"
399 |
msgstr "Preferirei non dirlo"
400 |
401 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:764 insights.php:764
402 |
msgid "Submit & Deactivate"
403 |
msgstr "Invia e disattiva"
404 |
405 |
#: admin/lib/insights.php:765 insights.php:765
406 |
msgid "Cancel"
407 |
msgstr "Annulla"
408 |
409 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:22
410 |
msgid ""
411 |
"To use this Wpvr item in your posts or pages use the following "
412 |
"shortcode(won't work untill you publish this post):"
413 |
msgstr ""
414 |
"Per usare questo Wpvr item nei tuoi post o nelle tue pagine usa il seguente "
415 |
"shortcode (non funzionerà finché non pubblichi questo post):"
416 |
417 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:30
418 |
msgid "License Key"
419 |
msgstr "Chiave di licenza"
420 |
421 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:34
422 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
423 |
msgstr "Inserisci la tua chiave di licenza, salva le modifiche e attiva."
424 |
425 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:40
426 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:50
427 |
msgid "Activate License"
428 |
msgstr "Attiva la licenza"
429 |
430 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:44
431 |
msgid "active"
432 |
msgstr "attivo"
433 |
434 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:46
435 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
436 |
msgstr "Disattiva licenza"
437 |
438 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
439 |
msgid "General"
440 |
msgstr "Generale"
441 |
442 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:68
443 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
444 |
msgstr "Tutorial video"
445 |
446 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:69
447 |
msgid "Go Premium"
448 |
msgstr "Vai Premium"
449 |
450 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:84
451 |
msgid "Documentation"
452 |
msgstr "Documentazione"
453 |
454 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:90
455 |
msgid ""
456 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
457 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
458 |
msgstr ""
459 |
"Prima di iniziare, puoi consultare la nostra documentazione per "
460 |
"familiarizzare con WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for "
461 |
462 |
463 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:94
464 |
msgid "View Documentation"
465 |
msgstr "Visualizza documentazione"
466 |
467 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:104
468 |
msgid "Support"
469 |
msgstr "Supporto"
470 |
471 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:110
472 |
msgid ""
473 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
474 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
475 |
msgstr ""
476 |
"Non riesci a trovare la soluzione con la nostra documentazione? Pubblica un "
477 |
"ticket sul forum di supporto. Dobbiamo risolvere il tuo problema."
478 |
479 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:114
480 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
481 |
msgstr "Pubblica un biglietto"
482 |
483 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:123
484 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
485 |
msgstr "Condividi i tuoi pensieri"
486 |
487 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:129
488 |
msgid ""
489 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
490 |
msgstr ""
491 |
"I tuoi suggerimenti sono preziosi per noi. Può aiutare a rendere wpvr ancora "
492 |
493 |
494 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
495 |
msgid "Suggest"
496 |
msgstr "Suggerire"
497 |
498 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:142
499 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
500 |
msgstr "Rendi popolare WPVR"
501 |
502 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:148
503 |
msgid ""
504 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
505 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
506 |
msgstr ""
507 |
"Il tuo voto e feedback sono importanti per noi. Se sei felice con WP VR - "
508 |
"360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress dacci una valutazione."
509 |
510 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
511 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
512 |
msgstr "Votaci!"
513 |
514 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
515 |
msgid "Share On"
516 |
msgstr "Condividere su"
517 |
518 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:167
519 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
520 |
msgstr "Condividi su Facebook"
521 |
522 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:168
523 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
524 |
msgstr "Condividi su Twitter"
525 |
526 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:169
527 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
528 |
msgstr "Condividi su Google+"
529 |
530 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:170
531 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
532 |
msgstr "Condividi su LinkedIn"
533 |
534 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:184
535 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
536 |
msgstr "Perché passare alla versione Premium?"
537 |
538 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:186
539 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
540 |
msgstr "Scene illimitate"
541 |
542 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:187
543 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
544 |
msgstr "Hotspot illimitati"
545 |
546 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:188
547 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
548 |
msgstr ""
549 |
"Supporto personalizzato su entrambi i forum di supporto e la nostra e-mail "
550 |
"di supporto."
551 |
552 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:190
553 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
554 |
msgstr "Ottieni la versione Premium"
555 |
556 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:199
557 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
558 |
msgstr "L’aggiornamento a Pro"
559 |
560 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:140
561 |
msgid "Invalid Wpvr slug attribute"
562 |
msgstr "Wpvr slug attribute non valido"
563 |
564 |
#: public/class-wpvr-public.php:189
565 |
msgid "cssClass"
566 |
msgstr "cssClass"
567 |
568 |
#: wpvr.php:146
569 |
msgid ""
570 |
"WPVR : Some users are having issues with Gutenberg and WordPress 5.0.2 . "
571 |
"Please use"
572 |
msgstr ""
573 |
"WPVR: alcuni utenti hanno problemi con Gutenberg e WordPress 5.0.2. Si prega "
574 |
"di utilizzare"
575 |
576 |
#: wpvr.php:146
577 |
msgid "Classic editor"
578 |
msgstr "Editor classico"
579 |
580 |
#: wpvr.php:207 wpvr.php:235
581 |
msgid "An error occurred, please try again."
582 |
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore. Si prega di riprovare."
583 |
584 |
#: wpvr.php:214
585 |
#, php-format
586 |
msgid "Your license key expired on %s."
587 |
msgstr "La tua chiave di licenza è scaduta a %s."
588 |
589 |
#: wpvr.php:219
590 |
msgid "Your license key has been disabled."
591 |
msgstr "La tua chiave di licenza è stata disabilitata."
592 |
593 |
#: wpvr.php:222
594 |
msgid "Invalid license."
595 |
msgstr "Licenza non valida."
596 |
597 |
#: wpvr.php:226
598 |
msgid "Your license is not active for this URL."
599 |
msgstr "La tua licenza non è attiva per questo URL."
600 |
601 |
#: wpvr.php:229
602 |
#, php-format
603 |
msgid "This appears to be an invalid license key for %s."
604 |
msgstr "Questa sembra essere una chiave di licenza non valida per %s."
605 |
606 |
#: wpvr.php:232
607 |
msgid "Your license key has reached its activation limit."
608 |
msgstr "La chiave di licenza ha raggiunto il limite di attivazione."
Binary file
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3 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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16 |
17 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:25
18 |
msgid "500px"
19 |
msgstr "500px"
20 |
21 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:26
22 |
msgid "accessible-icon"
23 |
msgstr "accessible-icon"
24 |
25 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:27
26 |
msgid "accusoft"
27 |
msgstr "accusoft"
28 |
29 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:28 admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:38
30 |
msgid "Activate License"
31 |
msgstr "Activeer licentie"
32 |
33 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:28 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:29
34 |
msgid "address-book"
35 |
msgstr "address-book"
36 |
37 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:30 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:31
38 |
msgid "address-card"
39 |
msgstr "address-card"
40 |
41 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:32
42 |
msgid "adjust"
43 |
msgstr "adjust"
44 |
45 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:33
46 |
msgid "adn"
47 |
msgstr "adn"
48 |
49 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:34
50 |
msgid "adversal"
51 |
msgstr "adversal"
52 |
53 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:35
54 |
msgid "affiliatetheme"
55 |
msgstr "affiliatetheme"
56 |
57 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:36
58 |
msgid "algolia"
59 |
msgstr "algolia"
60 |
61 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:37
62 |
msgid "align-center"
63 |
msgstr "align-center"
64 |
65 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:38
66 |
msgid "align-justify"
67 |
msgstr "align-justify"
68 |
69 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:39
70 |
msgid "align-left"
71 |
msgstr "align-left"
72 |
73 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:40
74 |
msgid "align-right"
75 |
msgstr "align-right"
76 |
77 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:41
78 |
msgid "allergies"
79 |
msgstr "allergies"
80 |
81 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:42
82 |
msgid "amazon"
83 |
msgstr "amazon"
84 |
85 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:43
86 |
msgid "amazon-pay"
87 |
msgstr "amazon-pay"
88 |
89 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:44
90 |
msgid "ambulance"
91 |
msgstr "ambulance"
92 |
93 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:45
94 |
msgid "american-sign-language-interpreting"
95 |
msgstr "american-sign-language-interpreting"
96 |
97 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:46
98 |
msgid "amilia"
99 |
msgstr "amilia"
100 |
101 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:47
102 |
msgid "anchor"
103 |
msgstr "anchor"
104 |
105 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:48
106 |
msgid "android"
107 |
msgstr "android"
108 |
109 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:49
110 |
msgid "angellist"
111 |
msgstr "angellist"
112 |
113 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:50
114 |
msgid "angle-double-down"
115 |
msgstr "angle-double-down"
116 |
117 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:51
118 |
msgid "angle-double-left"
119 |
msgstr "angle-double-left"
120 |
121 |
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122 |
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123 |
msgstr "angle-double-right"
124 |
125 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:53
126 |
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127 |
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128 |
129 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:54
130 |
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131 |
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132 |
133 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:55
134 |
msgid "angle-left"
135 |
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136 |
137 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:56
138 |
msgid "angle-right"
139 |
msgstr "angle-right"
140 |
141 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:57
142 |
msgid "angle-up"
143 |
msgstr "angle-up"
144 |
145 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:58
146 |
msgid "angrycreative"
147 |
msgstr "angrycreative"
148 |
149 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:59
150 |
msgid "angular"
151 |
msgstr "angular"
152 |
153 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:60
154 |
msgid "app-store"
155 |
msgstr "app-store"
156 |
157 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:61
158 |
msgid "app-store-ios"
159 |
msgstr "app-store-ios"
160 |
161 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:62
162 |
msgid "apper"
163 |
msgstr "apper"
164 |
165 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:63
166 |
msgid "apple"
167 |
msgstr "apple"
168 |
169 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:64
170 |
msgid "apple-pay"
171 |
msgstr "apple-pay"
172 |
173 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:65
174 |
msgid "archive"
175 |
msgstr "archive"
176 |
177 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:66 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:67
178 |
msgid "arrow-alt-circle-down"
179 |
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180 |
181 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:68 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:69
182 |
msgid "arrow-alt-circle-left"
183 |
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184 |
185 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:70 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:71
186 |
msgid "arrow-alt-circle-right"
187 |
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188 |
189 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:72 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:73
190 |
msgid "arrow-alt-circle-up"
191 |
msgstr "arrow-alt-circle-up"
192 |
193 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:74
194 |
msgid "arrow-circle-down"
195 |
msgstr "arrow-circle-down"
196 |
197 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:75
198 |
msgid "arrow-circle-left"
199 |
msgstr "arrow-circle-left"
200 |
201 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:76
202 |
msgid "arrow-circle-right"
203 |
msgstr "arrow-circle-right"
204 |
205 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:77
206 |
msgid "arrow-circle-up"
207 |
msgstr "arrow-circle-up"
208 |
209 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:78
210 |
msgid "arrow-down"
211 |
msgstr "arrow-down"
212 |
213 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:79
214 |
msgid "arrow-left"
215 |
msgstr "arrow-left"
216 |
217 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:80
218 |
msgid "arrow-right"
219 |
msgstr "arrow-right"
220 |
221 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:81
222 |
msgid "arrow-up"
223 |
msgstr "arrow-up"
224 |
225 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:82
226 |
msgid "arrows-alt"
227 |
msgstr "arrows-alt"
228 |
229 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:83
230 |
msgid "arrows-alt-h"
231 |
msgstr "arrows-alt-h"
232 |
233 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:84
234 |
msgid "arrows-alt-v"
235 |
msgstr "arrows-alt-v"
236 |
237 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:85
238 |
msgid "assistive-listening-systems"
239 |
msgstr "assistive-listening-systems"
240 |
241 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:86
242 |
msgid "asterisk"
243 |
msgstr "asterisk"
244 |
245 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:87
246 |
msgid "asymmetrik"
247 |
msgstr "asymmetrik"
248 |
249 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:88
250 |
msgid "at"
251 |
msgstr "at"
252 |
253 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:89
254 |
msgid "audible"
255 |
msgstr "audible"
256 |
257 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:90
258 |
msgid "audio-description"
259 |
msgstr "audio-description"
260 |
261 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:91
262 |
msgid "autoprefixer"
263 |
msgstr "autoprefixer"
264 |
265 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:92
266 |
msgid "avianex"
267 |
msgstr "avianex"
268 |
269 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:93
270 |
msgid "aviato"
271 |
msgstr "aviato"
272 |
273 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:94
274 |
msgid "aws"
275 |
msgstr "aws"
276 |
277 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:95
278 |
msgid "backward"
279 |
msgstr "backward"
280 |
281 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:96
282 |
msgid "balance-scale"
283 |
msgstr "balance-scale"
284 |
285 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:97
286 |
msgid "ban"
287 |
msgstr "ban"
288 |
289 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:98
290 |
msgid "band-aid"
291 |
msgstr "band-aid"
292 |
293 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:99
294 |
msgid "bandcamp"
295 |
msgstr "bandcamp"
296 |
297 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:100
298 |
msgid "barcode"
299 |
msgstr "barcode"
300 |
301 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:101
302 |
msgid "bars"
303 |
msgstr "bars"
304 |
305 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:102
306 |
msgid "baseball-ball"
307 |
msgstr "baseball-ball"
308 |
309 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:103
310 |
msgid "basketball-ball"
311 |
msgstr "basketball-ball"
312 |
313 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:104
314 |
msgid "bath"
315 |
msgstr "bath"
316 |
317 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:105
318 |
msgid "battery-empty"
319 |
msgstr "battery-empty"
320 |
321 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:106
322 |
msgid "battery-full"
323 |
msgstr "battery-full"
324 |
325 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:107
326 |
msgid "battery-half"
327 |
msgstr "battery-half"
328 |
329 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:108
330 |
msgid "battery-quarter"
331 |
msgstr "battery-quarter"
332 |
333 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:109
334 |
msgid "battery-three-quarters"
335 |
msgstr "battery-three-quarters"
336 |
337 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:110
338 |
msgid "bed"
339 |
msgstr "bed"
340 |
341 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:111
342 |
msgid "beer"
343 |
msgstr "beer"
344 |
345 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:53
346 |
msgid ""
347 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
348 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
349 |
msgstr ""
350 |
"Voordat u begint, kunt u onze documentatie raadplegen om vertrouwd te raken "
351 |
"met WP VR - 360 Panorama en virtual tour creator voor WordPress."
352 |
353 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:112
354 |
msgid "behance"
355 |
msgstr "behance"
356 |
357 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:113
358 |
msgid "behance-square"
359 |
msgstr "behance-square"
360 |
361 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:114 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:115
362 |
msgid "bell"
363 |
msgstr "bell"
364 |
365 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:116 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:117
366 |
msgid "bell-slash"
367 |
msgstr "bell-slash"
368 |
369 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:118
370 |
msgid "bicycle"
371 |
msgstr "bicycle"
372 |
373 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:119
374 |
msgid "bimobject"
375 |
msgstr "bimobject"
376 |
377 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:120
378 |
msgid "binoculars"
379 |
msgstr "binoculars"
380 |
381 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:121
382 |
msgid "birthday-cake"
383 |
msgstr "birthday-cake"
384 |
385 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:122
386 |
msgid "bitbucket"
387 |
msgstr "bitbucket"
388 |
389 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:123
390 |
msgid "bitcoin"
391 |
msgstr "bitcoin"
392 |
393 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:124
394 |
msgid "bity"
395 |
msgstr "bity"
396 |
397 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:125
398 |
msgid "black-tie"
399 |
msgstr "black-tie"
400 |
401 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:126
402 |
msgid "blackberry"
403 |
msgstr "blackberry"
404 |
405 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:127
406 |
msgid "blind"
407 |
msgstr "blind"
408 |
409 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:128
410 |
msgid "blogger"
411 |
msgstr "blogger"
412 |
413 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:129
414 |
msgid "blogger-b"
415 |
msgstr "blogger-b"
416 |
417 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:130
418 |
msgid "bluetooth"
419 |
msgstr "bluetooth"
420 |
421 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:131
422 |
msgid "bluetooth-b"
423 |
msgstr "bluetooth-b"
424 |
425 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:132
426 |
msgid "bold"
427 |
msgstr "bold"
428 |
429 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:133
430 |
msgid "bolt"
431 |
msgstr "bolt"
432 |
433 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:134
434 |
msgid "bomb"
435 |
msgstr "bomb"
436 |
437 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:135
438 |
msgid "book"
439 |
msgstr "book"
440 |
441 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:136 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:137
442 |
msgid "bookmark"
443 |
msgstr "bookmark"
444 |
445 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:138
446 |
msgid "bowling-ball"
447 |
msgstr "bowling-ball"
448 |
449 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:139
450 |
msgid "box"
451 |
msgstr "box"
452 |
453 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:140
454 |
msgid "box-open"
455 |
msgstr "box-open"
456 |
457 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:141
458 |
msgid "boxes"
459 |
msgstr "boxes"
460 |
461 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:142
462 |
msgid "braille"
463 |
msgstr "braille"
464 |
465 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:143
466 |
msgid "briefcase"
467 |
msgstr "briefcase"
468 |
469 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:144
470 |
msgid "briefcase-medical"
471 |
msgstr "briefcase-medical"
472 |
473 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:145
474 |
msgid "btc"
475 |
msgstr "btc"
476 |
477 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:146
478 |
msgid "bug"
479 |
msgstr "bug"
480 |
481 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:147 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:148
482 |
msgid "building"
483 |
msgstr "building"
484 |
485 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:149
486 |
msgid "bullhorn"
487 |
msgstr "bullhorn"
488 |
489 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:150
490 |
msgid "bullseye"
491 |
msgstr "bullseye"
492 |
493 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:151
494 |
msgid "burn"
495 |
msgstr "burn"
496 |
497 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:152
498 |
msgid "buromobelexperte"
499 |
msgstr "buromobelexperte"
500 |
501 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:153
502 |
msgid "bus"
503 |
msgstr "bus"
504 |
505 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:154
506 |
msgid "buysellads"
507 |
msgstr "buysellads"
508 |
509 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:155
510 |
msgid "calculator"
511 |
msgstr "calculator"
512 |
513 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:156 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:157
514 |
msgid "calendar"
515 |
msgstr "calendar"
516 |
517 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:158 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:159
518 |
msgid "calendar-alt"
519 |
msgstr "calendar-alt"
520 |
521 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:160 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:161
522 |
msgid "calendar-check"
523 |
msgstr "calendar-check"
524 |
525 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:162 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:163
526 |
msgid "calendar-minus"
527 |
msgstr "calendar-minus"
528 |
529 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:164 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:165
530 |
msgid "calendar-plus"
531 |
msgstr "calendar-plus"
532 |
533 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:166 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:167
534 |
msgid "calendar-times"
535 |
msgstr "calendar-times"
536 |
537 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:168
538 |
msgid "camera"
539 |
msgstr "camera"
540 |
541 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:169
542 |
msgid "camera-retro"
543 |
msgstr "camera-retro"
544 |
545 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:73
546 |
msgid ""
547 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
548 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
549 |
msgstr ""
550 |
"Kunt u geen oplossing vinden in onze documentatie? Plaats gewoon een ticket "
551 |
"op het ondersteuningsforum. We moeten uw probleem oplossen."
552 |
553 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:170
554 |
msgid "capsules"
555 |
msgstr "capsules"
556 |
557 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:171
558 |
msgid "car"
559 |
msgstr "car"
560 |
561 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:172
562 |
msgid "caret-down"
563 |
msgstr "caret-down"
564 |
565 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:173
566 |
msgid "caret-left"
567 |
msgstr "caret-left"
568 |
569 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:174
570 |
msgid "caret-right"
571 |
msgstr "caret-right"
572 |
573 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:175 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:176
574 |
msgid "caret-square-down"
575 |
msgstr "caret-square-down"
576 |
577 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:177 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:178
578 |
msgid "caret-square-left"
579 |
msgstr "caret-square-left"
580 |
581 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:179 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:180
582 |
msgid "caret-square-right"
583 |
msgstr "caret-square-right"
584 |
585 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:181 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:182
586 |
msgid "caret-square-up"
587 |
msgstr "caret-square-up"
588 |
589 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:183
590 |
msgid "caret-up"
591 |
msgstr "caret-up"
592 |
593 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:184
594 |
msgid "cart-arrow-down"
595 |
msgstr "cart-arrow-down"
596 |
597 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:185
598 |
msgid "cart-plus"
599 |
msgstr "cart-plus"
600 |
601 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:186
602 |
msgid "cc-amazon-pay"
603 |
msgstr "cc-amazon-pay"
604 |
605 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:187
606 |
msgid "cc-amex"
607 |
msgstr "cc-amex"
608 |
609 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:188
610 |
msgid "cc-apple-pay"
611 |
msgstr "cc-apple-pay"
612 |
613 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:189
614 |
msgid "cc-diners-club"
615 |
msgstr "cc-diners-club"
616 |
617 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:190
618 |
msgid "cc-discover"
619 |
msgstr "cc-discover"
620 |
621 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:191
622 |
msgid "cc-jcb"
623 |
msgstr "cc-jcb"
624 |
625 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:192
626 |
msgid "cc-mastercard"
627 |
msgstr "cc-mastercard"
628 |
629 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:193
630 |
msgid "cc-paypal"
631 |
msgstr "cc-paypal"
632 |
633 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:194
634 |
msgid "cc-stripe"
635 |
msgstr "cc-stripe"
636 |
637 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:195
638 |
msgid "cc-visa"
639 |
msgstr "cc-visa"
640 |
641 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:196
642 |
msgid "centercode"
643 |
msgstr "centercode"
644 |
645 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:197
646 |
msgid "certificate"
647 |
msgstr "certificate"
648 |
649 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:198
650 |
msgid "chart-area"
651 |
msgstr "chart-area"
652 |
653 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:199 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:200
654 |
msgid "chart-bar"
655 |
msgstr "chart-bar"
656 |
657 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:201
658 |
msgid "chart-line"
659 |
msgstr "chart-line"
660 |
661 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:202
662 |
msgid "chart-pie"
663 |
msgstr "chart-pie"
664 |
665 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:203
666 |
msgid "check"
667 |
msgstr "check"
668 |
669 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:29
670 |
msgid "Check how to use: "
671 |
msgstr "Controleer hoe te gebruiken:"
672 |
673 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:204 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:205
674 |
msgid "check-circle"
675 |
msgstr "check-circle"
676 |
677 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:206 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:207
678 |
msgid "check-square"
679 |
msgstr "check-square"
680 |
681 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:208
682 |
msgid "chess"
683 |
msgstr "chess"
684 |
685 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:209
686 |
msgid "chess-bishop"
687 |
msgstr "chess-bishop"
688 |
689 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:210
690 |
msgid "chess-board"
691 |
msgstr "chess-board"
692 |
693 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:211
694 |
msgid "chess-king"
695 |
msgstr "chess-king"
696 |
697 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:212
698 |
msgid "chess-knight"
699 |
msgstr "chess-knight"
700 |
701 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:213
702 |
msgid "chess-pawn"
703 |
msgstr "chess-pawn"
704 |
705 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:214
706 |
msgid "chess-queen"
707 |
msgstr "chess-queen"
708 |
709 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:215
710 |
msgid "chess-rook"
711 |
msgstr "chess-rook"
712 |
713 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:216
714 |
msgid "chevron-circle-down"
715 |
msgstr "chevron-circle-down"
716 |
717 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:217
718 |
msgid "chevron-circle-left"
719 |
msgstr "chevron-circle-left"
720 |
721 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:218
722 |
msgid "chevron-circle-right"
723 |
msgstr "chevron-circle-right"
724 |
725 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:219
726 |
msgid "chevron-circle-up"
727 |
msgstr "chevron-circle-up"
728 |
729 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:220
730 |
msgid "chevron-down"
731 |
msgstr "chevron-down"
732 |
733 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:221
734 |
msgid "chevron-left"
735 |
msgstr "chevron-left"
736 |
737 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:222
738 |
msgid "chevron-right"
739 |
msgstr "chevron-right"
740 |
741 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:223
742 |
msgid "chevron-up"
743 |
msgstr "chevron-up"
744 |
745 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:224
746 |
msgid "child"
747 |
msgstr "child"
748 |
749 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:225
750 |
msgid "chrome"
751 |
msgstr "chrome"
752 |
753 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:226 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:227
754 |
msgid "circle"
755 |
msgstr "circle"
756 |
757 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:228
758 |
msgid "circle-notch"
759 |
msgstr "circle-notch"
760 |
761 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:229 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:230
762 |
msgid "clipboard"
763 |
msgstr "clipboard"
764 |
765 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:231
766 |
msgid "clipboard-check"
767 |
msgstr "clipboard-check"
768 |
769 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:232
770 |
msgid "clipboard-list"
771 |
msgstr "clipboard-list"
772 |
773 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:233 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:234
774 |
msgid "clock"
775 |
msgstr "clock"
776 |
777 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:235 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:236
778 |
msgid "clone"
779 |
msgstr "clone"
780 |
781 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:237 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:238
782 |
msgid "closed-captioning"
783 |
msgstr "closed-captioning"
784 |
785 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:239
786 |
msgid "cloud"
787 |
msgstr "cloud"
788 |
789 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:240
790 |
msgid "cloud-download-alt"
791 |
msgstr "cloud-download-alt"
792 |
793 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:241
794 |
msgid "cloud-upload-alt"
795 |
msgstr "cloud-upload-alt"
796 |
797 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:242
798 |
msgid "cloudscale"
799 |
msgstr "cloudscale"
800 |
801 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:243
802 |
msgid "cloudsmith"
803 |
msgstr "cloudsmith"
804 |
805 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:244
806 |
msgid "cloudversify"
807 |
msgstr "cloudversify"
808 |
809 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:245
810 |
msgid "code"
811 |
msgstr "code"
812 |
813 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:246
814 |
msgid "code-branch"
815 |
msgstr "code-branch"
816 |
817 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:247
818 |
msgid "codepen"
819 |
msgstr "codepen"
820 |
821 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:248
822 |
msgid "codiepie"
823 |
msgstr "codiepie"
824 |
825 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:249
826 |
msgid "coffee"
827 |
msgstr "coffee"
828 |
829 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:250
830 |
msgid "cog"
831 |
msgstr "cog"
832 |
833 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:251
834 |
msgid "cogs"
835 |
msgstr "cogs"
836 |
837 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:252
838 |
msgid "columns"
839 |
msgstr "columns"
840 |
841 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:253 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:254
842 |
msgid "comment"
843 |
msgstr "comment"
844 |
845 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:255 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:256
846 |
msgid "comment-alt"
847 |
msgstr "comment-alt"
848 |
849 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:257
850 |
msgid "comment-dots"
851 |
msgstr "comment-dots"
852 |
853 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:258
854 |
msgid "comment-slash"
855 |
msgstr "comment-slash"
856 |
857 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:259 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:260
858 |
msgid "comments"
859 |
msgstr "comments"
860 |
861 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:261 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:262
862 |
msgid "compass"
863 |
msgstr "compass"
864 |
865 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:153
866 |
msgid "Compass Switch"
867 |
msgstr "Kompasschakelaar"
868 |
869 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:263
870 |
msgid "compress"
871 |
msgstr "compress"
872 |
873 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:264
874 |
msgid "connectdevelop"
875 |
msgstr "connectdevelop"
876 |
877 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:265
878 |
msgid "contao"
879 |
msgstr "contao"
880 |
881 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:266 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:267
882 |
msgid "copy"
883 |
msgstr "copy"
884 |
885 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:268 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:269
886 |
msgid "copyright"
887 |
msgstr "copyright"
888 |
889 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:270
890 |
msgid "couch"
891 |
msgstr "couch"
892 |
893 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:271
894 |
msgid "cpanel"
895 |
msgstr "cpanel"
896 |
897 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:272
898 |
msgid "creative-commons"
899 |
msgstr "creative-commons"
900 |
901 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:273 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:274
902 |
msgid "credit-card"
903 |
msgstr "credit-card"
904 |
905 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:275
906 |
msgid "crop"
907 |
msgstr "crop"
908 |
909 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:276
910 |
msgid "crosshairs"
911 |
msgstr "crosshairs"
912 |
913 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:277
914 |
msgid "css3"
915 |
msgstr "css3"
916 |
917 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:278
918 |
msgid "css3-alt"
919 |
msgstr "css3-alt"
920 |
921 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:279
922 |
msgid "cube"
923 |
msgstr "cube"
924 |
925 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:280
926 |
msgid "cubes"
927 |
msgstr "cubes"
928 |
929 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:163
930 |
msgid "Custom scene gallery"
931 |
msgstr "Aangepaste scènegalerij"
932 |
933 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:156
934 |
msgid "Customize each scene's default face on load"
935 |
msgstr "Pas het standaardgezicht van elke scène aan bij het laden"
936 |
937 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:151
938 |
msgid "Customized hotspot icon"
939 |
msgstr "Aangepast hotspotpictogram"
940 |
941 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:281
942 |
msgid "cut"
943 |
msgstr "cut"
944 |
945 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:282
946 |
msgid "cuttlefish"
947 |
msgstr "cuttlefish"
948 |
949 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:283
950 |
msgid "d-and-d"
951 |
msgstr "d-and-d"
952 |
953 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:284
954 |
msgid "dashcube"
955 |
msgstr "dashcube"
956 |
957 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:285
958 |
msgid "database"
959 |
msgstr "database"
960 |
961 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:34
962 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
963 |
msgstr "Licentie deactiveren"
964 |
965 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:286
966 |
msgid "deaf"
967 |
msgstr "deaf"
968 |
969 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:154
970 |
msgid "Default zoom level"
971 |
msgstr "Standaard zoomniveau"
972 |
973 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:287
974 |
msgid "delicious"
975 |
msgstr "delicious"
976 |
977 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:288
978 |
msgid "deploydog"
979 |
msgstr "deploydog"
980 |
981 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:289
982 |
msgid "deskpro"
983 |
msgstr "deskpro"
984 |
985 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:290
986 |
msgid "desktop"
987 |
msgstr "desktop"
988 |
989 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:291
990 |
msgid "deviantart"
991 |
msgstr "deviantart"
992 |
993 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:292
994 |
msgid "diagnoses"
995 |
msgstr "diagnoses"
996 |
997 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:293
998 |
msgid "digg"
999 |
msgstr "digg"
1000 |
1001 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:294
1002 |
msgid "digital-ocean"
1003 |
msgstr "digital-ocean"
1004 |
1005 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:295
1006 |
msgid "discord"
1007 |
msgstr "discord"
1008 |
1009 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:296
1010 |
msgid "discourse"
1011 |
msgstr "discourse"
1012 |
1013 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:297
1014 |
msgid "dna"
1015 |
msgstr "dna"
1016 |
1017 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:175
1018 |
msgid ""
1019 |
"Do not close or refresh the page during import process. It may take few "
1020 |
1021 |
msgstr ""
1022 |
"Sluit of vernieuw de pagina niet tijdens het importproces. Dit kan enkele "
1023 |
"minuten duren."
1024 |
1025 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:298
1026 |
msgid "dochub"
1027 |
msgstr "dochub"
1028 |
1029 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:299
1030 |
msgid "docker"
1031 |
msgstr "docker"
1032 |
1033 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:47
1034 |
msgid "Documentation"
1035 |
msgstr "Documentatie"
1036 |
1037 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:300
1038 |
msgid "dollar-sign"
1039 |
msgstr "dollar-sign"
1040 |
1041 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:301
1042 |
msgid "dolly"
1043 |
msgstr "dolly"
1044 |
1045 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:302
1046 |
msgid "dolly-flatbed"
1047 |
msgstr "dolly-flatbed"
1048 |
1049 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:303
1050 |
msgid "donate"
1051 |
msgstr "donate"
1052 |
1053 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:304 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:305
1054 |
msgid "dot-circle"
1055 |
msgstr "dot-circle"
1056 |
1057 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:306
1058 |
msgid "dove"
1059 |
msgstr "dove"
1060 |
1061 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:307
1062 |
msgid "download"
1063 |
msgstr "download"
1064 |
1065 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:308
1066 |
msgid "draft2digital"
1067 |
msgstr "draft2digital"
1068 |
1069 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:309
1070 |
msgid "dribbble"
1071 |
msgstr "dribbble"
1072 |
1073 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:310
1074 |
msgid "dribbble-square"
1075 |
msgstr "dribbble-square"
1076 |
1077 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:311
1078 |
msgid "dropbox"
1079 |
msgstr "dropbox"
1080 |
1081 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:312
1082 |
msgid "drupal"
1083 |
msgstr "drupal"
1084 |
1085 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:161
1086 |
msgid "Duplicate tour support"
1087 |
msgstr "Dubbele tourondersteuning"
1088 |
1089 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:313
1090 |
msgid "dyalog"
1091 |
msgstr "dyalog"
1092 |
1093 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
1094 |
msgid "Dynamic Icon background color on hotspot"
1095 |
msgstr "Dubbele tourondersteuning"
1096 |
1097 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:314
1098 |
msgid "earlybirds"
1099 |
msgstr "earlybirds"
1100 |
1101 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:315
1102 |
msgid "edge"
1103 |
msgstr "edge"
1104 |
1105 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:316 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:317
1106 |
msgid "edit"
1107 |
msgstr "edit"
1108 |
1109 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:318
1110 |
msgid "eject"
1111 |
msgstr "eject"
1112 |
1113 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:319
1114 |
msgid "elementor"
1115 |
msgstr "elementor"
1116 |
1117 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:320
1118 |
msgid "ellipsis-h"
1119 |
msgstr "ellipsis-h"
1120 |
1121 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:321
1122 |
msgid "ellipsis-v"
1123 |
msgstr "ellipsis-v"
1124 |
1125 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:322
1126 |
msgid "ember"
1127 |
msgstr "ember"
1128 |
1129 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:323
1130 |
msgid "empire"
1131 |
msgstr "empire"
1132 |
1133 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:22
1134 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
1135 |
msgstr "Voer uw licentiesleutel in, sla wijzigingen op en activeer."
