Contact Form by BestWebSoft

Wordpress Plugin
Download latest - 4.2.4



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Contact form plugin for WordPress website is the best solution to receive messages from customers right to your email address(-es). Download, activate and paste [bestwebsoft_contact_form] shortcode on any page, post or widget to display the form. Customize the form styles and contents easily with the pre-build options.

Allow your customers to reach you in seconds!

View Demo

Free Features

  • Add contact form to any post, page or widget using the shortcode
  • GDPR Compliant
  • Data validation before the submission
  • Send a copy of the submitted message to the email
  • Receive submissions to the default admin or custom email addresses
  • Add additional data about the sender to the email notification:
    • Sent from (IP address)
    • Date/Time
    • Sent from (referer)
    • Using (user agent)
  • Responsive Layout
  • Editable field labels
  • Required fields
  • Select used/required for the following fields:
    • Name
    • Address
    • Phone number
  • File attachments
    • Multiple file selection
  • Enable additional pre-build fields
  • Enable two column layout
  • Change the width for contact form
  • Re-order form fields using drag & drop interface
  • Translate your form to any language with a simple language customizer
  • Protect contact form from spam with Captcha or reCaptcha
  • Add unlimited contact forms using Contact Form Multi
  • Save and manage messages using Contact Form to DB
  • Add users who send the submission to the Subscriber newsletter subscription list
  • Limit sending emails from the same user using Limit Attempts
  • Add custom code via plugin settings page
  • Compatible with latest WordPress version
  • Incredibly simple settings for fast setup without modifying code
  • Detailed step-by-step documentations and videos
  • Multilingual and RTL ready

Pro Features

All features from Free version included plus:

  • Add contact form custom fields
  • Add department selectbox and sort messages by inquiry type
  • Add required and optional checkboxes (i.e. Terms and Conditions)
  • Automatically populate name and email input fields for logged-in users
  • Add "Reply to" email address in the message head
  • Set default text for subject and message input fields
  • Phone number validation
  • Show, hide or disable fields:
    • Name
    • Email Address
    • Subject
    • Message
  • Enable auto response option with editable message
  • Add Google Analytics Measurement ID for tracking form submission
  • Customizable form
    • Styles (no programming knowledge required)
    • Alignment, labels alignment and position
  • Editable tooltips and placeholders
  • Get answer to your support question within one business day (Support Policy)

Upgrade to Pro Now

If you have a feature suggestion or idea you'd like to see in the plugin, we'd love to hear about it! Suggest a Feature

Documentation & Videos

  • [Doc] User Guide
  • [Doc] Installation
  • [Doc] Purchase
  • [Video] Purchase, Installation, Configuration Tutorial
  • [Video] Installation Instruction

Help & Support

Visit our Help Center if you have any questions, our friendly Support Team is happy to help

Affiliate Program

Earn 20% commission by selling the premium WordPress plugins and themes by BestWebSoft


  • Afrikaans (af_ZA) (thanks to Aldu)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) (thanks to Breno Jacinto,, DJIO,
  • Catalan (ca) (thanks to Jose Bescos -
  • Chinese (zh_CN) (thanks to kplam)
  • Czech (cs_CZ) (thanks to Michal Kuera,, PaMaDeSSoft,
  • Danish (da_DK) (thanks to Kasper Jensen,
  • Dutch (nl_NL) (thanks to Olivier Smet)
  • Estonian (et) (thanks to Feliks,
  • French (fr_FR) (thanks Capronnier Luc)
  • German (de_DE) (thanks to Alex)
  • Greek (el) (thanks to Dimitris Karantonis,
  • Indonesian (id_ID) (thanks to Jordan Silaen,
  • Japanese (ja) (thanks to Foken)
  • Norwegian (nb_NO) (thanks to Per Rommetveit)
  • Russian (ru_RU)
  • Slovak (sk_SK) (thanks to Michal Vittek,
  • Spanish (es_ES) (thanks to Javitopo)
  • Swedish (sv_SE) (thanks to Martin Tonek, Joakim Lindskog, Maarten van den Driest -
  • Turkish (tr) (thanks to Can Atasever,
  • Ukrainian (uk)
  • Vietnamese (vi) (thanks to Dich Anh Viet,

Some of these translations are not complete. We are constantly adding new features which should be translated. If you would like to create your own language pack or update the existing one, you can send the text of PO and MO files to BestWebSoft and we'll add it to the plugin. You can download the latest version of the program for work with PO and MO files Poedit.

