Magento Extensions

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Displaying magento extensions 2321 - 2330 of 3445 in total
Name ▼ Summary First release Latest release
Imedia_TicketSupport Customer ticket support syytem 2015-07-30 2015-07-30
Imedia_SalesOrder Enhance sales order grid options 2014-04-26 2014-05-30
Imedia_RewardPointsPro Customer reward points pro 2015-07-16 2015-07-17
Imedia_RewardPoints Customer reward points 2015-07-07 2015-07-07
Imedia_Quickview Product Quick View on category page 2015-07-09 2015-07-31
Imedia_ProductInquiry This Product Inquiry Module allows customers to make inquiry about a product directly from the product page. 2014-05-30 2015-07-28
Imedia_Ajaxnewsletter Ajax based newsletter popup 2015-07-07 2015-07-07
ImageRecycle_image_pdf_optimize ImageRecycle is an automatic Image and PDF optimizer that speedup the page display 2015-07-07 2017-07-12
Iksanika_Productrelater Mass assign up-sell, cross-sell and related products easily - hands, 2-way, multi-way algorithms available. 2013-05-11 2016-01-14
Ignition_NFEColaborativa Emissão de Notas Fiscais Eletrônicas (NF-e) com pouquíssimos cliques. 2012-08-06 2012-08-06