1136 |
1137 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:324 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:325
1138 |
msgid "envelope"
1139 |
msgstr "envelope"
1140 |
1141 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:326 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:327
1142 |
msgid "envelope-open"
1143 |
msgstr "envelope-open"
1144 |
1145 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:328
1146 |
msgid "envelope-square"
1147 |
msgstr "envelope-square"
1148 |
1149 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:329
1150 |
msgid "envira"
1151 |
msgstr "envira"
1152 |
1153 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:330
1154 |
msgid "eraser"
1155 |
msgstr "eraser"
1156 |
1157 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:331
1158 |
msgid "erlang"
1159 |
msgstr "erlang"
1160 |
1161 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:332
1162 |
msgid "ethereum"
1163 |
msgstr "ethereum"
1164 |
1165 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:333
1166 |
msgid "etsy"
1167 |
msgstr "etsy"
1168 |
1169 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:334
1170 |
msgid "euro-sign"
1171 |
msgstr "euro-sign"
1172 |
1173 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:335
1174 |
msgid "exchange-alt"
1175 |
msgstr "exchange-alt"
1176 |
1177 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:336
1178 |
msgid "exclamation"
1179 |
msgstr "exclamation"
1180 |
1181 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:337
1182 |
msgid "exclamation-circle"
1183 |
msgstr "exclamation-circle"
1184 |
1185 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:338
1186 |
msgid "exclamation-triangle"
1187 |
msgstr "exclamation-triangle"
1188 |
1189 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:339
1190 |
msgid "expand"
1191 |
msgstr "expand"
1192 |
1193 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:340
1194 |
msgid "expand-arrows-alt"
1195 |
msgstr "expand-arrows-alt"
1196 |
1197 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:341
1198 |
msgid "expeditedssl"
1199 |
msgstr "expeditedssl"
1200 |
1201 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:342
1202 |
msgid "external-link-alt"
1203 |
msgstr "external-link-alt"
1204 |
1205 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:343
1206 |
msgid "external-link-square-alt"
1207 |
msgstr "external-link-square-alt"
1208 |
1209 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:344
1210 |
msgid "eye"
1211 |
msgstr "eye"
1212 |
1213 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:345
1214 |
msgid "eye-dropper"
1215 |
msgstr "eye-dropper"
1216 |
1217 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:346 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:347
1218 |
msgid "eye-slash"
1219 |
msgstr "eye-slash"
1220 |
1221 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:348
1222 |
msgid "facebook"
1223 |
msgstr "facebook"
1224 |
1225 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:349
1226 |
msgid "facebook-f"
1227 |
msgstr "facebook-f"
1228 |
1229 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:350
1230 |
msgid "facebook-messenger"
1231 |
msgstr "facebook-messenger"
1232 |
1233 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:351
1234 |
msgid "facebook-square"
1235 |
msgstr "facebook-square"
1236 |
1237 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:352
1238 |
msgid "fast-backward"
1239 |
msgstr "fast-backward"
1240 |
1241 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:353
1242 |
msgid "fast-forward"
1243 |
msgstr "fast-forward"
1244 |
1245 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:354
1246 |
msgid "fax"
1247 |
msgstr "fax"
1248 |
1249 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:355
1250 |
msgid "female"
1251 |
msgstr "female"
1252 |
1253 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:356
1254 |
msgid "fighter-jet"
1255 |
msgstr "fighter-jet"
1256 |
1257 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:357 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:358
1258 |
msgid "file"
1259 |
msgstr "file"
1260 |
1261 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
1262 |
msgid "File import & export system"
1263 |
msgstr "Bestand import & export systeem"
1264 |
1265 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:359 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:360
1266 |
msgid "file-alt"
1267 |
msgstr "file-alt"
1268 |
1269 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:361 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:362
1270 |
msgid "file-archive"
1271 |
msgstr "file-archive"
1272 |
1273 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:363 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:364
1274 |
msgid "file-audio"
1275 |
msgstr "file-audio"
1276 |
1277 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:365 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:366
1278 |
msgid "file-code"
1279 |
msgstr "file-code"
1280 |
1281 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:367 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:368
1282 |
msgid "file-excel"
1283 |
msgstr "file-excel"
1284 |
1285 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:369 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:370
1286 |
msgid "file-image"
1287 |
msgstr "file-image"
1288 |
1289 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:371
1290 |
msgid "file-medical"
1291 |
msgstr "file-medical"
1292 |
1293 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:372
1294 |
msgid "file-medical-alt"
1295 |
msgstr "file-medical-alt"
1296 |
1297 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:373 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:374
1298 |
msgid "file-pdf"
1299 |
msgstr "file-pdf"
1300 |
1301 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:375 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:376
1302 |
msgid "file-powerpoint"
1303 |
msgstr "file-powerpoint"
1304 |
1305 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:377 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:378
1306 |
msgid "file-video"
1307 |
msgstr "file-video"
1308 |
1309 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:379 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:380
1310 |
msgid "file-word"
1311 |
msgstr "file-word"
1312 |
1313 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:381
1314 |
msgid "film"
1315 |
msgstr "film"
1316 |
1317 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:382
1318 |
msgid "filter"
1319 |
msgstr "filter"
1320 |
1321 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:383
1322 |
msgid "fire"
1323 |
msgstr "fire"
1324 |
1325 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:384
1326 |
msgid "fire-extinguisher"
1327 |
msgstr "fire-extinguisher"
1328 |
1329 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:385
1330 |
msgid "firefox"
1331 |
msgstr "firefox"
1332 |
1333 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:386
1334 |
msgid "first-aid"
1335 |
msgstr "first-aid"
1336 |
1337 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:387
1338 |
msgid "first-order"
1339 |
msgstr "first-order"
1340 |
1341 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:388
1342 |
msgid "firstdraft"
1343 |
msgstr "firstdraft"
1344 |
1345 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:389 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:390
1346 |
msgid "flag"
1347 |
msgstr "flag"
1348 |
1349 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:391
1350 |
msgid "flag-checkered"
1351 |
msgstr "flag-checkered"
1352 |
1353 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:392
1354 |
msgid "flask"
1355 |
msgstr "flask"
1356 |
1357 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:393
1358 |
msgid "flickr"
1359 |
msgstr "flickr"
1360 |
1361 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:394
1362 |
msgid "flipboard"
1363 |
msgstr "flipboard"
1364 |
1365 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:395
1366 |
msgid "fly"
1367 |
msgstr "fly"
1368 |
1369 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:396 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:397
1370 |
msgid "folder"
1371 |
msgstr "folder"
1372 |
1373 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:398 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:399
1374 |
msgid "folder-open"
1375 |
msgstr "folder-open"
1376 |
1377 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:400
1378 |
msgid "font"
1379 |
msgstr "font"
1380 |
1381 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:401
1382 |
msgid "font-awesome"
1383 |
msgstr "font-awesome"
1384 |
1385 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:402
1386 |
msgid "font-awesome-alt"
1387 |
msgstr "font-awesome-alt"
1388 |
1389 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:403
1390 |
msgid "font-awesome-flag"
1391 |
msgstr "font-awesome-flag"
1392 |
1393 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:404
1394 |
msgid "fonticons"
1395 |
msgstr "fonticons"
1396 |
1397 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:405
1398 |
msgid "fonticons-fi"
1399 |
msgstr "fonticons-fi"
1400 |
1401 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:406
1402 |
msgid "football-ball"
1403 |
msgstr "football-ball"
1404 |
1405 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:24
1406 |
msgid "For classic editor:"
1407 |
msgstr "Voor klassieke editor:"
1408 |
1409 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:27
1410 |
msgid "For gutenberg:"
1411 |
msgstr "Voor gutenberg:"
1412 |
1413 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:407
1414 |
msgid "fort-awesome"
1415 |
msgstr "fort-awesome"
1416 |
1417 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:408
1418 |
msgid "fort-awesome-alt"
1419 |
msgstr "fort-awesome-alt"
1420 |
1421 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:409
1422 |
msgid "forumbee"
1423 |
msgstr "forumbee"
1424 |
1425 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:410
1426 |
msgid "forward"
1427 |
msgstr "forward"
1428 |
1429 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:411
1430 |
msgid "foursquare"
1431 |
msgstr "foursquare"
1432 |
1433 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:412
1434 |
msgid "free-code-camp"
1435 |
msgstr "free-code-camp"
1436 |
1437 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:413
1438 |
msgid "freebsd"
1439 |
msgstr "freebsd"
1440 |
1441 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:414 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:415
1442 |
msgid "frown"
1443 |
msgstr "frown"
1444 |
1445 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:416 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:417
1446 |
msgid "futbol"
1447 |
msgstr "futbol"
1448 |
1449 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:418
1450 |
msgid "gamepad"
1451 |
msgstr "gamepad"
1452 |
1453 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:419
1454 |
msgid "gavel"
1455 |
msgstr "gavel"
1456 |
1457 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:420 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:421
1458 |
msgid "gem"
1459 |
msgstr "gem"
1460 |
1461 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:422
1462 |
msgid "genderless"
1463 |
msgstr "genderless"
1464 |
1465 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:23
1466 |
msgid "General"
1467 |
msgstr "Algemeen"
1468 |
1469 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:166
1470 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
1471 |
msgstr "Download Premium-versie:"
1472 |
1473 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:423
1474 |
msgid "get-pocket"
1475 |
msgstr "get-pocket"
1476 |
1477 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:424
1478 |
msgid "gg"
1479 |
msgstr "gg"
1480 |
1481 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:425
1482 |
msgid "gg-circle"
1483 |
msgstr "gg-circle"
1484 |
1485 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:426
1486 |
msgid "gift"
1487 |
msgstr "gift"
1488 |
1489 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:427
1490 |
msgid "git"
1491 |
msgstr "git"
1492 |
1493 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:428
1494 |
msgid "git-square"
1495 |
msgstr "git-square"
1496 |
1497 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:429
1498 |
msgid "github"
1499 |
msgstr "github"
1500 |
1501 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:430
1502 |
msgid "github-alt"
1503 |
msgstr "github-alt"
1504 |
1505 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:431
1506 |
msgid "github-square"
1507 |
msgstr "github-square"
1508 |
1509 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:432
1510 |
msgid "gitkraken"
1511 |
msgstr "gitkraken"
1512 |
1513 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:433
1514 |
msgid "gitlab"
1515 |
msgstr "gitlab"
1516 |
1517 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:434
1518 |
msgid "gitter"
1519 |
msgstr "gitter"
1520 |
1521 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:435
1522 |
msgid "glass-martini"
1523 |
msgstr "glass-martini"
1524 |
1525 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:436
1526 |
msgid "glide"
1527 |
msgstr "glide"
1528 |
1529 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:437
1530 |
msgid "glide-g"
1531 |
msgstr "glide-g"
1532 |
1533 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:438
1534 |
msgid "globe"
1535 |
msgstr "globe"
1536 |
1537 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:25
1538 |
msgid "Go Premium"
1539 |
msgstr "Ga Premium"
1540 |
1541 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:439
1542 |
msgid "gofore"
1543 |
msgstr "gofore"
1544 |
1545 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:440
1546 |
msgid "golf-ball"
1547 |
msgstr "golf-ball"
1548 |
1549 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:441
1550 |
msgid "goodreads"
1551 |
msgstr "goodreads"
1552 |
1553 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:442
1554 |
msgid "goodreads-g"
1555 |
msgstr "goodreads-g"
1556 |
1557 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:443
1558 |
msgid "google"
1559 |
msgstr "google"
1560 |
1561 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:444
1562 |
msgid "google-drive"
1563 |
msgstr "google-drive"
1564 |
1565 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:445
1566 |
msgid "google-play"
1567 |
msgstr "google-play"
1568 |
1569 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:446
1570 |
msgid "google-plus"
1571 |
msgstr "google-plus"
1572 |
1573 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:447
1574 |
msgid "google-plus-g"
1575 |
msgstr "google-plus-g"
1576 |
1577 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:448
1578 |
msgid "google-plus-square"
1579 |
msgstr "google-plus-square"
1580 |
1581 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:449
1582 |
msgid "google-wallet"
1583 |
msgstr "google-wallet"
1584 |
1585 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:450
1586 |
msgid "graduation-cap"
1587 |
msgstr "graduation-cap"
1588 |
1589 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:451
1590 |
msgid "gratipay"
1591 |
msgstr "gratipay"
1592 |
1593 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:452
1594 |
msgid "grav"
1595 |
msgstr "grav"
1596 |
1597 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:453
1598 |
msgid "gripfire"
1599 |
msgstr "gripfire"
1600 |
1601 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:454
1602 |
msgid "grunt"
1603 |
msgstr "grunt"
1604 |
1605 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:455
1606 |
msgid "gulp"
1607 |
msgstr "gulp"
1608 |
1609 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:160
1610 |
msgid "Gyroscope support"
1611 |
msgstr "Ondersteuning voor gyroscopen"
1612 |
1613 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:456
1614 |
msgid "h-square"
1615 |
msgstr "h-square"
1616 |
1617 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:457
1618 |
msgid "hacker-news"
1619 |
msgstr "h-square"
1620 |
1621 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:458
1622 |
msgid "hacker-news-square"
1623 |
msgstr "hacker-news-square"
1624 |
1625 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:459
1626 |
msgid "hand-holding"
1627 |
msgstr "hand-holding"
1628 |
1629 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:460
1630 |
msgid "hand-holding-heart"
1631 |
msgstr "hand-holding-heart"
1632 |
1633 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:461
1634 |
msgid "hand-holding-usd"
1635 |
msgstr "hand-holding-usd"
1636 |
1637 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:462 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:463
1638 |
msgid "hand-lizard"
1639 |
msgstr "hand-lizard"
1640 |
1641 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:464 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:465
1642 |
msgid "hand-paper"
1643 |
msgstr "hand-paper"
1644 |
1645 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:466 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:467
1646 |
msgid "hand-peace"
1647 |
msgstr "hand-peace"
1648 |
1649 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:468 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:469
1650 |
msgid "hand-point-down"
1651 |
msgstr "hand-point-down"
1652 |
1653 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:470 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:471
1654 |
msgid "hand-point-left"
1655 |
msgstr "hand-point-left"
1656 |
1657 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:472 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:473
1658 |
msgid "hand-point-right"
1659 |
msgstr "hand-point-right"
1660 |
1661 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:474 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:475
1662 |
msgid "hand-point-up"
1663 |
msgstr "hand-point-up"
1664 |
1665 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:476 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:477
1666 |
msgid "hand-pointer"
1667 |
msgstr "hand-pointer"
1668 |
1669 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:478 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:479
1670 |
msgid "hand-rock"
1671 |
msgstr "hand-rock"
1672 |
1673 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:480 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:481
1674 |
msgid "hand-scissors"
1675 |
msgstr "hand-scissors"
1676 |
1677 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:482 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:483
1678 |
msgid "hand-spock"
1679 |
msgstr "hand-spock"
1680 |
1681 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:484
1682 |
msgid "hands"
1683 |
msgstr "hands"
1684 |
1685 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:485
1686 |
msgid "hands-helping"
1687 |
msgstr "hands-helping"
1688 |
1689 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:486 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:487
1690 |
msgid "handshake"
1691 |
msgstr "handshake"
1692 |
1693 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:488
1694 |
msgid "hashtag"
1695 |
msgstr "hashtag"
1696 |
1697 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:489 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:490
1698 |
msgid "hdd"
1699 |
msgstr "hdd"
1700 |
1701 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:491
1702 |
msgid "heading"
1703 |
msgstr "heading"
1704 |
1705 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:492
1706 |
msgid "headphones"
1707 |
msgstr "headphones"
1708 |
1709 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:493 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:494
1710 |
msgid "heart"
1711 |
msgstr "heart"
1712 |
1713 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:495
1714 |
msgid "heartbeat"
1715 |
msgstr "heartbeat"
1716 |
1717 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:133
1718 |
msgid "Height:"
1719 |
msgstr "Hoogte:"
1720 |
1721 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:496
1722 |
msgid "hips"
1723 |
msgstr "hips"
1724 |
1725 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:497
1726 |
msgid "hire-a-helper"
1727 |
msgstr "hire-a-helper"
1728 |
1729 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:498
1730 |
msgid "history"
1731 |
msgstr "history"
1732 |
1733 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:499
1734 |
msgid "hockey-puck"
1735 |
msgstr "hockey-puck"
1736 |
1737 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:500
1738 |
msgid "home"
1739 |
msgstr "home"
1740 |
1741 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:501
1742 |
msgid "hooli"
1743 |
msgstr "hooli"
1744 |
1745 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:502 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:503
1746 |
msgid "hospital"
1747 |
msgstr "hospital"
1748 |
1749 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:504
1750 |
msgid "hospital-alt"
1751 |
msgstr "hospital-alt"
1752 |
1753 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:505
1754 |
msgid "hospital-symbol"
1755 |
msgstr "hospital-symbol"
1756 |
1757 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:506
1758 |
msgid "hotjar"
1759 |
msgstr "hotjar"
1760 |
1761 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:159
1762 |
msgid "Hotspot based scene face support"
1763 |
msgstr "Ondersteuning op basis van hotspot-scene"
1764 |
1765 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:507 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:508
1766 |
msgid "hourglass"
1767 |
msgstr "hourglass"
1768 |
1769 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:509
1770 |
msgid "hourglass-end"
1771 |
msgstr "hourglass-end"
1772 |
1773 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:510
1774 |
msgid "hourglass-half"
1775 |
msgstr "hourglass-half"
1776 |
1777 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:511
1778 |
msgid "hourglass-start"
1779 |
msgstr "hourglass-start"
1780 |
1781 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:512
1782 |
msgid "houzz"
1783 |
msgstr "houzz"
1784 |
1785 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:513
1786 |
msgid "html5"
1787 |
msgstr "html5"
1788 |
1789 |
#. Author URI of the plugin
1790 |
msgid ""
1791 |
msgstr ""
1792 |
1793 |
#. URI of the plugin
1794 |
msgid ""
1795 |
msgstr ""
1796 |
1797 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:514
1798 |
msgid "hubspot"
1799 |
msgstr "hubspot"
1800 |
1801 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:515
1802 |
msgid "i-cursor"
1803 |
msgstr "i-cursor"
1804 |
1805 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:516 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:517
1806 |
msgid "id-badge"
1807 |
msgstr "id-badge"
1808 |
1809 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:518 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:519
1810 |
msgid "id-card"
1811 |
msgstr "id-card"
1812 |
1813 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:520
1814 |
msgid "id-card-alt"
1815 |
msgstr "id-card-alt"
1816 |
1817 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:113
1818 |
msgid "ID:"
1819 |
msgstr "ID:"
1820 |
1821 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:521 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:522
1822 |
msgid "image"
1823 |
msgstr "image"
1824 |
1825 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:523 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:524
1826 |
msgid "images"
1827 |
msgstr "images"
1828 |
1829 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:525
1830 |
msgid "imdb"
1831 |
msgstr "imdb"
1832 |
1833 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:29
1834 |
msgid "Import"
1835 |
msgstr "Importeren"
1836 |
1837 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:174
1838 |
msgid "Import tour file: "
1839 |
msgstr "Tourbestand importeren:"
1840 |
1841 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:526
1842 |
msgid "inbox"
1843 |
msgstr "inbox"
1844 |
1845 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:527
1846 |
msgid "indent"
1847 |
msgstr "indent"
1848 |
1849 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:528
1850 |
msgid "industry"
1851 |
msgstr "industry"
1852 |
1853 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:529
1854 |
msgid "info"
1855 |
msgstr "info"
1856 |
1857 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:530
1858 |
msgid "info-circle"
1859 |
msgstr "info-circle"
1860 |
1861 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:531
1862 |
msgid "instagram"
1863 |
msgstr "instagram"
1864 |
1865 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:532
1866 |
msgid "internet-explorer"
1867 |
msgstr "internet-explorer"
1868 |
1869 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:533
1870 |
msgid "ioxhost"
1871 |
msgstr "ioxhost"
1872 |
1873 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:534
1874 |
msgid "italic"
1875 |
msgstr "italic"
1876 |
1877 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:535
1878 |
msgid "itunes"
1879 |
msgstr "itunes"
1880 |
1881 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:536
1882 |
msgid "itunes-note"
1883 |
msgstr "itunes-note"
1884 |
1885 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:537
1886 |
msgid "java"
1887 |
msgstr "java"
1888 |
1889 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:538
1890 |
msgid "jenkins"
1891 |
msgstr "jenkins"
1892 |
1893 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:539
1894 |
msgid "joget"
1895 |
msgstr "joget"
1896 |
1897 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:540
1898 |
msgid "joomla"
1899 |
msgstr "joomla"
1900 |
1901 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:541
1902 |
msgid "js"
1903 |
msgstr "js"
1904 |
1905 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:542
1906 |
msgid "js-square"
1907 |
msgstr "js-square"
1908 |
1909 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:543
1910 |
msgid "jsfiddle"
1911 |
msgstr "jsfiddle"
1912 |
1913 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:544
1914 |
msgid "key"
1915 |
msgstr "key"
1916 |
1917 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:545 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:546
1918 |
msgid "keyboard"
1919 |
msgstr "keyboard"
1920 |
1921 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:547
1922 |
msgid "keycdn"
1923 |
msgstr "keycdn"
1924 |
1925 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:548
1926 |
msgid "kickstarter"
1927 |
msgstr "kickstarter"
1928 |
1929 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:549
1930 |
msgid "kickstarter-k"
1931 |
msgstr "kickstarter-k"
1932 |
1933 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:550
1934 |
msgid "korvue"
1935 |
msgstr "korvue"
1936 |
1937 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:551
1938 |
msgid "language"
1939 |
msgstr "language"
1940 |
1941 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:552
1942 |
msgid "laptop"
1943 |
msgstr "laptop"
1944 |
1945 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:553
1946 |
msgid "laravel"
1947 |
msgstr "laravel"
1948 |
1949 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:554
1950 |
msgid "lastfm"
1951 |
msgstr "lastfm"
1952 |
1953 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:555
1954 |
msgid "lastfm-square"
1955 |
msgstr "lastfm-square"
1956 |
1957 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:556
1958 |
msgid "leaf"
1959 |
msgstr "leaf"
1960 |
1961 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:557
1962 |
msgid "leanpub"
1963 |
msgstr "leanpub"
1964 |
1965 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:558 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:559
1966 |
msgid "lemon"
1967 |
msgstr "lemon"
1968 |
1969 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:560
1970 |
msgid "less"
1971 |
msgstr "less"
1972 |
1973 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:561
1974 |
msgid "level-down-alt"
1975 |
msgstr "level-down-alt"
1976 |
1977 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:562
1978 |
msgid "level-up-alt"
1979 |
msgstr "level-up-alt"
1980 |
1981 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:18
1982 |
msgid "License Key"
1983 |
msgstr "Licentiesleutel"
1984 |
1985 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:563 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:564
1986 |
msgid "life-ring"
1987 |
msgstr "life-ring"
1988 |
1989 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:565 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:566
1990 |
msgid "lightbulb"
1991 |
msgstr "lightbulb"
1992 |
1993 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:567
1994 |
msgid "line"
1995 |
msgstr "line"
1996 |
1997 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:568
1998 |
msgid "link"
1999 |
msgstr "link"
2000 |
2001 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:569
2002 |
msgid "linkedin"
2003 |
msgstr "linkedin"
2004 |
2005 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:570
2006 |
msgid "linkedin-in"
2007 |
msgstr "linkedin-in"
2008 |
2009 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:571
2010 |
msgid "linode"
2011 |
msgstr "linode"
2012 |
2013 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:572
2014 |
msgid "linux"
2015 |
msgstr "linux"
2016 |
2017 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:573
2018 |
msgid "lira-sign"
2019 |
msgstr "lira-sign"
2020 |
2021 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:574
2022 |
msgid "list"
2023 |
msgstr "list"
2024 |
2025 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:575 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:576
2026 |
msgid "list-alt"
2027 |
msgstr "list-alt"
2028 |
2029 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:577
2030 |
msgid "list-ol"
2031 |
msgstr "list-ol"
2032 |
2033 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:578
2034 |
msgid "list-ul"
2035 |
msgstr "list-ul"
2036 |
2037 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:579
2038 |
msgid "location-arrow"
2039 |
msgstr "location-arrow"
2040 |
2041 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:580
2042 |
msgid "lock"
2043 |
msgstr "lock"
2044 |
2045 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:581
2046 |
msgid "lock-open"
2047 |
msgstr "lock-open"
2048 |
2049 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:582
2050 |
msgid "long-arrow-alt-down"
2051 |
msgstr "long-arrow-alt-down"
2052 |
2053 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:583
2054 |
msgid "long-arrow-alt-left"
2055 |
msgstr "long-arrow-alt-left"
2056 |
2057 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:584
2058 |
msgid "long-arrow-alt-right"
2059 |
msgstr "long-arrow-alt-right"
2060 |
2061 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:585
2062 |
msgid "long-arrow-alt-up"
2063 |
msgstr "long-arrow-alt-up"
2064 |
2065 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:586
2066 |
msgid "low-vision"
2067 |
msgstr "low-vision"
2068 |
2069 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:587
2070 |
msgid "lyft"
2071 |
msgstr "lyft"
2072 |
2073 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:588
2074 |
msgid "magento"
2075 |
msgstr "magento"
2076 |
2077 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:589
2078 |
msgid "magic"
2079 |
msgstr "magic"
2080 |
2081 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:590
2082 |
msgid "magnet"
2083 |
msgstr "magnet"
2084 |
2085 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:105
2086 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
2087 |
msgstr "Maak WPVR populair"
2088 |
2089 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:591
2090 |
msgid "male"
2091 |
msgstr "male"
2092 |
2093 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:592 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:593
2094 |
msgid "map"
2095 |
msgstr "map"
2096 |
2097 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:594
2098 |
msgid "map-marker"
2099 |
msgstr "map-marker"
2100 |
2101 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:595
2102 |
msgid "map-marker-alt"
2103 |
msgstr "map-marker-alt"
2104 |
2105 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:596
2106 |
msgid "map-pin"
2107 |
msgstr "map-pin"
2108 |
2109 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:597
2110 |
msgid "map-signs"
2111 |
msgstr "map-signs"
2112 |
2113 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:598
2114 |
msgid "mars"
2115 |
msgstr "mars"
2116 |
2117 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:599
2118 |
msgid "mars-double"
2119 |
msgstr "mars-double"
2120 |
2121 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:600
2122 |
msgid "mars-stroke"
2123 |
msgstr "mars-stroke"
2124 |
2125 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:601
2126 |
msgid "mars-stroke-h"
2127 |
msgstr "mars-stroke-h"
2128 |
2129 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:602
2130 |
msgid "mars-stroke-v"
2131 |
msgstr "mars-stroke-v"
2132 |
2133 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:603
2134 |
msgid "maxcdn"
2135 |
msgstr "maxcdn"
2136 |
2137 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:155
2138 |
msgid "Maximum and minimum zoom range"
2139 |
msgstr "Maximaal en minimaal zoombereik"
2140 |
2141 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:604
2142 |
msgid "medapps"
2143 |
msgstr "medapps"
2144 |
2145 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:605
2146 |
msgid "medium"
2147 |
msgstr "medium"
2148 |
2149 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:606
2150 |
msgid "medium-m"
2151 |
msgstr "medium-m"
2152 |
2153 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:607
2154 |
msgid "medkit"
2155 |
msgstr "medkit"
2156 |
2157 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:608
2158 |
msgid "medrt"
2159 |
msgstr "medrt"
2160 |
2161 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:609
2162 |
msgid "meetup"
2163 |
msgstr "meetup"
2164 |
2165 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:610 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:611
2166 |
msgid "meh"
2167 |
msgstr "meh"
2168 |
2169 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:612
2170 |
msgid "mercury"
2171 |
msgstr "mercury"
2172 |
2173 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:613
2174 |
msgid "microchip"
2175 |
msgstr "microchip"
2176 |
2177 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:614
2178 |
msgid "microphone"
2179 |
msgstr "microphone"
2180 |
2181 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:615
2182 |
msgid "microphone-slash"
2183 |
msgstr "microphone-slash"
2184 |
2185 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:616
2186 |
msgid "microsoft"
2187 |
msgstr "microsoft"
2188 |
2189 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:617
2190 |
msgid "minus"
2191 |
msgstr "minus"
2192 |
2193 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:618
2194 |
msgid "minus-circle"
2195 |
msgstr "minus-circle"
2196 |
2197 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:619 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:620
2198 |
msgid "minus-square"
2199 |
msgstr "minus-square"
2200 |
2201 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:621
2202 |
msgid "mix"
2203 |
msgstr "mix"
2204 |
2205 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:622
2206 |
msgid "mixcloud"
2207 |
msgstr "mixcloud"
2208 |
2209 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:623
2210 |
msgid "mizuni"
2211 |
msgstr "mizuni"
2212 |
2213 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:624
2214 |
msgid "mobile"
2215 |
msgstr "mobile"
2216 |
2217 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:625
2218 |
msgid "mobile-alt"
2219 |
msgstr "mobile-alt"
2220 |
2221 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:626
2222 |
msgid "modx"
2223 |
msgstr "modx"
2224 |
2225 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:627
2226 |
msgid "monero"
2227 |
msgstr "monero"
2228 |
2229 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:628 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:629
2230 |
msgid "money-bill-alt"
2231 |
msgstr "money-bill-alt"
2232 |
2233 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:630 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:631
2234 |
msgid "moon"
2235 |
msgstr "moon"
2236 |
2237 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:632
2238 |
msgid "motorcycle"
2239 |
msgstr "motorcycle"
2240 |
2241 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:633
2242 |
msgid "mouse-pointer"
2243 |
msgstr "mouse-pointer"
2244 |
2245 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:634
2246 |
msgid "music"
2247 |
msgstr "music"
2248 |
2249 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:635
2250 |
msgid "napster"
2251 |
msgstr "napster"
2252 |
2253 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:636
2254 |
msgid "neuter"
2255 |
msgstr "neuter"
2256 |
2257 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:637 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:638
2258 |
msgid "newspaper"
2259 |
msgstr "newspaper"
2260 |
2261 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:639
2262 |
msgid "nintendo-switch"
2263 |
msgstr "nintendo-switch"
2264 |
2265 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:640
2266 |
msgid "node"
2267 |
msgstr "node"
2268 |
2269 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:641
2270 |
msgid "node-js"
2271 |
msgstr "node-js"
2272 |
2273 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:24
2274 |
msgid "None"
2275 |
msgstr "Geen"
2276 |
2277 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:642
2278 |
msgid "notes-medical"
2279 |
msgstr "notes-medical"
2280 |
2281 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:643
2282 |
msgid "npm"
2283 |
msgstr "npm"
2284 |
2285 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:644
2286 |
msgid "ns8"
2287 |
msgstr "ns8"
2288 |
2289 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:645
2290 |
msgid "nutritionix"
2291 |
msgstr "nutritionix"
2292 |
2293 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:646 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:647
2294 |
msgid "object-group"
2295 |
msgstr "object-group"
2296 |
2297 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:648 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:649
2298 |
msgid "object-ungroup"
2299 |
msgstr "object-ungroup"
2300 |
2301 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:650
2302 |
msgid "odnoklassniki"
2303 |
msgstr "odnoklassniki"
2304 |
2305 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:651
2306 |
msgid "odnoklassniki-square"
2307 |
msgstr "odnoklassniki-square"
2308 |
2309 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:652
2310 |
msgid "opencart"
2311 |
msgstr "opencart"
2312 |
2313 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:653
2314 |
msgid "openid"
2315 |
msgstr "openid"
2316 |
2317 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:654
2318 |
msgid "opera"
2319 |
msgstr "opera"
2320 |
2321 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:655
2322 |
msgid "optin-monster"
2323 |
msgstr "optin-monster"
2324 |
2325 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:656
2326 |
msgid "osi"
2327 |
msgstr "osi"
2328 |
2329 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:657
2330 |
msgid "outdent"
2331 |
msgstr "outdent"
2332 |
2333 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:658
2334 |
msgid "page4"
2335 |
msgstr "page4"
2336 |
2337 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:659
2338 |
msgid "pagelines"
2339 |
msgstr "pagelines"
2340 |
2341 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:660
2342 |
msgid "paint-brush"
2343 |
msgstr "paint-brush"
2344 |
2345 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:661
2346 |
msgid "palfed"
2347 |
msgstr "palfed"
2348 |
2349 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:662
2350 |
msgid "pallet"
2351 |
msgstr "pallet"
2352 |
2353 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:663 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:664
2354 |
msgid "paper-plane"
2355 |
msgstr "paper-plane"
2356 |
2357 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:665
2358 |
msgid "paperclip"
2359 |
msgstr "paperclip"
2360 |
2361 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:666
2362 |
msgid "parachute-box"
2363 |
msgstr "parachute-box"
2364 |
2365 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:667
2366 |
msgid "paragraph"
2367 |
msgstr "paragraph"
2368 |
2369 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:668
2370 |
msgid "paste"
2371 |
msgstr "paste"
2372 |
2373 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:669
2374 |
msgid "patreon"
2375 |
msgstr "patreon"
2376 |
2377 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:670
2378 |
msgid "pause"
2379 |
msgstr "pause"
2380 |
2381 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:671 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:672
2382 |
msgid "pause-circle"
2383 |
msgstr "pause-circle"
2384 |
2385 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:673
2386 |
msgid "paw"
2387 |
msgstr "paw"
2388 |
2389 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:674
2390 |
msgid "paypal"
2391 |
msgstr "paypal"
2392 |
2393 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:675
2394 |
msgid "pen-square"
2395 |
msgstr "pen-square"
2396 |
2397 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:676
2398 |
msgid "pencil-alt"
2399 |
msgstr "pencil-alt"
2400 |
2401 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:677
2402 |
msgid "people-carry"
2403 |
msgstr "people-carry"
2404 |
2405 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:678
2406 |
msgid "percent"
2407 |
msgstr "percent"
2408 |
2409 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:679
2410 |
msgid "periscope"
2411 |
msgstr "periscope"
2412 |
2413 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:164
2414 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
2415 |
msgstr ""
2416 |
"Gepersonaliseerde ondersteuning op zowel het ondersteuningsforum als onze "
2417 |
2418 |
2419 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:680
2420 |
msgid "phabricator"
2421 |
msgstr "phabricator"
2422 |
2423 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:681
2424 |
msgid "phoenix-framework"
2425 |
msgstr "phoenix-framework"
2426 |
2427 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:682
2428 |
msgid "phone"
2429 |
msgstr "phone"
2430 |
2431 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:683
2432 |
msgid "phone-slash"
2433 |
msgstr "phone-slash"
2434 |
2435 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:684
2436 |
msgid "phone-square"
2437 |
msgstr "phone-square"
2438 |
2439 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:685
2440 |
msgid "phone-volume"
2441 |
msgstr "phone-volume"
2442 |
2443 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:686
2444 |
msgid "php"
2445 |
msgstr "php"
2446 |
2447 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:687
2448 |
msgid "pied-piper"
2449 |
msgstr "pied-piper"
2450 |
2451 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:688
2452 |
msgid "pied-piper-alt"
2453 |
msgstr "pied-piper-alt"
2454 |
2455 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:689
2456 |
msgid "pied-piper-hat"
2457 |
msgstr "pied-piper-hat"
2458 |
2459 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:690
2460 |
msgid "pied-piper-pp"
2461 |
msgstr "pied-piper-pp"
2462 |
2463 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:691
2464 |
msgid "piggy-bank"
2465 |
msgstr "piggy-bank"
2466 |
2467 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:692
2468 |
msgid "pills"
2469 |
msgstr "pills"
2470 |
2471 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:693
2472 |
msgid "pinterest"
2473 |
msgstr "pinterest"
2474 |
2475 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:694
2476 |
msgid "pinterest-p"
2477 |
msgstr "pinterest-p"
2478 |
2479 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:695
2480 |
msgid "pinterest-square"
2481 |
msgstr "pinterest-square"
2482 |
2483 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:696
2484 |
msgid "plane"
2485 |
msgstr "plane"
2486 |
2487 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:697
2488 |
msgid "play"
2489 |
msgstr "play"
2490 |
2491 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:698 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:699
2492 |
msgid "play-circle"
2493 |
msgstr "play-circle"
2494 |
2495 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:700
2496 |
msgid "playstation"
2497 |
msgstr "playstation"
2498 |
2499 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:701
2500 |
msgid "plug"
2501 |
msgstr "plug"
2502 |
2503 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:702
2504 |
msgid "plus"
2505 |
msgstr "plus"
2506 |
2507 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:703
2508 |
msgid "plus-circle"
2509 |
msgstr "plus-circle"
2510 |
2511 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:704 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:705
2512 |
msgid "plus-square"
2513 |
msgstr "plus-square"
2514 |
2515 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:706
2516 |
msgid "podcast"
2517 |
msgstr "podcast"
2518 |
2519 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:707
2520 |
msgid "poo"
2521 |
msgstr "poo"
2522 |
2523 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:77
2524 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
2525 |
msgstr "Plaats een ticket"
2526 |
2527 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:708
2528 |
msgid "pound-sign"
2529 |
msgstr "pound-sign"
2530 |
2531 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:709
2532 |
msgid "power-off"
2533 |
msgstr "power-off"
2534 |
2535 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:710
2536 |
msgid "prescription-bottle"
2537 |
msgstr "prescription-bottle"
2538 |
2539 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:711
2540 |
msgid "prescription-bottle-alt"
2541 |
msgstr "prescription-bottle-alt"
2542 |
2543 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:712
2544 |
msgid "print"
2545 |
msgstr "print"
2546 |
2547 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:713
2548 |
msgid "procedures"
2549 |
msgstr "procedures"
2550 |
2551 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:714
2552 |
msgid "product-hunt"
2553 |
msgstr "product-hunt"
2554 |
2555 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:715
2556 |
msgid "pushed"
2557 |
msgstr "pushed"
2558 |
2559 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:136
2560 |
msgid "Put value in (px)"
2561 |
msgstr "Zet waarde in (px)"
2562 |
2563 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:716
2564 |
msgid "puzzle-piece"
2565 |
msgstr "puzzle-piece"
2566 |
2567 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:717
2568 |
msgid "python"
2569 |
msgstr "python"
2570 |
2571 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:718
2572 |
msgid "qq"
2573 |
msgstr "qq"
2574 |
2575 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:719
2576 |
msgid "qrcode"
2577 |
msgstr "qrcode"
2578 |
2579 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:720
2580 |
msgid "question"
2581 |
msgstr "question"
2582 |
2583 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:721 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:722
2584 |
msgid "question-circle"
2585 |
msgstr "question-circle"
2586 |
2587 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:723
2588 |
msgid "quidditch"
2589 |
msgstr "quidditch"
2590 |
2591 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:724
2592 |
msgid "quinscape"
2593 |
msgstr "quinscape"
2594 |
2595 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:725
2596 |
msgid "quora"
2597 |
msgstr "quora"
2598 |
2599 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:726
2600 |
msgid "quote-left"
2601 |
msgstr "quote-left"
2602 |
2603 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:727
2604 |
msgid "quote-right"
2605 |
msgstr "quote-right"
2606 |
2607 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:143
2608 |
msgid "Radius:"
2609 |
msgstr "Straal:"
2610 |
2611 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:728
2612 |
msgid "random"
2613 |
msgstr "random"
2614 |
2615 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:115
2616 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
2617 |
msgstr "Beoordeel ons!"