Recommended Plugins

The author of the Contact Form also recommends the following plugins:

  • SMTP Configure SMTP server to receive email messages from WordPress to Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and other services.
  • Captcha #1 super security anti-spam captcha plugin for WordPress forms.
  • reCaptcha Protect WordPress website forms from spam entries with reCaptcha.
  • Limit Attempts Protect WordPress website against brute force attacks. Limit rate of login attempts.
  • Contact Form Multi Add unlimited number of contact forms to WordPress website.
  • Contact Form to DB Save and manage contact form messages. Never lose important data.
  • Updater Automatically check and update WordPress website core with all installed plugins and themes to the latest versions.

Releases (136 )

Version Release Date Change Log
4.2.4 2021-10-21
  • 28.09.2021 =
  • Update : BWS Panel section was updated.
  • Update : All functionality was updated for WordPress 5.8.1.
  • NEW : Ability to add several addresses for receiving messages.
  • NEW : Compatibility with reCapthcha Plus plugin has been added.
4.2.3 2021-05-24
  • 24.05.2021 =
  • Update : All functionality was updated for WordPress 5.7.2.
  • Bugfix : Bug with a session_start() function call has been fixed.
4.2.2 2021-01-29
  • 28.01.2021 =
  • Update : All functionality was updated for WordPress 5.6.
  • Update : The plugin settings page has been updated.
  • Update : Catalan language file is updated.
  • Update : BWS Panel section was updated.
  • PRO : Ability to add Google Analytics Measurement ID for tracking form submission.
  • PRO : Phone number mask has been added.
4.2.1 2020-08-31
  • 31.08.2020 =
  • NEW : Additional button to go to the Contact Form to DB plugin has been added.
  • Bugfix : Bug with incorrect titles in Auto Response has been fixed.
  • Update : All functionality for WordPress 5.5 has been updated.
4.2.0 2020-08-06
  • 15.07.2020 =
  • NEW : Compatibility with Limit Attempts plugin has been added.
  • Update : BWS panel section was updated.
4.1.9 2020-06-04
  • 03.06.2020 =
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug with Multi Attachment.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug with Captcha by BestWebSoft.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug with submit button on rtl sites.
  • Update : All functionality was updated for WordPress 5.4.1.
  • Update : BWS Panel section was updated.
4.1.8 2019-10-15
  • 15.10.2019 =
  • Bugfix : Timeout update error was fixed.
4.1.7 2019-10-07
  • 07.10.2019 =
  • Update : The compatibility with WordPress version 5.2.3 was updated.
  • PRO : An ability to create custom fields has been added.
  • PRO : An ability to deactivate default fields has been added.
4.1.6 2019-09-04
  • 04.09.2019 =
  • Update: The deactivation feedback has been changed. Misleading buttons have been removed.
4.1.5 2019-04-09
  • 09.04.2019 =
  • Bugfix : The ability to translate GDPR Compliance has been fixed.
4.1.4 2019-03-26
  • 26.03.2019 =
  • NEW : The ability to attach multiple files has been added.
4.1.3 2019-03-06
  • 06.03.2019 =
  • Bugfix : The bug with wp-options call has need fixed.
4.1.2 2019-02-26
  • 26.02.2019 =
  • Update : The plugin settings page has been changed.
4.1.1 2018-12-11
  • 11.12.2018 =
  • Bugfix : The compatibility issue with Captcha plugin has been fixed.
  • Update : The compatibility with WordPress version 5.0 was updated.
4.1.0 2018-05-21
  • 21.05.2018 =
  • NEW : GDPR Compliance has been added.
4.0.9 2018-02-09
  • 09.02.2018 =
  • Update : Czech and French language files have been updated.
  • Bugfix : The compatibility issue with Contact Form Multi plugin has been fixed.
4.0.8 2017-12-04
  • 04.12.2017 =
  • Bugfix : The compatibility issue with Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) plugin has been fixed.
  • Bugfix : The compatibility issue with Captcha plugin has been fixed.
  • NEW : The Indonesian language file has been added.
4.0.7 2017-07-04
  • 04.07.2017 =
  • Bugfix : The compatibility issue with Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) plugin was fixed.
  • NEW : The ability to change width for contact form fields has been added.
  • Update : French language file is updated.
4.0.6 2017-04-14
  • 14.04.2017 =
  • Bugfix : Multiple Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was fixed.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
4.0.5 2017-03-03
  • 03.03.2017 =
  • Bugfix : The bug with selecting language via BWS Shortcode button was fixed.
