Magento Extensions

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Displaying magento extensions 311 - 320 of 3445 in total
Name ▼ Summary First release Latest release
mobilenow MobileNow is a mobile theming platform for Magento Commerce. 2013-10-08 2014-04-08
mobile_assistant_connector Mobile Assistant Connector 2015-02-19 2017-04-03
mobicommercemagentoconnect2015 Boost your mobile sales with mobile website or native app for iPhone, iPad and Android! 2015-03-12 2017-02-15
mkadeerny mkadeerny Theme 2011-02-16 2011-02-16
minorderqty Set minimum total quantities for orders per customer group. 2015-10-04 2016-01-04
minkasu_smartphone_checkout Enjoy higher conversion and greater security by offering a smartphone checkout option for your customers 2015-04-02 2015-10-08
minimum_order_fee MinimumorderFee Module is used to apply fee for the minimum order. 2015-10-12 2016-01-08
mini_cart Mini Cart Header 2013-08-30 2013-08-30
miniOrange_samlsp miniOrange SAML 2.0 Extension provides SSO to your Magento site with any SAML compliant Identity Provider. 2016-02-12 2016-10-19
miniOrange_Openid Social Login, Social Sharing allows login, share, comment using any social network like Twitter, Google, Facebook, Vkontakte. EASIEST to configure. 2015-11-06 2017-05-26