2618 |
2619 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:729
2620 |
msgid "ravelry"
2621 |
msgstr "ravelry"
2622 |
2623 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:730
2624 |
msgid "react"
2625 |
msgstr "react"
2626 |
2627 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:731
2628 |
msgid "readme"
2629 |
msgstr "readme"
2630 |
2631 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:732
2632 |
msgid "rebel"
2633 |
msgstr "rebel"
2634 |
2635 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:733
2636 |
msgid "recycle"
2637 |
msgstr "recycle"
2638 |
2639 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:734
2640 |
msgid "red-river"
2641 |
msgstr "red-river"
2642 |
2643 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:735
2644 |
msgid "reddit"
2645 |
msgstr "reddit"
2646 |
2647 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:736
2648 |
msgid "reddit-alien"
2649 |
msgstr "reddit-alien"
2650 |
2651 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:737
2652 |
msgid "reddit-square"
2653 |
msgstr "reddit-square"
2654 |
2655 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:738
2656 |
msgid "redo"
2657 |
msgstr "redo"
2658 |
2659 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:739
2660 |
msgid "redo-alt"
2661 |
msgstr "redo-alt"
2662 |
2663 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:740 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:741
2664 |
msgid "registered"
2665 |
msgstr "registered"
2666 |
2667 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:742
2668 |
msgid "rendact"
2669 |
msgstr "rendact"
2670 |
2671 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:743
2672 |
msgid "renren"
2673 |
msgstr "renren"
2674 |
2675 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:744
2676 |
msgid "reply"
2677 |
msgstr "reply"
2678 |
2679 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:745
2680 |
msgid "reply-all"
2681 |
msgstr "reply-all"
2682 |
2683 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:746
2684 |
msgid "replyd"
2685 |
msgstr "replyd"
2686 |
2687 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:747
2688 |
msgid "resolving"
2689 |
msgstr "resolving"
2690 |
2691 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:748
2692 |
msgid "retweet"
2693 |
msgstr "retweet"
2694 |
2695 |
#. Author of the plugin
2696 |
msgid "Rextheme"
2697 |
msgstr "Rextheme"
2698 |
2699 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:749
2700 |
msgid "ribbon"
2701 |
msgstr "ribbon"
2702 |
2703 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:750
2704 |
msgid "road"
2705 |
msgstr "road"
2706 |
2707 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:751
2708 |
msgid "rocket"
2709 |
msgstr "rocket"
2710 |
2711 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:752
2712 |
msgid "rocketchat"
2713 |
msgstr "rocketchat"
2714 |
2715 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:753
2716 |
msgid "rockrms"
2717 |
msgstr "rockrms"
2718 |
2719 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:754
2720 |
msgid "rss"
2721 |
msgstr "rss"
2722 |
2723 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:755
2724 |
msgid "rss-square"
2725 |
msgstr "rss-square"
2726 |
2727 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:756
2728 |
msgid "ruble-sign"
2729 |
msgstr "ruble-sign"
2730 |
2731 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:757
2732 |
msgid "rupee-sign"
2733 |
msgstr "rupee-sign"
2734 |
2735 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:758
2736 |
msgid "safari"
2737 |
msgstr "safari"
2738 |
2739 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:759
2740 |
msgid "sass"
2741 |
msgstr "sass"
2742 |
2743 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:760 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:761
2744 |
msgid "save"
2745 |
msgstr "save"
2746 |
2747 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:157
2748 |
msgid "Scene grab control and custom boundary for each scene"
2749 |
msgstr "Scène grijpbesturing en aangepaste grens voor elke scène"
2750 |
2751 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:158
2752 |
msgid "Scene title and author tag support"
2753 |
msgstr "Ondersteuning van scènetitels en auteurstags"
2754 |
2755 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:762
2756 |
msgid "schlix"
2757 |
msgstr "schlix"
2758 |
2759 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:763
2760 |
msgid "scribd"
2761 |
msgstr "scribd"
2762 |
2763 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:764
2764 |
msgid "search"
2765 |
msgstr "search"
2766 |
2767 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:765
2768 |
msgid "search-minus"
2769 |
msgstr "search-minus"
2770 |
2771 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:766
2772 |
msgid "search-plus"
2773 |
msgstr "search-plus"
2774 |
2775 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:767
2776 |
msgid "searchengin"
2777 |
msgstr "searchengin"
2778 |
2779 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:768
2780 |
msgid "seedling"
2781 |
msgstr "seedling"
2782 |
2783 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:769
2784 |
msgid "sellcast"
2785 |
msgstr "sellcast"
2786 |
2787 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:770
2788 |
msgid "sellsy"
2789 |
msgstr "sellsy"
2790 |
2791 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:771
2792 |
msgid "server"
2793 |
msgstr "server"
2794 |
2795 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:772
2796 |
msgid "servicestack"
2797 |
msgstr "servicestack"
2798 |
2799 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:773
2800 |
msgid "share"
2801 |
msgstr "share"
2802 |
2803 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:125
2804 |
msgid "Share On"
2805 |
msgstr "Delen op"
2806 |
2807 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:130
2808 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
2809 |
msgstr "Delen op Facebook"
2810 |
2811 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:132
2812 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
2813 |
msgstr "Deel op Google+"
2814 |
2815 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
2816 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
2817 |
msgstr "Deel op LinkedIn"
2818 |
2819 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:131
2820 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
2821 |
msgstr "Delen op Twitter"
2822 |
2823 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:86
2824 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
2825 |
msgstr "Deel je gedachten"
2826 |
2827 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:774
2828 |
msgid "share-alt"
2829 |
msgstr "share-alt"
2830 |
2831 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:775
2832 |
msgid "share-alt-square"
2833 |
msgstr "share-alt-square"
2834 |
2835 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:776 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:777
2836 |
msgid "share-square"
2837 |
msgstr "share-square"
2838 |
2839 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:778
2840 |
msgid "shekel-sign"
2841 |
msgstr "shekel-sign"
2842 |
2843 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:779
2844 |
msgid "shield-alt"
2845 |
msgstr "shield-alt"
2846 |
2847 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:780
2848 |
msgid "ship"
2849 |
msgstr "ship"
2850 |
2851 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:781
2852 |
msgid "shipping-fast"
2853 |
msgstr "shipping-fast"
2854 |
2855 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:782
2856 |
msgid "shirtsinbulk"
2857 |
msgstr "shirtsinbulk"
2858 |
2859 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:783
2860 |
msgid "shopping-bag"
2861 |
msgstr "shopping-bag"
2862 |
2863 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:784
2864 |
msgid "shopping-basket"
2865 |
msgstr "shopping-basket"
2866 |
2867 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:785
2868 |
msgid "shopping-cart"
2869 |
msgstr "shopping-cart"
2870 |
2871 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:786
2872 |
msgid "shower"
2873 |
msgstr "shower"
2874 |
2875 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:787
2876 |
msgid "sign"
2877 |
msgstr "sign"
2878 |
2879 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:788
2880 |
msgid "sign-in-alt"
2881 |
msgstr "sign-in-alt"
2882 |
2883 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:789
2884 |
msgid "sign-language"
2885 |
msgstr "sign-language"
2886 |
2887 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:790
2888 |
msgid "sign-out-alt"
2889 |
msgstr "sign-out-alt"
2890 |
2891 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:791
2892 |
msgid "signal"
2893 |
msgstr "signal"
2894 |
2895 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:792
2896 |
msgid "simplybuilt"
2897 |
msgstr "simplybuilt"
2898 |
2899 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:793
2900 |
msgid "sistrix"
2901 |
msgstr "sistrix"
2902 |
2903 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:794
2904 |
msgid "sitemap"
2905 |
msgstr "sitemap"
2906 |
2907 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:795
2908 |
msgid "skyatlas"
2909 |
msgstr "skyatlas"
2910 |
2911 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:796
2912 |
msgid "skype"
2913 |
msgstr "skype"
2914 |
2915 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:797
2916 |
msgid "slack"
2917 |
msgstr "slack"
2918 |
2919 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:798
2920 |
msgid "slack-hash"
2921 |
msgstr "slack-hash"
2922 |
2923 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:799
2924 |
msgid "sliders-h"
2925 |
msgstr "sliders-h"
2926 |
2927 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:800
2928 |
msgid "slideshare"
2929 |
msgstr "slideshare"
2930 |
2931 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:801 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:802
2932 |
msgid "smile"
2933 |
msgstr "smile"
2934 |
2935 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:803
2936 |
msgid "smoking"
2937 |
msgstr "smoking"
2938 |
2939 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:804
2940 |
msgid "snapchat"
2941 |
msgstr "snapchat"
2942 |
2943 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:805
2944 |
msgid "snapchat-ghost"
2945 |
msgstr "snapchat-ghost"
2946 |
2947 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:806
2948 |
msgid "snapchat-square"
2949 |
msgstr "snapchat-square"
2950 |
2951 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:807 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:808
2952 |
msgid "snowflake"
2953 |
msgstr "snowflake"
2954 |
2955 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:809
2956 |
msgid "sort"
2957 |
msgstr "sort"
2958 |
2959 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:810
2960 |
msgid "sort-alpha-down"
2961 |
msgstr "sort-alpha-down"
2962 |
2963 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:811
2964 |
msgid "sort-alpha-up"
2965 |
msgstr "sort-alpha-up"
2966 |
2967 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:812
2968 |
msgid "sort-amount-down"
2969 |
msgstr "sort-amount-down"
2970 |
2971 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:813
2972 |
msgid "sort-amount-up"
2973 |
msgstr "sort-amount-up"
2974 |
2975 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:814
2976 |
msgid "sort-down"
2977 |
msgstr "sort-down"
2978 |
2979 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:815
2980 |
msgid "sort-numeric-down"
2981 |
msgstr "sort-numeric-down"
2982 |
2983 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:816
2984 |
msgid "sort-numeric-up"
2985 |
msgstr "sort-numeric-up"
2986 |
2987 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:817
2988 |
msgid "sort-up"
2989 |
msgstr "sort-up"
2990 |
2991 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:818
2992 |
msgid "soundcloud"
2993 |
msgstr "soundcloud"
2994 |
2995 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:819
2996 |
msgid "space-shuttle"
2997 |
msgstr "space-shuttle"
2998 |
2999 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:820
3000 |
msgid "speakap"
3001 |
msgstr "speakap"
3002 |
3003 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:821
3004 |
msgid "spinner"
3005 |
msgstr "spinner"
3006 |
3007 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:822
3008 |
msgid "spotify"
3009 |
msgstr "spotify"
3010 |
3011 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:823 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:824
3012 |
msgid "square"
3013 |
msgstr "square"
3014 |
3015 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:825
3016 |
msgid "square-full"
3017 |
msgstr "square-full"
3018 |
3019 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:826
3020 |
msgid "stack-exchange"
3021 |
msgstr "stack-exchange"
3022 |
3023 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:827
3024 |
msgid "stack-overflow"
3025 |
msgstr "stack-overflow"
3026 |
3027 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:828 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:829
3028 |
msgid "star"
3029 |
msgstr "star"
3030 |
3031 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:830 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:831
3032 |
msgid "star-half"
3033 |
msgstr "star-half"
3034 |
3035 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:832
3036 |
msgid "staylinked"
3037 |
msgstr "staylinked"
3038 |
3039 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:833
3040 |
msgid "steam"
3041 |
msgstr "steam"
3042 |
3043 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:834
3044 |
msgid "steam-square"
3045 |
msgstr "steam-square"
3046 |
3047 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:835
3048 |
msgid "steam-symbol"
3049 |
msgstr "steam-symbol"
3050 |
3051 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:836
3052 |
msgid "step-backward"
3053 |
msgstr "step-backward"
3054 |
3055 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:837
3056 |
msgid "step-forward"
3057 |
msgstr "step-forward"
3058 |
3059 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:838
3060 |
msgid "stethoscope"
3061 |
msgstr "stethoscope"
3062 |
3063 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:839
3064 |
msgid "sticker-mule"
3065 |
msgstr "sticker-mule"
3066 |
3067 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:840 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:841
3068 |
msgid "sticky-note"
3069 |
msgstr "sticky-note"
3070 |
3071 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:842
3072 |
msgid "stop"
3073 |
msgstr "stop"
3074 |
3075 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:843 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:844
3076 |
msgid "stop-circle"
3077 |
msgstr "stop-circle"
3078 |
3079 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:845
3080 |
msgid "stopwatch"
3081 |
msgstr "stopwatch"
3082 |
3083 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:846
3084 |
msgid "strava"
3085 |
msgstr "strava"
3086 |
3087 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:847
3088 |
msgid "street-view"
3089 |
msgstr "street-view"
3090 |
3091 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:848
3092 |
msgid "strikethrough"
3093 |
msgstr "strikethrough"
3094 |
3095 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:849
3096 |
msgid "stripe"
3097 |
msgstr "stripe"
3098 |
3099 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:850
3100 |
msgid "stripe-s"
3101 |
msgstr "stripe-s"
3102 |
3103 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:851
3104 |
msgid "studiovinari"
3105 |
msgstr "studiovinari"
3106 |
3107 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:852
3108 |
msgid "stumbleupon"
3109 |
msgstr "stumbleupon"
3110 |
3111 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:853
3112 |
msgid "stumbleupon-circle"
3113 |
msgstr "stumbleupon-circle"
3114 |
3115 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:854
3116 |
msgid "subscript"
3117 |
msgstr "subscript"
3118 |
3119 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:855
3120 |
msgid "subway"
3121 |
msgstr "subway"
3122 |
3123 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:96
3124 |
msgid "Suggest"
3125 |
msgstr "Stel voor"
3126 |
3127 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:856
3128 |
msgid "suitcase"
3129 |
msgstr "suitcase"
3130 |
3131 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:857 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:858
3132 |
msgid "sun"
3133 |
msgstr "sun"
3134 |
3135 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:859
3136 |
msgid "superpowers"
3137 |
msgstr "superpowers"
3138 |
3139 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:860
3140 |
msgid "superscript"
3141 |
msgstr "superscript"
3142 |
3143 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:861
3144 |
msgid "supple"
3145 |
msgstr "supple"
3146 |
3147 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
3148 |
msgid "Support"
3149 |
msgstr "Ondersteuning"
3150 |
3151 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:862
3152 |
msgid "sync"
3153 |
msgstr "sync"
3154 |
3155 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:863
3156 |
msgid "sync-alt"
3157 |
msgstr "sync"
3158 |
3159 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:864
3160 |
msgid "syringe"
3161 |
msgstr "syringe"
3162 |
3163 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:865
3164 |
msgid "table"
3165 |
msgstr "table"
3166 |
3167 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:866
3168 |
msgid "table-tennis"
3169 |
msgstr "table-tennis"
3170 |
3171 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:867
3172 |
msgid "tablet"
3173 |
msgstr "tablet"
3174 |
3175 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:868
3176 |
msgid "tablet-alt"
3177 |
msgstr "tablet-alt"
3178 |
3179 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:869
3180 |
msgid "tablets"
3181 |
msgstr "tablets"
3182 |
3183 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:870
3184 |
msgid "tachometer-alt"
3185 |
msgstr "tachometer-alt"
3186 |
3187 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:871
3188 |
msgid "tag"
3189 |
msgstr "tag"
3190 |
3191 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:872
3192 |
msgid "tags"
3193 |
msgstr "tags"
3194 |
3195 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:873
3196 |
msgid "tape"
3197 |
msgstr "tape"
3198 |
3199 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:874
3200 |
msgid "tasks"
3201 |
msgstr "tasks"
3202 |
3203 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:875
3204 |
msgid "taxi"
3205 |
msgstr "taxi"
3206 |
3207 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:876
3208 |
msgid "telegram"
3209 |
msgstr "telegram"
3210 |
3211 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:877
3212 |
msgid "telegram-plane"
3213 |
msgstr "telegram-plane"
3214 |
3215 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:878
3216 |
msgid "tencent-weibo"
3217 |
msgstr "tencent-weibo"
3218 |
3219 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:879
3220 |
msgid "terminal"
3221 |
msgstr "terminal"
3222 |
3223 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:880
3224 |
msgid "text-height"
3225 |
msgstr "text-height"
3226 |
3227 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:881
3228 |
msgid "text-width"
3229 |
msgstr "text-width"
3230 |
3231 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:882
3232 |
msgid "th"
3233 |
msgstr "th"
3234 |
3235 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:883
3236 |
msgid "th-large"
3237 |
msgstr "th-large"
3238 |
3239 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:884
3240 |
msgid "th-list"
3241 |
msgstr "th-list"
3242 |
3243 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:885
3244 |
msgid "themeisle"
3245 |
msgstr "themeisle"
3246 |
3247 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:886
3248 |
msgid "thermometer"
3249 |
msgstr "thermometer"
3250 |
3251 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:887
3252 |
msgid "thermometer-empty"
3253 |
msgstr "thermometer-empty"
3254 |
3255 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:888
3256 |
msgid "thermometer-full"
3257 |
msgstr "thermometer-full"
3258 |
3259 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:889
3260 |
msgid "thermometer-half"
3261 |
msgstr "thermometer-half"
3262 |
3263 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:890
3264 |
msgid "thermometer-quarter"
3265 |
msgstr "thermometer-quarter"
3266 |
3267 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:891
3268 |
msgid "thermometer-three-quarters"
3269 |
msgstr "thermometer-three-quarters"
3270 |
3271 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:892 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:893
3272 |
msgid "thumbs-down"
3273 |
msgstr "thumbs-down"
3274 |
3275 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:894 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:895
3276 |
msgid "thumbs-up"
3277 |
msgstr "thumbs-up"
3278 |
3279 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:896
3280 |
msgid "thumbtack"
3281 |
msgstr "thumbtack"
3282 |
3283 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:897
3284 |
msgid "ticket-alt"
3285 |
msgstr "ticket-alt"
3286 |
3287 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:898
3288 |
msgid "times"
3289 |
msgstr "times"
3290 |
3291 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:899 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:900
3292 |
msgid "times-circle"
3293 |
msgstr "times-circle"
3294 |
3295 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:901
3296 |
msgid "tint"
3297 |
msgstr "tint"
3298 |
3299 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:25
3300 |
msgid ""
3301 |
"To use this Wpvr tour in your posts or pages use the following shortcode:"
3302 |
msgstr ""
3303 |
"Om deze Wpvr-tour in uw berichten of pagina's te gebruiken, gebruikt u de "
3304 |
"volgende shortcode:"
3305 |
3306 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:902
3307 |
msgid "toggle-off"
3308 |
msgstr "toggle-off"
3309 |
3310 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:903
3311 |
msgid "toggle-on"
3312 |
msgstr "toggle-on"
3313 |
3314 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:904
3315 |
msgid "trademark"
3316 |
msgstr "trademark"
3317 |
3318 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:905
3319 |
msgid "train"
3320 |
msgstr "train"
3321 |
3322 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:906
3323 |
msgid "transgender"
3324 |
msgstr "transgender"
3325 |
3326 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:907
3327 |
msgid "transgender-alt"
3328 |
msgstr "transgender-alt"
3329 |
3330 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:908
3331 |
msgid "trash"
3332 |
msgstr "trash"
3333 |
3334 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:909 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:910
3335 |
msgid "trash-alt"
3336 |
msgstr "trash-alt"
3337 |
3338 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:911
3339 |
msgid "tree"
3340 |
msgstr "tree"
3341 |
3342 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:912
3343 |
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3344 |
msgstr "trello"
3345 |
3346 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:913
3347 |
msgid "tripadvisor"
3348 |
msgstr "tripadvisor"
3349 |
3350 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:914
3351 |
msgid "trophy"
3352 |
msgstr "trophy"
3353 |
3354 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:915
3355 |
msgid "truck"
3356 |
msgstr "truck"
3357 |
3358 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:916
3359 |
msgid "truck-loading"
3360 |
msgstr "truck-loading"
3361 |
3362 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:917
3363 |
msgid "truck-moving"
3364 |
msgstr "truck-moving"
3365 |
3366 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:918
3367 |
msgid "tty"
3368 |
msgstr "tty"
3369 |
3370 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:919
3371 |
msgid "tumblr"
3372 |
msgstr "tumblr"
3373 |
3374 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:920
3375 |
msgid "tumblr-square"
3376 |
msgstr "tumblr-square"
3377 |
3378 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:921
3379 |
msgid "tv"
3380 |
msgstr "tv"
3381 |
3382 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:922
3383 |
msgid "twitch"
3384 |
msgstr "twitch"
3385 |
3386 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:923
3387 |
msgid "twitter"
3388 |
msgstr "twitter"
3389 |
3390 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:924
3391 |
msgid "twitter-square"
3392 |
msgstr "twitter-square"
3393 |
3394 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:925
3395 |
msgid "typo3"
3396 |
msgstr "typo3"
3397 |
3398 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:926
3399 |
msgid "uber"
3400 |
msgstr "uber"
3401 |
3402 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:927
3403 |
msgid "uikit"
3404 |
msgstr "uikit"
3405 |
3406 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:928
3407 |
msgid "umbrella"
3408 |
msgstr "umbrella"
3409 |
3410 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:929
3411 |
msgid "underline"
3412 |
msgstr "underline"
3413 |
3414 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:930
3415 |
msgid "undo"
3416 |
msgstr "undo"
3417 |
3418 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:931
3419 |
msgid "undo-alt"
3420 |
msgstr "undo-alt"
3421 |
3422 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:932
3423 |
msgid "uniregistry"
3424 |
msgstr "uniregistry"
3425 |
3426 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:933
3427 |
msgid "universal-access"
3428 |
msgstr "universal-access"
3429 |
3430 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:934
3431 |
msgid "university"
3432 |
msgstr "university"
3433 |
3434 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:150
3435 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
3436 |
msgstr "Onbeperkte hotspots"
3437 |
3438 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:149
3439 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
3440 |
msgstr "Onbeperkte scènes"
3441 |
3442 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:935
3443 |
msgid "unlink"
3444 |
msgstr "unlink"
3445 |
3446 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:936
3447 |
msgid "unlock"
3448 |
msgstr "unlock"
3449 |
3450 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:937
3451 |
msgid "unlock-alt"
3452 |
msgstr "unlock-alt"
3453 |
3454 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:938
3455 |
msgid "untappd"
3456 |
msgstr "untappd"
3457 |
3458 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:201
3459 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
3460 |
msgstr "Upgraden naar Pro"
3461 |
3462 |
#: wpvr.php:672
3463 |
msgid "Upgrade to pro"
3464 |
msgstr "Upgraden naar Pro"
3465 |
3466 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:939
3467 |
msgid "upload"
3468 |
msgstr "upload"
3469 |
3470 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:940
3471 |
msgid "usb"
3472 |
msgstr "usb"
3473 |
3474 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:941 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:942
3475 |
msgid "user"
3476 |
msgstr "user"
3477 |
3478 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:943 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:944
3479 |
msgid "user-circle"
3480 |
msgstr "user-circle"
3481 |
3482 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:945
3483 |
msgid "user-md"
3484 |
msgstr "user-md"
3485 |
3486 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:946
3487 |
msgid "user-plus"
3488 |
msgstr "user-plus"
3489 |
3490 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:947
3491 |
msgid "user-secret"
3492 |
msgstr "user-secret"
3493 |
3494 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:948
3495 |
msgid "user-times"
3496 |
msgstr "user-times"
3497 |
3498 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:949
3499 |
msgid "users"
3500 |
msgstr "users"
3501 |
3502 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:950
3503 |
msgid "ussunnah"
3504 |
msgstr "ussunnah"
3505 |
3506 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:951
3507 |
msgid "utensil-spoon"
3508 |
msgstr "utensil-spoon"
3509 |
3510 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:952
3511 |
msgid "utensils"
3512 |
msgstr "utensils"
3513 |
3514 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:953
3515 |
msgid "vaadin"
3516 |
msgstr "vaadin"
3517 |
3518 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:954
3519 |
msgid "venus"
3520 |
msgstr "venus"
3521 |
3522 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:955
3523 |
msgid "venus-double"
3524 |
msgstr "venus-double"
3525 |
3526 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:956
3527 |
msgid "venus-mars"
3528 |
msgstr "venus-mars"
3529 |
3530 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:957
3531 |
msgid "viacoin"
3532 |
msgstr "viacoin"
3533 |
3534 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:958
3535 |
msgid "viadeo"
3536 |
msgstr "viadeo"
3537 |
3538 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:959
3539 |
msgid "viadeo-square"
3540 |
msgstr "viadeo-square"
3541 |
3542 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:960
3543 |
msgid "vial"
3544 |
msgstr "vial"
3545 |
3546 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:961
3547 |
msgid "vials"
3548 |
msgstr "vials"
3549 |
3550 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:962
3551 |
msgid "viber"
3552 |
msgstr "viber"
3553 |
3554 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:963
3555 |
msgid "video"
3556 |
msgstr "video"
3557 |
3558 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:24
3559 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
3560 |
msgstr "Video uitleg"
3561 |
3562 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:964
3563 |
msgid "video-slash"
3564 |
msgstr "video-slash"
3565 |
3566 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:57
3567 |
msgid "View Documentation"
3568 |
msgstr "Bekijk documentatie"
3569 |
3570 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:965
3571 |
msgid "vimeo"
3572 |
msgstr "vimeo"
3573 |
3574 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:966
3575 |
msgid "vimeo-square"
3576 |
msgstr "vimeo-square"
3577 |
3578 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:967
3579 |
msgid "vimeo-v"
3580 |
msgstr "vimeo-v"
3581 |
3582 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:968
3583 |
msgid "vine"
3584 |
msgstr "vine"
3585 |
3586 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:969
3587 |
msgid "vk"
3588 |
msgstr "vk"
3589 |
3590 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:970
3591 |
msgid "vnv"
3592 |
msgstr "vnv"
3593 |
3594 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:971
3595 |
msgid "volleyball-ball"
3596 |
msgstr "volleyball-ball"
3597 |
3598 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:972
3599 |
msgid "volume-down"
3600 |
msgstr "volume-down"
3601 |
3602 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:973
3603 |
msgid "volume-off"
3604 |
msgstr "volume-off"
3605 |
3606 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:974
3607 |
msgid "volume-up"
3608 |
msgstr "volume-up"
3609 |
3610 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:975
3611 |
msgid "vuejs"
3612 |
msgstr "vuejs"
3613 |
3614 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:976
3615 |
msgid "warehouse"
3616 |
msgstr "warehouse"
3617 |
3618 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:977
3619 |
msgid "weibo"
3620 |
msgstr "weibo"
3621 |
3622 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:978
3623 |
msgid "weight"
3624 |
msgstr "weight"
3625 |
3626 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:979
3627 |
msgid "weixin"
3628 |
msgstr "weixin"
3629 |
3630 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:980
3631 |
msgid "whatsapp"
3632 |
msgstr "whatsapp"
3633 |
3634 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:981
3635 |
msgid "whatsapp-square"
3636 |
msgstr "whatsapp-square"
3637 |
3638 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:982
3639 |
msgid "wheelchair"
3640 |
msgstr "wheelchair"
3641 |
3642 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:983
3643 |
msgid "whmcs"
3644 |
msgstr "whmcs"
3645 |
3646 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:147
3647 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
3648 |
msgstr "Waarom upgraden naar Premium-versie?"
3649 |
3650 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:123
3651 |
msgid "Width:"
3652 |
msgstr "Breedte:"
3653 |
3654 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:984
3655 |
msgid "wifi"
3656 |
msgstr "wifi"
3657 |
3658 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:985
3659 |
msgid "wikipedia-w"
3660 |
msgstr "wikipedia-w"
3661 |
3662 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:986 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:987
3663 |
msgid "window-close"
3664 |
msgstr "window-close"
3665 |
3666 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:988 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:989
3667 |
msgid "window-maximize"
3668 |
msgstr "window-maximize"
3669 |
3670 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:990 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:991
3671 |
msgid "window-minimize"
3672 |
msgstr "window-minimize"
3673 |
3674 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:992 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:993
3675 |
msgid "window-restore"
3676 |
msgstr "window-restore"
3677 |
3678 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:994
3679 |
msgid "windows"
3680 |
msgstr "windows"
3681 |
3682 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:995
3683 |
msgid "wine-glass"
3684 |
msgstr "wine-glass"
3685 |
3686 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:996
3687 |
msgid "won-sign"
3688 |
msgstr "won-sign"
3689 |
3690 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:997
3691 |
msgid "wordpress"
3692 |
msgstr "wordpress"
3693 |
3694 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:998
3695 |
msgid "wordpress-simple"
3696 |
msgstr "wordpress-simple"
3697 |
3698 |
#. Name of the plugin
3699 |
msgid "WP VR"
3700 |
msgstr "WP VR"
3701 |
3702 |
#. Description of the plugin
3703 |
msgid ""
3704 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress is a customized "
3705 |
"panaroma & virtual builder tool for WordPress Website."
3706 |
msgstr ""
3707 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama en maker van virtuele rondleidingen voor WordPress is "
3708 |
"een op maat gemaakt hulpmiddel voor het maken van panorama's en virtueel "
3709 |
"bouwen voor de WordPress-website."
3710 |
3711 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:999
3712 |
msgid "wpbeginner"
3713 |
msgstr "wpbeginner"
3714 |
3715 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1000
3716 |
msgid "wpexplorer"
3717 |
msgstr "wpexplorer"
3718 |
3719 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1001
3720 |
msgid "wpforms"
3721 |
msgstr "wpforms"
3722 |
3723 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:43
3724 |
msgid "Wpvr"
3725 |
msgstr "Wpvr"
3726 |
3727 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:105
3728 |
msgid "Wpvr Setup"
3729 |
msgstr "Wpvr Setup"
3730 |
3731 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1002
3732 |
msgid "wrench"
3733 |
msgstr "wrench"
3734 |
3735 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1003
3736 |
msgid "x-ray"
3737 |
msgstr "x-ray"
3738 |
3739 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1004
3740 |
msgid "xbox"
3741 |
msgstr "xbox"
3742 |
3743 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1005
3744 |
msgid "xing"
3745 |
msgstr "xing"
3746 |
3747 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1006
3748 |
msgid "xing-square"
3749 |
msgstr "xing-square"
3750 |
3751 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1007
3752 |
msgid "y-combinator"
3753 |
msgstr "y-combinator"
3754 |
3755 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1008
3756 |
msgid "yahoo"
3757 |
msgstr "yahoo"
3758 |
3759 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1009
3760 |
msgid "yandex"
3761 |
msgstr "yandex"
3762 |
3763 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1010
3764 |
msgid "yandex-international"
3765 |
msgstr "yandex-international"
3766 |
3767 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1011
3768 |
msgid "yelp"
3769 |
msgstr "yelp"
3770 |
3771 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1012
3772 |
msgid "yen-sign"
3773 |
msgstr "yen-sign"
3774 |
3775 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1013
3776 |
msgid "yoast"
3777 |
msgstr "yoast"
3778 |
3779 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:111
3780 |
msgid ""
3781 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
3782 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
3783 |
msgstr ""
3784 |
"Uw beoordeling en feedback zijn belangrijk voor ons. Als je tevreden bent "
3785 |
"met WP VR - 360 Panorama en virtuele tourmaker voor WordPress, geef ons dan "
3786 |
"een beoordeling."