  • Bugfix : The bug with enabling/disabling Captcha on the plugin additional settings page was fixed.
  • Update : BWS Panel section was updated.
4.0.4 2016-12-15
  • 15.12.2016 =
  • Update : BWS Panel section was updated.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
4.0.3 2016-09-29
  • 29.09.2016 =
  • Update : The shortcode [contact_form] has been deprecated.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
4.0.2 2016-08-15
  • 15.08.2016 =
  • Bugfix : XSS vulnerability was removed.
  • Bugfix : The bug with displaying google captcha has been fixed.
4.0.1 2016-07-19
  • 19.07.2016 =
  • Update : An ability to enable/disable Captcha, Google Captcha, Subscribe checkbox and an ability to save email to the database for each multi forms (if Contact Form Multi is activated).
  • Update : Color picker script was replaced.
4.0.0 2016-06-27
  • 27.06.2016 =
  • NEW : The ability to add custom styles to frontend of your site has been added.
  • Update : The Spanish language file is updated.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
3.99 2016-05-18
  • 27.04.2016 =
  • Bugfix : The bug with adding options to the database was fixed.
3.98 2016-04-25
  • 25.04.2016 =
  • NEW : Compatibility with plugin Subscriber.
  • NEW : The Danish language file is added.
3.97 2016-01-08
  • 08.01.2016 =
  • Update : The styles for reCaptcha were updated.
  • NEW : The Czech language file is added.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
3.96 2015-12-10
  • 04.12.2015 =
  • Bugfix : The bug with sorting on mobile devices was fixed.
  • Bugfix : XSS vulnerability was removed.
  • Bugfix : The bug with plugin menu duplicating was fixed.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
3.95 2015-11-17
  • 02.11.2015 =
  • NEW : An ability to sort contact form fields was added.
  • NEW : An ability to displaying contact form in 2 columns.
  • NEW : A button for contact form shortcode inserting to the content was added.
  • NEW : The Dutch language file is added.
  • Update : The method of the URL obtaining in the attribute "action" of the contact form has been changed.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
  • Bugfix : Vulnerabilities with $path_of_upload_file and $form_action was fixed.
3.94 2015-09-15
  • 15.09.2015 =
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.3.
  • Update : Text Domain was changed.
3.93 2015-08-05
  • 05.08.2015 =
  • New : Ability to restore settings to defaults.
  • Bugfix : We fixed syntax error.
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.2.4.
3.92 2015-07-03
  • 03.07.2015 =
  • Update : We fixed the url after the form is submitted.
  • Update : We fixed display form for rtl.
3.91 2015-06-03
  • 03.06.2015 =
  • Update : We fixed error of a visual display of the settings page.
  • Bugfix : We fixed 'Send me a copy' email with the attachment.
3.90 2015-05-04
  • 04.05.2015 =
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 4.2.1.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
3.89 2015-03-13
  • 13.03.2015 =
  • Bugfix : Bug with undefined function on plugin's settings page was fixed.
3.88 2015-03-06
  • 06.03.2015 =
  • Bugfix : Bugs with syntax error and undefined function were fixed.
3.87 2015-03-05
  • 05.03.2015 =
  • Bugfix : Error with option name when Contact Form Multi plugin is activated was fixed.
  • Update : Plugin performance was improved.
  • Update : BWS plugins section was updated.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
3.86 2015-02-19
  • 19.02.2015 =
  • Bugfix : Bug with Contact Form impacting 'From name' headers in messages sent by other plugins was fixed.
  • Update : 'Additional options' block was moved to a new tab, which is now named 'Additional settings'.
  • Update : 'Extra settings' tab name was changed to 'Appearance'.
  • NEW : The Greek language file is added.
3.85 2014-12-25
  • 25.12.2014 =
  • NEW : We added functionality for displaying two or more contact forms on a single page.
  • Update : We changed the layout of Contact Form from fixed to responsive.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
  • Update : The Japanese language file is updated.
  • Update : The Estonian language file is updated.
3.84 2014-10-21
  • 21.10.2014 =
  • Update : The Norwegian and Russian language files are updated.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug with saving 'The $_SERVER variable that is used to build a URL of the form'.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug with network activation.
3.83 2014-09-09
  • 02.09.2014 =
  • Update : The Slovak language file is updated.
3.82 2014-08-07