3787 |
3788 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:92
3789 |
msgid ""
3790 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
3791 |
msgstr ""
3792 |
"Uw suggesties zijn waardevol voor ons. Het kan helpen om wpvr nog beter te "
3793 |
3794 |
3795 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1014
3796 |
msgid "youtube"
3797 |
msgstr "youtube"
3798 |
3799 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1015
3800 |
msgid "youtube-square"
3801 |
msgstr "youtube-square"
Binary file
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2 |
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3 |
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4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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15 |
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17 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:25
18 |
msgid "500px"
19 |
msgstr "500px"
20 |
21 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:26
22 |
msgid "accessible-icon"
23 |
msgstr "ícone acessível"
24 |
25 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:27
26 |
msgid "accusoft"
27 |
msgstr "accusoft"
28 |
29 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:28 admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:38
30 |
msgid "Activate License"
31 |
msgstr "Ativar licença"
32 |
33 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:28 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:29
34 |
msgid "address-book"
35 |
msgstr "address-book"
36 |
37 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:30 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:31
38 |
msgid "address-card"
39 |
msgstr "address-card"
40 |
41 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:32
42 |
msgid "adjust"
43 |
msgstr "ajustar"
44 |
45 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:33
46 |
msgid "adn"
47 |
msgstr "adn"
48 |
49 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:34
50 |
msgid "adversal"
51 |
msgstr "adversal"
52 |
53 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:35
54 |
msgid "affiliatetheme"
55 |
msgstr "affiliatetheme"
56 |
57 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:36
58 |
msgid "algolia"
59 |
msgstr "algolia"
60 |
61 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:37
62 |
msgid "align-center"
63 |
msgstr "alinhar-centro"
64 |
65 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:38
66 |
msgid "align-justify"
67 |
msgstr "alinhar-justificar"
68 |
69 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:39
70 |
msgid "align-left"
71 |
msgstr "alinhar à esquerda"
72 |
73 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:40
74 |
msgid "align-right"
75 |
msgstr "alinhar à direita"
76 |
77 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:41
78 |
msgid "allergies"
79 |
msgstr "allergies"
80 |
81 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:42
82 |
msgid "amazon"
83 |
msgstr "amazon"
84 |
85 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:43
86 |
msgid "amazon-pay"
87 |
msgstr "amazon"
88 |
89 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:44
90 |
msgid "ambulance"
91 |
msgstr "ambulance"
92 |
93 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:45
94 |
msgid "american-sign-language-interpreting"
95 |
msgstr "american-sign-language-interpreting"
96 |
97 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:46
98 |
msgid "amilia"
99 |
msgstr "amilia"
100 |
101 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:47
102 |
msgid "anchor"
103 |
msgstr "anchor"
104 |
105 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:48
106 |
msgid "android"
107 |
msgstr "android"
108 |
109 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:49
110 |
msgid "angellist"
111 |
msgstr "angellist"
112 |
113 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:50
114 |
msgid "angle-double-down"
115 |
msgstr "angle-double-down"
116 |
117 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:51
118 |
msgid "angle-double-left"
119 |
msgstr "angle-double-left"
120 |
121 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:52
122 |
msgid "angle-double-right"
123 |
msgstr "angle-double-right"
124 |
125 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:53
126 |
msgid "angle-double-up"
127 |
msgstr "angle-double-up"
128 |
129 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:54
130 |
msgid "angle-down"
131 |
msgstr "angle-down"
132 |
133 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:55
134 |
msgid "angle-left"
135 |
msgstr "angle-left"
136 |
137 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:56
138 |
msgid "angle-right"
139 |
msgstr "angle-right"
140 |
141 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:57
142 |
msgid "angle-up"
143 |
msgstr "angle-up"
144 |
145 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:58
146 |
msgid "angrycreative"
147 |
msgstr "angrycreative"
148 |
149 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:59
150 |
msgid "angular"
151 |
msgstr "angular"
152 |
153 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:60
154 |
msgid "app-store"
155 |
msgstr "app-store"
156 |
157 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:61
158 |
msgid "app-store-ios"
159 |
msgstr "app-store-ios"
160 |
161 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:62
162 |
msgid "apper"
163 |
msgstr "apper"
164 |
165 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:63
166 |
msgid "apple"
167 |
msgstr "apple"
168 |
169 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:64
170 |
msgid "apple-pay"
171 |
msgstr "apple-pay"
172 |
173 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:65
174 |
msgid "archive"
175 |
msgstr "archive"
176 |
177 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:66 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:67
178 |
msgid "arrow-alt-circle-down"
179 |
msgstr "arrow-alt-circle-down"
180 |
181 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:68 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:69
182 |
msgid "arrow-alt-circle-left"
183 |
msgstr "arrow-alt-circle-left"
184 |
185 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:70 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:71
186 |
msgid "arrow-alt-circle-right"
187 |
msgstr "arrow-alt-circle-right"
188 |
189 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:72 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:73
190 |
msgid "arrow-alt-circle-up"
191 |
msgstr "arrow-alt-circle-up"
192 |
193 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:74
194 |
msgid "arrow-circle-down"
195 |
msgstr "arrow-alt-circle-up"
196 |
197 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:75
198 |
msgid "arrow-circle-left"
199 |
msgstr "arrow-circle-left"
200 |
201 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:76
202 |
msgid "arrow-circle-right"
203 |
msgstr "arrow-circle-right"
204 |
205 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:77
206 |
msgid "arrow-circle-up"
207 |
msgstr "arrow-circle-up"
208 |
209 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:78
210 |
msgid "arrow-down"
211 |
msgstr "arrow-down"
212 |
213 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:79
214 |
msgid "arrow-left"
215 |
msgstr "arrow-left"
216 |
217 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:80
218 |
msgid "arrow-right"
219 |
msgstr "arrow-right"
220 |
221 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:81
222 |
msgid "arrow-up"
223 |
msgstr "arrow-up"
224 |
225 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:82
226 |
msgid "arrows-alt"
227 |
msgstr "arrows-alt"
228 |
229 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:83
230 |
msgid "arrows-alt-h"
231 |
msgstr "arrows-alt-h"
232 |
233 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:84
234 |
msgid "arrows-alt-v"
235 |
msgstr "arrows-alt-v"
236 |
237 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:85
238 |
msgid "assistive-listening-systems"
239 |
msgstr "assistive-listening-systems"
240 |
241 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:86
242 |
msgid "asterisk"
243 |
msgstr "asterisk"
244 |
245 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:87
246 |
msgid "asymmetrik"
247 |
msgstr "asymmetrik"
248 |
249 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:88
250 |
msgid "at"
251 |
msgstr "at"
252 |
253 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:89
254 |
msgid "audible"
255 |
msgstr "audible"
256 |
257 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:90
258 |
msgid "audio-description"
259 |
msgstr "audio-description"
260 |
261 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:91
262 |
msgid "autoprefixer"
263 |
msgstr "autoprefixer"
264 |
265 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:92
266 |
msgid "avianex"
267 |
msgstr "avianex"
268 |
269 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:93
270 |
msgid "aviato"
271 |
msgstr "aviato"
272 |
273 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:94
274 |
msgid "aws"
275 |
msgstr "aws"
276 |
277 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:95
278 |
msgid "backward"
279 |
msgstr "backward"
280 |
281 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:96
282 |
msgid "balance-scale"
283 |
msgstr "balance-scale"
284 |
285 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:97
286 |
msgid "ban"
287 |
msgstr "ban"
288 |
289 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:98
290 |
msgid "band-aid"
291 |
msgstr "band-aid"
292 |
293 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:99
294 |
msgid "bandcamp"
295 |
msgstr "bandcamp"
296 |
297 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:100
298 |
msgid "barcode"
299 |
msgstr "barcode"
300 |
301 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:101
302 |
msgid "bars"
303 |
msgstr "bars"
304 |
305 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:102
306 |
msgid "baseball-ball"
307 |
msgstr "baseball-ball"
308 |
309 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:103
310 |
msgid "basketball-ball"
311 |
msgstr "basketball-ball"
312 |
313 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:104
314 |
msgid "bath"
315 |
msgstr "bath"
316 |
317 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:105
318 |
msgid "battery-empty"
319 |
msgstr "battery-empty"
320 |
321 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:106
322 |
msgid "battery-full"
323 |
msgstr "battery-full"
324 |
325 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:107
326 |
msgid "battery-half"
327 |
msgstr "battery-half"
328 |
329 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:108
330 |
msgid "battery-quarter"
331 |
msgstr "battery-quarter"
332 |
333 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:109
334 |
msgid "battery-three-quarters"
335 |
msgstr "battery-three-quarters"
336 |
337 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:110
338 |
msgid "bed"
339 |
msgstr "bed"
340 |
341 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:111
342 |
msgid "beer"
343 |
msgstr "beer"
344 |
345 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:53
346 |
msgid ""
347 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
348 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
349 |
msgstr ""
350 |
"Antes de começar, você pode verificar nossa documentação para se "
351 |
"familiarizar com o WP VR - 360 Panorama e o criador de tour virtual para "
352 |
353 |
354 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:112
355 |
msgid "behance"
356 |
msgstr "behance"
357 |
358 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:113
359 |
msgid "behance-square"
360 |
msgstr "behance-square"
361 |
362 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:114 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:115
363 |
msgid "bell"
364 |
msgstr "bell"
365 |
366 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:116 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:117
367 |
msgid "bell-slash"
368 |
msgstr "bell-slash"
369 |
370 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:118
371 |
msgid "bicycle"
372 |
msgstr "bicycle"
373 |
374 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:119
375 |
msgid "bimobject"
376 |
msgstr "bimobject"
377 |
378 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:120
379 |
msgid "binoculars"
380 |
msgstr "binoculars"
381 |
382 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:121
383 |
msgid "birthday-cake"
384 |
msgstr "birthday-cake"
385 |
386 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:122
387 |
msgid "bitbucket"
388 |
msgstr "bitbucket"
389 |
390 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:123
391 |
msgid "bitcoin"
392 |
msgstr "bitcoin"
393 |
394 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:124
395 |
msgid "bity"
396 |
msgstr "bity"
397 |
398 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:125
399 |
msgid "black-tie"
400 |
msgstr "black-tie"
401 |
402 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:126
403 |
msgid "blackberry"
404 |
msgstr "blackberry"
405 |
406 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:127
407 |
msgid "blind"
408 |
msgstr "blind"
409 |
410 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:128
411 |
msgid "blogger"
412 |
msgstr "blogger"
413 |
414 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:129
415 |
msgid "blogger-b"
416 |
msgstr "blogger-b"
417 |
418 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:130
419 |
msgid "bluetooth"
420 |
msgstr "bluetooth"
421 |
422 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:131
423 |
msgid "bluetooth-b"
424 |
msgstr "bluetooth-b"
425 |
426 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:132
427 |
msgid "bold"
428 |
msgstr "bold"
429 |
430 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:133
431 |
msgid "bolt"
432 |
msgstr "bolt"
433 |
434 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:134
435 |
msgid "bomb"
436 |
msgstr "bomb"
437 |
438 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:135
439 |
msgid "book"
440 |
msgstr "book"
441 |
442 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:136 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:137
443 |
msgid "bookmark"
444 |
msgstr "bookmark"
445 |
446 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:138
447 |
msgid "bowling-ball"
448 |
msgstr "bowling-ball"
449 |
450 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:139
451 |
msgid "box"
452 |
msgstr "box"
453 |
454 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:140
455 |
msgid "box-open"
456 |
msgstr "box-open"
457 |
458 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:141
459 |
msgid "boxes"
460 |
msgstr "boxes"
461 |
462 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:142
463 |
msgid "braille"
464 |
msgstr "braille"
465 |
466 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:143
467 |
msgid "briefcase"
468 |
msgstr "briefcase"
469 |
470 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:144
471 |
msgid "briefcase-medical"
472 |
msgstr "briefcase-medical"
473 |
474 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:145
475 |
msgid "btc"
476 |
msgstr "btc"
477 |
478 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:146
479 |
msgid "bug"
480 |
msgstr "bug"
481 |
482 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:147 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:148
483 |
msgid "building"
484 |
msgstr "building"
485 |
486 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:149
487 |
msgid "bullhorn"
488 |
msgstr "bullhorn"
489 |
490 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:150
491 |
msgid "bullseye"
492 |
msgstr "bullseye"
493 |
494 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:151
495 |
msgid "burn"
496 |
msgstr "burn"
497 |
498 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:152
499 |
msgid "buromobelexperte"
500 |
msgstr "buromobelexperte"
501 |
502 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:153
503 |
msgid "bus"
504 |
msgstr "bus"
505 |
506 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:154
507 |
msgid "buysellads"
508 |
msgstr "buysellads"
509 |
510 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:155
511 |
msgid "calculator"
512 |
msgstr "calculator"
513 |
514 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:156 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:157
515 |
msgid "calendar"
516 |
msgstr "calendar"
517 |
518 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:158 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:159
519 |
msgid "calendar-alt"
520 |
msgstr "calendar-alt"
521 |
522 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:160 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:161
523 |
msgid "calendar-check"
524 |
msgstr "calendar-check"
525 |
526 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:162 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:163
527 |
msgid "calendar-minus"
528 |
msgstr "calendar-minus"
529 |
530 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:164 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:165
531 |
msgid "calendar-plus"
532 |
msgstr "calendar-plus"
533 |
534 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:166 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:167
535 |
msgid "calendar-times"
536 |
msgstr "calendar-times"
537 |
538 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:168
539 |
msgid "camera"
540 |
msgstr "camera"
541 |
542 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:169
543 |
msgid "camera-retro"
544 |
msgstr "camera-retro"
545 |
546 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:73
547 |
msgid ""
548 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
549 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
550 |
msgstr ""
551 |
"Não consegue encontrar uma solução com a nossa documentação? Basta postar um "
552 |
"ticket no fórum de suporte. Devemos resolver seu problema."
553 |
554 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:170
555 |
msgid "capsules"
556 |
msgstr "capsules"
557 |
558 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:171
559 |
msgid "car"
560 |
msgstr "car"
561 |
562 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:172
563 |
msgid "caret-down"
564 |
msgstr "caret-down"
565 |
566 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:173
567 |
msgid "caret-left"
568 |
msgstr "caret-left"
569 |
570 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:174
571 |
msgid "caret-right"
572 |
msgstr "caret-right"
573 |
574 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:175 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:176
575 |
msgid "caret-square-down"
576 |
msgstr "caret-square-down"
577 |
578 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:177 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:178
579 |
msgid "caret-square-left"
580 |
msgstr "caret-square-left"
581 |
582 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:179 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:180
583 |
msgid "caret-square-right"
584 |
msgstr "caret-square-right"
585 |
586 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:181 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:182
587 |
msgid "caret-square-up"
588 |
msgstr "caret-square-up"
589 |
590 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:183
591 |
msgid "caret-up"
592 |
msgstr "caret-up"
593 |
594 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:184
595 |
msgid "cart-arrow-down"
596 |
msgstr "cart-arrow-down"
597 |
598 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:185
599 |
msgid "cart-plus"
600 |
msgstr "cart-plus"
601 |
602 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:186
603 |
msgid "cc-amazon-pay"
604 |
msgstr "cc-amazon-pay"
605 |
606 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:187
607 |
msgid "cc-amex"
608 |
msgstr "cc-amex"
609 |
610 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:188
611 |
msgid "cc-apple-pay"
612 |
msgstr "cc-apple-pay"
613 |
614 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:189
615 |
msgid "cc-diners-club"
616 |
msgstr "cc-diners-club"
617 |
618 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:190
619 |
msgid "cc-discover"
620 |
msgstr "cc-discover"
621 |
622 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:191
623 |
msgid "cc-jcb"
624 |
msgstr "cc-jcb"
625 |
626 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:192
627 |
msgid "cc-mastercard"
628 |
msgstr "cc-mastercard"
629 |
630 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:193
631 |
msgid "cc-paypal"
632 |
msgstr "cc-paypal"
633 |
634 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:194
635 |
msgid "cc-stripe"
636 |
msgstr "cc-stripe"
637 |
638 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:195
639 |
msgid "cc-visa"
640 |
msgstr "cc-visa"
641 |
642 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:196
643 |
msgid "centercode"
644 |
msgstr "centercode"
645 |
646 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:197
647 |
msgid "certificate"
648 |
msgstr "certificate"
649 |
650 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:198
651 |
msgid "chart-area"
652 |
msgstr "chart-area"
653 |
654 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:199 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:200
655 |
msgid "chart-bar"
656 |
msgstr "chart-bar"
657 |
658 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:201
659 |
msgid "chart-line"
660 |
msgstr "chart-line"
661 |
662 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:202
663 |
msgid "chart-pie"
664 |
msgstr "chart-pie"
665 |
666 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:203
667 |
msgid "check"
668 |
msgstr "check"
669 |
670 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:29
671 |
msgid "Check how to use: "
672 |
msgstr "Veja como usar:"
673 |
674 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:204 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:205
675 |
msgid "check-circle"
676 |
msgstr "check-circle"
677 |
678 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:206 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:207
679 |
msgid "check-square"
680 |
msgstr "check-square"
681 |
682 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:208
683 |
msgid "chess"
684 |
msgstr "chess"
685 |
686 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:209
687 |
msgid "chess-bishop"
688 |
msgstr "chess-bishop"
689 |
690 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:210
691 |
msgid "chess-board"
692 |
msgstr "chess-board"
693 |
694 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:211
695 |
msgid "chess-king"
696 |
msgstr "chess-king"
697 |
698 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:212
699 |
msgid "chess-knight"
700 |
msgstr "chess-knight"
701 |
702 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:213
703 |
msgid "chess-pawn"
704 |
msgstr "chess-pawn"
705 |
706 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:214
707 |
msgid "chess-queen"
708 |
msgstr "chess-queen"
709 |
710 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:215
711 |
msgid "chess-rook"
712 |
msgstr "chess-rook"
713 |
714 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:216
715 |
msgid "chevron-circle-down"
716 |
msgstr "chevron-circle-down"
717 |
718 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:217
719 |
msgid "chevron-circle-left"
720 |
msgstr "chevron-circle-left"
721 |
722 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:218
723 |
msgid "chevron-circle-right"
724 |
msgstr "chevron-circle-right"
725 |
726 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:219
727 |
msgid "chevron-circle-up"
728 |
msgstr "chevron-circle-up"
729 |
730 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:220
731 |
msgid "chevron-down"
732 |
msgstr "chevron-down"
733 |
734 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:221
735 |
msgid "chevron-left"
736 |
msgstr "chevron-left"
737 |
738 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:222
739 |
msgid "chevron-right"
740 |
msgstr "chevron-right"
741 |
742 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:223
743 |
msgid "chevron-up"
744 |
msgstr "chevron-up"
745 |
746 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:224
747 |
msgid "child"
748 |
msgstr "child"
749 |
750 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:225
751 |
msgid "chrome"
752 |
msgstr "chrome"
753 |
754 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:226 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:227
755 |
msgid "circle"
756 |
msgstr "circle"
757 |
758 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:228
759 |
msgid "circle-notch"
760 |
msgstr "circle-notch"
761 |
762 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:229 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:230
763 |
msgid "clipboard"
764 |
msgstr "clipboard"
765 |
766 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:231
767 |
msgid "clipboard-check"
768 |
msgstr "clipboard-check"
769 |
770 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:232
771 |
msgid "clipboard-list"
772 |
msgstr "clipboard-list"
773 |
774 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:233 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:234
775 |
msgid "clock"
776 |
msgstr "clock"
777 |
778 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:235 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:236
779 |
msgid "clone"
780 |
msgstr "clone"
781 |
782 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:237 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:238
783 |
msgid "closed-captioning"
784 |
msgstr "closed-captioning"
785 |
786 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:239
787 |
msgid "cloud"
788 |
msgstr "cloud"
789 |
790 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:240
791 |
msgid "cloud-download-alt"
792 |
msgstr "cloud-download-alt"
793 |
794 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:241
795 |
msgid "cloud-upload-alt"
796 |
msgstr "cloud-upload-alt"
797 |
798 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:242
799 |
msgid "cloudscale"
800 |
msgstr "cloudscale"
801 |
802 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:243
803 |
msgid "cloudsmith"
804 |
msgstr "cloudsmith"
805 |
806 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:244
807 |
msgid "cloudversify"
808 |
msgstr "cloudversify"
809 |
810 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:245
811 |
msgid "code"
812 |
msgstr "code"
813 |
814 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:246
815 |
msgid "code-branch"
816 |
msgstr "code-branch"
817 |
818 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:247
819 |
msgid "codepen"
820 |
msgstr "codepen"
821 |
822 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:248
823 |
msgid "codiepie"
824 |
msgstr "codiepie"
825 |
826 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:249
827 |
msgid "coffee"
828 |
msgstr "coffee"
829 |
830 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:250
831 |
msgid "cog"
832 |
msgstr "cog"
833 |
834 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:251
835 |
msgid "cogs"
836 |
msgstr "cogs"
837 |
838 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:252
839 |
msgid "columns"
840 |
msgstr "columns"
841 |
842 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:253 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:254
843 |
msgid "comment"
844 |
msgstr "comment"
845 |
846 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:255 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:256
847 |
msgid "comment-alt"
848 |
msgstr "comment-alt"
849 |
850 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:257
851 |
msgid "comment-dots"
852 |
msgstr "comment-dots"
853 |
854 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:258
855 |
msgid "comment-slash"
856 |
msgstr "comment-slash"
857 |
858 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:259 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:260
859 |
msgid "comments"
860 |
msgstr "comments"
861 |
862 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:261 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:262
863 |
msgid "compass"
864 |
msgstr "compass"
865 |
866 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:153
867 |
msgid "Compass Switch"
868 |
msgstr "Comutador de bússola"
869 |
870 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:263
871 |
msgid "compress"
872 |
msgstr "compress"
873 |
874 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:264
875 |
msgid "connectdevelop"
876 |
msgstr "connectdevelop"
877 |
878 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:265
879 |
msgid "contao"
880 |
msgstr "contao"
881 |
882 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:266 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:267
883 |
msgid "copy"
884 |
msgstr "copy"
885 |
886 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:268 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:269
887 |
msgid "copyright"
888 |
msgstr "copyright"
889 |
890 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:270
891 |
msgid "couch"
892 |
msgstr "couch"
893 |
894 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:271
895 |
msgid "cpanel"
896 |
msgstr "cpanel"
897 |
898 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:272
899 |
msgid "creative-commons"
900 |
msgstr "creative-commons"
901 |
902 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:273 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:274
903 |
msgid "credit-card"
904 |
msgstr "credit-card"
905 |
906 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:275
907 |
msgid "crop"
908 |
msgstr "crop"
909 |
910 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:276
911 |
msgid "crosshairs"
912 |
msgstr "crosshairs"
913 |
914 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:277
915 |
msgid "css3"
916 |
msgstr "css3"
917 |
918 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:278
919 |
msgid "css3-alt"
920 |
msgstr "css3-alt"
921 |
922 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:279
923 |
msgid "cube"
924 |
msgstr "cube"
925 |
926 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:280
927 |
msgid "cubes"
928 |
msgstr "cubes"
929 |
930 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:163
931 |
msgid "Custom scene gallery"
932 |
msgstr "Galeria de cenas personalizadas"
933 |
934 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:156
935 |
msgid "Customize each scene's default face on load"
936 |
msgstr "Personalize o rosto padrão de cada cena ao carregar"
937 |
938 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:151
939 |
msgid "Customized hotspot icon"
940 |
msgstr "Ícone de ponto de acesso personalizado"
941 |
942 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:281
943 |
msgid "cut"
944 |
msgstr "cut"
945 |
946 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:282
947 |
msgid "cuttlefish"
948 |
msgstr "cuttlefish"
949 |
950 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:283
951 |
msgid "d-and-d"
952 |
msgstr "d-and-d"
953 |
954 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:284
955 |
msgid "dashcube"
956 |
msgstr "dashcube"
957 |
958 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:285
959 |
msgid "database"
960 |
msgstr "database"
961 |
962 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:34
963 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
964 |
msgstr "Desativar licença"
965 |
966 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:286
967 |
msgid "deaf"
968 |
msgstr "deaf"
969 |
970 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:154
971 |
msgid "Default zoom level"
972 |
msgstr "Nível de zoom padrão"
973 |
974 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:287
975 |
msgid "delicious"
976 |
msgstr "delicious"
977 |
978 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:288
979 |
msgid "deploydog"
980 |
msgstr "deploydog"
981 |
982 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:289
983 |
msgid "deskpro"
984 |
msgstr "deskpro"
985 |
986 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:290
987 |
msgid "desktop"
988 |
msgstr "desktop"
989 |
990 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:291
991 |
msgid "deviantart"
992 |
msgstr "deviantart"
993 |
994 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:292
995 |
msgid "diagnoses"
996 |
msgstr "diagnoses"
997 |
998 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:293
999 |
msgid "digg"
1000 |
msgstr "digg"
1001 |
1002 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:294
1003 |
msgid "digital-ocean"
1004 |
msgstr "digital-ocean"
1005 |
1006 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:295
1007 |
msgid "discord"
1008 |
msgstr "discord"
1009 |
1010 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:296
1011 |
msgid "discourse"
1012 |
msgstr "discourse"
1013 |
1014 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:297
1015 |
msgid "dna"
1016 |
msgstr "dna"
1017 |
1018 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:175
1019 |
msgid ""
1020 |
"Do not close or refresh the page during import process. It may take few "
1021 |
1022 |
msgstr ""
1023 |
"Não feche ou atualize a página durante o processo de importação. Pode "
1024 |
"demorar alguns minutos."
1025 |
1026 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:298
1027 |
msgid "dochub"
1028 |
msgstr "dochub"
1029 |
1030 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:299
1031 |
msgid "docker"
1032 |
msgstr "docker"
1033 |
1034 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:47
1035 |
msgid "Documentation"
1036 |
msgstr "documentação"
1037 |
1038 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:300
1039 |
msgid "dollar-sign"
1040 |
msgstr "dollar-sign"
1041 |
1042 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:301
1043 |
msgid "dolly"
1044 |
msgstr "dolly"
1045 |
1046 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:302
1047 |
msgid "dolly-flatbed"
1048 |
msgstr "dolly-flatbed"
1049 |
1050 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:303
1051 |
msgid "donate"
1052 |
msgstr "donate"
1053 |
1054 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:304 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:305
1055 |
msgid "dot-circle"
1056 |
msgstr "dot-circle"
1057 |
1058 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:306
1059 |
msgid "dove"
1060 |
msgstr "dove"
1061 |
1062 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:307
1063 |
msgid "download"
1064 |
msgstr "download"
1065 |
1066 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:308
1067 |
msgid "draft2digital"
1068 |
msgstr "draft2digital"
1069 |
1070 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:309
1071 |
msgid "dribbble"
1072 |
msgstr "dribbble"
1073 |
1074 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:310
1075 |
msgid "dribbble-square"
1076 |
msgstr "dribbble-square"
1077 |
1078 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:311
1079 |
msgid "dropbox"
1080 |
msgstr "dropbox"
1081 |
1082 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:312
1083 |
msgid "drupal"
1084 |
msgstr "drupal"
1085 |
1086 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:161
1087 |
msgid "Duplicate tour support"
1088 |
msgstr "Suporte de tour duplicado"
1089 |
1090 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:313
1091 |
msgid "dyalog"
1092 |
msgstr "dyalog"
1093 |
1094 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
1095 |
msgid "Dynamic Icon background color on hotspot"
1096 |
msgstr "Cor de fundo do ícone dinâmico no ponto de acesso"
1097 |
1098 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:314
1099 |
msgid "earlybirds"
1100 |
msgstr "earlybirds"
1101 |
1102 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:315
1103 |
msgid "edge"
1104 |
msgstr "edge"
1105 |
1106 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:316 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:317
1107 |
msgid "edit"
1108 |
msgstr "edit"
1109 |
1110 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:318
1111 |
msgid "eject"
1112 |
msgstr "eject"
1113 |
1114 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:319
1115 |
msgid "elementor"
1116 |
msgstr "elementor"
1117 |
1118 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:320
1119 |
msgid "ellipsis-h"
1120 |
msgstr "ellipsis-h"
1121 |
1122 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:321
1123 |
msgid "ellipsis-v"
1124 |
msgstr "ellipsis-v"
1125 |
1126 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:322
1127 |
msgid "ember"
1128 |
msgstr "ember"
1129 |
1130 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:323
1131 |
msgid "empire"
1132 |
msgstr "empire"
1133 |
1134 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:22
1135 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
1136 |
msgstr "Digite sua chave de licença, salve as alterações e ative."