  • 07.08.2014 =
  • Budfix : Security Exploit was fixed.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
3.81 2014-07-17
  • 17.07.2014 =
  • Update : We updated all functionality for Email Queue plugin.
3.80 2014-07-08
  • 08.07.2014 =
  • Bugfix : The bug related to overwriting of the attachments with the same names was fixed.
  • NEW : We added ability to use the changed names of the fields of the contact form in the sent letter.
3.79 2014-06-06
  • 06.06.2014 =
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug with getting default settings.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug with plugin Contact Form Multi.
3.78 2014-05-20
  • 20.05.2014 =
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.9.1.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
  • NEW : The Spanish language file is added.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug of loading the user's list ( We have limited the list "The user's email address" on the settings page to the lowest role - author ).
3.77 2014-04-18
  • 18.04.2014 =
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.9.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug of db table creation.
  • Update : The Ukrainian language file is updated.
  • Update : Screenshots are updated.
3.76 2014-04-14
  • 14.04.2014 =
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8.2.
3.75 2014-04-08
  • 08.04.2014 =
  • NEW : The Afrikaans language file is added.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug of the user's list on multisite.
3.74 2014-03-24
  • 24.03.2014 =
  • NEW : Compatibility with plugin Contact Form Multi.
  • NEW : 'xlsx' mime-type is added.
  • NEW : Added transition to the contact form after submitting.
3.73 2014-03-06
  • 06.03.2014 =
  • Budfix : Plugin optimization is done.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug of duplicate MIME-Version.
3.72 2014-02-20
  • 20.02.2014 =
  • NEW : The Estonian and German language file are added.
  • NEW : Setting of choice for the form's action URL ($SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] or $_SERVER['SERVERNAME']).
3.71 2014-02-03
  • 03.02.2014 =
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8.1.
  • NEW : The Turkish and Vietnamese language file are added.
3.70 2014-01-16
  • 16.01.2014 =
  • Update : BWS plugins section was updated.
3.69 2013-12-26
  • 26.12.2013 =
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
  • NEW : The Chinese language file is added.
3.68 2013-12-17
  • 17.12.2013 =
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.8.
  • Update : We changed capability to 'manage_options' for the plugins settings pages.
3.67 2013-12-06
  • 05.12.2013 =
  • NEW : Ability to send email in plain format.
  • NEW : A notice when changing settings on the plugin's settings page was added.
  • Update : The Ukrainian language file is updated.
  • Update : Screenshots are updated.
3.66 2013-11-29
  • 29.11.2013 =
  • NEW : Ability to not use name field.
  • NEW : We added mime types for .aar and .sce files.
3.65 2013-11-22
  • 22.11.2013 =
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug related to use html-special chars.
  • Update : BWS plugins section is updated.
3.64 2013-11-15
  • 15.11.2013 =
  • NEW : Ability to change tips below the Attachment block.
  • NEW : Ability to change required symbol (asterisk).
3.63 2013-11-08
  • 8.11.2013 =
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
  • NEW : Add hide-button for the settings page.
3.62 2013-11-01
  • 1.11.2013 =
  • NEW : Add checking installed wordpress version.
  • Update : Activation of radio button or checkbox by clicking on its label.
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.7.1.
3.61 2013-10-25
  • 25.10.2013 =
  • NEW : Add option for saving emails into the DataBase.
  • Bugfix : File format according JavaScript and CSS Coding Standards.
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.7.
3.60 2013-10-18
  • 18.10.2013 =
  • NEW : Compatibility with plugin Contact Form To DB.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug of uploading attachment in multisite.
3.59 2013-10-11
  • 11.10.2013 =
  • NEW : Ability to not display asterisk near required fields.
3.58 2013-10-01
  • 01.10.2013 =
  • Update : The Brazilian Portuguese language file is updated.
  • NEW : Ability to use the name of the user who fills the form in the field 'From'.
3.57 2013-09-23
  • 23.09.2013 =
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.6.1.
3.56 2013-09-13
  • 12.09.2013 =
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug related to manage languages on the plugin settings page.