1137 |
1138 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:324 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:325
1139 |
msgid "envelope"
1140 |
msgstr "envelope"
1141 |
1142 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:326 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:327
1143 |
msgid "envelope-open"
1144 |
msgstr "envelope-open"
1145 |
1146 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:328
1147 |
msgid "envelope-square"
1148 |
msgstr "envelope-square"
1149 |
1150 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:329
1151 |
msgid "envira"
1152 |
msgstr "envira"
1153 |
1154 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:330
1155 |
msgid "eraser"
1156 |
msgstr "eraser"
1157 |
1158 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:331
1159 |
msgid "erlang"
1160 |
msgstr "erlang"
1161 |
1162 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:332
1163 |
msgid "ethereum"
1164 |
msgstr "ethereum"
1165 |
1166 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:333
1167 |
msgid "etsy"
1168 |
msgstr "etsy"
1169 |
1170 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:334
1171 |
msgid "euro-sign"
1172 |
msgstr "euro-sign"
1173 |
1174 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:335
1175 |
msgid "exchange-alt"
1176 |
msgstr "exchange-alt"
1177 |
1178 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:336
1179 |
msgid "exclamation"
1180 |
msgstr "exclamation"
1181 |
1182 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:337
1183 |
msgid "exclamation-circle"
1184 |
msgstr "exclamation-circle"
1185 |
1186 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:338
1187 |
msgid "exclamation-triangle"
1188 |
msgstr "exclamation-triangle"
1189 |
1190 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:339
1191 |
msgid "expand"
1192 |
msgstr "expand"
1193 |
1194 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:340
1195 |
msgid "expand-arrows-alt"
1196 |
msgstr "expand-arrows-alt"
1197 |
1198 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:341
1199 |
msgid "expeditedssl"
1200 |
msgstr "expeditedssl"
1201 |
1202 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:342
1203 |
msgid "external-link-alt"
1204 |
msgstr "external-link-alt"
1205 |
1206 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:343
1207 |
msgid "external-link-square-alt"
1208 |
msgstr "external-link-square-alt"
1209 |
1210 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:344
1211 |
msgid "eye"
1212 |
msgstr "eye"
1213 |
1214 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:345
1215 |
msgid "eye-dropper"
1216 |
msgstr "eye-dropper"
1217 |
1218 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:346 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:347
1219 |
msgid "eye-slash"
1220 |
msgstr "eye-slash"
1221 |
1222 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:348
1223 |
msgid "facebook"
1224 |
msgstr "facebook"
1225 |
1226 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:349
1227 |
msgid "facebook-f"
1228 |
msgstr "facebook-f"
1229 |
1230 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:350
1231 |
msgid "facebook-messenger"
1232 |
msgstr "facebook-messenger"
1233 |
1234 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:351
1235 |
msgid "facebook-square"
1236 |
msgstr "facebook-square"
1237 |
1238 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:352
1239 |
msgid "fast-backward"
1240 |
msgstr "fast-backward"
1241 |
1242 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:353
1243 |
msgid "fast-forward"
1244 |
msgstr "fast-forward"
1245 |
1246 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:354
1247 |
msgid "fax"
1248 |
msgstr "fax"
1249 |
1250 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:355
1251 |
msgid "female"
1252 |
msgstr "female"
1253 |
1254 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:356
1255 |
msgid "fighter-jet"
1256 |
msgstr "fighter-jet"
1257 |
1258 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:357 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:358
1259 |
msgid "file"
1260 |
msgstr "file"
1261 |
1262 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
1263 |
msgid "File import & export system"
1264 |
msgstr "Sistema de importação e exportação de arquivos"
1265 |
1266 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:359 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:360
1267 |
msgid "file-alt"
1268 |
msgstr "file-alt"
1269 |
1270 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:361 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:362
1271 |
msgid "file-archive"
1272 |
msgstr "file-archive"
1273 |
1274 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:363 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:364
1275 |
msgid "file-audio"
1276 |
msgstr "file-audio"
1277 |
1278 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:365 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:366
1279 |
msgid "file-code"
1280 |
msgstr "file-code"
1281 |
1282 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:367 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:368
1283 |
msgid "file-excel"
1284 |
msgstr "file-excel"
1285 |
1286 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:369 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:370
1287 |
msgid "file-image"
1288 |
msgstr "file-image"
1289 |
1290 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:371
1291 |
msgid "file-medical"
1292 |
msgstr "file-medical"
1293 |
1294 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:372
1295 |
msgid "file-medical-alt"
1296 |
msgstr "file-medical-alt"
1297 |
1298 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:373 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:374
1299 |
msgid "file-pdf"
1300 |
msgstr "file-pdf"
1301 |
1302 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:375 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:376
1303 |
msgid "file-powerpoint"
1304 |
msgstr "file-powerpoint"
1305 |
1306 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:377 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:378
1307 |
msgid "file-video"
1308 |
msgstr "file-video"
1309 |
1310 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:379 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:380
1311 |
msgid "file-word"
1312 |
msgstr "file-word"
1313 |
1314 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:381
1315 |
msgid "film"
1316 |
msgstr "film"
1317 |
1318 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:382
1319 |
msgid "filter"
1320 |
msgstr "filter"
1321 |
1322 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:383
1323 |
msgid "fire"
1324 |
msgstr "fire"
1325 |
1326 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:384
1327 |
msgid "fire-extinguisher"
1328 |
msgstr "fire-extinguisher"
1329 |
1330 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:385
1331 |
msgid "firefox"
1332 |
msgstr "firefox"
1333 |
1334 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:386
1335 |
msgid "first-aid"
1336 |
msgstr "first-aid"
1337 |
1338 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:387
1339 |
msgid "first-order"
1340 |
msgstr "first-order"
1341 |
1342 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:388
1343 |
msgid "firstdraft"
1344 |
msgstr "firstdraft"
1345 |
1346 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:389 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:390
1347 |
msgid "flag"
1348 |
msgstr "flag"
1349 |
1350 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:391
1351 |
msgid "flag-checkered"
1352 |
msgstr "flag-checkered"
1353 |
1354 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:392
1355 |
msgid "flask"
1356 |
msgstr "flask"
1357 |
1358 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:393
1359 |
msgid "flickr"
1360 |
msgstr "flickr"
1361 |
1362 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:394
1363 |
msgid "flipboard"
1364 |
msgstr "flipboard"
1365 |
1366 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:395
1367 |
msgid "fly"
1368 |
msgstr "fly"
1369 |
1370 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:396 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:397
1371 |
msgid "folder"
1372 |
msgstr "folder"
1373 |
1374 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:398 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:399
1375 |
msgid "folder-open"
1376 |
msgstr "folder-open"
1377 |
1378 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:400
1379 |
msgid "font"
1380 |
msgstr "font"
1381 |
1382 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:401
1383 |
msgid "font-awesome"
1384 |
msgstr "font-awesome"
1385 |
1386 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:402
1387 |
msgid "font-awesome-alt"
1388 |
msgstr "font-awesome-alt"
1389 |
1390 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:403
1391 |
msgid "font-awesome-flag"
1392 |
msgstr "font-awesome-flag"
1393 |
1394 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:404
1395 |
msgid "fonticons"
1396 |
msgstr "fonticons"
1397 |
1398 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:405
1399 |
msgid "fonticons-fi"
1400 |
msgstr "fonticons-fi"
1401 |
1402 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:406
1403 |
msgid "football-ball"
1404 |
msgstr "football-ball"
1405 |
1406 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:24
1407 |
msgid "For classic editor:"
1408 |
msgstr "Para o editor clássico:"
1409 |
1410 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:27
1411 |
msgid "For gutenberg:"
1412 |
msgstr "Para Gutenberg:"
1413 |
1414 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:407
1415 |
msgid "fort-awesome"
1416 |
msgstr "fort-awesome"
1417 |
1418 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:408
1419 |
msgid "fort-awesome-alt"
1420 |
msgstr "fort-awesome-alt"
1421 |
1422 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:409
1423 |
msgid "forumbee"
1424 |
msgstr "forumbee"
1425 |
1426 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:410
1427 |
msgid "forward"
1428 |
msgstr "forward"
1429 |
1430 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:411
1431 |
msgid "foursquare"
1432 |
msgstr "foursquare"
1433 |
1434 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:412
1435 |
msgid "free-code-camp"
1436 |
msgstr "free-code-camp"
1437 |
1438 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:413
1439 |
msgid "freebsd"
1440 |
msgstr "freebsd"
1441 |
1442 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:414 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:415
1443 |
msgid "frown"
1444 |
msgstr "frown"
1445 |
1446 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:416 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:417
1447 |
msgid "futbol"
1448 |
msgstr "futbol"
1449 |
1450 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:418
1451 |
msgid "gamepad"
1452 |
msgstr "gamepad"
1453 |
1454 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:419
1455 |
msgid "gavel"
1456 |
msgstr "gavel"
1457 |
1458 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:420 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:421
1459 |
msgid "gem"
1460 |
msgstr "gem"
1461 |
1462 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:422
1463 |
msgid "genderless"
1464 |
msgstr "genderless"
1465 |
1466 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:23
1467 |
msgid "General"
1468 |
msgstr "Geral"
1469 |
1470 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:166
1471 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
1472 |
msgstr "Obter versão Premium"
1473 |
1474 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:423
1475 |
msgid "get-pocket"
1476 |
msgstr "get-pocket"
1477 |
1478 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:424
1479 |
msgid "gg"
1480 |
msgstr "gg"
1481 |
1482 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:425
1483 |
msgid "gg-circle"
1484 |
msgstr "gg-circle"
1485 |
1486 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:426
1487 |
msgid "gift"
1488 |
msgstr "gift"
1489 |
1490 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:427
1491 |
msgid "git"
1492 |
msgstr "git"
1493 |
1494 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:428
1495 |
msgid "git-square"
1496 |
msgstr "git-square"
1497 |
1498 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:429
1499 |
msgid "github"
1500 |
msgstr "github"
1501 |
1502 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:430
1503 |
msgid "github-alt"
1504 |
msgstr "github-alt"
1505 |
1506 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:431
1507 |
msgid "github-square"
1508 |
msgstr "github-square"
1509 |
1510 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:432
1511 |
msgid "gitkraken"
1512 |
msgstr "gitkraken"
1513 |
1514 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:433
1515 |
msgid "gitlab"
1516 |
msgstr "gitlab"
1517 |
1518 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:434
1519 |
msgid "gitter"
1520 |
msgstr "gitter"
1521 |
1522 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:435
1523 |
msgid "glass-martini"
1524 |
msgstr "glass-martini"
1525 |
1526 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:436
1527 |
msgid "glide"
1528 |
msgstr "glide"
1529 |
1530 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:437
1531 |
msgid "glide-g"
1532 |
msgstr "glide-g"
1533 |
1534 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:438
1535 |
msgid "globe"
1536 |
msgstr "globe"
1537 |
1538 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:25
1539 |
msgid "Go Premium"
1540 |
msgstr "vá premium"
1541 |
1542 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:439
1543 |
msgid "gofore"
1544 |
msgstr "gofore"
1545 |
1546 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:440
1547 |
msgid "golf-ball"
1548 |
msgstr "golf-ball"
1549 |
1550 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:441
1551 |
msgid "goodreads"
1552 |
msgstr "goodreads"
1553 |
1554 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:442
1555 |
msgid "goodreads-g"
1556 |
msgstr "goodreads-g"
1557 |
1558 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:443
1559 |
msgid "google"
1560 |
msgstr "google"
1561 |
1562 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:444
1563 |
msgid "google-drive"
1564 |
msgstr "google-drive"
1565 |
1566 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:445
1567 |
msgid "google-play"
1568 |
msgstr "google-play"
1569 |
1570 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:446
1571 |
msgid "google-plus"
1572 |
msgstr "google-plus"
1573 |
1574 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:447
1575 |
msgid "google-plus-g"
1576 |
msgstr "google-plus-g"
1577 |
1578 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:448
1579 |
msgid "google-plus-square"
1580 |
msgstr "google-plus-square"
1581 |
1582 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:449
1583 |
msgid "google-wallet"
1584 |
msgstr "google-wallet"
1585 |
1586 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:450
1587 |
msgid "graduation-cap"
1588 |
msgstr "graduation-cap"
1589 |
1590 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:451
1591 |
msgid "gratipay"
1592 |
msgstr "gratipay"
1593 |
1594 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:452
1595 |
msgid "grav"
1596 |
msgstr "grav"
1597 |
1598 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:453
1599 |
msgid "gripfire"
1600 |
msgstr "gripfire"
1601 |
1602 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:454
1603 |
msgid "grunt"
1604 |
msgstr "grunt"
1605 |
1606 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:455
1607 |
msgid "gulp"
1608 |
msgstr "gulp"
1609 |
1610 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:160
1611 |
msgid "Gyroscope support"
1612 |
msgstr "Suporte para giroscópio"
1613 |
1614 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:456
1615 |
msgid "h-square"
1616 |
msgstr "h-square"
1617 |
1618 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:457
1619 |
msgid "hacker-news"
1620 |
msgstr "hacker-news"
1621 |
1622 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:458
1623 |
msgid "hacker-news-square"
1624 |
msgstr "hacker-news-square"
1625 |
1626 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:459
1627 |
msgid "hand-holding"
1628 |
msgstr "hand-holding"
1629 |
1630 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:460
1631 |
msgid "hand-holding-heart"
1632 |
msgstr "hand-holding-heart"
1633 |
1634 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:461
1635 |
msgid "hand-holding-usd"
1636 |
msgstr "hand-holding-usd"
1637 |
1638 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:462 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:463
1639 |
msgid "hand-lizard"
1640 |
msgstr "hand-lizard"
1641 |
1642 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:464 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:465
1643 |
msgid "hand-paper"
1644 |
msgstr "hand-paper"
1645 |
1646 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:466 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:467
1647 |
msgid "hand-peace"
1648 |
msgstr "hand-peace"
1649 |
1650 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:468 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:469
1651 |
msgid "hand-point-down"
1652 |
msgstr "hand-point-down"
1653 |
1654 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:470 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:471
1655 |
msgid "hand-point-left"
1656 |
msgstr "hand-point-left"
1657 |
1658 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:472 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:473
1659 |
msgid "hand-point-right"
1660 |
msgstr "hand-point-right"
1661 |
1662 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:474 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:475
1663 |
msgid "hand-point-up"
1664 |
msgstr "hand-point-up"
1665 |
1666 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:476 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:477
1667 |
msgid "hand-pointer"
1668 |
msgstr "hand-pointer"
1669 |
1670 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:478 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:479
1671 |
msgid "hand-rock"
1672 |
msgstr "hand-rock"
1673 |
1674 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:480 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:481
1675 |
msgid "hand-scissors"
1676 |
msgstr "hand-scissors"
1677 |
1678 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:482 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:483
1679 |
msgid "hand-spock"
1680 |
msgstr "hand-spock"
1681 |
1682 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:484
1683 |
msgid "hands"
1684 |
msgstr "hands"
1685 |
1686 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:485
1687 |
msgid "hands-helping"
1688 |
msgstr "hands-helping"
1689 |
1690 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:486 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:487
1691 |
msgid "handshake"
1692 |
msgstr "handshake"
1693 |
1694 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:488
1695 |
msgid "hashtag"
1696 |
msgstr "hashtag"
1697 |
1698 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:489 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:490
1699 |
msgid "hdd"
1700 |
msgstr "hdd"
1701 |
1702 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:491
1703 |
msgid "heading"
1704 |
msgstr "heading"
1705 |
1706 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:492
1707 |
msgid "headphones"
1708 |
msgstr "headphones"
1709 |
1710 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:493 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:494
1711 |
msgid "heart"
1712 |
msgstr "heart"
1713 |
1714 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:495
1715 |
msgid "heartbeat"
1716 |
msgstr "heartbeat"
1717 |
1718 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:133
1719 |
msgid "Height:"
1720 |
msgstr "Altura:"
1721 |
1722 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:496
1723 |
msgid "hips"
1724 |
msgstr "hips"
1725 |
1726 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:497
1727 |
msgid "hire-a-helper"
1728 |
msgstr "hire-a-helper"
1729 |
1730 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:498
1731 |
msgid "history"
1732 |
msgstr "history"
1733 |
1734 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:499
1735 |
msgid "hockey-puck"
1736 |
msgstr "hockey-puck"
1737 |
1738 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:500
1739 |
msgid "home"
1740 |
msgstr "home"
1741 |
1742 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:501
1743 |
msgid "hooli"
1744 |
msgstr "hooli"
1745 |
1746 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:502 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:503
1747 |
msgid "hospital"
1748 |
msgstr "hospital"
1749 |
1750 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:504
1751 |
msgid "hospital-alt"
1752 |
msgstr "hospital-alt"
1753 |
1754 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:505
1755 |
msgid "hospital-symbol"
1756 |
msgstr "hospital-symbol"
1757 |
1758 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:506
1759 |
msgid "hotjar"
1760 |
msgstr "hotjar"
1761 |
1762 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:159
1763 |
msgid "Hotspot based scene face support"
1764 |
msgstr "Suporte de rosto de cena baseado em hotspot"
1765 |
1766 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:507 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:508
1767 |
msgid "hourglass"
1768 |
msgstr "hourglass"
1769 |
1770 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:509
1771 |
msgid "hourglass-end"
1772 |
msgstr "hourglass-end"
1773 |
1774 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:510
1775 |
msgid "hourglass-half"
1776 |
msgstr "hourglass-half"
1777 |
1778 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:511
1779 |
msgid "hourglass-start"
1780 |
msgstr "hourglass-start"
1781 |
1782 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:512
1783 |
msgid "houzz"
1784 |
msgstr "houzz"
1785 |
1786 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:513
1787 |
msgid "html5"
1788 |
msgstr "html5"
1789 |
1790 |
#. Author URI of the plugin
1791 |
msgid ""
1792 |
msgstr ""
1793 |
1794 |
#. URI of the plugin
1795 |
msgid ""
1796 |
msgstr ""
1797 |
1798 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:514
1799 |
msgid "hubspot"
1800 |
msgstr "hubspot"
1801 |
1802 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:515
1803 |
msgid "i-cursor"
1804 |
msgstr "i-cursor"
1805 |
1806 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:516 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:517
1807 |
msgid "id-badge"
1808 |
msgstr "id-badge"
1809 |
1810 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:518 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:519
1811 |
msgid "id-card"
1812 |
msgstr "id-card"
1813 |
1814 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:520
1815 |
msgid "id-card-alt"
1816 |
msgstr "id-card-alt"
1817 |
1818 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:113
1819 |
msgid "ID:"
1820 |
msgstr "EU IRIA:"
1821 |
1822 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:521 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:522
1823 |
msgid "image"
1824 |
msgstr "image"
1825 |
1826 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:523 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:524
1827 |
msgid "images"
1828 |
msgstr "images"
1829 |
1830 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:525
1831 |
msgid "imdb"
1832 |
msgstr "imdb"
1833 |
1834 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:29
1835 |
msgid "Import"
1836 |
msgstr "Importar"
1837 |
1838 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:174
1839 |
msgid "Import tour file: "
1840 |
msgstr "Importar arquivo de tour:"
1841 |
1842 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:526
1843 |
msgid "inbox"
1844 |
msgstr "inbox"
1845 |
1846 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:527
1847 |
msgid "indent"
1848 |
msgstr "indent"
1849 |
1850 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:528
1851 |
msgid "industry"
1852 |
msgstr "industry"
1853 |
1854 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:529
1855 |
msgid "info"
1856 |
msgstr "info"
1857 |
1858 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:530
1859 |
msgid "info-circle"
1860 |
msgstr "info-circle"
1861 |
1862 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:531
1863 |
msgid "instagram"
1864 |
msgstr "instagram"
1865 |
1866 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:532
1867 |
msgid "internet-explorer"
1868 |
msgstr "internet-explorer"
1869 |
1870 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:533
1871 |
msgid "ioxhost"
1872 |
msgstr "ioxhost"
1873 |
1874 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:534
1875 |
msgid "italic"
1876 |
msgstr "italic"
1877 |
1878 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:535
1879 |
msgid "itunes"
1880 |
msgstr "itunes"
1881 |
1882 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:536
1883 |
msgid "itunes-note"
1884 |
msgstr "itunes-note"
1885 |
1886 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:537
1887 |
msgid "java"
1888 |
msgstr "java"
1889 |
1890 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:538
1891 |
msgid "jenkins"
1892 |
msgstr "jenkins"
1893 |
1894 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:539
1895 |
msgid "joget"
1896 |
msgstr "joget"
1897 |
1898 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:540
1899 |
msgid "joomla"
1900 |
msgstr "joomla"
1901 |
1902 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:541
1903 |
msgid "js"
1904 |
msgstr "js"
1905 |
1906 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:542
1907 |
msgid "js-square"
1908 |
msgstr "js-square"
1909 |
1910 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:543
1911 |
msgid "jsfiddle"
1912 |
msgstr "jsfiddle"
1913 |
1914 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:544
1915 |
msgid "key"
1916 |
msgstr "key"
1917 |
1918 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:545 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:546
1919 |
msgid "keyboard"
1920 |
msgstr "keyboard"
1921 |
1922 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:547
1923 |
msgid "keycdn"
1924 |
msgstr "keycdn"
1925 |
1926 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:548
1927 |
msgid "kickstarter"
1928 |
msgstr "kickstarter"
1929 |
1930 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:549
1931 |
msgid "kickstarter-k"
1932 |
msgstr "kickstarter-k"
1933 |
1934 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:550
1935 |
msgid "korvue"
1936 |
msgstr "korvue"
1937 |
1938 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:551
1939 |
msgid "language"
1940 |
msgstr "language"
1941 |
1942 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:552
1943 |
msgid "laptop"
1944 |
msgstr "laptop"
1945 |
1946 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:553
1947 |
msgid "laravel"
1948 |
msgstr "laravel"
1949 |
1950 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:554
1951 |
msgid "lastfm"
1952 |
msgstr "lastfm"
1953 |
1954 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:555
1955 |
msgid "lastfm-square"
1956 |
msgstr "lastfm-square"
1957 |
1958 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:556
1959 |
msgid "leaf"
1960 |
msgstr "leaf"
1961 |
1962 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:557
1963 |
msgid "leanpub"
1964 |
msgstr "leanpub"
1965 |
1966 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:558 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:559
1967 |
msgid "lemon"
1968 |
msgstr "lemon"
1969 |
1970 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:560
1971 |
msgid "less"
1972 |
msgstr "less"
1973 |
1974 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:561
1975 |
msgid "level-down-alt"
1976 |
msgstr "level-down-alt"
1977 |
1978 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:562
1979 |
msgid "level-up-alt"
1980 |
msgstr "level-up-alt"
1981 |
1982 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:18
1983 |
msgid "License Key"
1984 |
msgstr "Chave de licença"
1985 |
1986 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:563 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:564
1987 |
msgid "life-ring"
1988 |
msgstr "life-ring"
1989 |
1990 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:565 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:566
1991 |
msgid "lightbulb"
1992 |
msgstr "lightbulb"
1993 |
1994 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:567
1995 |
msgid "line"
1996 |
msgstr "line"
1997 |
1998 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:568
1999 |
msgid "link"
2000 |
msgstr "link"
2001 |
2002 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:569
2003 |
msgid "linkedin"
2004 |
msgstr "linkedin"
2005 |
2006 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:570
2007 |
msgid "linkedin-in"
2008 |
msgstr "linkedin-in"
2009 |
2010 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:571
2011 |
msgid "linode"
2012 |
msgstr "linode"
2013 |
2014 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:572
2015 |
msgid "linux"
2016 |
msgstr "linux"
2017 |
2018 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:573
2019 |
msgid "lira-sign"
2020 |
msgstr "lira-sign"
2021 |
2022 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:574
2023 |
msgid "list"
2024 |
msgstr "list"
2025 |
2026 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:575 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:576
2027 |
msgid "list-alt"
2028 |
msgstr "list-alt"
2029 |
2030 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:577
2031 |
msgid "list-ol"
2032 |
msgstr "list-ol"
2033 |
2034 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:578
2035 |
msgid "list-ul"
2036 |
msgstr "list-ul"
2037 |
2038 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:579
2039 |
msgid "location-arrow"
2040 |
msgstr "location-arrow"
2041 |
2042 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:580
2043 |
msgid "lock"
2044 |
msgstr "lock"
2045 |
2046 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:581
2047 |
msgid "lock-open"
2048 |
msgstr "lock-open"
2049 |
2050 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:582
2051 |
msgid "long-arrow-alt-down"
2052 |
msgstr "long-arrow-alt-down"
2053 |
2054 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:583
2055 |
msgid "long-arrow-alt-left"
2056 |
msgstr "long-arrow-alt-left"
2057 |
2058 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:584
2059 |
msgid "long-arrow-alt-right"
2060 |
msgstr "long-arrow-alt-right"
2061 |
2062 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:585
2063 |
msgid "long-arrow-alt-up"
2064 |
msgstr "long-arrow-alt-up"
2065 |
2066 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:586
2067 |
msgid "low-vision"
2068 |
msgstr "low-vision"
2069 |
2070 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:587
2071 |
msgid "lyft"
2072 |
msgstr "lyft"
2073 |
2074 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:588
2075 |
msgid "magento"
2076 |
msgstr "magento"
2077 |
2078 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:589
2079 |
msgid "magic"
2080 |
msgstr "magic"
2081 |
2082 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:590
2083 |
msgid "magnet"
2084 |
msgstr "magnet"
2085 |
2086 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:105
2087 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
2088 |
msgstr "Tornar o WPVR popular"
2089 |
2090 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:591
2091 |
msgid "male"
2092 |
msgstr "male"
2093 |
2094 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:592 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:593
2095 |
msgid "map"
2096 |
msgstr "map"
2097 |
2098 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:594
2099 |
msgid "map-marker"
2100 |
msgstr "map-marker"
2101 |
2102 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:595
2103 |
msgid "map-marker-alt"
2104 |
msgstr "map-marker-alt"
2105 |
2106 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:596
2107 |
msgid "map-pin"
2108 |
msgstr "map-pin"
2109 |
2110 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:597
2111 |
msgid "map-signs"
2112 |
msgstr "map-signs"
2113 |
2114 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:598
2115 |
msgid "mars"
2116 |
msgstr "mars"
2117 |
2118 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:599
2119 |
msgid "mars-double"
2120 |
msgstr "mars-double"
2121 |
2122 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:600
2123 |
msgid "mars-stroke"
2124 |
msgstr "mars-stroke"
2125 |
2126 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:601
2127 |
msgid "mars-stroke-h"
2128 |
msgstr "mars-stroke-h"
2129 |
2130 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:602
2131 |
msgid "mars-stroke-v"
2132 |
msgstr "mars-stroke-v"
2133 |
2134 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:603
2135 |
msgid "maxcdn"
2136 |
msgstr "maxcdn"
2137 |
2138 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:155
2139 |
msgid "Maximum and minimum zoom range"
2140 |
msgstr "Alcance máximo e mínimo de zoom"
2141 |
2142 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:604
2143 |
msgid "medapps"
2144 |
msgstr "medapps"
2145 |
2146 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:605
2147 |
msgid "medium"
2148 |
msgstr "medium"
2149 |
2150 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:606
2151 |
msgid "medium-m"
2152 |
msgstr "medium-m"
2153 |
2154 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:607
2155 |
msgid "medkit"
2156 |
msgstr "medkit"
2157 |
2158 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:608
2159 |
msgid "medrt"
2160 |
msgstr "medrt"
2161 |
2162 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:609
2163 |
msgid "meetup"
2164 |
msgstr "meetup"
2165 |
2166 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:610 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:611
2167 |
msgid "meh"
2168 |
msgstr "meh"
2169 |
2170 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:612
2171 |
msgid "mercury"
2172 |
msgstr "mercury"
2173 |
2174 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:613
2175 |
msgid "microchip"
2176 |
msgstr "microchip"
2177 |
2178 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:614
2179 |
msgid "microphone"
2180 |
msgstr "microphone"
2181 |
2182 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:615
2183 |
msgid "microphone-slash"
2184 |
msgstr "microphone-slash"
2185 |
2186 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:616
2187 |
msgid "microsoft"
2188 |
msgstr "microsoft"
2189 |
2190 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:617
2191 |
msgid "minus"
2192 |
msgstr "minus"
2193 |
2194 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:618
2195 |
msgid "minus-circle"
2196 |
msgstr "minus-circle"
2197 |
2198 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:619 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:620
2199 |
msgid "minus-square"
2200 |
msgstr "minus-square"
2201 |
2202 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:621
2203 |
msgid "mix"
2204 |
msgstr "mix"
2205 |
2206 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:622
2207 |
msgid "mixcloud"
2208 |
msgstr "mixcloud"
2209 |
2210 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:623
2211 |
msgid "mizuni"
2212 |
msgstr "mizuni"
2213 |
2214 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:624
2215 |
msgid "mobile"
2216 |
msgstr "mobile"
2217 |
2218 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:625
2219 |
msgid "mobile-alt"
2220 |
msgstr "mobile-alt"
2221 |
2222 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:626
2223 |
msgid "modx"
2224 |
msgstr "modx"
2225 |
2226 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:627
2227 |
msgid "monero"
2228 |
msgstr "monero"
2229 |
2230 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:628 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:629
2231 |
msgid "money-bill-alt"
2232 |
msgstr "money-bill-alt"
2233 |
2234 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:630 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:631
2235 |
msgid "moon"
2236 |
msgstr "moon"
2237 |
2238 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:632
2239 |
msgid "motorcycle"
2240 |
msgstr "motorcycle"
2241 |
2242 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:633
2243 |
msgid "mouse-pointer"
2244 |
msgstr "mouse-pointer"
2245 |
2246 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:634
2247 |
msgid "music"
2248 |
msgstr "music"
2249 |
2250 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:635
2251 |
msgid "napster"
2252 |
msgstr "napster"
2253 |
2254 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:636
2255 |
msgid "neuter"
2256 |
msgstr "neuter"
2257 |
2258 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:637 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:638
2259 |
msgid "newspaper"
2260 |
msgstr "newspaper"
2261 |
2262 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:639
2263 |
msgid "nintendo-switch"
2264 |
msgstr "nintendo-switch"
2265 |
2266 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:640
2267 |
msgid "node"
2268 |
msgstr "node"
2269 |
2270 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:641
2271 |
msgid "node-js"
2272 |
msgstr "node-js"
2273 |
2274 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:24
2275 |
msgid "None"
2276 |
msgstr "Nenhum"
2277 |
2278 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:642
2279 |
msgid "notes-medical"
2280 |
msgstr "notes-medical"
2281 |
2282 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:643
2283 |
msgid "npm"
2284 |
msgstr "npm"
2285 |
2286 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:644
2287 |
msgid "ns8"
2288 |
msgstr "ns8"
2289 |
2290 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:645
2291 |
msgid "nutritionix"
2292 |
msgstr "nutritionix"
2293 |
2294 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:646 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:647
2295 |
msgid "object-group"
2296 |
msgstr "object-group"
2297 |
2298 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:648 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:649
2299 |
msgid "object-ungroup"
2300 |
msgstr "object-ungroup"
2301 |
2302 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:650
2303 |
msgid "odnoklassniki"
2304 |
msgstr "odnoklassniki"
2305 |
2306 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:651
2307 |
msgid "odnoklassniki-square"
2308 |
msgstr "odnoklassniki-square"
2309 |
2310 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:652
2311 |
msgid "opencart"
2312 |
msgstr "opencart"
2313 |
2314 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:653
2315 |
msgid "openid"
2316 |
msgstr "openid"
2317 |
2318 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:654
2319 |
msgid "opera"
2320 |
msgstr "opera"
2321 |
2322 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:655
2323 |
msgid "optin-monster"
2324 |
msgstr "optin-monster"
2325 |
2326 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:656
2327 |
msgid "osi"
2328 |
msgstr "osi"
2329 |
2330 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:657
2331 |
msgid "outdent"
2332 |
msgstr "outdent"
2333 |
2334 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:658
2335 |
msgid "page4"
2336 |
msgstr "page4"
2337 |
2338 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:659
2339 |
msgid "pagelines"
2340 |
msgstr "pagelines"
2341 |
2342 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:660
2343 |
msgid "paint-brush"
2344 |
msgstr "paint-brush"
2345 |
2346 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:661
2347 |
msgid "palfed"
2348 |
msgstr "palfed"
2349 |
2350 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:662
2351 |
msgid "pallet"
2352 |
msgstr "pallet"
2353 |
2354 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:663 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:664
2355 |
msgid "paper-plane"
2356 |
msgstr "paper-plane"
2357 |
2358 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:665
2359 |
msgid "paperclip"
2360 |
msgstr "paperclip"
2361 |
2362 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:666
2363 |
msgid "parachute-box"
2364 |
msgstr "parachute-box"
2365 |
2366 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:667
2367 |
msgid "paragraph"
2368 |
msgstr "paragraph"
2369 |
2370 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:668
2371 |
msgid "paste"
2372 |
msgstr "paste"
2373 |
2374 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:669
2375 |
msgid "patreon"
2376 |
msgstr "patreon"
2377 |
2378 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:670
2379 |
msgid "pause"
2380 |
msgstr "pause"
2381 |
2382 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:671 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:672
2383 |
msgid "pause-circle"
2384 |
msgstr "pause-circle"
2385 |
2386 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:673
2387 |
msgid "paw"
2388 |
msgstr "paw"
2389 |
2390 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:674
2391 |
msgid "paypal"
2392 |
msgstr "paypal"
2393 |
2394 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:675
2395 |
msgid "pen-square"
2396 |
msgstr "pen-square"
2397 |
2398 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:676
2399 |
msgid "pencil-alt"
2400 |
msgstr "pencil-alt"
2401 |
2402 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:677
2403 |
msgid "people-carry"
2404 |
msgstr "people-carry"
2405 |
2406 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:678
2407 |
msgid "percent"
2408 |
msgstr "percent"
2409 |
2410 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:679
2411 |
msgid "periscope"
2412 |
msgstr "periscope"
2413 |
2414 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:164
2415 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
2416 |
msgstr "Suporte personalizado no fórum de suporte e no nosso email de suporte."
2417 |
2418 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:680
2419 |
msgid "phabricator"
2420 |
msgstr "phabricator"
2421 |
2422 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:681
2423 |
msgid "phoenix-framework"
2424 |
msgstr "phoenix-framework"
2425 |
2426 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:682
2427 |
msgid "phone"
2428 |
msgstr "phone"
2429 |
2430 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:683
2431 |
msgid "phone-slash"
2432 |
msgstr "phone-slash"
2433 |
2434 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:684
2435 |
msgid "phone-square"
2436 |
msgstr "phone-square"
2437 |
2438 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:685
2439 |
msgid "phone-volume"
2440 |
msgstr "phone-volume"
2441 |
2442 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:686
2443 |
msgid "php"
2444 |
msgstr "php"
2445 |
2446 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:687
2447 |
msgid "pied-piper"
2448 |
msgstr "pied-piper"
2449 |
2450 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:688
2451 |
msgid "pied-piper-alt"
2452 |
msgstr "pied-piper-alt"
2453 |
2454 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:689
2455 |
msgid "pied-piper-hat"
2456 |
msgstr "pied-piper-hat"
2457 |
2458 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:690
2459 |
msgid "pied-piper-pp"
2460 |
msgstr "pied-piper-pp"
2461 |
2462 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:691
2463 |
msgid "piggy-bank"
2464 |
msgstr "piggy-bank"
2465 |
2466 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:692
2467 |
msgid "pills"
2468 |
msgstr "pills"
2469 |
2470 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:693
2471 |
msgid "pinterest"
2472 |
msgstr "pinterest"
2473 |
2474 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:694
2475 |
msgid "pinterest-p"
2476 |
msgstr "pinterest-p"
2477 |
2478 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:695
2479 |
msgid "pinterest-square"
2480 |
msgstr "pinterest-square"
2481 |
2482 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:696
2483 |
msgid "plane"
2484 |
msgstr "plane"
2485 |
2486 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:697
2487 |
msgid "play"
2488 |
msgstr "play"
2489 |
2490 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:698 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:699
2491 |
msgid "play-circle"
2492 |
msgstr "play-circle"
2493 |
2494 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:700
2495 |
msgid "playstation"
2496 |
msgstr "playstation"
2497 |
2498 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:701
2499 |
msgid "plug"
2500 |
msgstr "plug"
2501 |
2502 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:702
2503 |
msgid "plus"
2504 |
msgstr "plus"
2505 |
2506 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:703
2507 |
msgid "plus-circle"
2508 |
msgstr "plus-circle"
2509 |
2510 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:704 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:705
2511 |
msgid "plus-square"
2512 |
msgstr "plus-circle"
2513 |
2514 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:706
2515 |
msgid "podcast"
2516 |
msgstr "podcast"
2517 |
2518 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:707
2519 |
msgid "poo"
2520 |
msgstr "poo"
2521 |
2522 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:77
2523 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
2524 |
msgstr "Publicar um bilhete"
2525 |
2526 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:708
2527 |
msgid "pound-sign"
2528 |
msgstr "pound-sign"
2529 |
2530 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:709
2531 |
msgid "power-off"
2532 |
msgstr "power-off"
2533 |
2534 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:710
2535 |
msgid "prescription-bottle"
2536 |
msgstr "prescription-bottle"
2537 |
2538 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:711
2539 |
msgid "prescription-bottle-alt"
2540 |
msgstr "prescription-bottle-alt"
2541 |
2542 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:712
2543 |
msgid "print"
2544 |
msgstr "print"
2545 |
2546 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:713
2547 |
msgid "procedures"
2548 |
msgstr "procedures"
2549 |
2550 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:714
2551 |
msgid "product-hunt"
2552 |
msgstr "product-hunt"
2553 |
2554 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:715
2555 |
msgid "pushed"
2556 |
msgstr "pushed"
2557 |
2558 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:136
2559 |
msgid "Put value in (px)"
2560 |
msgstr "Colocar valor em (px)"
2561 |
2562 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:716
2563 |
msgid "puzzle-piece"
2564 |
msgstr "puzzle-piece"
2565 |
2566 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:717
2567 |
msgid "python"
2568 |
msgstr "python"
2569 |
2570 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:718
2571 |
msgid "qq"
2572 |
msgstr "qq"
2573 |
2574 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:719
2575 |
msgid "qrcode"
2576 |
msgstr "qrcode"
2577 |
2578 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:720
2579 |
msgid "question"
2580 |
msgstr "question"
2581 |
2582 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:721 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:722
2583 |
msgid "question-circle"
2584 |
msgstr "question-circle"
2585 |
2586 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:723
2587 |
msgid "quidditch"
2588 |
msgstr "quidditch"
2589 |
2590 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:724
2591 |
msgid "quinscape"
2592 |
msgstr "quinscape"
2593 |
2594 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:725
2595 |
msgid "quora"
2596 |
msgstr "quora"
2597 |
2598 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:726
2599 |
msgid "quote-left"
2600 |
msgstr "quote-left"
2601 |
2602 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:727
2603 |
msgid "quote-right"
2604 |
msgstr "quote-right"
2605 |
2606 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:143
2607 |
msgid "Radius:"
2608 |
msgstr "Raio:"
2609 |
2610 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:728
2611 |
msgid "random"
2612 |
msgstr "random"
2613 |
2614 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:115
2615 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
2616 |
msgstr "Rate Us! "
2617 |
2618 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:729
2619 |
msgid "ravelry"
2620 |
msgstr "ravelry"
2621 |
2622 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:730
2623 |
msgid "react"
2624 |
msgstr "react"
2625 |
2626 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:731
2627 |
msgid "readme"
2628 |
msgstr "readme"
2629 |
2630 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:732
2631 |
msgid "rebel"
2632 |
msgstr "rebel"
2633 |
2634 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:733
2635 |
msgid "recycle"
2636 |
msgstr "recycle"
2637 |
2638 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:734
2639 |
msgid "red-river"
2640 |
msgstr "red-river"
2641 |
2642 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:735
2643 |
msgid "reddit"
2644 |
msgstr "reddit"
2645 |
2646 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:736
2647 |
msgid "reddit-alien"
2648 |
msgstr "reddit-alien"
2649 |
2650 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:737
2651 |
msgid "reddit-square"
2652 |
msgstr "reddit-square"
2653 |
2654 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:738
2655 |
msgid "redo"
2656 |
msgstr "redo"
2657 |
2658 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:739
2659 |
msgid "redo-alt"
2660 |
msgstr "redo-alt"
2661 |
2662 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:740 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:741
2663 |
msgid "registered"
2664 |
msgstr "registered"
2665 |
2666 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:742
2667 |
msgid "rendact"
2668 |
msgstr "rendact"
2669 |
2670 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:743
2671 |
msgid "renren"
2672 |
msgstr "renren"
2673 |
2674 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:744
2675 |
msgid "reply"
2676 |
msgstr "reply"
2677 |
2678 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:745
2679 |
msgid "reply-all"
2680 |
msgstr "reply-all"
2681 |
2682 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:746
2683 |
msgid "replyd"
2684 |
msgstr "replyd"
2685 |
2686 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:747
2687 |
msgid "resolving"
2688 |
msgstr "resolving"
2689 |
2690 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:748
2691 |
msgid "retweet"
2692 |
msgstr "retweet"
2693 |
2694 |
#. Author of the plugin
2695 |
msgid "Rextheme"
2696 |
msgstr "Rextheme"
2697 |
2698 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:749
2699 |
msgid "ribbon"
2700 |
msgstr "ribbon"
2701 |
2702 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:750
2703 |
msgid "road"
2704 |
msgstr "road"
2705 |
2706 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:751
2707 |
msgid "rocket"
2708 |
msgstr "rocket"
2709 |
2710 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:752
2711 |
msgid "rocketchat"
2712 |
msgstr "rocketchat"
2713 |
2714 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:753
2715 |
msgid "rockrms"
2716 |
msgstr "rockrms"
2717 |
2718 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:754
2719 |
msgid "rss"
2720 |
msgstr "rss"
2721 |
2722 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:755
2723 |
msgid "rss-square"
2724 |
msgstr "rss-square"
2725 |
2726 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:756
2727 |
msgid "ruble-sign"
2728 |
msgstr "ruble-sign"
2729 |
2730 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:757
2731 |
msgid "rupee-sign"
2732 |
msgstr "rupee-sign"
2733 |
2734 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:758
2735 |
msgid "safari"
2736 |
msgstr "safari"
2737 |
2738 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:759
2739 |
msgid "sass"
2740 |
msgstr "sass"
2741 |
2742 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:760 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:761
2743 |
msgid "save"
2744 |
msgstr "save"
2745 |
2746 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:157
2747 |
msgid "Scene grab control and custom boundary for each scene"
2748 |
msgstr "Controle de captura de cena e limite personalizado para cada cena"
2749 |
2750 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:158
2751 |
msgid "Scene title and author tag support"
2752 |
msgstr "Suporte ao título da cena e à etiqueta do autor"
2753 |
2754 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:762
2755 |
msgid "schlix"
2756 |
msgstr "schlix"
2757 |
2758 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:763
2759 |
msgid "scribd"
2760 |
msgstr "scribd"
2761 |
2762 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:764
2763 |
msgid "search"
2764 |
msgstr "search"
2765 |
2766 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:765
2767 |
msgid "search-minus"
2768 |
msgstr "search-minus"
2769 |
2770 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:766
2771 |
msgid "search-plus"
2772 |
msgstr "search-plus"
2773 |
2774 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:767
2775 |
msgid "searchengin"
2776 |
msgstr "searchengin"
2777 |
2778 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:768
2779 |
msgid "seedling"
2780 |
msgstr "seedling"
2781 |
2782 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:769
2783 |
msgid "sellcast"
2784 |
msgstr "sellcast"
2785 |
2786 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:770
2787 |
msgid "sellsy"
2788 |
msgstr "sellsy"
2789 |
2790 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:771
2791 |
msgid "server"
2792 |
msgstr "server"
2793 |
2794 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:772
2795 |
msgid "servicestack"
2796 |
msgstr "servicestack"
2797 |
2798 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:773
2799 |
msgid "share"
2800 |
msgstr "share"
2801 |
2802 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:125
2803 |
msgid "Share On"
2804 |
msgstr "Compartilhar no"
2805 |
2806 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:130
2807 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
2808 |
msgstr "Compartilhar no Facebook"
2809 |
2810 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:132
2811 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
2812 |
msgstr "Compartilhe no Google+"
2813 |
2814 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
2815 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
2816 |
msgstr "Compartilhar no LinkedIn"
2817 |
2818 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:131
2819 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
2820 |
msgstr "Compartilhar no Twitter"
2821 |
2822 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:86
2823 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
2824 |
msgstr "Compartilhe seus pensamentos"
2825 |
2826 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:774
2827 |
msgid "share-alt"
2828 |
msgstr "share-alt"
2829 |
2830 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:775
2831 |
msgid "share-alt-square"
2832 |
msgstr "share-alt-square"
2833 |
2834 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:776 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:777
2835 |
msgid "share-square"
2836 |
msgstr "share-square"
2837 |
2838 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:778
2839 |
msgid "shekel-sign"
2840 |
msgstr "shekel-sign"
2841 |
2842 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:779
2843 |
msgid "shield-alt"
2844 |
msgstr "shield-alt"
2845 |
2846 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:780
2847 |
msgid "ship"
2848 |
msgstr "ship"
2849 |
2850 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:781
2851 |
msgid "shipping-fast"
2852 |
msgstr "shipping-fast"
2853 |
2854 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:782
2855 |
msgid "shirtsinbulk"
2856 |
msgstr "shirtsinbulk"
2857 |
2858 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:783
2859 |
msgid "shopping-bag"
2860 |
msgstr "shopping-bag"
2861 |
2862 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:784
2863 |
msgid "shopping-basket"
2864 |
msgstr "shopping-basket"
2865 |
2866 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:785
2867 |
msgid "shopping-cart"
2868 |
msgstr "shopping-cart"
2869 |
2870 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:786
2871 |
msgid "shower"
2872 |
msgstr "shower"
2873 |
2874 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:787
2875 |
msgid "sign"
2876 |
msgstr "sign"
2877 |
2878 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:788
2879 |
msgid "sign-in-alt"
2880 |
msgstr "sign-in-alt"
2881 |
2882 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:789
2883 |
msgid "sign-language"
2884 |
msgstr "sign-language"
2885 |
2886 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:790
2887 |
msgid "sign-out-alt"
2888 |
msgstr "sign-out-alt"
2889 |
2890 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:791
2891 |
msgid "signal"
2892 |
msgstr "signal"
2893 |
2894 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:792
2895 |
msgid "simplybuilt"
2896 |
msgstr "simplybuilt"
2897 |
2898 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:793
2899 |
msgid "sistrix"
2900 |
msgstr "sistrix"
2901 |
2902 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:794
2903 |
msgid "sitemap"
2904 |
msgstr "sitemap"
2905 |
2906 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:795
2907 |
msgid "skyatlas"
2908 |
msgstr "skyatlas"
2909 |
2910 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:796
2911 |
msgid "skype"
2912 |
msgstr "skype"
2913 |
2914 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:797
2915 |
msgid "slack"
2916 |
msgstr "slack"
2917 |
2918 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:798
2919 |
msgid "slack-hash"
2920 |
msgstr "slack-hash"
2921 |
2922 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:799
2923 |
msgid "sliders-h"
2924 |
msgstr "sliders-h"
2925 |
2926 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:800
2927 |
msgid "slideshare"
2928 |
msgstr "slideshare"
2929 |
2930 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:801 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:802
2931 |
msgid "smile"
2932 |
msgstr "smile"
2933 |
2934 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:803
2935 |
msgid "smoking"
2936 |
msgstr "smoking"
2937 |
2938 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:804
2939 |
msgid "snapchat"
2940 |
msgstr "snapchat"
2941 |
2942 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:805
2943 |
msgid "snapchat-ghost"
2944 |
msgstr "snapchat-ghost"
2945 |
2946 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:806
2947 |
msgid "snapchat-square"
2948 |
msgstr "snapchat-square"
2949 |
2950 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:807 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:808
2951 |
msgid "snowflake"
2952 |
msgstr "snowflake"
2953 |
2954 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:809
2955 |
msgid "sort"
2956 |
msgstr "sort"
2957 |
2958 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:810
2959 |
msgid "sort-alpha-down"
2960 |
msgstr "sort-alpha-down"
2961 |
2962 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:811
2963 |
msgid "sort-alpha-up"
2964 |
msgstr "sort-alpha-up"
2965 |
2966 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:812
2967 |
msgid "sort-amount-down"
2968 |
msgstr "sort-amount-down"
2969 |
2970 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:813
2971 |
msgid "sort-amount-up"
2972 |
msgstr "sort-amount-up"
2973 |
2974 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:814
2975 |
msgid "sort-down"
2976 |
msgstr "sort-down"
2977 |
2978 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:815
2979 |
msgid "sort-numeric-down"
2980 |
msgstr "sort-numeric-down"
2981 |
2982 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:816
2983 |
msgid "sort-numeric-up"
2984 |
msgstr "sort-numeric-up"
2985 |
2986 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:817
2987 |
msgid "sort-up"
2988 |
msgstr "sort-up"
2989 |
2990 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:818
2991 |
msgid "soundcloud"
2992 |
msgstr "soundcloud"
2993 |
2994 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:819
2995 |
msgid "space-shuttle"
2996 |
msgstr "space-shuttle"
2997 |
2998 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:820
2999 |
msgid "speakap"
3000 |
msgstr "speakap"
3001 |
3002 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:821
3003 |
msgid "spinner"
3004 |
msgstr "spinner"
3005 |
3006 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:822
3007 |
msgid "spotify"
3008 |
msgstr "spotify"
3009 |
3010 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:823 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:824
3011 |
msgid "square"
3012 |
msgstr "square"
3013 |
3014 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:825
3015 |
msgid "square-full"
3016 |
msgstr "square-full"
3017 |
3018 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:826
3019 |
msgid "stack-exchange"
3020 |
msgstr "stack-exchange"
3021 |
3022 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:827
3023 |
msgid "stack-overflow"
3024 |
msgstr "stack-overflow"
3025 |
3026 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:828 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:829
3027 |
msgid "star"
3028 |
msgstr "star"
3029 |
3030 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:830 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:831
3031 |
msgid "star-half"
3032 |
msgstr "star-half"
3033 |
3034 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:832
3035 |
msgid "staylinked"
3036 |
msgstr "staylinked"
3037 |
3038 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:833
3039 |
msgid "steam"
3040 |
msgstr "steam"
3041 |
3042 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:834
3043 |
msgid "steam-square"
3044 |
msgstr "steam-square"
3045 |
3046 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:835
3047 |
msgid "steam-symbol"
3048 |
msgstr "steam-symbol"
3049 |
3050 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:836
3051 |
msgid "step-backward"
3052 |
msgstr "step-backward"
3053 |
3054 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:837
3055 |
msgid "step-forward"
3056 |
msgstr "step-forward"
3057 |
3058 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:838
3059 |
msgid "stethoscope"
3060 |
msgstr "stethoscope"
3061 |
3062 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:839
3063 |
msgid "sticker-mule"
3064 |
msgstr "sticker-mule"
3065 |
3066 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:840 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:841
3067 |
msgid "sticky-note"
3068 |
msgstr "sticky-note"
3069 |
3070 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:842
3071 |
msgid "stop"
3072 |
msgstr "stop"
3073 |
3074 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:843 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:844
3075 |
msgid "stop-circle"
3076 |
msgstr "stop-circle"
3077 |
3078 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:845
3079 |
msgid "stopwatch"
3080 |
msgstr "stopwatch"
3081 |
3082 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:846
3083 |
msgid "strava"
3084 |
msgstr "strava"
3085 |
3086 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:847
3087 |
msgid "street-view"
3088 |
msgstr "street-view"
3089 |
3090 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:848
3091 |
msgid "strikethrough"
3092 |
msgstr "strikethrough"
3093 |
3094 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:849
3095 |
msgid "stripe"
3096 |
msgstr "stripe"
3097 |
3098 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:850
3099 |
msgid "stripe-s"
3100 |
msgstr "stripe-s"
3101 |
3102 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:851
3103 |
msgid "studiovinari"
3104 |
msgstr "studiovinari"
3105 |
3106 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:852
3107 |
msgid "stumbleupon"
3108 |
msgstr "stumbleupon"
3109 |
3110 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:853
3111 |
msgid "stumbleupon-circle"
3112 |
msgstr "stumbleupon-circle"
3113 |
3114 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:854
3115 |
msgid "subscript"
3116 |
msgstr "subscript"
3117 |
3118 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:855
3119 |
msgid "subway"
3120 |
msgstr "subway"
3121 |
3122 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:96
3123 |
msgid "Suggest"
3124 |
msgstr "Suggest"
3125 |
3126 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:856
3127 |
msgid "suitcase"
3128 |
msgstr "suitcase"
3129 |
3130 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:857 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:858
3131 |
msgid "sun"
3132 |
msgstr "sun"
3133 |
3134 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:859
3135 |
msgid "superpowers"
3136 |
msgstr "superpowers"
3137 |
3138 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:860
3139 |
msgid "superscript"
3140 |
msgstr "superscript"
3141 |
3142 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:861
3143 |
msgid "supple"
3144 |
msgstr "supple"
3145 |
3146 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
3147 |
msgid "Support"
3148 |
msgstr "Apoio, suporte"
3149 |
3150 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:862
3151 |
msgid "sync"
3152 |
msgstr "sync"
3153 |
3154 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:863
3155 |
msgid "sync-alt"
3156 |
msgstr "sync-alt"
3157 |
3158 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:864
3159 |
msgid "syringe"
3160 |
msgstr "syringe"
3161 |
3162 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:865
3163 |
msgid "table"
3164 |
msgstr "table"
3165 |
3166 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:866
3167 |
msgid "table-tennis"
3168 |
msgstr "table-tennis"
3169 |
3170 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:867
3171 |
msgid "tablet"
3172 |
msgstr "tablet"
3173 |
3174 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:868
3175 |
msgid "tablet-alt"
3176 |
msgstr "tablet-alt"
3177 |
3178 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:869
3179 |
msgid "tablets"
3180 |
msgstr "tablets"
3181 |
3182 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:870
3183 |
msgid "tachometer-alt"
3184 |
msgstr "tachometer-alt"
3185 |
3186 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:871
3187 |
msgid "tag"
3188 |
msgstr "tag"
3189 |
3190 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:872
3191 |
msgid "tags"
3192 |
msgstr "tags"
3193 |
3194 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:873
3195 |
msgid "tape"
3196 |
msgstr "tape"
3197 |
3198 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:874
3199 |
msgid "tasks"
3200 |
msgstr "tasks"
3201 |
3202 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:875
3203 |
msgid "taxi"
3204 |
msgstr "taxi"
3205 |
3206 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:876
3207 |
msgid "telegram"
3208 |
msgstr "telegram"
3209 |
3210 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:877
3211 |
msgid "telegram-plane"
3212 |
msgstr "telegram-plane"
3213 |
3214 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:878
3215 |
msgid "tencent-weibo"
3216 |
msgstr "tencent-weibo"
3217 |
3218 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:879
3219 |
msgid "terminal"
3220 |
msgstr "terminal"
3221 |
3222 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:880
3223 |
msgid "text-height"
3224 |
msgstr "text-height"
3225 |
3226 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:881
3227 |
msgid "text-width"
3228 |
msgstr "text-width"
3229 |
3230 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:882
3231 |
msgid "th"
3232 |
msgstr "th"
3233 |
3234 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:883
3235 |
msgid "th-large"
3236 |
msgstr "th-large"
3237 |
3238 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:884
3239 |
msgid "th-list"
3240 |
msgstr "th-list"
3241 |
3242 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:885
3243 |
msgid "themeisle"
3244 |
msgstr "themeisle"
3245 |
3246 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:886
3247 |
msgid "thermometer"
3248 |
msgstr "thermometer"
3249 |
3250 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:887
3251 |
msgid "thermometer-empty"
3252 |
msgstr "thermometer-empty"
3253 |
3254 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:888
3255 |
msgid "thermometer-full"
3256 |
msgstr "thermometer-full"
3257 |
3258 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:889
3259 |
msgid "thermometer-half"
3260 |
msgstr "thermometer-half"
3261 |
3262 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:890
3263 |
msgid "thermometer-quarter"
3264 |
msgstr "thermometer-quarter"
3265 |
3266 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:891
3267 |
msgid "thermometer-three-quarters"
3268 |
msgstr "thermometer-three-quarters"
3269 |
3270 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:892 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:893
3271 |
msgid "thumbs-down"
3272 |
msgstr "thumbs-down"
3273 |
3274 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:894 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:895
3275 |
msgid "thumbs-up"
3276 |
msgstr "thumbs-up"
3277 |
3278 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:896
3279 |
msgid "thumbtack"
3280 |
msgstr "thumbtack"
3281 |
3282 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:897
3283 |
msgid "ticket-alt"
3284 |
msgstr "ticket-alt"
3285 |
3286 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:898
3287 |
msgid "times"
3288 |
msgstr "times"
3289 |
3290 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:899 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:900
3291 |
msgid "times-circle"
3292 |
msgstr "times-circle"
3293 |
3294 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:901
3295 |
msgid "tint"
3296 |
msgstr "tint"
3297 |
3298 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:25
3299 |
msgid ""
3300 |
"To use this Wpvr tour in your posts or pages use the following shortcode:"
3301 |
msgstr ""
3302 |
"Para usar este passeio Wpvr em suas postagens ou páginas, use o seguinte "
3303 |
"código de acesso:"
3304 |
3305 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:902
3306 |
msgid "toggle-off"
3307 |
msgstr "toggle-off"
3308 |
3309 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:903
3310 |
msgid "toggle-on"
3311 |
msgstr "toggle-on"
3312 |
3313 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:904
3314 |
msgid "trademark"
3315 |
msgstr "trademark"
3316 |
3317 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:905
3318 |
msgid "train"
3319 |
msgstr "train"
3320 |
3321 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:906
3322 |
msgid "transgender"
3323 |
msgstr "transgender"
3324 |
3325 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:907
3326 |
msgid "transgender-alt"
3327 |
msgstr "transgender-alt"
3328 |
3329 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:908
3330 |
msgid "trash"
3331 |
msgstr "trash"
3332 |
3333 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:909 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:910
3334 |
msgid "trash-alt"
3335 |
msgstr "trash-alt"
3336 |
3337 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:911
3338 |
msgid "tree"
3339 |
msgstr "tree"
3340 |
3341 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:912
3342 |
msgid "trello"
3343 |
msgstr "trello"
3344 |
3345 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:913
3346 |
msgid "tripadvisor"
3347 |
msgstr "tripadvisor"
3348 |
3349 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:914
3350 |
msgid "trophy"
3351 |
msgstr "trophy"
3352 |
3353 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:915
3354 |
msgid "truck"
3355 |
msgstr "truck"
3356 |
3357 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:916
3358 |
msgid "truck-loading"
3359 |
msgstr "truck-loading"
3360 |
3361 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:917
3362 |
msgid "truck-moving"
3363 |
msgstr "truck-moving"
3364 |
3365 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:918
3366 |
msgid "tty"
3367 |
msgstr "tty"
3368 |
3369 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:919
3370 |
msgid "tumblr"
3371 |
msgstr "tumblr"
3372 |
3373 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:920
3374 |
msgid "tumblr-square"
3375 |
msgstr "tumblr-square"
3376 |
3377 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:921
3378 |
msgid "tv"
3379 |
msgstr "tv"
3380 |
3381 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:922
3382 |
msgid "twitch"
3383 |
msgstr "twitch"
3384 |
3385 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:923
3386 |
msgid "twitter"
3387 |
msgstr "twitter"
3388 |
3389 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:924
3390 |
msgid "twitter-square"
3391 |
msgstr "twitter-square"
3392 |
3393 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:925
3394 |
msgid "typo3"
3395 |
msgstr "typo3"
3396 |
3397 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:926
3398 |
msgid "uber"
3399 |
msgstr "uber"
3400 |
3401 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:927
3402 |
msgid "uikit"
3403 |
msgstr "uikit"
3404 |
3405 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:928
3406 |
msgid "umbrella"
3407 |
msgstr "umbrella"
3408 |
3409 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:929
3410 |
msgid "underline"
3411 |
msgstr "underline"
3412 |
3413 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:930
3414 |
msgid "undo"
3415 |
msgstr "undo"
3416 |
3417 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:931
3418 |
msgid "undo-alt"
3419 |
msgstr "undo-alt"
3420 |
3421 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:932
3422 |
msgid "uniregistry"
3423 |
msgstr "uniregistry"
3424 |
3425 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:933
3426 |
msgid "universal-access"
3427 |
msgstr "universal-access"
3428 |
3429 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:934
3430 |
msgid "university"
3431 |
msgstr "university"
3432 |
3433 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:150
3434 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
3435 |
msgstr "Unlimited hotspots"
3436 |
3437 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:149
3438 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
3439 |
msgstr "Cenas ilimitadas"
3440 |
3441 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:935
3442 |
msgid "unlink"
3443 |
msgstr "unlink"
3444 |
3445 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:936
3446 |
msgid "unlock"
3447 |
msgstr "unlock"
3448 |
3449 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:937
3450 |
msgid "unlock-alt"
3451 |
msgstr "unlock-alt"
3452 |
3453 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:938
3454 |
msgid "untappd"
3455 |
msgstr "untappd"
3456 |
3457 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:201
3458 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
3459 |
msgstr "Atualize para o Pro"
3460 |
3461 |
#: wpvr.php:672
3462 |
msgid "Upgrade to pro"
3463 |
msgstr "Upgrade to pro"
3464 |
3465 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:939
3466 |
msgid "upload"
3467 |
msgstr "upload"
3468 |
3469 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:940
3470 |
msgid "usb"
3471 |
msgstr "usb"
3472 |
3473 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:941 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:942
3474 |
msgid "user"
3475 |
msgstr "user"
3476 |
3477 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:943 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:944
3478 |
msgid "user-circle"
3479 |
msgstr "user-circle"
3480 |
3481 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:945
3482 |
msgid "user-md"
3483 |
msgstr "user-md"
3484 |
3485 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:946
3486 |
msgid "user-plus"
3487 |
msgstr "user-plus"
3488 |
3489 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:947
3490 |
msgid "user-secret"
3491 |
msgstr "user-secret"
3492 |
3493 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:948
3494 |
msgid "user-times"
3495 |
msgstr "user-times"
3496 |
3497 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:949
3498 |
msgid "users"
3499 |
msgstr "users"
3500 |
3501 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:950
3502 |
msgid "ussunnah"
3503 |
msgstr "ussunnah"
3504 |
3505 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:951
3506 |
msgid "utensil-spoon"
3507 |
msgstr "utensil-spoon"
3508 |
3509 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:952
3510 |
msgid "utensils"
3511 |
msgstr "utensils"
3512 |
3513 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:953
3514 |
msgid "vaadin"
3515 |
msgstr "vaadin"
3516 |
3517 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:954
3518 |
msgid "venus"
3519 |
msgstr "venus"
3520 |
3521 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:955
3522 |
msgid "venus-double"
3523 |
msgstr "venus-double"
3524 |
3525 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:956
3526 |
msgid "venus-mars"
3527 |
msgstr "venus-mars"
3528 |
3529 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:957
3530 |
msgid "viacoin"
3531 |
msgstr "viacoin"
3532 |
3533 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:958
3534 |
msgid "viadeo"
3535 |
msgstr "viadeo"
3536 |
3537 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:959
3538 |
msgid "viadeo-square"
3539 |
msgstr "viadeo-square"
3540 |
3541 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:960
3542 |
msgid "vial"
3543 |
msgstr "vial"
3544 |
3545 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:961
3546 |
msgid "vials"
3547 |
msgstr "vials"
3548 |
3549 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:962
3550 |
msgid "viber"
3551 |
msgstr "viber"
3552 |
3553 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:963
3554 |
msgid "video"
3555 |
msgstr "video"
3556 |
3557 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:24
3558 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
3559 |
msgstr "Tutoriais em vídeo"
3560 |
3561 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:964
3562 |
msgid "video-slash"
3563 |
msgstr "video-slash"
3564 |
3565 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:57
3566 |
msgid "View Documentation"
3567 |
msgstr "Exibir documentação"
3568 |
3569 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:965
3570 |
msgid "vimeo"
3571 |
msgstr "vimeo"
3572 |
3573 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:966
3574 |
msgid "vimeo-square"
3575 |
msgstr "vimeo-square"
3576 |
3577 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:967
3578 |
msgid "vimeo-v"
3579 |
msgstr "vimeo-v"
3580 |
3581 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:968
3582 |
msgid "vine"
3583 |
msgstr "vine"
3584 |
3585 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:969
3586 |
msgid "vk"
3587 |
msgstr "vk"
3588 |
3589 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:970
3590 |
msgid "vnv"
3591 |
msgstr "vnv"
3592 |
3593 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:971
3594 |
msgid "volleyball-ball"
3595 |
msgstr "volleyball-ball"
3596 |
3597 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:972
3598 |
msgid "volume-down"
3599 |
msgstr "volume-down"
3600 |
3601 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:973
3602 |
msgid "volume-off"
3603 |
msgstr "volume-off"
3604 |
3605 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:974
3606 |
msgid "volume-up"
3607 |
msgstr "volume-up"
3608 |
3609 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:975
3610 |
msgid "vuejs"
3611 |
msgstr "vuejs"
3612 |
3613 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:976
3614 |
msgid "warehouse"
3615 |
msgstr "warehouse"
3616 |
3617 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:977
3618 |
msgid "weibo"
3619 |
msgstr "weibo"
3620 |
3621 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:978
3622 |
msgid "weight"
3623 |
msgstr "weight"
3624 |
3625 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:979
3626 |
msgid "weixin"
3627 |
msgstr "weixin"
3628 |
3629 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:980
3630 |
msgid "whatsapp"
3631 |
msgstr "whatsapp"
3632 |
3633 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:981
3634 |
msgid "whatsapp-square"
3635 |
msgstr "whatsapp-square"
3636 |
3637 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:982
3638 |
msgid "wheelchair"
3639 |
msgstr "wheelchair"
3640 |
3641 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:983
3642 |
msgid "whmcs"
3643 |
msgstr "whmcs"
3644 |
3645 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:147
3646 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
3647 |
msgstr "Por que atualizar para a versão Premium?"
3648 |
3649 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:123
3650 |
msgid "Width:"
3651 |
msgstr "Largura:"
3652 |
3653 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:984
3654 |
msgid "wifi"
3655 |
msgstr "wifi"
3656 |
3657 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:985
3658 |
msgid "wikipedia-w"
3659 |
msgstr "wikipedia-w"
3660 |
3661 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:986 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:987
3662 |
msgid "window-close"
3663 |
msgstr "window-close"
3664 |
3665 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:988 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:989
3666 |
msgid "window-maximize"
3667 |
msgstr "window-maximize"
3668 |
3669 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:990 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:991
3670 |
msgid "window-minimize"
3671 |
msgstr "window-minimize"
3672 |
3673 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:992 admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:993
3674 |
msgid "window-restore"
3675 |
msgstr "window-restore"
3676 |
3677 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:994
3678 |
msgid "windows"
3679 |
msgstr "windows"
3680 |
3681 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:995
3682 |
msgid "wine-glass"
3683 |
msgstr "wine-glass"
3684 |
3685 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:996
3686 |
msgid "won-sign"
3687 |
msgstr "won-sign"
3688 |
3689 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:997
3690 |
msgid "wordpress"
3691 |
msgstr "wordpress"
3692 |
3693 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:998
3694 |
msgid "wordpress-simple"
3695 |
msgstr "wordpress-simple"
3696 |
3697 |
#. Name of the plugin
3698 |
msgid "WP VR"
3699 |
msgstr "WP VR"
3700 |
3701 |
#. Description of the plugin
3702 |
msgid ""
3703 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress is a customized "
3704 |
"panaroma & virtual builder tool for WordPress Website."
3705 |
msgstr ""
3706 |
"O WP VR - 360 Panorama e o criador de tour virtual para WordPress são uma "
3707 |
"ferramenta personalizada de criação de panorama e virtual para o site "
3708 |
3709 |
3710 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:999
3711 |
msgid "wpbeginner"
3712 |
msgstr "wpbeginner"
3713 |
3714 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1000
3715 |
msgid "wpexplorer"
3716 |
msgstr "wpexplorer"
3717 |
3718 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1001
3719 |
msgid "wpforms"
3720 |
msgstr "wpforms"
3721 |
3722 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:43
3723 |
msgid "Wpvr"
3724 |
msgstr "Wpvr"
3725 |
3726 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:105
3727 |
msgid "Wpvr Setup"
3728 |
msgstr "Configuração Wpvr"
3729 |
3730 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1002
3731 |
msgid "wrench"
3732 |
msgstr "wrench"
3733 |
3734 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1003
3735 |
msgid "x-ray"
3736 |
msgstr "x-ray"
3737 |
3738 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1004
3739 |
msgid "xbox"
3740 |
msgstr "xbox"
3741 |
3742 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1005
3743 |
msgid "xing"
3744 |
msgstr "xing"
3745 |
3746 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1006
3747 |
msgid "xing-square"
3748 |
msgstr "xing-square"
3749 |
3750 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1007
3751 |
msgid "y-combinator"
3752 |
msgstr "y-combinator"
3753 |
3754 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1008
3755 |
msgid "yahoo"
3756 |
msgstr "yahoo"
3757 |
3758 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1009
3759 |
msgid "yandex"
3760 |
msgstr "yandex"
3761 |
3762 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1010
3763 |
msgid "yandex-international"
3764 |
msgstr "yandex-international"
3765 |
3766 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1011
3767 |
msgid "yelp"
3768 |
msgstr "yelp"
3769 |
3770 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1012
3771 |
msgid "yen-sign"
3772 |
msgstr "yen-sign"
3773 |
3774 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1013
3775 |
msgid "yoast"
3776 |
msgstr "yoast"
3777 |
3778 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:111
3779 |
msgid ""
3780 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
3781 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
3782 |
msgstr ""
3783 |
"Sua classificação e feedback são importantes para nós. Se você está "
3784 |
"satisfeito com o WP VR - 360 Panorama e o criador do tour virtual para "
3785 |
"WordPress, dê-nos uma classificação."
3786 |
3787 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:92
3788 |
msgid ""
3789 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
3790 |
msgstr ""
3791 |
"Suas sugestões são valiosas para nós. Pode ajudar a tornar o wpvr ainda "
3792 |
3793 |
3794 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1014
3795 |
msgid "youtube"
3796 |
msgstr "youtube"
3797 |
3798 |
#: admin/class-wpvr-icon.php:1015
3799 |
msgid "youtube-square"
3800 |
msgstr "youtube-square"
Binary file
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
"Project-Id-Version: WP VR\n"
4 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
5 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-12-11 10:17+0000\n"
6 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-12-12 03:52+0000\n"
7 |
"Last-Translator: devadmin <>\n"
8 |
"Language-Team: Arabic\n"
9 |
"Language: ar\n"
10 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100 >= 3 "
11 |
"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100 >= 11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n"
12 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
13 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
14 |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
15 |
"X-Generator: Loco\n"
16 |
"X-Loco-Version: 2.3.1; wp-5.2.4"
17 |
18 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:28 admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:38
19 |
msgid "Activate License"
20 |
msgstr "تفعيل الترخيص"
21 |
22 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:53
23 |
msgid ""
24 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
25 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
26 |
msgstr ""
27 |
"قبل أن تبدأ ، يمكنك التحقق من الوثائق الخاصة بنا للتعرف على WP VR - 360 "
28 |
"Panorama ومنشئ جولة افتراضية لبرنامج WordPress."
29 |
30 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:73
31 |
msgid ""
32 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
33 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
34 |
msgstr ""
35 |
"لا يمكن العثور على حل مع وثائقنا؟ مجرد نشر تذكرة في منتدى الدعم. نحن لحل "
36 |
37 |
38 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:29
39 |
msgid "Check how to use: "
40 |
msgstr "تحقق من كيفية الاستخدام"
41 |
42 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:166
43 |
msgid "Company logo"
44 |
msgstr "شعار الشركة"
45 |
46 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:153
47 |
msgid "Compass Switch"
48 |
msgstr "بوصلة التبديل"
49 |
50 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:164
51 |
msgid "Custom control buttons"
52 |
msgstr "أزرار التحكم المخصصة"
53 |
54 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:163
55 |
msgid "Custom scene gallery"
56 |
msgstr "معرض مشهد مخصص"
57 |
58 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:156
59 |
msgid "Customize each scene's default face on load"
60 |
msgstr "تخصيص وجه كل مشهد الافتراضي على الحمل"
61 |
62 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:151
63 |
msgid "Customized hotspot icon"
64 |
msgstr "أيقونة نقطة ساخنة مخصصة"
65 |
66 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:34
67 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
68 |
msgstr "إلغاء تنشيط الترخيص"
69 |
70 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:154
71 |
msgid "Default zoom level"
72 |
msgstr "مستوى التكبير الافتراضي"
73 |
74 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:178
75 |
msgid ""
76 |
"Do not close or refresh the page during import process. It may take few "
77 |
78 |
msgstr ""
79 |
"لا تقم بإغلاق أو تحديث الصفحة أثناء عملية الاستيراد. قد يستغرق بضع دقائق."
80 |
81 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:47
82 |
msgid "Documentation"
83 |
msgstr "كابل بيانات"
84 |
85 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:161
86 |
msgid "Duplicate tour support"
87 |
msgstr "دعم جولة مكررة"
88 |
89 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
90 |
msgid "Dynamic Icon background color on hotspot"
91 |
msgstr "لون خلفية الرمز الديناميكي على نقطة فعالة"
92 |
93 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:22
94 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
95 |
msgstr "أدخل مفتاح الترخيص الخاص بك ، وحفظ التغييرات وتفعيل."
96 |
97 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
98 |
msgid "File import & export system"
99 |
msgstr "ملف الاستيراد والتصدير النظام"
100 |
101 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:24
102 |
msgid "For classic editor:"
103 |
msgstr "للمحرر الكلاسيكي:"
104 |
105 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:27
106 |
msgid "For gutenberg:"
107 |
msgstr "لجوتنبرج:"
108 |
109 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:23
110 |
msgid "General"
111 |
msgstr "جنرال لواء"
112 |
113 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:169
114 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
115 |
msgstr "الحصول على الإصدار المميز"
116 |
117 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:25
118 |
msgid "Go Premium"
119 |
msgstr "احصل على الاشتراك الرئيسي"
120 |
121 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:165
122 |
msgid "Google street view embed"
123 |
msgstr "جوجل عرض الشوارع تضمين"
124 |
125 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:160
126 |
msgid "Gyroscope support"
127 |
msgstr "دعم الجيروسكوب"
128 |
129 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:133
130 |
msgid "Height:"
131 |
msgstr "ارتفاع:"
132 |
133 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:159
134 |
msgid "Hotspot based scene face support"
135 |
msgstr "نقطة ساخنة على أساس المشهد دعم الوجه"
136 |
137 |
#. Author URI of the plugin
138 |
msgid ""
139 |
msgstr ""
140 |
141 |
#. URI of the plugin
142 |
msgid ""
143 |
msgstr ""
144 |
145 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:113
146 |
msgid "ID:"
147 |
msgstr "هوية شخصية:"
148 |
149 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:29
150 |
msgid "Import"
151 |
msgstr "استيراد"
152 |
153 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:177
154 |
msgid "Import tour file: "
155 |
msgstr "استيراد ملف الجولة:"
156 |
157 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:18
158 |
msgid "License Key"
159 |
msgstr "مفتاح الترخيص"
160 |
161 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:105
162 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
163 |
msgstr "جعل WPVR شعبية"
164 |
165 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:155
166 |
msgid "Maximum and minimum zoom range"
167 |
msgstr "الحد الأقصى والحد الأدنى مجموعة التكبير"
168 |
169 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:167
170 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
171 |
msgstr "دعم شخصي في كل من منتدى الدعم والبريد الإلكتروني الخاص بالدعم."
172 |
173 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:77
174 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
175 |
msgstr "نشر تذكرة"
176 |
177 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:136
178 |
msgid "Put value in (px)"
179 |
msgstr "ضع القيمة في (PX)"
180 |
181 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:143
182 |
msgid "Radius:"
183 |
msgstr "نصف القطر:"
184 |
185 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:115
186 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
187 |
msgstr "قيمنا!"
188 |
189 |
#. Author of the plugin
190 |
msgid "Rextheme"
191 |
msgstr "RexTheme"
192 |
193 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:157
194 |
msgid "Scene grab control and custom boundary for each scene"
195 |
msgstr "السيطرة الاستيلاء على المشهد والحدود المخصصة لكل مشهد"
196 |
197 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:158
198 |
msgid "Scene title and author tag support"
199 |
msgstr "عنوان المشهد ودعم علامة المؤلف"
200 |
201 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:125
202 |
msgid "Share On"
203 |
msgstr "مشاركه فى"
204 |
205 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:130
206 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
207 |
msgstr "أنشرها على الفيسبوك"
208 |
209 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:132
210 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
211 |
msgstr "شارك على Google+"
212 |
213 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
214 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
215 |
msgstr "حصة على LinkedIn"
216 |
217 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:131
218 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
219 |
msgstr "حصة على التغريد"
220 |
221 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:86
222 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
223 |
msgstr "شارك افكارك"
224 |
225 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:96
226 |
msgid "Suggest"
227 |
msgstr "Suggest"
228 |
229 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
230 |
msgid "Support"
231 |
msgstr "الدعم"
232 |
233 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:25
234 |
msgid ""
235 |
"To use this Wpvr tour in your posts or pages use the following shortcode:"
236 |
msgstr ""
237 |
"لاستخدام جولة WPVR هذه في منشوراتك أو صفحاتك ، استخدم الرمز المختصر التالي:"
238 |
239 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:150
240 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
241 |
msgstr "النقاط الساخنة غير محدودة"
242 |
243 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:149
244 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
245 |
msgstr "مشاهد غير محدودة"
246 |
247 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:204
248 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
249 |
msgstr "التطور للاحترافية"
250 |
251 |
#: wpvr.php:810
252 |
msgid "Upgrade to pro"
253 |
msgstr "التطور للاحترافية"
254 |
255 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:24
256 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
257 |
msgstr "دروس الفيديو"
258 |
259 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:57
260 |
msgid "View Documentation"
261 |
msgstr "عرض الوثائق"
262 |
263 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:147
264 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
265 |
msgstr "لماذا الترقية إلى الإصدار المميز؟"
266 |
267 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:123
268 |
msgid "Width:"
269 |
msgstr "عرض:"
270 |
271 |
#. Name of the plugin
272 |
msgid "WP VR"
273 |
msgstr "WP VR"
274 |
275 |
#. Description of the plugin
276 |
msgid ""
277 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress is a customized "
278 |
"panaroma & virtual builder tool for WordPress Website."
279 |
msgstr ""
280 |
"يعد WP VR - 360 Panorama ومبدع الجولات الافتراضية لبرنامج WordPress أداة "
281 |
"مخصصة منشئ panaroma وأداة إنشاء مواقع الويب الافتراضية لموقع WordPress."
282 |
283 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:43
284 |
msgid "Wpvr"
285 |
msgstr "WPVR"
286 |
287 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:105
288 |
msgid "Wpvr Setup"
289 |
msgstr "إعداد WPVR"
290 |
291 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:111
292 |
msgid ""
293 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
294 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
295 |
msgstr ""
296 |
"تقييمك وردود الفعل يهمنا. إذا كنت راضيًا عن WP VR - 360 Panorama ومنشئ جولة "
297 |
"افتراضية لبرنامج WordPress ، فأعطينا تقييمًا."
298 |
299 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:92
300 |
msgid ""
301 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
302 |
msgstr "اقتراحاتكم هي قيمة بالنسبة لنا. يمكن أن يساعد في جعل WPVR أفضل."
Binary file
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
"Project-Id-Version: WP VR\n"
4 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
5 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-12-11 10:17+0000\n"
6 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-12-12 04:16+0000\n"
7 |
"Last-Translator: devadmin <>\n"
8 |
"Language-Team: German\n"
9 |
"Language: de-DE\n"
10 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
11 |
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12 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
13 |
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14 |
"X-Generator: Loco\n"
15 |
"X-Loco-Version: 2.3.1; wp-5.2.4"
16 |
17 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:28 admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:38
18 |
msgid "Activate License"
19 |
msgstr "Lizenz aktivieren"
20 |
21 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:53
22 |
msgid ""
23 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
24 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
25 |
msgstr ""
26 |
"Bevor Sie beginnen, können Sie sich in unserer Dokumentation mit WP VR-360 "
27 |
"Panorama und Virtual Tour Creator für WordPress vertraut machen."
28 |
29 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:73
30 |
msgid ""
31 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
32 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
33 |
msgstr ""
34 |
"Können Sie mit unserer Dokumentation keine Lösung finden? Schreiben Sie "
35 |
"einfach ein Ticket im Support-Forum. Wir sollen Ihr Problem lösen."
36 |
37 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:29
38 |
msgid "Check how to use: "
39 |
msgstr "Überprüfen Sie, wie man verwendet:"
40 |
41 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:166
42 |
msgid "Company logo"
43 |
msgstr "Firmenlogo"
44 |
45 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:153
46 |
msgid "Compass Switch"
47 |
msgstr "Kompassschalter"
48 |
49 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:164
50 |
msgid "Custom control buttons"
51 |
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Steuertasten"
52 |
53 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:163
54 |
msgid "Custom scene gallery"
55 |
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Szenengalerie"
56 |
57 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:156
58 |
msgid "Customize each scene's default face on load"
59 |
msgstr "Passen Sie die Standardfläche jeder Szene beim Laden an"
60 |
61 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:151
62 |
msgid "Customized hotspot icon"
63 |
msgstr "Benutzerdefiniertes Hotspot-Symbol"
64 |
65 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:34
66 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
67 |
msgstr "Lizenz deaktivieren"
68 |
69 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:154
70 |
msgid "Default zoom level"
71 |
msgstr "Standardzoomstufe"
72 |
73 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:178
74 |
msgid ""
75 |
"Do not close or refresh the page during import process. It may take few "
76 |
77 |
msgstr ""
78 |
"Schließen oder aktualisieren Sie die Seite während des Importvorgangs nicht. "
79 |
"Es kann einige Minuten dauern."