  • Update : The Ukrainian language file is updated.
3.55 2013-09-03
  • 03.09.2013 =
  • NEW : Compatibility with Captcha Pro.
3.54 2013-08-30
  • 30.08.2013 =
  • Update : Function for displaying BWS plugins section placed in a separate file and has own language files.
  • Update : Compatibility test with 20 most popular WordPress plugins.
3.53 2013-08-20
  • 20.08.2013 =
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug related to 'docx' mime type.
  • Update : We changed plugin settings page displaying.
  • NEW : Added an ability to delete an attachment file from the server after the email is sent.
  • NEW : The Slovak language file is added.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
3.52 2013-08-13
  • 13.08.2013 =
  • Update : The Japanese language file is updated.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug related to XSS attack.
3.51 2013-08-05
  • 05.08.2013 =
  • Update : The Brazilian Portuguese language file is updated.
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.6.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the email validation bug.
  • Update : We removed displaying of additional info in the copy of email to the sender.
3.50 2013-07-29
  • 29.07.2013 =
  • NEW : Added an ability to use diffrent shortcodes.
  • Update : The Swedish language file is updated.
  • Update : The Brazilian Portuguese language file is updated.
3.49 2013-07-22
  • 22.07.2013 =
  • NEW : Added an ability to view and send system information by mail.
3.48 2013-07-16
  • 16.07.2013 =
  • NEW : The Catalan language file is added.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.5.2.
3.47 2013-07-15
  • 02.07.2013 =
  • NEW : The setting of displaying Captcha is added.
  • Update : The French language file is updated.
3.46 2013-06-25
  • 24.06.2013 =
  • NEW : The Finnish language file is added to the plugin.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug of display additional info in the email when email has an attachment.
  • NEW : Added html blocks.
3.45 2013-06-13
  • 27.05.2013 =
  • Bugfix : The error related to use function 'get_userdatabylogin' instead 'get_user_by('login')' is fixed.
  • Update : BWS plugins section is updated.
  • Update : We updated the Italian, the French and the Brazilian Portuguese language files in the plugin.
3.44 2013-05-16
  • 16.05.2013 =
  • NEW : Added email adress as additiional form field.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug of adding an attachment.
3.43 2013-04-08
  • 08.04.2013 =
  • Update : We updated the English text in the plugin file.
  • Bugfix : We fixed the bug of displaying phone error messages when a phone number field is not display.
3.42 2013-04-01
  • 01.04.2013 =
  • Update : Serbian language file was updated.
  • Bugfix : The bug after clicking submit, when site uses a custom port, was fixed.
3.41 2013-03-22
  • 22.03.2013 =
  • NEW : Added ability to change a label 'Send me a copy'.
  • Bugfix : The bug of changing the message 'Action after email is sent' was fixed.
3.40 2013-03-19
  • 19.03.2013 =
  • NEW : Hungarian language file was added to the plugin.
  • Bugfix : The bug of displaying error messages was fixed.
3.39 2013-03-04
  • 04.03.2013 =
  • NEW : Ukrainian language file was added to the plugin.
3.38 2013-02-26
  • 26.02.2013 =
  • NEW : We added HTML tag for the text, that is displaying after email is sent.
3.37 2013-02-21
  • 21.02.2013 =
  • NEW : Belarusian language file was added to the plugin.
3.36 2013-02-19
  • 19.02.2013 =
  • Update : European Portuguese language file was updated.
3.35 2013-02-19
  • 19.02.2013 =
  • Bugfix : The error related to the cross-site scripting vulnerabilities was fixed.
3.34 2013-02-07
  • 7.02.2013 =
  • Update : We changed the English text in the plugin file and all language files were updated.
3.33 2013-02-04
  • 4.02.2013 =
  • Update : Dutch language file was updated.
3.32 2013-01-31
  • 31.01.2013 =
  • Bugfix : Bugs in admin menu were fixed.
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.5.1.
3.31 2013-01-25
  • 25.01.2013 =
  • Update : Swedish language file was updated.
3.30 2013-01-22
  • 19.12.2012 =
  • Bugfix : The error related to extra "rn" in the user email address when using WP_mail and in the Name field when using php_mail was fixed.
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.5.
3.29 2012-12-12
  • 12.12.2012 =
  • Bugfix : The error related to the empty label on the contact form was fixed.
3.28 2012-12-11
  • 11.12.2012 =
  • NEW : Galician language file is added to the plugin.