80 |
81 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:47
82 |
msgid "Documentation"
83 |
msgstr "Dokumentation"
84 |
85 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:161
86 |
msgid "Duplicate tour support"
87 |
msgstr "Unterstützung für doppelte Touren"
88 |
89 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
90 |
msgid "Dynamic Icon background color on hotspot"
91 |
msgstr "Dynamische Ikonenhintergrundfarbe auf Krisenherd"
92 |
93 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:22
94 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
95 |
msgstr ""
96 |
"Geben Sie Ihren Lizenzschlüssel ein, speichern Sie die Änderungen und "
97 |
"aktivieren Sie sie."
98 |
99 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
100 |
msgid "File import & export system"
101 |
msgstr "Datei Import & Export System"
102 |
103 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:24
104 |
msgid "For classic editor:"
105 |
msgstr "Für den klassischen Editor:"
106 |
107 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:27
108 |
msgid "For gutenberg:"
109 |
msgstr "Für gutenberg:"
110 |
111 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:23
112 |
msgid "General"
113 |
msgstr "Allgemeines"
114 |
115 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:169
116 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
117 |
msgstr "Holen Sie sich die Premium-Version"
118 |
119 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:25
120 |
msgid "Go Premium"
121 |
msgstr "Premium werden"
122 |
123 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:165
124 |
msgid "Google street view embed"
125 |
msgstr "Google Street View einbetten"
126 |
127 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:160
128 |
msgid "Gyroscope support"
129 |
msgstr "Gyroskop-Unterstützung"
130 |
131 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:133
132 |
msgid "Height:"
133 |
msgstr "Höhe:"
134 |
135 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:159
136 |
msgid "Hotspot based scene face support"
137 |
msgstr "Unterstützung für Hotspot-basierte Szenengesichter"
138 |
139 |
#. Author URI of the plugin
140 |
msgid ""
141 |
msgstr ""
142 |
143 |
#. URI of the plugin
144 |
msgid ""
145 |
msgstr ""
146 |
147 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:113
148 |
msgid "ID:"
149 |
msgstr "ID:"
150 |
151 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:29
152 |
msgid "Import"
153 |
msgstr "Einführen"
154 |
155 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:177
156 |
msgid "Import tour file: "
157 |
msgstr "Tourdatei importieren:"
158 |
159 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:18
160 |
msgid "License Key"
161 |
msgstr "Lizenzschlüssel"
162 |
163 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:105
164 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
165 |
msgstr "Machen Sie WPVR beliebt"
166 |
167 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:155
168 |
msgid "Maximum and minimum zoom range"
169 |
msgstr "Maximaler und minimaler Zoombereich"
170 |
171 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:167
172 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
173 |
msgstr "Persönlicher Support im Support-Forum und in unserer Support-E-Mail."
174 |
175 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:77
176 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
177 |
msgstr "Veröffentlichen Sie ein Ticket"
178 |
179 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:136
180 |
msgid "Put value in (px)"
181 |
msgstr "Wert eingeben in (PX)"
182 |
183 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:143
184 |
msgid "Radius:"
185 |
msgstr "Radius:"
186 |
187 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:115
188 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
189 |
msgstr "Bewerten Sie uns!"
190 |
191 |
#. Author of the plugin
192 |
msgid "Rextheme"
193 |
msgstr "RexTheme"
194 |
195 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:157
196 |
msgid "Scene grab control and custom boundary for each scene"
197 |
msgstr "Szenensteuerung und benutzerdefinierte Begrenzung für jede Szene"
198 |
199 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:158
200 |
msgid "Scene title and author tag support"
201 |
msgstr "Unterstützung für Szenentitel und Autoren-Tags"
202 |
203 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:125
204 |
msgid "Share On"
205 |
msgstr "Teilen auf"
206 |
207 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:130
208 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
209 |
msgstr "Auf Facebook teilen"
210 |
211 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:132
212 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
213 |
msgstr "Auf Google+ teilen"
214 |
215 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
216 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
217 |
msgstr "Auf LinkedIn teilen"
218 |
219 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:131
220 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
221 |
msgstr "Auf Twitter teilen"
222 |
223 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:86
224 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
225 |
msgstr "Teile deine Gedanken"
226 |
227 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:96
228 |
msgid "Suggest"
229 |
msgstr "Vorschlagen"
230 |
231 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
232 |
msgid "Support"
233 |
msgstr "Unterstützung"
234 |
235 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:25
236 |
msgid ""
237 |
"To use this Wpvr tour in your posts or pages use the following shortcode:"
238 |
msgstr ""
239 |
"Verwenden Sie den folgenden Shortcode, um diese WPVR-Tour in Ihren Posts "
240 |
"oder Seiten zu verwenden:"
241 |
242 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:150
243 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
244 |
msgstr "Unbegrenzte Anzahl von Hotspots"
245 |
246 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:149
247 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
248 |
msgstr "Unbegrenzte Anzahl von Szenen"
249 |
250 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:204
251 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
252 |
msgstr "Upgrade auf Pro"
253 |
254 |
#: wpvr.php:810
255 |
msgid "Upgrade to pro"
256 |
msgstr "Upgrade auf Pro"
257 |
258 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:24
259 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
260 |
msgstr "Videoanleitungen"
261 |
262 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:57
263 |
msgid "View Documentation"
264 |
msgstr "Dokumentation anzeigen"
265 |
266 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:147
267 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
268 |
msgstr "Warum auf Premium-Version upgraden?"
269 |
270 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:123
271 |
msgid "Width:"
272 |
msgstr "Breite:"
273 |
274 |
#. Name of the plugin
275 |
msgid "WP VR"
276 |
msgstr "WP VR"
277 |
278 |
#. Description of the plugin
279 |
msgid ""
280 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress is a customized "
281 |
"panaroma & virtual builder tool for WordPress Website."
282 |
msgstr ""
283 |
"WP VR-360 Panorama und Virtual Tour Creator für WordPress ist ein "
284 |
"benutzerdefiniertes Tool für Panaroma und Virtual Builder für die WordPress-"
285 |
286 |
287 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:43
288 |
msgid "Wpvr"
289 |
msgstr "WPVR"
290 |
291 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:105
292 |
msgid "Wpvr Setup"
293 |
msgstr "WPVR-Setup"
294 |
295 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:111
296 |
msgid ""
297 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
298 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
299 |
msgstr ""
300 |
"Ihre Bewertung und Ihr Feedback sind uns wichtig. Wenn Sie mit WP VR-360 "
301 |
"Panorama und Virtual Tour Creator für WordPress zufrieden sind, geben Sie "
302 |
"uns eine Bewertung."
303 |
304 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:92
305 |
msgid ""
306 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
307 |
msgstr ""
308 |
"Ihre Vorschläge sind uns wertvoll. Es kann helfen, wpvr noch besser zu "
309 |
Binary file
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
"Project-Id-Version: WP VR\n"
4 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
5 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-12-11 10:17+0000\n"
6 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-12-12 04:30+0000\n"
7 |
"Last-Translator: devadmin <>\n"
8 |
"Language-Team: Spanish (Spain)\n"
9 |
"Language: es-ES\n"
10 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
11 |
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12 |
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13 |
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14 |
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15 |
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16 |
17 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:28 admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:38
18 |
msgid "Activate License"
19 |
msgstr "Activar licencia"
20 |
21 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:53
22 |
msgid ""
23 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
24 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
25 |
msgstr ""
26 |
"Antes de comenzar, puede consultar nuestra Documentación para familiarizarse "
27 |
"con WP VR - 360 Panorama y el creador de recorridos virtuales para WordPress."
28 |
29 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:73
30 |
msgid ""
31 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
32 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
33 |
msgstr ""
34 |
"¿No puede encontrar una solución con nuestra documentación? Simplemente "
35 |
"publique un ticket en el foro de soporte. Estamos para resolver su problema."
36 |
37 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:29
38 |
msgid "Check how to use: "
39 |
msgstr "Comprueba cómo usar:"
40 |
41 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:166
42 |
msgid "Company logo"
43 |
msgstr "Logo de la compañía"
44 |
45 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:153
46 |
msgid "Compass Switch"
47 |
msgstr "Interruptor de brújula"
48 |
49 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:164
50 |
msgid "Custom control buttons"
51 |
msgstr "Botones de control personalizados"
52 |
53 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:163
54 |
msgid "Custom scene gallery"
55 |
msgstr "Galería de escenas personalizadas"
56 |
57 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:156
58 |
msgid "Customize each scene's default face on load"
59 |
msgstr "Personaliza la cara predeterminada de cada escena al cargar"
60 |
61 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:151
62 |
msgid "Customized hotspot icon"
63 |
msgstr "Icono de punto de acceso personalizado"
64 |
65 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:34
66 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
67 |
msgstr "Desactivar licencia"
68 |
69 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:154
70 |
msgid "Default zoom level"
71 |
msgstr "Nivel de zoom predeterminado"
72 |
73 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:178
74 |
msgid ""
75 |
"Do not close or refresh the page during import process. It may take few "
76 |
77 |
msgstr ""
78 |
"No cierre ni actualice la página durante el proceso de importación. Puede "
79 |
"tomar algunos minutos."
80 |
81 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:47
82 |
msgid "Documentation"
83 |
msgstr "Documentación"
84 |
85 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:161
86 |
msgid "Duplicate tour support"
87 |
msgstr "Duplicado de soporte turístico"
88 |
89 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
90 |
msgid "Dynamic Icon background color on hotspot"
91 |
msgstr "Color de fondo dinámico del icono en el punto de acceso"
92 |
93 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:22
94 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
95 |
msgstr "Ingrese su clave de licencia, guarde los cambios y actívelos."
96 |
97 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
98 |
msgid "File import & export system"
99 |
msgstr "Sistema de importación y exportación de archivos"
100 |
101 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:24
102 |
msgid "For classic editor:"
103 |
msgstr "Para el editor clásico:"
104 |
105 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:27
106 |
msgid "For gutenberg:"
107 |
msgstr "Para gutenberg:"
108 |
109 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:23
110 |
msgid "General"
111 |
msgstr "General"
112 |
113 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:169
114 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
115 |
msgstr "Obtenga la versión premium"
116 |
117 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:25
118 |
msgid "Go Premium"
119 |
msgstr "Hazte Premium"
120 |
121 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:165
122 |
msgid "Google street view embed"
123 |
msgstr "Insertar Google Street View"
124 |
125 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:160
126 |
msgid "Gyroscope support"
127 |
msgstr "Soporte de giroscopio"
128 |
129 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:133
130 |
msgid "Height:"
131 |
msgstr "Altura:"
132 |
133 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:159
134 |
msgid "Hotspot based scene face support"
135 |
msgstr "Soporte de rostro de escena basado en punto de acceso"
136 |
137 |
#. Author URI of the plugin
138 |
msgid ""
139 |
msgstr ""
140 |
141 |
#. URI of the plugin
142 |
msgid ""
143 |
msgstr ""
144 |
145 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:113
146 |
msgid "ID:"
147 |
148 |
149 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:29
150 |
msgid "Import"
151 |
msgstr "Importar"
152 |
153 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:177
154 |
msgid "Import tour file: "
155 |
msgstr "Importar archivo de recorrido:"
156 |
157 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:18
158 |
msgid "License Key"
159 |
msgstr "Clave de licencia"
160 |
161 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:105
162 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
163 |
msgstr "Haga que WPVR sea popular"
164 |
165 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:155
166 |
msgid "Maximum and minimum zoom range"
167 |
msgstr "Rango de zoom máximo y mínimo"
168 |
169 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:167
170 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
171 |
msgstr ""
172 |
"Soporte personalizado tanto en el foro de soporte como en nuestro correo "
173 |
"electrónico de soporte."
174 |
175 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:77
176 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
177 |
msgstr "Publica un boleto"
178 |
179 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:136
180 |
msgid "Put value in (px)"
181 |
msgstr "Poner valor en (px)"
182 |
183 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:143
184 |
msgid "Radius:"
185 |
msgstr "Radio:"
186 |
187 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:115
188 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
189 |
msgstr "¡Nos califica!"
190 |
191 |
#. Author of the plugin
192 |
msgid "Rextheme"
193 |
msgstr "Rextheme"
194 |
195 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:157
196 |
msgid "Scene grab control and custom boundary for each scene"
197 |
msgstr "Control de captura de escena y límite personalizado para cada escena"
198 |
199 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:158
200 |
msgid "Scene title and author tag support"
201 |
msgstr "Título de escena y soporte de etiqueta de autor"
202 |
203 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:125
204 |
msgid "Share On"
205 |
msgstr "Compartir en"
206 |
207 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:130
208 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
209 |
msgstr "Compartir en Facebook"
210 |
211 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:132
212 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
213 |
msgstr "Comparte en Google+"
214 |
215 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
216 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
217 |
msgstr "Compartir en LinkedIn"
218 |
219 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:131
220 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
221 |
msgstr "Compartir en Twitter"
222 |
223 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:86
224 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
225 |
msgstr "Comparte tus pensamientos"
226 |
227 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:96
228 |
msgid "Suggest"
229 |
msgstr "Sugerir"
230 |
231 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
232 |
msgid "Support"
233 |
msgstr "Apoyo"
234 |
235 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:25
236 |
msgid ""
237 |
"To use this Wpvr tour in your posts or pages use the following shortcode:"
238 |
msgstr ""
239 |
"Para usar este recorrido WPVR en sus publicaciones o páginas, use el "
240 |
"siguiente código corto:"
241 |
242 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:150
243 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
244 |
msgstr "Puntos de acceso ilimitados"
245 |
246 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:149
247 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
248 |
msgstr "Escenas ilimitadas"
249 |
250 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:204
251 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
252 |
msgstr "Actualiza a Pro"
253 |
254 |
#: wpvr.php:810
255 |
msgid "Upgrade to pro"
256 |
msgstr "Actualiza a pro"
257 |
258 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:24
259 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
260 |
msgstr "Tutoriales en vídeo"
261 |
262 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:57
263 |
msgid "View Documentation"
264 |
msgstr "Ver documentación"
265 |
266 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:147
267 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
268 |
msgstr "¿Por qué actualizar a la versión Premium?"
269 |
270 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:123
271 |
msgid "Width:"
272 |
msgstr "Anchura:"
273 |
274 |
#. Name of the plugin
275 |
msgid "WP VR"
276 |
msgstr "WP VR"
277 |
278 |
#. Description of the plugin
279 |
msgid ""
280 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress is a customized "
281 |
"panaroma & virtual builder tool for WordPress Website."
282 |
msgstr ""
283 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama y creador de visitas virtuales para WordPress es una "
284 |
"herramienta personalizada de creación de panaromas y virtuales para el sitio "
285 |
"web de WordPress."
286 |
287 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:43
288 |
msgid "Wpvr"
289 |
msgstr "WPVR"
290 |
291 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:105
292 |
msgid "Wpvr Setup"
293 |
msgstr "Configuración de WPVR"
294 |
295 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:111
296 |
msgid ""
297 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
298 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
299 |
msgstr ""
300 |
"Su calificación y comentarios nos importan. Si está satisfecho con WP VR - "
301 |
"360 Panorama y el creador del tour virtual para WordPress, califíquenos."
302 |
303 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:92
304 |
msgid ""
305 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
306 |
msgstr ""
307 |
"Sus sugerencias son valiosas para nosotros. Puede ayudar a mejorar WPVR."
Binary file
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
"Project-Id-Version: WP VR\n"
4 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
5 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-12-11 10:17+0000\n"
6 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-12-11 11:44+0000\n"
7 |
"Last-Translator: devadmin <>\n"
8 |
"Language-Team: Italian\n"
9 |
"Language: it-IT\n"
10 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
11 |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
12 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
13 |
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14 |
"X-Generator: Loco\n"
15 |
"X-Loco-Version: 2.3.1; wp-5.2.4"
16 |
17 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:28 admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:38
18 |
msgid "Activate License"
19 |
msgstr "Attiva licenza"
20 |
21 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:53
22 |
msgid ""
23 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
24 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
25 |
msgstr ""
26 |
"Prima di iniziare, puoi consultare la nostra documentazione per "
27 |
"familiarizzare con WP VR - 360 Panorama e il creatore di tour virtuali per "
28 |
29 |
30 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:73
31 |
msgid ""
32 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
33 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
34 |
msgstr ""
35 |
"Non riesci a trovare una soluzione con la nostra documentazione? Basta "
36 |
"inviare un ticket sul forum di supporto. Dobbiamo risolvere il tuo problema."
37 |
38 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:29
39 |
msgid "Check how to use: "
40 |
msgstr "Controlla come usare:"
41 |
42 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:166
43 |
msgid "Company logo"
44 |
msgstr "Logo della compagnia"
45 |
46 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:153
47 |
msgid "Compass Switch"
48 |
msgstr "Interruttore bussola"
49 |
50 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:164
51 |
msgid "Custom control buttons"
52 |
msgstr "Pulsanti di controllo personalizzati"
53 |
54 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:163
55 |
msgid "Custom scene gallery"
56 |
msgstr "Galleria di scene personalizzate"
57 |
58 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:156
59 |
msgid "Customize each scene's default face on load"
60 |
msgstr "Personalizza il volto predefinito di ogni scena al caricamento"
61 |
62 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:151
63 |
msgid "Customized hotspot icon"
64 |
msgstr "Icona hotspot personalizzata"
65 |
66 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:34
67 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
68 |
msgstr "Disattiva licenza"
69 |
70 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:154
71 |
msgid "Default zoom level"
72 |
msgstr "Livello di zoom predefinito"
73 |
74 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:178
75 |
msgid ""
76 |
"Do not close or refresh the page during import process. It may take few "
77 |
78 |
msgstr ""
79 |
"Non chiudere o aggiornare la pagina durante il processo di importazione. "
80 |
"Potrebbero essere necessari alcuni minuti."
81 |
82 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:47
83 |
msgid "Documentation"
84 |
msgstr "Documentazione"
85 |
86 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:161
87 |
msgid "Duplicate tour support"
88 |
msgstr "Supporto per tour duplicati"
89 |
90 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
91 |
msgid "Dynamic Icon background color on hotspot"
92 |
msgstr "Colore di sfondo icona dinamica su hotspot"
93 |
94 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:22
95 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
96 |
msgstr "Inserisci la chiave di licenza, salva le modifiche e attiva."
97 |
98 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
99 |
msgid "File import & export system"
100 |
msgstr "Sistema di importazione ed esportazione di file"
101 |
102 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:24
103 |
msgid "For classic editor:"
104 |
msgstr "Per editor classico:"
105 |
106 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:27
107 |
msgid "For gutenberg:"
108 |
msgstr "Per gutenberg:"
109 |
110 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:23
111 |
msgid "General"
112 |
msgstr "Generale"
113 |
114 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:169
115 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
116 |
msgstr "Ottieni la versione Premium"
117 |
118 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:25
119 |
msgid "Go Premium"
120 |
msgstr "Vai Premium"
121 |
122 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:165
123 |
msgid "Google street view embed"
124 |
msgstr "Incorpora Google Street View"
125 |
126 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:160
127 |
msgid "Gyroscope support"
128 |
msgstr "Supporto per giroscopio"
129 |
130 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:133
131 |
msgid "Height:"
132 |
msgstr "Altezza:"
133 |
134 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:159
135 |
msgid "Hotspot based scene face support"
136 |
msgstr "Supporto per il viso della scena basato su hotspot"
137 |
138 |
#. Author URI of the plugin
139 |
msgid ""
140 |
msgstr ""
141 |
142 |
#. URI of the plugin
143 |
msgid ""
144 |
msgstr ""
145 |
146 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:113
147 |
msgid "ID:"
148 |
msgstr "ID:"
149 |
150 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:29
151 |
msgid "Import"
152 |
msgstr "Importare"
153 |
154 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:177
155 |
msgid "Import tour file: "
156 |
msgstr "Importa file tour:"
157 |
158 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:18
159 |
msgid "License Key"
160 |
msgstr "Chiave di licenza"
161 |
162 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:105
163 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
164 |
msgstr "Rendi popolare WPVR"
165 |
166 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:155
167 |
msgid "Maximum and minimum zoom range"
168 |
msgstr "Intervallo di zoom massimo e minimo"
169 |
170 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:167
171 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
172 |
msgstr ""
173 |
"Supporto personalizzato sia sul forum di supporto che sulla nostra e-mail di "
174 |
175 |
176 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:77
177 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
178 |
msgstr "Pubblica un biglietto"
179 |
180 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:136
181 |
msgid "Put value in (px)"
182 |
msgstr "Inserisci valore in (px)"
183 |
184 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:143
185 |
msgid "Radius:"
186 |
msgstr "Raggio:"
187 |
188 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:115
189 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
190 |
msgstr "Valutaci!"
191 |
192 |
#. Author of the plugin
193 |
msgid "Rextheme"
194 |
msgstr "Rextheme"
195 |
196 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:157
197 |
msgid "Scene grab control and custom boundary for each scene"
198 |
msgstr "Controllo cattura scena e confine personalizzato per ogni scena"
199 |
200 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:158
201 |
msgid "Scene title and author tag support"
202 |
msgstr "Supporto per il titolo della scena e il tag dell'autore"
203 |
204 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:125
205 |
msgid "Share On"
206 |
msgstr "Condividere su"
207 |
208 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:130
209 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
210 |
msgstr "Condividi su Facebook"
211 |
212 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:132
213 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
214 |
msgstr "Condividi su Google+"
215 |
216 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
217 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
218 |
msgstr "Condividi su LinkedIn"
219 |
220 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:131
221 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
222 |
msgstr "Condividi su Twitter"
223 |
224 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:86
225 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
226 |
msgstr "Condividi i tuoi pensieri"
227 |
228 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:96
229 |
msgid "Suggest"
230 |
msgstr "suggerire"
231 |
232 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
233 |
msgid "Support"
234 |
msgstr "Supporto"
235 |
236 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:25
237 |
msgid ""
238 |
"To use this Wpvr tour in your posts or pages use the following shortcode:"
239 |
msgstr ""
240 |
"Per utilizzare questo tour WPVR nei tuoi post o pagine, utilizza il seguente "
241 |
242 |
243 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:150
244 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
245 |
msgstr "Hotspot illimitati"
246 |
247 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:149
248 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
249 |
msgstr "Scene illimitate"
250 |
251 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:204
252 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
253 |
msgstr "L'aggiornamento a Pro"
254 |
255 |
#: wpvr.php:810
256 |
msgid "Upgrade to pro"
257 |
msgstr "L'aggiornamento a Pro"
258 |
259 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:24
260 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
261 |
msgstr "Tutorial video"
262 |
263 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:57
264 |
msgid "View Documentation"
265 |
msgstr "Visualizza la documentazione"
266 |
267 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:147
268 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
269 |
msgstr "Perché eseguire l'aggiornamento alla versione Premium?"
270 |
271 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:123
272 |
msgid "Width:"
273 |
msgstr "Larghezza:"
274 |
275 |
#. Name of the plugin
276 |
msgid "WP VR"
277 |
msgstr "WP VR"
278 |
279 |
#. Description of the plugin
280 |
msgid ""
281 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress is a customized "
282 |
"panaroma & virtual builder tool for WordPress Website."
283 |
msgstr ""
284 |
"WP VR - 360 Creatore di panorami e tour virtuali per WordPress è uno "
285 |
"strumento personalizzato di panaroma e costruttore virtuale per il sito Web "
286 |
287 |
288 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:43
289 |
msgid "Wpvr"
290 |
msgstr "WPVR"
291 |
292 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:105
293 |
msgid "Wpvr Setup"
294 |
msgstr "WPVR Setup"
295 |
296 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:111
297 |
msgid ""
298 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
299 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
300 |
msgstr ""
301 |
"La tua valutazione e feedback sono importanti per noi. Se sei soddisfatto di "
302 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama e il creatore di tour virtuali per WordPress ci danno "
303 |
"una valutazione."
304 |
305 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:92
306 |
msgid ""
307 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
308 |
msgstr ""
309 |
"I tuoi suggerimenti sono preziosi per noi. Può aiutare a migliorare "
310 |
"ulteriormente il wpvr."
Binary file
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
"Project-Id-Version: WP VR\n"
4 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
5 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-12-11 10:17+0000\n"
6 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-12-12 04:05+0000\n"
7 |
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8 |
"Language-Team: Dutch\n"
9 |
"Language: nl-NL\n"
10 |
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16 |
17 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:28 admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:38
18 |
msgid "Activate License"
19 |
msgstr "Activeer licentie"
20 |
21 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:53
22 |
msgid ""
23 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
24 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
25 |
msgstr ""
26 |
"Voordat u begint, kunt u onze documentatie raadplegen om vertrouwd te raken "
27 |
"met WP VR - 360 Panorama en virtual tour creator voor WordPress."
28 |
29 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:73
30 |
msgid ""
31 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
32 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
33 |
msgstr ""
34 |
"Kunt u geen oplossing vinden in onze documentatie? Plaats gewoon een ticket "
35 |
"op het ondersteuningsforum. We moeten uw probleem oplossen."
36 |
37 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:29
38 |
msgid "Check how to use: "
39 |
msgstr "Controleer hoe te gebruiken:"
40 |
41 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:166
42 |
msgid "Company logo"
43 |
msgstr "Bedrijfslogo"
44 |
45 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:153
46 |
msgid "Compass Switch"
47 |
msgstr "Kompasschakelaar"
48 |
49 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:164
50 |
msgid "Custom control buttons"
51 |
msgstr "Aangepaste bedieningsknoppen"
52 |
53 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:163
54 |
msgid "Custom scene gallery"
55 |
msgstr "Aangepaste scènegalerij"
56 |
57 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:156
58 |
msgid "Customize each scene's default face on load"
59 |
msgstr "Pas het standaardgezicht van elke scène aan bij het laden"
60 |
61 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:151
62 |
msgid "Customized hotspot icon"
63 |
msgstr "Aangepast hotspotpictogram"
64 |
65 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:34
66 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
67 |
msgstr "Licentie deactiveren"
68 |
69 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:154
70 |
msgid "Default zoom level"
71 |
msgstr "Standaard zoomniveau"
72 |
73 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:178
74 |
msgid ""
75 |
"Do not close or refresh the page during import process. It may take few "
76 |
77 |
msgstr ""
78 |
"Sluit of vernieuw de pagina niet tijdens het importproces. Dit kan enkele "
79 |
"minuten duren."
80 |
81 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:47
82 |
msgid "Documentation"
83 |
msgstr "Documentatie"
84 |
85 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:161
86 |
msgid "Duplicate tour support"
87 |
msgstr "Dubbele tourondersteuning"
88 |
89 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
90 |
msgid "Dynamic Icon background color on hotspot"
91 |
msgstr "Dynamische pictogramachtergrondkleur op hotspot"
92 |
93 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:22
94 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
95 |
msgstr "Voer uw licentiesleutel in, sla wijzigingen op en activeer."
96 |
97 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
98 |
msgid "File import & export system"
99 |
msgstr "Bestand import & export systeem"
100 |
101 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:24
102 |
msgid "For classic editor:"
103 |
msgstr "Voor klassieke editor:"
104 |
105 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:27
106 |
msgid "For gutenberg:"
107 |
msgstr "Voor gutenberg:"
108 |
109 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:23
110 |
msgid "General"
111 |
msgstr "Algemeen"
112 |
113 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:169
114 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
115 |
msgstr "Download Premium-versie"
116 |
117 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:25
118 |
msgid "Go Premium"
119 |
msgstr "Ga Premium"
120 |
121 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:165
122 |
msgid "Google street view embed"
123 |
msgstr "Google Street View insluiten"
124 |
125 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:160
126 |
msgid "Gyroscope support"
127 |
msgstr "Ondersteuning voor gyroscopen"
128 |
129 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:133
130 |
msgid "Height:"
131 |
msgstr "Hoogte:"
132 |
133 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:159
134 |
msgid "Hotspot based scene face support"
135 |
msgstr "Ondersteuning op basis van hotspot-scene"
136 |
137 |
#. Author URI of the plugin
138 |
msgid ""
139 |
msgstr ""
140 |
141 |
#. URI of the plugin
142 |
msgid ""
143 |
msgstr ""
144 |
145 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:113
146 |
msgid "ID:"
147 |
msgstr "ID:"
148 |
149 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:29
150 |
msgid "Import"
151 |
msgstr "Importeren"
152 |
153 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:177
154 |
msgid "Import tour file: "
155 |
msgstr "Tourbestand importeren:"
156 |
157 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:18
158 |
msgid "License Key"
159 |
msgstr "Licentiesleutel"
160 |
161 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:105
162 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
163 |
msgstr "Maak WPVR populair"
164 |
165 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:155
166 |
msgid "Maximum and minimum zoom range"
167 |
msgstr "Maximaal en minimaal zoombereik"
168 |
169 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:167
170 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
171 |
msgstr ""
172 |
"Gepersonaliseerde ondersteuning op zowel het ondersteuningsforum als onze "
173 |
174 |
175 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:77
176 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
177 |
msgstr "Plaats een ticket"
178 |
179 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:136
180 |
msgid "Put value in (px)"
181 |
msgstr "Zet waarde in (px)"
182 |
183 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:143
184 |
msgid "Radius:"
185 |
msgstr "Radius:"
186 |
187 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:115
188 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
189 |
msgstr "Beoordeel ons!"
190 |
191 |
#. Author of the plugin
192 |
msgid "Rextheme"
193 |
msgstr "RexTheme"
194 |
195 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:157
196 |
msgid "Scene grab control and custom boundary for each scene"
197 |
msgstr "Scène grijpbesturing en aangepaste grens voor elke scène"
198 |
199 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:158
200 |
msgid "Scene title and author tag support"
201 |
msgstr "Ondersteuning van scènetitels en auteurstags"
202 |
203 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:125
204 |
msgid "Share On"
205 |
msgstr "Delen op"
206 |
207 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:130
208 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
209 |
msgstr "Delen op Facebook"
210 |
211 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:132
212 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
213 |
msgstr "Deel op Google+"
214 |
215 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
216 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
217 |
msgstr "Deel op LinkedIn"
218 |
219 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:131
220 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
221 |
msgstr "Delen op Twitter"
222 |
223 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:86
224 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
225 |
msgstr "Deel je gedachten"
226 |
227 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:96
228 |
msgid "Suggest"
229 |
msgstr "Stel voor"
230 |
231 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
232 |
msgid "Support"
233 |
msgstr "Ondersteuning"
234 |
235 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:25
236 |
msgid ""
237 |
"To use this Wpvr tour in your posts or pages use the following shortcode:"
238 |
msgstr ""
239 |
"Om deze WPVR-tour in uw berichten of pagina's te gebruiken, gebruikt u de "
240 |
"volgende shortcode:"
241 |
242 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:150
243 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
244 |
msgstr "Onbeperkte hotspots"
245 |
246 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:149
247 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
248 |
msgstr "Onbeperkte scènes"
249 |
250 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:204
251 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
252 |
msgstr "Upgraden naar Pro"
253 |
254 |
#: wpvr.php:810
255 |
msgid "Upgrade to pro"
256 |
msgstr "Upgraden naar Pro"
257 |
258 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:24
259 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
260 |
msgstr "Video uitleg"
261 |
262 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:57
263 |
msgid "View Documentation"
264 |
msgstr "Documentatie bekijken"
265 |
266 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:147
267 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
268 |
msgstr "Waarom upgraden naar Premium-versie?"
269 |
270 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:123
271 |
msgid "Width:"
272 |
msgstr "Breedte:"
273 |
274 |
#. Name of the plugin
275 |
msgid "WP VR"
276 |
msgstr "WP VR"
277 |
278 |
#. Description of the plugin
279 |
msgid ""
280 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress is a customized "
281 |
"panaroma & virtual builder tool for WordPress Website."
282 |
msgstr ""
283 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama en virtual tour creator voor WordPress is een op maat "
284 |
"gemaakte panaroma & virtual builder-tool voor WordPress Website."
285 |
286 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:43
287 |
msgid "Wpvr"
288 |
msgstr "WPVR"
289 |
290 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:105
291 |
msgid "Wpvr Setup"
292 |
msgstr "WPVR-instelling"
293 |
294 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:111
295 |
msgid ""
296 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
297 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
298 |
msgstr ""
299 |
"Uw beoordeling en feedback zijn belangrijk voor ons. Als je tevreden bent "
300 |
"met WP VR - 360 Panorama en virtuele tourmaker voor WordPress, geef ons dan "
301 |
"een beoordeling."
302 |
303 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:92
304 |
msgid ""
305 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
306 |
msgstr ""
307 |
"Uw beoordeling en feedback zijn belangrijk voor ons. Als je tevreden bent "
308 |
"met WP VR - 360 Panorama en virtuele tourmaker voor WordPress, geef ons dan "
309 |
"een beoordeling."
Binary file
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
1 |
msgid ""
2 |
msgstr ""
3 |
"Project-Id-Version: WP VR\n"
4 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
5 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-12-11 10:17+0000\n"
6 |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-12-12 04:42+0000\n"
7 |
"Last-Translator: devadmin <>\n"
8 |
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal)\n"
9 |
"Language: pt-PT\n"
10 |
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
11 |
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12 |
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13 |
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14 |
"X-Generator: Loco\n"
15 |
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16 |
17 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:28 admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:38
18 |
msgid "Activate License"
19 |
msgstr "Ativar licença"
20 |
21 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:53
22 |
msgid ""
23 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
24 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
25 |
msgstr ""
26 |
"Antes de começar, você pode verificar nossa documentação para se "
27 |
"familiarizar com o WP VR - 360 Panorama e o criador de tour virtual para "
28 |
29 |
30 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:73
31 |
msgid ""
32 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
33 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
34 |
msgstr ""
35 |
"Não consegue encontrar uma solução com a nossa documentação? Basta postar um "
36 |
"ticket no fórum de suporte. Devemos resolver seu problema."
37 |
38 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:29
39 |
msgid "Check how to use: "
40 |
msgstr "Veja como usar:"
41 |
42 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:166
43 |
msgid "Company logo"
44 |
msgstr "Logo da empresa"
45 |
46 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:153
47 |
msgid "Compass Switch"
48 |
msgstr "Comutador de bússola"
49 |
50 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:164
51 |
msgid "Custom control buttons"
52 |
msgstr "Botões de controle personalizados"
53 |
54 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:163
55 |
msgid "Custom scene gallery"
56 |
msgstr "Galeria de cenas personalizadas"
57 |
58 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:156
59 |
msgid "Customize each scene's default face on load"
60 |
msgstr "Personalize o rosto padrão de cada cena ao carregar"
61 |
62 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:151
63 |
msgid "Customized hotspot icon"
64 |
msgstr ""
65 |
66 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:34
67 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
68 |
msgstr "Desativar licença"
69 |
70 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:154
71 |
msgid "Default zoom level"
72 |
msgstr "Nível de zoom padrão"
73 |
74 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:178
75 |
msgid ""
76 |
"Do not close or refresh the page during import process. It may take few "
77 |
78 |
msgstr ""
79 |
"Não feche ou atualize a página durante o processo de importação. Pode "
80 |
"demorar alguns minutos."
81 |
82 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:47
83 |
msgid "Documentation"
84 |
msgstr "Documentação"
85 |
86 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:161
87 |
msgid "Duplicate tour support"
88 |
msgstr "Suporte de tour duplicado"
89 |
90 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
91 |
msgid "Dynamic Icon background color on hotspot"
92 |
msgstr "Cor de fundo do ícone dinâmico no ponto de acesso"
93 |
94 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:22
95 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
96 |
msgstr "Digite sua chave de licença, salve as alterações e ative."
97 |
98 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
99 |
msgid "File import & export system"
100 |
msgstr "Sistema de importação e exportação de arquivos"
101 |
102 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:24
103 |
msgid "For classic editor:"
104 |
msgstr "Para o editor clássico:"
105 |
106 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:27
107 |
msgid "For gutenberg:"
108 |
msgstr "Para Gutenberg:"
109 |
110 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:23
111 |
msgid "General"
112 |
msgstr "Geral"
113 |
114 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:169
115 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
116 |
msgstr "Obter versão Premium"
117 |
118 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:25
119 |
msgid "Go Premium"
120 |
msgstr "Go Premium"
121 |
122 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:165
123 |
msgid "Google street view embed"
124 |
msgstr "Google Street View incorporado"
125 |
126 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:160
127 |
msgid "Gyroscope support"
128 |
msgstr "Suporte para giroscópio"
129 |
130 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:133
131 |
msgid "Height:"
132 |
msgstr "Altura:"
133 |
134 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:159
135 |
msgid "Hotspot based scene face support"
136 |
msgstr "Suporte de rosto de cena baseado em hotspot"
137 |
138 |
#. Author URI of the plugin
139 |
msgid ""
140 |
msgstr ""
141 |
142 |
#. URI of the plugin
143 |
msgid ""
144 |
msgstr ""
145 |
146 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:113
147 |
msgid "ID:"
148 |
msgstr "IDENTIDADE:"
149 |
150 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:29
151 |
msgid "Import"
152 |
msgstr "Importar"
153 |
154 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:177
155 |
msgid "Import tour file: "
156 |
msgstr "Importar arquivo de tour:"
157 |
158 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:18
159 |
msgid "License Key"
160 |
msgstr "Chave de licença"
161 |
162 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:105
163 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
164 |
msgstr "Tornar o WPVR popular"
165 |
166 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:155
167 |
msgid "Maximum and minimum zoom range"
168 |
msgstr "Alcance máximo e mínimo de zoom"
169 |
170 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:167
171 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
172 |
msgstr "Suporte personalizado no fórum de suporte e no nosso email de suporte."
173 |
174 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:77
175 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
176 |
msgstr "Publicar um bilhete"
177 |
178 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:136
179 |
msgid "Put value in (px)"
180 |
msgstr "Colocar valor em (px)"
181 |
182 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:143
183 |
msgid "Radius:"
184 |
msgstr "Raio:"
185 |
186 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:115
187 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
188 |
msgstr "Nos avalie!"
189 |
190 |
#. Author of the plugin
191 |
msgid "Rextheme"
192 |
msgstr "Rextheme"
193 |
194 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:157
195 |
msgid "Scene grab control and custom boundary for each scene"
196 |
msgstr "Controle de captura de cena e limite personalizado para cada cena"
197 |
198 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:158
199 |
msgid "Scene title and author tag support"
200 |
msgstr ""
201 |
202 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:125
203 |
msgid "Share On"
204 |
msgstr "Compartilhar no"
205 |
206 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:130
207 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
208 |
msgstr "Compartilhar no Facebook"
209 |
210 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:132
211 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
212 |
msgstr "Compartilhe no Google+"
213 |
214 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
215 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
216 |
msgstr "Compartilhar no LinkedIn"
217 |
218 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:131
219 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
220 |
msgstr "Compartilhar no Twitter"
221 |
222 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:86
223 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
224 |
msgstr "Compartilhe seus pensamentos"
225 |
226 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:96
227 |
msgid "Suggest"
228 |
msgstr "Sugerir"
229 |
230 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
231 |
msgid "Support"
232 |
msgstr "Apoio, suporte"
233 |
234 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:25
235 |
msgid ""
236 |
"To use this Wpvr tour in your posts or pages use the following shortcode:"
237 |
msgstr ""
238 |
"Para usar esse passeio WPVR em suas postagens ou páginas, use o seguinte "
239 |
"código de acesso:"
240 |
241 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:150
242 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
243 |
msgstr "Pontos de acesso ilimitados"
244 |
245 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:149
246 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
247 |
msgstr "Cenas ilimitadas"
248 |
249 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:204
250 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
251 |
msgstr "Atualize para o Pro"
252 |
253 |
#: wpvr.php:810
254 |
msgid "Upgrade to pro"
255 |
msgstr "Atualize para pro"
256 |
257 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:24
258 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
259 |
msgstr "Tutoriais em vídeo"
260 |
261 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:57
262 |
msgid "View Documentation"
263 |
msgstr "Exibir documentação"
264 |
265 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:147
266 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
267 |
msgstr "Por que atualizar para a versão Premium?"
268 |
269 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:123
270 |
msgid "Width:"
271 |
msgstr ""
272 |
273 |
#. Name of the plugin
274 |
msgid "WP VR"
275 |
msgstr "WP VR"
276 |
277 |
#. Description of the plugin
278 |
msgid ""
279 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress is a customized "
280 |
"panaroma & virtual builder tool for WordPress Website."
281 |
msgstr ""
282 |
"O WP VR - 360 Panorama e criador de tour virtual para WordPress é uma "
283 |
"ferramenta personalizada de criação de panorama e virtual para o site "
284 |
285 |
286 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:43
287 |
msgid "Wpvr"
288 |
msgstr "WPVR"
289 |
290 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:105
291 |
msgid "Wpvr Setup"
292 |
msgstr "Configuração do WPVR"
293 |
294 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:111
295 |
msgid ""
296 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
297 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
298 |
msgstr ""
299 |
"Sua classificação e feedback são importantes para nós. Se você está "
300 |
"satisfeito com o WP VR - 360 Panorama e o criador do tour virtual para "
301 |
"WordPress, dê-nos uma classificação."
302 |
303 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:92
304 |
msgid ""
305 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
306 |
msgstr ""
307 |
"Suas sugestões são valiosas para nós. Pode ajudar a tornar o WPVR ainda "
308 |
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
1 |
#, fuzzy
2 |
msgid ""
3 |
msgstr ""
4 |
"Project-Id-Version: WP VR\n"
5 |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
6 |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-12-11 10:17+0000\n"
7 |
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
8 |
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
9 |
"Language-Team: \n"
10 |
"Language: \n"
11 |
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12 |
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13 |
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14 |
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"X-Generator: Loco\n"
16 |
"X-Loco-Version: 2.3.1; wp-5.3"
17 |
18 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:28 admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:38
19 |
msgid "Activate License"
20 |
msgstr ""
21 |
22 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:53
23 |
msgid ""
24 |
"Before You start, you can check our Documentation to get familiar with WP VR "
25 |
"- 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress."
26 |
msgstr ""
27 |
28 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:73
29 |
msgid ""
30 |
"Can't find solution on with our documentation? Just Post a ticket on Support "
31 |
"forum. We are to solve your issue."
32 |
msgstr ""
33 |
34 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:29
35 |
msgid "Check how to use: "
36 |
msgstr ""
37 |
38 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:166
39 |
msgid "Company logo"
40 |
msgstr ""
41 |
42 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:153
43 |
msgid "Compass Switch"
44 |
msgstr ""
45 |
46 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:164
47 |
msgid "Custom control buttons"
48 |
msgstr ""
49 |
50 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:163
51 |
msgid "Custom scene gallery"
52 |
msgstr ""
53 |
54 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:156
55 |
msgid "Customize each scene's default face on load"
56 |
msgstr ""
57 |
58 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:151
59 |
msgid "Customized hotspot icon"
60 |
msgstr ""
61 |
62 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:34
63 |
msgid "Deactivate License"
64 |
msgstr ""
65 |
66 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:154
67 |
msgid "Default zoom level"
68 |
msgstr ""
69 |
70 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:178
71 |
msgid ""
72 |
"Do not close or refresh the page during import process. It may take few "
73 |
74 |
msgstr ""
75 |
76 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:47
77 |
msgid "Documentation"
78 |
msgstr ""
79 |
80 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:161
81 |
msgid "Duplicate tour support"
82 |
msgstr ""
83 |
84 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:152
85 |
msgid "Dynamic Icon background color on hotspot"
86 |
msgstr ""
87 |
88 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:22
89 |
msgid "Enter your license key, save changes and activate."
90 |
msgstr ""
91 |
92 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:162
93 |
msgid "File import & export system"
94 |
msgstr ""
95 |
96 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:24
97 |
msgid "For classic editor:"
98 |
msgstr ""
99 |
100 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:27
101 |
msgid "For gutenberg:"
102 |
msgstr ""
103 |
104 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:23
105 |
msgid "General"
106 |
msgstr ""
107 |
108 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:169
109 |
msgid "Get Premium Version"
110 |
msgstr ""
111 |
112 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:25
113 |
msgid "Go Premium"
114 |
msgstr ""
115 |
116 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:165
117 |
msgid "Google street view embed"
118 |
msgstr ""
119 |
120 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:160
121 |
msgid "Gyroscope support"
122 |
msgstr ""
123 |
124 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:133
125 |
msgid "Height:"
126 |
msgstr ""
127 |
128 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:159
129 |
msgid "Hotspot based scene face support"
130 |
msgstr ""
131 |
132 |
#. Author URI of the plugin
133 |
msgid ""
134 |
msgstr ""
135 |
136 |
#. URI of the plugin
137 |
msgid ""
138 |
msgstr ""
139 |
140 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:113
141 |
msgid "ID:"
142 |
msgstr ""
143 |
144 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:29
145 |
msgid "Import"
146 |
msgstr ""
147 |
148 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:177
149 |
msgid "Import tour file: "
150 |
msgstr ""
151 |
152 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_license.php:18
153 |
msgid "License Key"
154 |
msgstr ""
155 |
156 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:105
157 |
msgid "Make WPVR Popular"
158 |
msgstr ""
159 |
160 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:155
161 |
msgid "Maximum and minimum zoom range"
162 |
msgstr ""
163 |
164 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:167
165 |
msgid "Personalized support on both support forum and our support e-mail."
166 |
msgstr ""
167 |
168 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:77
169 |
msgid "Post a Ticket"
170 |
msgstr ""
171 |
172 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:136
173 |
msgid "Put value in (px)"
174 |
msgstr ""
175 |
176 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:143
177 |
msgid "Radius:"
178 |
msgstr ""
179 |
180 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:115
181 |
msgid "Rate Us! "
182 |
msgstr ""
183 |
184 |
#. Author of the plugin
185 |
msgid "Rextheme"
186 |
msgstr ""
187 |
188 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:157
189 |
msgid "Scene grab control and custom boundary for each scene"
190 |
msgstr ""
191 |
192 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:158
193 |
msgid "Scene title and author tag support"
194 |
msgstr ""
195 |
196 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:125
197 |
msgid "Share On"
198 |
msgstr ""
199 |
200 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:130
201 |
msgid "Share on Facebook"
202 |
msgstr ""
203 |
204 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:132
205 |
msgid "Share on Google+"
206 |
msgstr ""
207 |
208 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:133
209 |
msgid "Share on LinkedIn"
210 |
msgstr ""
211 |
212 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:131
213 |
msgid "Share on Twitter"
214 |
msgstr ""
215 |
216 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:86
217 |
msgid "Share Your Thoughts"
218 |
msgstr ""
219 |
220 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:96
221 |
msgid "Suggest"
222 |
msgstr ""
223 |
224 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:67
225 |
msgid "Support"
226 |
msgstr ""
227 |
228 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr-meta-box-shortcode-display.php:25
229 |
msgid ""
230 |
"To use this Wpvr tour in your posts or pages use the following shortcode:"
231 |
msgstr ""
232 |
233 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:150
234 |
msgid "Unlimited hotspots"
235 |
msgstr ""
236 |
237 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:149
238 |
msgid "Unlimited scenes"
239 |
msgstr ""
240 |
241 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:204
242 |
msgid "Upgrade to Pro"
243 |
msgstr ""
244 |
245 |
#: wpvr.php:810
246 |
msgid "Upgrade to pro"
247 |
msgstr ""
248 |
249 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:24
250 |
msgid "Video Tutorials"
251 |
msgstr ""
252 |
253 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:57
254 |
msgid "View Documentation"
255 |
msgstr ""
256 |
257 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:147
258 |
msgid "Why upgrade to Premium Version?"
259 |
msgstr ""
260 |
261 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:123
262 |
msgid "Width:"
263 |
msgstr ""
264 |
265 |
#. Name of the plugin
266 |
msgid "WP VR"
267 |
msgstr ""
268 |
269 |
#. Description of the plugin
270 |
msgid ""
271 |
"WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress is a customized "
272 |
"panaroma & virtual builder tool for WordPress Website."
273 |
msgstr ""
274 |
275 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:43
276 |
msgid "Wpvr"
277 |
msgstr ""
278 |
279 |
#: elementor/elements/Wpvr-widget.php:105
280 |
msgid "Wpvr Setup"
281 |
msgstr ""
282 |
283 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:111
284 |
msgid ""
285 |
"Your rating and feedback matters to us. If you are happy with WP VR - 360 "
286 |
"Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress give us a rating."
287 |
msgstr ""
288 |
289 |
#: admin/partials/wpvr_documentation.php:92
290 |
msgid ""
291 |
"Your suggestions are valubale to us. It can help to make wpvr even better."
292 |
msgstr ""
@@ -73,52 +73,11 @@ class Wpvr_Public {
73 |
* class.
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
wp_register_style( $this->plugin_name . 'fontawesome', '', array(), $this->version, 'all' );
83 |
wp_register_style('panellium-css', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'lib/pannellum/src/css/pannellum.css', array(), true);
84 |
wp_register_style('videojs-css', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'lib/pannellum/src/css/video-js.css', array(), true);
85 |
wp_register_style( 'owl-css', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'css/owl.carousel.css', array(), $this->version, 'all' );
86 |
wp_register_style( $this->plugin_name, plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'css/wpvr-public.css', array(), $this->version, 'all' );
87 |
88 |
89 |
global $wp_query;
90 |
$postid = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
91 |
$mypost = get_post($postid);
92 |
$unfiltered_content = $mypost->post_content;
93 |
94 |
if (strpos($unfiltered_content, 'wpvr id') !== false) {
95 |
96 |
wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name . 'fontawesome');
97 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'panellium-css');
98 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'videojs-css');
99 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'owl-css');
100 |
wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name);
101 |
102 |
elseif (has_blocks( $mypost->post_content ) ) {
103 |
$blocks = parse_blocks( $mypost->post_content );
104 |
if(array_search("wpvr/wpvr-block", array_column($blocks, 'blockName')) !== false) {
105 |
wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name . 'fontawesome');
106 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'panellium-css');
107 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'videojs-css');
108 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'owl-css');
109 |
wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name);
110 |
111 |
112 |
elseif (did_action( 'elementor/loaded' ) ) {
113 |
if (\Elementor\Plugin::$instance->db->is_built_with_elementor($postid)) {
114 |
wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name . 'fontawesome');
115 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'panellium-css');
116 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'videojs-css');
117 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'owl-css');
118 |
wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name);
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
@@ -139,56 +98,12 @@ class Wpvr_Public {
139 |
* between the defined hooks and the functions defined in this
140 |
* class.
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
wp_register_script('panellium-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'lib/pannellum/src/js/pannellum.js', array(), true);
150 |
wp_register_script('panelliumlib-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'lib/pannellum/src/js/libpannellum.js', array(), true);
151 |
wp_register_script('videojs-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/video.js', array(), true);
152 |
wp_register_script('panelliumvid-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'lib/pannellum/src/js/videojs-pannellum-plugin.js', array(), true);
153 |
wp_register_script( 'owl-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/owl.carousel.js', array( 'jquery' ), false );
154 |
wp_register_script( $this->plugin_name, plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/wpvr-public.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->version, false );
155 |
156 |
157 |
global $wp_query;
158 |
$postid = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
159 |
$mypost = get_post($postid);
160 |
$unfiltered_content = $mypost->post_content;
161 |
162 |
if (strpos($unfiltered_content, 'wpvr id') !== false) {
163 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'panellium-js');
164 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'panelliumlib-js');
165 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'videojs-js');
166 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'panelliumvid-js');
167 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'owl-js');
168 |
wp_enqueue_script( $this->plugin_name);
169 |
170 |
elseif (has_blocks( $mypost->post_content ) ) {
171 |
$blocks = parse_blocks( $mypost->post_content );
172 |
if(array_search("wpvr/wpvr-block", array_column($blocks, 'blockName')) !== false) {
173 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'panellium-js');
174 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'panelliumlib-js');
175 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'videojs-js');
176 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'panelliumvid-js');
177 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'owl-js');
178 |
wp_enqueue_script( $this->plugin_name);
179 |
180 |
181 |
elseif (did_action( 'elementor/loaded' ) ) {
182 |
if (\Elementor\Plugin::$instance->db->is_built_with_elementor($postid)) {
183 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'panellium-js');
184 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'panelliumlib-js');
185 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'videojs-js');
186 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'panelliumvid-js');
187 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'owl-js');
188 |
wp_enqueue_script( $this->plugin_name);
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 |
@@ -239,6 +154,7 @@ class Wpvr_Public {
239 |
$height = '400px';
240 |
241 |
$streetviewurl = $postdata['streetviewurl'];
242 |
$html .= '<div style="text-align: center; max-width:100%; width:'.$width.'; height:'.$height.'; margin: 0 auto;">';
243 |
$html .= '<iframe src="'.$streetviewurl.'" width="'.trim($width,'px').'" height="'.trim($height,'px').'" frameborder="0" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>';
244 |
$html .= '</div>';
@@ -300,7 +216,7 @@ class Wpvr_Public {
300 |
301 |
302 |
if ($control) {
303 |
if ($postdata['customcontrol']) {
304 |
$custom_control = $postdata['customcontrol'];
305 |
if ($custom_control['panupSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panDownSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panLeftSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panRightSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panZoomInSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panZoomOutSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panFullscreenSwitch'] == "on") {
306 |
$control = false;
@@ -645,7 +561,7 @@ class Wpvr_Public {
645 |
if ($width == 'fullwidth') {
646 |
if (wpvr_isMobileDevice()) {
647 |
if ($radius) {
648 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style="text-align:center; border-radius:'.$radius.';">';
649 |
650 |
else {
651 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style="text-align:center;">';
@@ -654,20 +570,20 @@ class Wpvr_Public {
654 |
655 |
else {
656 |
if ($radius) {
657 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap vrfullwidth" style=" text-align:center; height: '.$height.'; border-radius:'.$radius.';" >';
658 |
659 |
else {
660 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap vrfullwidth" style=" text-align:center; height: '.$height.';" >';
661 |
662 |
663 |
664 |
665 |
else {
666 |
if ($radius) {
667 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style=" text-align:center; max-width:100%; width: '.$width.'; height: '.$height.'; margin: 0 auto; border-radius:'.$radius.';">';
668 |
669 |
else {
670 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style=" text-align:center; max-width:100%; width: '.$width.'; height: '.$height.'; margin: 0 auto;">';
671 |
672 |
673 |
@@ -693,45 +609,47 @@ class Wpvr_Public {
693 |
//===company logo ends===//
694 |
695 |
//===Custom Control===//
696 |
697 |
698 |
699 |
700 |
701 |
702 |
703 |
704 |
705 |
706 |
707 |
708 |
709 |
710 |
711 |
712 |
713 |
714 |
715 |
716 |
717 |
718 |
719 |
720 |
721 |
722 |
723 |
724 |
725 |
726 |
727 |
728 |
729 |
730 |
731 |
732 |
733 |
734 |
735 |
736 |
//===Custom Control===//
737 |
@@ -823,46 +741,48 @@ class Wpvr_Public {
823 |
824 |
825 |
//===Custom Control===//
826 |
if ($custom_control
827 |
828 |
$html .= '
829 |
830 |
831 |
832 |
833 |
834 |
835 |
836 |
837 |
838 |
839 |
840 |
841 |
842 |
843 |
844 |
845 |
846 |
847 |
848 |
849 |
850 |
851 |
852 |
853 |
854 |
855 |
856 |
857 |
858 |
859 |
860 |
861 |
862 |
863 |
864 |
865 |
866 |
867 |
868 |
$html .= '</script>';
73 |
* class.
74 |
75 |
76 |
wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name . 'fontawesome', '', array(), $this->version, 'all' );
77 |
wp_enqueue_style('panellium-css', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'lib/pannellum/src/css/pannellum.css', array(), true);
78 |
wp_enqueue_style('videojs-css', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'lib/pannellum/src/css/video-js.css', array(), true);
79 |
wp_enqueue_style( 'owl-css', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'css/owl.carousel.css', array(), $this->version, 'all' );
80 |
wp_enqueue_style( $this->plugin_name, plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'css/wpvr-public.css', array(), $this->version, 'all' );
81 |
82 |
83 |
98 |
* between the defined hooks and the functions defined in this
99 |
* class.
100 |
101 |
wp_enqueue_script('panellium-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'lib/pannellum/src/js/pannellum.js', array(), true);
102 |
wp_enqueue_script('panelliumlib-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'lib/pannellum/src/js/libpannellum.js', array(), true);
103 |
wp_enqueue_script('videojs-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/video.js', array(), true);
104 |
wp_enqueue_script('panelliumvid-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'lib/pannellum/src/js/videojs-pannellum-plugin.js', array(), true);
105 |
wp_enqueue_script( 'owl-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/owl.carousel.js', array( 'jquery' ), false );
106 |
wp_enqueue_script( $this->plugin_name, plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'js/wpvr-public.js', array( 'jquery' ), $this->version, false );
107 |
108 |
109 |
154 |
$height = '400px';
155 |
156 |
$streetviewurl = $postdata['streetviewurl'];
157 |
$html = '';
158 |
$html .= '<div style="text-align: center; max-width:100%; width:'.$width.'; height:'.$height.'; margin: 0 auto;">';
159 |
$html .= '<iframe src="'.$streetviewurl.'" width="'.trim($width,'px').'" height="'.trim($height,'px').'" frameborder="0" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>';
160 |
$html .= '</div>';
216 |
217 |
218 |
if ($control) {
219 |
if (isset($postdata['customcontrol'])) {
220 |
$custom_control = $postdata['customcontrol'];
221 |
if ($custom_control['panupSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panDownSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panLeftSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panRightSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panZoomInSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panZoomOutSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panFullscreenSwitch'] == "on") {
222 |
$control = false;
561 |
if ($width == 'fullwidth') {
562 |
if (wpvr_isMobileDevice()) {
563 |
if ($radius) {
564 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style="text-align:center; border-radius:'.$radius.'; direction:ltr;">';
565 |
566 |
else {
567 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style="text-align:center;">';
570 |
571 |
else {
572 |
if ($radius) {
573 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap vrfullwidth" style=" text-align:center; height: '.$height.'; border-radius:'.$radius.'; direction:ltr;" >';
574 |
575 |
else {
576 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap vrfullwidth" style=" text-align:center; height: '.$height.'; direction:ltr;" >';
577 |
578 |
579 |
580 |
581 |
else {
582 |
if ($radius) {
583 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style=" text-align:center; max-width:100%; width: '.$width.'; height: '.$height.'; margin: 0 auto; border-radius:'.$radius.'; direction:ltr;">';
584 |
585 |
else {
586 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style=" text-align:center; max-width:100%; width: '.$width.'; height: '.$height.'; margin: 0 auto; direction:ltr;">';
587 |
588 |
589 |
609 |
//===company logo ends===//
610 |
611 |
//===Custom Control===//
612 |
if (isset($custom_control)) {
613 |
if ( $custom_control['panZoomInSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panZoomOutSwitch'] == "on" ) {
614 |
615 |
$html .= '<div id="zoom-in-out-controls">';
616 |
617 |
if ($custom_control['panZoomInSwitch'] == "on") {
618 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="zoom-in"><i class="'.$custom_control['panZoomInIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panZoomInColor'].';"></i></div>';
619 |
620 |
621 |
if ($custom_control['panZoomOutSwitch'] == "on") {
622 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="zoom-out"><i class="'.$custom_control['panZoomOutIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panZoomOutColor'].';"></i></div>';
623 |
624 |
$html .= '</div>';
625 |
626 |
//===zoom in out Control===//
627 |
628 |
if ($custom_control['panupSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panDownSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panLeftSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panRightSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panFullscreenSwitch'] == "on") {
629 |
//===Custom Control===//
630 |
$html .= '<div id="controls">';
631 |
632 |
if ($custom_control['panupSwitch'] == "on") {
633 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="pan-up"><i class="'.$custom_control['panupIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panupColor'].';"></i></div>';
634 |
635 |
636 |
if ($custom_control['panDownSwitch'] == "on") {
637 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="pan-down"><i class="'.$custom_control['panDownIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panDownColor'].';"></i></div>';
638 |
639 |
640 |
if ($custom_control['panLeftSwitch'] == "on") {
641 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="pan-left"><i class="'.$custom_control['panLeftIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panLeftColor'].';"></i></div>';
642 |
643 |
644 |
if ($custom_control['panRightSwitch'] == "on") {
645 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="pan-right"><i class="'.$custom_control['panRightIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panRightColor'].';"></i></div>';
646 |
647 |
648 |
if ($custom_control['panFullscreenSwitch'] == "on") {
649 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="fullscreen"><i class="'.$custom_control['panFullscreenIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panFullscreenColor'].';"></i></div>';
650 |
651 |
$html .= '</div>';
652 |
653 |
654 |
//===Custom Control===//
655 |
741 |
742 |
743 |
//===Custom Control===//
744 |
if (isset($custom_control)) {
745 |
if ($custom_control['panupSwitch'] == "on") {
746 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("pan-up").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
747 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setPitch(panoshow'.$id.'.getPitch() + 10);';
748 |
$html .= '});';
749 |
750 |
751 |
if ($custom_control['panDownSwitch'] == "on") {
752 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("pan-down").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
753 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setPitch(panoshow'.$id.'.getPitch() - 10);';
754 |
$html .= '});';
755 |
756 |
757 |
if ($custom_control['panLeftSwitch'] == "on") {
758 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("pan-left").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
759 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setYaw(panoshow'.$id.'.getYaw() - 10);';
760 |
$html .= '});';
761 |
762 |
763 |
if ($custom_control['panRightSwitch'] == "on") {
764 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("pan-right").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
765 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setYaw(panoshow'.$id.'.getYaw() + 10);';
766 |
$html .= '});';
767 |
768 |
769 |
if ($custom_control['panZoomInSwitch'] == "on") {
770 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("zoom-in").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
771 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setHfov(panoshow'.$id.'.getHfov() - 10);';
772 |
$html .= '});';
773 |
774 |
775 |
if ($custom_control['panZoomOutSwitch'] == "on") {
776 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("zoom-out").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
777 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setHfov(panoshow'.$id.'.getHfov() + 10);';
778 |
$html .= '});';
779 |
780 |
781 |
if ($custom_control['panFullscreenSwitch'] == "on") {
782 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("fullscreen").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
783 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.toggleFullscreen();';
784 |
$html .= '});';
785 |
786 |
787 |
788 |
$html .= '</script>';
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ div.pnlm-hotspot-base.far:before{
118 |
-o-animation: vrbounce 0.5s infinite linear;
119 |
-webkit-animation: vrbounce 0.5s infinite linear;
120 |
animation: vrbounce 0.5s infinite linear;
121 |
122 |
123 |
@-webkit-keyframes vrbounce {
124 |
0% { top: 0; }
118 |
-o-animation: vrbounce 0.5s infinite linear;
119 |
-webkit-animation: vrbounce 0.5s infinite linear;
120 |
animation: vrbounce 0.5s infinite linear;
121 |
122 |
123 |
@-webkit-keyframes vrbounce {
124 |
0% { top: 0; }
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
16 |
* Plugin Name: WP VR
17 |
* Plugin URI:
18 |
* Description: WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress is a customized panaroma & virtual builder tool for WordPress Website.
19 |
* Version: 3.
20 |
* Author: Rextheme
21 |
* Author URI:
22 |
* License: GPL-2.0+
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ function wpvr_block_render( $attributes ) {
185 |
$height = '400px';
186 |
187 |
$streetviewurl = $postdata['streetviewurl'];
188 |
$html .= '<div style="text-align: center; max-width:100%; width:'.$width.'px; height:'.$height.'px; margin: 0 auto;">';
189 |
$html .= '<iframe src="'.$streetviewurl.'" width="'.trim($width,'px').'" height="'.trim($height,'px').'" frameborder="0" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>';
190 |
$html .= '</div>';
@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ function wpvr_block_render( $attributes ) {
242 |
243 |
244 |
if ($control) {
245 |
if ($postdata['customcontrol']) {
246 |
$custom_control = $postdata['customcontrol'];
247 |
if ($custom_control['panupSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panDownSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panLeftSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panRightSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panZoomInSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panZoomOutSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panFullscreenSwitch'] == "on") {
248 |
$control = false;
@@ -592,14 +593,14 @@ function wpvr_block_render( $attributes ) {
592 |
593 |
if ($width == 'fullwidth') {
594 |
if (wpvr_isMobileDevice()) {
595 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style="text-align:center; border-radius:'.$radius.';" >';
596 |
597 |
else {
598 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap vrfullwidth" style=" text-align:center; height: '.$height.'px; border-radius:'.$radius.'; " >';
599 |
600 |
601 |
else {
602 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style=" text-align:center; max-width:100%; width: '.$width.'px; height: '.$height.'px; margin: 0 auto; border-radius:'.$radius.';">';
603 |
604 |
605 |
//===company logo===//
@@ -623,46 +624,48 @@ function wpvr_block_render( $attributes ) {
623 |
//===company logo ends===//
624 |
625 |
//===Custom Control===//
626 |
if (
627 |
628 |
629 |
630 |
631 |
632 |
633 |
634 |
635 |
636 |
637 |
638 |
639 |
//===zoom in out Control===//
640 |
641 |
642 |
643 |
644 |
645 |
646 |
647 |
648 |
649 |
650 |
651 |
652 |
653 |
654 |
655 |
656 |
657 |
658 |
659 |
660 |
661 |
662 |
663 |
664 |
665 |
$html .= '</div>';
666 |
667 |
//===Custom Control===//
668 |
@@ -753,46 +756,48 @@ function wpvr_block_render( $attributes ) {
753 |
754 |
755 |
//===Custom Control===//
756 |
if ($custom_control
757 |
758 |
$html .= '
759 |
760 |
761 |
762 |
763 |
764 |
765 |
766 |
767 |
768 |
769 |
770 |
771 |
772 |
773 |
774 |
775 |
776 |
777 |
778 |
779 |
780 |
781 |
782 |
783 |
784 |
785 |
786 |
787 |
788 |
789 |
790 |
791 |
792 |
793 |
794 |
795 |
796 |
797 |
798 |
$html .= '</script>';
16 |
* Plugin Name: WP VR
17 |
* Plugin URI:
18 |
* Description: WP VR - 360 Panorama and virtual tour creator for WordPress is a customized panaroma & virtual builder tool for WordPress Website.
19 |
* Version: 3.6.0
20 |
* Author: Rextheme
21 |
* Author URI:
22 |
* License: GPL-2.0+
185 |
$height = '400px';
186 |
187 |
$streetviewurl = $postdata['streetviewurl'];
188 |
$html = '';
189 |
$html .= '<div style="text-align: center; max-width:100%; width:'.$width.'px; height:'.$height.'px; margin: 0 auto;">';
190 |
$html .= '<iframe src="'.$streetviewurl.'" width="'.trim($width,'px').'" height="'.trim($height,'px').'" frameborder="0" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>';
191 |
$html .= '</div>';
243 |
244 |
245 |
if ($control) {
246 |
if (isset($postdata['customcontrol'])) {
247 |
$custom_control = $postdata['customcontrol'];
248 |
if ($custom_control['panupSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panDownSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panLeftSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panRightSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panZoomInSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panZoomOutSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panFullscreenSwitch'] == "on") {
249 |
$control = false;
593 |
594 |
if ($width == 'fullwidth') {
595 |
if (wpvr_isMobileDevice()) {
596 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style="text-align:center; border-radius:'.$radius.'; direction:ltr;" >';
597 |
598 |
else {
599 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap vrfullwidth" style=" text-align:center; height: '.$height.'px; border-radius:'.$radius.'; direction:ltr;" >';
600 |
601 |
602 |
else {
603 |
$html .= '<div id="pano'.$id.'" class="pano-wrap" style=" text-align:center; max-width:100%; width: '.$width.'px; height: '.$height.'px; margin: 0 auto; border-radius:'.$radius.'; direction:ltr;">';
604 |
605 |
606 |
//===company logo===//
624 |
//===company logo ends===//
625 |
626 |
//===Custom Control===//
627 |
if (isset($custom_control)) {
628 |
if ( $custom_control['panZoomInSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panZoomOutSwitch'] == "on" ) {
629 |
630 |
$html .= '<div id="zoom-in-out-controls">';
631 |
632 |
if ($custom_control['panZoomInSwitch'] == "on") {
633 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="zoom-in"><i class="'.$custom_control['panZoomInIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panZoomInColor'].';"></i></div>';
634 |
635 |
636 |
if ($custom_control['panZoomOutSwitch'] == "on") {
637 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="zoom-out"><i class="'.$custom_control['panZoomOutIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panZoomOutColor'].';"></i></div>';
638 |
639 |
$html .= '</div>';
640 |
641 |
//===zoom in out Control===//
642 |
643 |
if ($custom_control['panupSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panDownSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panLeftSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panRightSwitch'] == "on" || $custom_control['panFullscreenSwitch'] == "on") {
644 |
645 |
//===Custom Control===//
646 |
$html .= '<div id="controls">';
647 |
648 |
if ($custom_control['panupSwitch'] == "on") {
649 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="pan-up"><i class="'.$custom_control['panupIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panupColor'].';"></i></div>';
650 |
651 |
652 |
if ($custom_control['panDownSwitch'] == "on") {
653 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="pan-down"><i class="'.$custom_control['panDownIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panDownColor'].';"></i></div>';
654 |
655 |
656 |
if ($custom_control['panLeftSwitch'] == "on") {
657 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="pan-left"><i class="'.$custom_control['panLeftIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panLeftColor'].';"></i></div>';
658 |
659 |
660 |
if ($custom_control['panRightSwitch'] == "on") {
661 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="pan-right"><i class="'.$custom_control['panRightIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panRightColor'].';"></i></div>';
662 |
663 |
664 |
if ($custom_control['panFullscreenSwitch'] == "on") {
665 |
$html .= '<div class="ctrl" id="fullscreen"><i class="'.$custom_control['panFullscreenIcon'].'" style="color:'.$custom_control['panFullscreenColor'].';"></i></div>';
666 |
667 |
$html .= '</div>';
668 |
669 |
670 |
//===Custom Control===//
671 |
756 |
757 |
758 |
//===Custom Control===//
759 |
if (isset($custom_control)) {
760 |
if ($custom_control['panupSwitch'] == "on") {
761 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("pan-up").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
762 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setPitch(panoshow'.$id.'.getPitch() + 10);';
763 |
$html .= '});';
764 |
765 |
766 |
if ($custom_control['panDownSwitch'] == "on") {
767 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("pan-down").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
768 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setPitch(panoshow'.$id.'.getPitch() - 10);';
769 |
$html .= '});';
770 |
771 |
772 |
if ($custom_control['panLeftSwitch'] == "on") {
773 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("pan-left").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
774 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setYaw(panoshow'.$id.'.getYaw() - 10);';
775 |
$html .= '});';
776 |
777 |
778 |
if ($custom_control['panRightSwitch'] == "on") {
779 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("pan-right").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
780 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setYaw(panoshow'.$id.'.getYaw() + 10);';
781 |
$html .= '});';
782 |
783 |
784 |
if ($custom_control['panZoomInSwitch'] == "on") {
785 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("zoom-in").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
786 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setHfov(panoshow'.$id.'.getHfov() - 10);';
787 |
$html .= '});';
788 |
789 |
790 |
if ($custom_control['panZoomOutSwitch'] == "on") {
791 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("zoom-out").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
792 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.setHfov(panoshow'.$id.'.getHfov() + 10);';
793 |
$html .= '});';
794 |
795 |
796 |
if ($custom_control['panFullscreenSwitch'] == "on") {
797 |
$html .= 'document.getElementById("fullscreen").addEventListener("click", function(e) {';
798 |
$html .= 'panoshow'.$id.'.toggleFullscreen();';
799 |
$html .= '});';
800 |
801 |
802 |
803 |
$html .= '</script>';