  • NEW : Multilanguage labels for fields is added to the plugin.
  • Update : The shortcode structure was changed.
3.27 2012-11-20
  • 20.11.2012 =
  • Bugfix : The error related to the saving of the field "Change FROM fields of the contact form" was fixed.
3.26 2012-11-19
  • 19.11.2012 =
  • NEW : The setting of the required fields was added.
  • NEW : Persian language file is added to the plugin.
  • Update : The email address validation was changed.
3.25 2012-10-23
  • 22.11.2012 =
  • NEW : Added phone number as additiional form field.
  • NEW : Serbian language file is added to the plugin.
3.21 2012-10-22
  • 10.07.2012 =
  • NEW : Hebrew language file is added to the plugin.
  • Update : We updated French language file.
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.4.1.
  • Update : In the email in the field Date/Time used correct time zone - instead of UTC we use local settings which are setup on the page Settings -> General.
3.24 2012-08-13
  • 12.08.2012 =
  • NEW : Czech and Romanian language files are added to the plugin.
3.23 2012-08-03
  • 03.08.2012 =
  • Bugfix : Cross Site Request Forgery bug was fixed.
3.22 2012-07-24
  • 24.07.2012 =
  • NEW : Japanese language file is added to the plugin.
  • Bugfix : Cross Site Request Forgery bug was fixed.
3.20 2012-06-27
  • 27.06.2012 =
  • NEW : Added ability to select action after the send mail - Display text or Redirect to page.
  • Update : We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.4.
3.19 2012-06-19
  • 19.06.2012 =
  • Bugfix : The bug of email address validation in admin section was fixed.
3.18 2012-06-18
  • 18.06.2012 =
  • NEW : Arabic and Hindi language files is added.
  • NEW : Added ability to display or hide explanations after Attachment block.
3.17 2012-04-16
  • 12.04.2012 =
  • NEW : Danish and Greek language files is added.
  • NEW : Added ability to send mail using the functional: wordpress wp_mail function or php mail function.
3.16 2012-03-26
  • 26.03.2012 =
  • Bugfix : The form output code is validated.
3.15 2012-03-22
  • 22.03.2012 =
  • New : The feature to setup the displaying of the additional information fields in the email was implemented (Sent from (ip address), Date/Time, Coming from (referer), Using (user agent)).
  • Bugfix : The bug of attribute action on element form was fixed.
3.14 2012-03-20
  • 20.03.2012 =
  • New : Added ability to change FROM fields.
3.13 2012-03-14
  • 14.03.2012 =
  • Change : French language file is changed.
3.12 2012-03-12
  • 12.03.2012 =
  • NEW : Added ability to upload wav and mp3 files.
3.11 2012-03-12
  • 12.03.2012 =
  • NEW : French language file is added to the plugin.
  • NEW : Added ability to use the contact form shortcode as widget in the sidebars.
  • Change : The change was done to an email sending functionality now it is using wordpress functionality only.
3.10 2012-03-02
  • 02.03.2012 =
  • NEW : Added Bulgarian language file for plugin.
3.09 2012-02-24
  • 24.02.2012 =
  • NEW : Added Spanish language file for plugin.
  • Change : Code to include styles and scripts in a plug for the correct SSL verification.
  • Bugfix : The bug validate email address in admin section was fixed.
3.08 2012-02-17
  • 17.02.2012 =
  • NEW : Added Spanish language file for plugin.
3.07 2012-02-17
  • 17.02.2012 =
  • NEW : Added Norwegian language file for plugin.
  • NEW : Added Polish language file for plugin.
3.06 2012-02-07
  • 07.02.2012 =
  • NEW : Added Dutch language file for plugin.
3.05 2012-01-11
  • 09.01.2012 =
  • Bugfix : The bug sends email to admin user even if different user is specified when setting plugin to use "use email of wordpress user" was fixed.
  • Bugfix : The bug with sending a blank attachment field of the form was fixed.
3.04 2012-01-05
  • 05.01.2012 =
  • NEW : Added Brazilian Portuguese and Turkish language files for plugin.
3.03 2012-01-04
  • 04.01.2012 =
  • NEW : Added German language files for plugin.
  • Bugfix : The bug which is related with the resending of the email when updating of the page was fixed.
3.02 2012-01-02
  • 02.01.2012 =
  • NEW : Added Italian language files for plugin.
  • NEW : Added possibility to change the label when display fields on the form.
  • Changed : Display the names of the files types that user can attach to the mail.
2011.3.01 2011-12-28
2011.2.08 2011-12-12
2011.2.07 2011-11-10
2011.2.06 2011-09-16
2011.2.05 2011-08-22
2011.2.04 2011-07-14
2011.05.28 2011-07-13
2011.2.03 2011-07-13
2011.2.02 2011-07-05
2011.2.01 2011-07-05
2011.05.26 2011-06-29
2011.1.03 2011-06-29
2011.05.27 2011-05-26